PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE PT 2 | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the realms of the spirits when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah brothers I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one same God with us and they are only saying Emmanuel what is that when I got to this place I saw an address like eight one one one the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five [Music] I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another night I saw a three I saw a zero I saw a P it's like a baby or something like that I saw him doing this throwing seeds [Music] calling of : eclair host Oh improv II - a la carte le monde e profaned em kishna ha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the sulemani thing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace beffre to vehicle evangelii Prante la Claro stoffe radically Kista Avoca talam and a last icon Stella Stan glory fan tulino me free Tita a Tuvok Ashoka pravinia aman de lange gatita labra Delica acababa Katie Lomond a leap Ronda vacati Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a hey King Carabas on telly gaya azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bar so far a Makos are Aditya a socket a Labonte Mondale a caste ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Dalaman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi MoMA home of oh I pray that my encounters with the Lord will become your encounters I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the lord favor you today may the Lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oinking upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and he has anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music] I've been I've been I've been taking captive by the truth and I al I don't think I want to get out coming to this class I'm just having a deeper into the spirit and I've learned that you need a doorway into the spirit and profit Lovy is that doorway and you can try to do it on your own but you will not get far at all you need a doorway it's actually really nice to just be able to engage and then listen to everybody's experiences and learn that we're all having the same thing we're all going through the same thing we're all lost and in the dark about the same stuff and for him to clear it up it's just been great I decided to come to prophetic school because I want to learn I want to learn from someone that has a relationship with Jesus that knows Jesus that it expresses Jesus out that I see Jesus through there's just been deep layers upon layers on things that the Prophet has been speaking on that is just like mind-blowing but favorite school was no other option there was no other option for my life or my family's life I tell you this is the best thing we've ever done when given the opportunity for something like a prophetic school I had to I didn't have a choice I will recommend it for anybody who wants to walk on this earth with God there's nothing like this this Mexican say about it I hope you can be taken it do yourself and your future and your future generations the biggest blessing and favor and come and take part in this because you will not regret it I promise you I'm speaking from my own experience you have to learn to bring the battle to the devil stop allowing the devil to attack you you should be the one that is attacking him let me explain it those who clap may God give you more grace now listen and listen very well the devil in the first chapter of the Bible or the first book of the Bible in the third chapter Genesis chapter number three the devil is referred to as that seven as seven but if you move to revelations is called that old serpent that dragon meaning if you don't deal with the devil in the book of Genesis you don't deal with him in the beginning of your day if you don't deal with them in Deuteronomy you don't deal with them in the book of Acts you don't deal with him in the book of Revelation it becomes that old SAP and that dragon killing a snake is easier than killing a dragon many of you are dealing with dragons because you fail to kill a snake when God puts you in the garden where everything you ever needed is the devil will also be present because the one who holds on to what he has been given is the owner not the one who is given but the one who holds on to it is not how you start it's how you finish so if you don't deal with that snake and you let him become a dragon you'll be dealing with a dragon that is breathing out fire when you should have dealt with the snake that could you could just step on his head God is telling me tell them you deserve it then God took me to some 103 and I saw the son of David now you have to ask yourself this question did David become team because it because he worked for it or because God decided that you will be because God decided so you don't deserve things because you worked but because God decided Alleluia the devil's work is for you to disqualify yourself from what God has already decided to give I think this is for people in the back the devil's mission is always to do one thing to make you see that you don't belong where you want to be in that you're not qualified to be where you are you're desiring to be help us Lord because in his mind he knows that you have been taught everything that you have you have to work for it but there are things that are from Jesus that you can never work for he can only give you I will fill the Bible says upon yourself under the mighty hand of God and he shall lift you up not because you deserve it but because it decided may God elevate you this hour may God lift you up this hour in the realm of the Spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name Rose what do you have on your shirt [Applause] I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to me and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before okay go to my mama Ghana Spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody call Kimmy Genesis does me let me oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an end just sent Maria Maria because I was looking at you them seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you're not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about jewelry [Music] you [Music] I hope everybody is ready for this part 2 of prophetic deliverance if you can hear me I just want you to type Amen and let me know that you're there I hope everybody is ready for this I am excited about what God is about to do I'm excited about where God is about to take us for this second part of prophetic deliverance I want everybody and I want somebody to begin to share this and share this and share this and share this whether you're on YouTube whether you're on Facebook wherever you are I want you to share this as much as you can so that somebody somewhere will be blessed by reason of what God is going to do with us this evening hallelujah I hope somebody is ready I hope somebody is excited and Aliyah ona was speaking to people and I was explaining to people the different kinds of deliverance we have the highest level of deliverance is prophetic deliverance because prophetic deliverance goes to the root goes to the issue goes to the situation and goes to the problem prod refuge god bless you superstar greater things are coming for you my son Derek Elias god bless you everybody that is coming on Melissa be God bless you Ariel Jackson Alleluia everybody that is coming on god bless you so this is the key prophetic deliverance is their highest level of deliverance because a goes into the situation the problem that you have is that a lot of people are trying to perform deliverance without actually understanding what is going on now if you ever go to any doctor or any physician and you get into the hospital and the first thing they say you need painkillers you know that this is not a good doctor it's a suspect and that doctor needs help that doctor may need another doctor because something must be wrong with them so as a child of God you have to understand that there is a difference in deliverance a lot of the people that are in the lines of deliverance as I was teaching earlier they don't need to be in lines for deliverance prophetic deliverance diagnosis what is going on with you it checks your blood it checks your past it checks your presence it checks your future it takes it checks the things around you I don't know if somebody can hear me I don't know if somebody can hear me hallelujah so God is looking to not put a bandaid on your situation but God is trying to put a lasting solution to your situation I want you to let somebody know we are going to go on to part two of true deliverance you see an example is this let me let me give you an example let me give you an example I see men of God posting all the time so-and-so is I'm fake man of God that and that is a fake man of God this and this is fake man of God that one in that one this one in this one that one in that one there reality is this the question you should ask yourself how did people follow the wrong man of God if truly indeed E is wrong why did they follow the wrong man of God because nobody is teaching the truth there is no sign in the man of God to separate him from the fake ones the sign is not accusing others the sign is showing people that this is this way the way it should be by the results that are born out of what you are doing for God God will always prove who is his own God does not need anybody to defend him I don't know if somebody can hear me I don't know if somebody can hear me God does not need anybody to prove him hello God does not need anybody to prove him to people God can defend himself God does not need anybody to defend him his God is able to defend himself glory be to the name of Jesus hallelujah so if people are not listening to you and your so-called true men of God prove it by the fruits not by accusing other people it means something is off with you let me tell you I believe in one thing because this is what the living Jesus told me when the Lord Jesus called me he told me something he told me with what I am giving you to do I will send people unto you which is everybody that is watching not only that will listen to you because they are assigned to you but they will support the work that I'm giving you to do provision comes because there is an assignment that is from heaven I don't know if somebody can hear me God has no business giving you provision you have no vision try going to a bank asking for a new for for a loan for a project that is non-existent God try and look for investors for a project with no business plan with way it's going to go or anything projections no one is gonna give you anything it is the same thing with God when David presented son thing before God he said Lord my prayer is to build a temple for you I want to build a temple for you you gave me a palace you gave me all that I am today all I want is to build a house for you immediately God said you have thought of me where nobody thought of me because of this you how shall remain in my sight forever it would be a memorial before me I will come into this world through your family that is the moment that God said I'm coming to this world through your family but God said this it is not you who will build it but your son Solomon meaning God already at a position of who's going to do it some of you are standing god I need deliverance from poverty ok bye what is the plan why should God make you a millionaire why should God make you a billionaire what are you going to do with it because remember everything that God gives you is a tool for the next world it's a tool that will bring people into heaven it's a tool that will win more people for Jesus it is a tool that will bring more people to the knowledge of the Living Jesus I don't know if somebody can hear me Capriati acutally Mandela brand existed so we are in prayer lines for things that should not be prayer points I feel like I'm talking to myself people share the broadcast she had this share this year this year this year this if you're not advancing the kingdom of God God has no business giving you earth if you are not going to feed those who are hungry if you're not going to feed those who are lost if you're not going to do any of those things God has no business giving you anything he rather give it to somebody who is an unbeliever that is feeding the homeless providing for those who have nothing then give somebody who's just wants something because they want something now it doesn't work like that glory be to his living name his name is alive and is powerful and had that name every knee shall bow I don't know if somebody is listening to me so you can never enter into the fullness of what God is carrying unless you want to live a delivered life prophetic deliverance positions you for deliverance prophetic deliverance positions you for deliverance I haven't land Junior God bless you prophetic deliverance positions you for deliverance somebody some people say this there are people that the devil is resisting marriage in their families this is true but there are people there is no diamond you just need to dress nice look nice be a man or a woman of vision and your partner will come but if you're looking the same way you wake up throughout the day and you're saying God I'm believing for a husband God and believing for a wife whoever marries you needs deliverance I think I'm talking to myself yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah then that man or that woman needs deliverance themself hallelujah hallelujah somebody somebody somebody so I want to minister to you today about deliverance how you can get delivered you know Ali I didn't get to teach because I was just explaining the misinformation that people have concerning deliverance the misinformation that people have concerning deliverance that's why people are not living a delivered life I don't know if somebody is catching me so you have to understand this and you have to capture this inside you of your spirit the best way that you can is that the Lord God Almighty never designed you to be in bondage the biggest bondage is in your mind let me show you a scripture so that you understand that there is misinformation that is keeping people in bondage are you ready I ready for this look at this go to go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 I'll say it again 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 ah yeah 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 to 5 Mary Ann Mary Ann howl God bless you now listen to this for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal how many weapons we have one there are many prophetic deliverance makes you to know what weapon to use for what situation you don't use a bazooka to kill a fly with a fly you have two options you can use a newspaper pop because it's sufficient for one if you use a bigger bug spray thing then you're killing more flies so do you want to be specific to the fly or you want to kill all flies because every child of God has weapons I wish had some people that are listening to me there was a woman there was a young woman listen to this carefully there was a young woman who had an oppressive spirit inside of a serious one their family took him took this girl to deliverance and they did deliverance for two days Papa Papa did not work they took the child to another place deliverance they told the family to fast and pray for a week they came back the demon is not coming out they went to my uncle who is a powerful man of God when he got they started to pray God told him this he told him tell the mother and father to hug their child and tell their child that they love him they lava said hug your child and say we love you the moment they hug their child and say we love you the spirit of suicide left somebody's not listening to me some demons have a place because somebody's convinced that nobody loves them so you can say come out but because they still believe that nobody loves them they have no reason to live so it makes a vacancy for that spirit to remain there so casting out the devil does not change their situation to know that somebody loves them I'm talking to myself somebody typed prophetic deliverance somebody typed prophetic deliverance listen it's not always is not always fire fire ban ban ban ban by fire by Thunder no no no no you have to be wise there are places Jesus rebuked there are places Jesus showed compassion there are places Jesus saw short mercy and it's all resulted into deliverance a woman who is about to be stoned to death comes to Jesus they bring her to Jesus to be killed gets before Jesus they say Jesus what do you say Jesus say if you have not seen be the first one to kill her everybody drops their stone he wakes up he says oh where are your accusers she said I have none he said even me I don't condemn you go your sins are forgiven and sin no more and the Bible says the Lord Jesus cast out six demons out of her when did the six demon get cast out by showing her mercy she felt the acceptance of God that demons could not hold up because she knew that she has a father listen to me listen to me the Bible says he cast out six demons out of her but you don't see anywhere he's rebuking demons I'm talking to myself there are weapons there's a place you say come out there's a place you do something else just like healing their people you pray they get healed immediately and there are people the Bible says that they will recover why why isn't God doing it the same because what brings somebody into deliverance is a different process but it resorted it results to the same thing am I talking to myself or somebody's catching this sometimes the greatest deliverance that will unlock your destiny that the enemy is trying to fight with is you just sit down and you start laughing you start laughing hysterically and said the devil thinks he can stop what God has already ordained just you're laughing is a prophetic sign that you already want big-time deliverance I don't know if somebody's catching this I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying so the issue we have is this this is the issue that we have the issue is this every single person does it every single person or most of the people believe in one thing in the name of Jesus everything must bow but you don't understand this the Bible literally the lodges I said this he said this sign shall follow them that believe in my name the word name there is Anoma and Noma means character there is a prophetic character that grows into somebody who will perform deliverance listen I have I have encountered demons I've encountered Devils have encountered wizards have encountered witches have encountered people in the occult face-to-face I'm not talking about I had a dream they were chasing me now physically there is more to deliverance than just fire there is more to it the name of the Lord is powerful and that that name every knee will bow but is that name operational in you is a whole different thing I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying you to buy you their periscope is on fire is you to buy you there I want you to keep letting people know that the profit is life you can use the name of the Lord but if that name has not become your character you are not doing any deliverance you won't perform any deliverance you can take a knife a butter knife in our listen to this for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal number and they are not carnal you don't need to be in the same place with profit lobby for profit Lobby to deliver you the Spirit of the Lord is omnipresent is omnipotent in his omniscient somebody who is with the Lord they can reach you on the other side let me tell you a story this let me tell you this testimony there was a young girl who her parents had died the child was an orphan at a very early and young age hello are you there this young girl was an orphan at a very young age uh-uh okay are you capturing me this young girl was an orphan at a young age hallelujah at a very young at a very young age but watch what happened when her parents died she went to live with her grandparents her grandfather died and then a grandmother a few months later also died her mother died her parents died a grandfather died and then thereafter his grandmother also died the young child had seen so much death in such a short time in such a short time she saw so much death that on the day of the funeral of the grandmother as they were standing by the graveside they just saw her like do this as he was told to me like this and from that day she did not speak she was not responding when you spoke to her she was just like like a zombie you know she was just there looking so they took her to a the guardian who took over after that who was not a family member was just somebody that was from the church now when this happened the pastor of the church said it is the spirit of the law that has come upon the the child because they just started shivering and the child stopped talking but there was another pastor they all said no this is a demonic spirit and they said no they silence that they took the child after a few days they took her to a mental hospital Mary Kay Baxter calls me because one of my first mentors was mama Buxton mama Baxter calls me and tells me prophet I need you to call this past that the pasta that they cut off when she was explaining that this was a demonic attack they told that pasta that the pastas on called Mary Kay Mary Kay called me and put me in touch with I said prophet pray for this child so I called that pastor immediately and the pastor said I am supposed to go like it was like I think Tuesday or Wednesday to go and see her at that place where they have her I said well it was the day before she went that's the day that I called I said in the name of Jesus I command that spirit to live her and that you come back to herself and when you go there you have no choice but to take her with you when this lady drove to when the lady said Amen at around 7:00 a.m. in the morning the young girl called for the pasta saying what am I doing here how did I end up here this was somewhere in the in the in the in the in the in the East Coast me I'm in California they'll all just delivered a young girl like this so the pastor called me rejoicing that the child had been set free the truth is this children of God if you are in the mighty hands of the Savior and that name is operating in you there are no limits because there are no limits to God there are no limits because they are no limits to God whatever you think is a barrier today it will not be a barrier where you are by the Spirit of the Lord the hand of God is going to touch you in the name of Jesus I don't know if somebody's capturing what we are saying here hallelujah glory be to Jesus so listen and listen well listen and listen well try to listen the best way that you can and the best way that you can listen our weapons not weapon so when people tell you oh Jesus defeated the devil Jesus is saying go and cast him out for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down I remember pulling down of strongholds it there's no full stop it's a continual sentence casting down imaginations comma and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God M bringing into captivity every what thought to the obedience of Christ so your problem is there is imagination that needs to be removed and there is imagination and some high thoughts that leads it lifts itself against the word or the knowledge of God notice notice this casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God knowledge means information that is in you so there are people who have the wrong knowledge in them but they expecting to cast out the devil but you believe that the devil can catch you in your dreams but you are believing God to protect you from the devil but you know that the devil can get you in your dreams how is God gonna help you you just exalted the devil knowing that the devil can attack you even in the dream he's not saying that you're exalting him but saying I am praying because I'm scared because he can come again tomorrow you just exalted him that he can skip beyond what God can put as protection for you so their imaginations and their thoughts and their knowledge that needs to be brought down I I don't know if somebody is listening to me YouTube YouTube I you their YouTube are you there I don't know if somebody's catching me they are thoughts and imaginations that are keeping you from your miracle because as a man thinketh so easy not as a man prayed you can pray all you want but if you don't believe what you are saying in prayer you will never receive it because as a man thinketh so easy I feel like I'm by myself does your scripture say that the Bible says that as a man thinketh so easy the Bible does not say as a man prayer I know so many people who pray for a breakthrough but they don't believe in breakthroughs our posters of Christ thank you so much before you can worry about what a witch has done to you or a wizard has done to you what word has been spoken against you see the words that you've spoken to yourself because you might have been reached yourself somebody's catching me this shop cannot can I have more water please what have you done to you somebody's not listening to me I don't think anybody's listening to me right now what have you done to you what have you done to you some of you you are the ones who give the devil a place but today in the name of Jesus you are taking back that place Capriati acosta palicky atiba i thank you bishop bishop is not married and is looking for a wife by the way he's believing for marriage breakthrough bishop is believing in marital breakthrough bishop way interceding for you glory be to the name of Jesus glory to the eternal Lord and God who lives forever what have you done to you the Apostle said who you foolish you foolish Galatians who has bewitched you let me tell you that witch and wizard you should be afraid of is yourself hallelujah the witch that you should be afraid of is you because of your mouth my son John Victor Li says I am believing for the bishop also I you have the anointing for it yeah what has been coming out of your mouth is more dangerous than a witch in some village or in some cavern on some mountain or by a tree somewhere is more dangerous let me give you an example when Moses appeared - - when God appeared to Moses listen to this carefully the the Lord told Moses I am I want you to capture this I am now you have to understand I am is the name of God prophet Danny said he must marry next year ha is a done deal it's a done deal now capture this when the Lord appeared to Moses he said I am that I am now watch this when you say I am sick you are saying I am the God of sickness I am poor I am the God of poverty I have my sickness all those confections you are saying that you have become that thing I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying my sickness my $2.00 my small house my apartment you are not prophesying the future so there is no you're not making room in the realms of the Spirit for you to be blessed by God but you think that your confession would change because of what happens but it is what happens by your mouth that changes your situation if you live in an apartment and somebody said where do you live oh I am at an apartment now but on transition for my house and that becomes a reality for you you're already preparing your house whether it's in Malibu where they it's in Beverly Hills whether it's in Calabasas whether it is in Agoura Hills Hidden Hills or Hollywood Hills or Studio City whatever maybe your confession is making room for the future but you spend more time bewitching yourself then saying anything good about you and this is not you don't only say this when you pray this should be a lifestyle of how you speak this should be the way that you think you should always be moving forward my Honda even cars even the car manufacturers knows that they make a car so that it doesn't stay with you more than 10 years they make it in a way that it will break down that you'll be forced to get another car let me explain it to you like this let me break it down to you like this now watch this if you maintain poverty no no no no you can't maintain poverty let me explain it like this let me make it clear if you have a car that is from the 60s what will you do to keep it you need to oil change get it serviced in other words you're maintaining it if you stop maintaining it what will happen it will break down you won't be able to drive it you will not be able to keep it it will be rusty until it will become worthless right why are you maintaining your poverty I just said something whatever you don't maintain breaks down and withers away why you maintaining poverty let it break down and with our way why are you maintaining that sickness somebody is not catching me hallelujah I don't know if somebody's catching this I don't know if somebody's catching this God is not interested in you maintaining what is not good for you you keep saying my sickness my this my that my this my that my this my that my broken home my arguments we are always arguing you already prophesy we are always you have already spoken into the future in the past never let what happened yesterday influence your future let your right now influence your future hello hello hello the first place that a demon attacks a person is in your mind and in your thinking he will attack your thoughts he will attack the way you think but you can resist him there that is why I said bring all those thoughts captive because when you entertain a thought it becomes part of you and when it becomes part of you it begins to control you I don't know if somebody can hear me don't just say I am a millionaire today and tomorrow you see or $2 you still see you are $2 near $1 near when you learn not to see what is happening to you right now then you are able to see the future prophetic deliverance is a life that you are always aware of the weapons and the schemes of the devil the Bible says do not be ignorant of the devices of the devil there are so many people who are watching right now you only see the devil when he has destroyed things but you don't see him when he's in the background trying to destroy things let me say that again there are so many people there are so many people cab Rathi Attalla Basanti there are so many people you are going round in circles because you are not seeing where God is seeing prophetic deliverance makes you know what is around you let me show you a scripture go to your Bibles real quick let's look at a scripture real quick Cara bhatia Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 you have your Bible Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 I can read it if you if you don't have it you can move close if I move closer Dario who hide your handsome face until you are ready to you must marry him as the Prophet says Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 are you ready I read you what does he say stand fast what does that mean stand firm in the Liberty wherein Christ had made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage so somebody who is freaking be entangled with bondage again if you don't stand on what has already been done if you don't learn to live a life of liberty let me tell you when your mouth is anointed I don't know if somebody can hear me when your mouth is anointed when your mouth is anointed everything that comes out of it becomes a dangerous thing it doesn't matter whether it's good or evil when you are anointed everything that you say will come to pass that's why the Bible is telling you life and death is in your mouth in your tongue just because you said something negative and your Christian doesn't mean that it won't happen it will happen your mouth is anointed I don't think people are catching this yes ask a question yeah say it again you cancel it and say positive counseling it is not enough you see let me give you an example with generational curses if you say I cancel generational curses what is going to replace it because canceling generational curses does not make the blessing available let me explain it if I tell you this water is not good but I still want water but I did not tell you to refill it will I have water so if you cancel something you need something to replace it so you need something to replace the generational curses there is something called generation of blessing so if you cancel the curse you have to bring the blessing you cannot cancel something and then hope that things start working out it doesn't look like that but not only that you need a greater you need somebody with a greater anointing and power that is why people are watching right now is because you know the Prophet has the ability to speak and something will change but you cannot break a curse and not replace it with a blessing because there is no void in the spirit an example is this watch this when I drink this water you may say okay the glass is empty no the glass is not empty air is occupying the place where the water is not there is no void somebody is not catching what I'm saying there is no such thing as void in the realms of the spirit and even in the physical what constitutes that somebody is dead is because there is no breath of life so if the breath of life is taken then death enters if death is removed then life is back there is no void am I talking to me is this making sense yeah that doesn't mean oh the same demon will come back because there's no one occupying it because there's no such thing as I remember every human being is a house every human being is a temple but the Bible is saying you are temple that belongs to God but if God not leaving that temple who is gonna come in occupied because somebody has to occupy it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is somebody catching this some people are cities some people are Nations some people are planets and people are a very big place but the question is this what is filling the void casting out the devil is not the solution it is God being in a place that keeps the devil away you know we say an apple a day keeps the doctor away because of vitamin C the presence of the Lord every day keeps the devil away I don't know if somebody's catching this there's no void in the spirit so if you just say I rebuke this poverty but you never spoke blessing that will replace the poverty because remember the poverty is occupying a thing a location a space that wealth should be but you took out poverty but you never put anything else in that place that poverty will come right back because nobody is occupying it [Laughter] is somebody there so the key is this now your deliverance is guaranteed because of one thing God is on the throne and you will be never taken off the throne but the biggest NER that keeps people into bondage is this the mind if your mind does not change things remain the same inside of you I have seen people praying for the same thing over and over and over and over and over again simply because of one thing they have not changed their mind I don't know if somebody's capturing me glory be to Jesus how could the children of easier keep going around the same mountain for forty years in the wilderness I mean aren't you going to recognize that the guys we are going around the same mountain who are going around the same place how could they not do this they did this for 40 years for 40 years for 40 years because they were stubborn there were stiff naked people for 40 years for 40 years for 40 years for 40 years they went around the same mark do you understand our disturbing this is I want you to be tired of the pattern that your mother your father your brother's your sisters your uncle's your auntie's went through you must be tired of it you must decide that for me it will be different I will become somebody with the sight of an ego to see beyond where I am right now what they did not see I will see what they did not know I will know what the people around me did not recognize I will recognize because I will break through I will be the sign of deliverance to my people or somebody needs to capture this you need to be tired be sick and tired of the same pattern we have people that go to church they will sing Alleluia they go back to the same mountain they will go to church seeking glory go back to the same mountain they will go and fast and pray and go back to the same I'm here to show you a way out from the same pattern I'm here to show you a way out from the same pattern all glory to Jesus can somebody hear me is somebody listening to me be thou tired be very very tired our whole generation passed away in the wilderness their children are the ones that entered why because their children were not like them they realized like guys you guys gave birth to us around this mountain why are we still going round the same mountain a journey of a week took here's 40 that is somebody becoming a full human being living of almost a full life just because you left Egypt does not mean you have entered the promised land if you are still in the wilderness somebody's not listening to me you may have left Egypt we are not how you used to be but you've not reached where you're supposed to be because you are still going around the same place yes Pharaoh is not there but you are still broke Farah is not there you are still hungry the only difference between where you used to be and where you is that Pharaoh is not there the only difference is that Farah is not there but everything else is exactly the same I'm here to declare to somebody in the name of the Lord Jesus I'm here to declare to you who is watching me you who is watching me I'm here to declare to you right now in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus you are living that mountain you will not go around it anymore after today cap rattle our Casati lebryk Ustica Lamas de cattle abba ready Kista a la vaca shontella brand a Kista levanto per eva is da koruba sita Lama has a I don't know if somebody's catching this you to buy you there YouTube are you there some mountains you are not supposed to rebuke them and tell them to go to this it's a mountains you walk away from them because it's a waste of time for you to be there dealing with it there are some of you you are entrapped in a cycle of a relationship that is not producing marriage but you are there 10 years deep I believe one day he will propose I I want to pray for people prophetically I want to pray for people prophetically I want to pray the prayer of deliverance for people so that the people of God will not be trapped you are trapped because you cannot see the Bible says in the book of Malachi by a prophet was Israel delivered and by a prophet was it preserved not by prophecy but by a prophet you need an anointed person to remove you from your situation and you need to be connected to an anointed person to preserve you from that situation hallelujah you don't need an anointed Prayer you need an anointed person hallelujah prophetic deliverance does not only cast out the devil it replaces what the devil was doing with what God has for you and it puts you on the path and the direction that delivers you into what God wants you to have that is what prophetic deliverance does I don't know if somebody's catching me hallelujah is somebody catching what I'm saying here IIIi want I want to pray for people I want to pray for people I want to pray for people this evening but before we post the number and people can start calling for prayer there's a few things that I want you to know there's a few things that I want you to know there is a few things that I want you to know there is a few things that I want you to know if the truth of the word of God is not in you if the truth of the word of God is not in you you remain in bondage you need to know the truth of who God is and what God has done so that you don't go through cycles where you are delivered and then you're back in bondage yo your life is like a roller coaster no we walk on a straight and narrow path meaning that we cannot miss a tan people always think about the straight and narrow path being a place of trouble no no no that's the security that we are going the right direction is that there is no wiggle room it's just straight forward to the point number two for everything that is wrong in your life for everything that is wrong in your life for everything that is wrong in your life for every single thing that is broken in your life there is something that God has for it where there is sickness God as health where there is loneliness God as a family for you where there is divorce borders marriage where there is Baroness God as children where there is luck God as provision whether is poverty God as wealth and riches where there is death God as life where there is confusion goddess stability where there is insecurity goddess security where there is fear God as love where there is weakness goddess strength where are their battles goddess victories whatever it is God has something to replace it today I prophesy to everybody that is listening to my voice whether you are watching this now or you're watching it later or really you are rewatching it my prayer is this for you my prayer is this for you is that King Jesus who is eternal who lives forever will cause those things to come to pass for you will cause those things to come to pass for you for every trouble that you have for every trouble that you have the Lord of glory has a solution I want you wherever you are to prepare yourself to pray with the Prophet I want everybody to prepare yourself to pray with the Prophet I want you to think to yourself now and say Lord I am ready to receive everything that you have for me I am ready I no longer want this kind of life I no longer want this kind of part patterns in my life Lord I just want what you have for me what you have prepared for me is what I want I don't know if somebody's catching this you to buy you there God wants you God wants you to know this and this to be your goal everything you see God do for another he can surely do more for you good is never good enough there is always better what your neighbor calls good God can do better because there is always glory to glory I don't know if somebody's capturing me I don't know if somebody's capturing me we're gonna play that the thing for the prophetic school for about two minutes I want you to prepare yourself during this time I want you to make sure that you are placed that is clear because I'm gonna allow people to call and then I'm gonna pray for the everybody that is watching that deliverance will take place wherever you are in the mighty name of Jesus be ready be ready because God is about to move in a special way blessings everybody this is prophet Laurie and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his Spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things he's gone be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavie Shalom Shalom blessings everybody this is prophet Lavi and i'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things is gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by holy spirit' where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is prophet love you and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] hallelujah glory font aleena so I'm gonna make the number available now and I want you to believe God for deliverance for you this hour as you call mama mama people already calling as you call is there a way we can get the Bluetooth things so we can connect it to this so that it's more clear that people can hear when I'm praying for them the speaker to connect this so that when I'm talking to them it's much audible blessings blessings blessings woman of God how are you doing where are you calling from you're calling from Nigeria god bless you how long have you been watching when have you been following how long have you been following sorry Oh your daughter introduced you two to it yesterday she made you to watch the I hope God has blessed you by watching we thank God I want to pray for you that God will bless you aunt to pray for you that God will visit you because my prayer for you is I don't know why colobus aunty Thank You living Jesus in the realm of the spirit woman of God I am seeing you being a prayerful woman a woman of God a woman that is after God's heart but I have seen some challenges especially with the part of family and when it comes to your own house I'm seeing the enemy really opposing you and standing against you I don't know if you can hear me woman of God because in the realm of the Spirit it's like you're carrying the burden and the Lord of the home by yourself and it has been like this because in my spirit as I'm counting it it's even over six years it's like this button is just you but I'm gonna pray that God will remove you from this cycle are you married woman of God you are separated how long have you been separated for over ten years so you understand what I'm saying but God who loves you and the Lord that knows you God is gonna lift you up the Lord who called you the Lord is gonna lift you up thank you Lord Jesus I do have you ever been to is it a number or a number or something like that do you know where that is your uncle's there what was your uncle doing there did he live there he was in the military that was the last time that you were there you passed through there where are you right now you're in Abuja I want to pray for you woman of God and God is gonna open a mighty door for you not only for for Prosperity but God will bring you comfort and God will bring your help beginning today but I also want I don't know why I need to pray for your heart your physical heart I need to pray for your physical heart because I don't know I don't want blood pressure to become a problem to you are you understanding woman of God because we don't want you to have anxiety because these are the things that bring us heed to these things but I know that when we pray today God is gonna do something new and something mighty for you every word lifted against you today will be condemned in the name of Jesus oh mama you will be the first one you'll be the sign of the family mama asked God touches you everybody will be okay it needs to start with you because God can never touch the family before he touches the head of the family father I pray in the name of Jesus for your daughter I pray Lord you who knows her more than herself I pray that Lord you do something new and something special for her I decree and declare a prophetic deliverance that will come to her I prayed that direction who come to her i opened the doors for world i opened the doors for prosperity i opened the doors that for every single thing that she has been waiting for father I counseled the mind of the enemy I cancelled the plan of the enemies I plant I canceled the seed of the enemy against her I pray right now Lord that security will come into a life may she prosper may the blessing also flow unto our children may from today every word that was spoken against her be cursed and condemned in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus I thank you Lord that this is done in Jesus name mama do you know anyone called Uchee yes is it like I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right like but oj oj or something like that but it's a Nigerian name right okay do you do anything in business what do you do mama you work you work for government I'm seeing somebody that is like there will be an opportunity that will come it will be like this will not make you leave your employment but I'm seeing like an opportunity for business is gonna come for you but it will come through this person but this person would be somebody that goes to the you to the UK a lot London and things like that I'm not sure what kind of business that it is but when this you hear this name you will know that this is someone that God has sent to you to help you in where you are for what God is about to do in your life it would be something that will push you into your destiny in the name of Jesus it will be somebody that will be sent to help you by the Spirit of God you are blessed woman of God in Jesus name god bless you can you connect it so we can go I'm starting to warm up now Tala baka Tala Basia thank you Lord Jesus my father in my god thou art glorified thou art lifted up thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you master Jesus thank you master Jesus thank you master Jesus thank you master Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus lebryk a subtly bishop ekata LeBron the Kista it's already on thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah hello hello how are you women of God how can I pray for you today you're believing God huh sorry you're believing for your own home where were you where where are you right now you're in the Bahamas I love the Bahamas you love it too I'm gonna pray for you that God will release this also do you have children how many years has it been so are you ready to have your own you are ready you're sure you are ready father I release right now in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus our home for your daughter and a husband but I speak right now into her womb may as Samuel come forth may as Samuel come forth may you be celebrating by the end of next year in the name of Jesus Christ your Amen is not loud enough are you going to come back and testify about what God has done then it is done it is you as in Jesus name it is done in Jesus name karate esata Roku subtle Amanda Katie at Allah basa raka sutala Brockie when you call if you can call video call it would be even preferable for me hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus hello how are you how can I pray can you hear me how can I pray for you [Music] okay God is gonna do it for you mom are you ready father we bring separation we open the mind of your daughter we open the mind of your daughter to see as you see so that your daughter can enter into what you are prepared for her before she came into this world we speak deliverance now in the name of Jesus may that wicked spirit that unclean spirit that mind that the devil has delivered into her we remove it in the name of Jesus we remove it out of a subconscious and we say in the name of Jesus that there will be a turnaround before this week ends things will begin to completely dramatically change in Jesus mighty name amen it is done for you woman of God it is done god bless you Thank You Lord Jesus a woman of God how are you good I think I prayed for you yesterday right I prayed for you sorry yeah I pray for you yesterday yeah but you aren't God to touch you whatever you want whatever you want just thank Jesus because it's already done god minister to your son to show you that he knows what you want so what you are believing God for right now it is you as in the name of Jesus I need to pray for you because in the realm of the Spirit I need to cancel the spirit of accidents I put you under the shadow of the Almighty right now that no wicked thing shall be able to touch you in Jesus mighty name you are heavenly protected and heavily-defended in Jesus name it is done god bless you hallelujah hello how are you oh it's all right it's all right the the little guy is knocked out or is just relaxing okay okay okay okay okay it's all right it's not long for Jesus father in the name of Jesus I rebuke this infirmity of your child allergies go in Jesus mighty name I loose the child's mouth now in Jesus name Grayson I release your mouth in the name of Jesus I lose you in the name of Jesus the infirmity that the enemy has tried to put upon you I remove it in the name of Jesus I remove it in the name of Jesus everything that the enemy has tried to use to destroy you i unlock your mouth i unlock your spirit i unlock your physical body in the mighty name of Jesus father I thank you that this is complete that the child will begin to gain weight and the child will begin to eat can you hear me the child will begin to eat and the child will have will be able to walk in the mighty name of Jesus father I pray for employment for your child I open those doors in the name of Jesus I opened the doors for employment I opened the doors for employment I opened the door for finances in the name of Jesus Christ let there be a miraculous occurrence let there be a wonder in a life in the name of Jesus Christ I thank you all Lord that this is accomplished and this is done in Jesus mighty name amen is done for you woman of God God is gonna do something for you but I can't say it online I have to talk to you personally so you'll be off you'll have a one-on-one okay so what this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try my best because I start doing one-on-ones on Friday right on Friday is when one-on-ones begin I'm gonna definitely get to you but I'm gonna talk to you personally what God is going to do okay hey mama how are you good just put your hand on your chest put it where there is discomfort where you feel weight bothers you in Jesus name I command their healing to come right now I command deliverance to come right now I command complete restoration in the mighty name of Jesus may you never suffer of this again in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus it is done in Jesus name it is done god bless you hallelujah one-on-one is coming back soon guys don't worry it's for good cause it will be deep hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus woman of God how are you you're surprised to see me praying and praying for the people you are praying for oh look at you may God and say your own prayers where are you calling from woman of God you're calling from Nairobi which part of Nairobi parklands I grew up in South Sea so be so your neighbors just Mombasa Road right to cross over I want to pray I want to pray for you woman of God and I want to pray specifically for your ministry because in the realm of the Spirit there's a lot of challenges when it comes to your ministry you have been called by God but there is a lot of opposition when it comes to your ministry and what God has given you because I'm seeing those open but I'm seeing people resist you and people fighting you that you end up leaving the place that you are in you go you go you go into a ministry and you God will begin to use you in that place and as you begin to go up things will just happen and people will turn against you and then you have to be pushed out and it will look like you're doing something that you're not supposed to do but I'm gonna pray for you that God is gonna do something new for you that God will vindicate you and God will prove who you are and what God has given you to do in the name of Jesus but I'm also praying I don't know why as I was praying in the eyes as I'm praying for you I saw in the realm of the Spirit and inheritance that is there for you but I saw the enemy really standing to keep you from what is actually rightfully yours I don't know if you understanding what I'm saying woman of God it is like in the realm of the spirit what is supposed to be you as somebody else is occupying it you know when Abraham was with lot lot was taking what was supposed to be Abraham's so it's like every time you feel like you're about to move forward you always move back and it's like the people that you're giving your hand to are the same people that are biting it at the same time are you understanding what I'm saying woman of God so my prayer for you in this hour is that not only the prophetic calling that is inside of you to pray for people and to bring deliverance to people that God will lift you up in the name of Jesus and whatever the enemy has been sitting on that is yours I am releasing it unto you right now in the name of the Lord Jesus you've been fasting and praying and believing God for certain things I'm here to declare to you that those things you shall have them in the name of Jesus Christ God will give you your heart's desires this hour in the name of Jesus I secure your health I secure your ministry I secure your future I secure everything to do with your family in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus I strengthen you today I strengthen your zeal I strengthen your future may you enter into your calling may you enter into your destiny in Jesus mighty and powerful name it is done for you woman of God know what is gonna keep you back and no one will keep you back you are strengthened this day in Jesus mighty name your health is secured your health is secured and your ministry is secured and your destiny is secured in Jesus mighty name amen you're blessed thank you Jesus hallelujah glory be to Jesus how are you woman of God I'm good where are you watching from here in New Jersey what do you want God to do for you okay are you there with with him or just you okay I'm gonna pray for you woman of God in this battle will pass okay I'm believing God that this thing will turn around for your good father I pray for your daughter father we speak restoration where the enemy is trying to disrupt and destroy I pray for the strength for your daughter and I thank you that this will work out for your good I believe God right now and I see the hand of God moving upon you and I seek God turning the situation for you I seek God bringing peace and restoration into your house for I hear then I hear God in the realm of the Spirit I I don't know if this is a lebryk a subtle Amanda Prado colaba Santelli Braun delegate Alaba Katya raucous at allamanda predict azoty I don't know why I saw it's not married man marries Melissa marry me Melissa who was that god I heard God show me this name and the Lord told me that restoration is coming to this person just lift your hands and begin to thank the Lord Jesus that God has heard your prayer depression is gonna leave you an oppression is gonna leave you right now and is living you right now and there is a restoration and deliverance coming to your husband also right now in Jesus name listen to me woman of God I'm gonna give you a prophetic instruction are you ready the door for a new place is gonna open for you but I'm gonna give you a prophetic instruction are you ready I want you for the next three days to give yourself to a lot of Prayer and the prayer mainly will be for God to touch your heart and to soften your heart towards him and to change your heart in how you're going to see things that are going to happen next number two don't argue with him or fight with him don't I do with him or fight with him number three you display love where it is not deserved you're already loving this person by being there and praying for restoration but actually show him that you love him not by arguing with him not by fighting with him that doesn't mean that you are tolerating those things but it will change what is about to happen next just love him when it comes home put food for him if there's a table or you wanna do you want about do things differently because the evil spirit that is in him is convincing him that it is better to be outside because of the strife that the enemy has brought but let your house be full of love because where love is no demon can stand don't allow fools that the enemy is trying to use to destroy your home you have invested a lot of time to build up what you have don't allow little fools to steal what God has blessed you with say q8 you hear me woman of God because let me tell you something let me tell you something this is not instruction but listen to me naturally you are a leader naturally you have a very strong will naturally you are strong Milo you are tough but God wants you to be a lion on the inside but a gentle on the outside when you speak to him speak to him with a soft tone love will deliver him you hear me all these little things that are happening on this side they are painful but the reward that you will receive will be bigger than what you're going through right now what is what is your what is your what is your husband's name God is securing him in Jesus name it is done for you and I will continue to pray for you but trust me look at me woman of God look at me you will be calling me praising God you call me and praise God okay your tears are not in vain you will call and praise God and your beauty will be more more radiant than it even is now your tears will not be of pain anymore they would be for joy do you have a brother where is he you found out about him a year ago I had an affair on my stepdad and I found my biological father and brother about two years ago I did when was the last time you spoke to him it's been a few months God is gonna bless him because of what he's doing with you there will be a blessings that will go unto him that generational pattern I'm replacing it with that generation of blessing it is done my daughter you are blessed from today I promise you follow this instruction see that foods that are going to come out you call me and say you are spirit you will be rejoicing amen god bless you Jesus is so beautiful Jesus is so kind hello hello how are you [Music] praise God we are able to talk I want you to put turn into video call no I'm trying to get you to get it on video call blessings how are you what do you want the Lord Jesus to do for you where are you calling are you in LA can you bring the baby tomorrow to church yeah I think we've been there oh look at it so so beautiful beautiful babies [Music] trust me bring bring the baby God will God will touch your child amen it's already done it's already a done deal just bring the baby I will be expecting you tomorrow blessings oh Jesus thank you Jesus how are you where are you watching from you're calling from India I'm gonna pray for you thank you Lord Jesus you know the Lord loves you so much have I talked to you before I have not spoken to you before you need God to touch your body because you are sick there is a sickness that is in your body and this sickness is in the blood are you listening to me and you need God to touch you and go to restore you I don't know why do you know do you know what epilepsy is do you know when somebody just faints falls down okay can you hear me when somebody faints like you fall down and sometimes forming in the mouth do you know what that is no like when somebody just collapse fall down I want to pray for you because I saw the enemy trying to bring dizziness and for you to fall and then he will turn into something epileptic but I want to stop it in the name of Jesus but I also want to pray for marriage for you yo your Amen is too small you want to get married right yeah I'm gonna pray for all those things and God is gonna do it for you are you ready who is I am seeing somebody's house and in that person's house they still practice like they have like they have like an idol that they still are serving is it what does your what what does the man that you want to marry do is the equation because I'm seeing a woman bowing before something and I'm trying to find out who this is where is his mother where is his mother his mother is there with you not your mother his mother staying with him only let me pray for you do you know what sadhu means sadhu sadhu what does that mean hindu priests do you know anybody who is connected to a Hindu priests or used to be connected to a Hindu priest okay let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus I pray for your child right now I pray for healing in our body and I decree and declare that our marriage will come and will come swiftly in the name of Jesus let everything that she has been waiting for let it come to pass right now in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ it is done in Jesus name though our it's done I already know I was asking you questions because of something that I was saying but you are not answering quick enough but it's already done for them also in Jesus name it's already done in Jesus name you're blessed hallelujah Sabra Katya Tala Basanti hallelujah can you hear me okay can you answer the the video there we go how are you woman of God can you speak up can you speak up a little bit can you hear me yes I I can hear you loud enough can you speak up yes I can hear you I want to pray I want to pray for you what do you want God to do for you to get you out of this cycle can I tell you what I saw and I looked at you listen to this son I saw one of the former presidents of South Africa and I saw him how long was he jailed for do you know how long he was jail for yes I saw him and then I was under I did not understand why am I seeing Nelson Mandela when I'm looking at you what is your last name I don't think you caught what I was trying to say I was talking about you not your pasta I was talking about you because I saw him fighting and fighting for his people like you are fighting for you and your family and I saw God bringing freedom to him as he is bringing freedom to you lift your hands lift your hands to Jesus but it's like is your first name also start with an M what is your first name do you see the connection because his name is Mandela your name also stands what's your name what's your first name Melissa Melissa Nelson him is Mandela Nelson Mandela god is good father I speak deliverance unto your child in the name of Jesus I pray right now that Lord there would be freedom that will come to her I remove her from this cycle I remove her from the psycho in Jesus name may she enter into the blessing and the prosperity that you have designed for her in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the psycho end with her mhm it'll be the beginning of the sign that is coming in Jesus mighty name amen and amen and amen and amen it's done you're blessed woman oh God when you call I want you to be loud and I want you to be vocal so that we can hear you amen hallelujah glory to Jesus hello how are you woman of God what do you want the Lord to do for you you want healing I'm gonna pray healing for you put your hand where the fibroids are Lord Jesus I pray for your daughter now may healing come in the name of Jesus I rebuke the fibroids in the name of Jesus Christ I command that infirmity to dry up in Jesus name may there be complete healing not tomorrow not next week but right now in Jesus mighty and powerful name let it be so and let it be done in Jesus name Amen and amen may the Lord Jesus visit you or it's ink work poor connection may the Lord visit you and may you flow with the spirit as the spirit leads you for direction for your family and for your future in the mighty name of Jesus you are coming out of the psycho that you are in right now in Jesus mighty name it is done for you it is done that's why I said for you and your family it is done it is done in Jesus name thank you Jesus holy jesus hello how are you women of God you are great where are you calling from oh you're Kenya Kenya how are you you know you are my family if you say Kenya you're my family that's very true Kenya is my is literally my first home because I was not born in my native country and I grew up in Kenya I'm excited to talk to you I want to pray for you woman of God because I see your great love for God and I see your great heart for God my prayer for you is that God will bring restoration to you because this is the great prayer that you have in your heart is restoration for you because in the arms of the Spirit I am seeing you standing by yourself but in reality you're not supposed to be standing by yourself it's because the enemy came and scattered what was not supposed to be scattered the devil fought you in on something and fought you and scattered what was not supposed to be scattered I'm speaking to you as a prophet so that you know that it is God that is speaking to you but I am seeing God bringing a major breakthrough into your life and as I'm speaking to you I don't know why I am seeing I saw my son in my vision as I'm speaking to you and watching these things that are happening I saw my son and I'm trying to understand why am I seeing my son who are you with right now in Las Vegas woman of God you're with your daughter how old is your daughter she is 12 years old when was your daughter born 2007 how old is your daughter what month was she born in February 9 so 2007 that is number seven okay and then when was she born you said 2007 I'd add the 7 plus 2 that is 9 okay and then you said how old is the child add that what what what what what what does a give us 21 so you said 2007 she's 12 and was born on what date 9 so what did we add 9 and what else which is 16 which came to it twenty-eight right Andrew what month were you born what what date were you born you are born on what what is the date you born yeah the day you are born on the journey because what is happening is the link that I saw is because at some point I had to stand with him by myself I know I know but if you put a significant numbers together it actually gives his date of birth that's why I saw him and I'm trying to understand why I'm not seeing him not only because of already what I knew that you're standing by yourself because the enemy came and did this but God is gonna give you a mighty breakthrough what is your daughter's name what what does the name start with what does your name start with my sons she's a lien his Andrew [Music] are you understanding why I'm drawing the link God is just showing you that God knows what he's talking about the Lord Jesus knows you woman of God more than you know but God is gonna fight for you and God is gonna stand with you and God is gonna show you that he is God lift your right hand to heaven father in the name of Jesus I decree and declare a prophetic breakthrough you who has revealed more than anybody could ever think I speak a prophetic breakthrough right now to your child in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may it be so shocking that it will be a wonder that your daughter will know that you are in her life father I thank you that a days of crying a days of being by herself are done in Jesus mighty name it is done woman of God you celebrate change your confession and see God do something new for you it is done in Jesus name my nephew Izzy and my nephew is like oh my god was shot angry are you shocked what's shocking hello I'm doing good where you calling from from Alabama Alabama is a good place yes definitely you need to turn it down hallelujah are you ready what do you want God to do for you I want you to do a prophetic sign will you do this prophetic sign if I tell you I'm gonna give you a prophetic instruction if you obeyed your fire will light up when I get off the phone I want you to go turn around you're in your kitchen right away are you in ok I want you to go somewhere where you have space it can be in your room we can be in your kitchen I want you to go somewhere where you have some room ok are you ready you are gonna turn around you're gonna turn around 7 times as if your praise dancing you're just gonna turn around 7 times you know when I get off there for not yet and when you turn around 7 times just you're gonna turn around 7 times and as you turn around 7 times you're gonna pray in tongues for five minutes you're turning around is that you are making a full turn away from the cycle says the Spirit of God because number seven is the number of completion meaning everything that has caused you to go around in circles is gonna be corrected because there's been seven years of stagnancy that God is come is bringing to an end and removing you from that seven years of stagnancy of going round the same thing are you listening to me woman of God when you turn around what is gonna happen is that there will be a complete change in the name of Jesus it will be a full circle away from where you have been and you're going to pray and tell the Lord Lord I thank you that what used to hold me is behind me because let me tell you the truth you are supposed to be ministering that is your true calling there is a prophetic evangelistic call inside of you you are supposed to be winning people for Jesus but there are things that have kept you behind from where you're supposed to from what you're supposed to do for God this is why you need to do this because it's gonna set you back to where God wants you to be your thank you God is too small you should never contain yourself never contain yourself one of the rule of the prophetic is this you have to be free with God if there's one place that it's okay for you to show where you are is when the prophetic is flowing finances will come to you and and God is gonna is gonna release a brick blessing to you as you begin to do what God has given you because I saw you worshiping God with your voice and ministering the Word of God and as you are doing this I saw many miraculous things taking place all you need to do is turn around seven times prophetically saying that my cycle is come to an end I'm making a complete stop in a complete turn to a different direction and you're praying in tongues is simply glorifying speaking mysteries unto God that lord I thank you that I am being put back where I'm supposed to be in terms of ministry and your praying in understanding will be to thank God because it's already done are you ready I want you to do this right now it's already done for you in Jesus name God is good sometimes God will make you do some things that seem small hallelujah how are you women of God can you turn down the TV blessings glad to hear from you woman of God glad to hear from you what do you want God to do for you a man of God that's what you want put your right hand on your forehead okay now this is interesting are you ready for this are you ready for this watch this I saw my daughter young can you find young young don't say I fell the first name look for on or he on here young young young young or is it my vision that I'm seeing sorry young my daughter young I want to show something what is her name read her name out loud just the first name what is her first name say it again God is saying is bringing wisdom and understanding to Jennifer who is Jennifer woman of God who is like Jennifer father I release understanding and knowledge unto your daughter may she received the spirit of Revelation right now in Jesus mighty and powerful name may our eyes of understanding the open that she will know who you truly are so that she may minister to people in Jesus mighty and powerful name it is done in Jesus name it is done woman of God you are blessed come come here you this is this is my nephew Ryo what did you say what did you say what's shocking do you wanna do that too yes sure I'll teach you an Andrew in due time okay god is good hello how are you hello hello hello hello blessings how are you doing amen I like that response where are you watching from that's deep that's deep that is super super deep what do you want the Lord to do for you you see the same boldness that you have spoken may our Wonder happen to you before this year ends made this great Wonder already take place in Jesus name it's done if I if I were you I would be shouting it is complete and done in Jesus name in Jesus name you see when you come to God children of God you have to be a specific person God does not respond to people who are not specific I don't know if somebody can hear me God does not answers people who are not specific God desires that you are specific if you don't know what you want it's difficult for God to give you glory can you hear me what is that can you hear that where's that coming from hold on one second is he from Kohl's hold on one second he's gonna try and fix the noise where is it me laying on this or something I think he's from the phone la Barca's until he brought Yakuza Kabara ba ba ba ba Basanti look directly right let me see can you put it on silent perfect ah there we go can you hear me now what do you want God to do for you a little bit or greatly you see your faith your faith is suspect right now Bishop can you want this for me your faith is suspect right now I want you to say that again I'm gonna give you one more chance to be extra prophetic what do you want God to do for you your business to flourish how much do you want it to flourish so you just want ten more contracts at least now give me a number that is beyond your ability to do so that God can do it fifty Father in the name of Jesus I pray for your child right now I touch her marriage I touch her family and right now I decree and declare by the anointing and the power over my life that you are placed i prophesy in the name of jesus may more than 50 contracts come to her that you'll be so busy that you have to give up some of them number two I pray O Lord that you will bring restoration into a home in the mighty name of Jesus and I pray the Lord you touch her physical body right now that there will be a strengthening that will come over her in Jesus mighty name amen and amen and amen it is done when you call call with the with a big appetite we serve a big God who does big things glory hello when you call try to call try to call video call please Alleluia change your change your video - - there you go blessing son how are you what do you want God to do for you the world in the way that I know that he's calling me to do and I need strength to do that I'm gonna hear for any God okay that's that's that's that's a good prayer are you coming to prophetic school did you go for the first one okay this is what we'll do because hearing God clearly is about is about is about knowing how spiritual things work because God speaks clear but we don't hear clearly because we don't know the language so I pray for you for that and I'm gonna pray that God will open major doors for you both in ministry and in business father I pray in the name of Jesus that Lord you would bless your son with more than enough the Lord he desires to work for you and to serve you and you have a calling over his life I pray our Lord in the name of Jesus use him mightily and use him dangerously use him in the prophetic use him in signs and wonders let him hear your voice he hungers for it let him hear you and know your voice in Jesus mighty name father I thank you that this is done in Jesus mighty name amen and amen amen bishop I have a question for you when we when people sign for up for prophetic school we'll make the links for the first prophetic school available for them also can we do that so that people are caught up whoever signs up for the next one can they have access to the previous videos yes trust me you'll be the one we don't need to pray you'll be the one that will do it but the way to happen is not in the way you are thinking the way God is gonna shift you and lift you up and turn you into a sign they will want to be like you that's what will bring their change it's already done in Jesus name it's already done in Jesus name it's done in Jesus name god bless you son blessings woman of God how are you doing you're very good where are you going this you're dressed up nicely where are you going yes thing at home today what do you want the Lord Jesus to do for you [Music] to heal your mother that's all that you want [Music] father I pray for your daughter right now in Jesus mighty name I pray O Lord in Jesus name that you bring a mighty change in transformation in a life I speak healing of the mother I release finances unto her bless the works of her hand so that Lord she may have more than enough and I decree and declare that everything she has been waiting for let it come to pass now in Jesus name let it come to pass now in the name of Jesus I release the eternal blessing of Jesus upon you in Jesus name Amen it is done hallelujah glory glory to Jesus everybody are you there I'm gonna pray for a few more and then I will pray for everybody that is watching wherever you are I'm gonna pray and and you are going to testify life by what what is going to be doing to you you're going to declare our Lord you're going to type and say Oh God thank you for what you have done for me you would testify not tomorrow not next week but as you are watching you will testify glory be to his holy name glory be to his blessed name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus how are you women of God where are you calling from you're calling from New York are you working right now what do you want God to do for you okay okay God will open that door for you I can I tell you a vision that I just saw when I was talking to you I saw you crying and I was asking the Lord why am I seeing a cry and the Lord said that you need to minister to her especially concerning ahah your heart there's been a lot of disappointments that have happened to you that makes you feel like Lord why is this happening to me because by nature you don't cry to people but you cry in by yourself but I'm gonna pray that these tears that you've been crying that God will answer them by a miracle that is gonna come to pass for you and I saw the power of God going and touching your left leg and I saw I saw it like pouring like like anointing oil and I said port I saw it go down and he came and went down your left leg and he went down to your knees and he went to your feet and as God was touching your joints I saw God strengthening your body and God equipping you as somebody who is about to travel meaning that God is getting you ready for your next season as you're saying father I pray in the name of Jesus may this come to pass for your child in Jesus mighty name what she has been waiting for what she has been crying for what she has been expecting I release it now in the name of Jesus father I thank you that this is done for her not next week but right now Lord may all glory and honor come to you in Jesus mighty name may our next season be released I open her doors and I remove limitation from her in Jesus name Amen is done in Jesus name you're a blessed woman of God Alleluia I think would take one or two more and then we pray for everybody right hey how are you how are you doing man of God why do you want God to do for you you said you want to know what in what in what if I tell you will you obey Gordon go after it hello yeah can you hear me can you speak up a little bit yeah I said if I tell you will you go after it yes in the realm of the spirit when I looked at you when you just begun to speak I saw the brother of Moses the brother of Moses the Prophet Aaron and Aaron was a priest unto God meaning there is a pastoral calling inside of you and your spiritual name is Aaron can you hear me yeah no I'm telling you there is a you ah you have a priestly calling that doesn't mean that you can't evangelize it doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that at all because a priest is just somebody that represents people before God ministers unto God but I believe in my spirit who told you that it's a profit in Arizona you have a priestly calling and it's not the priestly calling that people just say we have royal priesthood no they are priests that are actually called by God as a priest before God let me ask you a question and this will reveal what I'm saying are you ready yeah are you a patient person or an impatient person and be a hundred percent honest be a hundred percent honest are you a patient person or not a patient person you have to know yourself because God can never use somebody that does not know themselves because God will take the tools that you have in your hands to use you Leah you say yes the reality is this can you hear me yeah you have a very gentle spirit can you hear me yeah you're not an aggressive person by nature can you hear me if it's not true you can say no it's not true I'm just telling you what I'm seeing spiritually can you hear me yeah are you aggressive not at all you don't like argument and stuff you are priests it's inside of you even in your character there's a priestly anointing upon you meaning that you can stand in the gap for people before God and you have a shepherd spirit because a shepherd usually somebody that does not like trouble if you ever see somebody who is ministering to people but is a troublemaker you know it's not a pre is not a shepherd can you hear me yeah God is gonna use you mightily especially in that you will be very very big and you'll be very great if you go before God in prayer so that God can build you up but you need to strengthen your prayer life and you need to split the strength and your zeal before God you love God but your strip prayer life needs muscle can you hear me I to be given to you you a priest you'll be standing before God revelation is obvious I can't pray for you and you don't have this bit of Revelation can you hear me Father let it be so for your son now in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus amen I'm gonna take one more and I'll pray for four people now hallelujah guys don't call directly call call don't call directly make sure you call only through what's up don't call directly call through what's up hello how are you woman of God what do you want God to do for you can you skips can you speak up too because I can hear you really no not not as clear yeah go ahead [Music] when are you going back they call dropped the call dropped I want to talk to that lady right there isn't there's no it's just a number and there are so many people calling so it kind of just got lost but I'm gonna pray at the end of this at the end of the stream even for that pass hallelujah table Arabic a Seattle a brandy Kista Tala Costa ready Kista Avila kosher predict you see Lara Dias avec at Le Monde produce avocados raucous at ala bar and a key stat alabasta hello how are you [Music] that's not good you should have just asked me tell me told me back home I already went to where you come from because when you are speaking when you are just when you just started talking to me I saw the musician that just died what was his name again the young man DJ arafat I started hearing koopa de calais knew exactly where you're coming from I'll continue I'm listening I'm listening to [Music] I'm supposed to do something great backbone but I consider myself like a dreamer so I know there's a lot of things I wanna do but I need to be focused on like it's one specific thing so you'll be great if I can actually get some clarity when it comes to that okay the question is this this this is uh this is the question that you need to ask yourself are you ready you see God will never stop talking to you and revealing what is going to do that is why Joseph had more than one dream concerning his future so God does not stop speaking what you're going to do but you need to take our step if you don't take a step God does not flourish one thing so that you get into another when God was talking to Abraham about being a nation he didn't tell him just Abraham wanted a son God is telling him about a nation then God is telling him about our whole country Abraham was just a man he met in a tent that loved God so don't wait don't look for God to give you one thing if God is speaking to you he will always show you visions that are beyond your capability your capability to do because it will take him to do it through you [Music] I was short yes yes yes and every time when I talk to my friend I will say you know God will do it for you I don't know why I saw I saw a half moon and in a small star in your house thank you Lord Jesus where's your wife she's at work at work do you guys have children yet sorry what does that also you have eight you have one yes okay you have you have one a boy or a girl there is a half moon that is coming because a star always means a boy and a half moon always means a girl but if it's a full moon it means that it's a full grown woman and if it's a small star it means that it's a young young boy is not old enough yet and when boys become big they turn into sons because the Sun the star star is actually a Sun I just gave you prophetic understanding of something so are you guys expecting a child soon or not yet be ready be ready but God is gonna bless you and God is gonna increase you and God is gonna make you great because in the realms of the Spirit I saw you standing as somebody that is gonna teach people it's like there is a teacher DNA inside of you the ability to instruct and direct people I don't know what you did for work or what you do for work or anything like that but I saw the ability to instruct and teach people and in the realm of the Spirit I saw God calling you an interpreter you know like how somebody can interpret one language to another but it was like God was gonna make you an interpreter that you'll be able to interpret the things of the Spirit to the things that are natural father I pray in the name of Jesus what do you do for work man of God your data analyst so how do you do that how does that work okay father I released grace for increase power understanding do you know you like to teach people scripture a lot because I'm in the realm of the Spirit I'm looking at you and I'm seeing you speaking to people but you are not preaching you're teaching you are trying to show that this is out this works not what people are saying it like this this is it look at it because I'm seeing you actually teaching not preaching God is gonna give you the spirit of understanding mysteries of the Spirit and you're gonna be a blessing to many people my prayer is that you start having physical angelic visitations and may you begin to work already with a small that God has put you in put in your hands so that you can even do greater in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus it is done in Jesus name no our caller after this dream save a number I'm gonna call after this dream listen to me I want you to do something right now you may be sick you may be going through a lot of things but I want to pray for you right now I wanna pray for you wherever you are that God is gonna touch you God is gonna heal you God is gonna deliver you I want you to be ready right now now it's time for me to pray for you and I want you to agree with me so that God can touch you where you are I want you to be prepared I want you to be prepared you too bye you there YouTube by you there YouTube by you there I want you to be prepared I am gonna pray for you now that God will deliver you no matter where you are in your life or no matter what is going on deliverance is about to come to you healing is about to come to you right now I want you to believe it now I don't want you to just watch your screen or whether it's on TV or on the phone I want you to engage with me in prayer I'm gonna pray for you wherever you are and the Lord Jesus will heal you the Lord Jesus will deliver you the Lord Jesus will touch you Father in the name of Jesus I speak to every situation I speak to every demon I speak to every disease every sickness every infirmity to be broken in Jesus mighty name every sickness disease misfortune cancers no matter what that name is no matter what that spirit is without broken in the mighty name of Jesus be broken in the mighty name of Jesus be broken in the mighty name of Jesus whatever he may be cancer it may be cancer cancer I speak to you HIV I speak to you blood pressure I speak to you diabetes I speak to you arthritis I speak to you no matter what your suffering right now in the name of Jesus be broken in Jesus name I command every disease to know that it is a stranger in your body by reason of the anointing rocket olive Assunta LeBron day Kista evocative a bar and aqui esta hora de dar batha more Kista Arava caste is at allamanda prodigious at Allah meeya arity be broken in Jesus name I deliver you from demonic oppression I deliver you from demonic affliction I deliver you from every witch's spell every every sorcery be broken in Jesus name be broken in Jesus name you may be watching me on YouTube you may be watching me on Facebook you may be on periscope you may be in your house you may be in your bedroom be free fie upon you in the name of Jesus let chains begin to break let chains begin to break let's diction's begin to break in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus you may not be able to walk but I speak that you shall walk now I want you to stand up wherever you had pain I want you to check pain I want you to check that migraine I want you to check that deep depression it has left you now in the name of Jesus begin to work around and celebrate the Lord because you are healed you are delivered your ears that were clogged up they are being opened in the name of Jesus you are barren but you are pregnant in the name of Jesus your homies was broken but i mend it in the name of Jesus everything that was lost I bringing it under restoration in the name of Jesus Cara Basanta LeBron day Kista evaru quiete Ronda Kista a la vaca sila arute Allah Mandela guest a protest Alaba cosa Kiera Mandela Basanti Libre kuta la Reva Kista Avila Costa pretend le gasevic Usha marooned a Kista Arabic at Le Kia Robeson Talib Rhonda kissed a Virata Rocco satella bar Rhonda Kista Arouca satola Basanti Rocco so tele Berea as Suva Katella ba hey demons that have been tormenting you in dreams death snakes that have been appearing to you the bondage that you are in you are free in the name of Jesus your life will never be the same again from this day I want you to praise the Lord I want you to thank the Lord I want you to celebrate because something has changed in your life in Jesus mighty and powerful name father I thank you that this is complete and accomplished in their life I sell them with your love and your grace and your spirit in Jesus name Amen hallelujah I want you to just type and tell people what God has done for you I'm gonna give you about 30 seconds to just type what just happened to you physical healing or you you are suffering or whatever maybe it is done in Jesus name somebody said I am healed I can hear God clearly I'm no longer depressed and oppressed we thank the Lord for your testimony I want you to just type it out it is gonna bless somebody and he's gonna encourage somebody thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody says I am six months pregnant and I've been in pain and I can walk without a limp look at Jesus that is a deep testimony thank you Lord Jesus my daughter just said I experienced healing from arash it's beginning to fade thank you Lord Jesus wow wow wow wow wow keep typing your testimony's keep typing your testimony's keep typing your testimony hallelujah Wow Wow bless somebody with what God has done for you well I felt a cough that had returned leave my chest we thank the Lord Jesus for you that is powerful that is powerful that is powerful there we had symptoms I had below the right side of my chest is gone in Jesus mighty name thank you Lord Jesus Wow look at Jesus look at the Lord Jesus somebody said fire in my stomach the Lord is good the Lord is good children of God my nose is opening my chest is opening breathing is easier healed from shoulder pain god is good wow look at Jesus look at Jesus I felt so refreshed look at Jesus shadows in my room are gone thank you Jesus Wow circulation in my legs legs is moving and there and they feel lighter thank you Jesus wow wow we thank God for all that you are typing may God multiply you and increase you now listen to me carefully listen to me carefully there are so many people that are making fake accounts with my name I will never in box you live alone on a personal page or a public page or ask you to send money to an orphanage or sow a seed I don't do that never will I ever do that the moment you see somebody coming and giving you prophetic word in the in box in my name know that it is not profit la vie there are wicked people who are trying to prey on the people of God and don't fall victim to that hallelujah I love you tomorrow is gonna be a perfect and and powerful service tomorrow is gonna be a deal a prophetic deliverance service in person in church I want you to be ready because God is gonna do something amazing Wow my daughter Kimberly does that deep deep deep deep testimony my migraine is gone and I said it back to the sender in Jesus it was not your migraine every time you see a fake profile reported may God bless everybody Shalom Shalom in Jesus mighty name I love you but jesus loves you more this is prophet love you are blessed blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 2,783
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: steven furtick, td jakes, the path of peace, christmas sermon, elevation church, why i left the potter's house, td jakes commitment, bishop t.d. jakes, td jakes 2019, bishop td jakes, potters house, td jakes 2019 motivation, td jakes motivation, grace digital, td jakes marriage, td jakes relationships, july 28, bishop david oyedepo, curiosity inc, bishop td jakes sermons, dr myles munroe motivation speeches, keion henderson, sermons on prayer, pastor keion henderson
Id: pAZxtv-3ndM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 7sec (11407 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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