I kept my hatchling alive by whistling 🎶

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alright it is time to do a good old-fashioned hatching video got our Amazon box here with some eggs in it oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys don't think I would actually drop a box with eggs in it would you we've got our precious box right here let's see what we got in here one of the fun parts of always seeing an ebay ship and we did get these eggs off eBay we like to do that is to see how people packaged them and this one does not disappoint check it out put one big thing of bubble wrap all the way in there and then individually wrapped each egg and some bubble wrap some them got pretty close to the edge but there was bubble wrap underneath so we've got egg number one what do you guys think this egg is I know you kind of know what eggs we got did you even know to even know the specifics of these eggs [Music] all right so we were sold 10 guinea eggs and we ended up with 12 here they're actually lavender blue guineas I am a sucker for the lavender color of course we love our lavender orpington chickens and we've never had any guineas before and you guys have been requesting us to hatch them out to have some and we would love to have seen some tick hunters to be some free-range bug eaters out on the property and it's pretty late in the year they're gonna hatch this is the last week of September so they're gonna be hatching the last week of October and about 26 to 28 days so we're gonna let these settle overnight and we're going to start them incubating in the morning all right hits the next day and we're gonna put these eggs into the incubator we're keeping this incubator out here in our outbuilding even though this is not a finished garage this incubator does a great job maintaining temperature a lot better than most of the tabletop incubators that just have really thin walls this has really heavy-duty walls and will hold the temperature right around 99.5 ninety nine point six degrees Fahrenheit and will keep the humidity right around 40% and the beauty of the Brinn zo vez advanced and the trades they use you can resize these trays to however wide you need from emu eggs to pheasant eggs to guinea eggs turn that back on and now we just wait till the third week of October about October 22nd 24th and we'll hatch out some guinea all right it is go time a couple days earlier than I expected but we've got the big camera out and that means somebody's starting to hatch I just happened to glance in while I was refilling the humidity pump right up here and check it out right there this egg is starting to pit so here in the Brizzy Ovie's the advance that means I need to stop the rotating so I can do that easily enough with this right here yeah hang on just second I'll show you and these eggs in here are being separated by those little dividers and we don't need those now that it's going to be a free-for-all and hatching so I can take those dividers out so we've got some pipping going on here you want to check it real quick any people oh yeah I think I need to get away from oh yeah oh yeah there's some peeping definitely hear it what does it sound like that's right oh yeah there's one right there listen oh yeah all right so it's still a little early to be recording but I'm gonna get the camera in place I don't know they might be there in the morning I'm not sure is it worth the risk to not film it I better film it I better film it just in case so I'm gonna get the camera ready and get it set up to see if anything catches by the morning [Music] [Music] you're gonna open it what do you see anything chicks there guineas that means what all right so we've had a busy day of hatching over the last 24 hours or so and I've got five guineas in here that I've already dried off have been in here for about 24 hours I've got two that just hatched that are up here and then we've got a at least one more egg that I'm hopeful will hatch the other four haven't done anything so those guys will move to here these guys are gonna move over to the other spot so these guys here so they don't dive-bomb off the shelves we've got a tray that actually holds them in here and can keep them warm but then they don't dive-bomb off the side and fall to the bottom thank you [Music] all right so our timeline is a little skewed because we actually got some guinea maybe three weeks ago put that out in a video but we actually bought the guinea eggs before we end up getting those guineas and it was kind of a fluke saying we weren't planning on getting those our favorite traveling hatchery heartland hatchery actually came through town called us to come over and visit and we saw the guineas and we were liking hey this would be really cool to get some of these other kinds of guineas while we have these lavender guineas baking in the incubators so there's something we can do that's kind of cool with this brooder I do have another brooder if I need the space I can get that out but I can actually divide this up I've actually got three separate areas there's a wall down here on the bottom but the problem is I've got to clear out some of the feed and the wood chips in here to get to it create a 2 by 2 foot section for these 5 guineas and then the other 16 or so chicks and guineas can live on the other side of this room these are our 3 week old pearl guineas only a few weeks and they are that different in size alright we've got our Reuter set up with food and water and I just need to move all these chicks back because they we can do it without them escaping now it's time for the new guys [Music] all right we're running out of time for these eggs to hatch and this one got pretty far along and it just feels like it's not moving at all I can do it just feels rock-hard I don't know if it dried up in here or what but I'm gonna I wanted to check it real quick if there was any movement at all I would I would leave it alone and let it hatch out on its own I think I may have dried up and died inside this egg little guy just couldn't make it out to the guinea k-y-t's wandered off from the heat and they died oh my gosh one's still alive this one's been away from the heat but it's still moving let me get it some heat for the moment it's all alone in there [Music] let me take this one in see if I can give it some heat maybe nurse it back to health we'll give it a shot you're still alive I can't tell this one's dead so last night we had a couple of these guineas that up when we're looking good one or two or not looking so hot let's see how they're doing oh we're still alive so these guys are all doing really well in here they all survived the night all four of them but I'm really worried about that spot in the other brooder it's just too cold out there and those guineas were wandering away from the heat and one died and one is really close to dying so I need to see if I can still revive that one that need to come up with a better burglar scenario I do have the brooder that I used for the mandarin ducks Becky suggested using that and I think I can get that box up and running and that has a heat plate I can put in it and so they can be underneath the heat all the time [Music] so I'm finding it hard to keep this Guinea alert and awake to feed it some food and water you know what I've got an idea some of you guys might find this cringy but I think it might just work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well guy you gotta make it this was one of the two that you thought was dead this morning one of the cute one of them was dead and it wasn't that sick one of them was and then this one was off to the side was off to this the side against the wall and wasn't moving but then I picked it up and he started moving I did you - he was like stuck down in the groove yeah it's this one so I've been finding it by the heater all day and feeding out food and water and it's time to do it again all right well our little guinea keet is doing a million times better getting around really well now came back from the dead today it's pretty amazing and I'm ready to put him back with the other ones that are doing well but we've got some walking issues with some of them but I marked his or her leg for the time being with a little yellow band and we're gonna call this one Fievel because of what we did before but I brought in one of the ones from outside and it's got a serious splayed leg issue and its legs are just severely far apart and I think we've got a couple others that are very similar so I have an issue getting around so we're gonna deal with that tonight and we're gonna put Fievel back with the other all right I saw a cool way to deal with splayed leg and that's to cut a little straw like a little rubber band feed it through it and then the rubberband will hold on either side of that straw now we just need a Guinea and he's got splay light going on and then we've got it around his ankles night little buddy let's go for a walk so we got a splayed leg splayed leg and this little guy is walking really well we need to call in a Hail Mary with these Guinea Keats they have been dropping likewise the last few days we had six of them to start with well you saw one die the first night they were out in the brooder wandered away from the heat and Fievel almost wandered away as well the next night two more died in the cold when we put him out under the heat plate so we brought them inside and then we had one or two died inside in the last day or two and so now we're down to two and one of them is doing really well and one of them is just really weakened was doing really well this morning I just cannot understand it but we have one last chance to save them with our broody hen we have Annie our red Cochin and she's been sitting on eggs and I don't think she's sitting on eggs that are gonna have they were left unattended for a few hours maybe a week ago so I needed to see if I could sneak these guys under her just lay them in there with the eggs see if she'd start to take care of these guys and maybe she can revive them and get them to eat and come up give more whoa check back in a little bit [Music] all right it's the moment of truth one getting heat last evening when I put them under Annie had already died it wasn't going well it stopped walking and it didn't last long there so we have one chance left we have five volt left with Annie and I'm so nervous because it got down into the 30s last night at how Annie did but we were having such an issue heating all of these guineas so let's see if our one lavender Guinea has survived the night by ball you mean [Music] all right well this is the end of our adventure I think five will make it yes I think so too I wish we had thought of that sooner we might have been able to save a few more guineas but heating was an issue something about them they're just fragile but with our last group of chicks we didn't lose a single one so it's frustrating to not be able to control nature like you'd hope but we're excited to that Fievel has a mom too to raise them so thank you for watching we'll see you next time guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 525,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, guineas, guinea fowl, guinea keets, hatching eggs, eBay hatching eggs, guinea eggs, somewhere out there
Id: Ip-qXTbV_do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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