It Became Unliveable! ~ Abandoned Home Of The Spenser's In The USA

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Welcome back everybody to the Bros Of Decay,  I'm Lesley behind the camera today again,   my lovely friend Danny and we  are filming again a wonderful   time capsule in the United States in  the state of Connecticut this time. Look at this place, which has been  abandoned we believe since the 1990s   and we're going to show you  the house of the Otto family. The only way into the house is through the  basement, okay, you ready for this man? - Yes. Let me turn on your light so  you see something in there,   okay the basement is very narrow,  so watch out with your head,   I know you're a little bit shorter than  me, I'm a Dutch guy so I'm pretty tall. But uh yeah welcome into the basement, a little  brief thing we are right now in the north of the   United States and it's very common in the north  of the United States for houses to have basements. But the other houses that we saw in the south  of the United States all don't have basements. I love the natural exposed stone that  they use to construct his basement with,   is this some sort of limestone you would say? - I wouldn't say Limestone. It's not limestone that's true,   here we have a little thermometer and I  promised Danny that we're gonna go to an   area where it's less cold, but as you can see it's  32 degrees Fahrenheit or -4 degrees Celsius today. So it's freezing! - Yeah. Okay let's go through this basement, and see if   there's anything interesting in here  before we go to the upper floors. I find this also very interesting, here's  the pump for the house so they had a little   water well here and they pumped all  their water from here into the house. I am just   curious what they did with this basement, but  I think it was just used for General storage. Some bottles of cider vinegar  here that are all empty,   they look like wine bottles that you would find  in mansions and houses in Portugal and Italy. And of course jars, yeah "ball ideal"  probably the mother of the family would   use these to make jams and other things  and preserve things over the years. - Oh, I love these diner chairs. Yeah, these are these 1960s 70s  vintage American dining chairs,   oh, when I see this they  remind me of American diners. - Yeah yeah. That's the style of them with the Chrome  and with everything, absolutely love it. Okay, not much more to see in this basement,   time to take that stairway to the top  floor and show you this magnificent house. I have to really crutch in here  and you're just standing upright. - Yeah I'm just standing up. I'm small I know! I think we are just big! Okay, let's go up. This is the story of the Otto family,  originally they were from The Netherlands,   but with the advent of the Second  World War tensions grew in Europe   and they decided to move to  the USA to start a new life.  Here they would build a dream house in  the state of Connecticut in 1940 and   conceived their last child, Spencer,  with a caring father a loving mother,   and 3 beautiful boys the family was complete. After living in the house for many decades the  older brothers both moved out, but the youngest   child Spencer never left, he became attached  to the house, unfortunately, he became too old   to keep up the house, which led to its early  decay when he was still living inside of it,   Spencer was forced to move out and live in a  care home where he still resides to this day.  The home has   stayed abandoned ever since he left it behind,   Every now and then Spenser will revisit  the house and relive his former memories. Today we will take you inside and  tell you the story of their lives. Lesley Reads   Note: "Door, stairs, getting tours  boxes and cabinets and trash",   again we see some notes on the wall we saw  there's also in some other houses in Europe   and also in the United States, but I think  it has to do with memory loss over time   and the children probably put these notes  down here just to help their parents find   everything in the house and know their way  around the house when they have dementia. I promise you this is the only room that  looks like this, but this used to be the   dining space of the house, and as  you can see it's a complete mess. But here I want to get into the story,  the house was deteriorating at one point,   Spencer still left here with his wife  and they just had to move out because   they didn't have money for a restoration,  they didn't have money to clean up the   house and they moved out to a retirement  home to live out the rest of his life. Spencer is now old 84 years old, he  still comes here just to be with the   house and be with his memories, but he  doesn't have the power and strength to   fix up this place or even sell it  and that's just very unfortunate. Some dried leaves, they look  like the children might have   collected them in the forest behind  the house and made this nice display. Oh, look at this lid that we have  over here, it's also quite beautiful! Okay, what do we have over here? Some  broken glass and yet again you can see   "Lesley reads the note", it looks  like an inventory of some sort. - Yeah, maybe the children  made an inventory of the house. It might have nothing to do with dementia. Display cabinet with still some nice things  in there, but then you come into the kitchen   and you can definitely see this  house has been constructed in   the 1940s by the parents of  Spencer, by the Otto family. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the mother  and father, but they constructed it and Spencer   was born yet at that point when the house was  finished in the 1940s and he's now 84 years old. A lovely dining space for the  children and a family that lived here. I'm quite intrigued by this chair, I love  these chairs, yeah, but this looks like a   painter's chair of some sort because  you can see all the smudges on there. I love how it collapses out of there, yeah  it's definitely a painter's chair I would say,   like being on here painting the  house or something like that. We don't have similar chairs like that  in Europe they're typically American.   I see you nodding your head, I have not seen them. - I've seen it close to it, but it's collapsing. Wonderful, what do we have to this side? Another  lovely table, just a little dining table I would   say, or just a little side table with some things  still on there, the painting and everything. And then for the kitchen itself,  everything is Left Behind   I love the built-in cabinets  and walls of this kitchen. We have this very particular and unique Style. "Lesley reads the note",   Okay this is just an inventory  of the house that they did. - Yeah. And they just checked out everything and  maybe for the division between the children,   I love this little cabinet as well the  iron board is still in here and everything,   so they use this for that purpose. And even  Danny, have a look in here all the dishes   when Spencer last lived here  are still left in the sink. And all these viles put down behind here, what do  we have, hot fuel proof orange yellow with dane,   I just love the look and style of  these viles that we have behind here,   they look pretty vintage I would say. I haven't pointed out this  lovely scale back here as well,   the little display in there it's  not visible anymore, they can still   see it moving it still functions,  those things they never break down. The whole ceiling collapsed down falling over  here, it's covering everything in dirt and debris   over those years, I see something from my home  country in between the rubble, Dutch Masters,   love the name of course. But this is a cigar box and back then when  they finished something like that they would   just keep it for storage, this is a very typical  depiction of Dutchmen as you can see with the   hat and with the uniform and everything,  pretty common depiction from the 1700s. And then back here we have the stove for the  mother of the family used to cook all the meals   for their children and the husbands, I'm just in  love with these American stoves, love how they   designed it with the wood styling in there, the  knobs, they're just so beautiful I would say, wow! Then here at the beginning, we have the front door  where everybody would come in and enjoy the house. - Sorry to correct you but the back door. Oh, of course, Sorry Danny, this  one is closed, unfortunately. Little entrance area where the people  could go in and hang out their things. - Yeah, washing machine. I love The Baseballs of the children, the  tennis balls everything is still left behind. Okay, time for the next rooms. Then from the dining space we can enter into  the bathroom it's literally in the middle of   the house, I find it a bit strange because  it's directly connected to the dining room   and directly connected to the living space  behind there, that's a bit strange for me. - Yeah it's a bit strange. Americans have rooms in very  rare places I would say. - Yeah! We don't do it in that way in  Europe, so those are just some   comparisons between the countries or  between the continents I would say. Wow look at this, all the towels are I was still  left here, they seem like they have just been   cleaned, and yet again we can see all those papers  with the inventory still left here, let's see   there are two variety cloths in here or 20 variety  cloths and they're right 20 variety cloths. So yeah like you said Danny, definitely  an inventory of what's left in this house.   Even the bottles of shampoo  and everything is Left Behind. We're still looking for an exact date of  abandonment, we believe 1990s was the time   that Spencer lived here the last together with his  wife, but we're not exactly sure about that date. Here they had their shower and everything,  let me hop underneath here and then I will   go into the living space, the main part of the  house, where the family came together in the   evening, they had good times together, watch  television on that lovely machine back there. This is literally the first thing that catches  my attention when I walk into this room,   I see the vinals, I see the books, I see  that it is a music player of some sort.   but that's definitely a record player  Danny, I think it definitely opens up. I've explored enough houses in the  United States to know, if I take this off   and if I take this off, yeah see, it  opens up to reveal a record player.   Wow, this is so common for the United States to  see record players like that, absolutely amazing! There's still even a plate left on  there and Wobbles around somehow,   maybe that was to catch vibrations of some sort. - Yeah, that's weird! It's very weird yeah. - Because a needle can just scratch that. It's a beautiful music box I would  say, a beautiful record player! And I love this record holder up here as well,  like this is the shape of a harp I would say,   absolutely amazing, and then let's place  this nicely back again over here as well. So we have the lovely living room over here,  I can see we have this chair over here on the   corner this must have definitely been Spencer's  chair at the last years that he lived here, but   also beforehand this might have been his father or  his chair, his father used to rest in here after   a long day of work, that's how it used to be,  that's how people lived in these houses, lovely! This lamp as well to decide   and then have a look at this television Danny,  you see something special about this one? - Yeah, it moves around. There's a swiveling stand ,this is the  first one of this kind that we have seen. - Yeah. Swiveling television, like I always say  I love how that built these televisions,   this is not particularly very intriugely designed,   but I just love the woodwork around it back in  that time. Now televisions are just screens. - Yeah flat screen. That's it, it's just a screen and back then I  really thought about how does the look and feel   of the television was also important and to  integrate it with the furniture of the house,   all these vases up here are also pretty nice. What's this? This looks  like a compass of some sort. I don't understand this. - That's a compass but. But a compass is to move around with. - I don't know. Alliance, Data, Rotor, it says on there, I  have absolutely no clue what this device does,   if anybody knows please let us know. The memo books are still here, where they wrote  everything down, this seems like it used to be   for some accountancy of some sort, you can see  some prices have been written down to the side   and of course also a lot  of letters, I love this one   for Grandpa's girl, I wouldn't trade you for  anything, that's lovely, not even a pony! - What's the name of it? Sorry? - The name. Oh, the name, love Brittany. - Okay, Brittany. Okay, maybe you all can find  Brittany around the house somewhere   because we already found a lot of letters  with names and stuff like that. It's just   some regular letters that the last owners  the Otto family received, yeah interesting,   but everything like this is also still left in  this house, even though Spencer is still alive. - Can I say one thing about the room? Of course! - The wallpaper, it stands out! Absolutely - It's so colorful! I'm glad that you point that out Danny,  the flowers are really beautiful!   A painting about fishing over here. - Yeah I saw another one exactly  the same over here on the floor. Oh, that's duck shooting, that's  not fishing, that's hunting! - Yeah, is it real? I think it is! Yeah it's painted, oh and underneath we  also have these bound books down here,   also pretty interesting I would say, they talk  about herbs and gardening and stuff like that. Okay, then of course another chair to  this side, also a lovely sitting area. - I love this little stand for the feet. I always call them a poof,   that's how we call it a Dutch, but I don't know  if that's the exact word for it in English. A poof it's a small little feet stand. - In the Netherlands? Yeah, that's what we call a poof and I  thought it was the same word in English. - No a poof is like a big thing  like those bean bags you know. But I love this one, it's completely upholstery,  love the piece of Furnishing around it   is a very nice piece of furniture,  okay let's put it over here,   we also got this typical American  Vacuum Cleaner in the corner there. And then on the wall, they had these lights they  look very flimsy they're not very expensive. - Yeah they are not even attached  to the wall, like the cable. Yeah that you just pluck them into the socket. - Okay I thought this was like uh to turn it on. Oh, no no no, yeah that I've  definitely been added all later. See they just have a little nail in there,   a little stand again with some books, the person  that was sitting on this chair next to here,   they would love reading and they put these  books here just to read something at night. And of course, no American house is  complete without a rocking chair. Ah and this one is a pretty lovely one,  and we were just discussing it looks   pretty weird in this room. -Yeah the vibe of that. One more thing that I'd love to point out is these  bow windows how they are formed, to let in a lot   of light and I absolutely love that, there's  also a little area up here and oh you can see   there's also a lot of books stored in there but  they place this plank here to protect the house. - Yeah, normally these places are sitting  areas for reading because of the light. For some reason, there's also a bedroom downstairs   and I think Spencer was already pretty old when  he lived here, so definitely he used this room   as a bedroom downstairs, so we  didn't have to go upstairs a lot. that definitely has been the case. More Dutch master and you can see over here 1987   and this is 1965s, but what's interesting  about this is, it says bills over here,   so after they smoked all the cigars they  used this to store their bills inside. Multi-purpose! Yeah, multi-purpose exactly, let's first focus  on this side Danny, We have this lovely drawer   over here with a lot of letters still left in  here, but we have been looking at the letters and   the names on there and there are more names than  only the Otto family, you see Emerson over here. Again Emerson, that's the name that comes  back a lot of times throughout the house. - Yeah, only in letters. Here we see the date 1991. Hand wrote the letter over here. - Cannot read that! At least we could save it, it says over  there, it has been owing me beauty for a   long time are they well? They're talking about  somebody in this letter pretty interesting. Okay, let's just focus a little bit on the  bed over here, still made this was definitely   Spencer is bad at the last years that he lived  in here, I keep forgetting that he's still alive,   he's still in a resting home,  Spencer is still on planet Earth. He was definitely a big fan of model airplanes  as well, we're going to see more model airplanes,   more toys like that throughout the house,  big fan of that, we also have books from   National Geographic over here as well,  a big reader the man was a big reader. America land of beauty and splendor,   we should read this book Danny and then make  another Journey throughout the United States. - Yeah! We've been enjoying it so far, but uh   we have not seen the beauty of  nature of America yet I would say. - Yeah! Oh I also love behind you we  have this sort of Chaisse Lounge,   I would say or another like bed  thing, I love how it's designed. And then a drawer over here and on top of  there we have a very important picture,   I'm gonna explain something  to you with this picture. So there are two families in this picture,  first of all, this was the grandmother of   the two families, this young man you see over  here sitting on this lovely couch is Spencer,   these are his two brothers, this is  his mother and this is his father and   we believe that these two people over here  must have been a sister or a brother from   the mother or the father, we are not  100 sure and this was their daughter. We're gonna see them coming all back  throughout the house while we're exploring it,   this picture is from 1985, but I'm 95. Excuse  me no worries but I'm uh not sure about this   date because this seems too late, because Spencer  was really way older, he was already way older. Oh, I love these books up here,  they're pretty interesting! Okay, "old world breads " and again a  lot of books over here as well, so one   last book I want to point out that's this one,  oh, completely gold covering on the rim of it. That's definitely a religious book. - What's the name of the religious book? I don't know. The Bible! Of course, sorry, I'm sorry. -No worries. Holy Bible, of course, this  Holy Bible is the property of   nobody so you can still make it to your property. - No thank you! Let's place this beauty back here, okay  let's go to the next part of the house. It's now time to show you the upstairs of the  house, the most private part where the people used   to sleep and we're just saying I said it was the  front door, but this is actually the front door. - This is the front door, yeah! But I find it very strange  Danny, there's the purse   hanging on the front door, on  the knob of the front door. - Yeah, they didn't even bother to  take it out when they boarded up. They just came in here putting the bolts  in there and put the plank in place.   This was the purse of somebody that once  lived here, maybe Spencer's wife at one point. Let's see if there is still  something in there, no there's not,   I just find it's very strange that  it's hanging like this over here, okay! Nice, let's go upstairs. Curious to see what the upper floors of  the house will be hold for us. , what? - Sorry to interrupt I just spotted something. Oh my gosh! - Oh it's a shelf, I thought they were  just hanging on the wall, it's a shelf! There's a shelf of books over  here, today's best non-fiction,   well I love how they're standing like that. - Yeah, me too, I was like  they are floating, but no. You see there's a little bit of rubble on  the top of it, that comes from the ceiling   that's completely falling apart at the top over  there and all the rubble is also on the floor   over here, that's pretty insane. - It is. A lovely design feature of the house,  the wallpaper slowly peeling off   revealing and exposing the wall behind it. Years of Abandonment everybody and  this brings us to the first room,   the first bedroom of the house and I believe  that this used to be a children's bedroom. - Yeah for sure! You can immediately see it when you come inside  of the room, you look at the bed it's so colorful   it's so beautiful, I absolutely love it,  this is the picture that I saw when I got   this house from an Explorer and I fell in love  with this picture and now I see it in person,   you can definitely tell this was a children's  bed with all the colors, it's amazing to see! Right next to there, there are more clues to  the story, the toys are still in here, you   can see they played with tanks so definitely boys'  room, but all the children in the house were boys. What's this? - I think it was a dart board. Oh yeah, of course, looks way different than it  normally does but it is a children's darts board. - Yeah definitely! What do we have over here? Cowboy guitar,   I think it's part of the guitar but  standing over there in the corner. - Oh yeah! It was probably unfixable. Again a lot of books, very  literature people in this household   and these don't look like books for  children, John Fowless, a Maggot. This doesn't look like a children's book. Let's see a lot of things over here  in the corner, wallpaper coming off,   I think this might have been the book for  the school for the children, the school book. They wrote a lot of things in  here, everything is handwritten,   here we see some equations up here  as well, this one's from 1975. Oh yeah of course some geometry as well, some  divisions, I'm a mathematician like most people   know in the channel, I love computer science,  I love math and these are really my books. 1989. Oh that's that's the state school that  they went to, yeah again a lot of books over   here and also these fighter jets airplane  models that the children used to play with. - This is really cool to see, those model planes! This is a box of a model car that you could buy   back then. Chevrolet Corvette, a complete  line of model sports cars ready to assemble. Children probably had a lot of fun doing  that, okay let's see what we have over here,   again a lot more toys from  those children all left here. No idea what this does, it  looks like some sort of a game. Have you seen those letters? I love the corner  around it, the rim around this, it displays   the flag and the colors of America, and even the  Post-it stem on there if the White House, a plane   and only costs 8 cents back in that time when this  letter was sent, it's directed to Spencer Otto. - What's that card? This one? - Yeah. American Radiator and  standard sanitary Corporation,   employee identification card, Otto Spencer. Yeah, that's his job, so we worked in the  radiator and standard sanitary Corporation,   so that means just like standard heating  and plumbing and stuff in this in the house. - wow okay. That's interesting, so all this work that  they did over the years like this over here   we can see a brick house that he was  building that was his job later on. Even this wallet still here, no dollars  in there anymore, nothing it's just empty,   oh here we got a picture of Spencer, do you  think that's the girl from the family picture? - Probably, she was younger, so probably she was. You ever see the boys the motorbikes,   racing away, a lot more toys everywhere,  oh sticks a little bit to my finger. Wow, oh it's again a very interesting suitcase  Danny, see these are a suitcase with all the   coat hangers that you display or that you open up  when you come into your hotel room and everything   is neatly it's like a little closet and  this one as well. Yeah exactly, lovely! Of course a lot more toys for the children,  it's everything what they played with,   army back in the time, I hate War, but for  the children, that's pretty nice to play with. Love these model tanks. - Yeah me too, oh this is interesting! Pinball machine. - Yeah, in real life! The spring is not strong  enough anymore to be able to. -Ah it's stuck! It's a little bit stuck and there  are too many balls in there yeah,   but it still would function if we  fix it up and it's really cool to see   and even Danny something that's probably not  from your country, but your neighbors castanets. - Yeah, neighbors! Do they do this in Portugal as well. - Not much, that's a Spanish thing. In Spain, the ladies dance with this  and clap this and make music with it. And then one last stand over here all the  bound books and everything, the crayons from   the children where they colored with, even a  pair of glasses and everything is left in here. What's this exactly is this  to look at the pictures? - Yeah you would, I don't know exactly  how it works but it's to watch something. You would put something in here  and push it through and watch it,   yeah it's probably a light that  shines through it, from the back. And then a lot more army toys  down here as well and a register. Fifty dollars please and have a good day, Oh wait  wait wait wait before we go away from this room,   this looks like a very old photo album. - It's empty! No, it's completely empty, oh that's sad,   but I see this sometimes in Europe and they are  completely filled with these vintage pictures,   okay everything is nicely back  let's go to the next room. Two more rooms up here that we have  to show you and I believe all the boys   used to sleep up here or maybe one of  them slept downstairs in that one room. Oh this is a very small room I would  say, way smaller than the other one. - I think this is an improvised room. Oh this might have been a bathroom at some  point and they converted it into a room,   that's maybe why we see the bathroom  downstairs and this room up here,   so they wanted to give everybody a room upstairs  and this doesn't look like a children's room. - Yeah it's really old. Oh sheep wool rug on the floor, pretty  nice to see and it's definitely a real one,   definitely! I think if we smell it, it still  smells like sheep, We're not gonna do it and   then a lovely bed completely made out of steel,  yeah it's completely made out of steel, yeah! A nice painting behind there from a landscape  with a tiny house and a forest area around there,   are these praying beads? or they're  meant to look like praying beads,   they are the containers from sewing machine? - Yeah that's just put together like that. A lovely bed still made and what I always  love to see is, see the ceiling all its   paint is slowly shipping off, and then  it's dwindling and falling onto the bed,   then you know this is literally Decades of decay  slowly happening, slowly falling onto the bed. Then we have a Bureau for the person that lived  in this room where they could read and study at. Oh, wow this seems to be from porcelain,   yeah that's from porcelain oh,  okay I am just gonna put here. - That's beautiful! It doesn't have a stand  anymore, but it's lovely to see! Some books Gone with the Wind Margaret Michelle. These radios Danny, I'm just falling in love with  them, I see them always in the United States very   typical, oh, it even still spins, here you would  select the channel that you want to listen to. Its only radio that's what I also love and it's  just very simple very elegant beautifully made,   like again with the television you can see  also there's also been thoughts into the   Furnishing and then the look and feel  of the radio to fit it into the house. A nest of a rat or mouse. What do we have down here? This bag is filled,   no this looks like architectural stuff,  you can see these yeah there are a lot   of drawings in here as you can see yeah I'm  sorry I'm just gonna put this all back later,   but you can see they drew all these heads  of these men up here, I think this might be,   yeah there's also a lot of toys in here this  might have been the school bag for the children. Oh let's put everything nicely back, I  always try to be as respectful as possible   with the items that I find inside of these  homes and just place it back how I find it   and then another lovely drawer over here. Greetings from our house to your house, this  is not a family, E.H.Nunting says on there,   we saw that downstairs aswell. 1928 that's a long  time ago, family picture of two young children,   here again another family picture  I think of the same children   and are these the people that  lived in the house, no they're not. - No they're not! But it's just the name of the company,   interesting, very interesting, so we found the  history of two families inside of this place. Oh, this drawer is completely  filled, but very stuck, oh watch out,   a lot of cards in here Merry Christmas, from  1989, so these are one of the last dates, 1995   is the last date that we've seen throughout this  place, I definitely cannot read this handwriting. Here always hollande on the says  in there, all Christmas cards,   all left in this drawer over here, a  lot of other letters over here as well   and these are from Mrs. Emerson Notting  the same name we saw downstairs as well. Okay, let's close this up, let's go  furthering to the last room upstairs here,   no before the attic, the  attic is another room, okay. There is a door down there, but there is  also an attic up here I noticed. Okay let   me quickly grab a chair, I want to have a peek  up there, that's my just my exploring curiosity. Be careful with this chair! You see these types of Ethics  a lot in the United States. Please, give me the camera, let's  give the people a look up here, I hope   there's nothing scary up here, no it's  just a completely empty space, okay! There you go bro, I was just curious, I see his  face he's like why are you looking up there. - It's nothing! I know it's nothing, but this is my curiosity. -   Now we have your hair full of the ceiling. I do, I'll place this back later, but let's  now go into the last bedroom of this place,   this might have been the Master bedroom, the  parents' bedroom, seems reasonable to me. Lovely bed still made, they have sort of the  same blanket on top of here with all the colors,   absolutely love it! Iron bed frame also look at the lovely  wallpaper, the yellow flowers on there,   surprising that here the wallpaper still  holds up pretty well against the wall. - Yeah, the other room also,  the wallpaper was good. Oh no, over here on this side  it's already peeling off slowly. - Yeah this side of the room is a bit. Bit messy, this is definitely,  oh, you know you know it? - Yeah, of course, Notre Dame. Notre Dame and the boulevards of Paris  and I also love these kiosks that you   have in Paris, you can get drinks  and newspapers and stuff from there,   Paris one of my favorite  cities in the whole world. I can't read it exactly, of course  it says on the back here Notre Dame,   lovely and somebody in the house also loved  bullfighting and Spain, because we saw the   castanets and stuff like that, lovely, okay let's  look at this room see what we can find in here. Oh the pictures of the family,   a day out fishing, when our lovely Spencer was  still young together with his two brothers,   they are fishing and they gave him the net the  catch the fish out of the water, they were like,   you are the young boy, you just get the  fish out of the water, oh that's lovely. Those memories that are left in this place are  amazing, and over here we can see the boys again,   Spencer with his brothers.   Here's another picture with them, but here  the girl also comes back and she is also   part of the family somehow, like I  said she might be a niece of them. - Maybe Brittany the name we saw downstairs. This could have been Brittany,   oh this also always means that there are good  pictures behind there, these photo Maps, oh that's   amazing wow was absolutely amazing, I think there  are a couple more here, oh Danny I love these. - But the real question is who are these people? Yeah they seem like forefathers of the family,   just gonna open them all  because I want to show them. - There's a couple of them, okay! Here we have a name, loving Sander. And then the last one, these are  definitely beginning of the 1900s.  And then there are a couple more pictures  down here, here we see a lady with a car,   we see the house with Christmas in 1962 and  this might have been Spencer, you see here with   the blonde hair maybe this was the kid, he's the  only one with blonde hair 67, it says over there. Maybe that's the date, wow, and here is the  niece again Brittany, who we think is Brittany   and the same child that we saw Spencer with in the  other room as well, the story is really starting   to connect, yeah it's really starting to  make sense to me, it makes sense yeah! Lovely, this looks like a jukebox  but it's actually also a radio,   lovely piece definitely fits in this room. Oh, it still works, still functions,  Stuart Warner, it says on the top of here. I think this was just the radio right,   there's also not a record player or don't see any  compartment where you put a record of some sort. There are pictures above here unfortunately  this one has been destroyed as you can see,   there's someone behind it. And now we have a couple of seats to this  side, I always lose the name for this device,   we call it a "Passer" in Dutch, but  I don't know the English name for it. I don't know. - Me neither! Just leave it in the comments,  if somebody wants to correct us. We're still Dutch guys and Portuguese, so  we don't know every single word in English. Wow, lovely room Danny, I absolutely enjoyed it,   um there's one more thing that we've  got to show upstairs here, let's see. - It's the attic. Not the attic I just showed  you there's another attic. - Yeah, it's a weird attic because. Just follow me, I will show you. - It looks like a normal door. Yeah exactly, see everybody I  place everything always back. - It's this door right here, they painted it. Like all the paint that's on here it's completely  falling off this is the formal layer of paint on   the door, so this is the original color of the  door the formal layer and this is the new layer,   open this up for you, sir, the honor is up to you. Where should I start. - Okay there's a lot of  mess, because it's an attic. There are also some cool things between it,   first things that peaks my attention is  this box, it is definitely completely   fake I know I'm aware of that, there's not  gold plating this is just thinner copper. - It is a really cool box. Absolutely, if you find this in  Europe you can be sure that it's real,   but over here uh probably not, this is where  to get all the sewing supplies as you can see. Very simple box, we also have this lovely,   chest I forgot the name for a second and  then we have this radio portable radio. - That's interesting! It's from General Electric, I love what I made it,   imagine the children back in the time, they  would go to the beach take this radio with them,   put it next to their blanket and just  listen to everything, absolutely amazing. We cannot imagine this anymore nowadays, we have  thousands of songs in our spotify playlists,   life has gotten so convenient, that  it's almost unimaginable nowadays. Sir, I would like you to go further! Just looking at everything around the room here. - Yeah there's a lot! But I think this also might have  been a bedroom at some point,   you know why I think that, first and foremost   there is a bad frame in here, but also the walls  have been painted, the roof has been done, the   ceiling has been done, so that's that's definitely  been somebody's bedroom at some point in time. - Yeah this looks like later on was  an attic, like they put stuff here. Maybe when the children moved out,  they started putting things up here   and they're making it into some sort of an attic. Look what we got over here Danny, Jeffrey Otto,  that might be one of his brothers, yeah or the   father or the father yeah that's true, a lot of  letters up here Miss Alice, mister W.M Parkhurst. Interesting, so many things so many letters so  many memories, all left in this house and I was   telling yesterday to Danny American houses are  different than European ones, American abandoned   houses, they hold so much story about the people,  they tell everything and so much pictures and   that that sometimes we just don't find that in  Europe, but over here that's very present, people   leave a lot behind in the United States, a lot,  lovely vanity over there as well in the corner. Feels right for me to end off this  video in this room, in Spencer his room,   Spencer I know you're still alive man, I hope  you had a good life, I hope you had a lot of   good memories about the house and your family  and living here together with them, I'm happy   that I could document it this abandoned Place,  gonna place this picture back where I found it. Okay, it's like that, I just found  it like that and yeah with that all,   just going to end it off here, I really  thouroly really enjoyed going through here,   these are the time capsules that I  enjoy, showing and bringing to the world. Thank you all so much for watching this  week's video, like it if you liked the video,   subscribe down there if you're new to  the channel if you want to watch more   of this content and also there's a link in the  description for patreon, there you can support   the channel and help us go around this beautiful  Earth and document all these amazing places. Bro can I forgive you a  fist bump, we did it again! Check out Danny as well, E.S Forgotten,  he makes videos about our trip throughout   the United States, link is in the  description and with that all said,   thank you all so much and we'll see  you in another exploration next week. Bye-bye, Love you!
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 214,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Abandoned United states, Narration, Urbex, abandoned, abandoned castle, abandoned house, abandoned houses, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places, abandoned places then and now, abandoned walkthrough, brosofdecay, decay, decaying house, everything left behind, exploring abandoned, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, home, house, photography, steve ronin, urban exploring, urbanexploration
Id: 1BHossRfKh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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