The Most Humiliating Reasons a Teenager Can Get Expelled From School For | School Stories #2

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what's the most humiliating reason you've ever heard for a teenager to be expelled from school for my friend was suspended because he was being pantsed continuously one day after the fourth or fifth time everyone realized he was just pulling his own shorts down quickly in hall between classes friend of mine was nearly expelled for actually being pantsed some kid kept doing it to her and they tried to expel her for public indecency her parents brought a lawyer in and the school immediately backed off far as i know the other kid never got in trouble he got suspended for a week because he made a poll of the worst person ever existed you could answer adolf hilter osama bin laden or the principal when i was in junior high we had a large hurricane hurricane gloria which hit our town and due to electricity being out trees on the roads flooding etc we were off of school for two weeks my vacation was two weeks plus a day since i was sent home not expelled for wearing a homemade shirt that said i was blown by gloria on my first day back you're a freaking champ a kid in my school got suspended for not only masturbating in the hot geometry teachers class but not stopping when she caught him this kid in eighth grade i was a freshman in high school but we all knew him from middle school was on one of those free webcam sites chatting with girls and was fapping in class the teacher was newish probably her second year and she was probably 25 years old and when she saw his computer screen she apparently broke down in tears kid got expelled quick i like all the theories but i really can't answer i have no clue why she cried she apparently broke down in tears i know it's an uncomfortable situation but that is a huge overreaction a girl that was in ninth when i was in grade 10 was expelled for giving head to three guys at the same time in a dark auditorium during first block and on more than one occasion in eighth grade an older cousin taught me how to play craps like an idiot i started running a casino-like thing at lunch anyways i got caught with a massive bag of money and was suspended my school had a policy that if you were suspended and got in trouble again you would be expelled about a month later i jumped in and puddle and was sent to the principal they wanted to expel me but my parents argued it would ruin my future as i had a perfect academic record ended up narrowly escaping expulsion for jumping in a puddle my brother's friend prank called their teacher while my bro was at his house the kid ended up getting found out my brother went in and told them he was there they would never have known either without him admitting it as a reward for his honesty he was suspended for six days and had to clean the school a guy at my school got expelled and arrested for photocopying dollar bills onto regular paper and trying to use them in the cafeteria they also found a garbage bag full of them in a dumpster by his house last year there was a whole operation dedicated to stealing money from the cafeteria they would print fake tens and buy a one dollar dollar item with the fake receiving nine dollars real dollars back of course they varied the bills they used but eventually got caught they made something like 900 in a week when i was 17 i had to write a paper about what i would do if it was my last 24 hours on earth being a jackals eye out things like blow stuff up and rob liquor well my teacher thought i was serious and turned the paper into the principal who turned it into the police i got charged with a felony for threats of terrorism and expelled for six months not really embarrassing i guess but funny nevertheless not expelled but suspended for two weeks the person was accused of bringing fireworks and bangers into school it was party poppers for celebrating their friend's birthday people seem confused by banger it's what we call them in ireland i guess the american equivalent would be firecrackers you like them in the make a loud bang hence the name two eighth graders from some school in a pretty upper class area were caught flicking in the elevator on camera in the elevator at school okay then well i guess the purpose of elevators is for people to get down quick a line outside of the men's bathroom for free blow jobs there must have been 15 20 people in line once they found out it was going down she was new to the school and i guess wanted to service the boys she was expelled right away her nickname roboho i almost got suspended for using brokeback mountain in a list of love stories in middle school the teacher called my parents and asked if they were letting me be exposed to that sort of stuff that my parents just laughed i'm in high school currently and last year a friend was expelled for writing a death threat to a teacher and also made a hit list but nobody would have known it was him except he dropped it in the hall and a teacher picked it up and read it i'm glad he got caught also a couple got caught fricking in the bathroom when a teacher walked in why did a teacher walk in they were using a teacher's only bathroom after getting suspended the guy threatened to shoot up the school yeah he is gone now this kid was suspended at my school for throwing biscuits at the goths it was funny because he thought he was being cool by teasing them but the goths were catching and eating the biscuits hilarious the mental image i have is similar to a senior citizen feeding pigeons at a park i had a friend in high school who got expelled later reinstated because a girl said that he threatened her and then later changed her story to she felt threatened by him this girl would sit behind him in class and accuse his father of cheating on his mom and being a terrible person for basically no reason she had this little loser minion who followed her around and basically did whatever she said pretty sure the guy was in love with her so anyway after like two years of this crap he tells her to shut the frick up then he gets expelled it was one of the stupidest things i've ever heard good old school system punishing the victim and all that my niece just got expelled from school for convincing another child to take off his pants but she is three years old so i don't understand why it is such a big deal i was expelled from school because i got on my space and told an internet friend that i wanted to put my bully in the hospital you know beat the crap out of him well her mother sees that threat two weeks later and notifies my school and i was kicked out for threats of terrorism and was told to never come back to that school honestly i never touched the guy in and didn't plan to i was just venting out my anger because the school never did the dang thing when i told them i was being bullied i don't talk out loud about my emotions anymore because that little vent fricked up my life i was 14 i had no other school to go to so i waited until i was of age and got my get life has been a struggle because of that but i learned my lesson at least so yeah when i meet people in the subject of school or anything related to that subject comes up i have to explain that i was kicked out of school because of what i said on myspace the humiliation kills me every time u.s schools have no idea what the word terrorism means there are hundreds of definitions but the main commonality is that it is for a political purpose that guy bullied me i'm going to beat him up is most definitely not terrorism one kid got expelled for pulling the red fire alarm which in turn caused an evacuation while waiting for the fire department to arrive he claimed later to have done it as of sheer boredom which later became his motto in the yearbook a guy in our school is about six foot six one time he tripped over the rim of the door hits the fire alarm and causes the whole school to evacuate didn't get expelled or anything he never forgot about it though we didn't let him xd i volunteer myself i was expelled for planning to hack the teacher server when all the evidence they had on me was that i had tor and a few vpns installed on my mbp i was in a mac one to one school i was a very bored 11th grader with adhd it got along well with all my teachers and classmates except for the principal and his wife also a teacher who didn't like me much after my dad complained of their negligence after i had a panic attack out at sea alone during a windsurfing excursion i was basically a chronic liar who was making it up in their eyes i had been on probation a few times for other minor things but they obviously had a grudge against me the principal then transferred to another school shortly after i got expelled but karma exists in real life and not just on reddit so out in town one day i happened to walk past my ex-principal who was holding hands with another woman i snapped a photo and posting it on facebook i didn't actually think too much of it because it was already talk among some of the students but it went viral across both the schools among the teachers and students and i'm told they both split up because of it apparently they are much happier now so good for them the guy's name was john we were in the middle of history class and the teacher says john go to the office and turn in your cell phone you know the rules john stands up rips off his shirt and flips over every desk in the classroom while cursing at the teacher as he's walking out he pushes the teacher into the wall here's the twist the teacher wasn't even talking to him she was talking to another student named john who was using his phone to show someone a picture my old teacher used to work in a rough area in london about 10 years ago she told us how one 14 year old had a wanken lesson and was caught by the teacher after he came in his hand i'm not sure how it happened but the kid ended up storming out and wiped his jaws all over the handle when leaving in order to get the other kids out the teacher had to use a piece of paper over her hand to touch the handle this is rather far-fetched i know i was probably in a round third or fourth year of seniors 13 15-ish and there was a dude in my year who i'll refer to as ch as the story goes ch acquired a piece of white dog crap bear with me here he took it home and painstakingly dried it and ground it down only to bring it into school the next day badly wrapped in cling film to offer to his feebly-minded minions as what i can only assume will see they declined for whatever freaking reason ch was like now lads this is good crap look and did a big fat line of old white ground dog crap in the boys toilets anyway he got grassed up as he spent the next hour in the cubicle violently vomiting hal ha it all came to a head and he got excluded for what i can only imagine to be a various number of reasons oh i almost forgot this guy once smeared help me on the cubicle doors in his own crap psy catholic school student wasn't expelled they made him switch schools because he is a high achiever he said he was tired of all of the born against teasing him for being an atheist he also dressed pretty provocatively in their eyes so he crucified a baby pig and put it in their prayer spot on campus all expulsions in ca by law you switch schools within the district he was achieving so they didn't send him to the expulsion school that led out at noon when i was 15 i was a high school stoner one day it was -23 without a windchill and me and this other guy decided to smoke our water bottle bong in the bathroom to keep from having to go way out back we go into the sketchiest bathroom in the furthest corner of the school and into the handicapped stall we had all the smoking stuff out i had the water bottle he had the stem and bowl we each had our own weed as we start putting it together the principal knocks on the stall door and says come out boys i know you're in there so i crush the water bottle and he hides his paraphernalia i put my weed in between my dong and my sack and he put his up his sleeve in the office we were put in separate rooms he was interrogated first while that was happening i hid my weed in the bottom of a filing cabinet during his talk with the authorities his weed was found they brought the school's cop in and searched my pockets but found nothing catholic school 2003 i was suspended for being in a bathroom stall with another boy he was expelled for the same offense but because it was a recurring thing for him they also sent him to rehab for weed reefer madness guy at my high school went into the girls bathroom came out with a used tampon and started smoking it like it was a cigarette most awkward lunch period ever lunch period [Music] guy at my school got expelled for using an empty pringles can to masturbate he cut a hole in the top and just you know fricked it ouch we were on the bus on the way back from a school trip and me and my friends were sat at the back we spent most the journey just messing around playing cards etc when we noticed that the teacher sat nearest to this head headphones in being dumb kids we decided to see if we could start shouting dumb stuff without him hearing us we tried yelling a few things before one of my friends yelled would you like to suck my dong mister hell at which point mr l turned around because he had turned his music off and made my friend go and sit somewhere else he got a two-day suspension for that some people i know got suspended for trying to use fake money at a nearby news agent another time the same people got punished for straight-up shoplifting same news agent in fairness they are idiots i went to a private school me and a girl there fell in love and started dating we both did cross country together after school one night after practice we didn't want to go home so we stayed in her car she was senior i was still a sophomore the whole night and lost our virginity together well we were literally up all night long enough for school to start the next morning we were still in the car couldn't see through the windows it was so steamy in there titanic style i guess we were pretty out of it so we didn't go to school meanwhile our parents are freaking out and i guess word gets to the school that we're not there so i guess the logical conclusion was to expel us both i was suspended for using a titch's computer you see it had developed this clever system where every computer in the entire school was perfectly identical in both hardware and software before a user logs in but once a user logged in it loaded their desktop files and permissions from a central server so did i log into my teacher's account no i logged into my own account and did my homework but since i did it at the workstation at the front of the room instead of the rows of workstations at the desks i was suspended for hacking hacking my butt i'd say that this is very widely used microsoft call it roaming profiles i find it hilarious you were suspended for doing something exactly as intended it is possible to set restrictions on who can log on to what though story is about me and i wasn't a teenager oh well when i was in first grade i went to a private school for my birthday my mom got me a book about dragons dragons are freaking awesome brings dragon book to school teacher finds it gets brought to principle yells at me about revelations satan and dragons gets expelled for like a week dragon book is taken i was taught by the deputy head at a pretty decent secondary school in the uk he only expelled one person a girl was caught taking a five-pound note from a teacher's handbag the deputy head sat down in his office with the girl and her father the head said to the father your daughter has been caught stealing money from a teacher we need to work together to find out why this happened and how to prevent it but the father responded with so i do stuff like that all the time the head realized there was nothing he could do to help her and he expelled her on the spot suspended for a while but not expelled in eighth grade one kid went into the bathroom kicked open the stall and pee all over another kid i think they were kind of friends and it was just a prank it's just a prank bro some kids in my hs got suspended because they swore on facebook basically the guys had a group on facebook to discuss which girls they were asking to prom something like that anyway it was the year below me so i wasn't in it then some guys started talking crap about some girls once again general idea not sure exactly and some other guys told them to frick off essentially but they proceeded to get suspended for swearing on the internet outside of school a kid in my class was going to a freshman dance with his girlfriend who just started chemotherapy he shaved his hair off so she wouldn't be the only one there with no hair he was suspended for three weeks for violating dress code and having hair under three stroke four of an inch even though all the black kids have theirs under that a tl dr private schools have stupid rules when i was in third grade one of my classmates found a bag of marijuana on the playground during recess we were at the time taking dar e courses and trying to do the right thing he took the baggie to the teacher to report it the teacher decided to instead of recognizing the child performed as he was taught to do and congratulate him to report that the child had a bag of drugs in his possession the kid was expelled for the rest of the year and the following year ended up becoming a dealer tl dr teacher creates dealer by teaching student no good deed goes unpunished when i was a sophomore in high school i got expelled for flipping off my entire english class the substitute teacher told the principal i flipped off the class and walked out when in reality i just threw my friend on the other side of the rumor peace sign and went to the bathroom not expulsion but a visit to the principal's office i got in trouble for spinning on an office chair before school since there was nothing to do i got to have a chat with my b of a principal and they called my mom who though it was a stupid thing to punish a student for the next few months the entire staff monitored me i saw the second most white trash girl fight the leader of the white trash girls because wtg one had gotten pregnant went for the belly punch and crap it was an embarrassing day all around in eighth grade my friend and i were getting ready for this 3k run my school has and this sixth grader comes up and starts to talk some crap my friend laughs it off and gives him a little wrist flick in the kid's stomach very lightly like a week later the kid starts complaining to his mom that his stomach hurts as an excuse to get out of this wedding he tells his mom that my friend hit him in the stomach yesterday and he hasn't been feeling well since well the mom flips crap and my friend gets suspended for the week i went to a school that had a future and current nba star on our high school baseball team best team we ever had up to that point destroyed every team except one were playing tough with them up by five points with two minutes left all of a sudden a fan from our school threw an object onto the court we get a technical coach argues it and he gets a technical other team gets four shots and end up scoring a last second shot to win everyone knew the kid that did it next day at school was insane every single person was talking about this kid principal called him in and told him to leave for his own safety he stays and gets him and another kid who was defending him beat up badly then he gets told he can't come back to our school for a year until the seniors from the basketball team graduate pretty humiliating man me and this kid i was friends with went dove hunting before school and skipped first period we decided to leave the guns in my truck and i parked at another friend's house in the neighborhood by the school we walked to school a little blood on our hands nothing major still in our camo but it was oklahoma so who cares principal calls the both of us in asks why we're late to school and in camo we told him we went hunting before school and blah blah blah well the end up looking for my truck which they couldn't find but found my buddy's truck he had a single spent shotgun shell in the bed and he was expelled for bringing a weapon to school it was horrible i felt so bad for him none of these happen to me and some are only suspensions but they all happened at my catholic high school suspended for giving a wet willy to a student while on tv for being a jesuit school after the new pope was announced yes the school from that video suspended for leading and encouraging others to join in a prayer to satan before a particularly hard math test expelled for punching an eighth grader touring the school causing him to rescind his application suspended for dressing up as an army soldier for halloween and being late to all his classes because he hopped between every class detention for dressing up as a brick wall for halloween and stopping in a hallway blocking traffic detention for taping an to a wall suspension for setting a fire a work off in the hallway expelled for pooping in various locations that were not the toilet urinal bathroom floor gym floor hallway suspended for making and eating pancakes in the back of an english class then tweeting it some were suspended some were expelled for egging an undercover cop car recording it and posting it on youtube suspended for tweeting a video of himself receiving a bj expelled for bringing a gun to school detention for telling a student to suck his dong in a parking lot suspended for taking off his shirt and waving it around during mass another kid at school punched me in the eye once i got suspended because the other kid said i cocked my hand back like i was going to hit him another time he threw a rock at my head because i caught a tennis ball he cut a vein in my head and i lost a lot of blood he also was not suspended that time if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 95,943
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Keywords: school, school stories, humiliating, humiliating reason, expelled, expelled from school, expelled from college, student, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: az4eKl4_Fbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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