Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024 - Best Holiday

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um on second thought uh actually uh I will pass a passenger sent this for you really who they requested to be anonymous and you wouldn't want to throw we a perfectly good glass por please thank them for me absolutely fights landed ma'am oh Jake Jake huh no battery hi just landed okay bye hey hey big city [Music] girl Laura you have got to be kidding me what this is from the Dark Ages I didn't even know people still used this phone well it still works so why would I buy a new one so what are we doing for dinner tonight we going out somewhere Derrick's making us pizzas back at the house oh okay speaking of Derek when is that man going to put a ring on it I don't know it's it's only been like what 6 years and' been so busy with the lodge these days you know what in the ring anyways right wow belonged to dereck's grandmother she left the lodge and the land to both brothers when she passed Derek and I run the place and Jak does all the handyman stuff oh let me help you just asked about you you know funny thing I swear I saw Jake getting off the plane today Jake in the city that'll be the day nothing can take him away from his beloved Woods oh yeah I remember also subject no no ancient history okay I'm glad because Derrik invented it for dinner tonight oh [Music] great [Music] hey baby hi hey stranger how long's it [Music] been 5 years 5 years too long well we're just happy you can come visit and see the new place it looks amazing took a lot of work oh wait till you see the barn don't uh oops what it's a surprise let me show you to your room I'm sure you're dying to get out of your work clothes all right here you are it's beautiful we'll let you know when dinner's ready can I help oh no need you just got here okay comfy and relax um Lara what's wrong the hat isn't mine what do you mean I must have picked up the wrong suitcase in the airplane oh no well I mean I didn't someone else did and I got stuck with this one I don't have any of my stuff okay don't worry I'll lend you anything you need and I've got spare toiletries anything else we can get in town I need my stuff my my laptop was in there and my Chargers my tablet I I can't work without my laptop you said this was a holiday are you serious well you know me and before you ask no Amazon does not deliver here okay but I don't even have underwear let's get you some of my clothes and then you can call the airline I'm sure they'll deliver it back to you in no time you're right you're right sorry I panicked I am going to call and get my assistant on it had a girl this is me not answering my cell Ali hanging up now Mel just wait I picked up the wrong suitcase in the airplane file with the airline it's easy then relax you're on holiday remember holiday the one I am now going to be enjoying here you go this should do for tonight thank you and everything else we'll figure out tomorrow okay the pizza is ready and Jake will be here in a minute Laura can you not say anything about this to Jake it's just it's kind of embarrassing I won't I'll see in if you I can't remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal this looks amazing you guys I'm glad you approve because it's going on the menu when we open The Logical business I feel kind of bad starting without Jake though don't worry if I know my brother he just lost track of time I'm here I'm so sorry I lost track of time I just said that Ally long time Hey Jake uh still obsessed with the Great Outdoors I see and you with your career that didn't take long I um I really didn't mean it like that I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry too it's really good to see you yeah you too ah have a big surprise for both of you what am I looking [Music] at it's the snowy ball what really yep it's official how did you get Mrs Langston to agree to have it here well she didn't exactly agree she retired and we've been chosen to replace her I am so happy for you you have been dreaming of this for as long as I can remember this is fantastic I wanted to tell you sooner Jake lar wanted to keep it a surprise and it is a great surprise I'm just so happy you're here to see it Ally me too it's going to take a lot of work we're going to get it there and you and Jake and H together yeah great great I got to show you this J whatever it takes we are going to make this the best snowy ball ever [Music] old school Romance by Emy Turner Masterpiece five stars no author [Music] photo [Music] [Music] amazing Book Em [Music] unbelievable [Music] morning please tell me you have a lot more of that a whole pot here you go bless you I also have to thank Santa for my cute socks by the time I'm finished with you you'll be so festive you won't have time to think much less work did you sleep well I did but I stayed up very late reading this great book I literally couldn't put it down it was moving and heartfelt and what I I've never heard you talk about a book like this well I didn't realize what I was in for I found it in the suitcase and I think the owner might be the writer of the book really why well there's three copies of this the same book in there plus notebooks with notes for what I think might be a sequel and some really nice expensive clothes too cashmere sweater you dug through a stranger stuff no I wasn't trying to be nosy I was looking for a name or a phone number you know some way of contacting the person was there no but if I'm right and the owner is the author of the book then I also know his name sort of M A Turner well that's a good start you'd think so but I Googled him to see if he has social media profiles or an author's website and all I could find were fan pages and articles about the mystery surrounding his identity H yeah and now thanks to that little Spate of online research in the wi hours my phone battery has officially given up well I have some work to do on the barn with Derek but you should take the car go see Henry at the General Store if anyone has a phone charger in town it would be him you don't need my help no not this morning and I know you you're a bear without your phone I am not that bad laara the holidays were lonely for the [Music] yet oh can I help you miss it's Henry right that's right I'm Ally it's nice to meet you oh same here what brings you in Laura said that you might be able to help me I am in desperate need of a phone charger do you happen to have one for this particular model haven't come across one like that before but I have a few that might work I think now you help yourself you dig around in there ah these are a little old oh you got one of them new fangle thing ofama jigs well um our town isn't really the place for high techs yeah I've noticed thanks anyway Henry I really appreciate it no come by [Music] anytime I'll be happy to look that up for you Ma please home [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for holding there was no one by the name of ma Turner on your flight are you sure very sure so what do I do with this bag bring it back to us or I can send you a label to ship it back and we'll handle it but what about my bag I send you this one and he's happy but then what have there been any calls about my bag that's confidential ma'am what it's my bag as I said you need to fill out the form online so we can verify identity then we will contact you about your missing Lu right and as I said I don't have a tracking number because my bag was never checked in I'm sorry but you definitely need a tracking number for okay thank you I've got to find out who ma Turner is come on come on come on it's a lovely day at firef publishing how can I help you hi my name is Ali Walter and I need to get in touch with ma Turner I believe that I have the notebooks with the notes for his next book and I would really like to get them back to him why don't you give me your address and if that's really the case we can s some to pick up right um see he has my suitcase too so I was really helping hello remind me again why we need the snowy part of the ball maybe place the pieces first then glue I'm sorry the publisher wasn't any help it's okay I'll figure something else out oh I know you will you're nothing if not determined hey you ready sorry Jake I'm I'm not going to be able to go man you do realize you need two people for this right L maybe I can help uh it's really not your thing it's getting darker earlier so if you're going to go you got to go now yeah definitely M what is it he's going to find the TRU for the tree light in to start the snowy B I can do that Ally you're going to have to go into the woods a come on I like nature sure through a window with a glass of chardonay funny well laugh it up I'm going okay uh same place as usual yep we'll be back in an hour or so I'll pull the truck around you really think this is going to work I don't know but they were so good together maybe for the record his backfires I had nothing to do with [Music] it [Music] here we're looking for a beautiful tall one come [Music] on you know you look carefully they all have personalities so why don't you uh pick one that speaks to you that one it's a little crooked but then again you did like the odd ones I liked you come on it's cute he's begging to come home with us Lara won't be pleased it's not perfect but then again could never say no R thank you it's freezing it's definitely getting there good to go crap what's happening the battery's dead what what are we going to do um there's what's left of an old shed nearby at least we can build a fire there Derek will come when he sees we're not home he'll know where to find us why don't you just call him please tell me that you have your phone don't you have yours I'm trying to disconnect but you should have yours with you I don't own a cell phone Jake when are you going to join us in this Century okay yeah maybe I live in the past but at least I spend more time with people than machines or screens so do I actually no I don't this is my first holiday in 5 years I'm sorry we should probably go before the temperature drops anymore will it unfortunately yes join the merry movie Christmas watch party have your phones ready to scan the code and submit your answers to tonight's trivia questions part of the most uplifting Christmas years of practice aliot I missed you after you left no so why did you break up with me break up with me you left me I left you you left me chose the career I thought you would be supportive and we would work it out how from thousands of miles across the country you have a landline phone don't you but you just stopped calling I didn't want to get in the way I thought that's what you wanted what I wanted was you and my dreams but silly me I guess Alan I honestly thought it' be the best for you and career if I wasn't a distraction I thought this what want how could you think that everything was always better when you were around it was really hard what let's get over you [Music] Jak hoe we here J Jake we your probably to go yeah I know Ali I'm really glad you came back me [Music] [Music] too [Music] [Music] any other Awesome books in there Ma nice cashmere [Music] notebooks it's stunning the guy was obviously planning to propose this Christmas Derek's mother has a ring very similar to this I always thought he would propose with it I don't know I don't know guess it's just never the right time do you want to talk about it Laura when you asked me about it in the car I didn't know what to say I know of course I want to be married just never realized how much it bothered me that we weren't until I saw The Ring Hey listen to me Derek is wonderful and he loves you your time will come hey everyone hey truck good yeah yeah all good and I hope you don't mind one more for dinner of course not but then let me introduce you to my friend Heidi who decided to surprise me for Christmas Heidi this is my brother Derek hi this is girlriend Lara and her best friend Ally nice to meet you all I hope I'm not intruding no no the more than warrier I'll will get a place out for you great thank you so Ali is reading an interesting book really I'm always looking for new recommendations what are you reading uh old school Romance by Ma Turner um ma ma Turner Turner never heard of him is he any good surprisingly yes he's really romantic and has this way of making you feel like you're there and I see a lot of myself in the main character Alex it's kind of canny how much she feels like me makes me want to read it so what's so great about this guy ma really gets women in a way that I've never seen before I feel like he sees me ma you call him by his first name now it's a book you don't even know the guy are you uh jealous of a book Jake no no no of course not I just think it's a little insulting that women think a guy who hides behind a book is more interesting than real men in real life here here what's with that title as well old school romance that's a lame title no guy would write that I I wouldn't say it was title was lame but uh whatever woman probably wrote it anyway babe that's that's kind of sexist can I use your restroom before we eat of course oh it's just down the hallway to the left [Laughter] great Ali found an engagement ring I'm sorry it's just it's so exciting what ring um my bag got switched with someone else's and inside I found an engagement ring a really nice one well show them Ally you went through the guy's things I was looking for a name or a phone number but I didn't find anything you know what Z looks a lot like your mother's ring wow it's impossible Mom's ring it's one of a kind imagine losing your engagement ring days before proposing Ali that's not necessary wow wow looks exactly like Mom's ring that's what I said it wasn't my fault if he hadn't taken my bag none of this would have happened did you try returning it no she's tried everything everything Hey Jake can you uh help me outside with something real quick girls are ooing and awing over the ring there right now oh yeah okay sure no problem ooing and awing they should be taking notes I agree with you 100% wait a second taking notes that's it what's it I have a very important errand to run tomorrow morning Gilmore the marrier op [Music] TV what is it D I've never seen these notebooks before do you know if they're widely available that's a funny story they us stopped printing these about 4 years ago I placed an order when I first took over the store and stuck an extra zero on the end of the order number by accident oh no yep let's just say I am never going to run out and I only sell a few of these every year then do you think you would remember if someone bought them before I never forget a customer I'm glad to hear it there's a man a writer who's bought a few do you remember him of course oh you don't come to think of it I I just don't recall are you sure yeah sorry my my memory is not what it used to [Music] be Jake Alie what's going on oh I um came for this mine broke this morning oh gotcha um I'll see you later say you coming along to the snowy poow oh yeah I'll be there Jake are you taking her um uh we're organizing so technically we'll be there yeah we'll be there together but not together together well maybe I'll see you both there not together hey thanks again for the car loan a no problem did you get what you need yeah well sort of em Turner lives here why do you think that in the general store I saw the same notebooks from the suitcase but when I asked Henry who buys them he said he didn't recall yeah that's strange Henry remembers every order from every customer that ever steep foot in that store and the brand is discontinued Henry's is the only place you can buy them Ma Turner had to buy them from him he is a regular customer of the General Store I'm sure of it and I'm going to find out who he is or you could enjoy the rest of your holiday and send the luggage back to the airline okay never mind that was silly so you're going to find out who he is how are you going to do that you mean how are we going to do that why did did I know that was [Music] coming is that it yep the complete list of all the guests attending the ball do you know everybody on there I think so well let's see Susan Anderson I know her Peter Allen I know him he's coming with Barbara Thomas they just had a kid last year Laura Focus let's move quickly to the names on there that you don't recognize sorry okay uh oh L Smith I don't know him oh wait I remember he's a pig farmer I don't think em Turner is a pig farmer I'm sorry Ally I don't think he's on this list I pretty much know everyone who's coming this is a fairly small town doesn't make sense unless what if it's someone you do know I hate to break it to you but I don't know of any man living around here who writes romance in his free time I just don't see it I just thought I can't explain it but it feels like this guy knows me well that's probably why his books are so popular he knows how to create that illusion you're right this digital detox is going to my head let's just forget the whole thing I'm sorry I couldn't be more help I appreciate the effort but now we have a barn to decorate oh you said it you made a know you broke it do you know how long she's staying I don't know I haven't even heard of her before yesterday Jake never sees anyone not of you I'm really good at it's just so weird that she's here at the same time you are yeah and I thought Jake and I had a moment the other day so I was thinking since Ali's here why don't we go to the lake next week next week that's a great idea we could book a cottage sounds great Heidi will you still be here I'm sorry I have a prior commitment but um oh you're not missing out on the snowy ball are you I'm afraid so you'll be missed thank you Jak so Ally the late next week works for you um because if you have other plans we haven't seen each other in 5 years Ally wouldn't do that right um I think I'll hop to the restroom real quick I'll walk you back to the lodge the ones here haven't been set up yet I'm sorry I booked a trip to Florida for the day after the snowy ball I really thought you wanted to spend time with me but I guess I'm just another checkbox on your itinerary Lara why is it that everything else in your life always comes first that is not true you know how much I've missed you I need some air Lara [Music] please not cool [Music] you're right Laura I'm a crappy friend you're not but everyone else is back at the barn working though I'm just kidding we called it a day I'm so sorry I don't don't ever want you to feel like a consolation prize I've been looking forward to this trip for months I know I shouldn't have said that say about being a checkbox you had every right you have done so much for me this trip especially I don't know why I looked that trip to Florida it seems really silly now look I just want you to be happy so if you want to go no I want to stay if you'll still have me of course you were always welcome here Ally you know that right thank you if you're staying you probably need your phone what are you talking about you know that my phone is dead well it's good thing that Henry just called and said that he found a charger for you I was just cleaning up in the back and there it was you have no idea how happy this makes me how much do I owe you don't worry about about it's on the house what are you sure well let's just say Santa came early this year best Christmas present ever Henry you might as well answer it you went to all that trouble hello yes it is okay okay thank you Ma Turner wants to meet tonight at 5 p.m. okay you don't know this guy are you sure you don't want Derek to just switch back the bags for you I'm sure I don't know why I feel such a connection but I need to meet [Music] him [Music] [Music] it's [Music] hi bie hey everybody [Music] I'm [Music] hello [Music] m [Music] don't you get tired of traveling Incognito keeps it clean in case I run into someone I know they don't recognize me your call of course well we're very excited to move forward with the sequel Jake pre-sales are through the roof we can't wait to get it out glad to hear it all we're waiting for is for you to turn it in how's the writing going Jake it's going fantastic I was getting a little worried to be honest with you your deadline is fast approaching and always makes me nervous when I don't get a manuscript this late in the game I know but I assure you I have two full notebooks all I got to do is type it up you do know that if I don't get that manuscript by the end of the year your Advan is due no need to remind me I know if I don't turn it in I have to pay back under Grand trust me I wouldn't forget that great well no need to think about that now because we're going to have another bestseller on our hands yes we will here a few copies of your latest for the holidays thank they're so popular they make great gifts I couldn't agree more are the famous notebooks in there yes they are you never know when an idea may strike very true I did catch my flight home I didn't get much sleep in the hotel room last night I guess I'm not used to the city noise I understand it's always a pleasure J let me walk you [Music] [Music] out oh [Music] good day Sarah can we please check in your lugage oh I'm sorry I've got something really important in there so okay if I just keep it with me overhead storage is pretty fall any room in the crew area that's also packed but I think I could fit one [Music] more [Music] can I get you a drink mail oh yes please I'll have a glass of char sure that will be $16 um on second thought I'll pass [Music] may I buy that lady glass of shly sure and please don't tell her came from me no problem [Music] sir [Music] Tre Jade [Music] huh [Music] I'm sorry hi just land okay [Music] bye [Music] see oh my God God are you kidding me I I just said that Ally long time I believe that I have the notebooks with the notes for his next book and I would really like to get them back to him why don't you give me your address and if that's really the case we can s someone to pick them up right um see he has my suitcase too so I was really helping messages who was that hello oh hey Heidi how are you I'm great how about you everything is dandy how's the book going right on track really then why do I have a Woman by the name of Ali Walters who tells me that she has your notebooks in her possession do you know this woman Heidi let me explain you can do it in person I'm getting on the next flight that's really not necessary you know what I have $100,000 advance that tells me otherwise we have an agreement I write books as long as I can keep my imity that's the whole reason we created ma Turner okay how do we get the notebooks back then I don't know yet and how is it that you didn't realize before that this is your friend I've actually tried really hard to not keep up with what alli's been doing over the years yeah please don't tell tell me she's the inspiration for Alex let's see what we can find out I don't have Wi-Fi well I have myfi so I don't need it my friend but really you should get with technology Ali Walters wow she's amazing she's built an incredible career yeah it's always been her dream she sacrificed everything for it including me can't you send her a message ask her to meet and bring the bag she was asked that when she called the office but she said she wanted to give the bags to ma in person something about your writing women fall in love with you they fall for my words not for me I don't even know how Ally feels about me maybe you should try being a bit more like Ma I am ma exactly maybe I could steal the notebooks back how she's staying at my brother's house I could slip out during dinner you keep them busy I'll go take the notebooks back it's not just those there's something else this situation keeps getting worse I'll fix it but as I told you allly and my family can't find out that I'm a riter is that why you're all of a sudden dressed like a catalog model funny but no one knows that I'm ma Turner here and it has to stay that way you can't say anything okay I won't say anything whatever woman probably wrote it anyway babe that's that's kind of sexist can I use your restroom before we eat of course oh it's just down the hallway to the left great [Music] Heidi hi it's Allie's room I'm so sorry I I always confuse my left from my right the bathroom is just upstairs thank you wow looks exactly like Mom's ring that's what I said guy must be beside himself I know right it wasn't my fault if he hadn't taken my bag none of this would have happened did you try returning it she's tried everything everything Hey Jake can you uh help me outside with something real quick girls are ooing and a over the ring there right now oh yeah okay sure no problem [Music] lost the ring I am sorry what could you not tell me I knew you'd freak out and we're going to get it back just go tell Ally she's not going to tell Lara I can't do that she'll know I lied and she'll be furious we're finally getting closer I can't Ru my chance know I hate to break it to you Jake doesn't really seem like Ali's coing up to you please just let me handle this I'll get the ring back as planned L has been looking forward to this for years don't mess this up Jake I won't I promise I'll get the ring back and have it where and when you need it you [Music] better you're the Christmas lucky charm the what I guess I'm never going to run out I only sell a few of these every year then do you think you would remember if someone bought them before I never forget a customer I'm glad to hear it there's a man a writer who's bought a few do you remember him oh course to think of it I I just don't recall are you sure yeah sorry my memory is not what it used to be Jake Ellie what's going on just came for this mine broke this morning oh gotcha um see you later yep you need to tell them Jake what if I just bring you a new book by the end of the year get me an extension I've already extended more than I should so if I don't get that book by the end of the year in my hands they're going to take you for everything you've got Derek owns half then I suggest you talk to him just tell him you're a writer it's not a bad thing look you don't understand I love my family but whenever I shared my artistic side in the past they not only didn't understand it they made fun of it okay I'm not comfortable to go through with that again but I'm sure Derek would be more upset to lose the lodge than to find out his brother is a romance writer I wouldn't be so sure you don't know him Jake don't you think your fear is a little excessive Derek is a nice guy I'm sure he'd be sad to find out he didn't really know you wait a minute why did you pack bikinis to come here Clear Water Beach Hotel she's going to Florida Lara's going to be L's going to be why are you smiling when you say that this this could be the distraction we need so Ally the lake next week works for you um because if you have other plans we haven't seen each other in 5 years Ally wouldn't do that right I'm I think I'm going to hop to the restroom real quick I'll walk you back to the lodge the ones you're hav been set up Heidi this doesn't feel right it doesn't feel right now you tell me come on Jake it's not like we have another choice now or never what are you going to do we we just can't walk out with it we throw it up the window come back for it later IDI this has gone from bad to worse what do we do we decorate a barn great IDI I'm sorry okay by the way how you write romance novels is beyond me all you end up doing is is upsetting every female around you including me should I say sorry again no no I just needed to get that out of my system Jake if I don't get that book They're going to fire me what are you serious yes I put my job on the line for you why I believe in you Jake Heidi wait a minute what are you looking for now I hate to break it to you but that's going to make a very tiny news funny I think I might have an idea it's going to solve [Music] everything hey Henry so I uh I got a little favor to ask uhhuh and does this have anything to do with me lying again to a certain young lady it does you do know that's not the way to get the girl right yes I know but I got a plan and I just need your help ah what do you need oh right hey honey wake up she took the bait they left for the lodge awesome pass me my phone there you go the New York area coach encourage her to pick up is this Ali Walters yes it is we've been trying to reach you Miss Walters this is Firefly publishing ma Turner would like to meet Coastal restaurant at 5:00 p.m. bring the luggage and please don't be late thank you that was impressive I only set it up my friend now it's up to you Ma hi Val it's you it's you let me explain you lied to me yes this whole time I have been going on and on about ma Turner I bet you and Heidi had a good laugh at my expense of course not Ally please sit I'll explain everything you know what no Jake it's too late it's too late [Music] [Music] for you should really write a book about this let's see how it ends first in the New Year we could go up full out on a social media campaign and the big reveal who is ma Turner I'll think about good luck Mr turn [Music] [Music] she's Slowpoke probably get dressed if you want to be ready in [Music] time [Music] Alie [Music] I am so sorry and I know you're going to hate me but I can't come to the ball and I can't can't talk about it listen you have to do what feels right for you you will definitely be missed I won't hold it against you you are the best friend I could have ever pass [Music] see call the [Music] [Music] bo [Music] I see a lot of myself in the main character Alex it's kind of uncanny how much she feels like [Music] me [Music] ni [Music] on allly loves you Jake and why does it feel like the last time all over [Music] again well maybe this time you should try something [Music] different what do you mean go for the girl that's what I'm about to do smartest decision you've ever made I know I I don't know why it took me so long I think I think the Wagner Brothers need to learn to go for what they want before they lose [Music] it uh hey everyone I just want to take a moment thank everybody for coming to the very first Wagner host of snowy ball thank you thank you I could have done all this funfilled work that my amazing loving partner Lara Baxter thank you just want to take a moment to thank her [Music] and ask her ask her to marry me a ring long story will you marry me L get up you idiot of course I'll marry [Music] you congratulations sis thank [Music] you the only thing that would make us better is if you and Aly I know I'm actually leaving I'm going to Florida I'm going to get her back back well I don't think you'll have to go that [Music] far Future's waiting [Music] Jake I was just going to come find you here I am Jake I need to ask you a question okay the main character in your book book Alex is she based on [Music] me [Music] yeah it's like a love letter here book I wrote it for [Music] you you L me always [Music] have always [Music] will you still have a lot of explaining to do I know and we have a few things to figure out but I was hoping we could tackle them [Music] together so what are you wait kiss me em a [Music] [Music] Turner okay come on sleepy head I think the ball did you in maybe next year we pass but your tongue this was the best snowy ball ever you're here and you know it would make a great setting for your wedding that's brilliant oh I can think of so many things we can do to incorporate the wedding right into the snowy fall thanks Ally I'm not going to sleep all year now romance author right yeah proud [Music] you I think it's time to call it night or rather morning come on I am I never want to lose you again ever whatever it takes I mean I have to leave here and and go to sa you I would never ever ask you to leave leave here once I can't ask you to hurt your career it won't I promise how exactly can you promise that haven't you ever heard of remote work of course not it's doable but you're going to need high-speed internet access haven't helped me and a cell phone no you're pushing it [Music] Ally I love you I love you [Music] too no more secrets no more [Music] secrets I know your mom's maiden name Turner but what does MA stand you know can tell you then don't have to kiss you [Music] smoth [Music] Merry Christmas Merry [Music] [Music] Christmas [Music]
Channel: Saifan Official TV
Views: 5,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palli gram tv, সফিক, sofik video, sofiker, sofiker video
Id: wnS4LJtp_t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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