Fight Scene Autopsy: Mulan - IT'S WORSE THAN YOU THINK. . .

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oh geez this is gonna be rough greetings i'm shad and with the exception of one exceptionally done film the disney remakes uh have been pretty darn poor which is why i have not been that interested in the new remake of mulan and i wasn't intending on seeing it but i was intending interested in seeing the reactions and the reactions have been very interesting so much so that it actually gave me a glimpse into some of the combat and fight scenes and when i saw what was going on in there i was just like oh wow now i have to see it not because it looks good but because of how incredibly bad it looked and so i did i had a look at this is this is one of those it's one of those movies that only come up you know upon us once in a blue moon where the logic yeah just it's just got out the window and what we are seeing is astoundingly stupid so as i've always said just because something has fantastical elements in it doesn't mean that it should throw out basic principles like the laws of physics and in a general sense they don't because they're still constricted by the laws of gravity in some instances and not in others but for generally okay basic principles of realism do apply and when they subvert them just for the sake of laziness it ruins immersion okay and in actual fact if you conform to some measure of practical realism even in a setting or thing that has fantastical elements it can make it seem more grounded and help us accept those fantastical elements and the other thing is if you're consistent with those fantastical elements those things can feel as real as the laws of physics and just enhance it overall and so i'm going to actually be referencing some other films that do what mulan fails at actually that does it well and so specifically the implementation of some types of magical elements but also battlefield tactics but seriously if you want to experience some of the best examples of using a magic system as a plot device and also really cool ingenious battlefield tactics well i highly suggest you listen to some great audio books and as luck would have it audible is sponsoring this video now as i've said before i really do think that audiobooks are actually one of the best forms of entertainment in the modern day and if you're not enjoying him you really are missing out but i'm so confident in this if you give it a try just give it a try you'll find you will love it and you can try it for free if you go to forward slash shadowversity or text shadowversity to 500 500 if you're in the us and you can get your first audio book for free as well as access to the all-new plus catalog which gives you thousands of select audio books podcasts audible originals guided fitness and meditation programs sleep tracks for better rests and more and you get all of that completely for free in your 30-day trial and then if you want to try some other audio books like i would suggest my own audio book chronicles of everfall shadow of the conqueror but if you actually want to try an audio book that has a really cool focus on battlefield taxing and stuff which is actually going to be the subject of this video also why don't you try out ender's game by awesome scott card on audiobook such a brilliant story okay and like i said you can try out my own audio book which focuses on using magic in a satisfying way in the plot as an actual plot device that doesn't contradict itself or cool battlefield tactics through ender's game you can get either one of those audio books completely for free if you go to forward slash shadowversity or if you're in the us you text chad adversity to 500 500 and like i said i'm so confident i think if you just try it out you'll find you'll love them as i genuinely do okay i will have been signed up for audible for years before they have ever sponsored me okay i have hundreds of them because actually the credit that you get with your monthly subscription ends up being far cheaper than the cost of the audiobook already and so it's a brilliant deal on top of it so thanks to audible for sponsoring this video now let's dive into some interesting you know combat and battlefield tactics in the remake of mulan so as i mentioned this video is only going to be a criticism and analysis of the key fight scenes and battle scenes of this film the story structure characterization everything are so rife for criticism uh but this isn't the point of this video in actual fact if you do want to see a really good video that actually breaks down and the comparison between the original mulan and this remake and how pathetic this remake is in comparison i'd actually recommend jxe's video best one i've seen so far comparing the two really really good this one as i mentioned we're looking at the combat and fighting okay so of course in reality uh such a small you know unit of cavalry would have no hope in hell of ever assailing an actual you know fortress like this it's fantasy and they have special powers but this undermines certain important elements and actually speaks to uh consistency and world building okay if you actually had a universe where people had such extraordinary abilities like what we're about to see well the natural implication is that defensive structures and just tactics would adapt to account for such incredible abilities but of course they don't and and it just makes it very unsatisfying and you'll see what i mean soon the guys on the wall so far have shot one arrow at these guys one and he caught it and so does that mean he'll be able to catch every i'm sure if you just shot as many arrows as possible to the point where more arrows is you know gonna hit this guy at the same time then he has arms he's not going to be able to catch enough to stop them all but it's like oh he caught one so he just won't shoot any more arrows at all sure fine [Applause] see that the witch's ninja star shuriken thingies can pierce metal armor now as unlikely as that is just remember this fact the movie has shown these ninja star thingies piercing metal armor okay we can continue [Applause] they're still riding no one's shooting any arrows yet what they're getting distracted from the lady on the inside yet how many soldiers they have defending this thing i think they'll be enough to be able to deal with the lady and other people still shoot at these cavalry people that are riding towards is just all right yeah just let them approach unlike uncontested so this is the point i was going to comment on before about uh consistency in world building okay see how easily they just they're running up the wall they have their magic they can do it they can just run up the wall which kind of undermines the very purpose of having fortresses what's the point of walls then they can just run up over them you know the reason why yet fortresses and walls are built is that they were effective what's the point in building them if they could just run up over them it's a floor it's a contradiction in the world building as a result now i'm going to pause here and just briefly explain something i actually have a little bit of lenience for things that are somewhat unrealistic if the result is something that is cool and you might be saying running up walls is really cool so you just ignore the fact that it's unrealistic and to some extent i can i can go with things like that briefly like a great example of sound in space having sound in spaceship battles enhances the experience that make us more enjoyable we can actually see a kind of you know it conveys impact and destruction by hearing it and so even though technically no sound is in space i can accept that point of unrealism because it makes it more enjoyable so rule of call applies but there comes a point where the stupidity is just too great and honestly it almost comes off as insulting where the creators of the movies or whatever are just kind of relying and are expecting the audience to be idiots and just say you know look flashy lights fancy things you don't need to believe in any logical consistency at all because it's just a fictional movie and stuff like that completely forgetting the very valid point at consistency and even dare i say a bit of realism here and there creates believability and immersion okay and also satisfaction if something is achieved through a very logical process of events where you can see that was achieved because a b c combining to make whatever right it comes off really satisfactory like that was clever but if they just pull something out of their rear end deus ex machina which is a literary device pointed out so often that to be terrible but people just you know resort to it anyway because they're not good at writing and so when a movie does that when it goes so far that the bull crap is just unbelievable that's the point where i feel the movie or book whatever deserves no lenience at all no benefit of the doubt everything and everything in it deserves to be rightly ripped apart and this movie does it so much like deserves it so much because of the unending barrage of bull crap in this okay the rule of cool can be used in some instances if it's properly balanced if it gets the point where you're just insulting the audience no so in all of the these guys approach to this fortress they really only shot one out we only saw them ever that's astounding i mean like even if that's not even rule of cool balance that is just stupid so it was much of that practical not really did it look cool yeah decently enough and so when it comes to fancy flashy choreography there's a level that you can get away with and so you might be surprised i'm not going to be criticizing too much of just the fancy kind of stuff unless it's particularly atrocious and also i like donnie yen more criticism comes in the battlefield tactics so this is a martial arts trope but i'm pointing it out because this is a realism review right uh they're teaching you know these individual soldiers hand-to-hand martial arts these are soldiers in an army and they're teaching hand-to-hand martial arts are you picking up the disconnect right there okay the next thing is the type of martial arts they're teaching okay again this is very much a kung fu trope and stuff that if you teach them kung fu they will be good soldiers and everything when in actuality traditional chinese martial arts have very little practical application if you want the proof of it go check out xiaodong an absolute legend who has honestly received horrible treatment by the chinese government everything like and many you know chinese people because they feel he is attacking chinese cultural heritage when he's just been trying to expose fake martial arts and he's an mma practitioner and fighter and so he uses effective proper martial arts against this fake chinese stuff these you know supposed masters who claim to be and he just wipes the floor with them and then of course he has gotten terrible chinese social credit score being made a prior essentially where he can't even buy a train ticket at some point in his life um and which is terrible he's been treated terrible but he's a legend and he has exposed the absolute bull crap that exists in many over overly traditional martial arts and that's actually the type of martial arts we're seeing here in mulan where it's got no or very very little practical application and if you actually go into the actual history in china the type of combat these soldiers would be getting taught would be unit tactics and formation and stuff how to march together how to respond to orders how to work as a unit not how to fight individually one-on-one with and they'd also be being taught how to use weapons okay uh that would be the primary focus and if there was any training on unarmed martial arts be very little okay use weapons force multipliers so like again it's a kung fu trope but i'm calling it out because it is in reality bullcrap and zhu zhaodong is a legend look him up absolute mad lad in actual fact there is a video called mad lads on him uh so i recommend that one as well legend yes i have done martial arts okay i have a point of reference and of course i like to train with weapons my base martial arts hema and things and so have a look at this closely what was that move all right well the stance is bad but there's one in particular that weak back kick anyway they do this we have purposely trained young as a joke and even if you're training um traditional martial arts getting them to go through this is something that bruce lee really ragged out just getting him to repeat certain moves without any resistance or against an opponent is crap it's not a good way to train at all so this part here i think is uh an acceptable example of going with rule of call over realism because this type of flashy choreography honestly it's enjoyable now there is elements of profound impracticality but there is also some decent you know moves here and there that are masked with some complex choreography that i think yeah that's fine and it's enjoyable to watch but this is not the type of fighting you would ever see on a real battlefield by the way or in a real fight i will of course point that out but look at that stance that has no defensive value at all she was wide open you could easily have just stabbed forward and she wouldn't be able to defend herself effectively at all um but see okay there was some good little winding and binding there this next part i'm on the fence about okay um and yeah so she she kicks it ah she kicks the spear launches forward like a missile magic she has she has the chi right uh and so yeah maybe that's why i'm on the fence yeah it would break your foot if you really kicked something that hard to launch it that fall like these spears they're actually not that light and so to kick it with that much force to launch it with that level velocity yeah it would break your foot especially it looked like she kicked it on the very end of her toe uh so yeah of course this is a setup for what happens later in the film and uh if you came into this thinking there was going to be no spoilers i don't know what you think of course there will be it's a set up for what happens later in the film no i don't i just kicking it kicking a spear kicking an arrow not jiving with me yeah i like a lot of the chinese people have a massive hard on for overly traditional martial arts and what we're seeing here this type of stuff has as i mentioned nearly zero practical utility in a real fight okay uh it looks cool it's a dance and it's been over ceremonialized isn't that a way to look at it but um the the the difficult the problem okay if you can point out a problem what we're seeing here is that a lot of people actually watch this and think that's that's fighting i want to do that because if i learn that i'll be just as good in real life and then they get their absolute butts kicked when they get in a real fight because they've been taught fed a lie both in like cinema but in real life there are people who try and teach this type of stuff as practical and effective then people get absolutely their butt kicked when they try and use in real life that's the issue okay if you want to learn actual you know proper self-defense learn proper self-defense what's really bizarre is tai chi is not really a physical fighting martial art it's supposed to be something that's more of like a meditative it's like a yoga yeah it's like a yoga deal i i don't want to comment on the story and stuff too much this is like i said a review of a combat but the fact that they're trying to supplant this achievement with the original mulan is just laughable in the extreme it does not compare it doesn't reveal anything you know to her credit apart from being born with magic essentially it's utter crap um it's just look watch jax's video you know he points it out well we are about to see something that when i heard i had to take a double take on it's like surely they did not just say that okay so guys coming in get a report on the enemy army listen symbols not a half days right from here they prepare for battle and we're greatly out number 45 for siege no he who moves first controls the enemy did you did you hear that we are greatly outnumbered it was a bit muffled and so i went back listen to again like okay it sounds like we are greatly outnumbered not you know we greatly outnumber then so i went back just again a third time put the subtitles on just to confirm this point okay and okay we are greatly outnumbered that's the thing so there the bad guys outnumber them and then then we hear something really clever okay this whoever says the commander guy he should be promoted because he knows what's on we should prepare for a siege i mean if you are about to be attacked you know the enemy's coming to you and you are already in a very good fortified position you you're in a fortress okay with walls and everything yes absolutely the best tactical choice you would have would be to fortify right in then not exit this fortified position this great fortress that you have to help you out which is the force multiplier and everything and put yourself in a vulnerable position in against a foe that vastly outnumbers you and yet i mean i'm not blaming donnie yen okay he didn't write this crap but you know he his character replies no what did he say exactly let's no he who moves first controls the enemy no no i mean just not a logical sense that's bullcrap uh because if the enemy moves first and is chasing you uh if you move and they're following you guess who's controlling the enemy then but you're moving second so so just the answer is bullcrap but also what they're gonna do is the most stupid thing you could possibly do in this situation let's just leave our foot of course i mean fortresses i've already shown to be utterly useless because they can run up walls is that why they're leaving but surely even if they can run up walls if you use it effectively if you shoot more than one bloody arrow it might be rather beneficial more beneficial than running out into the open and just letting yourself being attacked holy crap this is dub like so that's the level of logic and thought that has already been that is that we can see is being put into the battlefield tactics side of this film that's the level of quality okay so you can imagine how much better it's gonna get from here and look i'm sorry if it sounds like i'm ragging on i have an issue with the chinese government i will admit i think they're an authoritarian authoritarian dictatorship which oppresses their people and everything like that look there is some beautiful rich history in their culture that should be admired and celebrate and stuff like that but there is a tendency that i've seen in many things coming out from china where it's just it's propaganda trying to like push it way too far where the greatest thing that has ever existed in all history well no there are some huge points of criticism in chinese history and culture as well as you can point out in any culture the martial arts example is a good thing what traditional chinese martial arts is a lot of bull crapped in well if you say so we will make you a social prior and try and ruin your life like they tried to do with jiu jiaodong you can see why i have a bit of a bone to pick with that all right anyway so i admit it's coming out now and then i can't help it because it honestly really annoys me so we'll go back to the battle and i want you to pay attention to a couple things first their line of approach they're okay they're moving from you know over a vast field and as we'll see into a valley they have the high ground a couple of important things pay attention to what's behind them we see fields just fields there's no mountains behind them okay that's a that's that's a key point right there just pay attention remember that all right as we continue riding forward they get to the top of the hill okay what's behind them fields there's mountains off to one side but okay there all right all right you can barely see him let's wait until the mist clears ah there they are so the good guys they are they're cutting off the enemy they know the enemies coming to them to wipe them out and everything so they have the pick of their deployment okay and as we see it's a very interesting kind of a terrain structure we have some valleys we've got hills and they were there first and so out of all the locations they could pick they decided to pick the low ground in the valley to make their formations i have trouble describing how dumb that is because high ground it's a big advantage for many reasons one of the big reasons why having a high ground as an advantage is if you're going to be deploying arches okay it actually means your archers can shoot a bit further it also means the enemy won't be able to reach your line as quickly because they have to go uphill so those two points right then give a massive advantage if you grab the high ground now does this army have archers yes we will see they they do have archers they in fact that's the thing they lead with first as you know the bad guys are approaching bring out the arches and get them to shoot so with that in mind that's one of their leading things that they're going to do when they engage the enemy they choose the low ground and give the high ground to the cavalry that's going to be attacking them dude the level of stupidity in this is astounding there's a reason when i saw this i was like oh boy we are making it i'm reviewing this i'm i'm making a video on this because this is special right this is sorry do you see the guy's expression's like i get his picture the caption what are they doing they're just handing this battle to us on a silver platter i don't know like surely it's a it's a tragic is there anything luring us in like that would be my reaction i was like thank you sure okay like can you just check over those hills make sure we're not being lured in and be gonna get flanked just double check what there's no one else anywhere like they're really just giving this to us like this look at the high ground that they have surrendered to that kind of enemy gallery look what's behind them all right um you might see oh those are you know snowy mountains okay but look how far away these snowy mountains are specifically there's actually a vast distance of empty field before you reach those mountains as we saw them approach from okay so again i i'm pointing this out because it's important they've left the curse a bold wolf that changes nothing oh no it does not change nothing it changes a hell of a lot and a bold move you could call it that you could also call it blindingly stupid so these are archers right what's one of the main things archers can do they can they can shoot over a long distance okay uh and so does that just question would they be able to shoot over a line of pikemen or spearman that would be just in front of them yes they would even if that's in volleys what if they were shooting you know close range on a lower trajectory could they shoot through or past elena pikeman in front of them yes yes they could all the pikemen have to do is lowered a little bit so in actual facts you don't need to move the archers forward and expose them to an enemy charge of cavalry and you could have a line of spearman pikeman there ready to break that cavalry charge quite effectively and moving forward five meters 10 meters at most isn't going to change much i'm going to rewind just a little bit and i want us to uh count as to the how much time passes from when he says raise and when they draw draw their bows okay so [Applause] one 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23. i counted 24 seconds i don't know what the official timer was but holy crap that's a long time i brought in my longbow for just this point in the film to show something so uh this bow here is the lowest end in which uh most uh you know armies would want their bows to be at it's a hundred pounds and yet that didn't tend to be the lower end of warbow range it could go a little 70 but i think my mind has changed like actually 70 is pretty i've seen some impressive stuff done with a 70 pound bow but just as a point of reference most um bows that you shoot when you go to the archery range like 35 pounds 50 pounds is considered the higher end of standard target bows okay and so this one here is a hundred pound twice as heavy okay twice as difficult to pull back as most bows that you will find going to any art free range and this is still in the low end of the warbo category but okay so full draw hundred pounds and this happens if i did it longer than that i would injure myself oh gosh maybe is all right then right my mind is pulling back a warbo is difficult holding it for a long time is even more difficult and you're only going to hold it back for as long as you need to to line up your shot and then you are letting that thing loose and that's it nearly 36. sorry look it's a trope it's done but i'm i'm going to point it out every time i see it because it's utter bull crap and it's like this is a battlefield army okay and if they are using archers their bows should be at least 70 pound if not a hundred and that's the low end which has any chance of penetrating armor and if they're that heavy you're not holding it back for long at all i wonder how many volleys there will get off they shoot one and they held it for ages one long volley hit some of the lackeys yeah okay are they going to shoot again they they shot one volley surely you're gonna shoot again does this movie have a habit of archers only ever shooting once [Music] i just say i like the way that they're shooting three finger which is technically called the mediterranean drawer this is like if this is supposed to be asiatic archery which means it should be thumb draw but um i do that mediterranean which is three fingers with the arrow on over the thumb which is the outside of the bow as we see here and it works effectively it's like hey i i like the way that they're shooting technically it's not accurate to what was common during this point in history in that part of the world i'm not saying no one shot this way it's possible that a couple people did but what we know from historical evidence and what the tradition has been passed on more often our conclusion is that it's thumb draw which is drawing with the look i'll grab my bow and i'll i'll show you just just just so those who don't know can be educated thumb draw is the thumb around and then you hold it down like so and you actually usually need a thumb ring because the pressure on that one joint is i couldn't do it without a thumb ring and i don't have it since i'm not doing it but that's thumb draw okay but again that's what's more common around that part of the world especially mongolian style archery horse archery specifically yep okay two guys are they're actually making a fairly smart choice is that we have just gotten destroyed retreat good tactical option right there in actual fact you'd think that would be the smart thing to do mulan what is milan going to do and what chance does she honestly think she will have against all those super trained magic you know soldiers that can run up walls and every she could take them on she's gonna that's this is what we would call suicide but of course he doesn't catch up on she gets lost and then just runs into a witch i'm pausing there because uh the witch has shown herself capable of some really impressive things uh she can turn into animals uh she can actually turn into a massive flock of birds or bats or whatever uh you know whatever they are uh she can can like do things with her wrists uh like her i shouldn't get material and wrap people up and like material cloth is a lethal you know effective weapon in this setting and she's just done something as well she threw pushed mulan with a type of telekinesis even these are all abilities that the witch can do why am i pointing out this will be important for later on in the video i'm just let us remember her abilities so we will know them in context when it's important it poisons your chief lying poison so cheap okay oh look that's actually an interesting kind of element to the magic system that i think could be a really fun immersive thing that if you have a chi pat magic power look just the fact that milan has heaps of magic benches born with it undermines the very kind of original purpose of the story of milan okay overcoming difficulties showing that you can be really capable as a soldier even if you're physically weaker than all the other soldiers and stuff like that like really great things that the original milan had in it especially in its messaging stuff and that's undermined by the fact that she's just born amazing but okay so if we even if we gave it that and just this is the magic system she was born incredible and stuff this could be an interesting element if they were consistent with it okay but we will i'm again pointing us out for something that's going to come up a bit later remember when i asked you to pay attention to the fact her sharik and ninja star thingies killed soldiers through their armor previously in this film this time it doesn't even hit mulan's armor it hits her leather you know corset thing underneath and it doesn't even penetrate it just physics i know this one is you could say is a nitpick because chi explains it all but like if we would actually look at this from you know um a newtonian physics perspective and stuff the amount of force that shriken would have the velocity to be able to actually lift someone off their feet and knock them through the air would be so great that that shuriken would went through her completely okay and the thing that it gets stopped on is like with the amount of force that was shown being it the thing that it gets stopped on wouldn't stop it it would go right through it what is she wearing just a leather kind of corset thing to uh flatten the chest that's amazing armor everyone it's better than the metal armor that couldn't stop the arrows before that's incredible everyone should be wearing that if you could stop a shuriken with so much force that knocks you into the air and incredible i know it was her chi she can create a barrier force field so now she does not want to poison her chi even though she must have been pretty darn amazing to be able to save herself from that shrieking thing all right but she doesn't want to poison her teeth so she is going to discard the lie you think she could you could do that without discarding your armor i mean women can wear armor can't they but no she's gonna throw away really useful armor to show that she's a woman maybe maybe just loosen the head helmet i would like loosen the hair and put the helmet on top perhaps okay or just say i'm a woman and embrace your womanhood and still wear armor because armor's really useful maybe not in this film where the arrows just go through it like it's not there but look at the chaos of that battlefield you wouldn't know who's winning who like if if something degenerated to this level you'd be retreating like mate what's going on are we winning we're losing we're like it's just and the other enemy they still have cavalry where did their cavalry go they just cavalry ran in and just wiped out all the guys wearing the red armor game over but suddenly the bad guys aren't on cavalry anymore i don't see any dead horses [Music] so the foot kick spear thing um yeah they look that oh i think that's like i said it's still in the line really cool for me it'll work for some people uh so i don't i'm not criticizing that too much like it just doesn't work for me right um but what i am pointing out is that okay now it's established milan can deflect incoming projectiles she with her foot even she can deflect them with her feet remember that you know fighting as a woman and look the choreography is not reflecting what a real battle would be like but aside from that you know it's cinematic and uh like perhaps i would have given it a pass if there wasn't so much crap everywhere else wow whoa hang on oh what's going on here they fall into a shield wall almost a test strutus test there's the roman formation it looks very roman why didn't they do that when they were fighting the bad guys that's a great uniformation maybe you even also be really effective against cavalry running at you even that's great why didn't you use that before but birds okay these are nasty birds [Applause] trebuchet interesting soon we will see what's behind them in this shot and it's not vast planes and fields and everything like that so that means this trebuchet and this separate detachment of the army one with how fast the cavalry was running at the beginning of this battle it would take them longer to reach that point by moving it you know a trebuchet on wheels because that would move really slowly and stuff uh the next point about the trebuchet and how this is like really dumb they could have fred trevor chebyshe with them if they were intending to you know lay siege to a castle trebuchets are great uh for against castles in a battlefield where you're fighting a mobile enemy that can just move their army and everything like that they're very much most since this is a fixed ranged weapon and altering their range is a cumbersome lengthy process from adding in weight removing weight let's do a test fire test fire test shot whatever how far did that go okay let's angle it a bit there they're hard to aim and so and they take long to line up the shot and so because of that having a stationary target that doesn't move is there that's the way that they can be used effectively if you have a target that can just move a little to the left or move toward you towards you using a trebuchet is stupid trebuchets are interesting here they're as they're especially in this film in this film the trebuchet is profoundly accurate when the plot needs it to be accurate but when the plot doesn't want them to be accurate that it's the worst accuracy in the world and can suddenly shoot like fire whatever throw a rock five times further than what we've seen it before without them altering the count weight in it one bit okay so they are rolling the trebuchet in they're rolling it in and watch how accurate the first shot is with this tribute no calibration needed okay counterweight perfectly weighted by the way this is why a lot of trebuchets had a basket as they counterweight so they could throw in rocks and remove rocks and stuff to adjust the range on it this trebuchet is a fixed range trebuchet essentially they could alter it by tilting the actual base maybe back and forth and it's on wheels so they'll get some tilting which would adjust the range slightly not much what's behind them wow a mountain suddenly much closer than any other mountain we've seen in this scene and the snow on this mountain reaches their level almost their level okay uh and no other mountain has snow on it on that like all the other mountains there's no much higher but this mountain is magic where the snow just reached much lower and all the other mountains the snow is much much higher uh yeah continuity utter atrocious in that sense all right um it's just putting it there for the sake of the plot but the other thing okay pretend this mountain was here and if i try and then lay out this battle scene for you they've enemies here they approached from a vast you know um field over field they charge all the way in reach the hilltop then we come into the valley and the good guys are here and the mountain top must be off to the side over there or on that side and so they decided moving the cherry machine we're going to move the trebuchet off to the side on this mountain here not on the mountain that way if they are if they set up the trebuchet on the mountain that they approached from or the valley that they approached from there'd be nothing behind them apart from vast planes and that's it but instead they move to the side and set up the trebuchet directly in front of a snowy peaked mountain with the snow really high and it's so obvious that the snow is precarious so obvious in fact that mulan notices it with it first glance no one else does in actual fact not only do they not notice this they decide we're going to go out of their way to set up the trebuchet right here for no other tactical reason at all that they already had the high ground from the area that they approached from there was a nice hill that they could have set up from like right there where the cavalry charged initially from but they don't do it they don't sit up there for something there's no reason all right nothing to explain why they decide to sit up there apart from the plot in the like the writers we just need the tribute here to make it vulnerable for this you know uh first shot no calibration needed this thing's aim is incredible like amazing that's that's the implication right they can hit whatever they're aiming at with this thing pay attention to that point it's gonna come back [Applause] it's reloaded that's how quickly it took to reload that trebuchet all mulan has been doing is this and in that length of time the trebuchet is reloaded pay attention to that oh look at that precarious amount of unstable snow that's so close how convenience it's almost like it was put there by magic did her chee do it oh second shot that's how long it takes to get a second shot and notice on the second shot instant hit perfect aim not a single miss okay all right so mulan's intention now is to like ride over the decent length the decent distance that she is not only to the enemy but she wants to get around to get around the enemy not past around and so to get around it's not just the distance from there that you actually need to go around which multiplies the distance you need to travel at least by double if not more that's the length of distance she needs to get to and then she's going to set up a trap with soldiers helmets and stuff and we just saw how quickly this trebuchet can reload pretty darn quickly and its aim is incredible so regardless if her magical tactic is gonna work okay like whatever tactic is because she doesn't know if they're gonna react to her or that she has no idea that like how if they're gonna if they get to shoot at them no idea especially with the trebuchet i call so this is a massive gamble based on the most thin possibility already so there's that uh then what she's expecting to get there and set up this trap in time before her all her friends are wiped out with the rate of fire that this thing can do well let's let's just let's observe now watch how far she gets behind them on horse picks up some helmets and all right so and she's and she teleports she's there already now clearly it's a cut okay so which implies some time must have passed her to get there yes some time must have passed for her to get there so much time in fact that her friends should all be dead by now because we've already seen how fast this trebuchet can shoot at ready we see this shot they haven't shot another time are they taking a note out of the archers playbook in this film what is going on here the stupidity in this is astounding to the directors or creators whoever made this just expect the audience to be bloody stupid and just not notice the utter crap that is being fed in front of our eyes here this is amazing enemy on the ridge turn around shoot back good plan good better yet while they need to take cover while you're shooting at them why not just send a couple of men they look to be only five or six there okay 10 15 20. you got the men to spare take him out problem solved not a problem yet what do they do oh oh they they're hitting him to their knowledge they're killing this supposed unit event which there's obviously it's just milan but from their perspective they're taking them out they're hitting them in the head this isn't going to be a difficult to solve at all done we don't even need to send any soldiers to to do to you know kill them look at how effective that is oh another they're almost dead so why the they're turning the tree machine around why this is so stupid this is like last jedi rise of skywalker levels of stupidity in terms of wow and but but i mean we saw how accurate this thing was remember like two shots instant hit bang bang no calibration needed so sure like i mean mulan's dead now this thing isn't gonna miss obviously wow this isn't just missing this this pro i think this is a literal application of the term missed by a mile because it's almost a mile like looking at the distance here let's watch this and milan just knew that they were gonna do one of the most stupid things imaginable in turning that trebuchet around and she she just knew that i mean you should have a problem with this this is a level of stupidity that like everyone watching mulan should have a massive don't let movie makers get away with this crap it's amazing and can movies do better yes they can do better and when they do the battles and fight scenes are so much better seriously like go watch outlaw king okay outlaw king story of robert the bruce and in the last battle they set up some really interesting very you know understandable battlefield tactics you know like sticks luring the cavalry charge in with swampland on the side so they'll get bogged to just trap him in there and into a kill zone outnumbered and they can be like those tactics in hairs like that's clever i can see what's going on here and then seeing it play out like yes and you get into it it's like it's smart it's clever you can see why a weaker force beats a stronger force you like and it works and it works it's just good okay and so that type of tactics enhances the experience the enjoyability the immersion contrast to this crap and you it becomes a comedy question um there was a lot of enemy guys right fighting with the good guys in the valley then they see the trebuchet getting set up and they flee no no sorry they see the witch coming in and they flee and then the tribute is getting set up but it's it's showing pretty clearly the trebuchet and the men with that trebuchet are not with the guys who are actually fighting with the good guys in the valley they retreat somewhere so the good guys can be picked off by the artillery level trebuchet thing okay the avalanche comes in wipes out the trebuchet and those guys and honestly like it looks like it kills a decent number of the soldiers and it should have wiped them all out as well because they're just like swimming on the avalanche like it's water and granted that that's you know milan swims on the avalanche in the cartoon but i kind of get away with it because it's a cartoon this is a live action yeah i you just by watching live action you are naturally more aware of the laws of physics because we're seeing real people so yes the animation can get away with it uh even though you can rightly criticize it but still she's essentially she should have killed her friends as a miracle the friends don't die in this and then separate that where were all those other enemies that were fighting with them that retreated there's still a massive army you would assume somewhere but no this wipes ever they they weren't all there on that ridge where did they go where did the horses they had huge cavalry units where did they go we are almost done here but there are some houses and i'll just point out the two big ones but there's more than that of course maybe three [Applause] [Music] this goes back to what i was saying before if the movie wasn't insulting our intelligence constantly i could probably almost let it get away with this it could be yeah cool rule of cool maybe i mean it's profoundly impractical i know of no one who shoots that way if you're ever in a real tense battlefield situation you would never shoot that way and any grace that might have been granted this film is dead all right and it just makes you laugh like that's the unfortunately the the stupidity in this film gets the point where even things that might have been cool if it was you know a small little garnish on an overly good film and stuff even those things now i look ridiculous because it's wrapped up in complete garbage okay and you i just you just laugh at it it's like you've lost me you've lost me film there's no coming back from it okay uh just just yeah yeah a step just step to the left all right or in front or even back just just one step anywhere and you you'll be fine i there's big gaps in between these arrows and ropes right and let's just see like do you have time to step alright yes in in that time right then you could have just stepped out even now there's enough space above to jump out do a roll you're a ninja magic martial arts person okay just stand there sure get capped yep stand help sure this guy his goal is to assassinate the emperor he now has the emperor at his mercy okay job achieved like mission achieved problem solved job done you can kill him go just kill him he doesn't like for the i don't know how much time he has about his mercy minutes an hour more doesn't kill him and we don't know why and his whole purpose was to assassinate the emperor and he's mocking me up you could have killed him then and in honor of my father you could have killed me again it's almost like he doesn't want to kill him and is using him as bait to fight this magical warrior person who will come to save you and now that's the warrior that's going to come and stop oh she's special she's going to beat you right so watch what happens here's shot and arrow at milan should this really threaten mulan she has already shown that she can dodge arrows really easy look at those horses she was on a horse and she dodged arrows okay so arrows shouldn't be too much of a problem all right maybe she doesn't she can kick you know projectiles out of the air that threaten her she's got chi alright so this arrow should not threaten her at all based on what has been previously established according to her abilities okay uh so that's the first thing but the witch feels that that arrow is gonna kill mulan so the witch needs to stop the arrow could the witch stop the arrow using any of the abilities she has shown thus far yeah i would say she could she can do some amazing things she uh can do the whole material flappy stuff she could hit it aside with material everything she can stop a a sword strike with her armor things i mean she's got armor that can stop strikes like that uh she's really really good aiming with those shurikens maybe she could throw shriek and knock it aside she could turn into a flock of birds and just send one of the little birds together because clearly killing one of the little birds doesn't kill her i'm assuming one of the soldiers managed to kill one of those little birds when she was sweeping but instead instead of any of the above mentioned things she decides to commit suicide because reason and this is supposed to be a really noble heroic sacrifice okay and it is so dumb like literally i've seen people burst out laughing [Laughter] i'm sorry she can perform like thousands of birds and she decides yeah to just kill herself okay should we use her blankets or something oh mulan say now it's personal oh my god my face the next massive egregious thing is this right here all right it's a it's a hollywood trope i've pointed out many a time before of the the swords cross and the the good guy that whoever the combatants stare off at each other this is the worst most egregious excessive example of this trope i have ever seen and i'm not kidding it is amazing watch how long this goes for it's utterly incredible and if you've ever seen any of my other videos that i eat like in case you haven't seen in my other videos this is so stupid from an actual functional realistic salesmanship perspective see where milan's sword is right now she just tilts it forward like that okay she would strike him in the head because he's holding it low this is called being in the bind and when you're in the bind you look for advantage and leverage to be able to manipulate your opponent's sword and get it through it is an a position of great opportunity and so in real sword fighting like if either combatant is actually trying to beat their opponent never stays static you never have a static block like this very long if at all because they're always moving so watch where this happens right holding holding holding what we're not done yet even grounded it's going on that all that on it's amazing [Applause] oh wow that that was special we experienced something right there i'll just go to the ending and again this is one of those things i'm on the fence about anyone can catch arrows like you know so look how easy the emperor catches this arrow bang so well when i say anyone he can't because if you kick an arrow that's when you can't catch it because kicking an arrow is is launched with far more force and power than from an actual bow that's made for it he didn't catch it it was going too fast chi milan wins because of magic she's just powerful she didn't overcome anything she didn't do anything inventive she's just got magic and can do it because reasons this this movie is a train wreck on so many levels and i've only been criticizing it on the combat the choreography and the battlefield tactics and everything and it is even i'm speechless at how bad it is but that's just that okay the plot characterization consistency is just well done disney i didn't think after rise of skywalker you could you know beat that but this is coming close i tell ya my goodness but now a rise of skywalker is still worse i need a i need to take a break wow yeah there we go thanks for watching guys i'm gonna go lie down hope to see in the next video until then farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 888,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mulan, mulan 2020, disney, review, fight scene, battle, medieval, chinese, sword, swords, history, historical, castle, castles, disney's, roast, hema
Id: E21sJaTTk6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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