"The Most Beautiful Build" | Divine Bolt Paladin [Build Guide]

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hey YouTube Welcome Back I've been playing one of the most busted builds I've ever played it was recommended to me by someone in twitch chat we watched some YouTube videos we did some research and we fell in love with a skill that I've already fallen in love with it's healing hands this build must be one of the most beautiful builds that I've played in all of last Epoch if it's not the most beautiful build it's top three I I don't know how it gets any more beautiful than this this build Auto targets with piercing beautiful Shiny Gold projectiles all enemies on the on the screen simultaneously it's got good defense it's got busted defense it has good damage it has a dream come true play style and it's buttery smooth to play I so so happy to recommend this Bild to you for those of you out there who are always in the YouTube comments saying can this build get to 2,000 corruption I'll have you know that this build comes from a a YouTube person Eva marova they've been posting a handful of these videos on the YouTube side talking about this Divine bolt Sentinel uh this Paladin built here and they've been pushing like 2,000 corruption they are gearing their character very very defensively to push it their character to the absolute limits and that's awesome so we took a look at that video absolutely fell in love followed their videos as a outline for our character here learn the ins and outs of the character and we're going to present all that information for you here our build is going to be slightly different because I do not prioritize having 200,000 Ward because our defense is already absolutely busted for what it's worth my character here is generating about 5, th000 Ward every time that I rightclick and of course we scale cast speed as well so our character is level 100 our character is about 900 corruption or so I'm not intentionally pushing corruption because I find that boring but I do find this character fun so I'm just kind of pushing corruption because it's been such a joy to play this character here so I want to outline a couple things first about this character before we dive into talking about the skills the gear the masteries the minutia of the build and how you might go about gearing this character similar or different than me or even other YouTubers so let's talk about like what's ethical about this build what's unethical about this build so I actually think that the damage output of this build is quite ethical I've played lots of builds that are insane I've seen lots of builds that are insane I think that this is ethical build my gear in the clips and my gear of the people that you watch on YouTube like they have good gear and I have good gear my gear could even be quite a bit better but I feel like ah it's gonna take a long time to get to that point and I'm kind of getting bored so I'd like to move on to another build I think my damage is very appropriate for a high-end top tier character playing a good skills that has access to more multipliers that has lots of good Gear with like multiple LP on all of my gear slots this is the kind of damage that a character should be doing and I'm not saying at all that this character should be nerfed in terms of Def sorry in terms of offense what is unethical about this build well we're playing Healing Hands we generate 5,000 Ward on right click and we only have about 100 W retention because we have not intentionally built any of it that's insane we know that in patch 1.1 the developers will change this in some way we don't know exactly what the word numbers will look like but we know what their intent is so something along those lines uh on the other hand something that I like to address more specifically is the absolutely insane play style of this build so this is something that kind of surprises me that it's in the game because it's not I guess you could Nerf it but it's not like like it's dealing too much damage or it's not dealing enough damage or it's too tanky it's the play style and if you play with a controller or a gam pad you're going to love this if you're a lazy twitch streamer like me you're going to love this if you want a low APM build holy moly you're going to love this you Auto Target enemies on the entire screen sometimes offc screening them with a piercing projectile and all directions are on your character at all points in time and it does not matter where your mouse is it's the laziest build and I absolutely love it it's the kind of build that's so lazy that when someone says I want to play righteous Fire and I want the walk Walking simulator like I wish you didn't want righteous Fire because this is so much better and so much lazier than any of those builds it's so buttery smooth in terms of play style that's the part about this build honestly that strikes me as the most unethical yeah it's got a billion Ward whatever they're going to Nerf that but like are they also going to Nerf hitting every enemy on the screen at the same time because they did with ballista but what about this one we'll see something that you might care about is leveling this character lots of people ask about what makes his build chick how do I play this character and that would be well in order to shoot Divine bolts you need to be healing yourself of course your health needs to be less than a like maximum 100% so the most common way to do that is with something like this which is the percent current health loss per second percent Health gain is W per second so this is like the Healing Hands mod or the low life mod or the ex sanguin mod whatever you want to call this mod in your vernacular so this it also enables the war generation of Healing Hands which is probably the thing you want to be doing but it also allows the Divine bolt thing to work because if you're not healing yourself you won't shoot any Divine bolts curiously enough you can also enable the Divine bolt portion of the build without enabling the ward generation busted op part of the build by playing with a twisted heart of bucaros instead you could also do both but you can t techically enable this without the low life mod with a twisted heart so that's a fun thing to note um in terms of leveling this build I have not leveled this particular build but I have leveled other Healing Hands builds and Healing Hands is a skill that can be proed off of both Smite and a melee attack you could cast it yourself you could Channel it yourself honestly what you should do for leveling this character is find one of those play styles that works well and then build healing effect because the fact that it scales flat damage to its spell or to its attack based off of healing effect is absurd so just get as much healing effect as you can whatever unique items you're using or whatever Idols or whatever twink gear or stuff you find on the ground make sure you're looking for as much healing effect as possible and you will worry about the details later on because you will have a good experience with Healing Hands when you're building a bunch of healing effect early and often on your healing effect character so that's a good thing to know about we're going to jump into the skills first and I have lots of little details you can always use the YouTube chapters to browse around everything that we'll be talking about those will be listed in the comment section of this video here but first up we'll talk about the skills we'll talk about Mastery and then the gear and some other details at the end of this video for Healing Hands first we have a very normal looking skill Tre you'll see that I have plus four to Healing Hands you I think you only need plus two to Healing Hands which puts you at um a tier five ax on your helmet so not needing an exalted ax on your helmet couple things to talk about we have these two nodes up here these are defensive nodes they technically give you some damage sometimes it's relevant but if you only had uh 22 On Healing Hands instead of 24 from something like this that gives you plus levels to Healing Hands your helmet slot what You' use those on is maxing out this node down here the Urgent healing node so I would not bother with these two nodes if you don't have plus4 to your um to your healing hands in your helmet other things other design Cho other choices that we have here um home word makes it so that wherever our Mouse is we're always casting on ourselves which means we're always is generating Ward on her own character we are not taking the minus C speed here we would like to have as much C speed as possible technically this would give you a nice more damage multiplier but the cast speed is important because it helps scale up the emblation belt that we're using it also gives us better W generation it also helps us to stack up our sources of shred our armor shred or fire shred things like that I think it's a good choice not to have this because cast speed along with Attunement along with healing effect those are all things that scale both offense and defense at the same time whereas a moral multiplier here only scales damage it doesn't also scale our defense I think the defense of the build is just it's so it's so so buttery smooth so this point down here I mentioned this previously this point is one of the things that's kind of absurd when it comes to Healing Hands it's not something that's immediately obvious if you haven't played this game before it is plus 140 flat healing and that healing gets scaled with healing effect and then turned into Ward so when I right click I'm at 500 Ward here and it go about 5,000 W so generate about 4500 W or so this node I have actually I can generate more than that you want to see no uh I because I forgot to turn on my four sigils and I po my holy Aura of course we have about about 14 yeah about 1400 healing effect there so uh with 1400 is healing effect this node times 1400 effect gives us about 2100 W so this node accounts for about half of how much Ward I generate per right click so if you're trimming points and you only have plus two to Healing Hands you definitely want four in this I would definitely trim these two here this is absurd so in Healing Hands there's two skills there's two nodes that uh appear to me to be very important one is this node here ban of evil this is the reason that we're scaling healing effect and everything and the other notice this it's um it's a little bit uh under misunderstood under understood underappreciated so we'll just read it first Healing Hands deals more damage based on the combined levels of your specialized buff skills the sneaky thing about this well first of all Healing Hands is a buff H or is a buff seds is a buff so we use all our buff skills but also Javelin if you take the node on the right side it's battle standard Javelin gains the buff tag and you can see that by me hovering over this node in the middle here so it's a buff and it gives me 20% more damage realistically I already have 20 40 6 64 levels so this is a 64% more damage multiplier here so it moves the 64% more damage multiplier to be 84% more damage multiplier so for me the thing that I'm doing with javelin here represents about 12.2% more damage to my build which is a nice chunk of more damage but I'm actually using lunge instead because lunge to me feels way better so you can use Javelin as a movement skill if you'd like to I greatly prefer using lunge as my movement skill what does that mean that I sacrifice basically nothing it means that I sacrifice the percent increase damage per Attunement here I've got about 90 Attunement on my character here so this would give me 180% increased damage and for me getting a bonus 180% increased damage is not worth the quality of life sacrifice so I use lunge but I spec Javelin because of this node here cleric rat the rest of how you spec Javelin doesn't matter especially if you use it like me which is not using it next up is Holy Aura we are a a fire Dam uh fire penetration cast speed fiend with a little bit of crit chance a little bit of crit malti we have all four points in top left into increased healing effect remember this is doubled while holy AA is active so we'd like to get cool down recovery speed if possible because not only does cool down recovery speed scale holy auras up time but it also gives us more volatile reversals one pit trap for you to avoid is first of all if you're like leveling this character brand new you can spe into this as you don't need your resistance you can spec out of this unless you're doing something with frostbite shackles one thing to avoid is this this node will cleanse ailments on you uh if you are doing what I'm doing and using an emulator's oblation you would like to not cleanse ailments off of yourself so I would not use this note for reference as I play this character I am numb loocking my holy Aura of course I don't have numlock on my computer so what that means for me is my holy Aura is my pinky holding down the Q button on my keyboard for 10 hours at a time going on to volatile reversal I've got a separate video talking about volatile reversal it's one of the strongest skills in the game because it simply Stacks everything about this skill Stacks if you see something that looks good consider having two of it or even four of it if you're um getting some bonus cool down by killing things with volatile reversal like in Arena for example if I could somehow retool this this character perfectly I would consider having plus levels to volatile reversal on my helmet perhaps instead of Attunement here because uh if if I really wanted to juice up this character as much as possible I even put two points into ancient reversal here so that would send me further back in time which would let me uh stack or have a better chance of stacking things like the attack speed the cast speed the movement speed during something like Arena if I were trying to push as high in the arena as possible for example so you can also put a flex Point into time set but the most important stuff here is the percent increase damage taken the first note here second note here because our Mana is basically perfect we don't care about that and then all the utility and speed on these nodes there in sigs of Hope sigs of Hope is something that you definitely do not need to bother with um during a map but during a boss you should bother with it because it's percent increased damage it gives you healing effect and you'd like to have as much damage as possible during a boss fight so most important Point here is Last Wish chance to summon a Sig and kill this just means you don't need to cast them while you are walking around but for the rest of this we have a little bit extra flat damage on our character here this is 1 2 3 4 * 12 right 12 another 12 flat damage for for this thing here and then some duration plus one maximum and some increased healing per active so one nice thing about this spell character is that we're scaling bunch of cast speed so we can just like and it's very very easy to uh summon all four of them without feeling like I need to stand there and cast my sigils over and over like you might feel with a Melee character because a Melee character probably doesn't have the cast speed to make the sigils self-c casting feel good let's jump over to the Mastery real quick this is a character that generates an obscene amount of Ward so we are not taking any Ward or sorry not taking any Vitality nodes we just don't care about those we're taking things like res less damage taken some extra utility from valant charge to like use our skills faster and just a couple points into the increased damage here because why not we got two extra points that we need to put somewhere you could Flex these around if your R situation is different than mine but I like having strength because I like having armor in void Knight skill tree I'm only putting Five Points to pick a volatile reversal if you want to spec slightly differently or more aggressively you put five more points to this and pick up with this void corruption node that would net you 11 crit multi for your character no points in Forge guard if you wanted to Mid Max your defenses you would consider putting a point into block and a point into Block in the base Mastery tree for Sentinel as well but that is something cute that you can opt into that I did not opt into for our Paladin skill tree you'll see that we're basically click on everything that has the word healing effect in it so we have some healing effect here here some healing effect here some healing effect here some healing effect here this thing procs uh we never we never die so we're not taking this but we are taking the onep pointer in the healing effect from this thing here along with some movement speed some healing effect some healing effect some healing effect and some healing effects uh I guess it's a legally distinct healing effect it just gives you percent increased damage um things to note here is you could Flex out of Valor this is only 50% increased healing effectiveness so you could Flex these points out because the health is kind of wasted but the healing effect is still good you could Flex these 10 points elsewhere if you wanted to go crit void or armor or those block nodes or even the extra crit multi up here points uh that we care about the most are these the Divine bolt points so you'll note that when we have one enemy next to us if we right click we shoot five six projectiles at it Healing Hand skill tree says Divine bolt is affected by specific passes from the Paladin skill tree and if you take this node then Divine Bolt from all sources scale with the nodes on this tree so we are not using a melee attack so this first node obviously obviously does nothing for us but we are very interested in the insane quality of life that comes from the shared Divinity node this node shoots five extra projectiles so we have Boop six projectiles going out offs screening in all directions Auto targeting all the time so remember Healing Hand shoots five and this is one one so it could shoot four more of those for a total of 5 * 6 is 30 projectiles shooting off scaling with cast speed in all directions at all points in time which is pretty insane if you ask me so that about does it for our things uh for our skills and for our Mastery let's talk about the gearing options because there's quite a bit of things you need to know about what is the simplest thing to say when it comes to Gear Well your offense and your defense scale with three things cast speed healing effect and Attunement so what you should build on your character is cast speed healing effects and you guys did Attunement rounding out the rest of the character are things like crit avoid if you opt into crit avoid if you opt into something like firey Dragon shoes where you have this 85% reduced bonus damage taken from critical strikes and that kind of sort of caps your criid because taking 15% increased damage it's no big deal so uh you could also get like another 15% reduced Dam Tak from crits on a belt or on a glove for example so that could be an option for you to cap this out even your body armor is a nice slot for fitting in the rest that 15% if you really want to minmax your defense in terms of crit avoidance um other things we care about we have a ton of flat damage in our build and one of the rewards for having tons and tons of flat damage is that you get to use one of the most meta broken items in the game Mad Alchemist Ladle gives us 48% more damage we don't care about the cped for intelligence we're not really building intelligence we don't care about the Mana gain don't really care about that mad L is an item that has 48% more damage written on it it's a wand so it has that minus three Mana cause and it's relatively easy to get this thing with two or three LP on it so getting fire damage and C speed something like this is fine I think my best one would be um tier 7even C speed tier five crit multi I think we get enough percent increase damage but this thing is fine as well and then of course the new AIX introduced 1.0 is fire penetration fire penetration is good it'd be nice to have chill in my build I actually don't have any chill in my build so if you're looking for random suffixes to fill in on your wand chill would be a nice one because remember it's an action speed slow it slow as both movement speed and attack and cast speed for our helmets you're looking for at least plus two to um to Healing Hands there's lots of good interesting options when it comes to helmet I'm using this one because I played a different Healing Hands character and I already had this but it brings up an interesting question about where do you get crit from so real quick ignore that this item looks interesting it's actually a boring item we'll get there in a moment this thing has a plus six spell Critical Strike chance implicit so your base crit is five plus six is 11 and the question is how do you get enough crit to get your character up to you know 75 or 85 or maybe even 95% Critical Strike chance where you really want to be you don't got to max out your crit but getting it up to at least 75 85 that's where you want um you need some kind of flat crd coming from the off end if you used a shield like an absolute Maniac wanting even more defense on this character then you would want to use different sources of flat Critical Strike chance you could use something like a drag wrath claw for example that has a plus four implicit but it doesn't have minus Mana cause so maybe you would Flex a different point in Healing Hands to the minus Mana cost to make up for that so maybe you trim two points here and you grab this for um for for drag wrath claw instead that could be another option for you um the other sources of crit that you should know about are loi's Hunger loi's Hunger has plus three fire spell or fire Critical Strike chance ever since the update for Healing Hands where they added fire tag in this does work with giving you flat Critical Strike chance is another good source if you're really trying to cap out your crit and make use of crit M te and the other one of course is the classic Prismatic gaze Prismatic gaze strikes me as something that's really tedious to farm with two or three LP because not only do you want one with two LP or at least one LP you also wanted to have that four Critical Strike chance instead of the two Critical Strike chance the Third to bottom line of textt there when you would have a unique item like you don't only want the unique item you also want it to be well rolled the more things you're looking to be well rolled the more tedious it is to farm one of those so a peak of the mountain is very easy to get with 2 LP even with 3 LP it's quite straightforward and then it rolls between 240 and 290 increased Critical Strike chance but that's fine um other items that we'll talk about in the same vein so slightly difficult slightly more difficult to get than a PE a mountain is this hand of judgment so Hand of judgment has has two aices that we care about here it has the Attunement that which goes from 4 to 16 it also has fire penetration going from8 to 24 fire penetration so both of those are kind of wide ranges you want in terms of getting good damage something like this that has a good role on a tumin good rooll on fire penetration also has two or maybe three LP you'd like to have the fortify the crit reduction suffix if you could get it you'd like to have the armor shred suffix if you could get it and of course t cast speed is just chef's kiss for an item like this for a build like this and again we said that the experimental modifier for draining health is an important thing not only to generate Ward but also to literally play the build because it makes the Divine bolt happen coming in at the worst item to farm is skills ofera this has caused lots and lots of questions from twitch chat but it's it's really just there to cause you to ask questions to me when you're watching this build so why are we using skills of ter skills Terra the dirty secret about this item I'm so sorry MC fluffin is that this item is bad if you see someone using a scales of Tera they're doing one of two things with it one they are completely ignoring the last two lines of text so I'm a fire build and mine has cold infusion and lightning infusion which means it's perfect for me because I don't need to worry about that text uh the other use case for people using skel OFA is is abusing the crap out of it and getting a very long duration spell or a skill something like locust swarm when you're playing a swarm blade Druid and like snapshotting the huge more damage multiplier and having an apply for the next minute or two minutes um you basically only have those two use cases I don't know of an ethical build that makes use of all of the text on scales OFA and I would be surprised if there is one if you have one show me I would genuinely love to see it so what are we using skills of Terra for well we're a cped build and this item is a unique that has cped on it which means ideally with LP you'd like to put more cased on it so the reason this is so tedious to farm is one it's kind of rare two you want the six implicit and you can't craft it so it has to drop naturally with a six implicit it also needs to have the uh the fire and sorry it needs to have the cold lightning infusion on it so it should not have the fire infusion on it and and it needs to have one LP or maybe even two LP but then once it has LP you also need to slam it and actually hit the tier 7 cast speed unlike me because I am a very unlucky person who did not hit the tier 7 cat speed the two times that I tried because I had two shots at it and very unlucky so uh if you don't have the skills of Terra which I don't expect you to literally just use an item that looks like this you should have a six implicit as the uh as the spell Critical Strike chance as much cast speed as possible and then do whatever you want with the rest of it ideally something like spell Critical Strike chance would be nice the the second uh prefix modifier there your suffixes could be cold res in case you're looking to do something with frostbite shackles or it could be any old other resistance that you want to add there so honestly my skills of Terra is not particularly good because it doesn't have cast speed it doesn't have that sweet double cast speed on it but it does have a tment which is nice because a tment is one of our offensive and defensive stats because it gives a heing effect uh it's good enough but it's it's really just there to make you ask questions about why on Earth we using this item other things we can talk about here our belt is notably not a unique item technically you could use a unique item with the addition of the fire tag to uh to to Holy Aura to Healing Hands you can even use something like this a dark shroud of cinders so it has some flat damage on it which you're not really lacking you probably have about 300 flat damage but this also gives you fire spell caspy so if you're trying to juice up your damage as much as possible you'd like to have another 17 cast speed off of something like this item here uh instead I would recommend using the new Sentinal body armor from 1.0 that has 700 flat armor on it definitely the best one 700 flat armor is insane you'd like to have things like Attunement you'd like to have things like armor shred effect 100% increased armor shred effect just imagine that you're applying twice as many armor shred Stacks as you actually are getting something like 100 or 50 with 100% increase effect is what I shoot for in a build like this your suffixes can be fortify so that uh reduce bonus damage taken from critical strikes or things like percent increased armor flat armor some physical res to round out whatever resistances you need for your build something along those lines is what your belt ought to look like while I'm farming this character here I spent a lot a lot of time doing soulfire Bastion because there's items there that you're interested in using the Rings have percent damage Ward retention cast speed which weird we're really looking for as much cast speed as possible and even just a one LP that has tier six or tier seven healing effect on it is exactly the kind of thing you're looking for if you have insane RNG you could look for like healing effect plus atunement because atunement again is one of those offensive and defensive scalers for our belt we get to use emblation again this only works because we're using a fire skill because the fire tag was introduced to uh Healing Hands this thing it has a funny little story that goes along with it I was under the impression that this thing stacked up to 40 flat damage but it actually Stacks up to 40 stacks of ignite which means that if you can get 40 stacks of ignite on yourself at the max R you're generating 240 flat damage which is not my impression of how this build of how this belt worked apparently other people knew this for a long time I who asked a developer once and was told that it worked the other way did not understand how this belt worked I have lots to say about that I feel like this belt should probably be nerfed now that I understand exactly what it's doing but for our build the maximum number of ignites that I've generated on myself has been about 16 um on average I think generating 10 is very very reasonable but this gives you a handful of flat damage and you'd like to have as much flat damage as possible we already have a 1,400 healing effect was 140 * 2 is 280 so our healing Effectiveness is giving us 280 and then we also have sigils we have the wand implicit um we have like a tiny bit of like flat damage coming in from other sources but you know we have about 300 flat damage going from 300 flat damage to uh 360 flat damage it's notable but like do really need it to go up to 40 ehg does it really need to go that high the more interesting thing that goes on with this belt is not only does it give it flat but it also gives us frenzy so frenzy is cast speed and cast speed is one of those three things that gives us both offense and defense at the same time important to note about this belt you can get affixes on your gear that say fire damage and ignite duration it would seem at first that ignite duration would scale the duration of the ignites on your own character it doesn't the percent increased fire damage hybrid modifier that gives you ignite duration it's a good modifier because it gives you percent increased damage it is not also dipping with imeta BL and scaling the duration of the ignites on your own character it doesn't do that is it intended to I don't know so we talk about fiery Dragon shoes there's a slew of interesting boots that you can use I ended up choosing this one because it has that reduced bonus damage take from crits and it allows you to not worry about Critical Strike avoidance or um yeah yeah Critical Strike avoidance on something like this one of the biggest benefits that I feel this offers is first of all it gives you a different blessing so you can go for like an all res blessing if you'd like to from the reign of dragons but for me it meant that when if if I upgrade to a second ashes of mortality ring it eases the uh the gear constraints that I have I don't need crit avoidance as a suffix on this ring I could simply use a one LP ring with healing effect and I don't need to make up the lack of Critical Strike avoidance elsewhere so that's one of these uh benefits of using the reduced bonus damage taken from crits the last piece of gear that we're going to talk about here is soulfire and I've got right under it another interesting option soulfire has a pretty low LP level which means you can get it with two three or sometimes even four LP if you're very lucky gives us more spell damage awesome it also gives us increased armor while ignited so it works out quite well with igniting ourselves off of emulator's oblation here so it's got 100% increased armor it's got more damage on it it has ignite which is another thing that we can use to scale up our mad alus Ladle and it has the more damage on it so things like tier seven cast speed and tier five healing effect or tier seven healing effect and tier five C speed one of those things and then for suffixes you could get Frailty on this if you don't how have it on your amulets um things like cold res would be relevant if you end up going the frostbite shackles route but frostbite shackles for me represents juicing up the defense of a build that already has s tier defense and like I said at the very beginning of this video I feel as though the damage output of this build is fair it is obviously good but I feel as though like which one's stronger which one's weaker I feel like the offenses are a little bit weaker um and the defenses are totally insane so I I would prefer to go an offensive route for the gloves instead of worrying about having 200,000 Ward because I'm never going to push to 5,000 corruption so I don't need 5,000 W 500,000 you know what I'm trying to say all right let's go to Idols next for the idols you have a very easy gearing experience the most important thing is the prefix modifier You' like to have as much healing Effectiveness as possible for your second modifier as a suffix on these 2 x two Idols you'd like to have something that looks like this chance to shred armor on hit with fire skills if you don't have chance to shred armor on hit with fire skills here you'd like to have as much armor shred here or maybe as much armor shred on your gloves but if you are unlucky and you don't get armor shred on your gloves you really like to have all of this armor shred as possible my amulet believe it or not is like the best thing that I can muster up I only have tier three armor shred I only have tier four spell Critical Strike chance I'd like to have much more than that but this is uh this is what I was able to farm unfortunately so making up for the only tier three armor shred we have a little bit of armor shred on our Idols too which is just exactly what you're looking for I think that about does it for the idols here we're a fire damage build we get more damage more armor Throne of ambition is a good item you should be using this if you don't want to use it whatever uh for our blessings we can talk a little bit about this I like to use this view instead our blessings we have uh coming on the right side here and then these two across the top are the only ones that matter so for black Sun we have crit multi my character is sitting at about 76% Critical Strike chance if you wanted to cap your crit and have less crit multi you could instead go for the Critical Strike chance blessing pretty sure the numbers work out the crit multi is better but you can choose whichever one you like other the crit chance of crit multi for ending the storm I'm going for lightning resistance to cap our res for rain of Dragons It's kind of cute you don't need to go crit avoid because we're going for Fortify like the fiery Dragon boots we talked about previously but uh random dragons you could go for bleed which is hilarious because I actually only have seven negative ailments unless I'm fighting against a necrotic monster because against necrotic monsters I fear them which is totally adorable so uh you you actually need one more uh damaging or or one more ailment to apply to the enemy to make perfect use of this because we're only applying seven not eight so you could go for bleed which is kind of a meme more realistically you're going for like poison res or plus to all resistance es maybe um maybe crit avoidance if you're going the crit avoidance route instead for our spirits of fire we want fire shred somewhere and this is the best place for us to get it just to take this one and then for rain of winter or sorry age of winter you're going for one of two things if you're playing the build like I am with a uh with a hand of judgment you're going to look for percent increased armor if you are playing instead with frostbite shackles you would probably consider not taking the armor here and instead going for more war generation I think the armor is still good we don't really have that much percent increased armor if you wanted to retool your Mastery and get like some percent increased armor from this or maybe stack a bit more strength to get percent increased armor you could do that but one of the benefits of having more armor is that more and increased are separate so it really only shrines as a more multiplier to your armor if you also have a bunch of more sorry if you also have a bunch of increased armor somewhere and of course this all works with the 700 flat armor from your body that you should be using on your character so that's a lot of talking there's a lot of cool things to talk about here um I actually I skipped over this one didn't I the ashes of orarion let's let's talk about ashes of Oran real quick I mentioned previously that soulfire has very low LP level and it's very realistic to get this kind of thing with two or three LP and it's got lots of relevant text on it this item uh why is it in my inventory you technically could use a 3 LP ashes of oryon to me that sounds like an absolute nightmare when it comes to um farming I I do not ever want to recommend an item that's a nightmare to farm like scales OFA is cute do not worry about not having a scales OFA with double cast speed on it ashes of ariran is cute because it gives some extra crit and we need some extra crit it give damage we like damage it gives C speed and cast speed is one of those things that skills offense and defense it gives all resistance and all res even skill that cold res in case you're using frostbite shackles and it gives a t minut as a pref or as the implicit modifier it it doesn't have a more multiplier from Soul fire and it doesn't have the percent increased armor but it does have cast speed and cast speed is a hell of a drug so if you wanted to pursue a two or three LP one of these I wouldn't blame you I think soulfire is much better in terms of farm ability because you can get a 3 LP one of these without losing your flipping mind so this is my recommendation but this thing yes it does technically help you here um other things that I forgot to call out during the gearing conversation I said that we needed one more source of chill or one more negative ailment in the build and technically the Frozen eyes of fosis is a cast speed amulet and it has flat damage on it which is cute and it has chance to chill on hit this is absolutely adorable if you have like a 3 LP one of these things or something you could go double implicit or sorry double prefix modifier plus armor shred as a suffix that that could be the kind of route that you go in order to get chill and in order to have an even fancier build than I have completely adorable because we don't actually have Chill on the wand here the very last thing to mention uh I realized that I haven't talked about this item yet is the Calamity helmet remember the Calamity helmet uh it now works with Healing Hands because it has a fire tag so it has that 10 fire spell cast speed and giving up the flat armor from like either peak of the mountain or a prismatic gaze is not nearly as big a deal as is giving up up the 700 flat armor that you would get if you tried to do a similar cute thing with the fire spell cped on your chest piece instead this thing also has a little bit of percent increase damage up to 80 it's really pretty easy to get this thing with LP because has a very low LP level so that's another option for you when it comes to gearing up this character here I think that about CS it this character has been one of the smoothest most buttery I said smooth already uh buttery good it's been the most buttery good oh my goodness it's been a very very smooth experience and I've genuinely enjoyed the out of it having those cute interactions like Divine bolt literally doesn't work unless you have the healing hands aics or why is skilles of teror in this build or how you generating so much Ward and talking about how busted this note is down here or even just like a smaller questions like why am I using lunge if I have Javelin spec in my five specialized skills all of those questions make me feel like my brain is nice and big when realistically this is just a build that we found on YouTube and it captured my heart after watching it for half of one second because it's the most beautiful build I've ever seen in all of last Depot so if you think that your build is more beautiful than this you're wrong but I would like to know what your opinion is so if you think that you've got another build that's totally beautiful I would love to hear what it is if you're playing this build in a different way if if you're making any of these other gearing options and your build is feeling good or not feeling good I'd love to hear what your experiences are as well we're probably going to Pivot off this character in like the next day or so because I have the urge to roll and do those level 100 monoliths again because for some reason I just can't get enough of that so thanks for being here I appreciate you listening all the way to the very end and I will see you next time
Channel: Perry the Pig
Views: 74,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last epoch, itemization, best arpg, last epoch review, last epoch gameplay, last epoch endgame, action rpg, competitive, endgame, mono, race, builds, meta, new, overview, maxroll, starter, build, mg, cof, pretty, iva, markova, ladder, hc, hh, healing hands, 1000, corruption
Id: JE8KF6QdN6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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