Why this YouTuber CAN’T sell on eBay.

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well i'm out here with the mandarins today and i'm gonna have a conversation with you guys that i did not want to have here on a tuesday morning if you're new to our channel this is not our normal kind of content i just we did a special event over the weekend we went through the the gamut of emotions a lot of highs and lows and something we need to talk about give me just a minute [Music] these are our mandarin ducks these are gorgeous waterfowl i think they originated from asia they're relatives of the wood duck here in north america just gorgeous birds beautiful coloring you guys have loved them here on our channel and we get requested for eggs from them nearly every day people in the u.s people outside the u.s and we just can't accommodate really any of those orders because we only get eggs once a year a female mandarin duck will lay about 10 eggs once a year in march or april and our mandarins are starting to do it right now they're starting to lay eggs we've got one hen in here sitting on eggs we've got some eggs that have been laid in here the nesting box that you're sitting on right now has also had some eggs and so we've got one hen sitting on some eggs and we intended to sell the rest we decided to go for it on saturday night i had collected six mandarin duck eggs and some of you guys saw the updates on our social media we posted things on our instagram or facebook and i even posted a community post on youtube showing that we were gonna sell six eggs on ebay and uh just to go look up our account to go find the listing and it was gonna last for 24 hours and so the sale was gonna end sunday night so we thought it'd be a lot of fun it would be the only fair way that i could think to get eggs to somebody was to to do an auction stuff and then we might get one or two more batches of eggs and we'd be able to sell them after that first batch so that was the plan but it didn't work out to plan so on saturday night we started the sale sunday morning the bid started going up it was maybe at 100 150 something like that and by the afternoon about three hours before the sale was going to end the bid was up to about 340 some people will see that as pretty high some people see that as just about right there was actually for reference there was an auction just before ours that ended for six eggs and i think it went for like 346 plus shipping which is very pricey for mandarin duck eggs it's pricey but with a limited supply out there it's whatever the market price deems it to be so for ours i expected somewhere between 300 and maybe 500 to go for these six eggs so there were a few hours left to go we came back home from from being out somewhere and checked the bid and look what i found all right so look at this we've got the list of bids right here and look how out of hand it goes from a dollar to five dollars and then also look at the bidders they you know they've these are all people that have bid on on ebay items before a hundred dollars okay there's maybe a new bidder in there right here is where it gets crazy so on sunday at 12 54 pacific standard time look at this it goes from 340 a legitimate bid and then all of a sudden this person shoots it through the roof 340 dollars and this doesn't happen by itself this happens because somebody sent the bid up there this person who only has one other bid ever and let's see if they're legit a positive feedback but it says never paid no contact avoid they sent the bid up to five thousand dollars and then this person sent it up to fifty one hundred dollars are you kidding me i told becky and we're sitting there just going like what why would they be at 5100 that's just that's insane come on you can get the eggs eggs are hard to come by but they're not that hard to come by you can get the eggs for 10 20 30 40 50 an egg you can get them for that price you don't spend eight hundred to a thousand dollars a day but we had about 10 minutes we were just blown away just excited like for real this is really gonna happen we had people talking about it in the community post and messaging us on instagram this will really help with our aviary this is this is exciting and then i started to look at the bid and i started to think about it because i knew people were talking about it and facebook hatching groups and it just didn't sit right with me like who would do this you guys really like us that much that you're wanting to pay over four thousand dollars over price for this uh some spending as it got closer to the the closing i thought yeah this is too good to be true because for the price to get that high that means somebody else had to bid high too so that means somebody had to be in cahoots with somebody else or somebody had to have two accounts be able to drive the price up to that high and so the the sale ended up closing at fifty one hundred dollars becky was excited and then i started to tell her what i thought about it i i don't think this is legit we're not gonna get paid this somebody's messing with us somebody's scamming us and now we're going to have a real big issue selling these eggs legitimately because you only have so much time after amanda and duck hatches eggs to ship these eggs out so we've collected six of these eggs over the past four or five days and you just don't have much time to sell them you collect them over four or five days you do an auction for a day you've got to wait a couple days to pay you're already at seven you ship them out it's gonna take three four days for them to get there they're gonna get there by they're gonna get there and the eggs are gonna be 10 days old and they need to be incubated within 10 days and so it's a really tight time limit on it it's just a really frustrating thing when somebody messes up something that has such a short timeline i just don't know how to set up a way to sell these eggs in a short timeline that's fair to everyone with people coming in and ruining it for everybody i just don't know how to do it so i started to look at the buyer started to look at their information i saw their name i'm not going to show i'll show the the uh the auction name of these these two accounts that were scamming us because no one should do business with them they're they're but i'm not gonna show you the name of the actual person that they put the account in because i know how somebody can easily find out somebody's information online these days and they were trying to pin it on somebody else this is where the the whole deal got a little deeper the person actually thought about it enough to create a fake account to create it for a real person they could have created a fake name but they actually wanted to pin it on a real person because the real person would not be dumb enough to actually put their name and address on this fake account that was running up the price that had no intention of paying so my guess is that this person was in a facebook group maybe a hatching group and these people were all talking about hey these mandarin duck eggs are over here from this youtube channel what do you think the price is going to go for people are sitting around watching this and then somebody had an idea here's how i can go mess with this youtube channel here's where i can go mess with all these buyers here's where i can go mess with all the people watching and so they went and created an account that day this account was created the day of the they drove the price up they had their one account that was from last year made the bid up from 340 dollars to 5 000 so those two bids set within about 30 seconds of each other they decided to run the price up to make sure nobody else could have these eggs and we'd be out of being able to sell them i started to look into this more i looked at the the person that they put the account under this person looked like a good guy here's our peacock this person looked like a good guy he hatched eggs there was no way that this was this guy they were trying to pin it on somebody so now here we are two days later i'm gonna call ebay see if there's anything they can do if they can help me with future auctions to see if this is even a viable platform to me to use to to sell hatching eggs so i hate this to be a downer video but let's go call ebay see if there's something we can do oh man you got to see how many eggs mandarin is sitting on just got up what how many eggs are down here 1 2 3 14 15. that seems like a lot of eggs for one duck to lay i'm thinking white mandarins must have laid in the same nesting box and they're sharing the eggs with something i just don't see how one would lay that many hope we get someone to hatch out hello thank you for requesting the call back to me there on a recorded line how are you editing i'm doing okay so how could i help you then uh i i sell hatching eggs and i tried to list some over the weekend and then we had an issue where somebody messed with the sale and they created it looks like two accounts or they created one new account and they used maybe one old account and they drove up the price to be extremely high so that nobody else could buy it their payment is due and it looks like they have no intention of paying so i've got to figure out what to do in this situation because i've got these hatching eggs go bad if you don't sell and ship them within a certain period of time and i've got to wait for this sale to end and it looks like these people just messed with our sale and they have no intention of that you paying this out you could just cancel the order if it looks like you know they're gonna have some intentions of pain at all i would recommend just canceling the order and maybe you know communicating with the person who looked like they were going to win i'm fine doing that but here's here's the problem that i i've got is that it was it was that before it went got crazy and out of hand it was at 340 dollars maybe 350. so if i if i'm ever going to use ebay again i need to have it to where new new buyers can't can't bid because the new account was created that day i i need everybody else was legitimate in there but i i can't use the platform if if new buyers are gonna mess up the sales like that yeah totally understand why you feel that way however if ebay allowed that to happen then you know there would never be any new buyers ever on ebay most items it wouldn't be a problem because you could either just sell it you could either just sell it again or you could go to the next person in line but these are are hatching eggs and they go bad within 10 within 10 days and so it's time sensitive there's got to be a way to what what's the point of ratings there's people aren't held to any consequences and they can just mess up sales when there's time sensitive items for sale i wouldn't say there was no nothing we could do um i can certainly report this buyer and i'm in the process of doing so as long as that's all right with you which i'm sure it will be what i have a problem with is that somebody can make a bid with no intentions of ever pay their only consequence is that they get their maybe their account removed after so many problems and then all they're going to do is go create another account and they're just going to keep on going it works off ip addresses so even if they opened the account with a different email address it would still relate to their ip address from the account that was blocked i would i would assume they probably have some kind of vpn deal because they have the one account that drove up the price that said it was it said it was in the uk and then the other account was said it was in the u.s so i'm assuming they have a vpn or something to set the two accounts it's just really messed up the way they did this again all i can do is apologize that this has happened hope it never happens again in the future i would advise just canceling the whole order with that person quickly get them all the best for yourself well not much they could do thanks for messing it up man but now i'm gonna go to the next person in line and i'm gonna try to get these eggs out today so these eggs can still be hatched out let's see if we can try to do that all right well our second chance offer didn't end up going through i'm not sure if he missed the auction was confused about it but i didn't get any response back from no big deal we'll go ahead and incubate these eggs because it'll be easier to work with these ducklings after they've hatched and not let these eggs go bad now i've heard some really weird things over the past uh 24 to 48 hours about this sale what people thought was going on that people have thought that we've gotten paid this amount that people thought we were operating some kind of drug ring or human trafficking ring it's just bananas guys i mean these are just these are eggs we didn't set the price somebody messed with it it was a legitimate sale that was scammed messed up we did not get paid five thousand dollars for the first time this year we've got our renzi ovezy 100 advance incubator fired up this is our top of the line incubator highly recommend it it's been working great for us for three years last year we had it running for probably about six months straight and we just turned it on today it's got these egg trays in here and so we can adjust it to any size we need for our eggs not only do we have our six eggs in the incubator we've also got three more eggs that came out of the white hens nesting box and so we're gonna go ahead and incubate those two so we've got nine eggs in here so hopefully we'll have a good hatch from this along with our broody mandarin duck that's sitting on some eggs out there incubator's gonna start turning so where do we go from here we didn't make any money from the sale so we didn't make five thousand dollars we didn't make 340 dollars made zero dollars from that it's all right we can always sell some of the ducklings later if some people want to buy them from us what do we do about ebay can we sell through ebay can we trust ebay to keep scammers from hitting our sales i just don't know i don't know if we can sell that option again i think for now we're just gonna have to stick to dealing through transactions through our website and then either selling or shipping live bird store farm thank you guys for bearing with me through my story see you guys with a new video in a few days [Music]
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 729,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, Ebay, eBay scam, hatching eggs, Mandarin ducks, Mandarin duck eggs eBay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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