Seriously?? A STATE INSPECTION for our birds.

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[Music] somebody hey monarch well our guinea fowl and our three little bantam rooster spent their first night outside last night two nights ago they slept up on this first bridge it was really low so I was able to get them and put them back in their little chicken coop but last night they learned from that and they went up really high in the tree so I let them go so if they keep going that they're officially outside time alright well we've got a lot of things going on here today I've got my first annual inspection for these guys tomorrow red golden pheasants that means I've got to have clean water I've got to get their food in order and I've got to get their living situation all taken care of along with documentation on where I got them from and how many I have yes it is a pretty good day to work on our aviary chicken coop I'll probably go check in with that and then we'll see what all the animals are up to let's get started here is faster many fans died this way [Music] now these chickens can get out every morning they've got water out here and they actually do have food for the last two weeks they've had this automatic feeder that they can step on and get access to feed but only a few of them know how to use it I think a lot of them end up waiting for me to bring out feeds but I just got a new feeder in the mail so I'm gonna open that up and see how it compares to the one we're already using [Music] you tell this is a muddy mess we just moved this coop from this area over here less than a week ago and we've had two days of rain and this place is already muddy when you're busy is you [Music] cashew and Picabo doing well hey bamboo what's going on bud ten minutes with these guys and I'm exhausted cashew is on a roll this morning will not stop yes you girl come on come on all right workout time hey so you can see it as a muddy mess hall up and down this walkway right in front of the gate no amount of straw will will help with that my only hope is that the Sun comes out and will dry it up bamboo you're calm and cool man everyone else is crazy hey buddy you're not crazy like those other girls all right well I got to get on to other things huh you guys have a great day I'll see you later [Music] this Lurky has been laying some eggs in here and we're gonna have a problem we were gonna leave them in here to let her sit on on board five six seven this one was just laid today and while I didn't want to disturb these eggs I wanted her to lay a batch of them hatch them out it's not gonna work this week because end of this week we're gonna have two nights in the 20s and those eggs are freeze and not buy so while we could take these and eat these which we will would do with some of somebody suggested we could actually open these up and see if they're fertile and I'll show you how we do that I think that's a great suggestion because I don't know if Slater and Lurky are actually breeding so this way I can find out if these eggs are getting fertilized at all okay that's egg number one and then what I'm looking for is a little spot which will be the spot where it gets fertilized and do not see it on here so let's try it again with egg number two so we cracked open three eggs and there is no fertilization spot on there or left over here I'll take those in we can eat those but we've got no fertilized spot so even if she had sat on these they would not have had that's disappointing I'm gonna leave these out these chickens and guineas can eat this for breakfast [Music] well I know the world is a little crazy right now and we've had some people ask us how we're doing through it all and hope you guys are staying safe staying healthy with through all of this this virus stuff how has it affected us not a great deal because we actually stay here on our property the majority of the time we have to go out for for food we've got to go out for animal feed occasionally for the main thing that we're working on right now is to produce more of our own food on our property with animal feed we can't really do that right now but with our own food with our garden that we haven't started yet that's how we can produce more food for ourselves and so that's something that we're excited to start on but it's also going to take a few months to get things going to get things growing that's where we're at is that we are safe where we're at it's not a lot of cases in our area course that can change by the day but we're thinking about you guys and we hope you guys are staying safe and I hope it encourages everyone to start to think about their future how can they be more self-reliant grow their own food take care of their family and a state you know you don't all need a ton of land like we've got here but just to create an environment where you can start to create some of your own food so in a crisis where things start to get shut down and you're not able to get out that you could still survive if you guys Guinea got his foot stuck right over here in the fence it's almost out this cap is stuck in the fence and then everybody was beating him up when he tried to go back through all right this one's been inside the turkey yard all day I don't know if it's hiding out from the others or what's going on let's check it out [Music] [Music] some reason they're chasing and fighting here I'm starting to understand why it was in the turkey yard he wants privacy from these guys well I don't know what's going on with this one why the other ones are after a female or if it's a male thing I don't know but we have their little kook and always take something back too and so I'll let this one be in there and it can have food and water and be just fine by itself all right well I have three pages to clean up the mandarin ducks the red golden pheasants and the Peetha and you ask why would you have to clean all three and get them ready for the inspection when they're only here to inspect the Reg Holden presents well usually when they come around they poke their head around everything else just to make sure that every animals taken care of everyone's doing fine even though it's not required by the code or my permit that specifically is for the pheasants they're gonna check everything else to just make sure that I'm not doing something else that I shouldn't be doing I just want to give them confidence that I'm taking care of all the enemies and so we're gonna get some straw yeah water feeders blue nobody alright next up are the mandarin ducks I'm gonna get some straw in here I've already got their food and then we'll get their water to refilled all right mandarin ducks are all set [Music] whoa this camera soaked these guys do do it holy smokes okay they got this way wetter than normal all right lastly I need to work on the pheasant area and if you're wondering if you have a bird that you either have or you want to get and you're wondering this is something that I need to get a permit for am I gonna get in trouble for having whatever this bird is be sure to check your state conservation department we need to get a permit if we have wild turkeys if we have mallard ducks grouse pheasants partridges and if we have quail so basically the things that we need to have ready for tomorrow's inspection I need to have water cleaned out we're gonna hang a new water in here we need to have the feeder cleaned out and that area cleaned we're gonna put straw down so that'll cover up all the feed that they knock onto the ground we're and put in a different feeder because this is really light I think they're flying through here and knocking it out and then you need to have a good living situation which we do you need to be able to provide shade for them they need to be banded which I have little bands which identifies each one of them we have their own number so if they were to escape people from the state conservation department would be able to link them back to us if they were to get out into the wild and why do we have them if it's such a challenging thing to actually go through it's not that challenging they inspect once a year the fee for them is pretty low I think it's 10 or 20 bucks a year that you pay for a permit we love to have them because of the the beauty that they provide and also the challenge of having a different type of bird that we don't have so specifically blaze he's gonna look amazing this summer if you remember fire last year he was starting to look really cool before he passed away and these guys will all move over to the aviary whenever we complete that in the next four to six weeks and I'll be sure to show them my plans for that the Missouri Conservation Department so that they can approve what I'm doing over there so they'll understand that that's where they're gonna ultimately be set at we're all set for the inspector tomorrow I'll let you guys know how it goes [Applause] it's been raining for a couple days and getting really muddy out and the weather's pretty decent it's about 50s so we thought we'd hanging out here in the barn and then maybe later we're going to go a tackle one of our barns cleaning that out you've got some animals that we're gonna be burying on the farm and we need a home for them so we're going to be cleaning out some barns forum and making a space for [Music] damn all right well we've got a couple packages to open we open a couple things from premier one a couple weeks ago and they saw the video I guess and they wanted us to have a few other things so we're gonna check out what they sent over our way you want open them up Eli yeah but we unboxed a beater that we bought a couple weeks ago and I showed you this morning the chickens we've been using it they just brought another product line of feeder where it's actually rather than a plate it's a step where the chicken would step on all right over here we've got the 66 pound automatic chicken feeder the chickens will come up and they'll step on one of these two and that will open it up our other one didn't have this feature is that it's got a viewing window right here and so we can see when the feed gets past halfway down I see that this one has holes on the back here so we could actually hang it on the side of the coop if we wanted to I'll play with this tomorrow and figure out where to put this in the chickens all right well premier sent us three heat lamps and I've got one right here with a bulb already in it and you just put this cover right there and now we've got a heat lamp that's fully protected by this outer covering and premiere one thank you so much for sending this stuff our way we really appreciate it and we'll link this couple items down in the description if you're interested in checking them out we got one of the lights set up over pickles cage right here we're about to get them outside soon as it warms up a little bit more you got pickles right there yes pickles is our Lionhead rabbits that right is that your rabbit we need to find him a girl sometime so you can have a buddy that he can have some little lion head babies where the guineas have been sleeping up in this tree the last few nights my cat came up here some nights they sleep there but I like it better when they sleep up there a little bit out of the reach of any predator that might pop up here there's our banished guinea right up there by him or herself I don't know what's going on there but at least it's found peace backs [Music] all right we pass overall it was a good experience we showed um everything we've been doing over here at our new propagate our our first inspection was at our old property so go get one go get a pheasant you want to get a pheasant with me this is the mother of all the pheasants we have is ember right here what do you think buddy well they were happy with everything we're doing here from the water to the food to the housing and we showed them the new place the area where we'll put in the aviary and they seem to be pretty happy with what our plans were for that so we're really excited about that and relieved that everything went well today you guys have any questions for me as regarding our inspection or if you need to do something specific to your state be sure to check out your state conservation departments website they'll probably able to answer a lot of questions on there but you can also leave stuff down in the comments section here I'll try to answer it the best I can or point you in the right direct thank you for following along for our journey be sure to subscribe if you're not subscribed to our Channel we'll see you guys next time you [Applause]
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 889,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, red golden pheasants, pheasants, state inspection, hobby license inspection
Id: CaksXNEl9cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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