We bought rare breed hatching eggs from eBay. Will ANY of them hatch?

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we got some hatching eggs in these just came in we ordered these off eBay and they are pretty cool kind of chick that we've never hatch doubt before so let me unbox this and I'll tell you about these eggs all right what we're supposed to have 10 or 12 eggs here so we got a couple packages of six here it looks like they just put them in some shredded paper here we ordered these off of ebay we've only done an order off of ebay one other time and we didn't have very good hatching success because it was in the winter and we were a little nervous this morning if these eggs were going to show I was it had already been four days since they worship and they were only coming from a little way south of us in Missouri so of course you're gonna have potential problems of them getting shook way too much by the postman boxes getting overturned eggs potentially breaking and then also the cold weather because we've had freezing temps for the last couple nights let's open these up and see if they're okay all right so we were promised ten eggs and we've got eleven here they look pretty good so far all right so now we've got our 11x here I like to put the date on them once I remember when I put them under a broody hen or put them in the incubator and then I could track when they should hatch 21 days later and today is December 4th so they should hatch on Christmas this will also help us to be able to separate them if we put them under a broody hen we could separate them from the eggs that are laid because we'll be able to see the writing on them so now let me tell you what's inside these eggs we ordered some I am chemonics and if you've never seen the I am Jumaane breed they are an all black chick they have black feathers black skin and even down to their bones and their organs are all black called some form of hyperpigmentation where they have a dominant gene and it just makes everything black so we're hoping to use one or two broody hens one silkie is just not going to be enough to cover these eleven eggs so if that's the case we'd put as many as we could maybe five or six under her and put the rest in an incubator we've heard that you may need to let these rest after shipment or at least get them back to room temperature here in the house and you've got about a week from once these are laid that they need to start incubating to have a chance at survival and so we're gonna leave on let them rest till tonight and then when we put the chickens to bed I'll put these eggs under the Sophie's [Music] it is so close sorry it is so close I can get 8 out of the 11 underneath her if I just had one more broody Sookie I could get it done so tempting to put the final three I'm gonna see if I can get him under her and if she can sit on top of all of them [Music] alright I've got them all underneath her and just that one right there's just got a little bit of an edge out so treated her out the three eggs she had under her and put all eleven underneath her that is really awesome because then we don't have to worry about our incubator the only thing I have to worry about are the other hands that are lying in that nesting box that they don't disrupt what she's doing with those eggs they're gonna mix in two to three other eggs every day some of them to go in and make sure those get out and that we get the other eggs underneath her every day so I'll be sure to check on them every day like I said we are on December 4th so on Christmas Day we should have some I am to my knees alright guys well we have one week to go on hatching these eggs it's been two weeks and we initially started with one broody hen over here and a second one came to join and so that worked out perfect we've got five or six eggs under each of them and so I was gonna candle a few of the eggs here and see how we're doing to see how fertile these eggs are there's just too much sunlight so I'm gonna bring it in here into this I've got three of them okay there you can see some growth you see about half of the egg is filled tough to tell on that one let's see if we can tell on another egg Oh big line on that one sometimes that's a good sign sometimes there's some movement in there even though we do see so much light coming through oh look at all the vein growth on that one that is really cool I'd say most definitely on this one that is some good growth going on in there well that gives me a good idea on these eggs that's three of them just a good cross-section of them I think we've got one really good one in there I think a second one that's good possibility and then a third one that doesn't look good at all so I'll go ahead and put them back underneath the hens here you can see all the eggs under there I'll go ahead and leave them alone for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry alright it is Christmas December 25th and I see one egg pipping so far so hopefully when we come home from our Christmas celebration later today we'll see at least a few chicks so hatch day is finally here it is day 21 it is Christmas Day and we have been waiting for this moment to see if these items Imani chicks will hatch out we just had to move the chicks out of the nest eggs and over here to the brooder we don't want the same thing that happened to us last month with the Muscovy ducklings to happen again we're a couple of these chicks hatched some of them don't where the chicks get out of the nesting box and some of the other chickens would kill them because they're not they're young to raise so right now we've got two silky hens in here and originally there were eleven eggs one of them got broken about two three days ago not sure what happened with that but it really stung so it was a bad egg so these soaky's are currently fighting over these eggs I just moved it over here so I'm hoping that they'll take to them they'll take care of them and they'll sit on right now they're fighting over who's gonna sit on what and this egg is currently the furthest along it was pipping this morning and it is almost out of the egg so for sure we've got one I know one other one is pipping this one's bleeding a lot but it's doing it all on its own so I'm gonna put it under the broody hens and let them take care of it overnight alright so we've got a webcam set up to watch these guys overnight so we'll check on their progress and we'll check back in the morning to see who has hatched [Music] it has been such a gloomy day out here but hopefully we'll see some good news here with the chicks let's see what's going on here [Music] we've got some awesome news and some really sad news we have one of the iron sh'mon teases his hat stands looking awesome look at that and one of them the one that was about hatched last night that it was bleeding quite a bit it didn't make it through the night you got hatched out and I just didn't survive so let me put this chick back with its mama Oh another egg broke it's got some residue on here it smells so bad but we've got some good news this one's got some peeping in it I don't see any pipping in this one yet but we'll put it back under the britons it's a Christmas miracle we've got so many chicks that hatched out overnight it's two days after I expected them all the hatch but now I see at least five chicks in here and there's another one that's working its way out if this little one hatches then I think we'll have six down here I think I see five under the two broody hens and then there's this one so we'd have six and one hatch the first day and died of course but if seven out of 11 hatched that's a great hatch rate for shipping in freezing weather that's really good I was getting so nervous about only having one or two of these it sure didn't seem like many we're gonna hatch and I cannot believe how many are hatched out here today that is so awesome give me give me because I want you door knows makes me feel this way don't know what you do hold my hand could you hold my hand love me in the you and me yeah that's all I need and I'll be [Music] right here I swear that I'll stay here with you I want to stay with you all right so we had our sixth and final chick hatch which is pretty awesome to have seven out of the eleven eggs we had hatch only one didn't survive that was really exciting because at first I thought only one was gonna hatch out and it didn't make it and then a second one came and I thought that might be it and that would be a lone chick and then I was so excited to see for more hatch out yesterday morning and these are such a cool breed because they are all black on their feathers to their skin to their organs to their meat to their bones are all black so what do you think I'm pretty adorable what do you think of it all black chicken I think it's pretty cool I don't know if I could eat the meat though and they're gonna add a good variety to our flock though yeah these are pretty hard checking to get a hold of there are a lot of hatching eggs like we got on eBay but there are not many hatcheries that I carried this breed so it's really cool that we were lucky enough to get some of the used to hatch out what do you think bud what do you think of the trick okay do you like the color you like that they're black do you think bud you like them yeah yeah turn a little bit light turn what a black so we're curious to see because this is an all-black breed and I know once in awhile they get some white in them and that's not ideal for this breed so do any of you know if there's a little bit of white on them right now will they still have it when they're older or will that work its way out so we just have one just this one right here has a little bit white and just poofed in my hand all right let's put these chicks out with your mama's thanks for watching [Music] Oh [Music] give me all your life [Music] give me me oh yeah [Music] give me love give me all your uh give me all your [Music]
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 6,225,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, ebay, ebay hatching eggs, hatching eggs, ayam cemani, ayam cemani hatching eggs, ayam cemani eggs, rare chicken, rare chicken breed, hatching rare chicken eggs, winter hatching eggs, shipping hatching eggs in winter, shipping hatching eggs in freezing temps, chicken, chick, baby chick, hatching baby chicks, hatching chicks
Id: XK4Qu5BEno0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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