Valheim FACTORY for Smooth Smelting

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this is my valheim factory optimized for Speed convenience and maximum efficiency in the smelting of or and related activities stick around to see how it works and how to build it smelting is one of the most fun and important aspects of valheim not to mention crucial for making progress all that precious ore you worked so hard to mine and transport is useless unless you smelt it and turn it into nice shiny bars to do this you need smelters and kills and coal and wood it's a hole to do thus an area specifically designed for smelting is probably a good idea however although it might look nice a lot of the time using it is a mess the materials required are quite heavy so you can't carry too many at once you constantly run out or are carrying too much the clickable parts of the smelters are annoyingly out of the way and you just end up running around a lot more than necessary but don't worry by the grace of Odin I have devised a smelting area that streamlines the process looks pretty neat and has all sorts of cool features that are sure to warm the heart of even the most vicious Viking let me give you a quick tour the industrial area is basically a long straight rectangle that contains smelter on one side and charcoal kils on the other with a roof designed to allow the smoke to easily exit to use it you basically move in a circle and along the way you fill up everything there is to fill all the coal holes are aligned facing the same side and as you fill them up you get fresh coal behind you from the smelters which are also aligned and easy to fill thanks to the chests full of wood scattered along the way the smelters also have chests attached but these are full of raw metal ore and although you can open them from both sides you will mainly be using them from the opposite side when filling the smelters with ore even if you're encumbered you can always make it to the next smelter or to the next chest this way the smelting process becomes a lot smoother and I didn't even mention my favorite part the final product is conveniently delivered to a secret underground area so that you can comfortably collect it all at the end instead of constantly tripping over it and picking it up by accident I mean look at this if this doesn't tickle your valheim bone then you and I are very different you can enter the tunnel using a secret hole on one end or regular stairs on the other and if you're smart you will put these stairs close to your House's Forge area for easy Transportation check out my house video If you haven't by the way the smelting area can be made as long or as short as you like the longer the more efficient and the faster you get your smelting done for instance this one contains six smelters and five kill which means that with enough wood reserves processing this entire boat full of iron only took me two in-game days and I even had time to farm feed my pigs and stare longingly into the sea after all I just had to fill them up every now and then before they run out and stop smelting or killing you can make this Construction with both wood and stone although it's definitely easier with stone and as you advance through the game you can replace one or more of the charcoal kills with a blast furnace which will drop its black metal bars in the same collection area although not all of it this contraption has a tendency to hold on to the metal at the spout like a weird spoon but some of it will eventually fall so that's something a similar apparatus is the refinery which also fits beautifully in here next to the entrance where it's enclosed by Iron walls to prevent damage and it's partially underground meaning that you can easily feed the machine in both of its slots one here and one down here and as you enter your collection area you also collect the iter Yep this Factory has it all even an empty area where you can put a little relaxation Zone perhaps you might be a hardworking Viking but you still need your Creature Comforts also you can dress up the smelters and kils as much or as little as you like you can make it so that you can barely see them and all you have is a building that eats ore and poops bars on the other extrem if you use Stone you could leave it bare and minimal and not even add a roof at all regardless it will get the job done fast and fun so let's see how we build it first with wood and then with stone starting with the floor obviously you can't really build this if there's no room to dig underneath you will need to be at least 3 m above sea level which most places are so unless you're trying to build right on a Shore you should be fine next you will need some flat ground covered in floor tiles which is convenient because the best way to flatten ground is by building floor tiles and making sure the ground is at the same level as you dig and hoe you will need a rectangle that is six floor tiles wide and 13 tiles long or 16 tiles long or 19 or 22 you get it next I will use some beams to draw out some shape so you can have a better understanding of what goes where first of all I do the entire perimeter this will be necessary later then I isolate one row in the front this will be carpeted and contain the secret entrance on the other side I highlight the stair entrance one tile from The Edge and three tiles long and then for the rest of it we will add dividers every three tiles but only on one side each of these 3x3 sections will contain a kiln except for the one near the stairs and the other half will contain smelters on every other tile leaving enough room to move through both in the back and the front the length of 13 tiles fits three kils and three smelters by adding sections of three tiles in length you can extend your factory with one more Kil and one or potentially two more smelters make it as long or as short as you like I'm doing 16 tiles long in this example and here's how first destroy all the wood tiles in the 3X3 squares where the kills go otherwise you can't build them I know and after all that work building them right next build the actual kills like this I eyeball the center of the area and slowly move it towards me until it can be built this way there is as close to the back as possible and are all somewhat aligned next I build the floors under the Kil back up I know after all that work we did to destroy it unfortunately we have to otherwise the coal will go downstairs in the collection area although the first row is enough you can leave the rest without any floors next we will position our smelters we need to leave some room in the back for us to move through so the first smelter will go on the next stle so I destroy that one then Skip One destroy Skip One destroy these will be our smelters and to place them I first make sure it's oriented so the coal hole faces the kill and then I align these two corners as best as I can if you can't build over the Gap then you have to add some more Earth in there which is just as well because we really want as much land as possible beneath these things the way we align the corners on the smelter makes it off center shifted to the left which is good because we will be digging up the right side and speaking of the most delicate part of the build is the digging but it's not as hard as you might think if you know your way around the pickaxe first remove all floor tiles in a row from your stairs to your rug this will be our Canal so to speak next get inside the stairs section align yourself parallel to it and start digging straight down after five or six hits turn around and build a wood wall right here this will show you how much deeper you need to dig get a few more hits in and once the whole wood wall is revealed add another half wall under it and dig some more until you can add a floor tile that connects to the bottom of that don't worry if there's still some ground on top of your floor we will fix that later for now we just need to get the tunnel right turn around and carefully start digging in that direction adding more wood floor as you go along the way letting that floor guide you in how deep you dig you're trying to make as narrow a tunnel as possible and to get the best result you must always be as centered as possible in both mind and ho as well as oriented straightforward do not spin your body to the side at all even if the music says so just stay straight by holding right click at all times and only do very small lateral movements if necessary but always hit forward and under no circumstances do you want to use your hoe right now it might destroy your smelters if you do it wrong so just use your pickaxe for this bit keep going until you reach the end and once you're there you can destroy the last tile from underneath creating your secret hole through the carpet and then an improvised ladder made out of walls so you can pop out of the ground like a superhero whenever you want by the way it might seem a bit inconvenient to have a hole right here at the entrance especially if your dock is behind you and you come in carrying metal so you can either walk around it move it to the side like I did here or if you're holding down shift and running it's like it's not even there only when you slow down do you fall which sounds like a metaphor for life but anyway our tunnel is almost done and if we destroy the floor tiles in front of the smelter you can see that they're still standing comfortably even though a good chunk of the earth beneath them has been removed and we will remove more still in the trickiest part of the build coming up next but first do a kindness for this old Viking And subscribe to the channel the gods really look kindly upon he who has subscribers and I wouldn't want to upset Odin again anyway to make our metal delivery system we snap some half walls on the floor right underneath the Gap in front of the smelters then we snap a 45° roof tile which will perfectly connect with the floor tile on top this will be our shoot that delivers the metal but as you can see there is still a wedge of earth going right through it to make it perfect I just get one more sneaky pickaxe hit right to the side of your tunnel where the roof was this will be enough most of the time to clear a perfect path but if it's not then a single careful click of the hoe should get it there do this for everyone and at this point you can check that the bars don't get stuck along the way if they do dig some more be very careful though if the smelters are going to collapse this is when it's going to happen so do not over dig and do not over ho if a smelter breaks you have to start over by adding more Earth and then trying again to dig because while a smelter will survive with only a sliver of land underneath you cannot build it on just a sliver of land you need you need all of the slivers it is a bit tricky finding the right balance between removing enough Earth so that the metal doesn't get stuck along the way but not enough so that the smelters collapse however it can definitely be done I've built this thing a dozen times preparing for this video and it almost always worked on my first try worst case scenario it will take a few attempts or you can just wait till you you can build with stone and then it will work every single time and be much much easier with stone the layout is exactly the same just use Stone floor instead of wood floor you dig 3 m deep or three stone floors deep if you're going to cover your tunnel with wood or four stone floors deep if you're going to cover it with stone the point is you need to have 3 m of clearance inside your tunnel so you can fit comfortably and see what's going on either way digging the tunnel will be a lot simpler this time I mean you can basically dig right underneath the smelters and they'll be fine also with the wood version if you accidentally destroy a smelter it's a bit of a nightmare to build it back but with the stone you have no such issue you can destroy and rebuild however you like so I would definitely recommend making the stone version as soon as you unlock the technology although the wood will suffice in the early game and if you're going to use Stone you might not even need to dig at all you could just build it up off the ground although it will consume more Stone and it can look a bit clunky but if you have a house like this then you can attach it to your foundation which is pretty cool did I mention my house video by the way also also you don't really need to make the under underground tunnel bit I won't judge too much but the smelting area will still work quite well if you line them up like I did and add some chests along the way although I personally love my tunnel and if we make a tunnel then we make it nice so fill in that ugly naked stone with wood walls also the gaps at the sides of our shoots and maybe some beam borders to make it nice and tight oh and don't forget stairs which I probably should have mentioned earlier our collection tunnel is now functional and after a long day of smelting all the fruits of our labor can be picked up in a single casual stroll through it and now that the Heart part is done let's have some fun with the roof to make the roof I will place long corwood beams on the long edges 6 M apart and then two more on the short sides only 4 M apart next we will connect our poles with regular wood beams on the sides and to do the same in the interior we will need to build some more core wood beams which we can place every three tiles on the sides with the kils that actually looks good however on the other side if we were to place poles at the exact same intervals while it doesn't cover up anything important it does look and feel kind of in the way so I just don't put any poles near the smelters it's usually strong enough to hold the smelters actually help sustain some of the beans anyway now we have our skeleton structure it's time to add our funky roof first by placing 45° roof tiles along the center from one end to the other next I will place two layers of 45° tiles on the outer beams on each side covering up the entire area underneath the roof but leaving plenty of room for the smoke to escape technically this is enough and will work just fine but it does look kind of weird so you can make some decorations and I had a blast with part because if you add one of these X's right here you can do one more here and then one on the other side and then one on top and it looks pretty cool you can play around with some more angled beams and create a neat design which you can double up for an even cooler look you can add some borders on the edge of the roof tiles and while adding some iron walls in this space looks great it prevents the smoke from escaping so just leave it empty or get some uh equally spaced beams in there and with that the roof is done so it's time to focus on the inside where the number one priority is chest these are essential to our plan which require two main categories of chests the ones on the coal side contain only coal and wood the ones on the smell side contain only raw ore that plus the fact that you no longer have to worry about accidentally picking up your metal bars is what makes the system efficient and easy to use so the chests on the coal side can be made like this in between the kils or in many other ways depending on how Bonkers you go with this project but the more important are the ones on the smelt side where we will add some half walls along the sides which covers up the business end of our smelter but also provides a platform on which to put a chest at a similar height as the or cavities next to them making it nice and comfy to click as you advance through the game and unlock the blast furnace you can also install one or two of them here its various slots are arranged differently than a regular smelter so you will need to place it on the coal side replacing one of the kils for it to work with our system also you need to destroy two roof tiles for it to fit but that's okay you can build the roof back after and the furnace still works or just leave this section roofless I mean who's who's going to know anyway the blast furnace gets placed just like this I align its corner with the corner of this floor tile then delete the floor tile in front of it go underneath in the tunnel and add a roof tile symmetrical with the other side most of the black metal will eventually fall through this Chute but like I said some of it will remain on the spout I haven't found any solution for that but it's just a small inconvenience the eer refinery can also be added right here next to your stairs just dig some more on that side two Stone floors deep place the contraption inside make iron walls all around it and on the top this will protect from the bolts shooting out of it leave just a small hole to access the sap spout and the other soft tissue slot can be easily accessed from outside if you make some stairs as it conveniently bus through the top of the cage matter of fact you could just leave this whole part of the refinery out of the cage it's only this section that causes the Sparks that's the only one that needs to be covered you can collect your refined iter by just going down the stairs to your collection area which is quite poetic and uh with that all the necessary practical matters of our Factory are complete everything is in place the only thing left is how far you want to go in decorating this thing you can have a lot of fun playing with the various designs covering up the smelters and kils making them unrecognizable or you can just leave them as they are and uh build only the Practical stuff that is strictly necessary for getting the job done there are ton of ways to decorate your kils and smelters arrange your chests dress up your roof or other things to personalize it and make it your own but I'll let you experiment with that if you want to try it out however you do it this Factory will be a very welcome site the next time you come home with a big boat full of metal or at least that's what I tell myself to justify all the time I spent building it if you like this video please subscribe I'll have more like it in the future and sometimes I even go live so maybe I'll catch you there check out my Dreamhouse video If you haven't not sure if I mentioned that yet just kidding the reaction to the house video was amazing especially for the first video on the channel thank you all for the wonderful comments it was a blast reading them maybe we'll chat more in a live stream in the future anyway that was it for this video thanks for watching uh oh and I forgot to mention that when you dig right up to the edge you will get an ugly gap so you're going to need to cover that up with an additional row of floor tiles so it's actually larger than I said initially you need more resources sorry but hey technically I did mention it so
Channel: Crate Of Bananas
Views: 29,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i1MmWDBZhj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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