Harlequin: Loving Evangeline - Full Movie

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[Music] a big development today in the computer wars between sabotage somewhere and Thornhill industries when a business reports have the details here's Connie McKinnon industry analysts report litter strike is not resolved within the next two weeks third quarter profits could hit an all-time low Savitt our software closed up six points today nobody's talking on the record but the rumor is their new handheld direction finder could be rolled out about three months earlier than predicted now you'll have no excuse for you to get lost on the way home ever again down there is no way they're ready to roll out residential construction stats meet John I heard saboteurs leaking stories about their new handheld navigator and we are taking the hint where's a Mercer I've already talked to him and production delays on the line erratic output unacceptable error rates and the new chips they still can't find the source of the dirt in other words nothing has changed where's my brother haven't heard from Kevin since he left last week and he's not answering his email perfect absolutely perfect on boss you know how he gets will you stop making excuses for him it is time for him to take responsibility for the business it is not enough to be brilliant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello skipper welcome aboard Kevin what are you doing here we need to talk [Music] Robert must be really upset about The Saboteur announcement he's not upset with you it's not your fault it is my fault I'm the one to talk my brother into backing this was a sure thing we were way ahead of sabotage we haven't seen what Sabbatarians got yeah nobody has they're just trying to spook us well it's working why can't we get the Thornhill Explorer right maybe I miss something I can't understand it Robert trusted me with this and I'm gonna drive him into bankruptcy don't worry about Robert he'll survive it always does but I have to take the boat out I had some work done on the steering linkage and I want to check it out before it gets dark so why don't we meet at the plant tomorrow and we'll talk about this well-well find a solution sure okay buddy [Music] [Music] eighty [Music] you have to be the most determined fisherman I've ever known you mean I see you bought every day and I never see you catch anything that's alright it says anything well maybe you should change your bait yeah I haven't changed my bait since I was a kid my Luck's about to change I can do it I'll just be careful okay cuz I think the weather's gonna change this is Nova Scotia what else is new [Music] okay thanks put it on my account don't worry about it's on the house I'm really gonna have to catch something [Music] [Music] [Music] nova scotia he was out fishing sir according to the police report seems he been doing that regularly I'm so sorry the Thornhill Explorers late and he goes to Nova Scotia let's go fishing that day a storm came up his engine must have failed it looks like he panicked and tried to swim to shore his body was washed up a day later where is he in Chester they'll release the Kevins I can leave right away no no I I'll go get it myself thank you that'll be all Ferguson if you could tell the authorities that mr. cannon will be coming to pick up Kevin have Mercer meet him I'll take care of it sorry mr. cannon yes thank you these seaplane is in Long Island it'll be here by 11:30 I can't believe I'm having a rather difficult time believing it myself do you think the Sabbat our announcement had anything to do with this I'm not sure I guess I'll be going to Chester [Music] [Music] Robert [Music] where do we go you don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to I've already identified the body and made arrangements for it to be released Robert I don't know what to say I can't tell you how sorry I am thank you I want to see him if the Explorer hadn't fallen behind then Kevin never would have come out here what do you mean well I encouraged him I feel responsible well don't it's not the first project that that's fallen behind no but it was Kevin's project I told you when this thing started the treated just like any other let's go I'm afraid I've got some more bad news Robert about sabotage what I didn't want you to read it in the papers well tell me the rumors are true they've just released their own version then it isn't the beta test it's the full deal this is gonna cost us Robert what do we do to catch up nothing ever changes in this town sure is pretty you must love growing up here as a kid in Oran I couldn't wait to leave how do we fix it other chip still dirty no I think we've got that length then one we know the software works oh and a cruise missile maybe but we're trying to pack a lot of information into a device you hold in your hand we're rechecking all the schematics went borin how long six months six months it's just bad like it'll kill the stock sorry for your loss Robert I appreciate your help in I wish to help could have been under happier circumstances where is he he's up at the funeral parlor I'm going to go see him of course I'll meet you there [Music] and you don't have to do this Robert yes I do [Music] take all the time you need [Music] [Music] Oren's already made the arrangements for you to take your brother back to Boston no I will bury him here Kevin grew up here six generations of cannons are buried here Kevin would like that yeah how long levy stay I don't know a few days can't leave the office for too long where would he be saying the house I closed up the house well then open it [Music] [Music] [Music] this is such a great place I always liked it well I always wanted to get rid of it Kevin loved it thank you ladies can I get you a drink Ian well mineral water if you have it mineral water what is it beauty or old age well here's to old friends it's good to see you again and you Robert what happened to you it's all in the report three nights ago Kevin went out fishing he found his tackle on the boat yeah and and when we spoke to the owner she said he entered off in the direction of sad babe the owner yeah you rented a small outboard motor boat which marina the one down I'm a home bay where we used to play when we were kids I thought they turned that in a landfill matter of fact it's run the best it's been in years who's the owner Evangeline Shaw an American she and her husband bought it two years ago her husband was killed last summer in a boating accident you're suing a widow what are you talking about who's suing home you've launched a wrongful death suit against the marina it's just the legal department doing its thing standard operating procedure these days I thought it might have something to do with what she's been saying about Kevin's death what she's saying that wasn't an accident [Music] movies are cheaper but my uncle says squid well different people use different bait well what do you think well it depends on what you like now squid excuse me hi I'll just be one second script ends - laughs I wonder if I can possibly well I'm just with a customer um if I were you I would use bait that works fast so you see these guys here now for the kind of fish that you're catching but I think these don't work and you know what if it doesn't you can always try the squid tomorrow okay thanks mr. Shaw you're welcome now can I help you yes my name is Robert Cannon I believe that you knew my brother Kevin could you please leave I beg your pardon let me make it simple for you get out no you don't understand I need to talk to you I'm terribly sorry about your brother's death but I have nothing to say to you and why is that cause you're blaming me for your brother's death you're suing me oh well the lawsuit yes well um no you don't understand I'm not suing you my company Thornhill software is suing your company Charles marina this is nothing crystal it's not personal this marina is all I have it's personal right of course it is I'll tell you what I will get my lawyers to drop the lawsuit but I want you to tell me why you believe that my brother's death was not an accident all right let me show you something you see those boats on the other side of the dock that's my rental line which one was Kevin's Kevin's was the one at the end now there's no way that his boat quit like they said it did of course not these look like the latest in high-tech design yeah well high tech isn't what you want simple is better say so simple is reliable and I keep my voice in tip-top shape I believe you do five bucks says it starts on the first pull that's two dollars American you're on I'll make sure the plant cuts a check I've got double or nothing sure well what does that prove it proves that they'll start under ideal circumstances oh you're tough you own your own company right yes why no it's just funny cuz Kevin mentioned that he had a boss but he never said anything about a brother excuse me [Music] it's a beautiful service I'm sure Kevin would have appreciated [Music] I'm really sorry thank you I behaved horribly yesterday well I wasn't exactly a pillar of charm myself did you know Kevin well he was a wonderful guy I liked it this really is an inappropriate time but did you look at Kevin's fishing tackle he had very expensive gear and Fergie R that expensive he never caught him and he didn't run out of gas when they brought his boat back his tank was still half full thank you I'm sorry I interrupted you [Music] [Music] [Music] Beechum hey boss we're all thinking of you the flowers arrived they did indeed thank you and the Sun shone and the minister was brief how are you doing are you coming back I'm not sure yet I see what did you find out nothing definite so far but there are a few unanswered questions please be careful oh well I'll arrange to send you some more clothes about a week don't worry I'll reschedule everything even under these circumstances it must be nice to be home listen you couldn't order some sushi for me could you from Chicanos I hear they deliver absolutely but I think you're out of the three mile range please don't the cupboard is full look there's something I want to do I want you to find out about an AV sha sha w first named Evangeline early thirties American citizen she's the owner of Shaw's marina could you do that Robert you shouldn't be in today unless we get the Thornhill Explorer up and running right quick our stock prices are gonna melt down to China he's buried your brother yesterday nothing more I can do for him I want the latest anomaly reports and I want him now the mapping system works fine but key in the intersection of Brunswick and Duke yeah so what's the problem sometimes the elevation function works sometimes it doesn't hmm right now ask for a view to the West City Hall that's the center though so the memories came in wrong that's all no it isn't that simple the actual building on that corner is the post office not the Citadel not City Hall the post office Kevin figured that maybe the access algorithm wasn't synching with the chip so he'd fix that and that would offset something else on something else and he ended up just chasing his tail all right all right pull up the schematics let's take a look at this even the discrepancies are inconsistent everyone in the planets had a crack at this well do you mind if I take a look at it you're the boss Lauren Tong we know each other 25 years and what was my area of expertise computer software so don't hear Murray when was the last time you wrote any code yeah Wow about six years ago and six yarn tight code was six years in the difference between the Pony Express and he-man even all right what do we do keep it going or shut it down we can't shut it down we put 30 million in development no you can write it off yeah all Kevin's work for nothing I can't believe you said that sentiment this is a business decision Oren what are we gonna do look I'm sorry okay here is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this home and I'm gonna figure out what is wrong with it I'll see you later or see you later [Music] hello good morning mr. Ken morning I I'd like to rent a boat nothing fancy maybe one of these things here oh well there's nothing available two of them are booked out this afternoon and the other one needs servicing is that a big problem oh it's just regular servicing so can you service it well I'm going through later this afternoon how about now I'm busy now what's the big rush oh sorry I'm sorry I just wanted to I wanted to get out there and I wanted to find the spot where they found I'm almost finished thank you I'll just wait I'll see you later thanks again whoa you might want to cast off first I don't know where I'm going I'll draw you a map [Music] okay this is Chad's passage right here right now right here as you go along you'll be a dock on the left okay and just past that there's a white navigation marker and that's where they found Kevin's body [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh perfect [Music] Oh [Music] I think the proper nautical term is no hi there yeah well are you okay yeah I'm fine well what happened you were supposed to be back what happened was this perfectly reliable engine of yours stalled that's what happened I'm surprised you didn't use your mobile phone to call you our international headquarters yeah well I forgot it hmm do you want to throw me a line where over there mm-hmm you don't have a line I don't see any line [Music] come here I want to show you something see I I guess that explains what happened that's okay it happens come on I'll tell you you see that over there that there's Spyglass Hill no it's not it's called Gibbons luck nope that's called Spyglass Hill that's the name Kevin I gave it when we were kids it's a haven for smugglers and pirates he used to spend hours up there looking out for British men a war that's cute a lot of people died around here looking for buried treasure out here and down by Oak Island during Prohibition they used to smuggle booze from here down to Boston piracy in these parts has had a long and venerable tradition [Music] is there any decent restaurant in town that knows it wasn't when I grew up I'm starving why don't I make you dinner no no no I didn't mean that you've done more than enough for today thank you I'm actually a good cook no I believe you are but no I'll just I'll just go home make a box of cereal no it's the kind of can of beans I have to shop anyway okay yes great can I use your phone sure everything I just want to call the office this is Owen Beecham Rachel hey boss i factored the information you asked about on miss Shaw turn off anything interesting she looks pretty ordinary on paper except for her picture she's very attractive uh-huh uh-huh what house a couple actually she does the cooking the cleaning the shopping and he does the gardening and the driving no no that will not be necessary are you sure boss I mean I know you're only gonna be there a few days but it will make you more comfortable no I I'd rather be alone okay well if you need them give me a call I've got their number what I do without you if you do go home be sure to let me know boss you know I always sleep at the office had a girl thank you how much do you pay that woman BJ not enough let's go I can't believe this they got 15 different types of all of us here things sure have changed since I was a kid yeah well they even have a rubella and Reggiano yes and fresh seafood on the coast can you believe it oops [Applause] boy oh boy real food you really know what you're doing I don't know what I was going for healthy but then you know I started getting all these cravings and I got I got caught in a time warp but all this smell Zeus let me get this you are one great cook oh thank you I used to cater in California it was really nice to do this I haven't done this in a long time I so far cry from catering in California to running a marina out here true must have been pretty tough after your husband died huh it was but not in the way that you think what do you mean it was a big surprise why it was an accident well how many years were you married three years we met in California we got married and then we came here and bought the marina now why would you want to go from California to here that was grants dream he wanted to get away from the rat race why'd you stay his life insurance paid for the mortgage and I mean I could have sold it and left but then I realized that I loved it here and it gave me a sense of Independence sometimes I feel guilty for that because his death bought you your freedom no we got married too fast grant had this way about him it was hard to resist so what changed never wake up in the morning and you're not in love with someone I felt relieved that I didn't have to tell him so have you ever been married no so Kevin's your only family well our parents died when I was 18 kevin was about six I guess I became more of a father than a brother to him at that point you did a great job no this had nothing to do with me this was entirely his doing he was a pretty um engaging little kid never complained about anything I on the other hand as a parent was completely hopeless hmm one time I took him to the movies when I was in college with some friends of mine after the film was over I forgot all about him and I left him in the theater that's awful about an hour and a half later I realized what I'd done so I wouldn't I bolted back there and there he was sitting exactly where I left him he hadn't budged he must have felt terrible he he told me that he knew that I was gonna come back to get him and and that he appreciated the fact that he could watch the movie over again and then he told me that he was sorry that that he made me worry about him what do you do with a kid like that huh I can't believe I'm never gonna see him again I'm sorry thank you for a wonderful dinner are you okay I'm fine I'm fine I'm sorry to be such a poor dinner companion please stay if you'll excuse me [Music] I am opening it as we speak where is the prototype what prototype Kevin's prototype the thing that got the whole thing started in the first place where is it so someone is sabotaging the Thornhill Explorer project I am absolutely sure of it here's what I want you to do I want you to go and buy me the Sabbat our navigator and you send it to me right quick you think's avatar got a hold of Kevin's prototype you remember how the Russians ended up designing a supersonic airliner exactly yeah everyone said it was coincident technology yeah that's what everybody said and that's what Mercer is trying to tell me about the Explorer meanwhile 20 years later we cut to the Russians and guess what somebody sold the concorde design to them surprise surprise give me that navigator I'm gonna find out exactly how they did it what's going on with Shaw's marina oh yeah financials just came in it's pretty much how Mercer described it Evangelina Shaw is getting by but she's certainly not getting rich the balance sheet doesn't show much more than you can see from the dock uh-huh why the big interest drop the lawsuit yeah you're right forget about it she's got enough trouble as it is I gotta go I'll call you later [Music] hello oh hi I just wanted to say that you know after you I was just really worried about you when you didn't show up this morning oh yeah I was I was working on my computer I got lost where's my boat do you mean your boat well I was gonna rent a boat to that remember you said you were gonna run a boat this morning yes while I was busy this morning I have a business to run well I have a business to run too and so I had to rent your boat out otherwise I would have lost money well we should have phoned me I would have paid for the entire day well I did phone you but your line was busy I'm sorry I'll tell you what I'll rent this boat no you couldn't handle it well then I will hire you to be my guide no I don't think so well why not I don't see a heck of a lot of action around here well something could come up like what a worm shortage I'll pay you I'll pay you to give me boat boat lessons for a day in fact I'll pay you to give me boning lessons for the week I'll pay in advance okay I don't take out tourists please on one condition what's that it's free aye aye skipper [Music] okay you want to hug close to the shore a little bit to adjust to the wind otherwise you're gonna get blown out too far now see that point where that big tree is yeah okay you want to head straight for that see that old war there there it yeah when it just passes your left shoulder it's going to be safe to turn in do you have any idea what Kevin was doing out here the night he died not only just said he went fishing you know where exactly he just said that he loved fishing when he was a kid so I figured he'd found some secret spot that he remembered Kevin hated fishing when he was a kid then why did he go out every night he said he never came back with anything he wasn't fishing that's strange and where was he going exactly okay you can turn now [Music] he's been poking around for two days in a row now what's he looking for what does it matter he won't find anything I don't like it he's getting way too friendly with Evy so she's a beautiful woman you worry too much and you don't worry enough man like Robert cannon doesn't indulge in idle flirtations don't underestimate they've been spending a lot of quality time with my wife I'm hardly going to underestimate him it's serious ja you don't have to face him day after day I tell you he suspects something and he might suspect you but he won't suspect me I'm dead remember thanks to Robert cannoned very rich this is it isn't it this is where they found him [Music] he was missing for 36 hours the Kurds usually run this way so he was probably up on the west part of the island you know it's hard to say if I had tied tables it would be a lot easier there's so many variables [Music] doesn't tell me a great deal doesn't [Music] we should head back all the rentals will be coming in you know maybe maybe you should drive I got terrible with this no you can drive I should just teach you how to drive safely [Music] okay okay you know it's no use I'm no good I'm just no good you you take over cuz if I have to keep doing human another job no no no then we'll starve III was hope I got to take you out for dinner - you know - thank you but a winner so you know what I'll cook I don't think so looking for her in Boston I could take you to this great Italian restaurant yeah well way from Boston I wouldn't have a thing to wear because I've been working at a marina for two years well then I take it down to the town of the pier and you could we could go to Ed's diner good food plenty of it maybe can I take that as a yes I don't think it's a good idea are you gonna hold one moment of bad behavior against me for the rest of my life it's complicated yes it is complicated life is complicated one damn thing after another can I bring dessert then absolutely not in fact you can bring anything you want except dessert yeah [Music] [Music] two dogs with works I love sauerkraut but lately I've been having a craving for this kind of field mmm much comfort food and suppose you're home oh is that what I feel the same way whenever I go home I always ask my mother to make I'm spaghetti and meatballs tomato soup meatloaf and grilled to sandwiches through this facility mommy's all speak friend of course all these foods are in my cupboard except for meatloaf and mmm this now where did you get that mrs. Beecham does she have a first name yes she's my trusted and loyal assistant she sends me care packages try it so go No hmm that and of course mustard [Applause] now don't tell me she sent you this from Boston no from Paris you're kidding that's why she's indispensable I see I miss this and at the end of the meal for the surprise dessert now what what dessert entail well I can't tell yet surprise oh come on just give me a little hint no it wouldn't be a surprise absolutely well all right in boarding school this stuff was so good that it was forbidden to all and sundry in the lower forms really you're gonna have to wait now what if I don't have any patience get up okay Wow well I wanted to strike the proper note of respect I feel like I'm being admitted into some kind of secret society that's absolutely magnificent my dear now you have to come over here now don't look don't peek okay yeah you're going to sit there I'm gonna sit here okay it's like a ritual all right your eyes close your eyes ready okay no peeking I'm not peeking okay open them oh my gosh hmm yeah that's your big surprise yeah Mars bars no no it's just you know Mars bars this is like frozen Mars bars mm-hmm what why do you know about it yeah Oh haven't you seen my freezer at the marina no why well I sell them to the kids all the time and I actually have my own secret stash you tell me everybody knows about this yeah this is terrible can I eat this now it melts our cakes there are my dear oh look at chocolate all kind of vanilla all gone mm-hmm you know my sister and I used to do know what we used to take ice cream and Mars bars and peppermint crunchy things and pistachios and we put them all together right and then we'd stuff them between these two graham crackers and then we put it by the fire and then you would all melt and we take a big bite and we get it all over our faces you're so good it's a terrible addiction mm-hmm what oh nothing [Music] what I think you might dumb and you have a little like a little are you trying to kiss me yes [Music] [Music] I like to take a bite toss it away I haven't had this much chocolate since I was like eight oh this is so strange what strange this is so strange I grew I grew up here this is my room really mm-hmm well okay we're all doing airplanes all those toys are little dinosaur I had originally decorated Wow so what do you think oh yeah pretty pretty bland right yeah well I you know I didn't meet the interior decorator I want to get rid of this place but Kevin one hold on to it why'd you redecorate it's a long story my dad bought this place for my mom because she was sick I he thought that maybe the country would would help do her some good but it didn't she died my father sank into a very deep depression year later he killed himself I'm so sorry basta like Kevin Kevin adds you know not really not at first I pushed him away but everywhere I went there he was looking at me after school doing my homework I finally I went up to him I said what do you want he looked at me and he asked are you gonna die too are you gonna go away [Music] I let him down no you did [Music] he loves you very much [Music] [Music] boy you scared me you're sorry yeah well you just you look so peaceful I didn't want to wake you what you're doing I'm snooping oh you're snooping mm-hmm and what are you snooping at I just wanted to see if I was right about what man yes yes see Kevin never unwrapped his lures what is that this is Kevin prototype I've been looking for this darn what it's not working how do you do some coffee coffee yeah that would be great thank you [Music] [Music] would you like some breakfast I promise there are no Mars bars on this tray what's wrong come over here take a look at this this is what Kevin was working on when he died the Thornhill Explorer you tell it where you want to go and I'll show you how to get there what's a great idea yeah except it doesn't work and this here is the savat our navigator it does what this is supposed to do they didn't yeah as a matter of fact they did and I can prove it take a look at this that's the Explorer software Kevin designed that he liked to play around put little messages show off ke V Kevin now let's look at the sabotage software again see ya there oh my god identical software it's not a coincidence kevin was murdered I can't believe they killed Kevin for software yeah analyst worth millions to him is pretty good motive we have to build one of these from scratch why when you already have proof because whoever sabotage production at the factory is behind Kevin's murder ain't still around which means you can't get parts from your factory no and I can't trust anybody I can go to hell facts for you you know you're really something [Applause] hello I hope I'm not interrupting anything ah Beechum it's okay I didn't need a shower anyway what's up I'm sorry but when you weren't at the plant I figured I should give you a call at home Oh what is it Evangeline Shaw no no I thought we stopped all that what's going on more than meets the eye apparently what is it now Ferguson dig something up here she has a history of family lunacy she's got seven kids somewhere is that it it's financial boss Ferguson got new information on both her and the marina well then you better tell me about it no I can't it's too sensitive I sent you Ferguson's report by an encrypted email boss I'm sorry to say that Kevin's name appears all through it who else knows about this between us absolutely what do you want to do play along someone went to a lot of trouble to set this up Oh boss come on this is getting really scary Kevin's dead because of this don't do anything foolish I have no choice I'm gonna have to shake this tree real hard and see what falls out I gotta go I'll call you later ah this is so expensive this guy thought that I would Cicero high-tech junky oh I stopped by the marina and I got these tide tables - and what I thought you told me that the marina didn't make a profit last year no it didn't and and you you haven't bought a new dress in over two years is that right no I haven't had to until last night and then you knew my brother Kevin only want you to talk to him all right what's going on tell me about lantern lantern tell me about beagles beagles what was the last time you were in Switzerland gran and I went there two years ago and while you were there did you happen to visit Davos this is a charming discreet little Bank what take a look at this series of deposits in a Swiss bank account Shahs marina in your name what are you talking about what I'm talking about is deposits of 600,000 in your name deposits 1,200,000 in your name deposits a 450,000 in your name I would know if I had that much money you do this is your account your passwords password Lantern password beagles oh and and one other thing coincidentally the date of the deposits coincides with the dates of Kevin's visits here that's a pretty good racket you've got here Shawn's marina you must think we're all chumps don't you is that what you thought Kevin was a chump wait a second you're accusing me of sleeping with your brother in order to rip you off I am accusing you of stealing his designs and selling them to the competition that's what I'm accusing you of Oh what do I know about computer software you don't have to know anything all you have to do is slip up a disk into somebody's pocket because he was jealous of you you knew this whole house of cards is gonna fall down that's why you started this affair with me isn't oh we had an affair Oh went according to plan keep your friends close and your enemies even closer what do I know about computer software and money laundering everything that y'all has been taught you or is this just coincidence you you want to believe this you let me into your life you trust me and now you're pushing me away you'd rather believe that your own brother sold you out then admit that you care about me it's okay if you're that afraid away call the cops [Music] you really think she was in on this with Kevin security dug up the secret bank accounts Switzerland I don't think it I got proof it's hard to believe it explains everything it explains the delays it explains the disasters why you couldn't get to the root of it why kept changing I guess I should have kept a closer eye on him I don't know what I did wrong I just wanted what was best for you tried Robert Kevin had to learn to help himself I'm real sorry about this so my [Music] [Music] why are you arguing with me I want to press charges there act no you damn much oh you sound like yes because you're covering up oh you're covering up your y'all ain't got look I've got evidence here I've got base statements I've got deposit times I've got signatories I've even got passwords here I want to hurt arrest me give me that all right I wanna burn in jail take this evidence and I'll look in any charges it have to be late oh you're gonna arrest me in no I'm not but Evie I don't want you to leave the area unless you notify me oh well where am I gonna go with all my accounts frozen well cannon is convinced Evie his brother sold the plans to sabotage he found the money you put in their account controlled by the widow Shaw I left a little electronic trail for your ego boss the back door to the marinas accounting program that nobody knows about with me well now what now all we have to do let's get out of here I don't have to go away what kena doesn't suspect me at all yeah you're squeaky clean this is my lovely wife I'm gonna take anything on our second honeymoon that's crazy really I think she's earned it having to survive the past year without me you can't come out of hiding why not who do you think this is all for of course a lot to keep a young wife happy and I want to make Evie very happy even though I had your boys find a couple of million there's more than enough left over for us and Evie too but she thinks you're dead but if she doesn't want to go with you well what if she goes to Cannon then I'll take care of cannon no no more killing Shaw you can't anymore screaming it's not a road it's a roller coaster ride and the only way you're going to get off is if I throw you off Furguson thinks we need help and I think maybe we should hire a team of forensic accountant no no no not yet boss we filled it I feel that you might be putting yourself in danger and I just can't stand by and watch you do that look Beechum I appreciate your maternal concern but I am gonna do this my way okay why what are you trying to prove what I am going to prove is that Kevin was not dishonest and I'm going to ensure that he gets full credit for the that's what Kevin's prototype looks like it's working I must have gotten wet and the tackle box listen tell Ferguson that he's right but to hold off and I'll call you tomorrow thank you cool [Music] very cool [Music] I'll be damned sorry we're closed hi honey I'm home did you miss me grant in the flesh not bad for a dead man aren't you surprised I've come back for you like Orpheus for your riddle see I couldn't leave the love of my life behind [Music] Mercer [Music] or in Martha and I were friends in college we made beer money pirating computer programs Island oh nothing like this of course when Marissa got the job running the Thornhill plant I bought the marina and we waited travel the islands so the marriage in the marina was all a lie not a marriage never our marriage that was the hard work I never stopped loving you staying away was the hardest thing I've ever done [Music] you love me so much it set me up I didn't know not at first I just figured nobody would suspect you I used a back door to the marinas accounts to get the money out of the country without attracting attention [Music] I need to talk to sergeant McRae no no this is very important tell them it's Robert cam and then garbage cannon got too close to the truth I had to expose you against what is it Robert look I'm down at the marina Warren Mercer has just been murdered what I think I'm looking at the man who did it he's with Evy Shaw I need you to get down here immediately I'm on my way it's waiting call a station tell him to bring the boat and what about Kevin Kevin hmm oh yeah well that was that was unfortunate grant I don't want to go I don't of course you do grant my life is here now I have the marina and if I am talking about real Paris Rome we can go everyone come on it'll be like a second honeymoon grant I don't want to go you have no choice your rich boyfriend doesn't want to have anything to do with you they'll have you arrested sorry we have to go now [Music] [Music] [Music] untie the boat come on come on get on board get on the board [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] hey liable [Music] hey paper cried over here [Music] McCrea great Shah is alive how do you know that he's got a knee he killed Mercer he's in that boat out there we gotta go after him you'll never catch him in the dark oh yeah what's that something my kid brother invent it what's it do she's in the dark [Music] if we new kids are stable oh I don't want to see your face up here he's change direction where's he going you're ever smart comb Smuggler's Cove which smugglers gonna be talking about on the north end champagne J now you maybe took a whole bottle of gin I still can't touch that stuff good thing I get we stopped pull us ashore over there a bit what are you doing we can't go charge you got the cold with our legs blaze and they'll see us miles away we're gonna have to get off the boat and go on foot that's the only way we're gonna surprise him and don't go being a hero [Music] I'm fine it's for your own good Evie you stay here you'll take the fall [Music] what step I'm sure your boyfriend will have boats and helicopters combing the area in the morning we'll have to make a run for Maine in the dark voila when P baby come back it may be there's no place to go Evie [Music] are you going Eevee get up don't touch that gun [Music] oh you're looking pretty healthy for a dead man you're lucky Evie Robert saved your life are you all right thanks actually I didn't save your life Kevin's invention saved your life it's the least I could do especially since you thought I was involved in this mess no no that's not true at all I I just you know I have to find out what happened oh so you were using me yes I mean no no yes to find out who killed Kevin you are such a cold fish [Music] I am yeah and set up that meeting with saboteur and he was awfully apologetic no bet he was and he said that they would launch a full-scale investigation I'll bet he is considering we're about to launch a better product I've already scheduled a marketing meeting as well what would I do without you I'll see you tonight great have a safe flight and tell me I'm looking forward to meeting her excuse me I'm coming home alone Robert cannon that has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you say what you've just lost your brother you've just lost your closest and oldest business associate you loved Evangeline Shaun if you're thinking of leaving that one behind then then you're the biggest city and I've ever met and you deserve to live alone for the rest of your life not log beach am i I appreciate your concern but this is really none of your business hold on a second hello hey hello hello Beechum are you there where is that plane going where is that plane going hello Beechum hello boss I told them not to land just yet what but you still had some unfinished business don't come home without her goodbye Beecham [Music] [Music] in the cup [Music] I'm sorry 10 million I love this ranch I love you and I'm an idiot I'm not gonna you're very good at making money yeah but what good is that if I don't have you like spark plug don't [Music] you know I was really really dumb what I did it was extraordinarily stupid on my part putting you in danger I mean I love you if I had any brains of all I'm not I've done that I apologize well grant would have shown up sooner or later would you please stop doing there with the Rachel please well then I want to do um just just stop that please [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 253,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Harlequin, Drama, Romance, Mystery, Boston, Boating Accident, Nova Scotia, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: KdLsTqrddOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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