The Most Brilliant Puzzle Box Ever!!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle today's episode is about this puzzle here and i tried to get my hands on this puzzle since a long time it's called the dice box made and designed by akio kame from japan it's a puzzle box crafted in the finest quality as you can see if i just show it to you more in detail it's absolutely flawless handmade entirely out of wood and since it's a puzzle box you need to open it up of course have no idea how this should work however it comes from some noise from inside which probably gives me some hints on how to solve this puzzle and i can tell you already now this thing is so satisfying to handle not sure what species of what this is maybe walnut even the smell of this wood is really satisfying yes i know i know but i'm a puzzle into his ass but what should i do so that's the puzzle box for today by the way also maybe a super cool gift box for something valuable you would give away on christmas but before we start i would like to show you some super cool gadget in addition and this is this kaleidoscope and it's not a common kaleidoscope as you know from your childhood this is a high quality product designed and handmade by roy cohen in israel it contains this brass body two mirrors installed inside and here in the front you can see what's causing these kaleidoscope patterns there are some plastic beds and other stuff in here there's not just air or water inside it definitely has a higher viscosity as water so i would assume it's maybe glycerine or something similar due to this glycerine the movement is very smooth let me just demonstrate how amazing this looks like to be able to show it to you i just prepared my mobile here with some stickers on the rear and if my theory is right i can just glue this here on the top and show you the inside and how amazing this looks so let me just zoom in a bit and look at [Music] this [Music] depending on how you shade it here from the sides you can change how the colors appear what a nice gadget seriously but we are not here to look at gadgets forever by the way if it would be interesting for you seeing gadgets like this maybe one episode only showing some gadgets and i will see if i can realize something like that for you but today of course is about a puzzle and not only about gadgets and therefore i'm gonna show you a short spoiler break right now and afterwards i'm gonna try to solve the dice box by akio kame okay let's see this puzzle looks so amazing and the first thing i try to understand is where this puzzle box actually opens up so let me just check each side so we have here the sides number six number three and they are completely surrounded by other parts so either there's a two-step solution like sliding one side away and then moving this side there will be no way to open this up i think we have this side here number five could maybe slide in this direct and one of these directions because it's only surrounded here same for number two i'm not sure if this is multiple balls sounds like a steel ball or something so maybe not entirely made out of wood as i said in the introduction maybe i can press somewhere here inside did i have some buttons over here somewhere up to now absolutely clueless oh here here we go the number six can actually slide away and i was wrong even if it's surrounded here there is a small gap over here i'm not sure if you can see it i move it over here you can probably see it there's now a little step so it means the number six will slide over here and it's blocked by something let me see if there are more [Music] gaps like this one wow this is i mean this is crafted excellently [Music] nearly invisible you can only slightly see because of the different grain slightly darker over here this is pure satisfaction i mean look at how how tight these tolerances here are for a wooden part perfectly crafted so let's focus on what's going on inside let me see what happens here inside if i move it to number six and then move number six upwards nothing happens [Music] so there's something rolling over here from one to three and one to four oh this is also strange number one is opposite number four and number three to number six i mean i do not know much about about uh dice but i know for sure that number six is always opposite to number one and i think it's like number five and number two this seems to be correct and number four and number three but this is different is this maybe a hint what can be the reason for this um i think i have a clue yes and this explains also the numbers if i start from number one let me see not sure what the ball is right now number two number three number four number five number six no does not work back to number one maybe i think the positions of the numbers have been changed to give me a clue about the sequence i need to move this thing if i need to tap it i don't know let's see again number one and number two number three all right where's the number six number four number five number six oh does not work maybe other way around maybe number maybe they need to be on on the bottom side like number one number two number five number six no also doesn't work where do i know where to start so let me just try it again ah again so we start with number one number two number three number four number five yes and if the sounds comes again oh yes this is so brilliant unfortunately i cannot see the mechanism ah there seems to be a ball inside running somewhere in a maze or something and at a certain point it just unlocks something which is probably over here in this corner maybe a stick or something comes up here you can see at this pressing mark that there's probably a stick coming over here up here maybe this ball is magnetic i don't know and as soon as it reaches this position over here it will pull down the stick and then lock the puzzle so let's lock it again let me just see if i can open it up like this no it's not so it's definitely proof against bumping it somewhere before you ask let me just check how big the compartment is inside so we got here like about 60 millimeters so it's about only about 55 and the depth without the lid 35 millimeters just in case you would like to use this to box something regarding the difficulty i think this can be much more challenging than it actually was for me what gave me the right idea was the numbering and that it was not opposite as on a regular dice pretty clever and pretty subtle hint even if i was fast i would still rate this with a level 3 out of maximum 5 because i think this can be very confusing for a lot of people let me know what you think about this puzzle in the comments from my point of view great design very clever very very well made that's it for today and until next time keep on puzzling [Music] you
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 149,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle Box, Mr.Puzzle, Dice Box, Karakuri creation group, Chris Ramsay Puzzle, Woodworking, Walnut Wood, Secret Box, Gift Box, Puzzle Solving, Most interesting puzzle, Most difficult puzzle, Clever puzzle, Woodcraft, Kaleidoscope, handmade wooden things
Id: 0FGeLg5bFrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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