THE MOST EXTREME SURVIVAL GAME YOU'LL EVER PLAY! There is No Winning - One Hour One Life Gameplay

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everybody grace the boys and we're checking out a game for the channel called one hour one life I'm gonna have links in the description below if you want to check this game out okay so first off this is one of the most unusual one-of-a-kind hardcore survival games I've ever seen in my life right off the bat I'm gonna let you know I'll probably have a pinned comment if you want to go straight to the gameplay but I need to talk about this for at least like a minute or two so let you understand what you're about to see this is a screen that you would see a lot in this game so this game is a persistent world where you start in the game as a baby at zero years old and each minute you go and gain a year of your life you go potentially if you live the entire one hour from a child at zero years old to an old man or woman at sixty years old the things that you do in this world in this persistent world are carried on from generation to generation in other words in the beginning everyone was running around trying to get berries to stay alive but now there's things in the game like people have made clay pots and people have made wheelbarrows and stuff like that so civilization has begun to advance slightly there is 10,000 items to craft and when I say this is hardcore what I mean is because you don't have any choice on who you are born to just like in real life you could be born to a starving woman who has no food and no home and then you die horribly or you could be born into it maybe a farm where there's actually potentially the opportunity to live so what we're gonna try to do here is I'm going to try and get us to be born as a male you never know you're born a there was a male or female and we're gonna see if we can get born to parents that you will give us the opportunity to survive so that I can show you at least a little bit of this game this game is amazing I have to say it again so here we are we have been born to a woman that says I take care of you we'll see how well this goes for right now we do I have no idea okay so there's there's areas that have been planted here all this stuff is things that people can make there's totally a potential that she has no idea what she's doing and will end up dying by the way there is a wiki for this like I said there's 10,000 different things to craft and supposedly everything from you know just planting seeds to eventually making cars and stuff like that uh but for right now technology is very low we're running around naked with our sad little beanstalk bodies over here while mom throws fletching on the ground let's leave there's a home marker there's some chilled rose so these till droves are good because this means that someone has been over here farming I know a little bit about the game I know how to farm because I had a parent that taught me um I know how to make a fire because again I had a parent that taught me it's very cool how in this game you learn to survive by the peoples legacies that they leave you with so I think that's really sweet I remember there was a guy he was wearing a freaking wolf on his head he had like an entire wolf skin wardrobe and is an old man with a giant beard and he came in and he was like he was like young ones I was once a great hunter this bow and arrow is my legacy remember me he just died into a pile of bones when you die you just turned into this horrible heap of bony mess and he left behind all of his wolf skin clothing and his bow and stuff like that so that's the thing if you could make those items and get them to the people who will be your children then those items will live on in this world continuously and people that come after you will have an easier time playing than you had so we're gonna see how we do here right now there's not much I can do as its this is how hardcore it is as a baby you can do nothing but rely on your mother you can walk around you can kind of toddle around and stuff like that but you can't pick anything up you can't move anything and you can't do any crafting or anything like that sadly our mother did not know what she was doing she did not know how to farm and us we starved to death welcome to the hardest game ever made we lived for three years let's try again so this lovely colony just told me that there wasn't enough food to feed a newborn baby and thus I starve to death these are the choices that people have to make in this game to make sure that their colonies thrive well this is a promising birth looks like someone's been pharming look at this there's carrots over here got some some berry trees oh god someone died horribly their backpack and all their goo is laying on the frigging ground there's some milkweed seeds this is actually very very good assuming my mom takes care of me and doesn't let me starve to death there is a complete possibility that we'll be able to survive you know maybe until adulthood there's some milkweed stalk now the milkweed stalk is how you make thread and then rope someone made a fire bow drill over here this is actually very very good I think that is a a water pouch that you can water the plants my last parent taught me how to do a lot of this stuff so I can I can make our carrots and stuff grow I can get this going for us as long as we have the potential for our colony to continue to thrive it looks like it's just her it'd be right now man oh man they got a rabbit snare over here and everything so they've done well this this generation has done well to continue moving things along and continue to get more and more technology guiding of Technology we're dealing with freaking like water pouches made out of you know fur or whatever over here but it still counts it's a way to get water from point A to point B and look at all these berries too for just the two of us it'll be pretty good oh we're we're slightly older than a fetus now we've made it okay mom says to start farming and getting water and stuff like that so to do that we're gonna need this clay bowl there's also water skins laying around so we could use that as well ah there's a lot of areas here that don't have any seeds in them so we're gonna want to make sure that we get seeds for that let's keep grabbing some berries though you know you're gonna notice you get hungry like super fast when you become an adult it's a little bit easier you can actually go further without immediately dying of starvation because you know you have a bigger stomach and stuff like that but when you're a little child like us you get hungry epically fast so for right now let's see if we can find any kind of water that's close by our main settlement where mom is I don't want to leave her alone or anything like that we do have to make sure that we continue to have a steady stream of these berries to so that we don't die of starvation okay this is what we're confer for water this type of biome over here hopefully oh my god there's absolutely nothing here sometimes you'll find some water ponds but you have to watch out that you don't like get them completely and utterly like devoid of all water because then they won't refill holy crap we're already hungry again let's later some rabbits over here two rabbits are a good food source if you have snares and we do have snares back in our back in our home over here you go ahead and grab another friggin berry there we go it looks like mom's taking care of the child oh here we go okay we found water it's to the southeast but damn it it's a pretty good trek um especially for someone our size oh my god I don't know if I'm gonna get back before I starve to death oh boy oh I'm trying though I'm trying oh it's not looking good oh god it's not looking good oh I couldn't get there look at this look at this civilization they've made a building they've made of steel axe this is actually the first time I've ever seen this I've never actually seen anyone get this this far before let us tell mom ty4 thank you because it's all we can say the amount that you can talk changes dependent on how old you are so when you're young like this we can only say one or two letters at a time look at the elder the elder working hard planting the crops the delicious carrots that will wow there's iron ore around here and everything that will feed this glorious civilization others as steel beds whatever that is there's all kinds of stuff what is this raw mutton hang around bowl of water look at all the food carrots all this is amazing oh there's clay clay in there and tons of carrots wow this is promising we may live to old age the elder is going to die there is no chance for his survival you could see his grizzled face his scraggly beard oh also the thing that's cool is that you never know what you're going to look like when you grow up so you could be a bald you could have a full head of hair you could be blond you could be a dark-haired boy or girl you can be whatever you want but as of right now things are looking pretty good for us I planted some stuff we just need to start watering them but I think what I'm gonna do this time is let us get a little bit older so that we can go from place to place without all they have water actually sitting around here holy crap we can actually do this while we're here at this place I found a once-great civilization everyone inside of it however is currently dead there is no one left just a bunch of shafts and bows and things that nature I could have sworn I saw a seed around here I'm out right now right here here here oh thank god a carrot seed I'm out right now looking to get our area seated because no one had enough seeds to keep us all alive so all grace out here trying to get that frickin farming done and grabbing berries every once in a while let's try and stay alive get this carrot see if I can bring this back home to mom Oh things will be so much better all right we got some seeds we got clay bowl over here now we just need to fill it up with some water and then we can get those seeds starting to sprout right over here we got water go ahead and grab it I told you man this crap is hardcore we are literally like just on the cusp of potentially dying again from starvation all right there we go water that now we just have to find something to feed ourselves with before we die of starvation yet again oh oh my god I found a berry tree oh there's so many berries well there's enough to keep me alive for right now okay there's a string up here or a threat up here as well so there's a couple of items laying around over here I've just this random place where everyone died there's nobody left up here this place is completely abandoned but there's some items that possibly we can use for our colony I'm looking for more potential seeds as well there's baskets over here inside the baskets there's a sharp stone I'm actually gonna use these baskets let's take this sharp stone we don't need any more of those I'm gonna take all these berries and bring them down and try and save the colony that way if we can if I can find more carrot seeds though that's really gonna help right now I think you're gonna put three things inside the basket so we'll put three berries in there I'm gonna keep looking for more seeds okay the seeds that I plant it looks like they're growing so things are turning out okay we also have some milk weeds over here that we can use actually I'm gonna take one right now because we can turn this into a rope that we can use to then hunt for other stuff oh we got a loin cloth over here let's could put this on right quick we got a fur hat over here and we'll put this on as well I've actually got some clothing now we need to find more seeds though I think we're out of women in this colony too that's a problem because if we're completely out of women there's not gonna be a way to repopulate the area we'll figure something out I guess Oh what the hell is this what is this area was this all wait was this part of us I don't think it was because we're we're off to the west I have no idea what this area is there's just a random area over here there's a there's a bow drill there's all kinds of forges oh that's a forge that's not a kiln that's a forge holy crap um and then there's like just wall down here and some other stuff all right I got to keep looking for seeds though for the people there's an arrowhead over there all right found some extra berries over here so since we're going on an expedition we're gonna put these in here and take them with us and keep kind of looking you can see wall steaks something something going on over here I don't know if there's a if that's a creature or what I think that was a creature running around I don't know if that was a person oh it's a wolf holy balls yeah I don't want none of that wolf will beat our ass I don't have a bow or anything like that to to fight for our lives with so we're just gonna have to keep kind of looking for food right now there are a lot of berries down here though so that's pretty fortunate that we happen to have all this stuff but to keep the colony surviving we need to continue to find more freakin seeds I have traveled for ages someone's been harvesting wheat down here I have traveled for ages looking searching for delicious seeds there's threshed wheat down here a lot of rabbit holes that we could be using to hunt and oh oh right there that's what we're looking for carrot seed heads okay this is big I'm gonna eat this I'm gonna put that over there we're gonna grab this put it in here this is exactly what we were looking for oh my god oh it's amazing we're gonna single-handedly save the entire colony we need to get back home I think I have one berry left in here it should keep us alive if we can get these seeds back we'll be able to plant those crops and assuming people don't freaking eat the crops out and leave some of the some of the carrots left so that they can flower we'll have more and more see oh here we go here we go here we go rare rare this is perfect is this is this our original colony yeah this is us this is us okay this is good right put this down Hey oh crap seat it okay water it there we go and seed it and is there any extra water just kind of laying around I mean I can get more it's not a big deal we definitely have no water shortage it was just a frigging food shortage I found more seeds I planted them far south they are yes I crap yes I water to come come my children let us continue it be the farmers that we always knew we could be all right now where the hell they're right over here really there we go wet planted seats okay all as well we're doing we're gonna do it so far so good if I could get some rabbits if there's a snare around here let's see we got a short shaft tied skewer I mean I guess we could make our own snare um but if there's one just laying around could probably use that and even do some some rabbit hunting oh this madam says that there's a snare yes she's been working hard now we need to make sure that we only do family holes as long as you do family holes the rabbits will continue to repopulate now you're gonna watch in our natural habitat as we stand like three feet from the rabbit hole and then the rabbit looks sadly there you go one dead rabbit this colony is gonna thrive I swear it it does I don't care what it takes we're gonna make this work there's another rabbit for you folks keep keep cooking up rabbits and whatnot all Grey's gonna freakin cull the population of rabbits down a little bit over here alright I think a look at this another rabbit family whole set that right there let that go we can get feathers from the geese to to potentially make arrows but let's go over here and grab ourselves a carrot real quick just to get something to eat this so we don't like suddenly die and like I said you want to save some of these carrots around so that you have flowers in the end but damn it it takes a long time for the carrots fly up this tree right over here needs water on it let's grab a clay bowl because if those trees get dry they don't produce anything now that's as low as you want to get this you can take two I think bowls from every little watering hole any more than that and you can screw yourself over real bad ah because then they don't refill no more and I don't know how long it friggin takes them to regenerate alright we got a rabbit over here he's looking very sad he's depressed and there he is he just kicked a freaking bucket rabbit down we should probably get ourselves a backpack too because a backpack will make it slap we don't have to keep like running back and forth we just want to item in our hand another rabbit family must die for the cause this is clay by the way over here that's how they're getting all the bowls and the plates and stuff you dig this out like and then you can look this one's empty but when it's piled you can dig it out and then you can bring it back to your kiln and you can go ahead and cook it up and make plates and bowls and all kinds of crazy crap with it let's go and grab another rabbit over here and bring them back over to the group come on rabbit you know what to do yeah I'm sorry buddy but you know someone has to go down to Chinatown so that the colony over here can continue to thrive grandpa died so I'm taking his glorious backpack and all of his items and his shirt there we go I now have everything that grandpa once had I have all the clothes I have a knife over here so we're doing pretty good we just have to continue to skin rabbits and stuff like that and get more food and more meat now mom over here mentioned and this is very saddening we are completely out of women she's too old to give birth any longer so now the cotton less somewhat appears out of nowhere and Leslie nice woman appears out of nowhere to become part of the colony over here we're pretty much screwed but it's fine we will continue to harvest these lands until the end oh never mind we're fine we've given someone's given birth to a glorious child I will find more seeds because that is what I do I go off into the distance my children so that we continued at Wow there's a lot of seats but they're all milkweed that's the only problem we need frickin carrot seeds alright we've taken three berries with us we got our backpack we've got full clothing temperature meter is good let us go far to the south so that we may find more glorious seeds for the cause what sort of odd civilizations will we pass as we continue to wander far and wide a lot of wheat down here too actually there is a lot of wheat down here this is fantastic there's all right over here glorious carrot seeds there we go one carrot seed oh I can't fit any more okay let's take our backpack off Oh let me start let me just kind of move everything around here all right we've got the seeds so this is kind of a thing though you got to think about like I'm spending all my time right now keeping the farms going and stuff like that if you have someone doing this other people kind of like need to continue to invent new items and make more glorious things but for right now I'm kind of doing this maybe the next time we'll work on like the forge and stuff like that but for the moment let's go ahead and get a bunch of stuff planted here we go bunch of seeds hey let's go over here oh this is Barry this is Barry good put that down over there for right now we need the rest of these seeds praise our luck I found three carrot seeds and thus we shall continue to thrive and survive in ways that would make other people very very jealous I saw mention on the conde uh the forum for this game that it is punishingly difficult like some people are just so annoyed at how difficult it is and I totally get it but if you can kind of like get in an area that's a little bit established and you can work hard to continue to make sure at that area thrives you could do pretty well no joke all right now we made a string over here so we can take this string and we can take this string and now we have a rope and then if we get a u shaft we can actually make a bow now someone already has a bow but I kind of feel like I want to do it just for us to like get some more technological stuff done let's see that's a home marker over there let's see if we can get that's a maple tree oh here we go you chew a you a tree let's go ahead and grab this shaft let's see if we can go ahead make something real quick go and bring this over here drop it on down I think if we use the sharp stone do this there we go now we use this shaft and we use this rope perhaps oh we need to do the Rope first okay rope there we go we out of freakin bo boys now we just need to make some arrows open the other milkweed is done - you want to make sure to get it while it's fruiting like that this way this way it can tip the seeds continue to go into the ground and stuff so we've got milkweed milkweed there's another thread for us just in case we ever need it all right we're gonna try and make ourselves an arrow right now there's already a bow and arrow but I kind of want to make our own instead of using one that's already been given to us so for right now we need to find a pond with a duck in it the only issue is if everyone's been killing all the ducks there's no ducks in any of these friggin ponds oh here we go here we go over here well I think it's a goose technically but whatever there we go grab that gooses crap that's not what I wanted to do grab that gooses feather there we go okay so now we got the feather let's go back over by our skewer because we're gonna have to attach that to the skewer and then make an arrowhead and put that on as well okay I had to make a tied skewer then I had to use a sharp stone on a piece of flint and make an arrowhead then I had to use a piece of Flint on some fletchings and then make these fletchings and there we go we've done it we've made an arrow to go along with our bow assuming I can find out where the hell I put my there it is there it is there it we've done it we're a true mighty hunter now I have crafted a glorious bow oh look at these carrots over here there's seating okay let's go ahead and pick these seeds because then we'll be able to seed this area once more with brand-new carrots oh it's so glorious oh my god right put that in there and put that seeded carrot head in there and now we have to do is just fill up with some more water we're getting a little bit of hungry but I think we're gonna be okay since we're an older grown man now we're able to get some stuff done without dying immediately it's friggin fantastic it's phowa nice look at this a nice watering hole right over here go ahead and bring it so we got a little bit of Technology done we made ourselves our own bow and arrow how you like that crap there we go go ahead and water that man there is plenty of food for the group nowadays now that we have a bow and arrow we must go forth and use it for greatness and glory as long as someone continues to water all this crap over here hold on let's go ahead and eat some berries right quick here we go it's good and make sure that this stays watered because we don't want that to just die and now what we'll do is we'll take some berries we'll put it in our backpack over here we'll take maybe two berries we'll grab our bow and arrow and we'll find what glorious things we can bring back for the group onward we fear nothing now with our bow and arrow at the ready all nature's creatures are simply food for us I think I've never hunted a wolf before what in the hell is that it is just a bunch of goo laying on the ground some other poor woodland creature was unable to survive in this brutal freakin land oh I hear something I hear wolf right that wolf must die I think we got him we shot the wolf he's bleeding he's bleeding he's limping around he's sad and depressed and then the wolf is dead give me back my freaking arrow you scumbag piece of garbage pull the arrow out with the arrow over there oh we need a Flint chip for this okay let me grab this bow in this arrow and we'll head back home so this is to the northwest we'll see if we can find a Flint chip and skin this thing up here we go we got a flint ship over here I'm gonna go ahead and throw this down I don't know why I grabbed that let's uh we have some berries in our backpack to you so let's go ahead and eat those right quick all right here's the wolf we killed Oh oh yeah put that crap back in there so now we have a wolf skin needle and thread we could make a wolf hat that's freaking awesome and on top of that we have wolf meat so let's go ahead and bring this back all right I've got a needle and thread now so I think I can make this into a wolf skin hat hold on let me try this oh I'm sorry I just poked that friggin creature right in the butt there we go there it is we're wearing a frickin wolf on our head with a domestic Maul fun sitting around oh it's glorious now let us go get the delicious skin of the well not the skin the delicious meat of that wolf and bring it home with us oh but first let's grab our bow and arrow because I want to make sure that the civilization lives on with this bow in this arrow so they too may all become mighty Slayers of nature it sounds terrible but again it's just it's just sort of a good survive man oh maybe you can't take the wolf meat I never thought about this but maybe it's just for the skin maybe it's just to wear it like a friggin hat you can't actually utilize the rest of it all right we've got a wheelbarrow now I'm gonna go ahead and bring this over here and start getting some water because the big issue is is that a lot of the crops are drying out because they don't have enough friggin water on them so let's go do that man we've done everything we've been a hunter we've been a gatherer we've done it all man let's go ahead and grab this don't fill her up I'm put her inside I'm the other one fill it up not too don't want to do it too much there we go let's grab this bring it on back none she'll starve on this day four we have done it we have crafted a glorious civilization filled with food and happiness I'm gonna take this milkweed though because we could always use more frigging rope as the village elder we must continue to care for all of the young ones for soon it will be our time to die but not yet we still have a little bit of life left in us so I will continue to put more and more carrot seeds out so that everyone can enjoy them no joke I totally didn't expect us to freaking do this well I can't believe this this it was very fortunate that we happen to come across these people people that kind of know what they're doing and don't mind working together for a common cause over here these guys are all frigging heroes glad I skipped it crap let us continue to water all of the seed beds there we go I've just told these two children that soon I must go however what I do I know this means but to take up my bow and arrow and continue the hunt never give up never surrender make sure that the wilderness knows who the friggin King is it's us we're going out for one last time boys let us grab our bow and arrow and seek one more creature to teach who's freaking the boss in this lands an adorable little rabbit I don't think we can shoot it though that's good I'm not sure if you click on it if you shoot the rabbit or what like from here can we shoot this rabbit now it just runs away into its hole okay so you need a snare for the rabbit for sure oh there's a ton of dead rabbits over here just laying dead oh crap uh I guess I don't need to hunt nothing I'll just put this bow back pick up the rabbits bring them back in and if we get a fire going that would be fantastic I don't know if we'll be able to do though I'm gonna see if we can do it but I the fire takes like 30 steps to start man I'll put a little bit of water on there to help these guys out there we go and put it back over here as we do all right we could make a little bit more threat over here so let everyone can utilize it should they need it let us see if our old tired bodies can still go and get the the snares so let the people can still utilize the snares we got tons of carrots around here I'm just going to take one go ahead and eat it there we go all right let's see if we can grab the snares for the young ones odwar victory oh wow they're still using the snares look at this there's a dead rabbit right there I'll grab this snare can we put it in our backpack no I'm gonna go ahead and bring this back and then I'll bring the rabbit back for everyone look at all these rabbits I wonder if we can skin it with this knife let's check it out oh yeah oh yeah oh there we go huh another gooey rabbit skinned oh there's one more perfect glorious alright we put our rabbit on a skewer come over here by these coals there we go perfect oh we're cooking rabbits boys we're cooking freaking rabbits big-time oh let me grab this fur move this over here grab the skewer put the rabbit on it freaking perfect cook it up yes perfect Oh perfect this is great now there's meat for everyone everyone can enjoy delicious rabbit meats and there it is we died at sixty years old of old age and our frickin the lands live on that's actually really cool so that's awesome so if nothing else we managed to get a boat unfurl our people the crops are just working out fantastically we didn't really advance stuff that much other than like the bow we didn't get any kind of iron or steel or anything done but I think that we did pretty good getting to sixty years old I think is a real it's a real way to figure out just how deep and crazy this game is anyway guys hope you enjoyed it again links in the description below if you want to check the game out this game is absolutely insane and you may die many many many times before you have a good run but give it a shot and I think you're really gonna enjoy it because every single run is completely different so the next type folks stay foxy and much loved [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,475,751
Rating: 4.9183631 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, building simulator, construction, construction company simulator, tearing down buildings, building demolition, demolition new, survival, survival game, new survival game, one hour one life, one hour one life game, family friendly, one hour one life gameplay, one hour one life download, one hour one life crafting, one hour one life tutorial, the most extreme game, hardest survival game, online game, new online game 2018, strangest games, best games
Id: u3E9UtonhBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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