Meet the Guicken. How did this happen?

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there's one that's alive or was alive let's see it's still alive oh poor thing [Music] so we found some guinea eggs in the field and we thought that we would open them up to see if they're fertile and they have the little white dots there's a little white dot from the guinea egg and there's a really faint one right there that's all i saw on out of and we have two females we think we have two females so we gotta find out what's in these eggs yeah we need to hatch them out all right well we have got some guinea eggs we've been collecting eggs let's see if i can do this without dropping them we've been collecting guinea eggs over the past week and we are not sure if they're fur we think we have two females but we've seen some eggs that are actually fertile when we open them to eat eggs in the morning so we're going to see what happens if these are guineas or somehow guineas mixed with chickens or what's going on june 30th or july first right around there's our first official day so july 26th or 28th we should start to see some action [Music] so pretty wild we had our first guinea hatch that's not the wild part the wild part is that we think we have two female guineas because we're getting two eggs a day now i know some people have said they can get two eggs a day from their chickens typically that's not the case most chickens or foul need 26 hours to produce an egg so for us to consistently get two eggs a day for weeks at a time just doesn't seem possible to be coming from one bird so what we're thinking is that a chicken is the father but how does this happen how does a chicken breed with a guinea and what are the results of that we're going to talk about that [Music] [Music] what do you guys think ah who do you guys think the father is [Music] we gotta take these to the brooder buddy you wanna hold a couple i'm gonna hold one okay it's so cute i think he looks like a chicken or a guinea it looks like a [Music] like a braiding like a grey guinea yeah pretty cute huh we're gonna put him in the brooder with his brothers and sisters [Music] all right we've got the four guineas moved into the brooder there's two more eggs left not sure if anything's gonna happen with those they were looking good prior to hatching not sure if they're gonna make it or not the big plus is it's 90 plus degrees outside right now so during the day they don't need any heat it's very warm in here i'll probably just have to put the heat plate i use a brinzy heat plate at night that i'll put in here tonight you want to hold the hook bill duck what should we call this this guy i don't know who's the only one no no no it's really pretty colors huh this is our hook bill duck at maybe about six weeks old getting a good curve on that bill maybe let's put them together and see what's the difference yeah hold them together got a polish chick and a modeled hood in right here they look very similar but opposite coloring all right we've got the cornish cross in here and we're not letting them out today because today is their processing we've got 10 of them so this will free up a lot of space in here because we had 30 meat chickens and so these guys being about nine weeks are definitely full size ready for processing they've done a great job but this is why we raised them we raised them for meat to feed our family and so it's not something we're going to show today but that's something that's going to get done today [Music] feeding a cucumber that got way too big to our pigs this morning [Music] [Music] so these guinea eggs we had some guinea eggs out here under the booty hens and i saw her pecking on these guys the eggs had gone cold and these guineas this one had been killed there's one that's alive or was alive let's see it's still alive [Music] we need to get inside and clean it up hopefully so we've had the birdie hens we've got a couple different egg projects going on here the other two failed but these guinea eggs were under these hens and they were these four her amelia she's sitting on the failed eggs the bird rock and then the blue laced red they've been moving between these four boxes and they finally hatched tonight but we've got one dead one alive and let's see if we can keep it alive first thing i want to do is try to get this chick warmed up this guinea key has not been sat on for i'm not sure how long the eggs felt pretty cold so besides getting beat up on the head hasn't been kept warm at all so i just want to get it warm first and then we'll see if it's able to start walking again [Music] all right well i just heard the first peep from this little guinea keat so i think we've got it kind of back to normal room temperature now we're going to put it in an incubator just to sit overnight hopefully get warmed up [Music] hi chickens let's see what's going on over here unfortunately last night the guinea key that was injured seemed to be recovering was starting to peep throughout the night we could hear it from our bedroom we woke up this morning and it died so it didn't make it not sure if any of these other eggs will hatch or not because they've been off these eggs for a while so they're pretty cold but see if anything happens today [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right well we're on to the next part of our mission now that we've seen these guinea chicks that we want to figure out who the parents are if it's the lavender orbiting rooster which is what i'm assuming is happening but since we're going to go out there and hang out with the chickens for a little bit and film them i've got a little treat here we got a package from grub tara we worked with these guys earlier in the year on an indiegogo campaign and we just got in a bunch of packages let's go try them out on the chickens all right here's our rooster and there's a couple guineas right there oh here's all the grubs see if chickens like them we go even though i didn't get to see the guinea breed with the lavender orpington i saw them around each other the entire time and they used to be scared of each other the rooster would hide from the guineas so so his comfort level with them lets me know that they are close and obviously he's the father of those babies nothing else is hatched we'll leave them in there but i don't think we're gonna see them so this is our last guinea that was hatched from when we had a male guinea in with the females so you can see the coloring it's a combination of the pearl and the purple don't think there's any chicken in this one so these guineas are about 10 days old and these are a mix from the chicken and the guinea so what do you think these are called are these called gikens like guinea chickens are they called chinese we call these things [Music] i saw some pictures online some chickens that were crossed with guineas oh get this i even saw peafowl that were crossed with guineas wouldn't that be interesting yeah they were like peacocks but with a guinea head becky can you believe that we started this in the middle of june we started talking about these and now here it is first week of august and we finally have some beginning chickens yeah we're excited to see how these guys look when they're older how they grow up and how they behave thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you know it'd be really cool what if we cross the guineas with the i am chamanis then
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 3,485,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, guinea fowl, guicken, guinhen, guin, guinea chicken, guinea chicken hybrid, guinea chicken mix
Id: LY5lxc2lMjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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