Precision Puzzle Box that contains a Bonus!

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hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle today with this puzzle here made in design in the beautiful france by douglas mencius a new puzzle designer who contacted me and asked me if i would like to try one of his creations it's a puzzle box douglas himself is a former super yacht engineer so he should be knowing what he's doing when it comes to jack engineering but let's see what what's going on here with puzzles so i'm i'm interested and excited to figure out the puzzle box itself is very well made looks pretty good with kind of a dull finish as you can see all wooden from purse point of view but this thing is really heavy it's unusually heavy for a wooden puzzle box this box came also with a instruction saying dear mr puzzle this puzzle is a recreation of one i made two years ago many people opened the original and affectionately started calling it the precision box so this is the name of the puzzle the precision box the goal is to remove the lid this is not a puzzle where randomly trying things will help you the solution is very practical and satisfaction will only be achieved if you understand how you solved it no banging spinning or force of any kind is required i've made a limited run of seven the remaining six boxes are for sale if people want to contact me dog m i will put you also this email in the video description and here also has an instagram account dogalu games or something like that showcases my bespoke puzzle in my king i hope you enjoy it and i look forward to watching your video dog so dark dark dark dark sorry so let's let's so let's have a look at the puzzle box itself it's i don't know what what it is made of but um it got this like a clock like thing here got a metal piece here and it got here four holes that's it pretty much so i expect a rather simple mechanism but um i have no idea how this works right now of course simple mechanisms can be difficult to understand when you can't see them okay so let's see what else do we have here there are some parts moving inside obviously and the task is as he described to take off the lid which is not possible right now of course so that's it pretty much for the introduction nothing more to discover at least not for now and after spoiler break you're going to see my first attempt trying to solve the precision box by doc mencius okay so let's see how difficult this is one thing new designers one problem new designers can have or what you can have as puzzles of new designers is that they maybe make a wrong estimation about the difficulty and they make a puzzle which is very difficult to solve but not really logically to solve so this will be interesting to see how well dark will be able to manage this because he is rather new to this so let's let's see what we got here so i the most significant thing is this noise coming from the inside this seems to be entirely fixed from the bottom side number six of seven so there are really only six left it seems now it's gone here but this is i think more like the tolerances of the parts than the puzzle itself but what should have this to do with the sliders you have in a function and over here the noise is coming from some slide ah yes i can see them there are four metal sliders in here right now they are over here and when i move it like over here they go over there are there only four let me see if i twist it like so only three sounds let me have a look here from the side one two three four okay so we got four sliders we got the thing here and this seems not to impact the sliders okay i mean the the distance they move is quite big i think um it's like i don't know like that much when i when they are in i can't see them anymore so it's maybe like this much so the slider size is like this and what is this thing for i'm entirely lost this is really if there's really a simple solution for this and it's really clever very very well hidden all right a whole why is there a hole in here let's somehow pull this out maybe no no at least not at the moment oh what happened now what happened now guys i have no idea what happened no idea what happened but it just came i was just able to take it out oh oh what is it open what is going on here [Music] oh my gosh what is this what is this it's like a key with markings on them ah i can set this now to the right distance here you see so i need to set it to a certain distance guys this thing is full of metal but i don't think i will be able to see this huh later it seems like it's in a separate compartment or something i had to i think i just had to pull it turn it and pull it and at a certain point i was able to get it out this was everything just not pulled in the right place okay it's not only a puzzle box it's a sequential discovery box huh and now let's see i think i maybe need to align them in the right place one two three four five and i think yeah i will do it precisely because if it's called the precision box i mean you know what's about one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five six seven yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh imagine if they have all different combinations so like one is number one one is number two one is number three five well this would be like a horrible trial and error um i imagine the sliders look like this yeah going left and right you have this screw right here which need to be pulled out to open up the lid and this needs to be aligned with the screw it's in the center but it can pretty much be pretty much everywhere it's not a screw i call it the screw it's like a bolt yeah if you look at this thing here from the side i imagine it to look like this with four cut outs for the slider this is how i would do it here we go and here are running the slider so there's one slider here one slider here one slider here oh and i forgot number four another one here and they're running in this direction they are not up and down but in this direction and i need to get them at the right point that this hole in the slider will align with this piece then i can pull out the piece and then i can solve the puzzle so i hope i really hope it was so kind and put them in the correct um or all in the same spot because otherwise i would have like one two three four five six like 12 different positions 12 times 12 times 12 times 12 as you know this is pretty much this would be a brute forcing solution which would be pretty bad therefore i think it is not the case okay so let's see let's try it step by step go to number one so number one i think this is uh not even touching the puzzle and the slider yeah i need to go number two number two two two two let's do it like this i put my fingernail in here four four four so at 10 or 11 there is definitely some resistance but maybe it's not the beginning but the end of the the hole you know here it feels number number nine i think is the right one maybe i don't know then the second one who stayed in place is the upper one therefore i use the upper one now as a second piece let's see what happens oh you know what i have an idea i will put my finger here back on the screw and do the same again because i might feel when something changes on the screw here i can feel slight movement of the screw feels like lock picking can i maybe use something here maybe yes maybe i can use this screw to put it in use it as a pulling device not sure if this is intended but you know everything that's possible coming with the puzzle so let's now see again oh yes now i can feel a strong resistance here let's see if this changes at one point yeah you saw this next one oh yes let me note this down where it ah here oh this is only number three yes whoa you see this wow it's coming out oh it looks exactly the same exactly the same you remember this one here you see this bam guys oh yes puzzle is open what bonus puzzle bonus puzzle this one actually it seems to work exactly exactly as i thought so bonus puzzle what what is the bonus puzzle what prototype one out of one yeah i like that so i'm not sure if this is coming with the puzzle regularly but in this case it comes so he's doing also metal puzzles by the way bonus puzzle prototype one out of one now it can't move i can lift it i can lift this thing oh yes wow this is this is very was very tight okay there's not many things i can do actually it's like i can screw the thing out oh oh i can through this hair why was it possible to screw it out now but not before i don't get it so this is like a tool it seems no pull it yes i think it's like a tool to pull this one out i did it before with my fingernails but it was obviously too early and then ah i need to pull it out and then when i pull it out i can slide it off because now the the uh allen wrench does not block it anymore huh no also not ah wait wait wait wait wait of course i could not screw it in oh i cannot screw it in anymore so you can i think you can only screw it out when it's upside down then you need to drop it inside into this other yes yes okay oh that's clever i like that idea so you you just you need to screw it out until here then you need to move it upside down and then you can continue yes you have a allen wrench down there at the bottom and an end wrench down here and when this one is in both of them it will block it and you need to drop from one into the other that you can continue yes and this is definitely one piece that is blocking the lower half here from sliding off why does it come not come off it can be i mean there cannot be that much yeah so there is was this thing secured by this one over here and then there is broken pin i pull out and and that's it wait wait i have an idea i saw down here this little ah you know what maybe this is not just it it's a screw i need to screw in i can use this here oh yes this is maybe possible i need to make this thing drop inside so now it's in here i can screw this like so twist it yes and now maybe i can wait wait wait now i screw it out and i need to that this remains loose no it's still there but i'm pretty sure this screw is blocking it how to release it though can't reach it with anything yeah here we go keep on puzzling i like that thanks a lot you have this one here on the top and it goes inside and then you have to like screw it in screw it out but it will stop here at a certain point then you turn it around this thing here will drop out of this screw and into this one so it's not interfering anymore then i can take this one out and the trick was and this was this was tricky i had to screw this one in had to drop it in here like so and somehow managed to to screw it in what's not easy because this picture of the thread is different than from the small one down here which maybe need to be done like by yes you need to do it by do it several times probably like this yeah i think it was pretty clear how it was locked but um getting this small screw down here out of position step by step by step was quite tricky a super cool additional gift for this puzzle so let's just put it back together like this here we go here we go yes lock it this this year got me really hard this one this was so simple and i made such a science here out of this thing to be honest i think it's a great puzzle i had great fun with it with the box as well as the small additional gift the box i would rate with the level four as well as the small one i would also rate with the level four but two separate puzzles let me know what you think about this puzzle let doug know what you think about this design i think your feedback is as usual appreciated very much so and that's it for today if you like what you have seen if you like this puzzle hit the like button subscribe and until next time keep on puzzling [Music]
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 41,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Mr.Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Puzzle Box, Solving Puzzles, Puzzle Review, Impossible Puzzle, Difficult Puzzle, Woodcraft, Woodworking, Metal Craft, Aluminum Puzzle, Wooden Puzzle, Making Puzzle, Level 10 Puzzle, LvL 10 Puzzle, Hardest Puzzle
Id: ZS6mWe4HZxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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