The Rarest Peacocks on eBay (might be a scam)

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all right so somebody's selling some white sorry i just came in from doing chores somebody's selling some white peacock eggs and we've been wanting to get them for a couple years ever since we hatched out our india blue peacocks blue and bell there's about a minute left on the sale i'm not sure if i want to get it i'm gonna bid on this one but if i don't get it it is okay because they have another sail going on this one's a bid for six white peacock eggs there's another one out there for five peacock eggs they're all pre-sale because it's february they're gonna come in march so all right i'm gonna put a bid in for 200 see if i win this ah i got outbid i didn't win the option but it's all right because check this out all right so i just went ahead and bought the eggs uh price is a little high almost 180 bucks for five eggs so i think it's like 35 bucks an egg which is a little high for a pea fella we got ours a couple years ago we got them for a really cheap price like seven dollars an egg so this one quite a bit higher but getting a white pea fowl would be super exciting they're kind of rare so hopefully we'll get these eggs in a couple weeks [Music] we've been waiting for these eggs for about two months it also took them nearly a week to get here we were getting nervous because it's saturday and if they didn't make it here today they were gonna sit over the weekend and i don't think these eggs would have been any good we have been very patient because our ebay seller promised them within about two weeks of our sale and we had to end up waiting about two months so just be wary of ebay sales that you may be waiting a little while we've got our incubator here we've got our brimsy ov easy advanced incubator over here they've got some mandarin duck eggs in here they've got about a week to go and so we're going to have a little bit of an overlap in our incubating it's a good deal because we were promised five peacock eggs and it looks like there might be seven here let's check them okay open this up very carefully whoa this egg is huge a lot bigger than a turkey egg egg number two egg number three number one egg number six and seven so that is awesome we got a few extras that didn't cost us anything so we're grateful for that here are seven eggs we're gonna let them sit out and rest a little bit we've got some more eggs that we need to go pick up from the p.o box that one of our viewers sent us we're gonna add in with these as well and tonight we'll get these eggs started in the incubator so a viewer of ours actually sent us some eggs these are some turkey eggs what breed they are we actually know what they are but just to give you guys a little bit of surprise this foam insert is originally from us well it came from green fire farms when they sent us their eggs from ebay and then i sent this to a viewer that bought our mandarin duck eggs on ebay we were able to sell six to somebody and so i sent this down to them well then they sent me back 12 of these turkey eggs so now i got the insert back which i love thank you so much for sending that back and then we're going to add these turkey eggs to our mix of pea salad and so if you guys know turkey eggs are pretty big right there and then this pea fell egg about 25-30 percent bigger so we are starting the eggs tonight on saturday april 17th somewhere around the middle of may we should start to see some action you guys ready to open those boxes yeah yeah yeah yeah so today's video is sponsored by mel science and they sent the kids some cool science experiments this one's a physics box uriah's got electric boat says for ages five and up on this one it's another physics box a polarized light and this one's called jungle jack and it also says for five plus so we're gonna open up these boxes do some fun science experiments and then we'll get back to the peacock hatching eggs this one's called reflections let's see what we've got in here are you like we've got a light with our battery mel science is a subscription service that offers monthly science boxes which combines hands-on experiments with vr and ar technologies to engage kids in studying science all right your eyes project is going to be an electric boast like we got all the wood and electronics for it male science is driving to make serious science accessible interesting and cool they help nurture children's natural interests in science by giving them fun hands-on experiments to learn advice all right show me your boat ready to turn this on and have your boat in the bath put it right down there look at that girl did you have fun with that one we got jungle jack you ready to open this isaiah yeah we're gonna assemble a real jacklift with new science projects each month the boys are already looking forward to the next month's delivery from mel science stick it in there see that whoa yay good job eli hey boys did you have fun putting those together that was really fun i think the boys learned a lot and if you guys want to check out mel science we've got a link for it down in the description and then use the code white house and you'll get 25 of all of their products it's like light goes on forever now let's get back to hatching some paychecks we're on day 17 with the pea fowl and the turkey eggs i want to do a little bit of egg candling because i got this new egg handler from brenzie for handling eggs i've used just a iphone light i've used flashlights like these batteries are dead on them since we do hatch as many eggs as we do here that'd be worthwhile having top of the line egg candler here let's see if anything's developing two of these turkey eggs exploded they're gross let's get them out of here all right we've got our first egg here i'm just gonna go ahead and use the overview so we can see what's going on in here i think for this far along i think we should be seeing more than that we'll see on the other eggs okay that one's completely dark that one's looking really good that's egg number two peacock egg number three oh we'll go ahead and take that one out that's definitely nothing we got some movement going on there oh yeah yeah this one's good see really good veins in there but i'm not seeing movement i'm waiting to see it's possible that that one's still alive and our last peacock egg that is just not enough so we can take that one out all right well in our pursuit to get peafowl eggs these guys are leaving the incubator so those and along with our disgusting exploding turkey eggs that stunk up the whole incubator so we have five eggs left in the running for the pizza it is day 26 pretty exciting and we've got our first turkey egg but we had to bring the eggs up from being tilted back and forth to flat we'll get the light on and we'll start filming and see what hatches who's ready for some baby peacocks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] we've got a long ways to go on our hatch but these pea chicks have been in there for a day they need to get into a brooder plus they've got some issues they've got some significant splay lay action going on that we need to treat and we just had some turkeys the some narragansett turkeys hatch we've got two of them here so we're not quite ready for a brooder yet we're gonna move them into an incubator inside the house to keep them warm and drying off and we're gonna move these guys inside as well so we can start treating their splay legs so splay leg is an issue that we've had to deal with before with chickens we've dealt with it with our guineas and it's when their legs are so far out that when they're walking [Music] they can't really walk normal and so if we don't take action at this point they are always going to have leg issues and so what we've done in the past with our chickens with our guineas a rubber band and then we cut a little piece of a straw i cut it right about here and then we'll take this straw we'll feed the rubber band through it so i'll start with that right there if that needs to end up being tighter together then we can always take it off and cut that straw a little shorter now here's check number two same issue legs coming out really far now we've got it right in there your legs are still gonna be out for a while they're still gonna be bending outward so we're hoping this will slowly start to bring them inward there i don't think this one has the same display leg issue that the other two are demonstrating because i think we're going to leave this one alone we'll go ahead and let this one go back to sleep inside the incubator our newly hatched turkeys and p-5 been in the incubator for about 24 to 36 hours about a day day and a half and we've got to get them into a brewer they absorb the yolk which will nourish them for a few days i can tell they're just getting bored and they're all dried out now so it's time to get them into a brooder but am all mixed up we've got all of our mcmurray our meat chickens and some of our other chicks in a brooder in the garage got a brooder in the house with our frizzles we've got a brooder in use in here these are our tennessee red quail babies something little that we can move them into to keep them warm for the next couple of days until we can free up a brooders all right moving these guys out to the brooder i am sure they're ready to eat and drink so we've got a problem we've got a couple pea chicks and they are not white pea chicks normally wouldn't be a big deal not that big of a deal we got a couple p-chicks to hatch that's awesome but the whole point of this exercise was to get some white pea chicks on the farm we had three hatch out and initially i was in denial but becky noticed right away they were not like a white or yellowish color so of the seven eggs for three of them to hatch out and not be white it's really troubling we've got two eggs left it's been a couple weeks in this incubator so we need to open these eggs were there any white pea chicks in any of this mix or did we just completely get scammed all right we've got our protection because this is gonna be pretty full of some nasty stuff that might blow up on us egg number one let's see what's in here okay okay that one's all liquid so that one was a bad egg all right our seventh and final egg let's see if there's anything in here feels pretty full i think there's somebody somebody made it and didn't have i feel them in here what do you guys think white peacock or another brown one like the rest of them all white on the belly all dark brown or black on the back i think they said they had some black shoulder p fell as well we weren't looking to get we just wanted the white pea fell so it's unfortunate that we got seven eggs three hatch one fully developed and didn't hatch and none of them were white i like to think of myself as someone that's able to spot scams on ebay the people that are not good breeders and i got fooled by this one i jumped on a pre-sale in february and they promised in a couple weeks end up taking a couple months to get them to us and i should just not have trusted them ended up eating up a lot of time and and space in our incubator that we were intending to use for some white people so where do we go from here we've got two pea chicks that are doing pretty well we'll show you them here in a moment but white pea fowl does anybody out there have any not sure if we want to hatch out some more this year or just wait till next year to try again no white pea chicks you want to go introduce them to your friends did you name rp chicks yes all right let's go introduce you to them [Music] so this one right here eli named this one yoda yoda so right now we've got baby yoda this one has a lighter brown not really much barring on the back we've tried the splayed leg we've tried this up high on the leg and this one still would separate the legs really far apart these p-chicks have such long legs compared to chickens i'm going to take it off right now just to see if there's any improvements [Music] and then here's our other p check this one has more borrowing on the back and uriah named this one what'd you name this one jedi jedi you guys like the mandalorian or something yeah yeah they like star wars in the mandalorian after working on it for the first week on the splay leg this one's been walking perfect so this is the only one we're concerned about right now they were in with all the frizzle chicks but since this one has been having walking issues when it lays down at night all the others would pile up on top of this one and it was pressing the legs out further and further so we ended up having to separate them out put them inside for a little while just so this one could get its legs all worked out along with our pea fowl we've got two little turkeys let's show you how they're doing [Music] here's our two narragansett turkeys and our two fifa yoda and jedi we've got a lot of work left to do with young master jedi just pooped on me thanks for following along with our peacock hatching jordan see you guys next time see you next time
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 1,337,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, peacocks, peachicks, peafowl, white peacocks, hatching, hatching eggs, peacock hatching eggs, ebay, eBay scam, eBay hatching eggs, MEL Science
Id: qejc9TevDPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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