Valheim - Useful BUILD TIPS + Tricks + Ideas!

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so today guys i'm going to show you some building tips and tricks here in valheim just some things that i've picked up over the time that i've been playing if you think i've missed anything out do let us know down in the comments and if you find a certain tip particularly helpful then let us know down in the comments as well as it'd be interesting to know so first up i want to talk about building overhangs so anytime you're off the ground building overhangs is a little bit tricky you're trying to place the floor you have to go like right up to the edge and you can risk falling off depending how high you are you can sometimes die by doing this so although it is possible it's really finicky the best way around this i found is to use these things right here to snap into place and what you can even do is use one of the smaller ones first to snap onto the edge here then use one of the bigger ones like this to snap on there like that and then we can go ahead and place down the next bit of floor and rotate it around if we want the same way like this and then just continue this process you can use item frames to place some mini lights in your house this one here is a poison resistance me to give a green light a frost resistance for a blue light and a mushroom for a yellow light now these don't give much light but they never run out unlike torches and they can be just nice little aesthetical things you can also hang them on the walls here if you use a circling trophy and it gives a little bit of light and again it will never run out so it could be quite useful and also give you a little bit of an option for colored lighting in the game another thing you can do with vertical item stands as if you place one just below the other as you see right here if you look at the bottom one and go ahead and attach a skeleton trophy then on the top one attach a rave trophy you'll see it creates a little hooded man like this so again just some sort of like cool aesthetic if you wanted to include that in your base so before you do any sort of build project if you're building like anything significant you definitely want to level the ground around you and this will just make everything a lot easier like real life you need to really focus on getting a strong foundation for your builds in valheim and having level ground is a really great way of doing that so then when it comes to placing down the floor in you can go ahead and have it all pretty flat like this so you want to start building from the highest point as well once you start your building and if you run into something like this you can just simply use the hoe to level out all of that ground to get your floor nice and ready like this now when it comes to leveling the ground will level to the area that you are stood at so my feet are at this height you can see if i'm looking down there's like this little bar here that as i go out see how this bar in the middle of the circles that just extends that means it's going to be increasing the height a lot more than here because obviously here we are already at the level of our feet so you can just see the area of the radius there with the circles penetrating out like that and if we go ahead and hit that it'll start to level to us now the only thing with that though is it will always level slightly lower than where you're stood it's you can't level it right up to the exact same height that you're at you can just do this a few times to get it pretty close though and if you're already on reasonably flat ground then it will be enough for you to build on in a reasonably flat way however you can also of course use some stones to raise the ground up as well if you need to do that furthermore if you need to actually lower the ground if it's too high you can use your pickaxe to dig away now when using your pickaxe let's say this is the level that we want the build to be at right you'll notice that if i get too close to here and then i dig i sort of go up a little bit right so we come up here again if we do a few more of these you'll kind of see this in a bit more detail so we go all the way along like this and from this level here we're starting to go up and getting this bit of a hill now what we can do is if we get the timing just right on this thing let's say we want to be on this level here because again if we stand too far back we're going to go lower again right so if we want to keep it exactly like this you need to stand a good amount of distance between like the in-between of being too close and too far away now this is something that you'll just kind of get used to over time just mining straight into the face of the wall there and once you get it right then you'll just have a bit of a knack for it of course if you have a little bit like this in between you can still use your hoe to go ahead and level the ground and between doing the pickaxe method and the leveling you should be able to get it just about perfectly flat or at least perfectly enough for whatever it is that you're building now when it comes to building a base whenever you're placing the foundations you want them to be blue like this this blueness here means that this is a strong foundation block that is rooted into the ground and that is very important if you want to build up high with this now you'll see the different colors as we go up here green is still very good and then it starts to go orange and then red until it's like blood red now at this point if i place anything on top of this it will collapse so i know i can't place anything further you see you can extend this by using these types of poles right here these are the log poles here that are four meters tall each so there are ways of building higher like that if you really want to go for it you can also use stone like this to really build up in this way and if you really really want to go for it trees will actually allow you to place stone blocks on them so we could come to a tree here and place this obviously you'd have to ladder up if you're doing this in survival now you can't go too far out with these you'll see like once you've placed it next to the tree that's pretty much your lock but it would allow you to then start building on top of here like this you can see that that is a blue bot block which means it's foundational then once we've placed down this one here you'll see that the the trees are a little bit in the way but you guys get what i'm saying that is also a blue block and then it's starting to go green so if we wanted to start with something really tall starting on a tree is a way to do that inside your builds having windows is a great way to allow in natural light now they don't all have to be made out of iron like this but you can do that and have windows that open i actually did a video recently on 30 different window designs so if you guys are looking for that there will be a video on my channel showing you all different designs like that but it will allow you to have that natural light in during the day rather than needing loads of lighting throughout your house if you're building a bit of a treehouse type of base or an elevated base you'll notice that you unfortunately can't place campfires on top of the wooden floors what you can do is place them on top of the stone floor so if we were to get stone floor here and place it down if it would hold we could place it on top however as you see there you cannot place it down on top of these wooden structures as it will not hold or break so there are ways around this and one of the best ways is again using trees we saw here before that we can place down stone on top of a tree and it will of course hold there so you can place down your stone right here like this then go ahead and place a campfire on top of it if you're doing a bit of a tree healthy type of build now if we destroy the stone underneath it the campfire actually remains and at this point what we could do is switch this out here for a little bit of a wooden floor if you wanted to now again i'm not going to worry about getting this perfect but if you guys are doing it in your worlds you could have that perfectly snapped underneath there there we go just like that right so it's perfectly on top of it of course this also works inside your houses if you want to place a fireplace inside your house you can simply replace one of the wooden floors with a stone floor place your fireplace on top destroy the stone floor underneath and then go ahead and place the wooden floor underneath again like this see if we can snap that in there do that snap in uh there there we go and we'd have to get this a little bit better if we were doing it but you guys get the point you can do this in your base to have an inside fireplace if you wish another little trick with the campfires is once you place a cooking stand on top of them if you want to you can go ahead and place the meat on top of them then go ahead and grab your hammer back out quickly and destroy the fireplace underneath now what this will do is allow you to hang meat if you want it just hanging around your base just for that aesthetic it will still smoke like this but it won't cook it will just stay there and look like the meat and so you could hang you know meat and necktails and stuff like this if you didn't have the fireplace underneath it won't let you hang it so you place the fireplace first hang the meat and then destroy it and there you go you've got a little hanging meat if you want that as the aesthetic you can use an unlit portal to frame a door to make it look a little bit round or just give it a nice little frame for when you go ahead and walk inside this can also be used on windows to create round looking windows if you're trying to build a vertical wall once you've placed the first one it's a little bit tricky to get the second one but with a bit of a hill and stuff you can sometimes get it however by the time it gets the third one it can be quite difficult a good way around this is to go ahead and place a little block there like that on the side one of those vertical logs then you can simply snap up there like that and boom there we go you can get three high you can save a lot of space inside your house by integrating the storage with the outside so we can still open these chests you see right here and they poke out the back now if you want to do that here's what you need to do go ahead and grab your chest first of all and place it down like this and then get the other one next to it and obviously you know you might want to spend a bit more time getting it perfect but i'm just showing you how to do this then you want to go ahead and place your wall down and you see there you can integrate it you've got some options as to how it integrates exactly where you want it and how far back and that sort of thing but if we place that one there and then that one there you'll see there we go this is just like sticking out a little bit now it's not just chests that you can do this with in the game you can actually hide a lot of things so for example you might want to have a kiln like that that is slightly in and slightly out of your house so if you place that one there like that and then a half on top and then another one next to it here like this and of course we could build walls up on top of this as well if we wanted to if we wanted to like really hide this thing you could have a kiln that is largely hidden from the outside but will still be inside your base just like this so just a couple of technical things to mention now guys first of all is do make sure you've got your ability activated while it's building if you have it also try and give yourself the rested buff with the highest level of comfort possible i do have a tutorial on my channel about how to get your comfort levels very high and also look for the high stamina food things like queens jam is going to be one of the earliest game options for that and as you get through the game obviously you'll have even better food with higher stamina available to you and also stamina meads are also worth looking at and tasty meats and things like that it will just give that extra efficiency when building and also that extra stamina which is going to be really important you can also upgrade your tools in the forges and workshops and stuff like that depending on what the tool is and again that's going to really help out in terms of building because you will find that you're running through stamina pretty quickly when you build so it is possible to build circles in valheim guys and i'm just going to show you now how you can do that so you want to start off at the extremity and place down a wooden floor just like this then you can do just one click like this and snap it here and just go like this the whole way around so each time you get there you just snap it once let's go over to this side i'll show you what i mean because it's a little bit clearer so from there we just go once there and snap it to the corner get that lined up rotate once there and stop it there and then again the same and we just do this the whole way around and eventually once you've done that you will have as close to a perfect circle as you're going to get in the game so you'll then have something that looks a little bit like this and then of course you can just fill in the insides like this if you wish best way of doing that is just to do a bit of a cross in the middle like this that snaps in place and then you can just snap on to the corners of the cross just like this we have this one here one in here like this like oops that one there just left the snap at the end but like that and then like that so then you've got a circle base to build up from you can build walls up around your circle by just snapping onto the floor points as you see here and it will again create that pretty much perfect circle as close as you can get to a perfect circle in valheim for sure and it'll look pretty good especially for things like towers this is gonna be the way that you're gonna want to do that in terms of the roof you can go ahead and select either the 45 or the 26 degree roof if we go for the 45 right here you simply want to rotate it round and snap it onto each of the walls in the same way that you snap the walls onto the floor you're just snapping each of these in perfectly and you want to do this the whole way around so then you'll have something that looks a little bit like this now at this point what you can do is go ahead and start snapping on again the way i would do this one is to just snap it to the edge here of each corner so we're gonna go one there and then we're gonna do one just on this corner here try and find the straight bit and go up from there so it's gonna be roughly about there do the same here like this and the same here like this you get these four corners done first sun's in our eyes a bit for this one but there you go you guys can see what i'm doing there then at this point you can go around and do the infill so you can just snap it onto the little bits below making sure you cover up all the holes again there's gonna be a fair bit of overlap at this point so i'll show you again here some was a little bit in our eyes there so hopefully this will be a bit clearer so we can snap that one there then come over here and snap this one in over here just make sure there's no gap so there is a complete roof for this level and then you can go ahead and stick a triangle roof on top of that to make sure that it is all covered in and depending on how you do your circular roof and stuff sometimes you'll need to do like a little bit more to it than this this is just a quick like tips video to show you that it is possible but it's something you might want to play around with a bit in your worlds you can use the wooden crosses to create a bit of a lattice wall now this looks nice and also allows light through quite easily and also you can obviously use like the two different types of them and this one right here can be quite nice as a fence for like a garden sort of area because you can literally just make it down at the ground level if you want and you can put crops around it like this and it'll be just a different type of fence to the typical you know this type of fence right here it just looks something a little bit different maybe a little bit more sturdy and a little bit nicer it's just another option there for when you're building now we talked about poles before and the two different types of poles and how they stack to different levels well if you really want to go for it guys a late game option if you're in survival are the reinforced poles that you see here the reason they're more of a late game option is because the wooden iron poles they do have require iron so one per one which is a lot and especially if you're doing this in survival but worth a mention if you are looking to build really high so if you leave structures out in the open they will decay as you see here they're sort of down to about 50 percent that's as low as they will go they'll decay down to 50 percent uh the stake walls won't but things like gates wills stairs will uh even like flooring and walls and stuff like that it'll all decay and so you have a couple of options with that it'll have a bit of a different look when it's decayed to if you were to build something that was brand new so you can see here the brand new stairs there if i place them next to these they look a little bit like browner these look a little bit more worn uh so if that doesn't bother you can leave them of course if it does bother you you're able to repair them uh they won't decay to the point of being completely broken but if you get raided obviously the decayed uh items are more likely to sort of go first when mobs attack so it might just be something you want to like you know think about the other thing you can do as well if you want to protect certain areas is to place roofs over the top of them so roofs won't decay and roofs also will keep things from decaying too which is why most viking longhouses things have roofs because as you can see here none of it will decay and it keeps everything underneath it protected and stops that from decaying this stuff here incidentally is decayed because i was building it it was raining but yeah you get guys get the point if you build like that then you won't get the decay in the long run you have a few different options for spiral staircases in valheim this one here is probably the most compact of the ones that you can do this one here is the one that actually uses stairs and is a bit more of a gradual type of thing and then this one here i don't know if you'd count this as spiral or not but it's sort of more compact and uses stairs so i thought i would mention it and i think the way that you build this one is pretty self-explanatory but i will talk about the other two just briefly so if you want to build this one right here the way you're gonna do this is to place down your stairs like this sorry i just had to turn my cheats on there okay so to build this staircase you want to place down your first stairs there and then you're just simply going to snap them as you go up and you can as you see here i'll just show you guys a place one more down but if you run up the staircase on the inside you will get stuck on this thing right here so you just need to remember to run up and down on the outside and then you're good uh but this is an option and you will need to give it supports and stuff as it goes up and it will look something a bit like that and of course you can wrap it around as many times as you want now as for this one over here this is probably my favorite spiral staircase of the lot because it looks the most like a spiral staircase however it's also the most difficult one to build so we're not i guess difficult but just finicky so i'll show you guys what i mean so in order to build that one that you see there first of all you want to place down a beam like this and then a horizontal beam just on the floor there next to it very good then you need to destroy this beam get the beam again and where it's like that just give it one rotation round like that go back to the horizontal beam and it will snap into place there but it'll be on the floor so you then need to shift and get it just into the perfect place like that then we're going to destroy this beam once more select it again and from where it was here click it once more with the rotation and then go around like this now this is obviously a time consuming process right and this is something that is as i say a bit finicky and stuff and you might get it wrong a few times before you get it right but it does lead to this nice aesthetic then that you can run up so i don't know i think it's it's potentially worth it depending on what you're looking to do so there we go guys some building tips and tricks i hope you found this video somewhat useful and at least a few tips there that you perhaps didn't know before if you did please do consider dropping a like and subscribing it really is greatly appreciated but for now i just want to say thank you so much for watching and of course here come the dad jokes so it's quite funny doing an episode on buildings day cause i actually used to want to be a plumber but all my friends and family told me that's just a pipe dream you know the lightest kind of building you can construct is a lighthouse of course i almost had an excellent joke about construction but i still need to work on it you know why the plank of wood went into the bar he wanted to get hammered my boss over there asked me to attach two pieces of wood together i nailed it you know why the plumber quit his job fixing bath sinks and showers the work was just too draining
Channel: Kysen
Views: 396,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim tips, valheim building tips, valheim tips and tricks, valheim building, valheim base building, valheim tutorial, valheim building ideas, valheim building guide, valheim build guide, how to, valheim how to build, valheim how to build a roof, valheim bases, valheim base, kysen, valheim beginner guide, valheim beginner tips, valheim building tutorial, valheim tips and tricks building, valheim tips and tricks advanced, valheim advanced building tips, stairs
Id: JubiIqNcAgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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