Building Better Homes In Valheim - Beginner to Intermediate Building Tutorial

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[Music] foreign [Music] ER and weapons we wield Vikings are judged by the homes that we build what's up Gamers welcome to Gamestar Nation my name is Rob and today I'm going to show you how to build better buildings in valheim now I'm going to bring this video into two parts first I'm gonna build a basic building when you expect to find or build um in the early game and then we're gonna update that house or upgrade it with some details to kind of give it some Flair so for those of you who already know how to build a basic house and you're just looking for ways to dress it up a bit I'll go ahead and put a timestamp the video here so that you can jump right to section on upgrading on more detailing and those of you who are just like you know a full course you can just stay put right here and I'll show you everything so first off let's go ahead and bring up our HUD and grab our hammer and of course we're going to open the build menu and the first thing you want to do uh with the house really you'll be tempted to lay it flat on the ground but really for the best look and to make things easier on yourself you should really frame your house you should give it a foundational frame I mean so we go and start with a one meter Pole right there and then we're gonna switch to Wood beam two meters and we're just gonna kind of [Music] bring some of those out don't worry if you're not quite sure exactly um what you're going to do yet [Music] you can shape it out here and you can change it as you go so I'm just going to go ahead and we're just gonna go with kind of a basic let's see what we got here one two three four actually we're just gonna do that we're gonna do four wide a bit of a smaller house but okay it's just for demonstration purposes so you go ahead and bring it out every three you're bringing out you're going to want to drop supporting beam right there on the ground [Music] and then kind of continue your build from there just switching back and forth between the pull and the beam we made some more wood foreign platform to build on and now we're just going to grab the wood floor two by two and we're gonna go ahead and lay our floor now there's two ways you can do it you can do the typical wave just kind of lay it out like this or for something a little fancier you can rotate it every other block and then rotate the other way back in between I ended up making kind of a fancy little pattern right there and actually you can keep both of these we could put a little spacer here across the floor to separate the rooms if you like well we're not going to do the internal detailing in this video all right so now we just build the walls a really good height for a house at least for the first floor is about three meters tall so we grab these two meter walls right here we're just gonna put them all the way around the house make sure when you're laying uh walls that you either press up against an already existing wall or in this case where you have everything kind of spaced out you can just pick the floor piece on each one because you know they're all touching the problem is if you just start kind of going wherever it seems to snap in place sometimes you'll end up having it where the wall sticks out and doesn't match up perfectly and you'll get gaps and stuff now we're going to need a door so let's go ahead and put door in here we're just gonna go with just a basic wooden door I'm always like it's centered I don't want a double door so I'm going to grab the wood wall one times one and we're going to put up little side planks right there [Music] that is a nicer door we use for upgrading but we're just going with the basic one [Music] now whenever a door with these bottom frames you're going to remove the frames because they're going to create a little lip that you're you have a hard time climbing over uh when your pockets are full and so now we're just going to put in a little one meter here on each side just kind of match it up and then if you grab a wood stair always do is stare to the door even if your your house is sitting on the ground still run stairs down it just kind of closes any gaps that well made either that will prevent you from smoothly walking up into the house okay so this is two meters high like I said a good height for the walls is three meters so we're gonna grab the Uh Wood half walls now and we're gonna go around the house again uh with the half balls all the way around what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a small little platform where I can easily build from course ladders are always popular choice I just want to get it up above the wall so that you can properly point at the top of it so that your pieces snap together perfectly and this is all assuming that you've built the foundation perfectly to begin with if you see gaps and stuff on the wall you have a piece of mismatch find the Beats break it and fix it um don't just assume that that's the way the game works because the game will snap pieces together properly if given the opportunity okay now we're gonna go ahead and go with the roof you can either go with you know a 45 degree or a 26 degree I don't know what you're really going for in the looks I think we're gonna go ahead and go with a 45 degree roof so at this point you'll just aim towards the top of the existing pieces and drop that in place as well same rules if you want to make sure that it's connected you can touch the side of the wall and snaps in place or if your foundation is perfect already you can just in the foundation now we're gonna do that on the other side here [Music] now if you can angle it just right from down here you get to snap upwards perfect once you get one piece of doing it's kind of easy then to connect the others off of that and really build a house is really this simple you don't have to do anything fancy it can still look good when you're done but I'm telling you the small details which we'll cover really make big differences we have walls and we have a roof but most houses in the world don't have big old gaps like you can see here so we're gonna go ahead and fill that in the easiest way to do that is to pick these wood wall uh 45 degree angle or again if you're going with less of a peaked roof you can use the 26 degree just go ahead and match up the little wooden wall degrees with the roof same one you have for the roof and these be careful they snap in the right spot make sure it's lined up well the sun glare is creating an issue hard to see sorry about that we'll get a good angle when I'm all done here to get a look at what's going on okay so we have that that's kind of matched up and then we're just gonna go ahead and fill in Wood Walls I'm gonna do the same thing on the other side [Music] this side's much easier to see what's going on and look at that [Music] something that you basically just find and you know kind of any starting world or I say find it would take a player to make it um the ones that you actually find are a little a little wonkier a little weirder [Music] but no self-respecting house is without windows so let's go ahead and make some basic Windows here we've got to break this whole side and actually we're gonna do this top part too now we don't want we don't want the house to fall apart so be careful as you remove things that none of the items turn red so now to get wall centered we're just going to use a half wall at the bottom here now windows are completely up to you whatever you like the look of you can go with I'm just going to give you some basic ideas here but of course you don't have to be this you can do whatever you'd like um should we do one big open window or two smaller let's go with two smaller windows okay let me repeat that on the other side Okay so we've got some basic windows and that that pretty much is a basic house right there and you can live in that the rest of your life and and probably be perfectly happy but I've got a few things to dress this up a bit more now part of a house an important part is actually a fireplace as well and while it is more interior decorating which something I'm really gonna avoid for the most part in this video we definitely have to do a fireplace because well it's essential all right so we're gonna actually raise up the ground a little bit here we can't put a fireplace on Direct wood so we gotta kind of bring the Earth up let me just get this right where I want it here okay now I'm just gonna flatten the ground out here so it kind of matches up to the house there we go looking good so now we can go ahead and put a fireplace down we're gonna Center that right there and then we're gonna go back into building we're gonna grab a little one meter wood planks and bring it closer to the fire right and then we're going to grab the two meters and we're just going to give it a little kind of surrounding divider there okay so we are getting smoked out right now that's okay now your fireplace that could be enough you do need to vent it though but I'm gonna go ahead and just add a little bit of detailing which is going to kind of also help the fire the smoke find its way out we're just gonna grab these X's and see if we can snap it right on top like that won't keep that one let me go ahead and build another platform again real quick now whenever you can't get I'm trying to use these little building crosses and they don't want to snap in place you can actually put a half wall up and they will it's not much easier to a half wall and then after you put them on you can break the half ball as you just carefully select it so now that the hat falls up when you grab these crosses they're able to snap right into the half wall just like that real easy like makes it super easy you can leave it like that if you like the look of it but I like the little holes little Gap holes it just looks a little bit fancier to me good okay so now we've got the fireplace built on the inside uh but we need to vent it so let's head back outside [Music] okay now to vent this there's several ways you can do it you can you can pop a chimney up to the top of the roof there's all kinds of ways but I like knock this little hole out right here and grab the wood wall by one [Music] and we close out outside wall here and so this will vent the smoke out of the house and also protect the fireplace from rain now if you like the look of a fireplace you always add of course an external chimney um I've come to really like this style here okay so we have ourselves a basic house let's go ahead and get a good look at it here not a bad looking house you can make it much much better first off the more windows the better so let's go ahead and put another window right here I'm gonna use the half walls and then the wind wall by one [Music] some Thin slats there we go okay there we go now let's go ahead and get to the detailing so if you have a basic house and you just want to look better there are some things you can do relatively simple that will really take it to you know a whole new level okay so first off I think one of the best things you can do for Aesthetics is to kind of make a lattice around the bottom of the house so using the 26 degree wood cross I'm just going to connect it to the framing and this will give the house more support but also it will make it look better and hide kind of any of the ground imperfections [Music] the fireplace um you can try to bring it down a little bit [Music] this is just how much it would bother you it's up to you [Music] we do want to keep the ground raised though for the most part we don't want a fireplace sinking again if you have a hard time getting these X's to line up where they should don't forget you just use a half wall and they'll snap right in place I'm gonna do that I'm struggling a little bit here so I would say the half fall down which by the way you can just use the half wall if you like to look at that because how small is like a little taller look just coming straight into the ground but personally I kind of like more of the lightest look [Music] just a little bit fancier [Music] and let's get it to snap in place all right we're just half all here too the only problem with the half wall is trying to demo it without demoing the X but as long as you're just careful and look to see what parts glowing it's not too bad at all [Music] already making a little bit nicer now framing the house strictly for Aesthetics but literally just taking these holes both one meter and two meter both the poles and the beams are just kind of outlining the house with them so when you have this spot here where there's a two different wood pieces butted up to each other I like to stretch along over both of them so it kind of looks like it's giving that support and bring them together and then we can actually even break the one at the bottom and just connect this one along two meter right there so it actually digs down into the ground now obviously I'm doing the four corners but we don't stop there we're gonna do we're gonna bring the entire house okay so now we're gonna also run it across roof now these little knobs come up in the fireplace are easily taken care of um just by using other wood to give it some detail [Music] you can decorate these anyways you want just grab these beams and just kind of give it a little Direction [Music] now the windows is where real detail starts coming in anytime you have an opening I really recommend it unless it takes up you know too much of the view I'd recommend flapping some beams in place [Music] let's do this all the way around we're gonna put little Windows here come on now you can leave it like that but I think it adds a little bit more if you've got the room go ahead and grab the poles and you know you'll want to just slap it right there kind of squared but I find if you roll the mouse wheel so that brings a diagonal it gives just a little more depth to the windows cannabis rolling the mouse wheel okay I bring it diagonal it just gives the windows just a little bit more flare now if that's too much taking too much space there of course you can just hold off on the side braces okay so we have some bronze nails so once you get the Bronze Age bronze Nails you can make the wood shutters and you just kind of put these up each side of the window all right now the real detail comes when you go inside go inside and interact with them and it will pop them open making a satisfying sound while you do it look at that that's cute right okay now you can also make new snap points in the game just by putting down really any building piece here so if I wanted to connect this piece straight up to this beam it doesn't want to snap at all it makes it very difficult but if I took the one meter beam and snapped it in a natural point it now makes a new snap point right here on the end of it so I can grab that same beam that wouldn't snap a second ago and it'll snap right in place right there okay so then we can break that and now you can build off of that now on its own that may not seem like that big of a deal but that's going to open up your options to build all kinds of things that wouldn't otherwise really want to snap in place and work naturally now since there's a divider already between these two pieces it's already a snap Point here I don't need to do that but if you had the smoother if you had two meter beam here you can go ahead and snap down another piece sideways and up to give you the snap point in the center then grabbing the beam we can then rotate that as well look at that little divider in the window okay coming along right now in detail in the house you can take log beams and run them all the way across give it a little more look or flare [Music] you can of course do this vertically as well on the side beams here this post instead of using the beams you can just use logs and you can frame the entire house that way it's really your preference what you like for this house I'm going to go back to just the beams but you know let your imagination run wild experiment um the roof kind of butts itself up the house a little too much in your settings under controls [Music] you have the alternative placement option spacebar this will prevent things from snapping in place if you don't want them to so the alternative placement we can grab you know like the 45 degree beam here same same pitch we have the roof at and we can lay it up against it and now right there just actually wants to snap on top of it but it'll hold the spacebar then it pops back out and then if I just carefully line up this piece with the one in front of it it'll create new snap points and we can just lay another layer of roofing like that just step it out a little bit give it just a little more depth and you can keep doing that too you can put another one on top of that one [Music] holding space line it up and then once you have it there it's easy just to snap the others right in place because the new snap point that was created you can make a whole entire roof that way if you wanted to but see it kind of overhangs a little bit gives you a little more depth but I'm going to show you something to do with the roof that's even better than that now the framing also don't don't just stop with the house if you have any stairs right on the side of those pictures lined up correctly now you're gonna get this where it doesn't quite go all the way to the ground just point at the bottom of that one now you're going to need to just add more stairs to it as well well I don't know about you but I think it's looking a lot better already now with the detailing you can again grab the between the beams and the crosses um you can make all kinds of designs the house which will again give it even more detail these little things like this that you add on that just really kind of take it to a whole different level you could do the X's instead whatever you like you know so like right here if we wanted a window up high maybe like an attic roof we can break that and then you could use just an example you could use the uh angled wood walls [Music] sunglers really bad that's just an example you can do a wide open beam another Square just don't forgive these tools you can make a lot of different things I actually just like this house is so small it doesn't really need an attic window now framing as I mentioned uh adds a lot of detail you should do wherever you can but right here at the top of the door you may be tempted to put one there if you do that you're not going to walk in after you hit your forehead you can't walk in so if you want to put one above the door you actually have to use the space bar and just manually place it above the door I go about a millimeter above the door too so you don't get any instance on where your head hits it there we go okay so finally I want to show you game changing upgrade just about any building learn how you pitch your roof this isn't going to be necessarily possible in every building but this is really cool and I can't take the credit on this one um as I said before I would double frame the houses up until I've discovered this but shout out to nine bite who made a fantastic video on roofs I'll link in the description this basically solves the problem I've always had with Wilson valheim so they either overhang too much or they butt up too much and this fixes that all together so first you have to demo off the whole roof we're not going to need any of the wood paneling okay so what you're gonna do for the roof is you're going to right here at the top of it just pick a corner and stick a wood beam one meter straight out there and there and while you're at it go ahead and let's create a square then you're gonna take the wood beam two meter and you're gonna run it right across the edge of the house and then you're going to support it as well so basically in this case you go by the sizes row if you can do it every single panel or every second panel I mean like just use another one one meter beam to kind of pull it back to the house again just support it and then we're gonna put another Square on this end yeah we're just going to support personally you choose what you want we're gonna support each one here every single at the end of every single two meter beam you're gonna put a one meter beam back to the house just for looks okay I'm gonna do that on the other side now [Music] all right so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna come up here we're gonna grab our roof piece again the same angle 45 degree angle and we're going to attach it to the actual uh very end of this piece here and that's where we're going to lay the roof down so just all the way across around here to the end we're gonna go ahead and right up to the end piece and then just L butt each panel up to the panel next to it if you do it correctly it should completely come exactly to the end of the other overhang having this Frame also gives you something to stand on making this whole process a little bit easier [Music] okay and then for the top we're just going to grab the 45 degree pitch then we're just going to lay them down warm right after the next [Music] look at that and then we're gonna frame that are grabbing the same angled wood beams as is the pitch of the roof so in this case 45 degrees connect them right here right at the side and then of course like any self-respecting Viking we're gonna grab 45 degree cross to put overhang there and then do the same on the back foreign look at that isn't that so much better now here you can also if it bugs you once it's up you can break these little supports here in the front you won't need them anymore and then if it bothers you with this Gap here you can run the roof all the way up you're going to use this this beam here as the base support for 45 degree angle drill might be good to make a little Attic Window right there and then we can grab the 45 degree cross and you can stop at any point you want um with this roof when you're satisfied with it but if you're a perfectionist you can come up and perfect it like that let me just fix the back real quick if you like the little window look you can leave it there you can frame it and now with the extended roof we can actually make the chimney up there so we can go ahead and break this part down fill this Gap in then reframe at the top here there and then of course you just dress it up get a better look at it okay isn't that so much better and then eventually once you get to the planes you'll find tar and that'll unlock dark wood and you can upgrade everything and do a much more elegant design and remember I'm just showing you the basics here giving you some extra tools and ideas there are all kinds of things that people come up about there some really creative designs and I invite you to experiment well that is all I have for you today but I shall return soon with more knowledge until we meet again May the drums of Victory guide you home always [Music]
Channel: Gamestar Nation
Views: 53,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valhiem, valhyme, building tips, building, tutorial, guide, noob guide, homes, better houses, better home
Id: NuTt1w8X98M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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