The Most Efficient Tiny Hut Valheim Build Guide

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another informational valheim video today i'm going to show you how to build this little universal hut that you see behind me that you can use in all kinds of different ways let's get to it so as you can see behind me this hut has a very small footprint but it packs a lot of power inside of it i've crammed pretty much everything you would need inside here for a ford operating base you have storage you have a bed you have the fermenter you have max upgrade stations here so you have max upgrade workbench and you have max upgrade forge on top of that there's room for a portal and all the different cooking needs that you could possibly want and on top of all that we have an almost completely maxed out resting buff we have the 16 of the current max of 17 that you can get without a maple and the best thing about it is this thing is super easy to throw up and you don't need a lot of space so you don't have to level a ton of land so we're just gonna go over here to this spot here this looks like a good spot we're gonna grab our hoe and we're gonna start flattening the land so we're just gonna go like this and it doesn't have to be like super super flat either you can just go quick and dirty like we've done here so there you go that's it that's about all you have to flatten and you're good to go now the next thing you're going to do is you're going to come over here to your building well of course i'm going to be building this in creative because it's a tutorial but obviously you're going to want to throw down a workbench somewhere obviously then you want to come over here and grab your wood beams so you're just going to find a location here if you didn't take the time to make it super flat find a higher location so something like here looks like it might be a little bit higher and i want the hut to be lined up this way so i'm just going to take my first straight piece this is going to be where my door is and we are going to just place a beam like that now what we're going to do is we're going to stick a beam to the side and we're just going to rotate in one like that and you're just going to do that all the way around and eventually you will create a perfect circle well a perfect circle for this this game anyway okay so there we go we have our circle now what we're going to do is we're going to place down the floor floor is super simple you're just going to do the exact same thing you're going to attach a floor piece then you're going to look at the next one beside of it you're going to rotate one rotate one and just do that all the way around on your first pass and then you should have a ring that looks like this now what you're going to do is you're going to look for that first piece right here that we that we place down you can see how it highlights there and we're just going to attach a piece to that and then we're gonna do the same thing for the one right across from it so right there and then the same for the one across from that one so right there and so on and so on until we have that situation now what we can do is we can just go in here and put these pieces in and we're going to leave the place out of the center of course for our fire and there we go so now we have room for our fire now we're going to do the walls so this is going to be where our door is so i'm just going to use this door here because it's designed for this door because that's the door that i like and now what we're going to do for the walls is of course the same thing that we've been doing we're just going to go through here and quickly slap one wall on each piece of that frame now we're gonna go back through and do the same thing but with the wood half wall so we're gonna go up here and we're gonna snap that in and we're just gonna take the wood half wall around okay now it's time to put in the roof pieces so we use the 45 degree roof pieces and of course you're going to do the same thing that you did before on your with everything else on your first pass so you're just going to go around and line a single roof piece up with each of our wall segments here now when you get to the door it won't snap there so to fix that all you have to do is just grab one of your beams and just put a beam across the door like that and then you can go back to the roof piece and you can see the roof piece snaps right in there now what we're going to do is take this same roof piece and we're going to go around the top so if we just snap it right in there and you can see as we go around the top here we can simply snap each of the pieces to the ones below them it's a little finicky but it's not too hard to do and there we go we have completed our roof so now we have the main part of this done we can take a look here as we go around the outside it looks good but of course now we can't really place a fire here because if we were to place a fire and it would rain the fire is not covered and we still need to vent smoke and that's really easy to do all we have to do is come over here and grab these little 26 degree thatch pieces and i like to line it up with the sides here so everything's nice and symmetrical so we'll just stand here we'll place one there and then we'll place another one here at the top of our wall segments and then we're going to do the same thing again so we're just going to place another set on each side and then you want to grab the 26 degree what's this called the roof ridge the roof ridge and you're going to snap that like so that leaves that protects our fire and leaves room for the smoke to get out as you see over here smoke's coming out the top with no problem now i advise not putting in your fire until you are done because the smoke is going to get in the way of you trying to do a bunch of the stuff with the crafting stations over here so i advise waiting for that okay now let's start setting up the interior the first thing we're going to do is we're going to put down our workbench and we're going to line that up with the back like that and then what we can do from there is a grab our with the floor pieces and we're going to snap those like that and then if we look at the side here we can connect more so then you're just going to spin that in one so that it lines up with the back and then do the same thing so we have this situation going on now now what we can do is grab the ads and we should be able to get the ads to go right up here if you're having issues trying to see the top of this i advise putting something down to stand on you can put like some logs down or just anything to give you some height here so you can look directly down on top of these it's going to make placing a lot of this stuff a lot easier so for the ads you want to you want to get it over to the right as far as you can until it tells you you can't place it and then just kind of edge it back a little bit just just like that and then we're gonna grab the tanning rack and it should fit right there on top of it like so then you're gonna grab the tool shelf and you are going to place it on the wall right here like that then you want to grab the chopping block and that's going to go right over here get it as close as you can get it right in there and kind of just like line it up like that okay so now let's do the forge because the forge is a pain in the butt to get everything here so for the forge we're gonna place the forge down right close to this the chopping block there just like that and then we're gonna come in with the bellows and we're going to get the bellows as close to it as we can next we're going to grab the smith's anvil that's the bigger anvil and what you want to do is just get it close to here and then kind of run it along the wall until it tells you that it's okay so you can see right there is our our sweet spot and then we're going to push it back against the wall a little bit and then place it then we're going to grab another one of these little one by one wood frames here are wood floor pieces and you're going to snap right over top of it like that and then you should be able to stand on something over here look directly down on top of it and place the whatever this thing is called the forge cooler then we're going to come back over here we're going to grab another one of these wood floors you're going to hold shift and just kind of line it up with that you see how there's that little um i don't know wood trim there just line it up with that wood trim directly over top of your bellows come back over to crafting and then you can grab the anvils and you should if you need height jump up on something be able to get the anvils right over top of it like that so now we're going to place the grinding wheel once again you're probably going to need to stand on something so place something down so that you can stand on it to see the top of this thing we're going to come back over to our 1x1 floor you're going to snap it all the way to the top here at the top of your wall segments and it should line up you can see how we have this whole wall segment here you want it to line up right like you see there and then you're going to just place two of those and then you should be able to come back over and easily place your grinding wheel up there like so and then we can delete this because we're not going to need it to stand on anymore and we can come over here and grab our whatever this is called tool or forge rack and kind of just wiggle it in here we should be able to get it to snap in here if for any reason at all you're having problems getting this to place it's probably this anvil so what you need to do if you have that problem is come over here delete this delete this pick everything back up and we're i'm just going to show you what i did here to get this to work because i was running into a bit of an issue so now once you've deleted all of those things you pick up all the stuff you should be able to get this to place you want to shove it down as far as it will go so right like that okay and then what we're going to do is then place our anvils back so once again if you need to stand on something standard something i'm just going to fly real quick because it's easier so then we're going to grab our anvils we're going to make sure we rotate them this way we want it facing like you see here and then we're going to get it as close as we can like that and then we place this back so if you have any problems getting this to place like we have here just follow those steps delete that delete that place this then place this and place this okay next up is all of our rugs so we're going to come over here to the furniture and you can place these however you want it really doesn't matter just make sure you get one of each of them in here so there we go we got that one we got that one and uh let's just put this one where the bed's gonna go so once you have all of your rugs placed then we're going to grab the table so we're going to place the table right here in the corner and then we should be able to grab our fermenting barrel and you can see we just had it you might have to mess with it a little bit kind of wiggle it around until you get it to fit like you see here now i don't really like the way it's fitting here it's kind of hanging off the table a little bit so what i'm going to do is just grab my table break it down and grab it and i'm going to rotate it just a little bit something like that and that should look a little bit better when we go to place this now yeah there we go that looks way better so then we can come back over here grab our chair and just slam the chair underneath of there like that now your bed options you can use either one of the beds i'm going to use the dragon bed so for that we want to line it up against this wall here and just kind of get it as close to the table and the wall as we can get it something like that all right and at this point we're on our way we're getting we're almost there next we're gonna grab a banner i always like the black banner and then we're gonna place that right there then we're going to grab the raven throne and we're going to just line that up with the banner to kind of hide the banner create a cool little effect there we just need them both there out of the way and then for the chests we can place our chests right here so we want to line one up with the wall here and then line one up with this wall here and then when we come back over here to the building options and we grab this we can snap right in over top of it like you see there and then rotate around snap to the wall like that and then that gives us room to then put in a another row of chests so then we can snap them or push them right in there against the wall like that and then we're going to come over here we're going to hold shift again because if we let this snap you can see it's like it's kind of in it i hold shift and just push it up just a little bit from that snap point and then we can do the exact same thing and then come back in here with the chest once again if you need to to angle down you can just stand on something to give you a little bit of height and then bam there we go now we're going to drop down a portal and then for the portal we're just going to put in a random set of numbers so that it doesn't connect to anything now if you have a portal that you want to connect to obviously you're going to put it to that but if you don't want it always going while you're in here because it will always go while you're in here you can turn it off by putting in a random set of numbers when you want to go to some place you put in some place where you want to go and then you step away from it and then let it turn off and then step back and pop on and then it's going to take you to that location that you've connected it to okay at this point we're almost done so we need a few other things here that we are missing so first off go over to furniture grab your hanging razor and you're going to just snap one of those right in the middle like so and then you come over here to miscellaneous grab your campfire place your campfire down over to crafting grab a cooking pot and you're going to place that just off center just a tiny little bit just a little bit we're going to go to building we're going to go to wood beams we're going to snap a wood beam there snap a wood beam there and there and there now you can use the wood beams or you can use the the log beams whichever you prefer and then once you you're done that then you want to grab your cooking station and you should be able to line the cooking station right up along the edge there you might have to mess with it a little bit like that and then it should cook and there you go and that's it so now you can see we have everything we need to access in whatever area we're in it takes up a super small footprint i mean look at that look at how small that footprint is and everything that we could need is jam-packed in there now you're like fire spark what about metal working well i'm going to show you a trick for the metal stuff so if you want a smelter all you do is you grab your smelter i like it out here by the front door so we're going to place it there by the front door i like the way that this is going to look once we have it done you place it like that grab something to stand on to give you some height once you have a little bit of height you should be able to snap your charcoal kiln on top of it and if you just kind of watch there at the front you can see how we're pushing it through there i like it right about like that should be just about center yeah that looks good and then that looks a little wonky just like that but if you take these and you put one there like that nope and a little gotta go in just a little more that and you put one in like that and then we come around here to the back and we do the same thing and you can put one here but it's gonna be in your house a little bit i just leave that one and leave that one out so there you go i think that looks kind of cool when you have it like that you can access the stuff from that side that side and you can also reach up there without any issues and then you have your little smelting setup right here out out front of your base if you have a situation where you can't just walk in like we can on this one you can see this one here i got it to an air away in which we can just walk in if you have that problem you can easily just snap a set of stairs right on the front because we have the that beam frame and then you can walk or you should be able to walk why can i not walk up there there's stairs there game it's stairs if that happens hold down shift line it up like that and then you should be able to walk right in it should snap and you should be able to walk right in but for some reason it was being wonky so there you go that's it that's the perfect little i don't know i don't know what i'm calling it fob perfect fob hut something like that i don't know i just wanted to come up with a cool little hut design where you actually get smoke coming out the top and then it has everything you need in it for any type of application when you're out and about if you found this video helpful and informational and you enjoyed the build consider hitting the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can be notified when i upload other valheim content and i don't just cover belham i cover all kinds of different games so you never know when i'm going to be making guides for a game that you may be playing all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like what you saw consider hitting that sub button i want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible you are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my league of patreon supporters please check out the link in the 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Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 186,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, valheim building, valheim building guide, val heim build tutorial, valheim building tips
Id: gjYHmw60O0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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