Naruto Ships That Just Make Sense!

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this video is brought to you by tokyo treat in sakurako so there are a lot of relationships in naruto more specifically boruto but the relationships had to happen in naruto for orto to happen if you don't understand why that is i'm not going to explain it to you and also maybe you're too young to be on this page while some of these relationships are incredible in the perfect melding of two characteristics into one relationship some are not that some don't feel fleshed out some feel tacked on and some feel like they just don't even like each other and then there's others who feel like they settled sorry my dog just went on a rolling tirade and managed to knock over some of my figurine boxes look at him okay he wants me look look what do you want from me okay look this is all he ever wants how did you destroy this we've owned this tug toy for two days there used to be a ball here regardless some of the ships that we got in naruto just didn't fill our soul in the way we wanted them to which is why today i'm going to talk about the definitive list of who should have ended up with who now while this may technically be head canon and largely based off my personal feelings it's canon deal with it but before we get to dealing with anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification and while you're doing things go ahead and follow my other youtube page ncgamer23 we just started it and me playing video games if you need more nick content that's the place to find it before we get into all that guys today we have our favorite reoccurring sponsor sponsoring the video you already know it's tokyo treat and soccer account for those of you who are new tokyo treat is a japanese subscription snack service filled to the brim with snacks exclusive to japan tokyo treat allows you to experience modern day snacking through the eyes of a japanese citizen and each month's box comes with a theme this month's theme is snacking shibuya giving you the 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don't know about y'all but i can't read this i mean i can read milk but that doesn't look like milk to me so let's refer to our pamphlet apparently these are milk bell castellas and they're mini cakes originally introduced by the portuguese let's give them a try oh they're sweet and spongy and incredibly flavorful and on top of incredible snacks sucker co also sends you one piece of kitchenware a month this month is a bowl so what are you guys waiting for become an international snacker today use the code nc hammer at checkout to get five dollars off your first order of either soccer co or tokyo treat but don't just go typing in tokyo treat or sakura co into your search bar guys please use the links in my pinned comment and my description for access to the website let's get to snacking so relationships they're complicated they're messy and sometimes they just don't fit right and while that is the case for many of the relationships in naruto some do fit like cinderella's shoe so let's go ahead and talk about the ones that make sense the one that is unequivocally the most agreed upon that it makes sense and is also really cute shikamaru and tamari shikamaru and tamari had more build up for a relationship than any other couple in the show hands down you can be like oh naruto and hinata yeah he not had a crush on him but naruto didn't know who she was for 700 episodes chikamaru and tamari met in the tuning exams and they battled and it was super cute and shikamaru gave up because he ran out of chakra and then tamari went on to go destroy large swaths of konoha you know romance but even after that they're seen walking around the village together whenever tamari's around or they have to go out on missions together as tuning and their personalities are largely contradictory with tamari being boistious and loud and shikamaru being very reserved and quiet which very much resembles what shikamaru's parents relationship looks like so she fits into the generation and they create a very powerful child in shikirai who has the intellect of shikimaru in the wind ability of tamari and the shadow releasing of shikimaru overall 10 out of 10 perfect couple in naruto the gold standard so let's talk about the silver standard hinata and naruto see i have no real problems with them being shipped together obviously hinata's had a crush on naruto since episode one they've been building up to it if you can't see that you're insane and obviously for a very long time naruto had a huge crush on sakura you could say it ran all the way till shippuden because when sakura admits her love for naruto he considers taking her up on it i mean he shuts her down at one of the most savage moments in anime history but still it takes him a second my problem is the subtlety that naruto approached hinata with obviously naruto the last rectified this issue but for the entirety of naruto and naruto shipudin naruto does not even notice hinata sure when she gets murdered by pain he freaks out and becomes karama but the thing is i feel as though he would have done that for any member of the konoha 13. if that was psy out there shino kiba he would have been upset even more so if it was someone like shikamaru who he was close with and then there's obviously the fact that they held hands in the war arc adorable round of applause but it felt like physical contact tacked on in order to lead us to the conclusion that naruto and hinata were supposed to end up together see what kishimoto did very well with tamari and chikimaru was he hinted at them they flirted naruto being so painfully obtuse kind of takes away from them getting together in the end unless of course you watch naruto the last which is the reason that they're the silver standard to me naruto the last is about naruto addressing his feelings for hinata finally it takes her being kidnapped by one of the last otsutsuki's alive who lives on the moon but he figures it out and obviously they have boruto who now has a jogon maybe because of hinata receiving homura's chakra and they have another daughter himawari who has the biakugan and naruto's chakra levels maybe we don't know and people will say well naruto should have ended up with karine or sakura sakura egg no because there's a better choice for her down the line but karine wouldn't have made as powerful a child with naruto as hinata did see that child would just be 75 uzumaki which is incredible but the fact that that child wouldn't be a hundred percent uzumaki means they wouldn't be able to use adamantite chains more likely than not they would have had more chakra than naruto but that kinda would have been it effectively it would have just been naruto squared and while some people may want that that seems boring to me so the combination of hinata's powers and naruto's powers into both boruto and himwary makes me very happy and the dynamic between them even though it's just kind of hinata as a housewife and naruto never home is still kind of functional and cute hinata's living her dream and naruto is happy with somebody who loves him also hinata is one of the very few people in the village who would deal with naruto being away all the time also the kiss in the last so good okay now let's get to an existing relationship that makes no sense it's not even the bronze standard it isn't a standard you probably guessed it already it's sakura and sasuke from the jump of naruto sasuke had never shown any interest in sakura obviously the moment where she tries to stop him from leaving the village for the first time is very tough for sasuke because maybe he's got a little bit of feelings for her however in the beginning of chipotle he almost keyrings her to death alongside naruto he stabs her and shapuden he puts her in a genjutsu where he stabs her again in shippuden when she's trying to get him back after he kills danzo the entirety of the show he is both emotionally and physically abusive to sakura but he's also like that to every single woman in his life because some people will be like well why did sasuke get wasakura he should have got with kari and while that would have made a powerful child no doubt i once again say it probably wouldn't be as powerful as sauron currently is yes the insane amount of chakra that this child would have gotten from the uzumaki's would have been nice and that child probably would have been able to sustain their sharing on longer than anybody ever but that's it you get sharon gone for a long time and while that's very powerful in its own right having sharon gone for a good amount of time and also the insane strength and speed of your mother on top of the possibility of a strength of 100 seal is significantly stronger but we've talked about what makes boruto kids stronger and what the strongest combos would be i'm talking about why why on earth did sakura end up with sasuke in what might have been kishimoto's largest fumble in the history of naruto of which there is many sakura should have rejected sasuke in the end in a moment that could have been very powerful for sakura and just women in shonen she could have said the way you've treated me your entire life does not earn you the right to be with me he comes back to the village he's expecting to be with sakura or eno and they both look at him and say sure you might have paid for what you did to naruto but what about us what about stabbing me what about emotionally abusing me what about putting me in genjutsu uh no once sasuke says it's okay sakura says it's okay writing one of the most powerful women in the universe off just like that one of the most doggedly persistent people in naruto apparently has no strength of will when it comes to a man if she didn't have other options i guess i understand for giving sasuke somewhere down the line and ending up with him but there is the easiest layup of all time you know outside of naruto who's been in love with sakura her entire life brock lee in fact they had built up towards rock lee x sakura before when rockley's in the hospital after his fight against gara sakura goes and visits him lee constantly brings sakura flowers and admits his feelings for her it's much the same as hinata to naruto but the genders are swapped and rock lee is arguably a top three favorite character in the naruto franchise from the naruto fandom he also better than anyone including naruto encapsulates what naruto is about encapsulates the fact that the circumstance of your birth does not determine how powerful how strong or how driven you can be let him marry the woman he wants to now i know i said if sasuke ended up with karine that child wouldn't be as powerful as sarita look me in the eyes right now and tell me rockley and sakura wouldn't make a child stronger then sorry it gates hundred healing sorrow to strength rock lee speed what do you want that child would be mike guy on steroids but instead we got metally who's cool he has a natural anxiety driven drunken fist that's cool but we don't even know who his mother is in rockley a crowd favorite is relegated to being a single father why psy got married and he's one of my favorite characters but he does not hold nearly as much weight in the fandom as rock lee does rockley got its own spin-off so sakura should have been with rockleigh and sasuke should be with nobody he has never treated anybody in his life even remotely good enough to end up with them that's including karine who he has stabbed with his chi dory and used her like a setsu bean every chance he got not to mention more likely than not that her emotions towards sasuke of love are orochimaru playing with her memories but since we were talking about meadow lee let's talk about metal lee's possible mother ken 10 10 10 was gonna end up with neji i don't care what you say i don't care what you think that's what was going to happen edgy was not going to marry hinata their cousins i understand that hayashi likes to keep it in the blood but hayashi has also been planning how to get hinata with naruto both of their entire lives i have a video about it go watch it that being said neji's death did serve as a way for naruto and hinata to get closer but if you think about it negi in 1010 makes a lot of sense neji is a genius and ten-ten is not but neji's character arc was realizing that those born without strength can achieve it and while ten-ten may not be the most impressive member of the konoha 13 she was still stronger by the end of the show than she was in the beginning and that believe it or not was through a lot of hard work on top of this they were the two odd men out in team guy often having to deal with mike guy and rockley's shenanigans and in those circumstances they had each other they're both very laid back personalities both known for their abilities to roll their eyes at their fellow teammates and sense it i honestly think they would have been really cute together now g most likely would have continued on as a jonine or the head of the huka family i know he literally couldn't be according to like hugo law but hayashi watched his brother haizashi die and it kind of changed hayashi's brain on side and main branch family roles also hinata would have been busy being pregnant with naruto's children so maybe she wouldn't have been perfect for the role at the time i don't know it doesn't matter because technically he died to a stick and instead 1010 had to secretly have rockley's child could the eye shape and tell me 1010 is not metal lee's mother what happened was broccoli got a little bit drunk and remember any time any amount of alcohol hits rockley's lips he forgets everything that night 10 10 bing bang boom metal late only thing that metal league got dropped off on his doorstep like nine months later and he just has no idea whose kid it is that's why he's not going to 1010 for like alimony oh i forgot to mention earlier i like enox i this is an unpopular opinion because people believe there was absolutely no romance between ino and sai and for a while you're absolutely correct but in shikimaru's light novel shikamaru shinden we finally got why they ended up together essentially one year after the war arc has ended there's still a lot of people out there who are sympathetic to moderate cause so naruto and sire sent out on a lot of missions to wipe these people out sai goes out on a mission to do something similar to this and he gets caught and put under a genjutsu that makes him sympathetic to moderate cause and sympathetic to all the people that captured him so inun shikacho have to go save him and it actually looks pretty rough for all of them shikamaru choji and ino are all in a tough situation where this group of moderate sympathizers kind of have them on their heels and it's mostly because psy is working with them and it's at this point that ino tries to undo the genjutsu using mind transfer jutsu you see leading up to this they had gotten barbecued together and she had a slight attraction to him which made a lot of sense because think about it he was quite literally the person who replaced sasuke and some uncultured weebs will call him sasuke light even though sasuke is side light but if eno is into sasuke which is dark and brooding then sai is just down her alley but once she dove into his mind she began to understand who sai is as a person she started to see the years of depersonalization that separated his personality from humanity seeing that even when he's trying he can't fully be himself and this made her fall crazy in love with the dude so after the mission they end up together and that is legitimately more of a love story than we got for a lot of these other relationships so for that level i put saiyan eno on the same level as shikimaru and tamari also because the combination of their abilities to make enogen is legitimately really cool having mine transfer jutsu and ninja b scrolls which are two of the more interesting jutsus in naruto's really interesting also they can share crop tops now we're gonna step out of konoha for a second because there's another person outside of konawa who deserves love and is shipped rather frequently see a lot of people will ship gara with naruto and it doesn't not make sense gara seems to like naruto a lot whether that's as in admiration or love i'll leave that up to you it's actually not the direction i'm going though you see what's wild to me and i guess makes a lot of sense for gara is that he's one of the most widely beloved and widely desired people in the hidden sand i mean he's the kazekage who turned the village around he led the shinobi forces i'd have the hots for him too he didn't have that boredom haircut that is karo legitimately has an entire light novel dedicated to conqueror and tomorrow trying to hook him up with people and for a second it looks as though he's found a woman who's interested in him but eventually she tries to assassinate him because she had a secret husband sigara has what i like to call absolutely no luck and love but it doesn't have to be that way people are always like well who's gonna hook up with pacara she's dead tomorrow that's his sister there's no options in the hidden sand and amongst people we know in naruto and have had significant screen time that's pretty much true except for the exception of one person maki see maki became very important in the war her jutsu ability was cloth manipulation essentially she had a huge roll of cloth that she could pour her chakra into and bind people with it or use it defensively or offensively she was a fuan jutsu specialist bit like kara who uses sand to bind many of the edo 10 side shinobi so they both fought in the fourth great ninja war and both are specialists in foo and jutsu makes more than a little bit of sense that they would bump into each other once or twice but what's even crazier than that is that maki was present in the kaze kage rescue mission so they literally have a meet cute maki was there when he got revived so as to how they never met i i simply can't explain it especially considering that her personality is much bolder and upfront and that would perfectly match gara's subdued nature like write a story about some kind of beast going crazy and the hidden sand needs to get its best foo and jutsu users together hell it could be shukaku let's say shukaku gets put under a genjutsu ingara thinks he can do it on his own but konkaro and tamari force him to bring maki one as a play to keep an eye on his health but two as a possible way to set them up shenanigans ensue as they follow shukaku across the lands trying to seal him and eventually fall in love and then the rest of the sand village has exactly what they want which would be the kazekage being married and having children but instead they wrote a book about garrow who's one of the most beloved characters in all of naruto trying to fall in love kind of falling in love and then having that woman tried to assassinate him give miyakovsky heat in but with gara and maki not hard and then shinki could quite literally be his son and i know what you're thinking you're saying nick you went to gara before you even finished up the konoha 13. we're getting there the end of this list is a bit out there you're gonna have to stick with me on this one but i'm actually really proud of making this connection and it's mostly built on hearsay and my general feeling so take it with a grain of salt she know he's single right even in boruto he's just a teacher which is unfortunate because he's actually a pretty cool guy and also incredibly powerful a lot of power to pass on to future generations but i know what you're saying everybody else is already taken from konawa in terms of women in my perfect circumstance where ten-ten is with nedji that is so it looks like shino is gonna have to look outside of the village but here's the thing she knows bugs are incredible for reconnaissance and assassination his role as a teacher actually makes very little sense he's an incredibly talented journey and obviously has a lot of knowledge to in part but he should be out there gathering knowledge and you can say well yeah there's not a whole lot of spying going on in the era of peace and you're right but if anybody should be outside of the village a lot outside of sasuke it should probably be shino or other strong avaramis so maybe one time when shino was out doing reconnaissance trying to find new bugs even he bumped into the fifth misokage my and i know what you're saying nick they're drastically different ages obviously sheena was of age at this point this is years down the line but mai has been looking for a husband for decades she has an incredible drive to get married and she also has an insane amount of power to pass down she's also a very forthright and flirtatious personality somebody who will do the majority of the talking in the relationship somebody who would maybe go outside of what would typically be their normal type in order to fulfill the goal of being married not saying settled because sheena was not settling he's a great guy and he's also technically never lost the fight so maybe she makes advances on sheena and he's too shy to say no or maybe she's always talking over him because that's kind of she knows whole thing getting talked over i mean we're in the era of peace dating between villages is not weird anymore and look at me in my eyes and tell me you don't think shino would be into older women he's never particularly expressed interest in any of the women around him maybe he was always looking for a cougar and this would satisfy both mai and shino because mai is looking for a younger man you can tell based off the way she acts around all the strong younger men in her life is it a stretch yes is it my favorite head canon ship also yes but since we're talking about out of village ships let's talk about choji see shoji ended up with karaoke that's fine i guess but the only exclamation we ever get for this relationship is during soccer rahid which takes place about three years after the war essentially while eno and sakura are chatting they bring up choji sakura asks if choji's not too interested in food to look for love to which eno says no he's actually been sneaking out of the village to go to the hidden cloud for any reason any chance he can get he's looking for an excuse to go see karui and that's it we've never seen shoji and karoy's first meeting and while i think having an interracial ship in naruto was nice it never really made a lot of sense to me there was no chemistry they never met i mean they're cute in boruto i guess but she's always yelling at him and she doesn't seem very happy with the way that he nonchalantly approaches everything but there is somebody in the hidden cloud who's incredibly nonchalant so nonchalant that her name directly translates in english cool that would be samoy si samowi is the leader of karoy's team she leads team samoy and her name directly translates to cool and it's the word that she says more than anything else once you learn even a small amount of japanese you realize most names in anime are just bad puns but she's incredibly easy going i mean she was the person who stopped karoy from caving naruto's face in and if we're just gonna slap choji with somebody from the hidden cloud this made more sense to me especially when you consider the fact they're both on the thicker side just karaoke and choji don't seem necessarily happy because of the contrast and their personalities and obviously chocho has the realization of one filler episode in boruto that they are happy but yeah just my feeling i was eating chocolate so now he's here but speaking of dogs that brings us to our last entry on the list kiba kiba's relationship in boruto is somewhat confusing he's dating a kind of cat girl it's anime cannon but that's not who kiba should have ended up with because she technically doesn't exist in the manga and also like cats and dogs it's cliche there's another person out there though who just like kiba relies on things in order to strengthen their power as a ninja who made a lot more sense like if you're gonna say he dates a girl who likes cats why not he dates a person who likes puppets i mean puppets are things that you create and then use in combination with your own power to bolster your power justice kiba raised akamaru and now his new dog in borato to bolster his own power the maintenance and delicate dance of keeping these things healthy and clean and well running in order to maintain your strength is a good connection especially when you consider the events of naruto the last the manga not the movie essentially puppets that they've created they auto set and then can go do their own thing without anybody controlling them and conquero is sent find out how they did this you see conqueror is on the everlasting quest to find the perfect puppet or create the perfect puppet a puppet who doesn't need to be controlled a puppet that has free will to a degree wouldn't it make sense to explore the relationship between humans and ninja hounds to better understand how to make a companion that can perfectly operate without you you see wakamaru does often take commands from kiba in order to figure out what he should be doing in the battle akamaru still has free will and can impart his own will into the fight without kiba's commands that level of sentience could be applied to a puppet and let's not act like kiba and conqueror haven't met before they have in fact in very important situations kiba was going to die unless conqueror came and fought sakon in ukan and they worked together to kill sakhan and ukhon you see konkro even in boruto is single because he's too busy running the hidden sands military or at least that's what he says in kiba at least manga cannon wise is childless and single maybe he just spends too much time with his dogs listen this ship would never happen in a million years because kishimoto would never have the balls to go that far these are two relatively likable characters who have similar power sets and a good reason to meet each other but they've already met but a good reason to re-meet each other i think there's truly no reason for them not to be together but then again what do i know i just talked about naruto professionally what do you guys think who should have been together what are your favorite head canon ships let me know in the comments below and while you're down there go ahead and like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification and while you're super at it go ahead and please follow my other youtube channel ncgamer23 where i play video games and record it i think one day it's gonna be bigger than this page so get there early listen i know i didn't bring up sasuke and naruto as a relationship but let's be real they're already dating [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 621,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, kiba, kankuro, rock lee, sakura, gaara, hinata, shikamaru, temari, choji, samui, karui, maki, konoha, hidden sand village
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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