The most expensive words in the world.

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this video was sponsored by curiosity stream they say a picture is worth a thousand words but in order to know the value of a picture we need to know the value of a word when it comes to online advertising this won't this will be interesting I swear when it comes to online advertising there's a term called CPM and as you might imagine CPM stands for cost per thousand its cost per Mille I think meal is thousand in French it's basically the price of a thousand advertisement impressions on one web page so if YouTube says to me your CPM for this video is $2.00 then if I get 1,000 views I will get $2 that's how that works now the interesting thing is that not all internet advertisement pays the same some words are much much more valuable than others if someone is googling free pirate download hentai they're probably not going to be as willing to spend money as someone who is googling I want to give my car to someone the most expensive diamond plated shoes I am rice gun now it should include a rice gun reference he's pretty irrelevant now but because there are so many people doing this kind of thing we can put exact values on how much these words are worth and you will find articles like this one how does Google make its money the 20 most expensive keywords in Google Adwords so today we're gonna take a look at what those keywords are and why the hell they are so expensive and how much they cost how much it are these words worth at the top you're probably going to be getting stuff like mortgages when people are buying a house that's like the biggest amount of money they're going to be spending in their life generally generally speaking cars are generally one of the bigger expenses and all the Americans that are dying of various diseases and their government doesn't care enough to help them so medical stuff so that's what I'm guessing is up near the top what other expensive things are there holidays cruises I don't think there are that many people looking for cruises that's the other thing you've got to find stuff that everyone is looking for that's really expensive think that's what it comes down to that's my guess so here we go let's check it out insurance exciting these are key word categories okay so these aren't the specific top keywords they've looked at the top ten thousand keywords and categorized them alright so we can also look at literally the top after this they'll be interesting the percentage is the number of keywords in the top ten thousand keywords so twenty four percent of the most expensive words in the world are to do with insurance wait this is CPC that's not CPM this is cost per click so for a single click from someone searching for insurance for whichever the top keyword was it was fifty four dollars though if I go to Google now and I search for insurance and I click on this I just charged go compare fifty four dollars what the hell that's how valuable that is like these businesses would not be able to afford that if they didn't make more money than that next up we've got loans again these are all going to be spectacularly fascinating interesting words as dull as the words themselves are it's really interesting to understand which things are the most valuable concepts in the world people are willing to spend a lot of money on trying to offset risk trying not to be scared that they're gonna die and leave their family poor and that their car is gonna crash and they're gonna be stuck with a enough little bike and then after that you've got loans people who want to buy what are they got up here Oh graduate student loans so look at me I'm trying to get an education there are fixed home equity loan rates cheapest homeowner loans fixed-rate secured loans I'm really curious if Google's algorithm is gonna hear me saying these words and then just slap some of these adverts on my video and this will be like the most money I've ever made I'll let you know if that happens I'd be super curious and again this is cost per click and you click on whatever it comes up with that's actually lower per click than mortgage as well I suppose mortgages massive loans like really big ol expensive loans there's more people looking for them in general than there are people looking for them to buy their house that must be why this is a small piece of the pie ah the fact was student loans is up there is pretty sad all those countries that have free education up to college just just folding their arms right now laughing in German then you got the the bigger houses after that you got people getting sued Oh interesting attorney I wonder if solicitor is up here in England we call them solicitors instead of lawyers or attorneys I think I'm not an expert they haven't put attorney and lawyer under the same thing is that different in the US attorney and lawyer are normally considered synonyms yeah this is the same thing I should have classified them together credit just credit it's just credit cards and credit scores what do people buy on credit buy a new television buy a big ol leq LED oh wait I can't afford it oh no I'm in debt for the rest of my life oh no I'm paying thousands of dollars that I wouldn't have had to if I waited a little while and that's that's what these companies are investing in their $36 to exploit someone for thousands of dollars that's a decent deal it's them is their choice it's just the education perhaps isn't always there that's my point donate there we go that's that's something I would have expected up their donations I remember hearing that there are sites for donating cars and stuff and there'll be a lot of free money degree Oh education is big money yeah $40 for someone looking to get a degree what the hell hosting is this seriously that much money in buying internet hosting or is it just super competitive because internet hosting people are gonna use internet advertising more Christ I didn't realize it was that profitable I guess I've stuck with the same company for ages they were pretty bad Hostgator don't go with them don't go with them in this stupid little krokodil conference call what the hell who the hell is paying for conference calls and why don't they just use frickin discord or skype why do people pay for conference cool sorry let's rephrase this why do old people pay for conference calls study nobody is paying attention on your conference call more than 60% of intercourse respondents admitted to doing other work or sending an email while on a conference call maybe there is a reason and I'm totally missing it I'd be curious to know in the comments if anyone works in business or has some will know someone who does who thinks a conference call is a better option than freaking saying hey hey are you on disk or did you see their creepy emojis they're way too enthusiastic this is not a normal little smile this could sort it out sometimes I just want to be friendly rather than hey recovery how is this data recovery this when your freakin hard drive bricks and you're like oh god oh god I just spent months on that video and it's all gone I need to spend however much money to get it back oh no my essay was on there it's due in in three days please oh god please be there some nerd that can help me out or mental health recovery okay so that could be both we're not certain yet okay let's let's just power through these last ones then look at these specifics because I feel like these are too vague right now most expensive one we found so far then is still insurance right at the top gas and electricity fair cuz you're gonna be sticking with those companies forever because no one could be bothered to change them rehab that's sad I wish all these ones were not there and I wish it was free to everyone because that would be nice cord blood what is cord blood for cord blood is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth it's collected because it contains stem cells which can be used to treat him a but he he meant to put hematopoietic pointing he met a boy dick see this is interesting I would have no idea what cord blood was if it wasn't for the fact that it was so expensive apparently so let's find the specific terms most expensive search terms in the world surpassing $200 per click what the hell mesothelioma cancelled Virginia mesothelioma lawyers Hawaii masu what the hell is mesothelioma the lawyers jump up here in the ads as well what is this a type of cancer that develops in the lining that covers the outer source surface of some of the body's organs ah it's usually linked to asbestos exposure so if some freaking place has asbestos you can make a crap ton of money from it if you've been diagnosed with asbestos related disease we can help you take the first steps in making a claim today there are strict rules in place to regulate the use of asbestos as it has been found to cause permanent damage and illness because of the dangerous fibers which are contained in the dust like that that's the thing that's you can make the most money out of if someone is searching for it because that's what this comes down to right if they are paying a lot to get the keyword then they must be able to make even more than that from the people searching for it we all know it's ridiculously expensive to live in San Francisco because it's an amazing place to live what is the Google AdWords equivalent of San Francisco Business Services that's actually looking pretty low after the freaking cancer lawyer thing here Oh though we just found the vague thing to search business services Bail Bonds that's for jail right form of bail payments provided on it what a dumb thing for me to say a bail bond is for jail yeah I heard that bonds are like a bad idea in general and there's better methods that's a lot of money in that Christ casino that's one that I would have expected to be higher up just like hey do you want to give a company a bunch of money let's go to a casino I've only ever been to one casino before Maximo faux took me it was it was quite an experience I just kept like seeing all these things and thinking none of these are worth doing this is this just likes mathematically guaranteeing that we will lose money if we do it for long enough but he was all like gnar it's fun one thing I do remember is that I'd say 90% of the people in that casino were Asian old Asian women so that's a part of their culture I guess the pachinko thing in Japan I'm trying to think what old white women do instead of going to the casino die Asset Management is that like after you die oh it's for investments okay oh my god this is the vaguest crap ever refers to a sister systematic approach to the governance and realization of value from the things that a group or entity is responsible for that's so vague the freaking predatory payday loan those loans where it's like yeah you can have you can have a hundred pounds to tide you over till your next work there you just got to pay me 20 grand next week medical coding services what doctors are coding I haven't figured it out in less than one minute this is too long this is a way prettier website which socially come for this quickly got a little graphics and everything a little piggy bank okay what do they go for rehab psychic no no no ho Y $43 per click so if I just Google psychic now these freakin psychic readings ten minutes for $1.99 what a deal I just charged them $40 well let's just frickin break your business you stupid predatory piece of never mind sorry I'm getting a little carried away I'm not a fan of people who exploit people who are trying to talk to their dead freakin sorry deep breaths plumber I know a plumber is finally it is hard to get a good plumber fair enough online gambling is its own freaking thing that's interesting a regular casino people looking for those is 55 whereas an online casino is 32 so people looking for real casinos are probably gonna be spending more money than people looking for online casino that's interesting hair transplant I've been thinking about getting a hair transplant oh yeah didn't musk get one of those yeah when you're a billionaire that's a good way to spend it that's a hell of a hell of a difference is that how they do it uh uh what makes these keywords so expensive people have a bad problem they really need to fix now Bail Bonds yet they're in prison they've got they've got someone suing them termites you say I got this or sick meme bro sick meme filling your hopes and dreams and addictions it's a weird thing to class together yeah a degree and casinos so is the UK different oh my god in the UK casino is number one and it's more money followed by online gambling I'm so proud of this community and so proud of my country right now why is it so different internet and telecom vo vehicle tracking elderly health there's a lot of old people in England video production wait I would be the one paying for that that means people really want work for video production that means I can get it for cheaper yes I've actually looked at this kind of stuff it's so hard to find someone to work with when you're doing something creative that like that like they have the right they have the same kind of ideas as you racking racking this is just like building a spice rack come on I want to see a big old list of all these random ass terms and get confused here we go yes this is the kind of thing they've done the UK and the u.s. nine hundred and thirty five dollars for best mesothelioma lawyer' that's so much more than the next one as well look how much of this is to do with legal stuff there are some legal concepts that are just so easy to profit from I guess truck accidents in Dallas and Houston so if you're in Texas and you're in a truck accident you can probably make a ton of money car accident 18-wheeler accident ouch don't think you're gonna be getting that many people coming out of an accident with an 18-wheeler tons of accident lawyers that's why you get so many others bloody adverts everywhere they make so much money data security news that's a different one like that's just looking for information that's not even selling anything and in the UK a gambling again what the hell I was just looking like yeah okay so best mesothelioma lawyer' nearly a thousand dollars per click how much could they possibly be making that it's that valuable to find someone looking for it a mesothelioma and asbestos awareness Center says the average mesothelioma settlement amounts for between 1 million and 1.4 million with trial verdicts falling around 2.4 million dollars and the biggest one was 250 million dollars okay I feel like I've learned a lot today so in conclusion I am turning my channel into a casino if you would like to bet please bet in the comments below in this casino casino casino casino casino casinos exploit people and take their money I just realize the kind of irony of having broke add in the name of your casino since I'm in the UK I'm off to do some gambling now then alright see you in the gutter me I'm well smart now let me tell you something hello Dave Oh what is it Wow Java string on curiosity stream are you stirring those shoes mate you really don't like my shoes oh no they're gross what did you see I saw this one video how about these shoes still awful you got another pair how much further pair of light-up shoes I actually won't you know that but you are wise with money what was the bloody video about all right all right no need to [ __ ] sweat if you're watching your back head anyway if you know anything about me you know I deal with a lot of unwanted blood what well thanks to curiosity streams over 2400 documentaries and nonfiction titles from some of the world's best filmmakers including exclusive originals I found a solution to my bloody problem and currently more than a little worried it was a documentary called the science of everyday living talks about how things you do everyday work like clean blood stain out of a shirt or cleaning fingerprints awful wind are you ignoring me maybe I don't like having conversations with people who don't appreciate good Footwear me it's not just it shows how to do these things it shows why explaining the science on a micro scale always wondered how it was so hard to get blood out with warm water and now I know thanks to science are you sure this is the most relevant documentary to reference there's one's about AI in space and the future so if you two want to make sure that Volodya is completely gone or what's a slightly different documentary then you can get unlimited access for just $2.99 a month and first for you one day's completely free just sign up with curiosity streamcon slash forking dave-o and use promo code for King Dave oh what's your main Thank You Dave oh you're welcome me I want you to have these shoes why well I've been stealing a lot of money from you lately I feel like it's time to give something back thank you no no thank you thank you now I got to go clean up a lot of blood bye hey what's up gamers no see time this week cuz I got nothing wrong
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 658,245
Rating: 4.9579701 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, most expensive words, cpm, mortgage, loan, insurance, mesothelioma, lawyer, cord blood, gambling, casino, attourney, online casino, uk, us, advertising, valuable, expensive, money, business services, texas, accident, student loan
Id: Oc6IL3D2MsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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