The Mystery about Enemies by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you an ass you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of the world what he's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me baby oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you then I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing Clary Oh stow improvi - a la carte le monde a profaned in Kish DaCosta a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista vara kia say beffre to stay a caliph and Le Brun de de la gloria stuff radically Kista evoke Attalla Mandy lies the constellation glory fondly known my frittata a Tuvok Ashoka Providian Armando langa title opera delica okay papa kehte Elam and le pran defecate a Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a chinkara Basanti lakeya azúcar pratik ista a Mandela costa brava kush de korabik on telly telly bas over a Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale a cash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman noting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and you are anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] when the Lord Jesus was announced to be the savior of the world now you notice what happened to David is happening to Jesus David is announced to be king a shepherd boy Jesus is called the Good Shepherd but Jesus is called a Good Shepherd before he has any Cairo and David is not is it does not have his own sheep is looking after his own father's sheep but the same code is anointing both people when they are not yet what they are supposed to be you may not look like where you're going right now you may not seem like you are where you're supposed to be but I'm here to tell you you are in the right place at the right time with the right handling and at the proper time you shall be lifted up and God will show what he was doing in the sit sit sit sit sit learn to be secretive [Music] hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah learn to be what secretive unless you're secretive God can never confide in you will you tell somebody a secret that talks too much will you plan something with somebody that announces to everybody so why do you think God is gonna do that [Music] hallelujah hallelujah from today let your actions tell people what you're doing a man eros when they see Putin they said when were you working on this you said I have been working this has been going on become secretive so I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm learning one same God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that 0:05 - I saw him go and he was looking for something like one or two apartment at that I saw you doing this throwing seeds when I got to this place I saw an address like 80111 the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another night I saw a three I saw a zero I saw appiy it's like a baby or something like that [Applause] I'm seeing a company that has like an eye s-something I can't see the whole thing but I'm seeing like an eye and s-something entertainment is a very strange word I have a little idea Amy hallelujah god bless every single person this is profit lovey and I'm so blessed to be speaking with everybody right now and I know that God is gonna bless somebody I was in the presence of the Lord and I was in meditation and the Lord dropped something in my spirit that I wanted to share concerning enemies and and and the adversary who's the devil that many are facing difficult times right now so I wanted to give you a little mystery that the Lord had spoken to me about and I was supposed to go live earlier but I was meditating on this and trying to get a lot of understanding from God so I am blessed to be here and I want everybody to share this as much as you can I see my my son our this year Morgan is here Michael Thomason that I call him angel Michael my daughter Paula Campbell Ariel Jackson Seimone Williams god bless you my son Fabian Elias god bless you I see my daughter Betty I see Angela D Parker I see leash do SS DOS god bless you and I want everybody to shade Facebook I want people on YouTube to share it YouTube I see my son Luke is on here happy birthday to my son Luke we're gonna do something sometime this week to celebrate you my daughter Kim is here mr. major god bless you means she Vaughan Williams god bless you Natali Heels god bless you he'll god bless you kiwano beauty beauty god bless everybody mercy Elisha I mean I'm seeing Dianna seems Shay Fatima pay God bless every single person even on periscope more people are on here Cordelia Thomas god bless you and God is just joined the Dow but that name is deep but God bless you God is good god is good let's let's do this so I want you to share if you should say I have shared it and I'm gonna speak about something that is gonna be a little strange but it's all gonna be in the Word of God let me explain to you something revelation is progressive revelation is progressive revelation is progressive there is past truth there is future truth and there is present truth I see the Prophet is LaToya god bless you Rebecca Casey Karina Ziegler bill bill J Wanda god bless everybody now I want you to know this that revelation is progressive whoever carries revelation meaning they have knowledge God pushes them further in their spiritual walk Bishop Don made Brooks god bless you man of God god bless the bishop and long live the bishop so capture this so whoever carries revelation is in the know of what God is doing I want you to go to first Corinthians before we read what we're gonna read and I'm gonna tell you about your enemies or the devil who is your enemy or you may use people but I want you to know the mystery about your enemies 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 verse 6 from verse five he says that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men so the faith of a person does not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God now you have to understand there is no knowledge that is no power whoever has spiritual knowledge or any kind of knowledge will end up be more being more powerful than somebody that just prays but has no knowledge I want somebody to understand this prayer is good but prayer without knowledge is a waste of time everything has a system you understand the system of the kingdom of God by his word that allows you to pray the right way because there is a way to pray the wrong way so there is no knowledge that is no power that is why some people have been praying for years for something they should have never prayed for years Daniel fasted for 21 days for no reason because he had no knowledge of spiritual warfare at that time the Bible says when angel Gabriel came to him he said Oh Daniel you most esteemed servant of the Messiah from the day you set your mind concerning these things I was sent unto you by the Prince of the power of the air with helped me 21 days until your Prince Michael came to help me so if he understood spiritual warfare he would have never fasted 21 days but so many people have made 21-day fasting a doctrine yet God is saying is this the fast that I have ordained for you meaning a child of God when you fast it has to be ordained by God so not everybody should fast 40 days and 40 nights not every person should fast 21 days some people should not even fast at all let me explain to you why because your fasting is according to your assignment Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights because he had to deliver a nation I don't know maybe I'm talking to the wrong people so you have to understand these truths if you understand these truths then you pray with the wisdom of the Spirit which will cause you to be effective in the things of the Spirit that is why the disciples of John was shocked they were like how are the disciples of Jesus performing all these miracles yet they are not fasting Jesus is saying why should they fast when I'm with them is Jesus in you I just said something without somebody understanding I said something I'll keep it quiet remember I am NOT saying don't fast that's what the Bible says that is what the Bible says is this the fast I Jehovah God have ordained for you so it is God that will direct you to fast listen to this verse number 6 howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world no of the princes of this world that come to nought so notice this we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world no of the princes of this world that come to nought now you have to understand the president no secrets about this nation more than the regular citizen so as saying we don't speak the wisdom of this world not even the wisdom of the princess of this world but we speak the wisdom that is of God verse 7 but we speak the wisdom of God what is the wisdom in a mystery and then there is even even means another even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto a now you have to understand we are speaking wisdom wisdom is a result of knowledge because you cannot have wisdom without knowledge because knowledge wisdom is the application of knowledge so we speak wisdom because we have knowledge somebody who has knowledge knows how to apply it when you know how to apply it it becomes what wisdom so we speak instructions but notice this even the hidden wisdom even the hidden wisdom which God ordained meaning there is an ordained wisdom that was ordained in the beginning there is regular wisdom and then there is an ordained wisdom that was ordained from the beginning there is an ordained wisdom and there is a note there is a wisdom there is regular wisdom and then there is an ordained wisdom from the beginning now if you want to know the ordained wisdom which was hidden from the beginning you have to know the beginning because that wisdom was ordained in the beginning meaning that wisdom is located in the beginning is not located in revelations is not located in acts is not located in the New Testament it's located in the beginning when you listen to prophet Lavi prophet all of you always speaks mysteries I always speak wisdom that is from God that God has given to me not saying that other people's wisdom is not from God it is but this is the revelation that God has given me this is the gospel of the Lord Jesus according to prophet Lavi I don't try to preach anybody's message I preach what the Lord has taught me so if you want to know the ten commandments you don't find the ton commandments in the book of Acts you don't find them in Revelation you have to go away to do Tirana me that's what you're going to find the law so if you want to know the ten commandments you go to the Old Testament if you want to know about grace you go to the New Testament if you wanna know about the Lord Jesus you read Matthew Luke you know mark the Gospels so there is a hidden wisdom and no deigned wisdom from the beginning that if you don't know this wisdom there are certain things you will not understand because from the beginning of the scriptures there is something that is already unfolding meaning there is a wisdom that birthed what was happening because God never does anything without a purpose everything that the Lord God will ever do has a reason and as a purpose has a reason and as a purpose so God can never do something unless he purposed it unless he desired it unless his SOI to be fit to be so God doesn't just do things because it feels good the Lord just doesn't do things because a thing it's thought to be good everything has a divine purpose and everything has a divine reason we may never even know some of the reasons why but it's for his reason and there is a reason hallelujah maybe Facebook ooh Anza better hallelujah and these people at the idea they're with me and their and they are so calm yeah yeah how's uh how's YouTube doing YouTube god bless you god bless everybody that is on YouTube I want you guys to keep subscribing god bless everybody that is everybody that is on periscope I want God to bless everybody that is on Facebook and I want everybody to subscribe I want you guys to follow in and connect because it's the will of God hallelujah now capture this I want you to see something so in order for you to know the mysteries about this wisdom you have to find clues throughout the scriptures to understand what is this wisdom that is hidden from the beginning that God ordained so meaning their wisdoms that are not ordained and there is a wisdom that is ordained let's go to the Book of Revelations the book of Revelation chapter number 13 Revelation chapter number 13 Revelation chapter number 13 and verse number 8 revelation 13 verse number 8 is everybody there and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundations of the earth so if you read this verse you discover that Jesus did not die 2000 and some change years ago that the death of Jesus was not 2000 years ago it was actually in the beginning so the Lord Jesus did not die when we saw him on the cross that was a replay in time now the Bible is saying that Jesus was crucified from the foundations of the earth of the world of this world he was crucified before the foundation of this world now look at this now I want you to think about something so before God created Adam and Eve before he made anything in the earth or who was going to inhabit in the earth Christ was already what crucified now Jesus could not crucify himself so meaning Judas was one of the first it's to be created because in order for you to crucify Jesus he has to be betrayed I feel like I'm talking to myself I feel like I'm by myself so if Jesus has to be crucified it means those people that are going to crucify me must be present because before he is crucified remember they have to kill him remember the Son of God that mention of the son of God did not start in the New Testament it was even in the Old Testament meaning the Son of God was already there meaning God had already made himself into a man but he just was not in time because you see that man appearing to Abraham with two angels sitting down and they eat natural food not spiritual food and it blesses Abraham and tells Abram shall I do anything without revealing it to my servant Abram seeing that he shall become a great nation and Abram said unto the Lord Lord shall you really destroy the righteous and the wicked so we are seeing their Lord Jesus already in the flesh before he is born that the Lord Jesus confirms this in the Gospels looking at the Pharisees telling them before Abram I am for Abram was happy to see my day they said you small boy thirty years old you're telling us that Abraham saw you you are crazy they wanted to kill him the Bible says he walked among them and they could not touch him I'm talking to the wrong people notice the only angel the Bible says and the devil jesus said you are sons of your father the devil when the Pharisees did not receive him he said you don't know my father you don't come from my father because if you did you would love me because he sent me but you don't know my my voice you don't know my teachings because you are not of my father you are of your father the devil who was a liar from the beginning meaning that devil had already messed up before he knew that he messed up for Jesus to be crucified okay this I think this knowledge is too much let's let's close I don't know I feel like I feel like I've lost some people mr. Majer says to deep you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego never sought the Lord Jesus that was not Jesus the Bible says that the king said and there was a third person who looked like the Son of God meaning they had seen the Son of God how can you say he looks like the Son of God yet you have never seen him how can you say somebody resemble both somebody you've never seen you would have seen this is the son of God but for him to say and there is a third person that looks like the Son of God not even he looks like an angel he looks like the son I don't know if somebody is catching this so if somebody comes and says you look like prophet Lovisa saying you're lovely it means you seen me before right is that is not not common sense because you have to understand this that God puts all the pieces before he puts the actor on set when Adam was created when Adam was created he was not created before a garden existed that he was going to live in the garden was created first the animals were created everything that was going to benefit Adam was created before Adam was put in the garden man was the last thing that God created and on the seventh day he rested so five days God used to create everything else on the sixth day he made a human being and then on the seventh day he rested now you have to understand what was in the garden when God put Adam in there it was not just I think the kitchen windows open it was just it was it was not just a what is it called he was not just the fruits it was not just the tree of good and evil it was not just the tree of knowledge I feel like I'm by myself but I was also a devil in the garden why was the devil allowed in the garden Ignatius Nico Nero other Adam 80 I'll be bringing you to Ghana soon glory to God man of God god bless you I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm trying to say is anybody understanding this so God is putting all the pieces that would be beneficial for Adam's life before Adam is put in the garden that includes even the devil there's somebody at the door believe somebody say glory hallelujah so that includes even the enemy so the hidden wisdom and the mystery this is just one of the mysteries from the beginning the mystery is that you already overcame before you fought because your enemy was already put against you before he even knew you you already had a battle and you already won so when the Bible is saying you are more than a conqueror you are more than this is because this events actually already happened so God does not want you to declare them he wants you to know it so Adam is in the garden I don't know if somebody's catching this somebody help him before before that goes all that so Adam is already in the garden and the devil is also there and God is visiting Adam every cool of the evening but God is not is not telling they'd ever get out of the garden what are you doing in the garden what are you doing in the garden what is your purpose in the garden God already knew the purpose of the devil being in the garden but God does not tell Adam and Eve that there is a devil in the garden it tells them don't go to that tree and on eat of that tree Adam never asked why he just said yes a lot of you miss what God is planning because you never ask questions I feel like I'm by myself I feel like I'm by myself I feel like I'm by myself I feel like I'm by myself so somebody needs to understand this somebody needs to know this Jesus is already crucified from the foundations of the earth meaning Judas s spirit was already there because Judas was going to benefit Adam and you and me because God always starts from the end to the beginning not from the beginning to the end God is not making up solutions as we go I'm not saying question God I said ask questions so capture this capture this Adam is in the garden but there is a devil in the garden God wants to bless you God is releasing the blessing in your life but you also realize that God you are blessing me but why am I in battles consistently the reason why you're still in battles and you're struggling in the battle is because you don't know that you already overcame the battle before the battle came because the battle comes the enemy comes to remind you of something that already happened before time happened so the enemy appears only to remind you that there is a solution to this problem I don't know if somebody's catching I feel like I'm I feel like some few people are confused now watch this look at this look at this so when Jesus is on earth he's knows exactly what he's supposed to do where he's supposed to be what must happen simply because he knows what already happened in the beginning so each and every one of you need to know one thing there is a hidden wisdom that is our deigned wisdom from the beginning what promotes you to a greater dimension is the presence of your enemy if you want to know that God is about to lift you up the presence of your enemy is the sign that you're about to be lifted up for the Lord Jesus for his name to be named above all names they needed to be a Judas they needed to be high priests they needed to be people that would be trained all these things had to happen for him to resurrect and be the greatest for you to be glorified there is a Judas that was already positioned from the beginning there has to enter your life in order for you to go to the next level let me let me start spiritually do you understand that Adam and Eve never worshiped God they never worshiped God Adam and Eve never worshiped God Adam and Eve never praised God you cannot worship God you cannot love God unless God has taken you through some things that's how you know somebody so they needed to fall into sin so that they know who God is they would have never said all Lord you are so loving all Lord you are so amazing how can this god is love yet they have never done something that qualifies them for love because love covers a multitude of sin so they needed to scene in order for them to know love so Adam and Eve their walk with God would have been limited unless the snake was in the garden because immediately you see Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden their children start offering a tenth of their of their grain and their meats as a burnt offering before God Adam and Eve used to be visited by God but the sons now I invoking God to come and take them is that the sacrifice so now they are calling on God instead of God visiting them so every single thing every enemy in your life is a sign of promotion is a sign of a deeper walk with God is a sign of a greater understanding of who God is and is a sign of your deliverance and is a sign of your victory so each and every person that is watching me now understand this the enemy that is in your life that enemy may be sickness that enemy may be financial issues that enemy may be your marriage the enemy may be a demonic attack I'm here to tell you something that you already overcame these things that is why you should never be afraid of what the devil throws at you the Bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper so the devil can hold a bazooka against you the Bible never said a weapon will not be formed they said the weapon will be formed by it cannot prosper meaning you will shoot but a bullet will never come out it will look like you will kill you but it cannot kill you because the director of the movie already decided that you are the lead act you have to win you have to overcome in order for him to be glorified I feel like I'm talking to myself so there are people who are assigned in your life to poke you at a certain season in order for you to go to the next level let me tell you something Judas had one of the most important functions in the body of Christ and let me just shock some people Judas never went to hell anyone who tells you that Judas is in hell is lying to you Judas was ordained for this work that's why Jesus picked him because Jesus already knew him Judas just had no memory of what happened in the beginning so Jesus is picking him saying the Iscariot that will betray him so he picked him knowing this is the one that is ordained to betray me I don't know if somebody is catching me Judas didn't go to hell that was his assignment don't you guys read in your scriptures that Judas repented gave them back even the money said I've destroyed innocent blood and he was tormented by Devils and killed himself but go to first Corinthians chapter number 15 verse 5 first Corinthians chapter number 15 verse 5 that is why never never listen to people go to your Bible listen to somebody but whenever go to the Bible 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 5 now look at this are you ready is somebody ready look at this he says let's start from verse 4 first Corinthians chapter 15 from verse 4 to 5 are you ready and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Caiphas which means Peter and then of the twelve [Laughter] but what people miss is this when Jesus died the Bible says that he went down into hell and preached to souls from the time of Noah and brought who those who were captives out of hell and even those people were in paradise and the Bible says that and graves were opened and many of the prophets of always seen in Jerusalem you are going to buy a doughnut like this you see Davi do so and the Bible is telling you and he saw and they and they appeared to Peter but when you read the Bible you don't see Jesus appearing to Peter by himself what account did you read that said Jesus appeared to Peter by himself but he's telling you that he appeared first to Peter then the 12 meaning Peter had seen him before everybody else had seen him among the twelve but when you read you don't see any we're missing people are missing people are so Judas go to her Jesus is appearing among and the twelfth one is there if the twelfth one was dead why is he there remember this is not when they have already chosen a twelfth one to replace him that is why after Jesus had left it took time for them to pray to replace him I just want to say this to somebody that is watching me I want somebody to listen to me and listen clearly you already won the battle the reason why there is a challenge when you are walking uprightly with God is because promotion is at hand it's because elevation is at hand so my prayer for you this evening I wanted to go along but I feel like I gave too much for people people need to digest this and I want everybody to subscribe if you are on watching from YouTube subscribe to my youtube channel prophet la vie I want if you are on periscope subscribe if you are on on Facebook like prophet la vie so I want you to capture this that's why when the Bible says you are above and not below it means that they know by the time you realize this you'll be below so it's a reminder you are above not below is not a declaration it's a reality the book of Revelation says and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony so everybody who overcomes is because the blood of the Lamb was shed from the foundations of the earth and the testimony knowing that you already overcame tonight I want you to do something prophetic I want you to look at what the devil is doing and laugh and say ah I already overcame meditate on that and know that you are already above the presence of the enemy in your situation is the very evidence that you already want it means that the chips are falling in the right place it is reality it's an ordained wisdom that you cannot lose you cannot be defeated you cannot be overcome so I want you to know this and I want you to know it in your spirit the problem in your life is a reminder that in the beginning there was already an answer because Adam is thinking that he's messing up and it's over between him and God but he doesn't know that God already had provided a sacrifice before he was even in the garden so the trouble in your life is calling to what already happened so I pray for everybody that is watching wherever you may be in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus whatever you're going through I'm just here to tell you that you already overcame in the mighty and beautiful and powerful name of the Lord Jesus who lives forever I pray that wherever you are Talavera Vachon Tokarev Atiyah zag Lakeisha Abunda lakeya's avrat a pray don't le gusta Abu khattala Mandalay Kista a Vitelli zou sheesh de souza iike Taliban Zarate Tala don't le bava bava bava mais rifice then Kista ado stay Corrado's tika marooned aqui esta Adela Kista izuta a Labonte leg or a patella as a Ranga dista a su Vacarro vaca Santelli Gustavo cattle Amanda Labonte Keizo Revell ISA as ubukata tal ahah Mezrich assume tell Amanda prevailed and Kista zou Taliban delegation a guest ajunta della chiesa advocate a LeBron the year as Ave I decree and declare that every single demonic force that has been fighting you I pull it down as a prophet of God in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus I decree and declare every single challenge standing in your way I pull it down in the name of Jesus you have already warned in the name of the Lord Jesus you have already overcome in the name of Jesus nothing will stand in your way for the angels of the Lord I've already been sent to take charge to keep you in all your ways I declare that this coming week will be a week of victory upon victory upon victory upon victory the things you could not do you will do them in this coming week the things that you could not achieve you will achieve them in this coming week the doors that were closed I decree and declare shall be opened in this coming week in the name of the Lord Jesus only believe that you already overcame father I send angels upon them to keep them to watch over them in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus hopefully tomorrow I think if not tomorrow maybe Monday I'll come on and push this a little deep I just want you to have one thing in your mind this whole thing is a replay just remember your role for I know the thoughts that I have for you says the Lord everything is a little replay tomorrow I'm gonna come and talk about how to know your position if you are in the right place or not how to know the mind of God concerning where you are so I just want to tell you you're blessed but just not the presence of your enemy is the very reason why you will be elevated is a very reason why you have already overcome is the very reason why you are above and not below you are more than enough and more than you know in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Shalom everybody and god bless you this is prophet lovi I want you to rewatch this I want you to share it I want you I want you to subscribe to the YouTube I want you to subscribe to my facebook I want you to find me on Instagram everything is that prophet la vie may the Lord Jesus bless you mais hand continue to be mighty upon you and my prayer is that the spirit of Revelation shall be upon you in the name of Jesus amen amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to me and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before okay go to my mama Ghana God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of the earth what does he do it's like Oh Oh danke oh do you know somebody cooking Genesis does me baby OPA gaga king who has a name that starts with like an end just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs [Music] where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this think Larry osto improv a - a la carte le monde' profaned in quiche da Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his plight in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land a lake Ishta a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace Bev reduced acalypha and le bron dia LeClair yost of radically Kista evoke Attalla mande lies the constellation glory fondly known my frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide iya armondi Langa title Abra Delica okappa pocket Elam and a leap Rhonda vacati Zilla Cuccia me Flavia Azusa k chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a mandala Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bar Safari Micajah allodynia Osaka Taliban tea Mon delicacy ISA Azusa Maria Asuka Dalaman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oi ting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declares a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and you are anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,421
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Id: 9sxO1CATCkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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