Naruto's Most Dangerous Jutsu's EXPLAINED!

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so there's a lot of jutsus in Naruto that's one of its biggest appeals the list when you take every Jutsu used in anime manga the light novels and every piece of content totals over 2 000. because that we have a wide birth of very interesting jutsus that do vary different things but within that list of jutsus there is a separate much smaller list of Jutsu this is a list of very powerful Jutsu that are dangerous to be used yes of course today we are talking about kinjutsu AKA forbidden Jutsu but what makes a Jutsu forbidden what happens if you use a forbidden Jutsu and why isn't thousand years of death on there these are all good questions that I'm gonna answer in just one second before I get to answering any questions guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell and while we're supporting Nick guys I have two other YouTube Pages NC gamer 23 where instead of talking anime I play video games and cameras collection where instead of talking anime I unbox things from it so the term forbidden Jutsu tends to get thrown around a lot over the duration of Naruto theater has got one got one saucery's got one even Naruto uses one actually in fact Naruto uses two what makes a Jutsu forbidden and is there consequences for using them and also what is every forbidden Jutsu and what does it do see I haven't done a video like this in a long time when I first started this page I used to just talk about every single gin Cherokee or every tail bees or every Sharingan user for 35 minutes so today you could say we're getting back to my roots because on top of telling you what a forbidden Jutsu is and what happens if you use one I'm going to be explaining what every single forbidden Jutsu in Naruto is this is gonna be a long video so let's get to it forbidden jutsus are pretty self-explanatory they're jutsus that are no longer allowed to be taught or used but how were the first jutsus forbidden who were the people who decided to ban certain jutsus and why well the term forbidden Jutsu came around after the Warring States period after the hidden Villages propped up essentially all of the villages came together and decided to ban certain jutsus in order to stop unnecessary levels of Bloodshed this was done in order to save lives and maintain peace and for being in Tyler real some of the jutsus that spun out of the Warring States period like flying rygin and Edo tensei probably deserved to be banned because of the sheer level of Devastation you could do to an opposing army with these jutsus tobirama also got canceled over mutually multiplying explosive tags but that's just piling on topirama wasn't the only war criminal coming out of the Warring States period though izanami and Izanagi were also banned immediately but one could argue that all juices can be used to kill somebody at high rates I mean Fireball due to one of the most common jutsus we see throughout the entirety of Naruto can literally burn you to death so there's gotta be some sort of rules outside of it kills lots of people to forbid a Jutsu and there sort of is as we understand it there's basically six reasons that ajutsu can become forbidden the first reason is probably the most common and clear to your average viewer essentially this reason states that if the Jutsu in question puts the user in danger then it will be kinjutsu for examples of this think Ross and shuriken or reverse Lotus the second reason as if the technique has severe chakra requirements to use like multiple Shadow clones essentially if using this Jutsu will leave the user with a severely depleted amount of chakra and therefore endangering them it's kinjutsu the third reason is if the Jutsu violates the laws of nature like Edo Tensai bringing the dead back to life the fourth reason is kind of a spin-off of the first reason if the technique requires you to use your own life or somebody else's life as a sacrifice kinjutsu for this thing death Reaper seal or one's own life Jutsu that Granny Chio uses the fifth reason is oddly specific it's the destruction of a Sharingan izanami and Izanagi are banned because they blind a Sharingan when used the Uchiha decided to make them forbidden because they hold their sharingans as prized Treasures so destroying them with a Jutsu would be forbidden and the last reason is large-scale destruction any Jutsu that can destroy a large area immediately is banned like Fury which is technically killer but will still cover it okay so these are all the reasons that ajutsu would be banned so what happens if you use one of these banned jutsus nothing like I've already stated Naruto uses multiple Shadow clone Jutsu all throughout the duration of Naruto but they believe that he gets a pass because he's the only person who can use it safely when Tsunade labels the Ross and shuriken as kinjutsu she just basically is like hey Naruto you shouldn't use that and he's like I'm still gotta well minito and here's in use the death Reaper seal but we're called Heroes for using it so it's just kind of words it's like how jaywalking is illegal technically you shouldn't do it and maybe if you find the really mean cop he'll yell at you about it maybe even write you a ticket but 99.999999 of the time you're gonna be fine so now that we know when the category forbidden juices was made what the criteria are and what happens when you use them the only thing left to do is to talk about every forbidden Jutsu in the show shout out to anime Senpai comparisons because they are the only person I've seen that's actually made a list of all of the kinjutsu all together and legit I just couldn't find one anywhere first up is an earth release kinjutsu from the land of stone akata are from boruto and their weaponized earth-release Golems essentially they are independent in sentient mud clones that have been weaponized in order to protect Ewa from external threats without using Shinobi they have the capability to phase into the ground and drag people into the ground with them suffocating them on top of that their lojoning level Fighters these were considered kinjutsu because they go against the laws of nature essentially it gave sentience to mud and that isn't how life is usually created because of that they were labeled akinjutsu on to the next one second on the list is the animal cursed seal this is our first filler Jutsu the animal Curcio Works a bit like orochimaru's curseel but unlike orochimar's heaven or Earth curse seal this isn't acquired by a bite from Orochimaru essentially you're bitten by a snake and that snake and Prince a tattoo on you that tells you how to make a potion and once you make that potion out of like 20 very difficult to acquire ingredients to take that potion and you acquire a curseum and once you drink this potion you acquire hire the level 1 of The Cursed seal just like with the heaven and or Earth cursed seal and with this level 1 you acquire enhanced muscle growth speed durability you also begin to take on slight appearance of an animal in mizuki's case into that guy who attacked Naruto for stealing the scroll and rukai to protect him by stopping that big old shuriken you have that guy he grew tiger stripes on his arm and then eventually as the curse seal is with them for longer they acquire a second stage and this is when the furry bait comes in Mizuki who evicts his potion with tiger genetics became a tiger however this animal cursed seal was still in beta testing and therefore the explosive growth in power was actually at the detriment of your cells so once you were done being furry Bates your body would return to normal and your body would basically be destroyed and therefore this was labeled kinjutsu because it aligned with the first reason for something to be called kinjutsu it but the user at risk after that we have antlion ninja Arts ephemeral this was also filler this technique allows the user to make four trucker wings that makes them resemble a firefly but these techniques don't only allow the user to fly they can also fire powerful black from them however this technique can only be used once because the technique drains you of so much chakra it leaves you in a near-death State this makes sense because also while you use this technique you can transport yourself anywhere instantaneously just like flying ryzen so it was labeled kenjutsu once again because it put the user in danger you're not gonna believe it but this next Jutsu is also filler the next kinjutsu is casualty puppet this technique like a lot of the ones on this list was developed by Orochimaru essentially this technique allows the user to absorb a freshly killed corpse and once they've absorbed this freshly killed corpse they can use that Corpse's abilities so let's say I kill you but you know Fireball and I don't I can absorb your corpse and now I can use your corpse to spit Fireballs at people the only problem with this technique outside of the fact that you have to kill somebody and absorb them is that using it slowly warps your brain and makes you go crazy so this technique was banned for a going against the laws of nature by bringing a dead person back to life sort of and also putting the user in danger the next Ninjutsu is let me hear you say it filler our next kinjutsu is called chakra threads and not the chakra threads you're thinking about obviously when we talk about chakra threads you probably think of the chakra threads that puppeteers use to control their puppets that's how sorcery and granuccio and conqueror are able to connect these chakra threads from their fingers to their puppets and control them in battle but we're not talking about those chakra threads those chakra threads are completely fine we're talking about other chakra threads yes both the technique are called chakra threads don't look at me these chakra threads are different from regular chakra threads sort of mostly in the way that they're used while the chocolate threats at granny Chio conqueror and saucery use are used to control puppets these trucker threads are meant to connect two hearts essentially members of the fuma clan are able to catch chakra threads onto an enemy's heart and tie it to their own this technique means now that they're connected via this chakra threat heart to heart but any damage incurred to the fuma clan user using the chakra threads on an enemy will then be reflected upon the person they've cast their chakra threads on It's hidan's ability however the fuma clan member is not Immortal so if they die the person who their chakra thread is connected to also dies and this Jutsu was banned because it puts the user at risk well sort of I guess technically it doesn't put the user at risk because that would still just be the enemy like the user casting these chakra threads technically isn't increasing the danger they're in at all it would still have to be killed by an external Force whatever it's filler this next Jutsu is let me hear y'all in the back filler but this is a different kind of filler because this is movie filler not anime filler so it's actually technically not filler it's just not canon the next kinjutsu is the Chimera technique and no not child Tucker's genius work trying to make dog girls know we're talking chimeras in Naruto this technique was seen in Naruto the movie the will of fire I'll give you guys one guess as to how the Chimera technique Works essentially it allows hiroko who is a missing man of konoha who combined the body parts of separate organisms into one body you know like a chimera and once these different body parts are combined a new synthetic body is made for heroko's genius really steps up with this Jutsu though is that the Keke genkai and the abilities of every body part added to the Chimera is usable by the Chimera and because of this when hiriko uses his technique on himself and makes himself a chimera he has four separate Kika genkai storm dark steel and Swift however chimer can only absorbed four Keke genkai I mean it can absorb a fifth but there's a bunch of rules I don't want to go over Chimera basically just works like casualty puppet except it's more animalistic our next Jutsu is it's actually it's Canon but it's Canon to boruto the next kinjutsu is the corpse clone technique this technique allows the user to assume the identities of its victim essentially this is like transformation Jutsu on an entirely different level the user has to unhinge their jaw and eat the living brain of their victim yeah like living brain is important but it's called The Corpse clone technique I don't I don't know which is which but regardless after the user eats their victim's brain they can flawlessly recreate their appearance within themselves they get all of their abilities all of their memories it is a perfect transformation if a user of this managed to somehow catch Kakashi off guard and ate his brain they could just become Kakashi they could use kamui in Chidori and purple lightning I understand commonly and purple lightning are getting used at the same time guys on top of this once you make the transformation there's no more work you need to do you get to be transformed Forever Until hypothetically somebody shuts down your ability to use chakra and then you would go back but as long as you have a constant flow of chakra you're fine this Jutsu is considered can juicy because it requires a sacrifice after corpse clone Technique we have creation rebirth which is very Canon creation rebirth is widely misregarded as the strength 100 or byakia seal but in fact creation rebirth in the strength of 100 seal are completely different jutsus it's just Tsunade needs an access to an insane amount of chakra to use creation rebirth in the same goes for Sakura so they have to release their strength of 100 seals simultaneously Christian rebirth was created by Tsunade with the resolution to save all of her teammates and herself on the battlefield essentially by releasing an insane amount of chakra all at once she's able to increase the mitotic Regeneration of her cells to such a rate that any injury she incurs heals instantly this is healed entire sever arms and Sakura's case and literally brought a bisected Tsunade back together in the war as long as creation rebirth is active the user quite literally cannot die however this technique doesn't heal your old cells it creates new ones Adventure cells only have a certain amount of mitotic splits in their entire lives it shortens the user's lifespan essentially by use and creation rebirth you are accelerating your body's clock a wound that would take a week to heal is healing in seconds but that's because your body body is now a week older and because of this technically by using creation rebirth you are shortening your lifespan and therefore it violates the first rule it puts the user at risk but Tsunade is the Hokage and she told Naruto not to use a kinjutsu because it was dangerous so what are the rules that was fun how those two last jutsus were Canon right don't get used to it this one's filler up next we have the curse mandala this one just like the Chalker threads is specific to the fuma clan this technique works by essentially putting somebody in a chakra pyramid and as the user moves their hands closer together that chakra pyramid gets smaller and smaller and smaller and eventually if the chakra pyramid gets too small it crushes the person inside of it and kills them however to maintain this Jutsu you have to hold a triangle-shaped hand seal the entire time and if your will falters or the person you're trying to trap is just too strong they can destroy it only problem is if they destroy it it releases a large blast and destroys everything around it including the user of the curse mandala so for the sixth reason AKA large-scale destruction and potentially harmed the user the first reason this Jutsu is Akin Jutsu don't worry it's not the bit about crushing someone slowly to death no it's just if it explodes or it hurts the person who's using it this technique is considered a close relative to dust release AKA Tota that combines Earth Wind and Fire however since dust release can't hurt the user it's all good even though it vaporizes you on a cellular level the next two jutsus are Canon I say two because we're gonna do them simultaneously because they're basically the same thing the next two kinjutsu are from Orochimaru who else this might as well just be a video about him and they are the cursed heaven and cursed Earth seals now you're probably wondering to yourself I thought a rochamara just handed out cursed seals and you're kind of right he's just got a couple different varieties however the only person we've ever seen receive a curseel of Earth is kimimaru everybody else like anko Sasuke the sound Village 4 they all received the cursed seal of Heaven how was the cursed seal of Earth different from the curse deal of Heaven it's not there's two levels to the curse technique and the first level of the cursed seal lines begin to leak from wherever the curcia was placed that increase your Ninjutsu capabilities your chakra your durability all of that and then if you go to the second level of the transformation you take on animalistic appearances your skin color changes and all the things that happened in the level one transformation happen again but way stronger in the level two and that's exactly what happens when you use the cursed seal of Heaven there's two levels the first level you get lines the second level you get a skin color change and animalistic X appearances and all of your abilities are boosted however these techniques are banned for more than one reason one they go against the laws of nature Orochimaru leaves a little bit of his genetic material and his chakra in every single curse mark so he can then use those curse marks to be revived later on if he ever dies that goes against the laws of nature two they technically require a Sacrifice by placing a curse deal on somebody you make them run the gauntlet of a 1 in 10 chance of dying only 10 of people who receive curse seals survive so yeah just another entry from Orochimaru by the way if you guys want want to know more about cursed seals I actually did a whole video about them it's right here the next five 's or Canon the first daytime tiger daytime tiger is arguably one of the more interesting entries onto this list because it is a pure purely tied you Jutsu move which makes it eerily reminiscent of a forbidden martial arts move like crotch kicks or eye gouge it but essentially the way the daytime tiger works is that after a user of the eight Gates opens up to the seventh gate they can use this technique you have to be opened up to the seventh gate because of how fast this punch happens this technique is confusing at least it's confusing for a strictly Tai Jutsu move essentially a user of the eight Gates has to stretch one of their hands out in front of them and then punch the back of that hand with their own other fist this then creates a wave of air pressure off of their open hand they then do a hand seal that is in the shape of a tiger in this launches that air pressure at their opponent in that air pressure as it moves will condense into a singular Point becoming a spear of condensed air and then this air pressure can explode on command creating a massive explosion one so large that it dwarfed Turtle Island this technique is forbidden though because it puts the user a significant risk of bodily harm I mean you know how fast a fist moves in seventh gate right well they have to punch the back of their own hand and therefore it's highly likely that you will shatter many bones while using this technique also it violates the large-scale destruction law so yeah don't use it or do because nobody really cares next up is my personal favorite Jutsu I have a tattoo of it this is the dead demon consuming seal AKA The Reaper death seal this is a Jutsu created by the uzumakis in order to make sure that any strength of opponent could be killed essentially this Jutsu works by summoning a Shinigami to the Earthly plane and in exchange for the user's own soul the Shinigami will reach out and grab the soul of your opponent and slowly pull it into you and once your opponent's soul is entirely out of their body it is sealed inside of the Shinigami stomach along with your own where you and your opponent will fight in limbo for the rest of Eternity it's so metal this technique technically has a lot of rules and just like with the curse heels I've made a whole video about it but essentially the user can only pull out as much soul from the other person as they have in terms of chakra levels let's say I have 80 chakra and you have a hundred that means I can only pull out eighty percent of your soul now that's usually fine because 80 of your soul is only gonna leave you with your hands and your feet but in cases like where Heroes and had so much less chakra than Orochimaru he was only able to get his arms on top of all of this the Shinigami is invisible to the person you're using it on until the Shinigami has grabbed their soul and then once the Shinigami grabs their soul the person whose Soul you grabbed cannot move or use chakra however since this Jutsu does kill the user it is a kinjutsu less you use it to save the village and then good job the next Jutsu we have isn't quite as metal but it is still terrifying next up we have Earth Grudge fear Earth Grudge fear is a kinjutsu specific to the land hidden by the waterfalls and it's the kinjutsu the kakuzo stole after he killed the village elders and left the village this shitsu isn't Earth release and it essentially makes your body no longer meet in flesh but rag Dolly black thick threads and you manipulate all of these rag Dolly black thick threads you can use these threads to sew up any injuries you or your friends May incur and this can go so far as reattaching lost body parts you can attach your own Limbs and fling them at people or use them to grab things far away you can even feed your threads into the underground and have them come up from under your enemy but truly the best use of these threads is the fact that it basically grants the user immortality as long as they're willing to kill people essentially you can use these threads to rip out the organs of people you've killed and put them inside of you because you can replace your own organs with new fresh organs you can essentially live forever and once you take the organs of other people you actually get their nature releases which is why caucuso has all five basic nature releases because kakuzu now has five Hearts you have to destroy all five hearts in order to kill it making him pseudo Immortal this technique is banned because it requires sacrifice and also because it goes against the laws of nature next up did you think we're gonna have evening elephant and not have the eight Gates on here it's not like there's just certain techniques you use with the eight Gates that are kinjutsu all of eight Gates is kinjutsu which by the way once again covered the 8 Gates works by tapping into 8th Central tenketsu points throughout your body once you override each of these 10 ketsu points which are technically identified as chakra limiters you get more access to a hundred percent of your total chakra you see the average person actually only accesses about 20 percent of their total chocolate this is to say that people like Naruto and Sasuke and Sakura aren't actually dealing with a hundred percent of their chakra in the same way that you and me aren't dealing with 100 of our strength at any given moment because using 100 of our strength leaves us liable to muscle tears and in the eight Gates there is eight gates to go through as you make your way down incrementally through these eight Gates you get access to more chakra and faster healing and more speed in the ability to do certain things like the evening elephant however as you move incrementally down these Gates you also open yourself up to more risk moving at speeds that high or punching that hard is going to break bones and tear muscles and therefore the first seven Gates violate the first rule which is putting the user at risk however the eighth gate which gives you a hundred times boost on your chakra violates an additional rule which is the fact that it costs the user their life oh buddy do you get to be the big dog for about two minutes and since we're talking about the eight Gates we might as well talk about another technique used by Rock Lee and Mike guy the front Lotus the front Lotus requires you to kick your opponent up into the air and once they've reached the Apex of their flight you come up behind them and wrap them up in bandages you then begin to spin your opponent in a head first collision with the ground and right before your opponent's head hits the ground you ditch them so your head doesn't hit the ground and you Retreat to safety however to pull off his technique at least one of the eight Gates needs to be open and because at least one of the eight Gates need to be opened the user is most likely to be fatigued which is going to leave them open to attacks and because using this YouTube leaves you vulnerable to attack and also puts you in danger because remember you are also still spinning at the ground to head down you are in danger and therefore it violates the first rule putting the user in danger that was fun how we did all those Canon ones wasn't it I enjoyed it it's over now too bad but that being said out of all of the filler kin Jutsu I believe this one is probably the coolest this kinjutsu is called Theory this Jutsu is kind of insane it just makes people human nukes essentially Fury is just a technique that allows a user to make a massive explosion we're talking like tail beasts level explosion essentially it was created by this guy named enugoja and he implanted this kinjutsu on both himself and his granddaughter however they can't just walk around and explode a bunch of places in order to pull off Fury you have to release the kinjutsu seal you have to use and I'm gonna have to read this tsuchigumu style forbidden life technique release creation of Heaven and Earth which essentially releases the seal on their back and then pulls in a massive amount of nature chakra from the surrounding area to power up what would be Fury's explosion and then after you get enough nature chakra you just explode like you don't explode like everything around you explodes this explosion is big enough to wipe entire Villages off the map the heroes in saw that and he was like oh no how about we make that one of kenjutsu and it makes sense because of the level of mass destruction it's capable of causing but if oh I don't know Naruto were to learn it certainly has no problem pulling in nature chakra God and Jugo was able to learn it it's one of those techniques I'm gonna make a video about one day and now we're back to Canon stuff up next we have the hidden stone kinjutsu yes that's the name this is the kinjutsu the data raps you know the reason he's got hand mouths this kinjutsu has been passed down through generations in Ewok and it essentially allows users to need their own chakra into materials not just clay common misconception and by kneading their chakra into materials they can form that material into something that they can control remotely and this can be on the scale of something Nano size or on the scale of a C2 Dragon you see actually the only thing that allows daedora to explode his Clay is a that it's explosive clay and B that he has explosion release his hand mouths technically have nothing to do with it his hand mouths just allow him to create and control his Creations this technique was banned because it goes against the laws of nature sort of essentially you're like pseudo giving life to inanimate objects by needing your chakra into it and controlling it but not even really because you are controlling it and they don't really have free will not really any different from like a mud clone or a wood clone actually stumped as to why this one's a kinjutsu regardless I'm sure as to why these next two are kinjutsu because our next two are izanami and Izanagi Izanagi is again Jutsu casted by a sharing gun wielder essentially it's a yin yang release that allows a Sharingan wielder to rewrite reality let's say you stabbed me in the heart and I don't like that very much I can choose to make the reality we are currently standing in a genjutsu dissolve the body you just stabbed and recreate my body somewhere else this isn't even a one-time thing depending on how much chakra you have or how strong you are as a person is an Augie can last up to a minute and a half meaning that for a full minute and a half basically reality is in my hands it doesn't matter if you stab me shoot me rip me in half I can make that body not real project my Consciousness and my imagination somewhere else and create a physical body somewhere there it's largely implied that this doesn't only apply to your body it's stated that the reason that izanami was made is because uchihas were using this ability to get what they want not just keep themselves alive so let's say that hypothetically somebody got elected as Village leader and you didn't like that very much you could activate Izanagi and change reality such that you're in charge you could do this by deleting the person that got elected manipulating the vote anything like I said for a minute and a half reality is yours but because this was such a widespread problem izanami was created you see izanami is also again Jutsu just like isanagi however izanami doesn't change reality it makes you accept it essentially by making the feedback loop of three different events let's say you and me are fighting and you punch me in the chest I give you a slap on the face and you take my glasses off if I can punch you in the face once again and start the cycle over of those three events while activating izanami I put you in a Timeless Loop by the way I have an entire video about izanami and Izanagi as well where I do a much better job explaining it but essentially by marking certain events throughout the duration of our fight or even just our day I can put you into an endless loop where you will see these events over and over and over again the purpose of izanami is that it's endless until the person put in the tsunami realizes why they've been putting me tsunami and accepts it so you will be in an endless loop until you accept your circumstances essentially meaning that until you change as a person and accept the world as it is you will never break out of genjutsu problem of both Izanagi and izanami though is that it blinds your eye and those are a prized possession of the Uchiha and therefore they labeled it kinjutsu our next entry on the list is arguably our most metal like more than death Reaper seal I'm not kidding our next entry on the list is jar of poison essentially this is a Jutsu that can only be used by tarune tarune is donso's right-hand man his favorite abarame and as danto's right-hand man he's gonna have some just downright evil jutsus at his disposal and most of these shooters are gonna be made to do one thing and one thing only kill a lot of people and that's exactly what the jar of poison technique does essentially the jar of poison technique requires tarune to gather a bunch of infected corpses and when I say a bunch I don't mean like 10 or 12 I mean hundreds and then erect a barrier around these infected corpses and as these infected corpses Decay they will release a gas which will eventually ignite in the ignition of this gas acts as a catalyst for a bunch of poisoned bugs to blow all across an entire landscape it's bio Warfare so essentially tarune creates the world's most dangerous and poisonous bug by using a pit of bodies and then once all of the gas is released from the body and explodes those bugs are flung everywhere I'll give you one guess as to why this isn't allowed did you guess it require there's a bunch of sacrifices and also mass destruction good job up next we got a pretty obvious one as well living corpse reincarnation I'll give you one guess who made this one did you guess her aru living corpse reanimation essentially immortalizes your mind essentially once you master living corpse reincarnation your mind is no longer the gray matter that exists in your skull think of it more as like a thumb drive you can download into somebody else and that's exactly what Orochimaru has done Orochimaru is trying to be immortal so we can figure out every single Jutsu on Earth but he understands he can't do this in one lifetime so he had to find a way to be Eternal the only problem is Rushmore has to transfer his Consciousness to a new and living body but he can only do this once every three years but it seems after three years the person he transfers himself to begins to die as a host essentially what we've seen from Orochimaru is after three years the soul and body of the person he's taken over begin to fight back or Decay which is why he's always looking for a perfect host in either kimimaru or Sasuke or Itachi Because he believes you'll be able to inhabit their body for more than three years the only problem is the reason that this is called living corpse reincarnation is that the second orochimar takes over your body you are dead the entire time you're in there with Orochimaru he is technically just kind of glommed onto your body the second that he leaves you and therefore this Jutsu required a sacrifice and that's why it's a kinjutsu also you could probably sprinkle some laws of nature on there as well speaking of dead people doing things the next thing up is mutually multiplying explosive tags this is kind of like evening elephant in that it's a Jutsu used in a kinjutsu essentially this is kind of what tobirama created at otensive four tobirama would Edo Tensai back just basically anybody but he would have control over them tobrama would make his Edo 10 side Warriors out of explosive tags and then he would send them to the front lines he would then have those explosive tags explode but here's the thing Edo 10 side people technically can't die and they will continue to regenerate but the regenerating with explosive tags so as they explode they have to regenerate but they're regenerating with more explosive tags so it's an infinite Loop of explosions this is why tobirama wasn't particularly focused on who is reincarnating as long as they could explode and everybody can do that so the thing is this being an Edo Tensai technique technically it goes against the laws of nature but also mass destruction but enough about all that can and stuff let's talk filler but specifically the best filler of OG Naruto yeah we're talking the mysterious peacock method hidden star Village baby this technique is the trademark technique of the village hidden in the stars because in order to use it you need to use chakra boosting radiation that fell from the meteorite 200 years ago and that meteorite is located in the village hitting the Stars that's why it's called The Village hidden in the Stars this technique appears sort of like chakra peacock feathers behind the ninja using it and these feathers can be manipulated into a bunch of different shapes think of the way that Gara uses his sand essentially the people from the hidden star Village can do this with just their chakra they can form wings or a beast or a dragon or a chakra L if the star ninja actually find that they're close to death they can write a symbol on the ground and then use the remaining bits of their chakra to come back to life in a ghost form and kill whoever killed them so there's just a lot you can do with this radiation that boosts your chakra only problem with radiation is ask Chernobyl radiation poisoning in order to get better at this technique you had to train in the presence of the meteorite but the meteorite had radiation and so everybody who trained in this technique was just dying of radiation poisoning and so since using the technique but the user at risk it was a kinjutsu but since we're talking about putting the user's life at risk that is quite literally the entire point of this next Jutsu one's own life Jutsu see this was a Jutsu made by the hidden Sand Village and technically it was made in order to give life to puppets essentially the hidden Sand Village was sick of having to train people to control puppets so they wanted sentience in their puppets and if they had sentience in their puppets they wouldn't have to worry about the shinobis dying so they put a lot of time and effort into this Jutsu until they finally figured out how to do it the only problem was in order to bring that puppet to life essentially somebody had to give the entirety of their life force to that puppet by using their chakra as an intermediary so in order for that puppet to come to life somebody has to die realizing that this was absolutely going to be a kinjutsu because it requires a sacrifice the hidden sand next to the idea but Force recently granny Chio was able to use his angara and that's how we got Gara back but speaking of being saved from Death next up we have Night guy night guy just like evening elephant or mutually multiplying explosive tags is Akin Jutsu within Akin Jutsu except night guy is the biggest of the bats essentially night guy can only be used if you've opened all eight Gates and it can only be used if you've opened all eight Gates because there's a couple things you have to do to use night guy one you have to amass an enormous amount of chakra but this chakra is so hot that it quite literally boils the blood within your body and then a masses around you as a Red Cloud of quite literally vaporized blood and then you have to flow that chakra into a kick a kick mind you that is so fast that it bends space-time technically isn't how Speed Works Tau Mass works so the only justification I can really explain for it is that he amasses so much chakra that his density becomes so heavy that he can bend space-time ahead of him but in order to visibly Bend space time you would have to be like roughly the mass of a planet it which explains why Modera feared for his life when he got hit by Night guy but night guy basically kills you I mean you're already gonna die because you opened the eighth gate but musing night guy significantly shortens how much time you have left and therefore because it puts the user at risk it's a genjutsu but if you have about a minute and a half to live and your blood is vaporizing out of your skin I don't think you're worried about the rules and just like that we're down to our final three I love the big hitters for last third to last we have Edo Tensai yes we've talked mutually multiplying explosive tags but we haven't talked to edotensei itself just like with so many other kinjutsu on this list I have a whole video explaining out of Tensai but that's boring so let's explain it here actually the video is not boring it's very good please watch it at a tense I was created by Toby Ramen essentially allowed him to yank Souls out of heaven and bring them back to Earth Toby Rama while doing research of God knows what kind was essentially able to build a bridge between the pure lands which is canonical Naruto Heaven and Earth the only problem is if your soul is not in the pure lands tobirama can get to you it's only a bridge to the pure lands but how does Toby Ramo or any user of Edo Tensai gets you to come back from Heaven well it actually doesn't require as much as you would think all you need is a living body they can't be dead a ceiling scroll and to know the hand signs to Edo 10 side on top of that you just need DNA from whoever you're trying to reincarnate you put their DNA on the ceiling scroll and then the ceiling scroll will spread out around your living person and then Dust and debris from the surrounding area will mat onto that person and create the person you're trying to reincarnate whose soul will be ripped out of heaven and smashed into that body this instantly kills whoever you're using to reincarnate by the way but what's weird is they're technically in there the whole time like you know when you see Toby Rama or anybody gets sliced in half as an edotensei form what's weird is there's still a body in there and it doesn't matter how mangled they get once the edotensei releases that person is just completely fine like not fine they're dead but their body is all put together and by bringing this person back they have infinite chakra refills which basically just means they don't have more chakra than when they were alive but it always is refilling and instant regeneration they literally cannot be killed but for obvious reasons like you have to sacrifice somebody to the dust Gods this is kinjutsu up second to last we have one of the most popular jutsus in the entirety of this show multi-shadow clone Jutsu you see regular Shadow clone Jutsu is not kinjutsu like I don't know what the actual cutoff is for how many clones you're allowed to have but I know whatever Naruto's doing is definitely kinjutsu for real though when does Shadow clone Jutsu become multiple Shadow clone Jutsu it's hit 100 regardless multiple Shadow clone Jutsu is forbidden because Shadow clone split chakra equally with the user of Shadow clown so if you have two Shadow clones everybody's got a third of your whole chakra problem is if you do this with 100 clones everybody has one percent of your chakra that's a problem because having one percent of your chakra basically means you're dead we've seen a lot of people die of chakra depletion Kakashi nagato so putting yourself in a situation where you only have one percent of your total chakra probably means you're gonna die of chakra depletion because of that precarious situation it is a kinjutsu and then last but not least we have another one of Naruto's jutsus one of the two kinjutsus he loves to use so much we got Ross and shuriken ladies and gentlemen Ross and shuriken is a rossen gun that has had wind nature added to it doesn't sound that dangerous right it's actually really not that dangerous essentially Naruto was upset that his Ras sangan wasn't throwable and that he would need to get real up close and personal with anybody he wanted to hit with the rossenkop literally an arm length away and while this worked for pops cause he could teleport it doesn't work for Naruto so Naruto eventually learned how to add a basic chakra nature to the rasenga something that Minato had been trying to do his entire life mind you something Kakashi tried to do and that's actually how he made the raikiri well I guess technically he made the Chidori and then it became rikiri it's weird regardless Naruto figured something out that both Minato and Kakashi couldn't figure out and that was adding Wings nature to the rosenga and because of that it became a shuriken that he could throw only problem with shurikens is they're sharp and so was Naruto's the problem is that the wind's nature that Naruto added to the Ross and shuriken was so sharp it would damage his own hand by holding it and this damage was cellular level it was actually disrupting his own chakra Network in his hands and because of the danger that's presented to Naruto Tsunade deemed it a kinjutsu and that changed literally nothing and now technically it doesn't hurt him at all like we've just completely forgot that Ross and sure can ever hurt Naruto he spams it left right and center and he's completely fine hashtag Kishimoto forgot and that's it that's every single kinjutsu and Naruto once again shout out to anime Senpai comparison for making the list for me to read and explain to all of you if you guys like this old school style video from NC Hammer 23 guys please for me like this this page and hit that naughty Bell listen I'm not saying that you might as well just label any Jutsu that's remotely cool kinjutsu but starting to sound like the seventh reason [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 423,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, kinjutsu, forbidden jutsu, sasuke, orochimaru, tobirama, filler, izanami, izanagi, multi shadow clone, rasenshurinken
Id: rqPnxmQsBhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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