Elon Musk's AI company is kinda terrifying

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this videos possible Costa stream hello everybody welcome back to another Kickstarter crap today we're gonna be taking a look at artificial intelligence more specifically we're gonna see what kind of stuff it's been learning to do in the past few years I got this tweet from someone showing me EMU's net a neural network which discovered how to generate music using many different instruments and styles so I was curious what this was but I haven't looked at it yet so let's take a look it was not explicitly programmed with our understanding of music but instead discovered patterns of harmony rhythm and style by learning to predict the next token in hundreds of thousands of MIDI files this is not unlike what my boy Keri KH did I discovered carry because he trained AI to make music this is one of those instances where the YouTube algorithm pushed me something awesome so you can hear there it's like okay this this actually sounds like Baroque music yeah it's messing up a couple of moments but this is crazy that artificial intelligence can generate its own music if you give it enough stuff to learn from this was 2017 where are we couple years later through May 12th we're inviting everyone to try out our prototype Muse net powered music generation tool oh hell yeah first let's take a listen to some of these samples see where we're starting well no one would be able to guess that that was made by AI that's so cool [Music] okay apart from the terrible drum samples in that again musically I would have no clue that that was artificially generated wicked bad joke kazoo music tell me that this does not fit they didn't even need to pay for a musician in that game anymore okay so we have a bunch of different styles we can choose from different intros okay I know silent night so is this going to use the beginning notes of Silent Night because if so that's kind of cheating working off that is still pretty impressive look imagine if you just had to give an artificial intelligence a riff and then it turned the whole thing to a song right okay it's such a nice cord this is like an automatic YouTube video generator it's Christmastime everybody let's do a cover of frickin Silent Night in the style of Lady gaga okay that just sounds like a generic ballot but then I guess he does kind of generic ballads more recently so in the style of Disney do Fleur Elise that's so weird I don't think I'm quite feeling it yeah so forget the cover thing so much for my big moment of excitement mer let's take a listen to it making a country music from scratch okay guitar bass drums and piano sure start so an original country music song just what I want right Billy Ray Cyrus let's hear what you got sick I was seeing where you were going with that perhaps not the best samples in the world to pick ignoring the fact for a second that this is terrible MIDI instruments that sound nothing like real instruments that's actually not far off the style so if some producer would team up with the team like this surely that would allow them to just auto-generate really well-mixed country music or like music of any genre [Music] this doesn't sound spectacular but that's only because of the bad samples does that sound like Rachmaninoff I'm not familiar with his work there's a love sweeping piano there hey it just sounds like a be an angry little B so concluding this it's pretty interesting they can get the instrumentation right they just need to team up with someone who knows what they're doing when it comes to the actual production aspect of it that's so interesting what businesses could you make with that let's take a look at what else open AI is doing open AI was co-founded by Elon Musk motivated in part by concerns about existential risk from artificial general intelligence they're trying to understand AI so they can try and develop it more safely that's the hope there's one thing I know they've done which I'll show you in a bit which is bloody crazy but I want to see what else first okay so robotic hand what so they've trained it to move a cube like that in its hand here a robot has learned to rotate a block into any orientation we'd like we show it many different variations of the world where the rules are slightly different every time what wait this was trained artificially they didn't just do this in the real world over and over again they did this artificially over and over again and then translated that information to the real world our system can learn to manipulate objects of all kinds of shapes without okay yeah well I I can do that I can do that see it's not just the rope we can solve more and more complex tasks in the future so that we can go even further beyond what today's hand programmed robots can do yeah well can it do this with all yeah I don't think so [Music] Oh P it does seem pretty Opie you can make some memes of that hand rotating the block to different letters there that's let's be careful which letters okay how a I training scales trying to understand this looks pretty yeah I think this is a little bit out of my brain grade right in how better language models due to our concerns about malicious applications of this technology we're not releasing the trained model what problems could be caused by that so this artificial intelligence is given this prompt human written prompt in a shocking finding scientists discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote previously unexplored valley in the Andes Mountains even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the unicorn spoke perfect English so that was the quote the prompt it was given and then the artificial intelligence wrote the scientists named the population after their distinctive horn Ovid unicorn these four horned silver white unicorns were previously unknown to science now after almost two centuries the mystery of what sparked this odd phenomenon is finally solved what the hell this reads well obviously it's a nonsense concept but like if there was a freaking onion article on unicorns this is plausible what it would be like dr. George Perez an evolutionary biologist how did it even so it's detected that unicorn and biologist must be related in some way from the University and the biologists are from universities of La Paz and several companions were exploring the Andes Mountains when they found a small valley with no other animals or humans how do we find these unicorns Perez and the others then ventured further into the valley by the time we reached the top of one peak the water looked blue with some crystals on top said Perez Perez and his friends were astonished to see the unicorn herd so it knows that unicorns are in herds these creatures could be seen from the air without having to move too much to see them they were so close they could touch their horns this is really well done holy crap this is fascinating I was sitting there on opene I thinking oh what's this the language models were they slightly better Google Translate now and here we are just reading a convene singly written article by an artificial intelligence oh wow reading comprehension on other language tasks like question answering reading comprehension summarization and translation we are able to get surprising results without any fine-tuning of our models so they've trained it to answer questions they got it to answer questions on this paragraph this data set first question was what was the theme the Olympics was run with the theme of one world one dream they artificial intelligence could correctly identify one world one dream what was the length of the race that's so impressive because it doesn't specifically say race it says relay and it doesn't say the relay was this it says they carried the torch this so it's been able to interpret all of that accurately holy crap oh my god for being a lawyer this would be the most amazing thing like you get all these files or whatever of all the emails and everything that that company has ever sent and say hey have they done anything illegal and this can freaking find it out now I can understand what they're talking about with concerns about malicious applications of this technology machine translation translate French sentences into English yeah this is what I was assuming it would be is it good alright so here comes my perfect french area you know Mike speak a kilo per se on high - trachea v should be pushed on ye we permit a de travailler Nouveau one man explains that the free hernia surgery he'd received will allow him to work again I don't know where the word hernia Oh Ernie you pay me try at the table iron Nouveau will allow him to work again to have iron Nouveau I got an A in French how about that take that machine learning algorithm that you bet you can't pronounce it policy implications for malicious purposes including the following okay here we go ideas guys generate misleading news articles got that one impersonate others online oh my god you could give it Twitter and say generate the funniest things just generate funny content all the time and you could build a huge Twitter following could this be good for comedy automate the production of abusive or faked content to post on social media automate the production of spam or phishing content this is dangerous technologies are reducing the cost of generating fake content and waging disinformation campaigns the public at large will need to become more skeptical of the text they find online as the deep fakes phenomenon calls for more skepticism about images deep fakes are fascinating see I would never say these things at least not in a public address but someone else would someone Jordan people write that wasn't perfect but it's getting really close learning to read alright there are some good uses for deep fakes for sure wait that dancing ray was done that's so weird they were able to make this person look like she was dancing deep sex video emerges in a google search of your name where for that person almost impossible that's a good point when it comes to famous people people are going to assume that there are gonna be people crazy enough to want to make deep fakes whereas if someone made a fake porn video involving someone just that wasn't famous that would trash their reputation we're in a really weird time one thing you can do is to raise more awareness about it if someone gets attacked like that more people know to think okay this technology exists now there are people who are malicious enough to do this maybe this person did not do this certain thing then also the more you raise awareness for it the more people are able to do it but you can't stop technology if one person doesn't say it eventually it's gonna come out I think it's important for more people to know about it so someone drops a freaking viral video of I was gonna say Donald Trump doing something bad that that's not the best example of it having a significant impact so someone drops a viral video of Bernie Sanders punching a baby the day before an election then is that going to affect anyone's vote if it's convincing enough this got a lot more intense than I thought it would the thing that I was thinking of that opening eye has been were hang on more recently was kind of mind-blowing and I'm surprised it hasn't got more attention so open AI has been learning how to play dota 2 if you're not familiar with dota 2 massive game I think at least for a while it was one of the biggest games on Steam it's a MOBA game five people versus five people because this is such a popular game eSports and it is pretty huge and the people that player are obviously insanely good so open AI has been playing against professionals more recently and winning so at this point in the game the commentators who clearly have a lot of experience because they're commentators think it looks like a relatively even game open AI can see that they have a 95% chance of winning but it doesn't matter the creeps are on the agent GG is called an open AI take Game one big and then they go and win so they are seeing things that humans are not capable of seeing to understand situations better this type of a level and that's an incredibly complicated game this AI is looking at this dude thinking okay he's gonna blink over here so I'm gonna blink first that's crazy we're right at the start of this this is only going to get more and more impressive and scary I was really hoping this would be a fun video I've said this before in a video one of these right that skill is all AI it has cameras and sensors it does facial recognition inside here is three grams of shaped explosive I think you can see where this is going and well worth watching the full thing we currently have the technology to make drones that can do facial detection and that can explode on impact that's a scary combination to currently exist this video kind of shows where that goes with it so I hope we don't die there is a very real chance that we could all be in some kind of horrific dystopia if we're not careful however on the plus side we can listen to original journey music for the rest of our lives if we so wish so with the good comes the bad so with the bad comes the good thank you very much for tuning into my sermon cheers for watching and have a nice day Jesus I don't know how I feel hello mate Dave Oh could you please stop breaking and entering well spot leaving your windows open there so who's there mate you've got what your [ __ ] nerds watching you ain't ya yeah then say hello to curiosity stream made thousands of documentaries and nonfiction films from some of the world's best filmmakers including exclusive originals it's like [ __ ] nerd heaven but don't think you have to be a nerd to enjoy heard Valhalla and it's only two point nine nine dollars a month for me a family on the [ __ ] floor this morning what dollars me I'll cut you a [ __ ] deal just for you the first 31 days yet completely free just go to curiosity stream slash [ __ ] Bebo and useful promo code for keen Baby Bop really yeah all I'm worried like a tional quotes I really wonder how your emails go with these companies pretty [ __ ] well actually make those nicer well sound they gave me free entry to the site yeah I'm a celebrity and I was watching verse one about a dog was well good you knew this video is about AI right yeah did you consider showing one of the several AI documentaries they've got on there I considered it okay did you at least want to give more details about the dogs well now I don't want to [ __ ] to spoil it you haven't even told us the title okay fine one spoiler it's called manners first friend happy now you know I was watching that one it's the one about how humans and dogs were first into red don't spoil it me anyway okay walking Stephen Hawkings David Attenborough sigourney weaver's everyone on Vance well good so remember before you [ __ ] nurse watch another video head over to curiosity stream comms like walk-in day well well - you're reading what you can't threaten my audience in a sponsor segment [ __ ] watch me mate ah well that was weird [Music] today we're gonna be taking a look at the mistakes I made in the last video which as you all remember was English guy takes English citizenship too isn't it English guy takes British citizenship test now the first thing I wanted to tell when I was looking for the the kind of comments to correct all the stupid things I said in that video and there were a lot of stupid things I had to look in the new comment section rather than the top comment section for them so I just want to clarify don't be afraid to evoke the things that are telling me that I'm an idiot are pointing out things that are wrong and also for the people who are calling me out can you be funnier because then he'll people will vote it national anthem god save the queen' can only be played in the presence of the Queen is the Queen here no Dave plays national anthem the Queen teleports behind him Dave Nonis that's a solid little meme tell her it's not teaching me how much of an idiot I am if you can do both that'll be awesome don't be afraid to give a thumbs up to one of the things saying I'm an idiot I thought this one was interesting yeah you saw that Jesus came back on Good Friday I'm not the best Christian sorry where would they call it Good Friday yeah I thought I had a good point there why would you call it Good Friday if Jesus died on it well well pickle educated me it's called that because Goods first meaning was used as Holy so it actually means Holy Friday I didn't know that have we got a source no okay a pickle the Oxford English Dictionary states that good in this context refers to a day or season observed as Holy by the church yes pickle was right thanks pickle dude your English history is so badly Mau you should have read more Horrible Histories in your youth I am an English person proceeds to wave British flag I saw a lot of things but I think that's a bit of stupid to say because I mean it's still a fly the English one is in there it's quite a place I mean one with the one that like captured all the other ones your own personal preference Sajid Javid is a [ __ ] thank you we got one data point there no you're right so did you hope it is a more okay two data points I think that's enough solid evidence yeah I'm trying to think of an Americanism now dude did you see that nollie wave there are multiple accents in the u.s. not just a stereotypical surfer dude wrong next ok Viking so they're from Norway right Swedish had Norwegian Danish first I was looking up who who the Vikings were and I ignored the Danish people and the Icelandic sumimasen my Danish friends I didn't mean to not include you in the bloodthirsty pillaging gang serious yeah I used to file their teeth since it into a point so it's like I'm doing this to myself watch think I'll do to you oh my gosh maybe I should be more careful around these people oh they're lovely now is what are the forty days before Easter called another bloody religious question quiz what did the two following religious communities celebrate Diwali this is fascinating perhaps this helps with integrating with other cultures nice one they have nice one I wasn't surprised to see the question about Christianity in this because Christianity is such a strong part of English history but I was surprised to see other religions mentioned in this test so I was fascinated to oh like is this the reason that they're including these religions in the test rather than trying to push a religion onto other people the probably the stupidest thing I said Hitler wasn't German he was Austrian we all know we all know this I apologize to Germany he's a bad man Hitler becomes a German ah Hitler became a citizen so that person's wrong I was right Hitler was a German after all shift us thank you very much for joining me in this episode of oopsie time at the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it I have a pretty cool top on I just wanted to show off these zips just for watching and have a nice day and this was Hannah bye hey don't forget curiosity scream
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 651,498
Rating: 4.9523478 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, elon musk, openai, ai, artificial intelligence, meme, elon musk ai, 2019, open ai, dota 2, music, deep fakes, deepfakes, funny, interesting, facts
Id: tRRfykAF5VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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