The ULTIMATE weapons tier list for CASTLE DEFENCE!

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[Music] greetings i'm shad and in this video i want to discuss the most effective weapons for castle defense specifically now this is going to be both fun and hopefully educational insightful because i have done a lot of research over many years on many medieval weapons in fact i have a lot of individual dedicated videos on many of the weapons that will be coming up in this video things like um i don't know so why did my brain just go dead then i've got lots of so we have sort of we've got man catcher i know the man catches coming out we've got a dedicated video on that got dedicated videos on certain poll arms like the bill hook and things of course many sorts of things and everything uh of course bias crosses all all those things so if you wanted heaps of information on individual weapons you can have a look at those videos but in this one we're going to be looking at in a specific context because the effectiveness of a weapon is will be determined by what you want to use them for and what you want to achieve with them i have a video discussing good and bad weapons and the kind of understood objective standard we apply to weapons to determine if one is going to be good or not and what it is is the how effective it achieves a purpose it's meant to be used for and sometimes that purpose might change because subtlety because there's combat generally and we have already done a type of video here where we rank medieval weapons broadly for the battlefield but this analysis as i mentioned is for castle defense and i think it's going to be really interesting to see the the new tier the tier rating you know classic tier rating thing that you you know people do it online all the all the young people the tier list videos we're doing in that style because we we want to be hip and i was like hello fellow young people we do this stuff to you swords i can do boomers so good you know why because i am one um but it's actually useful okay and it'll be really fun to compare where the weapons end up in this analysis because some weapons that would have been great on the battlefield might not be as good and some that could have been you know really really good could be terrible in this situation because castle defense is a whole different circumstance so it's going to be fun going to go into it and uh we'll start right off the bat so we have arming sword and shield oh this is interesting because so for castle defense one of the main situations we will be looking at is uh on the ramparts okay and also real familiar to the ram parts that you're going to be using melee weapons anywhere else if you're in towers or or or internal rooms and stuff and you have arrow loops or windows um or matriculation on the walls matriculations we just because it's been a while okay um do you want to take the headphone nozzles and say what just take it to your site oh wait okay no no i'm gonna take my headphones off block my ears yeah come come here it's been a while my matriculation all right you did it i know i know i'm just like this like i feel i love doing it too i'm sorry i did it for you i just feel like a piece of meat sometimes because you just want to see me do it okay make your money i wasn't going to say it you did you bastard um but no yes matriculations uh and in those situations melee weapons might actually be nearly as effective and so because of that arming sword and shield like okay it's not going to be effective in every aspect of castle defense because there are areas in which you couldn't really use them effectively in defense and then on the battlements you would have your your merlons and your crinelles and in between the canals like in terms of reach and leverage try and get over some of the battlements to strike because the other thing to consider is the way in which you'll be getting attacked in the context of which so i'm gonna so even though we started with having sword and shield it's made me realize we need to cover a lot of bases in this is where they could be used but also in what ways would you generally be attacked in a castle to then figure out the best way um certain weapons to be used and we don't need to repeat this for every weapon we'll set the kind of stand and then we can go faster into the other weapons as we get a good understanding but one of the main ways in which people attack castles but oz has a constipated face like he wants to say something well that's the thing you just have to determine the fact that like so for example a wall um like being on the wall and also being on the tower and being on any other part what is the factor that is stopping from being either good or making it good in that circumstance that's the part we're measuring not the actual part itself yes yes and so one of the main ways in which castles will be attacked and this is like when castles were built one of the first ways in which they uh assailed assaulted castles was with escalade which is a fancy and more historically accurate term are saying ladders you know run up with ladders and the whole like look lindy beige has a brilliant video on escalades it's absolutely great video one of the misconceptions people have about flat is like you put up a ladder against the um battlements and the defenders will grab the ladder and push it off it's like no no they people weren't stupid what you know the way to fix that just make it a little bit shorter so the ladder hits the wall just underneath the battlement so they can't if they want to try and push the ladder off they have to reach out expose themselves and get killed so escalade is the main one and uh you know classic i i was going to go to batting around but no you know one of the big ones like yes siege tower i reckon arming sword and shield would be useful against people coming off out of siege tower like onto the battlements um can't really do much of trebuchet so escalators and siege towers are the big ones but it's awkward to fight people with an army sort of shield with escalade because you're limited in reach you'd have to get me close the shield is a good thing but why it wouldn't be terrible i think that so at the moment hang on there's sns plus yes i thought that was just what well the previous one just had a and then s class well this basically is what you get for calling me what is this well you see chad last time we did this she wanted special tears and i just realized wild card yes that is s so we've changed wild card to s plus but i thought wild card was in the e category if you want to you can just change s plus to wild card but what about e i hate okay so can i just get rid of s plus delete row done but can i change the color of now s back to red okay okay see you know when you want competent help nathan actually is a great employee it's us that's incompetent there's one thing we thank you we forgot to add to that what because it's a siege right indian space program that's not necessarily a weapon for defense though that's you need to defend against it sorry but i think an arming sword and shield like that's like a like a catapult so the indian space program is from the recent video here on chat university have a look at uh we review some one of the greatest epic war movies of all time and uh go watch that video and you'll find out what the indian space program form of attack is so i would actually i'll prob maybe put it on b for now remember the context of these videos is that uh i reserve the right to change my mind at any time okay and uh if there's another video that helps me recontextualize where we put one but i think arming sword and shield goes in b because it's not as effective as it was in actually i think in the previous one army sword and shield wouldn't be anyway no no no arming sword by itself wouldn't be and army sword and shield went in a i think but it's the leverage is an issue here to try and get people on the escalade and stuff um it requires your enemy to get close to you yeah it's a bit tricky uh arming sword by itself actually i was gonna put arming sword by itself a bit lower because i was thinking you'd need to defend yourself against arrow fire but on a castle you have the battlements to defend yourself against arrow fire it doesn't help it doesn't hurt to have a shield does it i'm not sure maybe i could like well it's tricky because if someone is on an escalade getting up a ladder and trying to hit you over the battlements right the battlemen is still in between you it's only when the they get past the battlement that's when you might want the shield so you know look yeah yeah um i'll probably put it see it's it's close though it's much closer to army sword and shield than say the battlefield situation all right badish i think needs to go in a it's got reach it's got leverage you can just coming up someone's coming up on the escalator on the ladders and the other side of the battle just ah big swinging hits uh buddy she's definitely great battle election shield also before we put battle axe and shield on a higher tier than arming sword and shield but in this situation i think it's more equivalent to arming so because of the leverage problem that you run into it's good against armor but i think um the thrusting capacity of arming sword and shield would be really useful to try and get against the escalade kind of things and another thing about um castle defense is good chances that you're going to be much closer to your companions and so a thrust is a easier more controlled attack when you're surrounded by your allies then why like you couldn't really do wide sideways swinging down you could over the top but then you have the leverage problem and reach okay because yeah because remember the battlements are in the way you can't get super close now because they're going to be on the escalator on the ladders um remember part of it one of the purposes of this video is for discussion if you think i get something wrong share in the comments below where you think certain weapons will go battle axe by itself all right about the same as i mean um okay yeah yep a class um bs who added b's not the b no not the b's um hmm did this like are they b's but what is it a beehive with lots of bees in it that you could throw yeah okay okay um that actually might have some uses like like a swarm especially if they're aggressive right um um but that's a wild card one it could be really useful in an ultra specific situation like you see the um the the siege tower coming towards you and if you can lob somehow into the siege tower on the roof or something or down onto their sword oh like if there is if they're swarming at the um at the uh wall castle walls base right and they need to get all swarming around the ladder to get up the ladder and you just lobbed a beehive of aggressive bees right down on top of them through matriculation or something my uh my mate tried making his own honey the other day and no matter how finely he ground the bees it tasted awful i'm just moving on uh bill hook yeah it's in a like a lot of the pole arms are going to be pretty close equivalents i mean all right let's really consider this it's got great axe chopping capacity that's part of the build hog the hook actually could be really useful actually hmm hooking ability could elevate one of these others because all right picture you're on a castle wall okay you had the battlements merlin's crinels right there okay so these are the crenellations and someone has come up on an escalade you can't see the ladder but they're on the top of the ladder and they get there and they're trying to swing whatever weapon at you all right and you have a bill you'll swipe aside but if there were a little bit to the side right imagine if you hit them got a hook and just yank them sideways off that ladder that's very specific but if you can do it why not it adds further versatility to the weapon on top of thrusting because bill hooks can thrust and chopping um i actually this elevates it to the highest in a class maybe s-class if you can actually pin them to where they are on the ladder then they can't have their mate um behind them so you couldn't do that with a bill hook though you could hold them in place by the neck or something well we will get to a weapon that can do that but i because of these the victor corbin could do that as well the spike is a hooking thing you could hook people with the spike so this is more than just choppy see there the badish doesn't have hooking capacity it's a main chopper and so at the very least i would put any hooking capable polam on a higher level in the maybe the highest level 8 here and then the bodies near but for the now we're going to put them in s here because that's that makes these weapons particularly awesome actually the problem with pole arms um they're big hard to wield and move around with lots of men beside you and around and things i disagree depends on the size of the battle of the rampart really but think about uh formations they're designed to be i mean if you if you're conscious of it and you do and you're you're thrusting forward and you can do hook things in okay i i think you could work around the the um limitation that the size the length of the weapon could cause issues with so yeah okay i'll leave it there boiling oil so okay so you know why i'm putting it i'm gonna put it in wild card because they rarely use boiling oil it was an expensive resource there was a much more affordable resource you could use to throw down on enemies but if you had nothing else and only boiling oil and you heated it up it would be vicious but it's one of those ultra specific uses that you can't use it generally in combat it can like once you throw it it's gone and you can't follow up attack and so it's definitely a wild card bullwhip look i was all right here's my thought i'll uh first i thought definitely ft but then i thought well hang on usually this is a crap weapon because like bullwhips are the only place you can do really good like when it's actually not really good damage it can't chop people's heads off into capacity they can hurt a hell of a lot it's not right at the tip so already these are pretty crap weapons in their ability to offend people uh their range is really restricted by the length of the thing but then i thought you could actually wrap like actually try and whip it around people to tie up and then yank is that gonna work though i don't think first i thought maybe then when i really considered it it'd be too awkward to pull off like yeah exactly and i thought it would be so ultra unlikely to actually pull that off you have to get like yeah it's a crap it'd be very very useful if you were besieged by bulls maybe maybe cows have guns what what about bullhead oh now that's pig-headed men i was like like is that what's the phrase or something that's called someone that's related to being bullied but what if they're bullish no bullish bullish isn't you would need to be bullish if you were going to exceed your castle yeah yeah yeah or you could be a bit of a bull all right they're all chamber pots we'll consider chamber pots fine all right fine um poo and and urine thrown on someone you know if you're committed to the attack you're not going to care about a bit of poo dude if i'm fighting this season then like falls on me i'm pissed or unintended it happened on the battlefield where people would urinate their pants and if you're in heavy armor on the throes of a battle you can't really get out of the armor i think knight errand did a video on this that you would just have to soil yourself and because what you're gonna just stop stop need a crap just hang on drop your taxes in the middle of the fight well shift the shivering code no no you know you just have to do it and look credit where credit is due brandon sanderson mentions this in regards to shardplate in his stormlight archive series where the prince of the nation this great warrior um is trying to impress a woman and she's a bit snarky and cheeky he's like how do you poop and he's like hang on what he was trying to describe this great battle is like how do you poop in your armor in battle and and brandon he's obviously done some research on this because the reference point is actually medieval armor and uh he gives the real thing and he's like i aidalyn heir of the house of so-and-so and all this stuff have personally crapped myself in the battlefield and at that point more than once at that point it becomes played but uh so this is the thing when it comes to battle and poo you just had to work through it sometimes literally because the siege of castle um yeah um great castle like i've done i've referenced a number of times like a medieval siege video for instance because you you learn a lot about how that customer seizures built right by richard the lionheart when he actually controlled some regions in france and then was besieged by the french and overtaken and you know one of the ways it had multiple um enclosures like um bailey's and like walls it's like this incredible so they technically have like three separate baileys and for them to break into they got past the first bayley to get in the second bayley uh one of the accounts is um one they either broke through a church or broke into that this section of the castle through a privy or toil or a guard robe if for a castle where they literally had to deal with crap and they would do it okay some say that i couldn't be castle because that'd be sacrilege but at the same time they're pragmatists sometimes they would commit a bit of sacrilege just to win battle what are you laughing at us the loathsome dummy he wouldn't eat it but i have to deal with poo sometimes it's just life i i'm a father i've had to deal directly with lots of poo you've put up with my crap for a long time i know gosh and changing ozil's nappy is just awful that is the wrong visual image [Laughter] poncho uh uh uh wild card cause someone gets a card no no like it's f like even even in ultra like specific situation it wouldn't stop him it's a it's an f class and it's pretty pretty useless like you'll get more you'll get more you get more use out of actually throwing the chamber pots to try and knock someone out than what's in the pot so it's a pretty crappy weapon it's a pretty crappy weapon [Laughter] clubs so hmm what size of club see club if i if i was to consider this a large two-handed club okay um i would put it in b like it would have more reach than an arming sword or battle ax it'd be better against armor and most of these people guys if they have any brains do it trying to sail this castle would be wearing a helmet okay that battlelax somewhat okay against helmet arming sword horribly a helmet but a club that'll you'll knock someone out throw a helmet with a good and if it's a big one i'm talking about this is the cottage that big chain of clubs granted okay and it's a stick it's a big old stick good stick very good oh crossbow crossbows all right this is where crossbows shine this is where they really really shine uh one of the big limitations of crossbow is the rate of fire the amount of time it takes to reload but the castle defense gives you a perfect situation where you can just duck behind the battlement reload you're protected you're not vulnerable they're not going to get in a different angle that actually hits you unless they very rarely if they could uh and so crossbow is st because not only that if you have peasants or our servants in the castle you can just give them a crossbow and they will still be lethal in actual fact one of the uh room like er we don't know if this is accurate or not but the way in which richard the lionheart was killed supposedly was by a cooker servant of the castle that was besieging with a crossbow not trained in warfare everything just as random guy in a crossbow and there are two accounts of what actually happened because they did eventually get the castle right and so one account is that um on his death bed richard asks for the person that you know loose the arrow that he's now dying from lucid bolt that he's dying from and it was this you know cook yeah and i think it was a young guy they bring him forward and uh and richard kind of like compliments him this is the whole noble glorious richard that's one account the other count is that um they bring him to him and then he was brutally tortured to death killing the king it's kind of one or other extreme maybe they did both like good job now come over here flail and quarter uh but even in the hands of an untrained person a crossbow is a deadly weapon especially in a siege scenario and it overcomes a lot of the limitations so crossbow is s t g ah part of me almost you know we might need the s plus t again or we could take them all down one um to get because i think a crossbow it had it's ranged and so it's effective against um people at the bottom of the castle that you don't need to have to wait for them to get close to you and so like all right let's uh let's re-contextualize save us just chucking in another tier completely let's recontextualize this because a crossbow is better like in almost like an order of magnitude than the vector corbin or bill hook because it is one of the main defensive weapons you would be using in a castle siege you can hit people at range hit people on the um siege tower hit them on their escalade and like on the on the ladders and even if the ladder is in front of you you can still try and shoot then get back and reload but one of the ways castles were designed i've met multiple videos on this was to give you multiple angles of fire to hit the people and so you would have a wall but oftentimes before when before the wall would curve too much they would have a type a half tower or full tower or something like that that but and by the tower the the shape of the tower feels square or round would push half of it further out than the line of the wall and these people going up on the ladders right if you're on a tower back here you could shoot sideways right down into them castles is designed to s and you see this all historically and sometimes if the if the that tower was in line with the wall it's called a bastion if it was higher it could be either a full tower if it was a half hour it was a half tower finally that makes sense um what were those wooden things that would peek over hoardings and so these would be really useful uh in hoardings and matriculations and i yeah crossbows are like just definitely st weapons for castle defense and uh you could utilize many of the advantages in which castles were designed and i imagine that just shooting sideways at these people going up the ladders and everything it was so satisfying to kill human beings daggers daggers we put into wild card in the battlefield because that would be one of the like great uses with a dagger is like pinning people in armor everything i actually don't think that would be a great you'd be able to do that often with a castle defense like if they're coming over the thing range would be horrible horrible with that yeah um and it's vastly worse than arming sword and battle axe and it does it doesn't have the wild card advantage because you don't have opportunity to pin these people in these narrow ramparts on the castle and you you want to knock them off the the ladders and the siege towers before they even get there and you can't derange gosh dagger is an ft weapon in this scenario what if someone with armor comes up a ladder hit them with a heavy club or a heavy polax you got range like you know you just go for that option instead um yeah so danax definitely with a badish they're very equivalent weapons decapitated heads yeah um for the guys who did make it over the wall so okay okay let's let's actually break this down then some people come up you eat oh look you either have decapitated heads from the peasants that you were pressing beforehand or the soldiers that weren't performing up to snuff or the wives that you just wanted to divorce but you were illegally unallowed to do you could have those ready to go or you could get some degap date heads from the people who got too high up and somehow and they haven't so they're good they're ready to go it's a bit rock like you could throw them onto people and some people have particularly thick skulls yes like i was when it was hanging there we know it was there you knew i was going to go there and and [Laughter] i'm just big [Laughter] you know that's a polite way of people trying to avoid saying you're fat i understand that yes um but look it actually if we're being serious there wouldn't be a lot of weight i think at some range um the shock factor a human head's just been thrown at you there is the shock fact derek and what the demoralization isn't a guarantee though if these are hardened soldiers no if heads are dropping from the sky you can bet i'm pretty demoralized uh look i still think it's not as good as a sword or battle axe look i'm not saying you're fighting isis so you think what you think wildcast if there's a wild card if there's a chance that it could demoralize an army by throwing heads of their own friends and stuff at them especially as the king if it was the leader of their army and you threw their head at them maybe maybe stock or look range not good thrust cutting capacity great thrusting capacity but i i i think okay give it a put in d executioner sword how under great cutting capacity more range uh and yes i do have a dedicated video on execution sort um not good thrusting the thrusting and look they're very unwieldy they weren't made to be solid weapons and so but you'll get some choppy choppy out of it however you can use them to make the decapitated head that's right that is correct feral cats yeah we thought that would fit in there i just look a feral cat can be a very dangerous thing to deal with i understand but if you're wearing armor they can't do much i'm sorry they're pretty useless against armor and a lot of people assaulting casts will be wearing armor i'm sorry shad cats are more liquid than the boiling oil they'll find a way into the armor no no unfortunately i'm just i just don't see it just don't see it fists we actually gave this a bit more credit in battlefield because they're grappling capacity but you don't want to try and be grappling people coming up ladders where you have to you need to knock them off kill them quickly and things and so i don't think fists especially punching yeah they're not as good you don't think you could you know successfully fist another night let me turn on that would be demoralizing seeing your king fist [Laughter] gosh why do i keep you around so let's moving on from that we have an interesting one the flail i'm not a fan of the flail and i can't where did we put the flail last time um nathan could you quickly look that up because here is one of the few situations in which i would actually give the flail a little bit more uh effectiveness what is detail we did put it on dt so one of the big things that people were doing in a castle assault they would be shields are a big one like like especially going up the those ladders you want the shield to defend um they're like if you're wearing full armor you can get away with not wearing a shield but a flail one of the redeeming things about the flail is the fact that once it hits it can curve over shields and still land a solid hits it that's much easier to negate if you have room to move and to deflect and and stuff you can't move on a ladder you're fixed so your range of motion is much worse and so because of that utilizing the flail's ability to actually wrap around a shield and hit it's not bad it's actually got a little bit more so i look to show i'm actually not wholly biased in every regard i would put the flail up to seat here above sword and axe holy crap would a flail be more effective in the castle let's really consider this okay you would have to be careful of people around you that's one of the failings of a flail is its ability to redirect but so you wouldn't be able to do really side hits but you can kind of control the chain and flip but the problem is hitting people behind you and you would there's a chance a much higher chance you could actually hit people behind you because it'd be a close packed area on that rampart uh so if if you're having to restrict the way that you try and swing and you can't get a full swing because but so many people it's not terrible still but that's a that's a limitating fact i think because the fail look you could if you don't think that that's a problem i would agree then it can go into siege here because it has a unique benefit um i'm not sure about the wrapping around grappling ability to pull people off it doesn't have the reach for that to really get advantage so i'm happy to still be on the fence about you there but at the moment because i can't think of a way to really resolve the problem with being so close to your allies i'll put it in d again um french insults now having heard some scathing french insults it is very clear they have the capacity to wholly demoralize an enemy you look like an overfed god exactly you know i got the elderberry one i've had the elderberry one slung at me and that hurt that cut cut and it's just the accent makes it so much worse it makes it feel more mocking against you like what are you looking at your your english big dog i'll be in this week and even against another frenchman that like so this is definitely a wild card definitely a wild card gauntlet sword so one of the problems with gauntlet sword is this range of motion again i've done a video on it and uh and you need to kind of redirect and that would have a high chance of got hitting other people so the gordon sword would be a uniquely problematic weapon to use on a so it's definitely lower than regular sword which means that it gets put in f glaive good solid chopper goes with the other choppy choppies the golden dag [Music] it's a club but better so because of that it goes it's got thrusting capacity as well so that goes in with b to you you know that's in elven ring by the way the goddamn dagger i didn't know that yeah i went through all the weapons there's tons of weapons right that's cool i love elden ring people think i don't because i've dared criticize just a thing here too it's a great game i love it in algeria it's called the club spear the spear club just call it what it is the japanese shadow all right great swords so man like big problem with grey sword is again room to swing the thing around that makes it you could get a thrust out of it but that'd be great you'd think that'd be great it's at least indeed here it's better than daggers and bull whips and things so and uh and gordon's sword you can still get it on angles to thrust and and not hit your opponent so it's not as cumbersome as coral sword because the the angle the sword is fixed under your forearm and so yeah i think a fair place to put it is indeed halberd it's a choppy chopper but with hooking capacity it goes in a that's an a-class warhammer reach problems it has reached problems like the uh battle axe and arming sword and so i think that goes in d katana this is two-headed it's a little longer and cut through anything [Laughter] um i look interestingly enough we actually had like long sword on a separate level to arming sword and i know katana was as well on the previous one because the reach that you get and the the leverage and the speed that you can then utilize is really useful in like you know combat where you can move around but a lot of that gets nullified because the close confines of a castle uh and because of that i would say it's about as equally effective which is an interesting thing and that means long sword usually long sword is better against armor and things but in this situation i would put them about equivalently and it's on dt that's pretty low like but it is what it is like because you don't have a shield you want a shield to put it there so you know it's interesting i feel i'm being fair and honest here about a lot of this i'm trying try to put aside my biases here longbow so it is clearly one of the best but is it as good as crossbows in a castle defense no it's not you know what it's a what we're talking about longbow here this is a big bow and some of the corners you have to navigate is very are very narrow and the angles that you need to go on so the other thing is right castle walls are thick usually at least a meter if not thicker and so to make not only windows but arrow loops you need to make an alcove and those alcoves are usually about this big and they get sunk into the wall to the part to a portion of the wall is about this thick and that's where they put the arrow loop on so there's that thick and then that alcove lets you get close enough to that portion in the thicker wall what also that creates though you have about this much room sometimes shorter to maneuver side to side and if you have a bow one the alcoves are usually shorter and so if you want to actually raise the bow to proper height and a long bow you can hit the top of the alcove these would be really awkward to maneuver more than i think people realize you can get away with using easier on uh the ramparts the outside ramparts and that's why so by the way vertical arrow loops usually for bows right and horizontal arrow loops are for crossbows but some a lot of them had both at a vertical and hot and that's why they were made for crosses um but also actually vertical ones are for crossbows as well so you can angle it out of things but a crossbow you can maneuver much better in a castle than a bow and so it's great it's one of the best ones but i would actually put it on different i would consider crossbows better in certain circumstances than bows you need the training for a bow you don't need a training for a crossbow the rate of fire is uh kinda nullified granted you know you would you would lose more arrows with five bowmen than you would five crossbowmen but if you had ten crossbowmen versus five bombing you could kind of try and balance it out but crossbows are more expensive than bows it's close it's close i'm almost convincing myself to put longbow in 80 but but if you had either weapon one is better if you had someone to help reload like like a young guy who isn't really ready to do the fighting or shooting and stuff but could load for you like shoot hand load he hands you a load of run shoot and like you know so i at the moment i think crossbow has more advantages than longbow but bows aren't out of the game yet okay they're not out of the game yet mace's range i haven't have a problem with reach surely clubs we can consider much longer there's medieval art that depict clubs and they're usually really long things they're short ones but that are mace length but they're long ones maces are more stereotypically short because they're really heavy uh that's the whole point they have a heavy head and and i think there are some examples of two-handed mesas but they're not common at all and so yeah oh the man catcher yes single women love that weapon the man catcher is like a weapon perfectly purely designed for uh not only but excels in castle defense in actual fact uh castle jojos defeat i forget the out of pronounce and i forget i'll second half of the name i've referenced a lot because it has like 13 gate houses but great beautiful castle right and it's actually it's a really interesting case study where sometimes castles their internal buildings just look like normal regular buildings um but if you put a wall around defenses it's a castle and so the keeps don't need to be really impressive and amazing jorgevitz i think did i get it right that time uh but in they they have like you know old armories in these castles and in that castle they have like man catchers so these are specifically made for castlevans they don't have range though they don't they're on big sticks they're on big sticks but they they can't shoot over age paper people down at the bottom but we put it in wild card before because the ultra specific circumstances which they're useful but this is the ultra specific circuit says so i think this doesn't deserve to go on wild card this deserves to go all the way up into 80 and the only reason i'm not putting it in s tier is because it is not long long range you can't shoot people at the base of the castle or at you know approaching the castle and things but it like think about someone coming up on a ladder right and one your ability to knock aside weapons you can still defend you can still hit people with the thing knock them on their head right as soon as you get that thing locked around someone's neck holy crap it's got spikes on it right that would be so vicious you'd kill him but you can also lock them in place and hold them to block people coming up you like even if you kill them then you like cause the spikes in the neck you literally hold them on the ladder so they're just limping around they're blocking people from getting that's a pretty like horrifying but useful thing because all the other weapons even the hook ones where you pull them aside is to pull them off and they fall no other weapon would be capable of locking someone in place at such a range which you could still keep because it's long you would keep yourself safe from a lot of weapons trying to hit you that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so yeah man catcher definitely a tier maul see the mall is more like the two-handed mace this is where we get to longer ones and i'll put that with club yeah falchion messes i put it in there same length as arming sword and stuff nunchucks is there it's like for this one is there like one below uh ftf and you just not put it in the list [Laughter] uh it's definitely fta cause i look cordless would be more effective than nunchucks uh they don't get the adventure of what i was saying about the flails because their ability to wrap around is in a fixed point the good thing about the flail is regardless of where it hits on the chain it has ability to wrap around the nunchucks suck because there are so many ways to incapacitate the swing from a defensive standpoint and they there's issues with power generation and training are so many things well it just also goes to show that the nunchucks are of the same value as a chamber pot full of um frying pan the bludgeoning ability the range is even shorter than a regular sword tell you what though that cook didn't kill the lionheart with a frying pan it's true it's true i like i'd always put it in lowest end of d tier or f what do you think i can't decide no think about this right weapons things that are useful in a castle sea you need to cook food wild card you reckon wild card okay we'll put it in wild card the partisan it's a spear with some chopping capacity i think you've got the wrong picture this isn't a stereotypical partisan so who got this picture this is nathan's fault no this is oz's fault because i did what oz already had done sorry so we're both sorry it's both your fault fine uh so a partisan stereotypically is a more choppy type of spear with like a blade in that bigger you wouldn't really go as far to call it a sword spear but it's approaching that range uh with usually wings type that are kind of cross guard kind of spikes um this is that one's more like i don't know so there's like a parrying dagger on the other thing it could still qualify as it's not a stereotypical part of zen but it doesn't have the choppy choppy it has the stabby stabby but it doesn't have the hooky hooky and so it's the bee those are the technical terms by the way um i'm if people understand what i'm saying that's perfectly effective use of language shut up oz is the expert on retardation he would know oh yeah uh pikes i'll put they're long oh actually pikes are stereotypically much longer than a regular spear and that would make them unwieldy really unwieldy because if the point of the pike is further than you can't pull it back enough to get to hit the person that's on there the ladder it might actually nullify the utility of a pike completely because this isn't just a regular spear and if you're going to hit around and you can't and you have to like move it down so you have a big end pulling out that way just to get the spearhead close enough to actually be able to strike someone i think the pike is a bad weapon in the siege yeah i think that's fta pitchfork know it's not it doesn't maybe more like it it could hook a bit and pull right in step one real question is why do you have any peasants in the bloody castle still get them out of there you should use them for humans so usually they would um expel their staff and non-fighting members of the castle before the siege happened but if the siege started before they could get free they get trapped in the castle sometimes that was still expelled this happened in the siege of chateau goygia and a lot of that well actually some were expelled but a lot of the villagers um escaped to the castle were laid in the castle but they were eating eating too much food and they were expelled from the castle and then um the french who were besieging it shot upon them so this is a heartbreaking thing and so they had to try and run back to the castle but the castle defenders wouldn't let them back in and if they tried to get in they'd shoot on them back and so these hot poor like these poor villagers were trapped in between two armies and they couldn't escape and they starved to death it's horrifying stuff pollacks there's it look a lot of choppy choppy a lot of hammer hammy okay all right wacky wacky maybe yes like stabby stabby but no hooky hooky so it goes in me again these are the technical terms quarter staff oh you know you don't see it so it's not overly long it's on the same thing as clubs it is it's like actually a quarter staff doesn't have as much punch as a heavy club you're right you're right um okay fine fine i will uh dagger and rapier so rapiers interestingly enough or usually said to be really good against arma because you get in the gaps there's actually that's not as like it's not as uh blanketly applicable as people might think because getting into gaps sometimes is really hard and by the blade being so thin it could have a chance to flex that's why people are half started to get in the gaps and like which means it's not as easy to get in the gaps to say as an arming sword if you need a half sword to actually aim properly and it would be as uniquely ineffective as a lot of other types of swords the rapier was more as a sort of self-defense not warfare even though it was used in warfare but that was actually in times when people wearing less armor as well it's a renaissance weapon um and so people are still wearing armor but not fully covering so i would actually you know it's it's it's it's not as effective i would say as an army sort of a better because it's choppy capacity and blunt force is less but more range the dagger it's hard it's on the lower end of d i'll put on the lower end of d and a rapier by itself and lower than that still yeah but i was almost discounting the dagger because the dagger is useless as dagger is in depth here i feel like a dagger makes it like just get rid of the rapier and have the dagger for when they come over the wall yeah i can maybe they should both go look if we're wrong let us know in the comments okay we'll put them both there rocks rocks so rocks are actually really good in sieges why do you have matriculations particulations translate to something like neck crushes or head crushers okay um you know why because of the rocks they threw through anything heavy dude those things rock they they they do they do i'll give you that one i'll give you that one all right so this is the thing it's not really useful in many other situations like people coming up on the ladders you could rock throw it at people but that's gonna not be any better than other weapons it's a wild card their use is very specific but useful in that specific thing uh and so yeah because the main catcher is useful in more situations where the rocks is more specific uh saber scimitar you know i'll give it it seems like you know reach uh and issues with the other swords look sci hooky hooky this isn't a war scythe this is a regular farming scythe and the hooky cookie would be more awkward more awkward so i think this is an ftm short bow okay okay you remember how i said bows are going to come back a short bow is a compact bow and they can come in shockingly heavy draw weights like you know warfare tier draw weights and a short bow could be maneuvered much easier in castle confines and definitely st st i would use a short bow in castle defense over a longbow and they can be just high ranges the spanish inquisition no one expects them i wasn't expecting that here i i fully admit um and look if if they just appeared unexpected in a siege and it's the spanish inquisition what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what do you say look this is a wild card sometimes they could just stop off everything and then other times a lot is the spanish so who cares yeah so it's a wild card spear all right so spear is many it's stabby stubby it doesn't have the choppy choppy but it's got the stabby stabby and i'll i'll still put it in b that's still put in b i think the range it makes i lower end of say um some others like the polax has stabby stabby and choppy choppy and hitty hitti wacky wacky sorry i got it wrong all right detangle terms um but the spear has the range to really stab at people when they're on the other side of those battlements which still makes it like better than all but still i'm sort of sure you've got this i think i think you actually see it's still good okay not it's better than arming sword but the shield and arming sword makes it about a more equivalent thing and i put it back in b okay spear is great sword break up um it's a great weapon for dueling but you're not really dueling you need to knock people off those ladders and siege towers and hitting that range and so i think unfortunately it's enough it's enough with that with regular dagger sword staff oh i love the sword stuff it's got stabby it's got cutty it's got yeah it's got cuddy and uh chop choppy a bit of choppy um and the range you know i think it's up there with um the other choppy choppies it doesn't have hooky hooky so throwing nice yeah we've talked about throwing knives recently and uh and yes uh if this video is coming out because i've already filmed it but i might but yes i know of the response video and i have responded in kind uh acknowledging it thank you for continuing the discussion and if that video's already out you can check it out but if it's not you can look forward to it um but throwing knives if this video is coming out before the throwing knives you might get an idea about what i was considering or what my response is to some of the arguments i tried to do my mouth was too dry i tried to go there that's that's what i was trying to do i was trying to go all right i was trying to grab it and go and drop like that but do you want to just retake it and do it do a problem i've lost i've lost the moment he's flat now [Music] okay okay serious one now velociraptors okay not like you think you don't expect the spanish inquisition what about something especially i would not expect velociraptors now are these these jurassic park velociraptors or the more i know there might be exceptions i haven't actually looked into too much but i've heard that proper size velociraptor is about the size of a chicken no jurassic park was completely accurate all right let's be let's be fair here we'll pretend that these ones that we are not expecting are the jurassic park ones and if you okay i think they're just getting away they've got big tails they'd move around they'd be cumbersome um either they wouldn't work well on ramparts i'm sorry they would probably break their legs when they land and die but they survived okay they're clever girls though just open up the gates let them out i love it they'd have a field though if you could get them out of the castle without issues just go to town they're like you know what annoys me in jurassic park is how difficult they actually depict dealing with these dinosaurs are get a freaking shotgun or or anything with a high caliber who's dead all right they make them vastly more difficult to kill than they are look look look at how easily the marines dealt with the aliens when they finally had actual guns against them they didn't deal with them they all got killed but they killed a lot when they before they got taken down there was like four dudes left yeah but they took down a lot with them and they're aliens what what's their actual name the um they're xenomorphs with acid blood and crap and they took down a lot with them every single one except three three people died like there was three left i'm just saying a guy in armor with a really sharp sword if the xenomorphs didn't have acid armor or armor that's true and they have armor-plated kind of things oh okay yeah but raptors don't okay and i don't think a raptor could bite through hardened steel full plates absolutely it could no do you have any idea how strong the jaw is we we all right someone who has experience with velociraptors probably raised and fought them a bit let us know in the comments if they can buy through armor like let us know because i i'm pressing f to doubt i don't think they could i think they're over hyped and get get a friggin polax against a raptor and you're in armor kill it in one swing they're overhyped just for you know the suspense of the film when in actual fact a lot of these dinosaurs would be vastly easy to kill than they're depicted there's a reason why they went extinct they work in in in squads in packs they're smart i don't care i don't care it's it's did f done done none they they're worse than the spanish inquisition they're done war darts again we need to specify what type of war darts but if we're going with the plum butter range but not as good as um bow and crossbow but you know throne not as good like i'm thinking i'm feeling d i'm feeling deal with war darts because it range is useful down at the enemies war pick one-handed um because we already have the vector corbin um if it's one-handed and about the same length it would be doesn't have hooky-hooky because of the range to hook you're in danger you're in the danger zone um whereas the other hooky hooky they're on long pole arms where you can hook and but yeah yeah but but but the reach problem i think that uh if it was two-handed maybe i could put up a tier because remember the shield is kind of the shield i might have gotten wrong with this arming sword and children accident shield because it's hard to really quantify how useful the shield would be in a castle defense well humps useful the merlon's well now you can just move it you know yeah yeah but you could because you have the merlins to protect you you could rely on the merlin to protect you and use a big ranged wacky stubby cookie thing to hit people and you don't really get close up so i'm oh i'm almost thinking of dropping these two in there because i just don't i'm not convinced the shield is a game changer with those weapons so let us know what you think well what do you feel about this um analysis best weapons for castle defense where they fit on on our list i'd love it looking forward to reading it in the comments below uh and thank you for watching these videos are a lot of fun um we try to make them both educational and entertaining as well uh and we want to do more i think um we've done oh self-defense best medieval weapons for self-defense will be the next one and i just i love how what no we did battlefield it switches it up switches up the consideration completely because self defense it brings in a new consideration which is transportation wearability so you're just on your own yeah well yeah and you're not wearing armor now self-defense most situations like that'll be a fun one to consider i hope to see you there subscribe if you haven't so you can so you won't miss out and uh until next time well thank you for watching i hope you've enjoyed and i hope to see you next time so until then farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 175,112
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Id: Ei9J6HzsgQw
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Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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