The Battle of Helms Deep – Book version | Lord of the Rings Lore

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FaboIous 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
a new power is arising stain the land with the blood of our enemies there will be no dawn for men it's a 3019th year of the third age the war of the ring is in motion and a shadow lies upon the kingdom of rohan a darkness is gathering in the east and rumors of defeating gondor trouble the rehearing but even worse is a new power that has horizon in the west the wizards saruman their friend and ally have betrayed them and has gathered an army of evil creatures in the fortress of isengard in rivalry of the dark lord sauron saruman intends to obtain the one ring before sauron and to ultimately become the sole ruler of middle earth the spies of saruman have reported the position of the wandering and saruman has sent out terrible urukai to capture the ring bear however dork bands of saruman are forced to travel the lands of rohan while hunting for the ring which leaves saruman's objective honorable saruman quickly realizes that the planned invasion of rohan cannot be postponed any further for long and with secrecy saruman has bought the chief advisor of the king grima wormtong theoren the king of rohan has become a daughter and the lies of warm tongue weakens the leadership infrastructure and military power of the rihirim however there are still some obstacles that hinders saruman in an easy conquest of the week in rohan thaldred the king's son and nehemiah nephew of the king are both violent men and are not swayed by the seeds of wormtongue they above marshalls of the mark and have the military command over rohan saruman therefore desired to kill theldred and aomez to eliminate the remaining obstacles hindering his successful conquest saruman now initiated his plans and the sole objective was to slay prince theod a large host left the gate of isengard and headed towards the forge of iceland saruman had a clear advantage at this crossing fred built a bridge close to eisenguard which could only be utilized by his forces this allowed spider-man to easily surround the rohirim if they attempted to haul the thoughts for sodomon's forces greatly outnumbered or hear him but third read had not been idle and as soon as scouts reported that the great host was massing in isengard he summoned a master and drew away a large part of his riders he also gathered mend from the levees of westfold and he now planned to overthrow sarman's army before it was fully prepared feldred left a small portion of his strength at the east bank which scared the supplies while he himself passed over with the main strength of his cavalry it did not take long before theldress force spotted the vanguard of the enemy and the rohirim charged with ferocity the van gaal resisted and inflicted some casualties but they were quickly scattered third kept up the pace and rolled towards the main host but trenches and pikemen halted the charge his airhead was almost surrounded and to thaledra's dismay he spotted ice and guarders on the other side of the river but the rehearing cavalry came to the rescue of their prince and charged into the orcs theodore zelda was freed and rohirim retreated to the eastern side of the river there had left the vanguard on the left side under the command of grimbold while he meant the eyed with his company in case grimbold had to be covered but the forces of ice and god came too swiftly and unlanding horsemen orcish wolf brothers and half forks crushed the station resistance the cavalry was swept away and they were driven from the forge the very elites of sadoman male clad half works armed with axes assaulted there's bodyguard and fierce fighting took place but sardoman's warriors were too powerful and theod was hewn by a terrible half orc in this dire hour came out of helen and the ice and goddess quickly retreated northwards and were pursued the terrible axe warriors were surrounded and they were beaten down after hard fighting the enemy retreated and the rohirim had successfully held the forts but their losses were heavy not least in horses and even worse the king's son was dead saruman had accomplished his objective and he could soon proceed to in way the westfold thus ended the first battle of the forge of eisen and word was sent to eduras requesting eomer and his riders on the battlefield but eomer came not for he was imprisoned for breaking the customs of rohan eomer had lawfully as martial of the mark led a company of riders out of his domain and pursued and crushed a raiding ore company but warm tongue twisted the situation and made theoden believe that airmen had left the east mark unguarded in addition he had allowed strangers to go free and had even lent them horses eomer's decisions would be of utmost importance for later events as we will learn erkin brand lord of westfold took up command of the westmark and he knew that a full-scale invasion was imminent he therefore left command in the field to grimbald supported by elfhelm while he himself gathered more men to their cause grimbald manned both banks of the forge mostly consisting of footmen while elfhelm drew a line with cavalry in the meantime news had reached saruman of raiding party's demise at the hands of elmer saruman now fears the possible outcome that king theoden has got his hands on the wandering and that he will learn of its power and use it against him sarah knows that if he fails to capture the one ring he is doomed being a known traitor to both the free peoples and to the dark lord sardoman does not hesitate and he sends forces to the forge beginning his conquest of rohan hoping to obtain the ring while there is yet time not long did it take before sarah man's elites clashed into the rohirrim though greatly outnumbered the defenders resisted stubbornly orc and man fell alike but durex eventually managed to pass through the defense and were already on their way to the eastern bank but grimbald was not idle and he charged into the uruks the eisengarders were swept back and the western defense still held but the enemy commander threw in a battalion and grimbald was obliged to withdraw across the eisen with all of his remaining forces the icing guarders had won the west bank but halted for the moment sarman had not yet revealed his full force but it was not yet midnight when the red light was seen coming from the north thousands of ice and guarders rushed over their thoughts and grimball knew that he had knocked the numbers to haul them off and he quickly drew a shield wall around his camp fierce dawn landings attacked them from all sides but they were without armor and less skill than ruhirim and the shield wall held strong elf helm was on his way to the rescue of grimbald but then came the dreaded wolf brothers out of the shadows their assault was certain and their film's force was taken completely by surprise elf film could not come to the aid of grimlock and he also understood that the larger host was on the way a host that their combined forces could not defeat in the openness he therefore retreated eastward with his remaining riders grimbold quickly realized that elf helm's forces were occupied elsewhere and he knew that retreat was the only option he quickly mounted men and sent him out of the shield wall and attacked the dunn landings a great confusion fell upon the attackers and greenbolt seized opportunity and retreated with the remaining footmen at the same time as greenbald had held the western bank of the gandalf dwight had come to the golden hall and healed theoden of his weariness worm tong's intentions were unmasked and ms actions were acknowledged fred had secured the secrecy of the ring bear's mission and save the free peoples of middle earth from a potential disaster the forces of hedras were mustered and ahead of it wrote king theoden himself accompanied by the white rider and other noble folk through the night they road and with great haste scout soon reported that the great host was headed from the fort to helm steep gandalf advised the king of the mark to make for helm's deep and then he mounted shallow facts and vanished from their sight theoden king and his thousand riders rode on and finally arrived at the dyke that surrounded the deep they made for the hornberg for their numbers were insufficient to man the dyke but their rear guard was left behind to give the ice and goddess some resistance to their joy they found the fortress manned by a thousand men from westfold and hope was rekindled time passed and saruman's forces approached the dyke the rear god let loose their arrows and the dyke was filled with stricken orcs fighting took place and it did not take long before the orcs scaled the bank at many points and the rear god was forced to retreat the garrison of helm styke had been beaten back and the defenders awaited uneasily their sailing host sent a shower of arrows over the battlement and some found a mark the enemy surged forward on all fronts then came the defender's turn and arrows and stones hailed at the ising guarders hundreds of orcs and men were pierced or crushed and fell dead then the dawn landings held their shields above them like a roof while in their midst they bought two trunks of mighty trees and orc archers gathered behind shooting at any defender opposing their movement aragorn air felendi and eomer marshall often mark leaped out through a small hidden door with a company of stout men and clashed with the dunlandings the wild men were swept away and the orc arches shot wildly but the saudi upon the rock gained only a brief respite the hosts of isengard roared like a sea and attacked with redoubled strength on all fronts hundreds of long ladders were lifted and the dead and broken were piled and rose ever higher in hideous mounds but still the enemy came on the men of rohan grew weary and soon a clamor rang in the deep orcs had crept through the culvert where the stream flowed through and charged into the deep the men of westfall leaped down the stairs and their onset was fierce and sudden the orcs gave away before them and waved under gimply the dwarf's direction the culvert was blocked up with stone and assault was halted for a while the host of eisen god was not beaten and while the defenders lingered they crept into the calvert and placed there the fire of our thunk the ice and godders renewed their attack on all fronts the defenders were swept away by this sudden assault and it quickly became apparent that the deeping wall was a lost cause eomed was driven back to the narrows while aragorn retreated to the horn rock grappling hooks were hurled and ladders raced the raherim had work enough again and again the orcs gained the summit of the outer wall and again the offenders cast them down the fire of our front blasted through the archway and orcs prepared to charge through the gate but in this moment the horn of helm hammerhand was sounded in the deep out road king theoden with his household and beside him wrote aragorn aerofelendi neither orc nor man withstood them the enemy was driven back and filled with terror and a mass road took place but there was nowhere to escape for a dark forest had suddenly appeared and guarded the north and suddenly there too appeared a rider cladding white on the ridge behind him leave erkin brand with a thousand footmen the hosts of eisenguard roared swaying this way and that turning from fear to fear driven by madness they leaped under the shadows of the forest and none escaped the wrath of the huons against all odds the rohirim had victory not only was the battle won but the power of isengard was broken for the ends of fangone had been roused by the hobbits mary and pippin and had crushed the industry of saruman at the same time as battle was fought in helm's deep it was in this moment that gandalf had requested three beats aid and the humans of fangone had come to the rescue after hiring the outcome of the battle was strategically important for the free peoples of middle earth as it allowed rohirim to focus their military attention to the east and right to war in gondor did you find the hidden easter egg if you did not i would advise you to specifically re-watch the battle of helmsd and let me know if you found it if you are interested in lore from tolkien's legendarium make sure to check out these videos right here remember to subscribe and consider supporting me on patreon to show your support
Channel: Lore of the Rings
Views: 253,186
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Keywords: battle of the hornburg, battle of helms deep, battle of helms deep analysis, battle of the hornburg book, battle of the hornburg explained, battle of helms deep explained, battle of the fords of isen, helms deep, hornburg, battle of helms deep tolkien’s version, siege of helms deep battle, lotr battle animation, middle-earth battle explained, middle-earth siege battle, helms deep battle, battle of helms deep book, helms deep book, the battle of helms deep, battle of helm's deep
Id: -h33_MdU3qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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