The Impossible Titan Puzzle - Why it's so Incredibly Difficult and how to open it!!

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hi and welcome to another episode of mister puzzle in today's episode we gonna talk again about this puzzle here the Titan the first puzzle I was not able to solve in the life sauce in the meanwhile I can tell you already I did it I opened this thing up and it took me more than 10 hours to do so so the difficulty remains of course at 5 out of a maximum of 5 and they have been a lot of feedback of you in the comments of this previous video on what approaches I should use for example I think the most famous one was using a magnet to open it up but they have been a statement in instructions no external tools so I was sure this won't work I tried anyway of course and I can tell you of course this is brass also the interior parts all the interior parts are not magnetic so using the magnet don't work but how to do it I also received a lot of comments of you on asking me how I personally approach this kind of particular puzzle type because there isn't billing no informations available from first point of view but that's of course not correct I decided based on these requests that I today will show you or explain you my complete way on how I came up with the solution it will not take 10 hours of course so don't worry but I will explain you my personal problem-solving approach on how to approach this particular puzzle type so today's episode will not be only about showing you the solution and explaining you the mechanism of this insane puzzle it's also about the problem-solving process on how I personally approach puzzles I know nothing more about s how it looks from the outside but before we start I would like to thank brilliant a dog for sponsoring today's episode and since today's episode is about problem solving they are the perfect sponsor for today because brilliant a dog is a problem-solving website and the mobile app that teaches you in more than 50 interactive courses how to approach and solve problems for example in math in science and in computer science and in addition there are also daily challenges that you can work on to improve your personal problem-solving skills one of my personal favorites for example is the new interactive scientific thinking course which is targeting on getting a better standing of the world around you by solving puzzles with science definitely one of my favorite courses so unlike listening and copying in a boring school lessons brilliant is using this interactive approach to train you to improve your personal problem-solving skills to support mr. puzzle and learn more about brilliant use the link in the video description go to Bruno doc slash mr. puzzle and sign up for free and also the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% of the annual premium subscription thanks again to brilliant for supporting my channel and now let's go on with the Titan puzzle and how to solve it after the spoiler break [Music] did you notice how beautiful this puzzle looked like in the spoiler break by the way now after 10 hours of sweating swearing and handing this puzzle it looks pretty much dull maybe I can polish this up later basically if you spend a lot of time on a puzzle like this one you also doesn't do a lot of fiddling and so on you are not the whole time concentrated but if you concentrate it or if I'm concentrated I usually follow five single steps and they are all used to collect data in general the first one is general info the first thing is for example the designer in this case Felix EUR is completely unknown to me I never heard from him I never heard about a puzzle from him so it won't help us the second point is the material the puzzle is made out of brass and this is limiting the possibilities a lot how to process and manufacture this puzzle it usually also means that the geometry is a rather simple geometry as you can see on the outer shape there was very likely a spinning machine used to manufacture it so you can sit can consider that on the inside for the inside mechanism also a spinning machine was used which is usually able to carve out some notches and so on but that's it pretty much of course there can be also used a 5xs CNC machine but for this price level where this puzzle is the Machine time which would probably kill the price so we consider that this one was made out of spinning at least the main shape according to the description there is no force required no tapping required and no external tools which is also excluding a magnet or anything similar these are the general informations we can so far gather the second point is about haptic perception first one is the weight it's nearly completely solid because it's very heavy means it points again in the direction of being a simple geometry it's sometimes completely free to rotate in other positions it gets stuck and then something very interesting happens if you get stacks you can turn it in the other direction about two revolutions and then it gets stuck again but it's not exactly two revolutions so in the beginning if you get stuck here we turn it one revolution and another one and shortly before we finish the second revolution like over here it gets stuck again and this is one feature I couldn't explain for a long time so also we can pull the two halves apart like this but they get stuck and in combination with the ball bearing that we assume here being inside because we can feel and hear it there is a standard way how this shape usually looks like there is a Nazi on the outer half and also on the inner core piece and they can spin but there is also ball bearing spinning around the Indus knot but as soon as you try to separate it it gonna be blocked and now let's come to the Third Point which is confirming the theory here the third point is auditive perception you try to listen what's going on inside of this puzzle and try to build or try to enhance your model according to what you can hear okay you can hear when it's blocked what you can also hear is the ball is sometimes rolling around like in a circular track which is confirming our theory here but in addition they happen some other things sometimes it's hitting something you can hear and it's not able to roll around so there must be something that's blocking it and also if you listen you are sometimes not sure are there one or maybe even two ball bearings inside the blocking and rolling partially rolling made me conclude that there must it must look like this I was thinking about there is on the inner part some kind of a rib or something and this rib if you rotate it starts to drag the ball and then drop it again and this sounds like this a rib also seems to be too complicated to manufacture since this is mainly done on a spinning oisin at least I thought so I thought it might be a screw or something that screwed inside here and the head of the screw will drag the ball partially around and drop it again what I could not explain with the theory was why it's sometimes stacking so there must be something in addition to confirm our theory even more we have also the fourth step which is visual perception visual perception is about looking for details here that can confirm your theory in this case it's just a sphere that can rotate so you can barely see anything but you can see something if you pull the two hell's apart you can look inside the gap between the two halves and you see that there is a cylinder and if you rotate want this piece here for example the cylinder remains steady but if you wrote this one it starts to rotate so it means this party of the puzzle is connected to the cylinder which goes over here which again is confirming our theory of the initial idea how this might work and taking all of these informations we just gathered we come to point number five which is the most important but also most difficult one and this one is logical thinking we can group this logical thinking actually in three categories so the first step is to analyze this is what we did with the previous four points the second one is to imagine what's happening inside based on the feedback and information together and the third one and this is a very important one is to verify your understanding what's happening inside by handling the puzzle and see if it behaves exactly in the way you expect it to behave so I was stumped here by this locking feature and I thought if there are two bolts inside it might work like this if there is a groove or a notch in the outer part and one of the balls will drop inside this groove it might be clamped by this screw here and it might be they might be compressed I can attach each other so you get a hard stop like so the problem is that you cannot understand on this puzzle where the blocking appears in what condition if this notch is on the top on the bottom left right you can just not hear it each only here it's blocking but you cannot feel and hear where it happens so again we have the screw we have a ball between the screw and something else and I thought there might be a pin coming from the top this pin can come up and down and block the ball or just in case it's somewhere here let it pass with the screw head which is just passing the pin so they can go side by side and the ball is somewhere in between and I had the feeling that I was very close to the solution because all the moves I did with the puzzle it behaves exactly like my theory the only thing I didn't know so far is where to get the ball out of the track to separate them and this is the way how you open the tighten up and be aware there's only a 50% chance that this will work if you do everything 100% correct because it's due to the geometry inside I will explain you later in detail you here you go tightness open but what did I just do that's the big question to explain it to you in very detail how this works I prepared this PC on my 3d printer which is basically the same SD light 1/2 but this one is open so we can have a look on the outside and you can see this pin here so I added a screw here this is exactly the same and there are also two holes in this piece down here which are the key to open it up just that you know that they are there because I think from here you will be not able to see them very well so I put the two bolts inside and now Titan is locked again okay so we start rotating and we can hear this strange noise coming from the inside and sometimes for some reason it blocks and this happens if one ball gets inside of one hole like so and the other ball cannot pass it anymore so I rotate and the other ball will believe will be blocked here on top of the ball that dropped inside of the hole and now we get the strange effects of Dien nearly to have Aleutians because if I twist back this ball will follow the pin then the pin will release it down here will go another turn and then it will be blocked again here on the other ball so we have these close to two evolutions that are so confusing in the beginning to open it up and solve it and I left this uncommented previously because it makes no sense to explain when it's closed no one would understand I first find a reference point and this is done the following way I just rotated randomly until one of the balls drops inside of a hole and if this happens cluck the puzzle gets stuck this is my first reference point then the next step is I twist the light 1/2 back so it will go back one revolution it will the ball will drop in the meanwhile it will be down here most of the times and then it will hit the lower ball like so and I can hear this for handling the puzzle okay then I wrap this half and stop it here and now I will find my second reference point and even the even more important one I rotate the other half back until this ball which is currently here they'll drop down again and it will hit this pin and based on the noise I will be able to find the position of the minimum angle this can have and now a drop down you've seen it so I twisted this half slightly back again that the ball can drop again in the hole I moved it over here and back in the hole like so and there's another hole over here and this is what's very difficult than what I did in the end I just put it here and move it here until this ball will also drop in the hole and if this happens I will be able to open up the puzzle what's very very devilish is that these two holes are not completely opposite they are slightly angled so they are like this one is like this the other hole is like this means if we orientate the puzzle in the wrong way and this was the 50% chance I'm talking about if you orientate it the other way it's unsolvable because the holes will point down here you cannot get the ball in both those holes with the method I just explained you need to have them in the correct orientation you need to do all the correct steps and then you will be able to get the two balls you're inside of the hole and open up the Titan I hope this was understandable for you please let me know in the comments what do you think about this episode also the problem-solving explanation in the beginning I'm really really interested in getting your feedback what do you think about this episode what do you think about this puzzle what's the solution as difficult as you expect was much easier much less complex let me know in the comments discuss about this puzzle of course let Felix your know your feedback and until next time keep on puzzling
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 836,645
Rating: 4.887784 out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Mr.Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Puzzle Box, Solving Puzzles, Puzzle Review, Impossible Puzzle, Difficult Puzzle, Woodworking, Metal Craft, Aluminum Puzzle, Level 10 Puzzle, LvL 10 Puzzle, Hardest Puzzle, Titan Puzzle, Solution, Brass Sphere, worlds hardest puzzle box, worlds hardest puzzle, Felix Ure, Titan Puzzle Solution, Chris Ramsay Puzzle, Cuby Puzzle, Алексей Якушечкин, Mr.Puzzle Titan, Metal Puzzle, Mr Puzzle
Id: P4naYABpS5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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