The Most Spiteful Thing An Ex Did: Breakup Revenge Stories (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most spiteful thing an ex has done to you my ex is a physician and an addict so she can manipulate with the best of them when we decided to split it was quite clear who was in the wrong and we agreed that the debt she had accumulated through her multiple tours in rehab well north of $100 K would stay with her we didn't have any children or any joint property to cause any fits over so the divorce seemed pretty straightforward she got a lawyer to help push it through and I was going to try to not get one of my own to save costs obvious mistake I was supposed to go to her attorney's office to sign some paperwork but was having trouble reaching someone at the office to make a time to stop by a lawyer emailed her that day saying that he hadn't heard from me yet and she forwarded this email to me without realizing that she was forwarding me the entire email chain that she had with her counsel oops in the email she very clearly stated that she wanted to slap me with the rehab debt stating that I was complicit in her drug use totally false needless to say I went pretty crazy and immediately hired the most cutthroat lawyer I could find in the area my lawyer was awesome and cheap and he routinely put her in her proper place my lawyer was awesome and cheap man I really need to get in contact with his soul guy my first serious live-in girlfriend cheated on me with several of her past partners I could never catch her doing it but for a variety of reasons I knew I was nuts about her though and she lied like a politician finally my best friend's older brother nailed her on purpose to prove it oh yeah thanks for that I guess I packed up my [ __ ] and left peacefully but I had forgotten to grab my art portfolio from behind the couch I called her that afternoon and said I would be right down to get it as I pulled into the driveway she dropped the live match on to the gasoline-soaked pile of my entire life's collection of artwork never did another piece of artwork again my ex broke up with me telling me she didn't want to be in a relationship right now two weeks later she started dating my roommate yeah had the same thing happened except instead of roommate it was my best friend my ex wrote a poem about my donk being small it was like ten verses long and it was actually very good she sent it to all my friends but not me I found out five years later she did this my friend showed me it she had sent it via MSN email to everyone and I was like damn she owned me luckily though I had ex with her sister a year prior to discovering this poem not to spite her or anything her sister just really likes me so I guess we are even I don't know and anyway it's not that small it's okay I had an ex spread the rumor around my small hometown that I had physically abused her through our relationship I couldn't figure it out at first but all of my platonic girlfriends suddenly started hating and avoiding me when I would visit when I called her out on it at a party she just started laughing and said oh yeah I was just mad at you and told people that isn't that funny all I could do was shake my head and say no bish that's not funny at all I still have to correct people to this day two and a half years later this wasn't spite directed at me but it was pretty narcissistic and ridiculous my ex broke up with me and took our jointly owned car to another state proceeded to lose a series of jobs and failed to help pay any of our joint debt the agreement had Vinod he would pay at all as I was a poor grad student and he was supposedly walking into a six-figure salary I had to track down his mom to get my name off of his car loan as he wouldn't answer my emails about it I had to pay the remaining joint debt off myself slowly to preserve my credit 16k dollars then he had the gall to come to Reddit and post an AMA about how he purposefully left his high-paying job to follow his dream and become a penniless writer despite ready pretty much immediately calling him out for receiving unemployment benefits which you don't get if you leave your job he brought up our relationship in the AMA and mentioned how he had paid all of our joint debt himself when he left since he could afford it and I was just a student after all the time and saving it took me to get rid of that debt myself that was pretty shitty to read pretty much the whole AMA was very self congratulatory like that a lot of people bought into it and stroked his ego and it made me realize just how fraught with single-sided BS that subreddit might be stalked me for one year after breakup made false email address is similar to my name and emailed everyone I know telling them I was a bad person or swearing at professors etc called me ten plus times a day for a year same treatment for any girl I had any interest in showed up everywhere I went killed herself in front of me you know she was spiteful my ex filed a bogus restraining order not allowing me to see my son who I was taking care of while she was at work she filed that I was going to kill him and her and then take him overseas the court accepted the order six months later she calls saying you need to start watching the baby again I start watching my son again and then I asked her if my son could spend at least one night a week with me I was retired from the police force due to an on-the-job injury and so I had a benefit of spending time with my son she flat-out refused long story short after all the false allegations she stated about me false kidnapping reports having the police knocked down my door and my son and I in shock years of court proceedings and even though the courts and state social worker found hurt s corned woman and a rampant liar there warded her full custody it's been 5 years 6 months 7 days 16 hours four minutes and Counting since I last saw or spoke with him I cannot see my son which I still pay $400 a month in child support and he only lives 10 minutes away from me we broke up and I thought we were on solid terms I was selling weed at the time and saw her and her friend in a store maybe a year after we'd broken up small talk things were fine then later on her friend female texted me asking for a half oz I hadn't seen this girl since seventh grade but we were friends then so I thought it was fine long story short when I went to meet them they were with two white gangsters who considered themselves Bloods clearly just punk-ass trash who were planning on robbing me and beating me unclear how much damage they wanted to do but they both brought knives and ducting up my car thankfully I've always been very observant and quick to judge noticed some sketchiness and as I saw them getting ready to make a move peeled out and screamed I ducked her in the ass you know as I drove by them secrets out or edit I talked to her about it a couple years later and she told me they drove around all night trying to find my car to slash for tires but thankfully I'd lived in an apartment with my mom when I dated the crazy [ __ ] so they couldn't find the house I'd moved into I'm late to the party so this will get buried but here is the worst one I have witnessed I started dating a girl just out of high school her ex-boyfriend was abusive when he found out that we were dating he tried to befriend me I was unaware of his abusive habits until he tried to beat my ass one day that didn't work out too well on his end so the next attack was to call the cops and my parents and report that I was selling weed that didn't work out either and no drugs were found he found out I smoked pot in the week we were friends he's final duck you was putting her little brother in the car with him and driving off a bridge he killed both himself and her little brother we find out later that he had been befriended her brother too so there was no real suspicion when they got into the car together my ex-wife started ducking my best friend of 14 years as soon as we separated but I allow the possibility that it happened before that not only did she crush my soul but took my back friend who I looked up to he was also married I hear they had a baby now and he is still married whatever I hope they both die of shark AIDS shark AIDS the worst kind of AIDS because it's shark weakens your immune system me and the lady split a few months ago out of nowhere I get a random text from her which happens to be a picture of her hand grasping a penis of impressive stature she began to explain how thankful she was I broke up with her so she could find such a penis I wanted to be mad but couldn't just kind of stared at the picture for a while thinking good for her forward the text to her dad when my ex and I were going through a divorce he decided to share with me that a year and a half prior he had in fact up my dog she was 14 had her since she was six weeks old with him to work dropping her off in the middle of nowhere on the way she was afraid of him but he lured her into his truck with the words that every dog loves bye bye he even left the gate open to make it look like she got out on her own I searched for that damn dog for months he sat back and watched me cry put up posters go to every animal shelter around us I hate that Ducker not only for that reason he also is a religious weirdo attempted suicide or at least claimed to attempt suicide multiple times purely to get my attention the first time it happened I called an ambulance only to have the police call me back 20 minutes later saying she was clearly making the whole thing up also regularly threatened to crash her car with both of us in it and to kill my family and once tried to stab me with a kitchen knife once we broke up she told all of our mutual friends that I was an abusive cheating bastard neither of which is even remotely true by the time I realized what she was doing most of them were already refusing to talk to me of that entire group she manipulated all but two or three into hating my guts I dated this guy for about three months December 2008 to February 2009 and then I broke it off because he was trying to control me and I wasn't going to go through that again before we broke up he was living with me and subletting his apartment well once we broke up I wanted him gone unbeknownst to me he had gotten himself a residency permit which meant I could not legally kick him out I spent nine months fighting this in the meantime he would slap himself in the face until it was bright red and then call the cops and say I was beating him I would get arrested and then let out the next day when he decided not to press charges oh and he did that about once a month the apartment was in my name so I couldn't just leave it without penalty so I was essentially stuck he had manipulated the police department into believing him so nothing I tried to get him to leave worked finally in December of 2009 I had met a new guy well the ex decided it that if he couldn't have me no one could he dead-bolted my bedroom while I was sleeping so I couldn't get out and he told everyone I know that I had herpes and had a history of getting knocked up and getting abortions which essentially ended my new relationship I couldn't take it anymore I called my dad had him come pick me up I lived 1,300 miles from home broke my lease and got the duck out of there TL DR ex manipulated cops into thinking I beat him had me arrested a few times locked me in my room and ruined my new relationship I'll post mine as well I dated a hot crazy girl in high school I thought that I would be super cool and take her out to my parents lake house after we broken up a couple of weeks later she and boyfriend whom she dated before during and after we were dating rented a u-haul van and cleaned out the house of all of the furniture she even stole my eight-year-old little sister's bunk bed the only thing left was Fred because they couldn't get it through the door dad found the house trashed and was best we didn't find this out until a couple of years later when her boyfriend ducked up and got caught he admitted to stealing our stuff since the cops were able to match the serial numbers on the washer and dryer I knew something was up when she called me up around Thanksgiving before we got the news about her boyfriend that she really loved me and really missed me stupid me thought this girl was coming around and we would get back and life would be great two weeks later I was giving my report to a detective and she is now currently in jail in hindsight insurance paid us for all of the stuff stolen which was worth more than the current condition the stuff was in the cops said all of our stuff was duct up beyond repair for your information she is currently in jail and I am now married to the most beautiful woman in the world and she is my best friend with a baby on the way nothing out of the ordinary I came home one evening and found a note that she didn't love me anymore had moved in with her parents and would appreciate it if I could be gone during the upcoming weekend so she could collect her stuff stunned and stupid as I was I complied came back home Sunday evening to find the place completely empty she took everything except one thing a 22 volume Britannica she bought the month before despite my protests and had only paid the first installment for when I asked for explanations she told me that since I had a job and salary and she was a student I would be simply able to replace all the furniture and pay off the Encyclopaedia the first thing I did the books bought in her name I sold and I spent the money on a trip to Paris wish isn't this called theft what she did or what I did right after high school there was a girl who liked me but the feeling was not mutual she decided to cope with her ejection using the means at her disposal she was an assistant manager at a video rental chain I had stopped renting there but my rental account was still open she started checking out movies under my name that I never actually borrowed they would never get returned so massive late fees plus replacement fees showed up on my account she also changed my mailing address in their system so that I would never receive the notices in the mail it wasn't until close to a year later that I started getting the phone calls from debt collection agencies it took years to get them to stop and it negatively impacted my credit because I had no proof that the debts weren't valid whereas the video chain had computer records of the rentals
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 228,713
Rating: 4.8385301 out of 5
Keywords: r /askreddit, r/ askreddit, ask reddit, r ask reddit, r/ ask reddit, askreddit, r/relationship, reddit relationship, r/askwomen, ask women, women reddit, reddit spiteful ex, reddit breakup revenge, breakup, reddit breakup stories, best posts and comments, askreddit breakup
Id: _QNGkxEa7vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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