Ultimate Spin-2-Win - Void Knight Build Guide

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hey what's going on everybody just wanted to make a video today talking about a build that I've been playing recently uh it's a sentinel build um it's actually the war path of void KN build um it's been really interesting so far actually I originally uh was trying to avoid playing this specifically because it is a a one button ability sort of a thing but uh actually playing these past couple of days I've actually realized it's not a one button build it's actually a multi-button build which is actually really cool uh there's also a lot of room to experiment with this build you can add a whole bunch of different things in this build to kind of make it your own so just kind of wanted to go quickly about you know describing uh what the build kind of revolves around so mainly it's revolves around the war war path scaling it revolves around war path being able to uh do an echo while you're spinning so reading this it says while spinning you deal increased void damage and you have a chance each second to create an echo at the recent location that uses war path on the spot for two seconds so just looking at that first sentence uh we deal increased void damage which is amazing uh our echko has a chance to stop where it's where we were and spin for two seconds in the spot uh which is actually really nice considering that eeko just repeat the skill and a lot of the times it can happen after you've killed an enemy and the skill gets echoed and there's no enemy there so this is kind of convenient in in regards to you're moving in a direction you were in that area you get a echo that spawns in that area and then all of a sudden uh you know you're doing double the damage in that in that location uh the second one the second sentence says this Echo this chance is equal to twice your chance for skills to Echo so originally making the void Knight you get a 10% chance so that it immediately becomes a 20% chance and then on top of that you get another 10% so another 20 so we're sitting at 40 and then we're at 60 Echo chance and then finally at 80 so ultimately we end up getting at about an 80% Echo chance which is actually really amazing considering we don't really do anything else other than spin to win so just a few things to go by this uh channeled is one scaling tag that has a lot of different uh modifiers to it something like increased damage while channeling this is something that I'm trying to currently get for my apathy ma which is the weapon that I'm using for this build uh so just going over a little bit about what the skills are right and I'll go into a little in depth about what skills you can use but the majority is going to be based around Echo knite you're going to get apocalypse whirl which increases your time rot uh in infliction chance as well as M of the which increases your hit damage per time rot so if you have you have 12 stacks of time rot on the enemy you're going to end up be doing 120% more damage to that enemy uh which really helps out for bosses um so a couple of things here now I feel like volatile reversal is definitely necessary for one having the uh increased attack speed so you gain movement speed after you use it plus you gain attack speed uh attack speed is very critical when it comes to this build considering that our war path um you know hits every it hits twice your attack rate uh but the added damage applies at 60% Effectiveness and there's a 40% less chance to apply ailments the great thing about war path is that you can't be stunned um and we actually do end up regening man uh Mana uh with dark Nexus it ends up restoring 14 Mana every 3 seconds which really helps our regen uh when we're spamming our other abilities so war path is a very nice easy spin to win one button kind of a build but a lot of these other skills that I have here are very much universily uh utility okay so let me just go into a little in depth about the reasons why I chose these four skills uh compared to the ones that are on other websites so originally I chose Shield rush just for the movement ability allows me to travel without having a shield which is very nice considering that a lot of the damage I'm doing is only going to be against full health enemies with this I'm going to be charging I'm going to be going straight through enemies and they're not going to be hit yet so dealing as the maximum amount of damage I can as I'm traveling through them would be amazing that's why you take wheel breaker uh everything else in here is just utility Mana efficiency take less damage etc etc it's not necessary to have this technically you could go for like sigils of Hope and get Syms of Despair if you really wanted to for this but I do enjoy having Shield rush just for the off chance that there's something in my way and I need to get out quickly like uh like the uh rain of dragons the boss at the end who does that big ring uh it's very easy to go in and out using Shield Rush uh second thing that I want to bring to the attention is anomaly so anomaly is uh used in my uh uh what is it the void uh devouring or build excuse me uh where you make the time bubble on yourself uh and it moves with you the whole point of this is to uh shred where is it there it is it shreds void resistance every second while while the target is in there as well as giving attack speed and coold down speed so um very helpful when it comes to uh war pathing and being able to sort of maneuver around uh while also getting good attack speed uh cooldown recovery you get increased duration there's just a lot of benefits that come with anomaly so the last thing I want to bring to the attention is I've tried using different builds different skills for this last skill and I have found that um void cleave actually does uh really good job uh the one thing that I'm using it mainly for right now is is a traversal skill so I can move around the map quickly uh but when I use it and I hit an enemy my uh ravaging Aura starts for 10 seconds right right I hit at least three enemies and I get a ravaging aura now it doesn't do very much damage um so you can see that I'm I'm doing 853 it's not that good damage but when there's you know 20 mobs and I'm doing 800 damage to every single mob that's that's in there uh it ends up being extremely good damage so that's the whole reason why I keep uh void cleave as well as shredding uh void res and adding time rot Stacks um there's a lot of good things for why you would want to keep this skill um so let's jump into an echo and I'll just show you really quick kind of how the build plays it's actually quite a lot of fun and it does do a very considerable amount of damage um I've been trying to get this character ready for Arenas I feel like the arena will be massively uh undertuned for this build considering that it just plows through everything right look I'm I'm moving in One Direction and I'm killing things behind The Echoes are spawning behind me so if there's any enemies that are left over they get hit by that right and this is pretty self-explanatory right and I'm just using one skill so I'll show you kind of the rotation of how things move and how things work that was a very fast Echo um so yeah basically you're going to you know hold down your button to enable war path it could be on any any key you just need to hold it down the nice thing about war path is that you can click other things on the ground so you don't need to need to be completely stopped and not casting the skill um things like if there's an item that drops if there's see like like these right so I would normally I would have to stop and actually click it but if you move your mouse close to your character you slow down you can stop it completely and you just click and pick it up and move on so it's very convenient in that regard you don't have to worry about stopping and moving it's just it's just always moving constant constant moving um so these other abilities let's let's see if I can find a tougher enemy to sort of try the stuff out on let me get in here try this again and I I'll show you guys kind of what how I start how I finish the reasons why I use all of this stuff in here um yeah so we start off oh my goodness I love it start off with war path right maybe use void cleave get some extra range and damage anomaly to get that extra bubble shred these enemies down and then like right Shield rush to the next area and that's it this is this is it the build is very simple very basic but it's very fun uh it ends up lighting up your screen uh with a lot of these circles which is actually really kind of cool um if you don't enjoy that sort of thing then then this build probably is not for you cuz uh it has to do with a lot of that so but you can see like I I started going through here took less damage and then just you know didn't want to stay there and essentially just kept moving and I was able to I don't have to stay in one position long uh if I want the echo to happen I just move in a circle like this and it appears on the circle right so very easy to sort of figure out where the damage is going uh how to get the damage out there's no real trick to making it work it's just understanding how war path functions um and that's it right so you use that you get extra damage um and then you use uh use volatile reversal on bosses when you're a little more stationary you're not moving through so quickly but you can see that my echo's are spawning behind me so this will be a time to use that move around here that's also another thing that I use uh avoid CLE four is to catching up to the ranged mobs quicker a lot of the times the ranged mobs will just sit in the back as they should and just fire arrows or fire spells and sometimes your war path can get directly in the center of all those attacks so a good thing to do is to go up like that just quick you're fast you're quick you're efficient uh and you're moving so in a nutshell that's basically it right is essentially just a spinto win sort of play style you're using anomaly to uh activate it and and get this bubble around you that shreds void void resistance gets you better uh uh uh attack speed gets you cooldown recovery uh you use void cleave to hit an enemy you get the ravaging aura which also does damage with anomal you volatile reversal to get extra damage as well as increasing your attack speed and movement speed um it's just the the sky is the limit when it comes to this sort of thing now something to bear in mind is uh because I am uh wearing these gloves I'm not critting and because I'm not critting it means I can use something like Singularity right and uh Singularity does 15% more hit damage so on top of what I'm doing 15% more is just for one idle is really nice and you can see here I'm clearly mowing through enemies right these these big baddies they are taking like 1,800 just a normal hit from me uh which is which I feel is extremely good and yeah just moving around in a circle right if you encounter an enemy that's strong you just move in a circle around them and your Echoes will spawn around them and you'll start dealing 100% 200% damage because you're attacking them and your Ekko is also attacking them so now I have foregone some defenses in order to make this visually work so that I'm dealing a lot of damage uh something to keep in mind when you're pushing higher corruption is getting something that removes uh the ailment off of the belt let me see where is this um Ward gained on potion use no let's see there it is w and ailment cleansing on potion use right so you put one of these on your belt and you don't have to worry about ailments again you just hit your potion and all your ailments are are gone uh which is extremely nice so but yeah that's pretty much the build I just wanted to get something out here I've been playing this this build for maybe 4 days 5 days and I'm really starting to enjoy it I didn't think I would because of the whole spin to win out aspect I'm not that much of a fan of playing it but it actually plays very nicely and does a really good damage considering that a lot of the damage comes from you moving in a circle uh whether you're spinning in a circle or you're actually moving around the boss it spawns another Echo and you continue to do damage around that boss while the echko does damage to him as well so a lot of synergy oh before I forget now a lot of the other uh websites list like not using void cleave and using Sigil of Hope using Healing Hands uh using devouring orb there's a lot of different builds you can use with this now the one thing you have to keep in mind is that a lot of the damage you're doing is melee damage you're not doing any spell damage so you don't need anything on here that increases spell damage so keep that in mind when you're figuring out what spells to use but majority of the time you're going to be pretty good um and something to also keep in mind is Sentinels have a uh inherit attack speed bonus or increased damage bonus so depending on what you want to use if you feel like your attack speed is considerably higher then use a mace you know and use uh and put some points into there you can also you know use this um this mace up here that you know Shadow Beacon does melee void damage adds to void skills increased area for void skills um and you know adds adds melee damage to the base weapon so something like this with uh these talents can actually make the build considerably good so I hope you guys uh enjoyed watching this video I enjoyed making it uh and I'm planning on making a lot more builds for uh Sentinel considering it's one of my favorite classes in last Epoch let me guys let me know what you guys think if you enjoyed it if you also played a build like this before in the past uh what skills you had what items you had I'm I'm willing to try out a lot of different uh skills for this I I'm very curious to see how it works so hope you guys uh enjoyed the video and yeah make sure to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you later guys
Channel: Andrue2
Views: 4,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d4, lastepoch, poe, arpg, competitive, educational
Id: 4zQhvHKr5vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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