Try to put this square in the frame | how is it possible?

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Hello everyone, I’m Cubastik. Today, we overmaster the puzzles again. This time, the puzzle is very unusual for my channel, as it looks simple, but it is quite difficult to solve it. This puzzle is called — “Black Square”. Everything is very simple. We have not very big black square, and our task is to put it on the platform. It seems to be impossible, because here there is just no place for it, but if we look more carefully, we can see small slit here and here. But if we somehow move the elements, then we will have enough space to put this black square inside this frame. The same mode was used in the video about the endless chocolate. If you remember, press the like button. Today we will try to solve this puzzle, and the most interesting thing is that, here we have several variants of solution. I don’t know how many I will find today, but I’m sure that it will be interesting. Let’s go, here we have black square and one, two, three, four, five not very big or big quadrangles, pentagons, polygons and triangles of different shapes. We can put these pentagons and polygons in the middle of this frame, as you like, overturning it or not. But the most important thing is to do this in the plane position. We can put it like this, like this, like this, as you like. And I understand that the biggest element will lie close by the wall, but I’m not sure. I know, that many puzzles have many, different solutions. I forgot to note the time, let’s try to speed-solve the puzzle as fast, as possible, but it is not necessarily. Ok, let’s try to do something, it is lying tightly. I noticed, that the size of black square and this stripe are aligned. Also we have one more element, which is consisting in size. Hmmm, interesting, let’s try to solve in this way. Ok, not bad, it looks good, but it won’t work out, because here the triangle left. Let’s try to solve another side. Ok, it’s not easy. We will start with the biggest part, because I don’t see the other variants. It isn’t difficult to notice, that the detail is put wrong, if there is a free space, because we need to use each each square millimeter of this puzzle. Maybe, that way I will be close. Oh no, I came to the same point, where I was at the beginning. Okey, let’s try again. There are a lot of puzzles, like this. By the way, right now I have proved myself, that this detail isn’t symmetrical. Although, it looks like a symmetrical arrowhead. And look, if I put it here, it won’t enter, but if I turn it over, it becomes perfect. We can invert the details, any you like. Okey, let’s try another variant. And here, as you can see, we have free space. It means, that we are doing something wrong. And if we exchange this triangle with this one, which is smaller. And then if invert this detail, we can receive a lot of free space. Hah, now we have a lot of free space for the square, and a small space for the triangle. Super! Only 5 minutes have passed, but the unreal puzzle is already solved. The square is large, approximately one and a half centimeter, and it takes much space. As at the beginning everything was placed very tightly, I can’t believe that we managed to stow away the square and at the same time there left free space. It means that firstly, geometry is a very crafty thing and secondly, that there is nothing impossible. I want to try to find the second variant of solution. I hope, that there are really many solutions. But, the problem is that I can not remember, how I solved the puzzle at first time, and solve it as well as the first. But you will write me in the comments, that I am handsome man. This is so, yes? It seems to me, that I’m repeating the same variant, that I had. This is a departure position. I have already picked several of them up. Cool, but we just need to swap the triangles. I have found the second solution. Guys, you won’t believe, but I have already shot the ending of the video without finding the second solution. But only now, I have done this. Let it be a bonus for someone, who have watched this video till the end. And now, you can definitely press the like button. — “ This is a real fubar” I’m shocked too. — “ I have already wanted to stop the shooting”. In general, it was funny, now you will see the ending that we had shot before. The video was really interesting with the quite unusual puzzle. Try to solve different puzzles, different conundrums, set different tasks, and even if they seem to you impossible, don’t stop! I’m sure that with the great effort and perseverance you will achieve absolutely everything. And it is subject not only to the puzzles. Guys, and with you was me: Cubastik and the puzzle — “Black Square“. Thanks for the watching. I’m really looking forward to receive your like, subscription and comment below this video. But for now, bye. And have a good time.
Views: 7,736,681
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Keywords: black square, how is it possible, impossible, Puzzle, trick, task, Try to put this square, frame, element, impossible puzzle, cubastiс
Id: ZQ3G35sgqso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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