I was WRONG about the NUNCHAKU. . . or was I? - Reply to Milani Fitness

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i have something important to say about the nunchucks because ever since making my two videos there's been quite a response from them and some people have made response videos and one in particular caused me to reconsider what i had said about them and after listening to his arguments and thinking about it again i have to say what i said about the nunchucks that they were garbage that was wrong they're actually far worse and i'm going to tell you exactly why [Music] greetings i'm shad and i must apologize for the little troll i did the beginning of this video and the video title but i think it's good because it hopefully it'll engage people to come back because the more i consider these the more people have raised counter arguments this has caused me to re-look at nunchucks once again the more problems i find with them and this is me being as objective as i can with them and if i'm seeing more problems with them now than i did in my last videos actually worse than what i thought they were now some of the reply videos that have been made didn't even watch my two previews only the first one and they are addressing things that i addressed in my second video so obviously i can ignore them like there's a couple that are trying to show that you can hit with nunchucks and not hit yourself which i showed in my follow-up video yes of course you can do that i never said you couldn't okay so watch my second video and that answers that but there's been some other videos that actually takes into account my whole argument and two in particular have stood out to me one because actually caused me to legitimately reconsider a use for flails in particular i don't think it fully applies to nunchucks and that's this video here and there's another video that was done by this is the first video this gentleman has put up and it's done by melanie fitness now at first i was actually hesitant to even respond to this because i understand that there is a big disparity in our audiences the thing is though i really like this video and melanie is a very engaging enthusiastic guy and i think he could actually be quite successful doing youtube i really like the guy i think nearly every single one of his arguments are utter garbage almost as bad as the effectiveness of nunchucks in comparison to other weapons so because of the level of arguments another thing is because he's really engaging he does speak from a station of authority he has a lot of experience in martial arts that these are the type of arguments that i do see so people who watch the video would agree with the other reason why i wanted to reply to milani's video is because many of the arguments he makes in this video represents the most common counter arguments that many people were making who are disagreeing with me at the time i watched milani's video now having said all that i do realize the difference in viewership and i was mindful of that and so i left a comment this comment specifically i don't actually know your name it's melanie fitness on your youtube channel so i'm just gonna go according to that and call you milani if it's wrong i apologize i know that it can sometimes be a very daunting thing if a very large channel responds to a smaller channel so i actually asked milani permission under his youtube channel and i said that i got nothing against a guy and i really don't in actual fact i like him he's funny he's engaging it's great i think his arguments are garbage and i said i'll be going in after those arguments very aggressively not against him his arguments specifically and then i asked if it's fine for me to do that and he said i accept your challenge to a jewel so look it's got a good attitude good on you mate now after making this video fully recording it spending a week editing it i actually decided not to publish it because i was genuinely concerned that it could have a negative impact on milani in any number of ways this is milani's first video and i have a channel with a million subscribers and it's just it was just too unfair the thing is sir ben who works for me one of the game nights has actually been in contact with milani and been having a bit of a discourse with him and milani was asking where the video was we told him that i wasn't intending on uploading it but he insisted we then sent him an unlisted link to a previous edit of this video and he watched the entire thing and then still wanted it published so this video is a re-edit where i've just refined some of the points that i've made and added a bit of additional commentary and even though i don't need milani's permission it is being published with not only his approval but his encouragement to do so and that is after he watched an entire previous edit of this video so i really think melanie should be given mad respect for his enthusiasm in wanting to enter into such a debate like this now the next thing i want to say all my audience this guy i like him he's cool and even if he wasn't called please do not harass a guy in any measure or sending any hate his way at all i do not think criticism is harassment or hate okay i think when people say things that are worthy of criticism it gets deserves to be criticized as i think if a weapon is garbage it deserves to be criticized regardless of you know culture it comes from we'll be talking about that topic a bit later and i'm just going to go in and reply to this video not because it's going to get heaps of views well very well might actually like i said he does a good job but because i think it's the best reply video done so far legitimately in in full opposition to my opponents i'm saying and it echoes a lot of the sentiment that people who disagree with me have been sharing in comments in other places online and it's also going to be fun okay so let's get started shall we most of the practitioners who demonstrate it and choose to create a professional opinion on them blame it on the weapon when more times than not it's their crappy technique and misuse of the weapon that forms this odd opinion as a practitioner of 16 years using a nunchuck this is bordering on what we would call the appeal to authority fallacy meaning that only people with whatever arbitrary level of skill that i'm going to just decide based on myself only people with that levels opinions are valid and usually it's not their skill or ability with the weapon it's if their opinion aligns with the person criticizing it this is what actually is the reality in this situation it doesn't matter how much experience you have okay what matters is if you are stating something that is correct or not now you can try and establish your opinion with experience in it but it's absolutely not necessary in fact you can draw many valid opinions by listening to other people who do have vast amounts of experience in it and also you don't need to be a master in say the piano to be able to tell an awful you know rendition if it's bad or not to say that you need to be a master to be able to figure out if something is good or bad is a complete fallacy in and of itself you can apply basic logical standards with zero experience in a weapon and draw a correct conclusion for instance comparing it to other weapons the amount of training people generally need do you need the training no but you can observe the amount of training other people need to be able to you know become competent in the weapon to be able to figure out how easily they are to master or not and like it's such a basic simple kind of uh you know thing to try and establish for instance give a person a stick they have no previous training in a stick at all are they instantly more effective and more lethal yes give a person nunchucks no training in it are they instantly more lethal well they'd be able to produce greater energy you know in swings by the way it's afraid you'll find out why it's frayed a bit later in the video would they be able to generate more power yes are they more lethal not necessarily if it's in a 1v1 fight well then yes you are a threat to more people in the other person is yourself because we all know it's a such a high chance of hitting yourself the simple fact is nunchucks are a horrible weapon for untrained people that makes them objectively worse than any other weapon that you are more lethal at when you're untrained in just on that basic standard alone makes nunchucks a very flawed weapon in comparison to other weapons because as i'm going to point out later on in this video you will find that i never said not to my knowledge and if i did i was wrong i was that's not what i was meaning how can i say this is not what i was meaning because it was clarified by the other times in the video when i said explicitly that they're better than nothing even though in my second video i said i'm rethinking that and i still am but i also said you could absolutely generate more force with nunchucks than your bare fist so you can do things with nunchucks that you can't do without now some people say that there are a lethal weapon then they might border on lethal are they an effective weapon i still think they are no they are not an effective weapon because they have so many problems and detriments in comparison to other weapons you could hurt someone with a pen all right is it an effective weapon well actually a pen might be better than nunchuck because it has more penetration something to consider but okay so just because you can generate more force or power with any tool doesn't necessarily make it a good weapon when you're comparing it to actual weapons weapons that are properly designed to be excellent force multipliers that can increase your lethality regardless of your train here you can pick up and instantly far more capable okay so nunchucks honestly fall into the kind of area of an imperfect tool that can generate greater amounts of power than your bare fist and so if your aim is just to you know produce great amounts of power sure go to town but if you're actually legitimately saying okay you want a weapon for self-defense and you are able to pick amongst all these other weapons why in on god's green earth would you ever pick nunchucks over so many other weapons that do not have the problems and detriments and the weapon other weapons that can do everything nunchucks can in terms of power generation lethality versatility speed all these things and do more and do not come with all the baggage and problems like seriously why would you pick nunchucks over just a plain old stick one of the most fundamental easily accessible weapons in all of human history like seriously if you were to put all the weapons on a tier list of like deadly all the way down and everything like that a stick is probably the lowest weapon into because it's not a better than a knife it's not as lethal it's a knife right it's not as good as it's not lethal as a sword and everything like that and a lot of other weapons that are really good are gener you honestly they're just stick plus improvement like what's a mace it's a stick with a heavy thing on the end what's a spear if not a stick with a pointy thing on the end what is a sword if not essentially a metal sharpened stick okay like sticks are amazing but the plain humble stick is probably on the lowest end of just the quality of weapons yet that nunchucks amazingly somehow are actually but would be below the stick in terms of effectiveness and like just utility as a weapon and so seriously this is the issue okay it's not that nunchucks can't be used to a level of effect it's why would you ever pick a nunchuck over other weapons that are so much better and less detrimental to the user like seriously there are so many other weapons that a stick is easier to find and get a hold of that nunchuck you actually have to make you actually have to like actually damage a perfectly good stick make it worse than what it was to make nunchucks why would you ever pick nunchucks when you had you had stick stick very good don't don't harm stick to make these crappy things i mean nunchucks what are they if not just mentally disabled sticks it's like seriously nunchucks are basically like a stick that had a stroke nunchucks are just sticks that are suffering from erectile stick function and i mean it does happen to one out of five sticks so you have to be you know it is literally the stick that swings back at you when you use it it requires 10 times the training yet is half as useful as good old stick it is the inbred mentally disabled cousin of the mighty stick that's what nunchucks are nunchucks and i'm going to elaborate this further in the video are utter garbage glasses fell off things that's that's how much of a head shake it deserved garbage like by the way for instance there have been lots of people i mean lots of people who respond to my comments who have shared vast amounts of experience with nunchucks okay 20 years 30 years who have wholeheartedly agreed with me that nunchucks are utter garbage are they right now because they have the arbitrary amount of experience that you're saying you have you see what i mean experience does not qualify an opinion it might inform you to a level of experience but but that's it it doesn't mean that you're right or wrong okay and i showed that i know how to use nunchucks at least mildly competently but i'm not using that to establish to mean that i'm right i only did that to try and get ahead of people to say exactly the disingenuous kind of things like this it's like well you don't have you know the experience to say like it's just some uninformed person who's no no okay when it comes to weapons i actually am rather informed about it i make my living of studying weapons because i find them really interesting and figuring out how effective they are and i analyze fantasy weapons and i'll analyze real weapons and i compare them against other weapons to see how effective they are and what they should do their primary function and yes when you actually compare nunchucks to so many other weapons even the humble plain glorious transcendent stick they're garbage and you don't need years and years of experience in this in actual fact many people have no experience at all can like even that basic analysis i did before that you know you give nunchucks to a person not trained to them and they're automatically probably worse because they can hit themselves like even on such a basic logical analysis like that we find that nunchucks are deficient let alone all the other reasons why they're so poor and you don't need any experience to just be able to figure that out but what i'm saying is that we can be sucked into certain tropes that we want to be real because we're invested in them we want to call and things like that uh especially with certain years and years training in them and you know promoting them up like it might be a bit confronting to try and actually look at something honestly and determine when you weigh it up to other weapons is it legitimately good or not and i'm not saying that a particularly talented nunchucker couldn't beat someone who is untrained in stick okay but i'm always saying this is the thing they have far more problems than so many other weapons they're more detrimental they can't produce as much power and we'll get to the power thing i've got demonstrations to share yes they can't produce as much power people always misunderstand me when i say that because i'm not saying nunchucks can't hit with a lot of force because a lot of the replies that people have made is demonstrating that nunchucks can hit really hard and i agree they can my point is that when you ever take a stick that is of the same mass and length of those nunchucks you are testing the stick will always be out hit as hard if not much harder yes nunchucks in certain circumstances and depending on their size are capable of hitting very very hard that does not make them an inherently good weapon you need to look at all their properties and balance them all together and then compare them against other weapons and what they offer and then that helps us see the amazing amount of deficiencies these weapons have they have look we'll go there are so many issues with nunchucks that make other weapons so much better like literally somehow the nunchucks are lower on the tier class of weapons than the bloody stick itself which really says something let alone all so many other weapons let me share an analogy what things do we take into consideration when we are trying to determine if a sports car is a good sports car well obviously it's all those things that enable this sports car to achieve its purpose and it's not just driving fast there's actually a whole range of very important things that this sports car must be able to do adequately for it to even be considered good at its job you can get the fastest car in the world but if it doesn't have any brakes no one in their right mind is ever going to call that a good sports car but what if it had other deficiencies if it had bold ties and couldn't grip the road the handling was terrible you could barely steer the thing but people say oh but it can drive really really fast it's really good it's like no that doesn't make it a good sports car still in actual fact because of all these other deficiencies it's a terrible car so then relating this now to nunchucks just saying because nunchucks can do something adequately i don't think you can do it exceptionally well in comparison to other weapons just like you wouldn't be able to hold up a sports car as being really really particularly fast if it actually just as fast as many other sports cars and actually much slower than other ones and with nunchucks there are some massive problems problems that milani even points out in his own video things that i've pointed out myself and just to name one their utter and complete lack of defensive capacity there are other weapons that are poor at defense say like the axe but you can still employ them in defense to a much greater level than nunchucks and when it comes to weapons there are some weapons that can do one thing usually really really well like amazingly well that it actually overcomes other shortcomings or areas in which it can't even perform in take for example a gun a gun has real no defensive capacity either what you could try and block bullets with a gun no it's far too small to offer any measure of practical cover but their damage capacity their lethality is so incredibly high and it's also very very hard to stop that level to stop a bullet the damage that nunchucks can produce are easy to stop than so many other weapons because they have a whole area in on their striking range that you can nullify if you're able to contact the chain for instance and so many other things that i'm going to be covering in this video nunchucks cannot do any one or even two to a few things so exceptionally well that it overcomes its profound deficiencies and so many other areas now as i am reconsidering things i think i can say nunchucks are still better than nothing if you were fighting unarmed opponents and you had no access to the vast number of more efficient effective and just simply better weapons it is more likely that unarmed opponents are going to have paws or even hesitate if you have a weapon and they don't and this of course includes nunchucks so saying nunchucks are good because you can intimidate unarmed opponents is a disingenuous statement because any weapon would be at intimidate unharmed opponents you have a force multiplier and there are many many weapons that you can spin around and show levels of competency with to also add intimidation on top of that and it does seem like there are many people who believe that just because you can hit harder with nunchucks scare people not necessarily more than other weapons but because it is a weapon you can scare people with it you can spin them around and be really fancy with them and you can conceal them effectively makes them good weapons no the standard of what a good weapon is applies far more broadly if you want to narrow down these considerations into a very specific situation in which the nunchucks have benefits you are then also acknowledging that there are so many other situations in which the nunchucks are garbage in which makes them bad weapons as well and that is not saying that they can't be useful in certain situations or that you can't hit hard with them or that they can't be effective yes they can be a useful self-defense weapon but not a good one not an official run and if anything they're a very imperfect and also impractical self-defense weapon and in regards to just the qualities of weapons overall they are a garbage weapon and so many other applications in which weapons might want to be used in so let me simplify the argument that i just explained a weapon that retains high combat effectiveness in more situations in which weapons need to be used is simply a better weapon than other weapons that cannot retain as high level combat efficiency in such situations especially if its combat effectiveness is only truly present in very specific situations this then creates the standard in which all weapons can be judged by the weapons that retain high combat effectiveness in most situations will go higher on the list and will be now of higher quality and the weapons that cannot be employed in as many situations will go low on the list and they're the bad weapons and the weapons that are on the lowest tier of the list you can rightly and justifiably call garbage the rock can be used as a weapon but there's a reason why we don't use rocks in warfare or self-defense can you hit hard with it well yeah does that make it effective in some situations yes this also makes it useful in self-defense compared to when you have nothing does it then make it a good weapon no nearly anything can be a good weapon if you're comparing it against nothing because you're comparing against nothing there's no comparison there's no judgment point so the thing that you can say is better than nothing doesn't establish it being a good weapon the way you determine if something is a good weapon it needs to be compared against other weapons not nothing the base standard of a weapon is a tool that can be used as a force multiplier it increases your lethality and an object that can just barely satisfy that standard doesn't inherently become good at it it is just achieving the very minimum requirements so a rock is not a good weapon because it can be used as a weapon it is a barely adequate weapon at most a good weapon is a weapon that can fulfill the requirements of a weapon being a force multiplier to the best most efficient most effective level possible in the most situations you could find yourself in in which you need a weapon and when you compare nunchucks to nearly any other weapon they are garbage now look i've probably really ticked off a lot of traditional so much so that they wouldn't even come this far in the video so maybe it's too late for me to say but i will say this all right if you want to teach the nunchuck for tradition's sake okay because history or whatever to build up perhaps coordination and because you like it and it looks cool and i never said they didn't look cool they look great that's what attracted me to unchecked using the first place nunchucks are flashy and they look awesome all power to you i think that's great they're a fun martial arts weapon but in terms of their efficacy in comparison to other weapons they are garbage tier one of the biggest accusations made against nunchucks is that they can't pack as much power as let's say a stick yes they cannot pack as much power as a stick of same mass and length that's the key point of comparison and so the nunchucks you're usually using are clearly you know commercially made the sticky user that looks like a broken broom handle so just in that you know analysis right here is that there's no way to tell if it's of correct similar mass and i think by also comparison doesn't seem to have the similar reach the comparisons and tests i was making is that these ones are literally made out of the same piece of wood okay and like it bro like you'll see what happened to the chord they in my contest they are a bit shorter but any additional level of length that nunchucks have gives them more leverage and essentially a higher capacity for power generation there's been a lot of misconceptions i've been debunking about the nunchucks but the primary one that i was trying to debunk in my first video was to dispel the myth that they are uniquely hard hitting weapons yes they can hit hard but not harder than any weapon that has similar mass size and reach reach is an important one when you consider striking because the longer the striking point is away from the access point increases the end point rotational speed higher speed combined with mass creates greater momentum which means impact force the pseudo science people try and proclaim of the rotation or it gets some type of additional magical energy out of the ether because it's connected via a chain is utter bullcrap and even melanie in this video as much as i love him he even tries to do the same thing using some pseudo-scientific explanation to describe that nunchucks will somehow hit harder by virtue of them being connected through a chain people are just really misunderstanding a lot of the science and physics that are operating in regards to nunchucks in motion at best and this is very much depending on the type of strike that you do nunchucks can hit comparably hard as other weapons of similar mass and size but at worst they hit with far less power and this is usually because of the chain connection so i will repeat this scientific truth nunchucks do not hit uniquely harder than any other functional weapon of similar mass and size if anything usually caused by the type of strike you're doing they will actually hit with less power the interesting thing about this is that there are many strikes you can do with a stick in which you do not actually complete a proper efficient kinetic link either and you're not putting the additional mass and weight behind the strike in which you could have because the stick is solid and actually allows you to transform more kinetic energy through that solid structure so when you're using a stick and you're not taking advantage of the more efficient kinetic linking that you can achieve with them it's absolutely possible to hit with less force than nunchucks including when you put less strength behind your strike as well that doesn't change the underlining physics that are at play here and which will inherently give greater capacity and advantage to one weapon the stick obviously over the nunchucks which is why i was testing with max possible power throwing all my weight because of course there are many more inefficient ways that you can strike with both nunchucks and sticks this was about testing maximum power and when you throw all the power you can into a stick or a nunchucks with as much weight as you can guess which one has higher capacity to transfer more force into the target this is basic physics so far from being a uniquely hard hitting weapon for their size and dimensions nunchucks can actually hit at best as hard as other weapons of similar size weight and reach and at worse hitting with far less power because they can have very inefficient transferal of energy especially their problems with losing kinetic energy that comes from the mass of your own body that you put into the speed and therefore the overall momentum you lose that through the chain and it not having a solid structure to the striking end here is what a stick sounds like now let's hear the nunchucks both at full power i don't know if you could hear a power difference there but i would say that they were relatively similar so i'm sorry i'm not convinced at all and the fact that honestly the stick you're using there looks pretty small if you're wanting to use a stick get one of at least similar size and weight to the nunchuck you know a big long girthy sticker you really grab and swing properly big stick you want big stick energy and look i'm not teasing you for the fact that you have a little sick not everyone can have a big girthy stick like me i'm sorry i couldn't resist mate you left yourself wide open it's very little stick you're using you know big sticks are better um i don't like i'm not insinuating i'm sure anyway let's talk lately we're just we're not going further with that okay one of the biggest complaints i've heard from these practitioners or experienced users of the nunchucks or people who claim to understand them is well nobody knows how to hold it right one person says this way another person says the other way oh my goodness come on just like with any weapon it's preference it's preference and different preferences offer you different advantages i totally agree totally agree in fact this is one of the points of the video i think it's great yeah like yeah exactly okay yeah yeah use the nunchucks how you like and there are advantages and disadvantages to both and so i love your video um even though i disagree with most of what you said this one has actually and there's a couple of other points where i'm on board i agree and yeah uh hold hold the nunchucks how you want okay and another big accusation made against nunchucks is that you can't hit solid objects like it granted humans aren't entirely solid but you can't practice striking with it because it uh bounces off and hits you you know what sticks are great for as well walking sticks look at this they're so stylish look at that this is gonna be my walking stick now and then i've got a weapon but on this point uh unfortunately sir you're straw manning my position okay because uh you need uh something it's funny he does mention things that are in reference in my second video so i assume he has watched it but this is discounting what i said in my second video is that of course you can strike in ways that are more controlled but that's against you and even the demonstrations that you show it's against a static target as soon as that target does something you don't predict and say moves closer and so the nunchucks strike in a way that you weren't predicting because you can't predict your opponent every situation they can deflect and hit you and what you thought was a safe strike where you're going to follow through yes it can deflect and hit you and cause serious injury and make you just lose the fight completely by self-elimination that's the point that you need to properly address if you're going to try and establish that you can strike safely with nunchucks the point i made in the second video you can't control your opponent and there are vastly higher chances that you're gonna strike in such a way in which nunchucks are going to deflect and remember like even on follow-through strikes like what you're saying if you always i'm actually you don't say or but it seems like you're saying if you you know do follow through on your strikes there's a much less chance of hitting you no that's only if you're hitting with the tip usually of the nunchuck if you do a follow through strike and you strike someone right dead center of that it's going to bounce off and deflect the tip has a chair like much high chance of just following through middle na and for that to happen in real fight as i show on my second video all that needs to happen is your opponent to move a little bit closer than you what you expecting and so instead of hitting on the tip you hit middle and deflection hit you and bad things can happen so the point they're making isn't actually addressing my point i acknowledge that there are ways to strike with nunchucks safely the ways that you're showing in which you can do what you're ignoring here is the point that i said that you can't predict what your opponent does and you are far more likely with nunchucks than any other weapon to make a mistake okay where you aim and you think you're going to be hitting in a safe way and your opponent does something else that you can't predict and then unchuck then deflects and hits you there's a far higher chance of them doing that than any other weapon which makes them just in this instance garbage in comparison to other weapons let alone all the other problems all right and so if you want to address my argument address that point of my argument not a straw man i'm going to demonstrate here a bunch of combinations of different strikes you can do and i won't hit myself you guys can watch yourself interestingly you show that you can strike in multiple different ways with nunchucks never said you couldn't but you also seem to be just acknowledging by implication that there are strikes and angles that you can't hit with with nunchucks okay let's make in comparison many other weapons from a stick to a knife even a pin maybe right are there any types of strikes in which they become ineffective that the strike would just have no effect at all i'm trying to think like maybe if you hit and someone came really down low and you hit right on the bottom end like but even mid way up all right a solar strike is still going to hurt someone quite a lot but you can strike from any angle you want okay with a stick any angle from nearly any starting position you're up here you can hit down here like any angle okay can you do that with nunchucks like like think about you know there are so many positions where you could be in with nunchucks where you need to do something you need to swing it back and around i just can't go hits like that with a nunchuck so just because there are effective ways to strike with nunchucks doesn't mean that there are many ineffective ways to strike with them in which you can strike effectively if you are using another weapon the garbage nunchucks aren't a weapon that you can just pick up with no experience and hurt somebody with you're most likely going to hurt yourself before you hurt anybody else most likely gonna hurt yourself before you hurt any other anyone else do you have such a likelihood with other weapons it's interesting i get and i like i said it once i say i like you i think you're great okay i think your arguments like this one are very poor so much so that there's this subtle like unspoken implication and acknowledgement of all the vast you know negative negative limitations in the nunchucks some that you say explicitly that we're going to get to so if you can even say so explicitly that there are things that are nunchucks are garbage at that other weapons you don't say other weapons can but that's the implication nunchucks are garbage with this and if other weapons are not garbage of course you're saying you're essentially naughty these other women so then how can you say they're as good as other weapons you don't and i won't straw men you you but you are trying to say that they are a really effective weapon i do not think a weapon that has such problems and limitations can be considered an effective weapon i i could acknowledge that it's an inefficient weapon okay it's still a weapon you can produce greater force with it and i said if you had nothing would you up to it i'm like i'm not so sure because i think if you can rip them apart you've got two really effective wacky sticks right here and so you know it's like nunchuck really is the disabled cousin of the stick it's like you've got two effective like good sticks here that you've now tied with some type of mental deficiency that they can't operate effectively they're i'm trying to i'm trying to get there but then it's not letting me because this stupid thing is just making it worse you gave me permission i asked i asked your permission granted like and you pro you might just be all on board and just love the back and forth and the banter and the subtle digs and teasing like you did yeah hey you gave me a dirt video okay it's funny i get it i'm not so but if you can give it you should be able to take it and i i hope and expect you could let's all be adults here because you do have a very small stick like it's so small that you didn't you couldn't you didn't even want to call it like a wacky stick you can't even whack that stick this is a little baton maybe you can it's a pretzel it's a breadstick get a real stick man i want you to you need a anyway give us your address and i still have you know like um wood poles that i made this from and i might i might make you a nice big thick long girthy stick that you can wave around with confidence and with that comes the fear of the unknown with nunchucks every beginner will be slow oftentimes because they're scared you've got sticks in the why don't you use those you've got great sticks there i don't need to send you you've got sticks why'd you why'd you pick such a lousy small stick you deserve better and you should start out slow they are a dangerous weapon to yourself if you don't understand how to use them this is another thing that makes them effective in a street situation people don't understand them maybe you could use that one because it's someone who doesn't know how to use hits themselves but the thing is that someone who doesn't know how to use nunchucks okay are going to perform far worse in real life than on a movie no matter what position you're in with a pair of nunchucks you can almost strike from anywhere i can strike you from here i can strike you from here i can strike you from here i can strike you from here you take one step towards me boom okay those are some very specific positions what about from here can you strike you know hold the nunchuck up here can you strike someone with here without first bringing it back to swing around like we're talking about just here and down well maybe if you like flick around but i felt like come on man you can strike from here because i like really can you strike with nunchucks effectively from any position and look can you strike effectively from any position with a stick perhaps not there might be i'm sure if it'll shove far enough for your own not rear end it'd be very hard to strike someone effectively from that position but uh i would say there are far and people might say i've got my own sticks jumped on my own but there are vastly more positions in which you can strike effectively with a stick than with nunchucks in fact nunchucks man this is look we've we've really we've i would say i feel sorry for nunchucks but it seems like they're now looking um they're looking as inbred as they really are as effective weapons um but even you are showing like you're holding it back here why are you holding this one back here is it so you know you can get the leverage this thing out my one's too long if it was closer i'd get the thing because anyway but you seem to always go into a position which optimizes your ability to strike with it right it's like hmm it's almost like nunchucks need very specific start positions or br you know you know any i guess i i poses brace positions stances to be able to strike effectively with them tell me honestly would you really want to approach a piece of hardwood oak spinning like this in front of somebody you tell me now you don't say this in the video but the example of you spinning around would you want to approach something like this if you are comparing against an unarmed person and i mean you have a force multiplier of course any person is going to have pause if you are unarmed and they have something you can strike with far more damaging power than with their bare hands but doesn't mean that you're suddenly invincible in fact if you know the limitations there are many problems doing doing that and then if i had a weapon and and i would always try and avoid conflict anyway but if there's no way to avoid conflict or i was trying to you know protect people who have trouble getting away or running away and stuff like that and you then you're in a position where you're forced to defend yourself and others okay yeah there are so many like give me a stick like i would feel very confident because i know the limitations to assume that uh that is actually an effective type of defense or would ward people off there's a point to be made about intimidation but to think that that is actually a solid either either offense or defense to me i feel that reveals some of your own lack of understanding in actual combat us guys in the human community have actually experimented with the efficacy of spinning with swords specifically if the classic kind of spinning or spinning like this can have any measure of effective defense the thing is the big problem with spinning is that it looks flashy and you know movies and everything show that is really great in reality it's garbage because it's actually large portions in which the sword is not defending yourself if i'm doing a spin like this okay there's only a couple of times when the weapon is actually facing the opponents now i'm demonstrating this with a basic foam lab sword i could do it with steel but this is instructive enough and it's safer okay and so do you see this these are the points in which the weapon is forward every other time which is actually far more often the weapon isn't even facing your opponent and even then i can't predict the angle of attack the opponent is going on and usually if you had a static defense where you can block and do something far better you can guard your lines so much better with the compared to something as stupid as this that even you're spinning really fast most of the time this actual weapon is not going forward okay most of the time it's actually behind you so it's actually remarkably easy to break through a defense like that might be intimidating but someone who either knows how deficient these things are compared to other weapons or is just really committed that's a horrible like attack offense defensive action as well the other point why such a movement like this is garbage okay is that there this isn't solid all right and so when this weapon comes in contact or contest with another weapon which one will break through and have a chance to hit you obviously anything that's solid because this isn't solid and so it doesn't matter how hard you swing okay if someone is committed enough of equal power even less so it'll break through that and the stick will come and hit you okay and i'm not saying that these are the best weapon to ever exist and that you can take this against a sword and that you can take this against short swords or you can take this against a spear but they are a really effective weapon for short range to medium range combat i guess this depends on how you establish or define effective okay because in my mind a weapon that requires such vast amounts of training to just not be a detriment to yourself makes it very ineffective okay what if you know how to train them are they then effective uh the capacity for them to bounce off and hit yourself because you can't predict your opponent i'd say that makes them you know less effective than other weapons uh the fact they can't hit with as much power the fact that you can't do certain specific strikes like jabs and everything like that the fact that you have to reset yourself to strike properly with them as well they have so many problems that in comparison to other weapons they're very ineffective but do they enable you to hit harder than your bare fist i've always said that then yes and is that the bar of a weapon then you just hear that because oh look a rock is uh you know in that sense an effective weapon but really would you pick a rock over a good stick which gives you proper leverage something like that or many other effective weapons that you can conceal just as easy if not easier that aren't illegal and so many other reasons like that no nunchucks are not an effective combat weapon and your standard for an effective combat weapon shouldn't be can you hit harder than with your fist okay there should be other important standards that we compare it against like safety to the user like efficiency like versatility and in those comparisons and other ones that i didn't even mention nunchucks fall so short and if you're fighting somebody inexperienced you have a major upper hand not only are they scared of them but if you know how to use them properly you can catch them off guard almost anywhere come on mate if you're fighting anyone who's inexperienced and you have anything that's a force multiplier you have a massive upper hand let alone you don't even need a weapon if you're fighting someone with inexperienced bar anything you have a massive upper hand if you have any level of training i mean come on that does not validate nunchucks at all just because you can hit harder with them than with your bare fist no and especially if you can have a better weapon that's easily more available that's more legal and everything like that like an extendable baton or a stick or something like that those options are so much better and so your standard should not be you know are they going to be good against an inexperienced opponent because you would hope a weapon would be good against an experienced opponent too would you not i like seriously because if you're fighting at someone who actually legitimately knows the limitations of the nunchucks especially if they're confident that they can tinker if they run at you hold up here and just get a power through ahead one of the key things to be able to defeat someone use nunchucks close the distance gets right in close because as soon as you start grappling everything like that as you yourself acknowledge oh you might be out of here come on mate and then if your opponent has a weapon and they have any measure of experience and they know the limitations and and like not just strikeforce but let a nunchuck hit against a stick and a stick powers through if someone knows that okay that the nunchuck is so garbage defense and they're confident that any solid strike is going to just blast through a defense and the only way that they're going to be able to protect themselves is to dodge the strike you are at a huge disadvantage so the fact of this example that you're framing that you specifically say nunchucks are effective against inexperienced opponents again you're almost it seems like you're directly acknowledging that nunchucks would be less effective against experienced opponents versus other weapons and that's a problem isn't it as i mentioned because wouldn't you hope that weapons would be just as effective against experienced opponents versus non-experienced ones and if you're going to be saying intimidation factor you can spin around a stick and a sword and be very intimidating as well i would say just as much with the nunchucks okay and so again i i think there are legitimate you know self-defeating points of logic in your own arguments by the fact that you're framing them in such a way that they're excluding important points that when bringing it brought back into discussion your arguments suddenly uh become very weak now a sad truth to these traditional weapons is that defense is almost non-existent with these thank you yes and this is i'm baffled by like if you can and look again i love you mate and you can acknowledge that nunchucks are garbage defense you even say no defense at all how can you then say that they are comparably effective against any weapon that offers some measure of defense then how can you like you look granted you're not necessarily saying that but you are saying that they're a great weapon for self-defense or by implication that you are and you say they're great for long to medium distance stuff like that how can they be great and really good in this respect if they're so garbage at defence and remember any potential benefits that they might offer do not outweigh this massive problem their lack of defense as well as many other issues but there is one element of defense that nunchucks are phenomenal at that no one has acknowledged and that they are incredible at protecting your own virginity hey funnily enough i actually did lose my virginity after i gave up on nunchucks science it's proven this case closed you heard it here folks directly from the mouth of shadowversity give up the nunchucks and you will lose your virginity but my own personal advices get married first it's good it's a good it's a good conservative plan i did it it's worked out great but to be fair i did give up the nunchucks in favor of a massive girthy stick instead so you know there's that to consider so yeah defense is essentially non-existent with these and anybody who tells you that you can grapple with these is on chrome [Laughter] i love it this is what i mean melanie you're great i reckon you can make awesome videos okay okay you cannot strangle somebody with these like this if i'm trying to strangle them like this no do never try that you can't grapple limbs with this you can't do that don't ever try it the only thing these are good for is quick powerful strikes the only thing they're good at are quick powerful strikes the only thing is that because i would think that an effective weapon you would want to be able to do far more or like what about close range strikes a quick powerful it's like you would want to strike to be quicker anyway but but seriously like defense as you mentioned but there are so many like the fact that again you seem to be acknowledging the limitations in your own argument and then how can you then say that they're such a good weapon if you're pointing out such limitations it's a bit hard to understand usually the only thing they're good at is quick foul if someone's if someone's trying to sell me nunchucks and they say okay they're crap at defense and the but they're they're good at this and it's the only thing they're good at is quick powerful strikes i'd be like hang on you're trying to sell me this like get stick and the only thing you can do to dodge big attacks let's say with a staff or or um or some or a stick or a baseball bat you gotta move okay if i'm in my fighting stance and something comes towards me i gotta move okay i gotta move to the side i gotta move all right in all seriousness and look i'm only making fun of you lightheartedly okay i love you mate so it's all good all right but in all seriousness you know what you don't have to do with so many other weapons i think i already said that you don't have to move you you can deflect you can you can strike into their strike overpowering with a point of leverage and get out you can jab you can do so many things like you're saying that yeah you're essentially saying any powerful strike that's coming out with nunchucks you gotta move that's again a problem it's like you're like having a weapon which you have to move out of every heavier strike coming in the other thing that nunchucks are really good at is getting girls to move away from you protecting that virginity flank is it all right look i know nunchucks are fancy and that can impress soggy but but they've it's a very it's become a very weebish weapon and when you really know the limitations and when you say they're so good yeah that's not impressive it can be impressive like there's fancy stuff but it's not impressive as a combat weapon just to clarify another brilliant advantage to the nunchucks is that they don't really require loading up when we're talking about a baseball bat we're talking about this we're talking about the motion before the strike okay even if we're talking about a baton here we're talking about the load before the strike with a nunchuck since we're relying on the whip of the chain we don't necessarily have to load up we could be a caveman and say that's not how you use a nunchuck and plus if you strike like that you're probably gonna end up hurting yourself again if i do what's considered a nunchuck a jab i didn't really have to load up there okay no load up even if i want to strike across okay there's no load out there there's no load up there when you're saying there's no load up in these quick strikes where you're doing like that right uh where is the back end of the nunchuck you technically are winding up you're winding it up from this position to go and hit and then back in okay so absolutely there's a amount of wind up in actual fact try and hit with nunchucks without a proper weight up like there okay all you can do is like that that was pathetically weak are you saying that you can't strike with a stick without winding up like really so you're here you know and this is far less wind up than you know a flicky nunchuck thing you're saying you can't do that just there can't do that adding on to my points about the differentiation of power between these two weapons here let's talk about the stick for a second okay so when we're striking with a solid object like this we have directional force and we have rotational force coming through the shoulder and coming through the body okay it's a very powerful weapon but when we're talking about the nunchuck not only are we talking about directional force and rotational force but because this has a link in the middle we are also getting centrifugal force increasing the power of the weapon on the target first of all having a link in like nunchucks does not discount what you are calling centripetal for so you say centrifugal and then you show an image of centrifugal force and uh by the way like um it's technically a false force the force that people often misunderstand is the correct term which is centripetal force you see there is an assumption that when something is rotating from an access point that you feel a pulling out and you think the force is then pointing in that direction that's a false force you what you are feeling is the effect of the centripetal force carrier which is the thing connecting the whatever mass is moving what you're actually feeling is inertia okay and so what this stick wants to do it wants to move in this direction and when you connect it to a rotation point this rotation point stops it from moving in that direction and causes it to rotate and you're changing the momentum into i think it's rotational energy i'm gonna fudge some of the descriptions but it's a far more accurate representation what you're saying before and i'm able to redirect that momentum into an actual you know curved path and so what you're trying to you know establish or think is that because there's an outwards pull that when you let go it's going to fly up no if you are swinging something around and you let go at this point guess what direction's going to fly in that way because it's inertia and there's actually no true outwards force pulling that way there's a force pulling it in which is the centripetal force carrier the connection point okay and because holding here the centripetal force is causing it to rotate along the curve but as soon as you let go it's going to travel in the forward direction in which the momentum the inertia wants to carry it and so your first assumption that um these forces don't operate on a stick compared to nunchucks because there's a chain is bafflingly wrong uh the next point is that these forces as i've described do not increase the force okay like in in if anything energy is lost through the centripetal force carrier because it's causing a change in the momentum and so therefore some energy has to be lost because there's a change in momentum and and more energy would have been conserved if it was just moving in a straight direction because what i think you're trying to say is that when you swing or actually you're saying with nunchucks so you're saying because you swing nunchucks you're saying that the rotation point is here when you're discounting that even with a straight stick it has a point of rotation right here it's rotating along that you know point of axis as opposed to nunchucks we can rotate along there if anything this rotation causes a smaller lever which means it's actually going to hit with less rotational energy less leverage than something that is rotating with a longer distance between the end and the point of rotation the access point because the tip is moving faster see because it's longer the tip will be moving much faster compared to this type of movement because the arm all right the rotating point is shorter and then you seem to assume that because you feel a pulling sensation with that rotation that it's increasing the energy it's like no it's not how physics work i'm sorry the true things that i play here is basic inertia momentum and the centripetal force carrier uh centrifugal force as you're thinking or centripetal force is a false force it's and there's some it's there's no actual outwards pulling force when you swing okay there's an inwards pulling force the centripetal force because you're redirecting the momentum along a circular curve thing from an access point and i went through all that to basically explain your analysis of the physics of this it's wrong very wrong if you ever know how strong whips can be just think of that similar to a nunchuck right so we release and the weapon begins to whip towards the opponent and creates a very powerful snap oh boy oh you're not equating whips to nunchucks because you have no idea how whips work okay all right so when you whip something and you do a thing you impart energy over a large curve in the whip but what happens is as that you know momentum energy travels down the whip it is getting smaller so if you see ever see a whip especially the long one you see them whip it okay you'll see a loop happen in the whip and then it starts to get smaller and smaller and smaller now energy is lost as it's progressing but it's also being condensed over a smaller area the smaller curve the curve that you put in a whip is also pulling on the other end there is less of the whip that is getting pulled on the more that curve travels down but it's relatively the same amount of energy pulling on less and less mass and this is when the conservation of momentum of energy kicks in because momentum is a property of mass and velocity that curve is pulling on less mass because it's traveling down the whip and the more it travels down there is less whip for it to pull on and it's also tapered so it's getting lighter the curve is pulling on less mass so it picks up velocity conservation of momentum and this increases as the curve travels down the whip increasing the speed of the curve so much so that when you get to the tip it actually cracks the speed of sound okay when you swing in nunchucks man it's looking so when you swing nunchucks is there any reduction in curve are you compressing the energy in any measure no you're not they do not operate the same at all apart from maybe either is there a curve somewhere so no no so the equivalence you're making between nunchucks and whips is all well i like you this is bad argument man think of that similar to a nunchuck right so we release and the weapon begins to whip towards the opponent and creates a very powerful snap it's not like a thud it's not like a thud of a stick it's a whack it's a snap the the nut chucks do not crack the speed of sound like a whip does at all there's no condensing of energy over a smaller curve okay it's not happening now one of these points that these practitioners bring up is oh but if you get you close to a person nunchucks become useless they lose all of their leverage and the chain wraps around the target if you've ever handled any other weapon in your life you would know that that occurs with every other weapon ever made every other weapon so that means if someone gets close to me you said you literally say you know they become useless and they lose their leverage those are the two points and then you say that happens to every other weapon tell me how do i lose leverage and how does this become useless a dagger is someone comes close to me i'm happy to wait for your explanation here i mean look are you being hyperbolic and overemphasizing yeah but i mean you're very categorical you say every other weapon in the sense that that excuses how junk and garbage nunchucks become at close range because every it happens to every no it doesn't happen to every other weapon so close-up strikes the nunchucks okay they do not hurt i've done it to myself all heaps of times now i'm wearing a mic pack so i don't want to strike and hit it and break it um but like you can actually whack yourself at this part pretty hard and you feel a bit of whiplash behind okay now it's funny the whiplash might cause by me to wobble a bit there but that's not going to stop an attacker it's not going to hurt and so when you're really close up nunchucks are suddenly so limited in what they can do like ah yes you know it'll hurt i'm not saying it won't okay but you can do far less with nunchucks than you can with so many other weapons and what you can do with those other weapons are far more effective and can cause greater damage as we showed outside the stick retains a high level of effectiveness you could still strike in many ways at very close range let alone something like a knife but you said every of every other weapon you said that what makes what you said so much worse you actually said if you've handled any other weapon in your life you would know this happens to any other weapon no it's actually almost the inverse it's almost like if you have handled any other weapon even something as humble as a knife you would know that they still retain full effectiveness and leverage at very close range so it's almost like you could only say something like that the very thing you said if you've never handled any other weapon in your whole life just like that's the implication that's how bafflingly bad that statement was um almost the point where that you might be trolling and i can't like it could be possible but you seem very genuine and serious but if you are i don't care i'm going to be addressing like it's fully unironic because it's fun if we have a sword here this is based on a katana but we're going to use it as an example but of course if i get this closer the person charges me can i cut i can but not very well not very well this unfortunately is revealing milani's own inexperience with swords because when in close range and being able to place the blade on the target and drawing the blade down in a wide slashing cut along the full length of the blade can cause insanely devastating cuts so assuming that you can't cut very well with a sword in close range is shockingly incorrect and as i mentioned revealing quite a level of inexperience and lack of understanding in how swords can be used effectively now if we're talking in terms of concealment right here i have a two foot stick baton brilliant for striking but i can't really conceal it in my jacket and i can't really conceal it on my belt without being obviously noticed hey oz oh hey shad hang on didn't see you there yeah you look like you're not holding any weapons oz well i'm a bit excited i have a stick down my pants do you want to show me your stick sure oh my goodness where did this come where did that come from that's a big stick you had in your pants now look to hold my stick gentle with my stick daddy now granted okay you know you might have to just uh walk with it but even if you're just going to do this you know just casual walking around of course you can kid of course you can conceal a bloody stick okay now look are they as concealable as nunchucks probably not but you can get smaller sticks like if you cut it here okay i reckon it'll be just as effective if not more so than nunchucks by large margin right there is so many things why you'd want to pick other weapons like a stick over nunchucks and yes you can conceal them if you need to okay an actual fact uh you can explain away a stick much better because you know it's a walking stick so they're great if you get caught carrying with nunchucks what other excuse do you have to hold them they're like what they were rice flails in the past not anymore they're nothing but a weapon in the modern day whereas this you can actually get a fancy walking stick and they're perfectly legal you can explain why i have them or need to bring him back look at this look how great this is this is a mace does it like it i got this is a solid hitting thing and it is classy walking stick dapper mate when you bring walking sticks back into popularity look at this pose right here you just look classy right here and then you have an awesome weapon like it's actually really really good and lethal too as well they're great in actual fact the uh the knob on this gives it such counter balance that it becomes a really effective like woof man we like i know the knob would be way more deadly than hitting with the tip granted but you can you can thrust really well with the tip yeah you would want to give them the full knob but i mean that tip you could thrust so deeply with it retractable batons and they are quite brilliant you could put them in a pocket you know you can put them almost anywhere they're very concealable but nunchucks can to be very concealable for example in this clip you probably didn't even know i had one on me it was just sitting in my back belt right here uh i mean in context of the video i knew you had the nunchucks behind you by a mile away it was quite obvious um but by the way like a gun is way more concealable than nunchucks as well i mean you you have no idea the type of weapons i have concealed right now just let me know and if you ever questioned the lethality of this weapon just have a look at our friends at zombie go boom over there hmm that zombie go boom clip i love the guys some good game great guys gee it's almost like they were loading up in the strike and do you really think that you wouldn't be able to achieve as detrimental results if not worse of with a stick of say mass and length of course you like a sick would be able to blow past that as well and by the way that's a very specific you know aimed strike at a static target okay much much harder to pull off a strike like that in real life and if you can pull off a strike like that you could have pulled off a strike with as much wind up uh with a stick and produce even more dangerous lethal damaging results but what if they like blocked what if they put something in the way that caused the nunchucks to hit the chains first and you lose all power because like if you hit you hit someone for a fair comparison i gotta downgrade my stick but if you did a really big wind-up strike like that and someone blocked where you know the chain would normally be on nunchucks you can still break their arm on nunchucks it's not gonna look it'll whip around and it'll hit with whatever it hits with fireless force but it might most likely if it's four and a half way or you need anything so and this is a weird thing i never said nunchucks can't hit with power all right and you think by saying nunchucks here with power makes them a good weapon no okay by that logic everyone will be using rocks by but they don't why because there are so many other bit weapons that are so much better than rocks how you get more leverage more control more power okay so like nunchucks are like the rocks of the weapon world no they're probably worse and uh yeah anyway maybe we should review rocks rock first nunchuck they could probably throw rocks better than nunchucks they're more easily available you could use them in slingshots but that's using a slingshot come on if you just rock like i i wonder if you could hit harder depending on the size of the rock and depending on the geometry rock first nunchuck these weapons were truly as useless as many claimed they wouldn't have lasted this long they'd be lost to the sands of time you do realize they kind of were lost to the stairs of time bruce lee reintroduced them as a popular weapon before bruce lee try and see how popular they were like really you know they lasted so long yeah well they last long is a popular viable weapon that everyone was picking over in favor of so many other weapons no there's no nearly no historical account of nunchucks being used like even at all historically or as a prominent you know weapon so if there is some account it's gonna it's very obscure so hard to find and uh so many other weapons are recorded have a look how often clubs have been used okay there's lots of records of clubs being used all throughout time okay how many records are there in nunchucks i'm waiting yeah bruce lee films but they're not real they're not historical accounts but they've been modernized and considered a lethal weapon in many countries which is why they've been banned nunchucks have not been banned because they're uniquely more lethal than other weapons okay they're banned because of the over hype around them and if anything like if there was any validity then but i don't actually think legislators are that insightful to you know account for this that they're banned because they're so dangerous to the user okay but no it's they've been hyped up in pop culture being so insanely deadly like ninja stars do you know how lethal ninja stars if you actually throw them like yeah they'll cut you but it is so unlikely to kill someone like a ninja star versus a dagger the lethality comparison is insane the dagger is so much more lethal yet ninja stars are banned and like can you bear nice because knives are a useful talk obviously so of course not um but yeah the fact that nunchucks are banned does not mean that they are uniquely good because they're banned because the people who are making those laws are stupid do you know kinder surprises are banned in america is that because they are a uniquely deadly weapon or is because people do stupid things with them that's like you know nunchucks people do really stupid thing but like were they i i don't think i like i said i don't think i can give the credit to the legislator but where they been because they're uniquely dangerous to the user i don't think i need to explain much about a a hard piece of uh oak flying at your head or a hard piece of steel flying at your head from the end of a chain it's rather obvious the kind of damage that a weapon like this can do on account for so many people who believe nunchucks are so much better than they are i would actually say it's not nearly as obvious as people shoot more as you're assuming because when you actually do a proper comparison then you find how effective they are now i never said that they can't hit hard of course they can but does that mean you should always choose them or no like because again just saying that they're great because they hit hard discounts so many problems like problems you yourself pointed out they're garbage for their defense and they can't grapple at all if it uh if anyone tells you grapple what was it on grapple you said they're on crack okay and so if you yourself could acknowledge so many profound large problems with nunchucks how can you say that they're so great then and again we're not making the standard on a great weapon it's something you can hit with because then a rock is a great weapon and why isn't everyone using rocks no a great weapon is one that is versatile that increases your lethality to larger extents with less amounts of training that you can just pick it up and you're instantly more effective okay a good weapon is one that's not dangerous to use that look i've already i've mentioned so many reasons why okay those are the reasons stand is that we should determine if a weapon is good not if it can just hit hard because you can pick up anything and hit anything hard with it it doesn't make it a good weapon i beg you not to listen to people online but rather do your research watch experienced people talk about this weapon hmm don't listen to people online you do realize you're online talking about it but then you say listen to experienced people ah but a year two years isn't experienced enough in your book but i mean what about the people who've had 20 30 years that agree with me there's a lot of them by the way i have a look at the comments in my videos you know don't listen to them because they're wrong according to you but the reality is you have said some profoundly incorrect things like in order to manage like some that is baffling slowly like your misunderstanding of centripetal force for one nice incredible like the uh it was derpy your demonstration that you feel that every weapon loses its effectiveness and leverage when people close every weapon like you said those things okay so unfortunately with your 16 years experience if anything you are proving that experience doesn't mean spit and it does not save people from being able to say tremendously stupid things i'm not calling you stupid i'm saying i've said stupid things in the past as well own it okay and you have said some amazingly stupid things in that video and i've pointed them out all right and so experience hasn't saved you from that so experience should not be the sale be all and end all on figuring out if something is correct or not how about you disregard the disingenuous ways of dismissing people's argument and address the argument itself the logic itself okay because if truth is said by a king or a pauper by a genius or an idiot it doesn't matter it is truth it's correct okay where it comes from means spit if it is correct i think i got that off my chest when learning the nunchucks you have to be super careful when learning with a stick you need to be careful not super careful because amazingly they don't have such a high propensity to hit you back when you just you know just go like but i mean i would say a weapon that you have to be super careful with to not hit yourself or injure yourself would be a pretty crap weapon you'd think so it's normal when you're learning to you know get a bonk on the head or or get a little um a hit there but when you're practicing any other weapon when do you not occasionally bonk yourself i'm sorry melanie are you saying you actually have hit yourself with a sick now look i know maxis could happen i'll put my head up and say i've accidentally hit myself with a sword when i was being dumb as a kid granted okay but i've legitimately not hit myself with any other weapon that i've trained with apart from nunchucks because every other time i've trained with weapons i've tried to be very cautious and careful when you're being very cautiously careful there's a very low chance you'll ever hit yourself with a stick okay it could happen once or twice you know granted but compare that to the amount of times people hit themselves with nunchucks is there a bit of an unfit of course just to say oh you might hurt yourself for the other these other weapons that is what is called a false equivalence okay because the amount of times people hit themselves with sticks is vastly less than people ever have hit themselves the nunchucks and i can say honestly that i've never hit myself with a stick and i've trained with quarter staff or bo staff quite a lot okay never hit myself once funny that and oddly enough even though i have myself with a sword when i was being stupid as a kid i've never hit myself with a sword when i was actually being serious right and actually i was training you know the whole movements the spinning so you can do a lot of spinning with other weapons and i've never hit myself while training to spin with other weapons apart from nunchucks one of the reasons why other weapons are so much better is that if i'm pointing it away from my body even you know in any direction it's not going to hit me the only way it can hit me is if my actual handheld point is pointing towards me in some direction change that with nunchucks okay if i'm holding it here it can hit me if i'm already here if i even holding here it can still hit me in the arm and things in actual fact it doesn't matter where i'm holding it it hasn't potentially hit me because of this you know the way it's made being a professional martial artist in the modern day requires a couple things one it requires that you're open-minded two it requires that you look into any matters that you plan on educating a large mass of people on so to be a professional martial artist you need to be open-minded you need to look into things that you're talking about okay now you do realize potentially your video can reach a massive amount of people and you said some as i've already pointed out astoundingly incorrect things like just on a factual basic level that every weapon loses their effectiveness and leverage when they're close right you said that um you're probably the way he describes an tripital or a centrifugal force um and there's a whole host of other things okay and so you have failed at your own standard so does that mean you're not a professional martial artist then i wouldn't establish such an arbitrary standard like that i mean gee what does it take to be a professional martial artist someone who teaches it practice it professionally i would expect a certain level of score you got the skill granted okay but these arbitrary other standards you're making yeah be careful at because as i've just pointed out you've failed on one of them quite significant and being open-minded i'm not sure i don't know you've been very dogmatically opposed to acknowledging well you've acknowledged the floors and attracts in some areas but in other areas very dogmatically closed-minded about how legitimately flawed they are okay and you've strawman means some of my positions are also shows being a bit close-minded because if you want to address me properly you would address my actual arguments so those are two stairs that you've established you've just failed at you can't just have a year or two of of experience in a weapon especially if you were younger and then look back on it and try and create this this ideology that it's garbage yeah it's i'm not trying to create a thing that's garbage i've just been looking at it objectively on the same standard that i compare fantasy weapons okay and it was a fun interesting realization i wasn't trying to force it that when i started thinking about the nunchucks i was like oh wow when you really think about it they're incredibly bad like there are so many problems with it and so this wasn't me trying to make him bad because i wanted to diss nunchucks or weebs or things like that hey i i have some weebiness in me i love the katana okay you know um no i want to try to do that okay i'm just applying the same and i've criticized other things i'm going to get that because i criticize the flail and other things just as brutally for having tremendous problems as modern-day martial artists we need to educate ourselves in all arts and all cultures that's a very interesting standard you're trying to promote there as modern-day martial artists you need to educate yourself in all cultures and all others wow wow obvious i mean i will sort of say i mean you'd think that people who love karate learn karate you know like if you don't want to learn other things you don't have to but but just like you have to in all code like all things i mean i would assume you mean all other martial art traditions but you're you didn't make that qualify you're saying educate yourself on all cultures as well that's a really random one all right i guess those ancient aztecs you gotta educate yourself on those otherwise you know you're not living understand of what a proper modern day martial artist should be aztec fighting systems come on where is it no you don't die of course you don't need to research what you like okay granted if you're going to be criticizing someone cellulite it's good to research it as i've done and compare it against other weapons to get a you know a point of reference as well that's probably good as well um but the thing is you don't necessarily even need to do that to draw a correct conclusion i mean if you just basic principles of logic you look at nunchucks like oh you mean you need to train like vast amounts to just not hit yourself with these weapons to reach a equal or worse standard of lethality as you can with other weapons that you don't need to go through all that training it's a great comment i pinned it on my second video because by that standard nunchucks are automatically crap i'd actually think all other arguments just adds fuel onto the fire but you could end the argument right there and determine that nunchucks are crap with no experience in martial arts or anything else and create an opinion based upon logic and not only while creating an opinion based on logic it needs to be in respect of the culture too so hang on why do you think i don't respect japanese cult are you saying that if you criticize one thing that is worthy of criticism you therefore disrespect all parts of that culture because that is utter crap no absolutely not okay i have tremendous respect for many parts of the japanese culture definitely not all because guess what there were things in past japanese culture especially in the feudal period that were horrendous and you saying that you should respect it the horrendous things like think about that you know are you saying like something that i think was horrible and evil human sacrifice the like disgustingly evil are you saying that i can't criticize that because the aztecs didn't huh what about cultures that practice slavery saying we shouldn't criticize slavery because just they're the cultures respect hmm why did this culture keep this around why is this significant to this culture we can't go slamming something that has been around for a long time and been important to a group of people that we're not a part of we need to do our best to respect other cultures and respect their hearts slavery and human sacrifice was around for a long time that we weren't a part of shouldn't criticize it we weren't a part of it it's part of their culture are you serious now look uh what i'm said here that is not a false equivalence it's actually uh an example of exaggeration by exaggerating a point with another example i'm revealing the flaws in it and it's really like like you're saying you just can't criticize something from another culture because it's just from another no of course you can and when you criticize that thing that doesn't mean that you disrespect or dislike everything else about that culture so don't try and vilify me if you that's your implication because come on man we shouldn't be throwing weapons on the ground not toxic man okay like seriously that's not respectful that's not respectful to nunchucks i agree but i also don't care because they're garbage and they just deserve to be called out as such um is it disrespectful to the culture no no not overall because i think there's great things about japanese culture i think katana is a beautiful sword it's not the best sword in the world by any means but it can do some things really really good and oh i've covered the katana heaps already um oh japanese cuisine there's this new restaurant which is authentic japanese cuisine open up oh i love it so good okay and by the way i criticize other things from any culture i don't care for japanese if it's european middle eastern or whatever okay if it's if there's a crap weapon i'll point it as crap there's a crap practice like slavery or human sacrifice or ritualistic suicide that is imposed upon by social conditioning i think i add reciprocal yeah that's also barbaric and not good okay i don't think people should commit suicide because of being shamed i think that's a terrible thing uh also really bad uh you know um killing people when they leave a religion or don't profess to a religion it happened in europe you know inquisition and stuff like that horrible evil all right and yeah i am a christian and i'll point out things in my own christian heritage and stuff like that as being horrible as well i'm no respecter when it comes to that if it's bad or crap or inefficient or even evil we should point it out as bad because you know what happens if we don't we just continue making the same bullcrap mistakes propping up weapons as being great when they're really garbage getting people injured inadvertently when they could have picked a much better result or practicing same social conditions and practices that are holy evil and everything because we don't point out because oh the fence and cultures are no if it's bad it deserves to be cold out is it i wouldn't make an hour and a half long video explaining why something i did for a year when i was younger is trash and garbage otherwise you'd be hearing me talk about how soccer is a garbage sport which is not the case are you sure about that i love soccer okay i but if someone has a valid argument to see why i'll listen all here i mean and by the way you don't need to practice something for a year to figure out if it's bad or not and i've already covered you you don't even practice at all if it's so blatantly obvious like nunchucks you don't need to try something for massive lengths of time to find out if you still like it or not you could try it once and see flaws and problems in it and not even you can observe and see other people doing it and if you approach it in a logical thing it's a good point frames of reference stuff and other good sources and references and things you can figure out as bad without any experience in it at all because as i mentioned if it's correct it doesn't come from a master or a noob it's correct i only did it for a year and it just didn't interest me it's a fantastic sport but my point is is that you can't slam something you only spent a year or two learning yes you can i mean can i slam it if i practice for a year and one day what's what's the distinction when is it enough and it's actually not enough because the amount of time doesn't matter to you because if i practice it for two months and then said it was great you would say well you clearly have had enough experience to figure out that it was good because i agree with you so the point is in the experience the point is that we are disagreeing and because we're disagreeing you are then now saying my experience isn't enough which is an arbitrary distinction if it's arbitrary with no actual definitive thing to establish what the experience is it means nothing it's a useless argument and as pointless being brought up and trying to inject into it the only point of bringing such a thing in is an appeal to authority which is which is a disingenuous you know debate tactic which means nothing use the logic of the argument itself to establish that you're correct or not because the authority that you're appealing to again you're just pointing out the air and it's whatever amount if because if i had 20 years experience and still had the same opinion as many other people am i what then is it right now even if my opinion is exactly that no you don't i've covered it already you don't need all the experience to get reach a correct conclusion the nunchucks are not a useless weapon they're not garbage never said they're wholly useless i did say they were garbage okay they are garbage and i think people deserve to know i dropped my stick i'm picking up my stick good thing it didn't swing back and hit me for if a weapon did something like that it'll be pretty garbage wouldn't it so yes i never said they were utterly useless but maybe you know i'm i'm really considerate because i do think sometimes maybe your bare hands are better but what i will say and i said again you can hit harder with nunchucks than your bare fist okay they they can be hard hitting things not as hard as a stick okay but they are most definitely garbage look i hold no offense to you at all mate i love your energy i think you're great okay i think your arguments were as garbage as the nunchucks are as an effective weapon compared to other weapons um but no offense and look look i warned you i'd be going in hard against your arguments in that comment okay and so i'm not sure if you were aware that i would be this aggressive or not but i appreciate you saying look i'm game and uh guys don't send any hate towards him okay uh he wanted to engage and good on him for doing it and his video was a lot of fun as well and i actually think you have a huge potential in being a really successful youtuber okay you've got great skills great enthusiasm and you're fun and engaging so you could go somewhere with it and uh thank you for making a video and the reason why i'm replying is because i think a lot of what you said was representative of what a lot of other you know defenders of nunchucks were saying and so that's one of the reasons i wanted to address it because you can even see it in some of the comments under that video where like this is what i wanted to say and stuff like that and even though this is what people have been wanting to say they were really bad arguments and they deserve to be counted and also for a bit of fun as well so well no hard feelings uh but thank you i appreciate it also i appreciate you guys for watching nunchucks are terrible and i'll see you next time so until then [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 693,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zc9LHDohjB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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