The MOST we’ve spent on eBay chicken eggs.

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oh check out these eggs currently at three hundred dollars for some black copper marine eggs now these are not does any black copper rainings these are from green fire farms you've not heard of green fire farms they're a hatchery down in florida somewhere they're known for having really exotic really fancy really well bred chicks anyways i've always wanted some chicks from this place and they're expensive they're like 59 a chick and i thought this could be a fun way to do a hatching project would be to get a little bit of a deal even though these are still going to cost a lot and check it out they've got a sale on a random assortment of their eggs right now currently at 87 with about 30 seconds to go would i want to bid on this what would i be willing to spend on a dozen of their hatching eggs let's make sure we win this come on five four three and we got it oof 120 bucks about 10 an egg definitely the most i've ever spent on chicken eggs for hatching let's hope these guys hatch all right we got our eggs in from green fire farms only took a few days i think the sale was last friday or saturday it ended and they shipped out on tuesday and then today is thursday this only took a couple days to get them over here let's check this out [Music] all right this is pretty cool i thought this was going to be totally random what i would get and while it is random they actually did tell me what one two three but i'm not going to tell you guys because i want to keep it a surprise green for our farm send us a little sticker pretty clear professional way of packaging these eggs one big piece of foam in here to hold the egg so the ebay listing was actually for 10 eggs and it looks like they sent me 12 here that makes the price break a little bit less which is awesome and we're not going to tell becky how much we spent so that's just between you and me okay how much you spent don't worry about it all right so we're going to show you these eggs you're going to take a guess at what it is and see if you're right at the end of this video all right so we got three of these we've got three of these they're all different color variations of light brown this one's a little darker this one's a lighter and then that one's even a different shade of brown this one's a breed i've never heard of so i'm gonna have to look it up to even see what's coming out of this egg all right this one is an all white egg we've got two of these and i think i'm the most excited about this one i think this one will be really cool i hope this one hatches and this one we've got two of these eggs and it's actually a breed we already have that's a clue for you if you want to guess that's our 12 eggs we're gonna let them rest and now we've got an incubator to open all right so this incubator we actually were asked to check it out by danny asked us if we would check out the kk tech incubator and so i checked it out i thought it looked pretty cool kind of unique and it was only 50 so it was an incubator that i thought was worth reviewing looks like they actually give me a little bottle with a little syringe cap pour the water in a little lid for it a little shelf for the inside power connector i think it can connect to a battery so you can have backup battery on it which is cool these are the little egg turner egg rotators that we'll put in the inside our adapter and then here's the bottom part i'm just gonna put it all together all right so we've got our power cord here that's for the egg rotator and then we're gonna set these inside so there's five little rollers there i'm gonna connect those together all right the incubator is all hooked up now i'm gonna go move it back to my bedroom office and then we'll start to put the water in get this heating up for the eggs all right we've had this new incubator set up for about the past 12 hours and you can see the temperature is currently almost to 40 celsius which is would normally be really high looking at my thermostat inside it's only at 99.8 which is perfect humidity is a little high in here i haven't had a hard time getting that any lower got water sitting in the bottom got our egg turners all right so we've got the temperature where we'd like it to be at and i'm going to take all of these eggs and i'm going to start to move them in there i think it'll be just the perfect size for 12 chicken eggs and hopefully we won't really have to open it other than putting a little bit of water in and then when we want to candle the eggs one of the other cool perks of this incubator is this little built-in egg handler right on top it's a little small probably better for a quail or pheasant we'll try that out here in a few days to see how our eggs are developing all right it is day i don't know three or four and we are testing out the egg candler check this out how pretty is that can't see under the other eggs they're too dark but these two white ones good growth going on in there on day four you can see the veins starting to spread out like spider webs it is so cool to see and then by day six when you get to see the first bit of movement it is so amazing to see but then by day eight i stopped seeing growth and movement in egg number two but egg number one was growing beautifully you can see the movement on the edge of the light and you can start to see it fill up more and more of the egg as we get closer to day 21. all right so we've been having some fun with this incubator this egg handler wondering if it was actually going to work because it looks like it's a couple degrees low to me but number 39 right there i think this 74 might be moving to the number 39 we're on day 19 and i need to get these eggs flat onto the bottom and out from the egg roller and here's our one little egg starting to get it back in there [Music] [Music] do this chick's just not doing too well it was our second one to hatch it's a be a felder and there's nothing you can do about it if it doesn't fully develop hatches too soon didn't make it other two ones are looking really good though what do you think of those becky tomorrow will be day 21 so we'll see if any more chickens are going to hatch all right well we may only have two chicks that hatched but we're going to move them over to the brooder right now we have our brooder still set up in the house in the kitchen is that right becky yeah yeah where we've got four button quail that hatched about a month ago and these chicks are right about the same size so i think they'll be able to work with them for a few weeks until they start getting bigger the button quail can start to move out with the other bun quail so let's get it moved out of the incubator and over to the brooder [Music] well we just shut off the incubator this is three more days after the original three hatch none of the other ones hatch so i'm gonna check them out real quick i have a feeling that either they didn't develop at all or maybe died partway through just gonna talk more about the incubator in a minute but i have a feeling the heat didn't spread out much beyond the very middle of the incubator this one was one of our chamois spitz albums and i hope it doesn't explode on me nope nothing in that one this was a basque pen egg and just a really little embryo in there second best can another little embryo as well so obviously that means it's a fertile egg developed somewhat and then at some point it died it wasn't getting what it needed it's a light sussex egg another light sussex i don't do this to gross anybody out or to make light of death really this is more to check the quality of the eggs see if they're fertile see how our incubator did as far as developing these eggs they fully develop one more light sussex nope be a felder egg real little embryo and then our last two are isbar eggs so i think there were maybe four out of the nine that had a little embryo the three that hatched develop either all the way or almost all the way except for that one the rest of these died all within the first week or so good morning cashew hi buddy [Music] we're gonna go play with the chicks in just a minute but i wanted to go over this incubator and do a little giveaway as well now you saw us initially get this incubator up to about 99 degrees on the first night i never got it that hot ever again as we had it turned up all the way and the most i really got throughout the incubating was 95 degrees or minus a degree within there the three eggs that hatch were actually right down the middle of the incubator none of the other eggs hatched and barely developed so is this an incubator i would recommend really what i would expect for fifty dollars i really wouldn't recommend it but i could hatch out some chicks for you so we're going to give it away to one of our viewers here in the u.s and then we're going to send one more to an international viewer and so if you want this incubator say that you want the incubator tell me what you're going to hatch and tell me where you're from a state in the u.s or what country internationally pick one from each in about a week and i'll announce it on our community page and also reply to the comments of the people that won the incubator so be sure to leave a comment and this might be yours [Music] baby all right well our chicks are now almost a week old and we want to introduce you to them well this guy is his egg number was 39. he is a chamois spitz alvin spelled like chamoy and it's pronounced shammy and so we're gonna call this cool guy shammy and look what he'll look like as an adult super cool coloring we're really excited about this one [Music] you like that one [Music] this one is it is we're going to call it izzy and this is what they look like when they grow up so who's your favorite between izzy and shammy this is sherry yep i would say i would say easy so how are they doing with the quail they're doing good the first day was a little scary but i think they just took the night to get used to each other and now they sleep together they're getting along really well well luckily we've got them inside for the at least the next week or so while it's really cold outside before we move them outside to the brooder so it's perfect that we've got a little button quail that are about a month old so they can all live together that was a fun project what are we going to hatch next i know we're going to have to eat this don't fly on top of your camera right on top of your head here we [Music] go it's right here it's right here it's okay maybe
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 497,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, Greenfire Farms, ebay, hatching eggs, Ebay hatching eggs, Greenfire Farms hatching eggs, kktect, kktect incubator
Id: Eygitka1YMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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