The most INSANE epic war movie I've ever seen! | Baahubali reaction

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[Music] greetings i'm shad and as you might be aware on this channel we like to review the uh medieval aspects not i guess not just the weapons the medieval like weapons you know so melee weapons but also warfare are in movies how it's adapted into movies okay so i've done it multiple times with classic medieval kind of moves you did the king and then outlaw king and uh further back or we look at fight scenes or fights in autopsy but also just battlefield tactics as well uh mulan the um uh fighting autopsy on milan where we go into the an autopsy on the battlefield texas that was a lot of fun because wow that film but so in this this episode we are looking at a special one this one has been on my radar for a while okay because clips of this battle were shared on facebook right and i've seen some of them and it's it's it's amazing okay this is where you get into the realm of such campy goofy over-the-top ridiculousness that you know obviously it was done for purpose on purpose there was no doubt this was on purpose and it's for fun and this is the part where i i'm fully on board with it i love it i think this is great absolutely there should be a place for just over-the-top ridiculousness where this doesn't work is when there's a movie trying to be somewhat grounded and realistic and then they do something just sorry outer left feel dumb and takes you out of the film but then there are action films that they lean into it and just embrace and they want everything over the top and it's just for fun and you know it's fun so you're not taking it seriously in the beginning and you're just watching the spectacle this film definitely falls into that some other examples uh that fall into this category uh final fantasy advent children look at the fights it's just ridiculous over the top people throwing motorbikes jumping 100 feet in the air doing crazy things wielding swords that realistically they wouldn't be out of lift or with super strength they would but they'll do something like i've got a video on it okay about about it you need weight not necessarily strength any so there's another topic but so the over-the-top stuff is fun and sometimes it's even fun to analyze the stupidity and over-the-top things just for the sake of all right this is what we do and maybe we'll do that in some of this so we're going to be looking at what might be possible what definitely won't be this is some of the street and also just a laugh along with it so what is this film i've been building it up all right and and you might have heard us if we allow his racist high rates to into this thing well look he's not i'm just teasing him okay afraid what is racist about it is it's an indian film now just stomach sorry it's indian film called bali bahubali i think that's it my friend all right that's enough of the accent you don't need to do the whole thing every okay this is just over the top fun now a couple of notes right um for some reason i don't know why but it's in line with certain and how yeah look hear me out okay this isn't this actually a compliment it's in line with certain aspects that i've seen out of india's culture because when you look at some of the weapons that they've developed historically some of them are crazy ridiculous over-the-top things like they just have this i don't know aspects that they they like exploring the wacky things that go as far as possible and uh sometimes it can work out and we create something mildly functional like uh the the pata the gauntlet sword then other times it can create something just stupid of the face of it like the whip sword like it's just yes i it's a it's a sword made out of such thin spring steel that is really flexible and they whip it around and i might have to do a dedicated video on why that's just a dumb dumb dumb weapon but they do it and they go like all over the top now india has a really impressive history with in terms of their technological progress if you go back they were some of the first people ever that were making good quality steel okay that before the birth of christ we're talking about a thousand years bc almost they're making crucible steel this is incredible yes but we were at last people to invent toilet my friend all right that's it that's the end that's the end okay and look i'm actually uh i think um when we look at other cultures and everything celebrate the things that are worth complimenting celebrating but doesn't mean any culture is beyond criticism are there things that you know we shouldn't give a free pass in any culture we're doing bad things in the past present um but we're not really talking about those things we're talking about a fun over-the-top film which is somewhat in line with i don't know india's kind of perspective sometimes of how they like to approach things and there are some crazy ridiculous films india has made but this is very much in the epic battle this is like one of those epic warfare movies that they made uh it's called bahubali let's dive into it and watch some of this and we're going to be watching some of the battle scenes from the first movie and there's a second one there's a there's one in particular in the second one that we must watch so something like this it's actually pretty grounded i mean yeah the the techniques aren't great but like i've seen far worse in many other films there's a guy checking out i mean i can appreciate it check it out check it out a good-looking woman kicking butt with a sword you know i can appreciate this so i have no idea what's going on i actually haven't watched the full film but uh i kind of want to the problem is i i don't like subtitles i'm lazy this is like a training scene again i have no idea what's going on i'm liking i'm liking the music already but we might get copyright struck for the music so uh we'll we'll tow that down but what one of the things i kind of notice about this right and this is how you do it this is how you do over the top things the actors are playing it straight all right they're actually trying to make it so that in character that they're all reacting really genuinely to this ridiculous stuff and i mean look at this just at all see yes let let strong manly men be manly don't i i like let's just lean into the stereotypical manly hero stuff uh and look at it look at that guy he's got a moustache that's like i just i love it i don't know what on earth is going on but um i don't know some type of training thing showing he's very strong he's a strong man we're going to be seeing this guy in some of the battles just to show some of the like earnest acting kind of things where they they're all playing it straight they're all very serious about it and so i kind of like that they where they're doing these ridiculous over-the-top things but the actors are just pretending it's all par and course of just the normal normal stuff my friend bollywood is no laughing matter okay so they're preparing for a battle like look at the armor what the first casualty here it just you know fantasy over-the-top armor and stuff and leading into it it's great we'll skip forward a bit the rousing speech of some kind gives me the vibes of the rohan speech from lord of the rings and again it's like playing it straight they're just fully into it look out look at that look at that face did you see that expression right uh and so now they're being attacked by i i i think the most appropriate way to name this army that army you're looking at is the great army of blackface it is though what yeah it was look can you call it oh what this one's in your face and it's it's pretty i didn't notice that you didn't you didn't know well look it gets it gets far more pronounced a bit later on but they're meant to represent pakistan they were one country once you know gundy here he had the right idea but he just couldn't they didn't listen to him and they wanted to split apart so anyway the barbarian horde is at the gates uh sorry i wanted to watch this guy's face no hang on hang it keep going how far does this get this is going about like a minute sorry that guy is leading into it um oh wait we saw it all right [Laughter] this might be one of the greatest movies ever made and i haven't even watched it and i'm saying it now what you said before when this looks like indian uh rohirim a bollywood lord of the rings would be the greatest movie this is kind of it i think like when you the scale of this battle that we're about to comment on we're not gonna watch the whole thing just key parts and things but oh my goodness and when i've been saying and heading up that there's some ridiculous things happens in this battle i'm not sure you understand just how ridiculous it gets we're going to see some amazing things here barbarian horde or like they're you know i don't know yeah what crooked creature was that this part is great so i've seen this on facebook but i gotta share it with you guys so catapults first off these types of catapults look i'm just saying it didn't exist historically oh look there were smaller unique type things but on this scale there are trebuchets trebuchets in actual fact the the catapult was actually used as a word to describe trebuchets even in medieval texts and things every shade can throw a uh a 90 kilogram projectile 300 meters i have you know that is that is accurate but that's kind of they're always referencing war wolf a lot of trebuchets are much smaller uh can but no well not most tributaries can't do that that's the thing is only the biggest of the trebuchets can so are this like hang on hang on we need so they have see see these arrow things that they're putting in all right i haven't researched in depth about these things i don't know if this is historical um just over where someone saw a picture in something and just thought definitely they were used because i like i just don't think they'll work near not nearly as well as they show here because see how the concept is that they're putting these arrows in these things and there's a there's a flat plate on a spring type or weighted thing they're going to slap in a problem with that and look yes we will break down the ridiculous stuff in because it's just fun to get like talk about and break down things like this a problem with that the arrows on the bottom of it right will get hit with a vastly less force and less speed from this slapping motion because of the angular momentum compared to the arrows that at the top so the top might actually punch or hit things but the other problem is when they get hit there's no gradual build up like even with a bow there is a gradual buildup the string starts at zero the arrow is there notched at it starts at zero and then speeds up there's an acceleration where this is hitting with full force at the top and that'll just make the arrow bend and probably snap it's very unlikely that that would actually cause it to shoot off also think about 100 pound bow right one single bow doing 100 pounds on one arrow yeah there's like over 100 arrows which means you're gonna need to have a hundred times yeah yeah this is ridiculous it just wouldn't work and then the arrows on the bottom will basically just get and barely even go out but it's going to pretend that like this is an insane i don't know gatling gun barrage stuff because it's ridiculous that's the point of the film and i know the film prop like is aware that especially with the level that they push things to none of this stuff would work in real life ever i think you're wrong chad this isn't the right hearing this is battle of five you battle the five armies it's the battle of the fire that was an epic shield wall that we just saw then like look at this that's that is cool there is like this is ridiculous but it's all for the cool factor that's why it's great you can absolutely do over-the-top unrealistic things for the cool factor and i think you can even get away with it in more grounded realistic things if you can really sell it and justify it and it's like it kind of depends all right all right i'm pausing here are you not going to tell me this is not the army of blackface look at that can't actually get extras from pakistan i kind of respect this not because i think you should or shouldn't it's just that in the modern climate which like western movie studio would ever have an entire army of antagonists that are black no one would like it so politically charged no one would have the balls to do it well you know and for me this this is the reality i don't care and it doesn't matter it depends what's justified in the story okay they can be black why yellow green blue doesn't matter all right because it's a fictional world it shouldn't even reflect i don't even know if they're trying to justify this base somewhat historically but even if it was right there were cultures historically that obviously were made up of certain ethnicities that went to war against each other and sometimes people portray the british as the villains or they're french is the villain villains like joan of arc if you ever see the journal of arc films the english are always the air holes and the bad guys but if you ever see movies where it's like battle of agincourt like the king it's uh the the british side are justified in this french that are a-holes but no one cares because i don't know are they they're all white who cares who's the bad guys are the good guys but if one has a certain ethnicity then oh no like the modern climate sucks basically it's not our fault but anyway i just like that they don't care i don't know when this movie was made it's probably before a lot of the issues coming in and i i like sometimes people discover things like this in the past and they cry you know outrage and everything i hope they don't go one i hope they don't go after it but two i think indian india just wouldn't care so yeah yeah like we don't care about your you know posturing moral outrage for for virtue yeah um so i just i just appreciate that at least in some places people are just making movies to make cool movies and they're not trying to make any social commentary or anything like that and they needed an army that comes from a certain area and oh they're all going to be black so i guess they wear black faces or something they're not trying to make a statement all right so this is the part where we see the arrows look at these arrows just launch off but what's my fight hilarious about it the approach of that panel is so slow she's like but then the arrows are like watch see how slow that is and then they're just they're out so they're launched the arrows fly down but they had like a mix of just regular arrows and one guy even got pinned to a tree i'm not sure if you saw that yeah they have shields they could have one guy was just he had a shield and he was running like this with arrow fire coming to it and see this guy that's that is like an epic mustache and he knows it so they're doing one of the classic you know like this is a cinematic trope of army engagements they had started charging how far away like a kilometer yeah i would buy this point i'll be like in armor with weapons yes we're gonna kill you just hurry is nutritionally dense okay and allows you to run for hours carbohydrates in it but then but they did in braveheart what were they haggis haggis you're right would be better haggis okay a haggis curry so yeah just regular chat see the the straight face there they they play now this this is all right well i went back her aisle so they're not even holding their shoes up but the straight face is like no do it now watch this okay one we'll ch okay how slowly that arm is moving all right in reality right if if that was it that was the rate of speed of the of the throwing arm the ball would just go plunk but look how far this thing launches i i i criticized game of thrones the long night for their how the insane distance of their trebuchets um the trip like they shot over several kilometers almost in the game of thrones which is just stupid this one the catapults catapults cannot shoot nearly as far and catapults like this they didn't get nearly as big the romans might have used some types but trebuchets actually came in much sooner attraction trebuchets pulled by manpower came much sooner than people think even the early crusaders had them uh track and trip which is trebuchets i'm talking about but anyway so these things they're never like when they get to that size just the weight of the arm and they're supposed to work off of rope tension and anyway but look how crazy far this thing gets shot yeah that's so far but the you know why they just shot one like they're measuring the distance in range like aha they're in range now so watch what they do this is this is glorious i just love how serious they play it it's so it's great what do you think all right have you seen this before us all right tell what do you think they're doing i'm gonna guess that maybe they're gonna throw people i don't know well look that was a cinematic shot you got to give it that well what is their plan here they're throwing cloth this would this would just not work on so many levels one the distance is stupid all right that would create such insane drag it would really actually affect those things the other thing is the way that it lands watch how it lands because it wouldn't land like this but what do you think they're doing oz i don't know you don't know they're having a really intense game and i look at it look how smoothly it lands right if it landed like if it actually landed like that the cloth would just bunch up or the cloth would fall and bunch up but that lands on them like a perfect blanket look at this what what what's going on what are they doing cloth my one weakness wait for it wait for it tell me as soon as you realize what's going on yes it is it is like oh no what a waste of cashmere actually expensive cloth but holy crap that thing goes a lot like it's napalm it it's stupid and it's hilarious and i love it man that's the thing right it's just so interesting that back in the day we didn't have the concept of war crimes we should return to tradition and then they just they launched heaps and uh it's great it's great all right so we need to skip forward to some of the other parts because that won't stop the army of blackface all right that's an epic shield wall that is just glorious i love that the barbarian horde just just jumps on the spears like i don't know how intelligent these guys are but okay sure this is what who's that guy in futurama his tactics where he just threw you know the the robots had a kill count and so all i had to do was throw my minute and suck zach brannigan zach writing again it almost is like this strategy because their strategy is just throw enough minute this shield to die to pile up bodies enough to just walk over the bodies over the shield wall that's their strategy good enough for the imperial guard it's good enough for these indian films drown them in your blood and these guys don't even have a shield wall look at that look at his breastplate that is that that's epic that's an epic press plate we're going back we need to see just that's the type of thing you would see in a soul calibur series look at it oh that's cool that is cool weird his breastplate has the same expression as him yeah but no one would complain about his breastplate right it's as practical as boo bomber is which means and by the way bubba is it can be fully practical so fun fact about this movie oh did you see that yeah he threw his sheath at the enemy and is going sword and axe and it's great i just love it it's just flailing about killing it one after another it's beautiful okay okay did we see that did we see that he he gets a mace like a ridiculously oversized mace and then it disconnects into a flail and has some type of spring mechanism to pull it back in isn't it awesome genuinely it's amazing oh my goodness i got to the guy all right this guy he headbutts a guy in a helmet and kills the guy in the helmet because he's just tough watch wait for it [Laughter] right through the armor of course armour does nothing and instead of the hair flick it's the male flick you know the horseshoe oh look at that look at this guy he said he's a hero this guy is an epic hero just watch this movie with your friends and you'll just laugh your head off this is amazing that move right there like it's so dumb but they can get away with it ready it's like it this weird stance he holds it over its back what is that i have no idea but they could get away with it because this movie is like they know it's ridiculous yet it's just so funny because they play it so serious and straight and that's what makes it great look at that i mean unironically i would love to see like the people who made this should make i don't know what's a classic property you would love to see people uh i mean it's too dumb for lord of the rings yet they would still make something a thousand times better than amazon will guaranteed like look at this it's just the poses the expressions and it's dumb everywhere yet i'm into it it's great dude imagine if they did indian lord of the rings walk into pakistan it would be amazing i would totally watch that so this is like epic epic spear action so what do you notice about these spears oz they are double-sided spears that's genius hard no i think there's validity to it there are double-sided kind of spike spear type but look at this ready spike then spin a spike because he needs a threshold and it knocks them aside instead of getting through them and getting stuck they just get bloated look at this watch this wait for it wait for it ready [Laughter] and because india has more censorship about like groter like violence it's just knocking them aside it's not cutting him in half it's it's amazing i just i love it it's absolutely glorious [Laughter] [Music] oh man this is one of the best movies i've ever seen ironically right and it's part of it is because they just don't care we're gonna be do awesome stuff it's dumb but it's gonna look cool and they just embrace it and it's it's been one of the most incredible films ever like look this would not be a low-budget thing though look at the amount of extras they have [Laughter] the evil guys are about to do an evil thing this reminds me when you know the orcs throw the decapitated heads over the walls of minas tirith right it's got those vibes this is this is like the indian lord of the rings human shields anyway we'll skip forward to some of the other crazy stuff hang on hang on hang on what is this this is about as far as i just watched as a prep and so i don't know what happens here but they're like bowlers except they're heavy metal how far do they throw those things and they throw it at their own people so they've all falled down oh your human shield is gone would have just broken to snap their legs for sure it's amazing look at that the heroes they see them man there wasn't many cavalry there and there was a lot of the barbarian horde though the horde could have easily just wiped out but you know like i said [Laughter] we can see like an example of the black face really clearly here what gender is under arm where some of the paint doesn't reach [Laughter] it's hard not to notice it's all i'm saying okay like just it's hard not to notice i'm surprised you catch the spear but then he catches it and pins him to a tree a guy who's three times his size oh man it's great i want the indians to do dark souls you're right that's the adaptation that you would be able to do awesomely dark souls stabs adaptation arrow into the guy just throwing like this as a full-size person picks him up and turfs him [Laughter] but this thing if you could lift some of the weapons that they have like the ridiculous oversized weapons you would be a turf them some of the swords in elden ring if you can lift those swords you could just pick up any person and turf them like a rag doll oh shield bash on the edge that was great [Laughter] lost his arm i'm still fighting look at this guy string side up as a flag oh my goodness this film is amazing so look at this epic charge into like this spinning death blades the metal pollens just knocking people into the sky ah this seriously would have been really difficult to film my goodness that's a full green screen right there though but still i love it oh they broke through the first wave he he throws with one arm like a boulder a catapult boat they don't need catapults they got these guys just pick them up and throw them boss battle time with a giant ridiculous mace that can turn into a flail and he just knocks an elephant off his feet that's literally a weapon in elden ring and it's like the best one okay so this is actually the sequel this is bahubali i don't know if i did a thing on the throat bahubali 2 and it has a moment in this which is just it's been shared on the internet i have to show you guys it is glorious it is amazing so it looks like they did not lose their stride at all into the second film and uh it seems like the antagonist in this one might be another it's not a barbarian horde it's it's another kingdom i haven't watched it i think i must just because how great it is now the good guys seem to be attacking this city it's a very big city of some kind and they're the size like the epic scale of this is like on the scale of a lot of the rings like look at the size of this thing [Laughter] [Music] is fine it'll just there's a flesh wound it'll shrug it off so how how are they gonna do it how are they gonna get over this this giant wall with a huge moat and now they're getting arrows shot at the same type of the the panel slap arrow things uh is is he gonna get hit i love it when they do that like oh now there's a shield okay i'm wondering if his lover was kidnapped behind that thing but all the good guys they're getting getting slaughtered what what will they do how will they get over this wall oz i've i have seen it you have seen this part here it it's incredible it is incredible sales knows nathan do you know about yeah you know this is this is just incredible probably like most of my viewers have seen this as well but we we just have to watch and appreciate it together so what the hell what will they do what will they do he screams to the sky and then hang on a second what are they palm trees he knows what to do down process them into palm oil and sell it yeah yeah maybe cut them down or hang on no not what what is this i didn't know part trees could bend that much what what's going on [Laughter] fun fact this is literally the indian space program like [Laughter] this is perfectly fine the human catapulter just kicks his shield into them and they start just wrecking people it is like glorious everyone else they got the same idea we'll do it as well if this was such a defensive weakness why did you leave the trees there you should have chopped down the trees how could you have predicted that they could be bend so much to be used as human catapults [Laughter] and i love it they land they're perfectly fine they're just like boing and they just go on and continue to wreck everything oh gee this is why china fears india it is amazing or just over-the-top fun stupid crazy there's more coming oh my goodness yeah i this is i really feel the best example of the stupid cool factor where you just do things because you know it's dumb but who cares it's gonna be fun and look awesome [Laughter] oh man you gotta love bollywood sometimes you really do like i i respect that they have they have the balls to do this and they just don't care as well they just we're gonna have fun with it it is awesome so i don't know if you have access to the film is worth a watch i also wants to watch it i really need to is that indian zeus i don't know but it is amazing and unironically this is the thing like i think this as i mentioned this ridiculous over-the-top fun action type of things would feel very out of place for a film like lord of the rings though lego they almost approach it in some instances like what about when legolas takes out their that um olivent yeah it's almost on the same vein isn't it yeah but they try and sell it a little more like they they're not launching people as catapults over the walls of minnesota i mean they are just the top part just the top part yeah yeah um so that level of just unbelievable stupidity like ridiculousness wouldn't fit lord of the rings the bloody okay sure the orcs throw human heads over with catapults but in response the people of minnesota throw entire buildings with catapults bits of broken buildings like walls etc yeah yeah okay you know they needed stone i can back that can be passed right but what i'm saying there are some other properties where this style i think would fit perfectly fine but there's a light there is a line don't you think where one way they're trying to sell some believability and like that the human catapult tree thing that is just that's beyond the line don't you think indians trying to sell something that would never happen that would never try and sell stuff that you just never buy but there we go look all right let us know in the comments properties that haven't been adapted into live action that you think this style of over-the-top things could suit because some do suit like final fantasy advent children that's a good example of just stupid fun okay let's i would love to see some thoughts in the comments below what you think would suit a movie that we should check out because it's similar to this uh red cliff it's a chinese movie i've heard of it very good it's very good but it i i thought it was more serious battle war movie like it's not as campy as this yeah but it still has the over-the-top like there's you know thousands of regular soldiers and there's the one dude who's like just like a marvel superhero all right well it's a bit so it's like lord of the rings then a bit you know you know when gimli and aragon just like you have to toss me and then they land on the bridge and they just hold off the urakai army on the bridge the two of them yeah it's not as over the top as this has it's very high production quality it's very yeah all right we might have to check that out uh definitely thank you guys for watching i hope to see on the next video here on chat adversity so until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 285,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h43F7Pz3BHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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