**ABSOLUTE ZERO** - The Frostbite Frost Claw Build Guide | Last Epoch 1.0

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hey guys it's Bina and in today's video I want to go over the frostbite frostclaw run Master we have pushed over 1,000 waves in the arena as you'll see here uh for rank one this one is using frostclaw to proc La Nova and using cold fire cold invocation to get more damage reduction alongside flame Ward and using flame Rush as our movement ability so we have 1,000 wave from the arena I had to stop there so I could have push ways way past this we're going to go over a map right now and I might actually push a little bit later in the in the cycle but for now that's that it's going to have to do um we're going to do a quick map to showcase the game play so essentially because we're applying frostbite we're scaling Cal damage and we're scaling freeze rate multiplier because our boots actually give us um freeze rate multiplier per uh cold penetration per 10% freeze rate multiplier so this is actually scaling our damage as well as scaling our tankiness all at the same time so we're about at 700 corruption pretty much everything is always Frozen there's nothing that moves except Immortal eyes which cannot be frozen or stunned so obviously things that cannot be cced will move I still permanently Freeze all bosses shades of Horus tier for JRA you can't kill tier 4 JRA with her without moving at all she doesn't even start challenging her very first explosion although I am building way more for freeze and not for damage so you could itemize in a certain way to build for more damage if you wanted to go with elemental damage over time over freeze rate multiplier over freeze rate ver tag of chill and you would probably still freeze most things but I I I started to focus on a very very freeze focused variant and I felt that it was like really really strong now this is me killing uh abomination in 557 corruption uh as you can see he cannot move at all this is what a single Target looks like this is what a bossing looks like um essentially it's walking AP Park since you permanently freeze him all the time and he can't do anything basically this stays the same upwards of like a thousand corruption um so long as you have enough freeze rate and enough freeze per second of chill this is the bossing of the of the build so pretty fun build to play for bossing for sure um so this is pretty much how it's How It Maps right uh very very very easy to do essentially you're spamming frostclaw um the important thing to note here is that the way we are sustaining our Mana with frost is by having it cost about 25 and under mana and ideally you want to beat at like 22 to 21 Mana because of this node here this note says chance to gain 12 mana on cast and it's a 36% chance so if you take this chance with 12 mana and we're getting five Frost claw cast from these nodes at the bottom left here so we see the first one second and third and then they also cast in reversed so it's got 1 2 3 4 five so five cast each one of them have a chance to generate 12 Mana at a 36% chance that's about like 20 I think it's 21.6 uh it's 21 point something so between 21 and 22 uh you need to be there for your Mana cost to be neutral mana and then the rest is covered by your Mana regen uh a little bit of luck right so a big your Mana pool means that you can have worse luck and still be able to cast continue casting your Frost Cs and the higher your Mana pool essentially the less the chance that you'll go out of Mana it might push up to 100 uh 100 waves in Arena I was once actually out of mana and had to like either wait a little bit or like have a bit better luck with my cast and then my Mana rep popped back up but you should really really be good at 22 mana and I've played this build for quite a while at like 25 26 Mana cost and it did feel good even at 25 26 Mana cost the way that we're reducing our Mana is first of all using a minus5 spell Mana cost scepter so this one is going to be important to get your Mana cost as low as possible it is not mandatory but it is needed to sustain your Mana cost so if you don't have a tier 7 minus 5 spell Manos scepter well use a minus four and if you don't have a minus 4 then you can use either a minus three or or even a wand because wands have an implicit for minus Mana cost at minus three um for spells right so because uh frostclaw is a spell then you'll be good to go with that Mana efficiency with frostclaw on these Idols are pretty important as well as you can see if I remove these right my frosta is now to 28 Mana cost if I use one of these I'm at 25 25 is still pretty good to sustain the Mana cost although it's going to be a little bit more difficult and you're a little bit more reliant on RNG right but as you can see you know like most of the time if you're mapping for example you'll have no problem uh sustaining your Mana cost even at 25 but for arena I would really suggest going full uh efficiency and going as low as possible with 22 Mana cost here for frost I don't know if with perfect rolls you could get it lower but as you can see it doesn't really matter because even at 25 you will sustain most of the way and you can definitely play this with a higher Mana cost in 22 so the way we're doing this is with these Idols with our with this node here for minus Mana cost and this node here for minus three Mana cost why are these so important it's because we're grabbing this node which gives us all of our projectiles the chance to hit the same Target so they will these will all shotgun but they increase your Mana cost by 90% And then we're going to the down left here with on through the snow and the future nodes ever onwards and then cracking the ice so basically what this does it this is what gives us all of these cats here the three in front of us and then the two backwards right so that's five cast total but these also increase the Mana cost quite a bit right plus 6 plus 6 Plus 40 so all of this combination uh makes it good like good enough to be able to sustain a 22 Mana cost with this node here so that is the main interaction for the Mana we are grabbing this note here in rail Windville to get uh Ward per 40% freeze rate multiplier and since we're scaling freeze rate multiplier we're getting a lot of w from this node so like this is not our only source of w gener ation but as as you can see right um I am getting a lot of Ward from spamming frostclaw alongside all of my other sources which are rayin Frost guard which gives us a burst of Ward also damage reduction and this scals with intelligence and it gives us freeze multiplier which does apply to the snow drifts to give us cold penetration with frostbite per 10% free multi so I'm focusing fully on freeze right multi to be able to like kill monsters without then moving at all I love frostbite builds because of this and snow drifts makes frostbite one of if not the very best element in the game because you're scaling both defense and offense these also get cult penetration which other elements have difficulty obtaining and then it in combination with frost white shackle you gain Ward gain on freeze as well Ward retention per onc cap cold reses you get freeze rate multiplier frostbite duration and a chance to apply frostbite on hit and one thing that you might notice here is that I have armor shred on hit armor shred is converted to frostbite in our rude Master passive freezing point your armor shred chance is converted to frostbite chance for cold spells so this is a cold spell Elemental Nova is proed off of frostclaw with the node up the top here Celestial conflux um 42% chance so we do proc it quite a bit and then what we're doing with our Nova is that we are specking uh into the uh Mana cost here and C damage taken so this makes it able for it to cost zero Mana but we take a bit more cold damage it is very important for La Nova to have a Mana cost of zero if you plan on proing it off of cesal conflux right so even if it had a cost of one Mana you will go Mana negative and you will not be able to sustain your Mana with a gift of winter so what you're trying to do here is with the scepter depending on your current setup you might need to remove some points from glacial might so these points here right this one in freezing Cascade and the three in glacial might you actually don't need them for for the build to function and if you don't have the minus Mana cost scepter feel free to remove these for La Nova to cost zero Mana it's very very very important at the same time if you want an even bigger AOE or if you don't have all of the points in Crest of unity like I have here I only have a plus three crest of unity um you could remove these points and invest more points into Elemental expanse to have an even even larger area of effect and have an even bigger La Nova for even better defense because you're freezing more and you're hitting more monsters in a wider area so nothing will actually move while you're mapping or doing Arena or stuff like that this is a change that I did do for arena I removed the these notes and I put everything into the area to be able to off uh to like hit monsters in as big as an area as possible so that I'm sure that nothing actually moves um so this pretty much covers La Nova and frostclaw it runic invocation you're using runic invocation with immutable order this this node gives it the Guaranty chance of accumulating runes uh based on the order of your skills on your action bar so because I have a cold a fire and a cold skill flame Rush is converted to Cal via branding of cold um this makes us able to summon ruins Frost guard all the time which is an insane defensive buff right so how do we use this so it guarantees this this specific invocation all the time so all you have to do is hold R invocation and go through the map and do as as you please kill the monsters and once this goes off cool down your runes will already be ready and so by holding it you will automatically uh use it again this gives you a burst of Ward defensive Buffs and blah blah blah at 30% less damage taken so it's very very good defensively our second defensive skill is going to be flame Ward so oh yeah so the the rest of the nodes and Ric invocation uh they don't really matter I mean we're getting we're grabbing whatever we can to help us with the build but this is the main one we're getting some cool down here a little bit of cast speed there uh chance to double cast with these points here and then the ex the last point is in run Slinger for a little bit more cast speed when using rication that we have like a little bit a little bit less frames uh that we stop for when we're casting uh cold fire cold but the only the only super important point is going to be immutable order the rest is pretty much whatever you want um then we have into flame Ward which is our second defensive ability which gives us a nice 30% less damage uh taken to you by hits uh this is the most important part so you activate it on the man to take way less damage it has a 30% less damage from hits inherently you get a 40% less hit damage here 30% Less La damage there and then you get a second charge here duration so more duration equals more time that we have to buff and then some Mana efficiency to be able to sustain Frost law even further because you know this does have a Mana cost and then to be like Mana neutral we're at like 21 22 Frost claw Mana cost so that anything that costs Mana is is essentially bad for us uh one nice thing is that runic ification will cost zero Mana because we are using um author of AR of Arcana which gives us a Mana refund uh on our rication so no Mana cost here so it's pretty nice so flame Ward used as a defensive with multiple charges and then we finally have flame Rush which is our moving ability which we are specking into like basically there's nothing crazy going on in flame Rush we're getting Mana efficiency here more Dr like more less damage taken doubled against dots flame Rush also inherently makes you take less damage during it so use this to your to your advantage Celestial guidance which makes it persist after flame rush but this is essentially fluff and you don't really need it because like the amount of time it stays on like you barely even have the time to see the buff staying on uh on your bar here before it disappears so while it's nice to have it's like I I feel like this there's very low value to this even then there's low value to anything else that you would grab so we're grabbing it anyways Ward after getting it we're getting frenzy After exiting so quite nice to be able to get the you know the extra um cast speed afterwards and then we're mainly going into branding cold so going through a monster with flame Rush will apply a brand and a brand is important because we're grabbing these points here in Celestial Doom to get um W gain versus branded bosses so you go through the boss and then all of these hits from your Frost La will give you an insane amount of Ward so this is pretty nice for that and it also makes it cold so we're doing uh cold fire cold right um so that pretty much covers it we get more speed and range and then we get a fire shred stack which is translated to a cold shred because we're uh we're we are converting it to cold so that pretty much covers flame rush so this is the setup for the skills uh in terms of gear I have a pretty decent setup here with uh you know Frozen IR with LP all of my stuff basically have like very nice LP slammed into it so frigate multi frigate multi referate multi armor shred on the gloves I have like tier 7 movement speed on the boots I have plus to def frostclaw on Twisted heart you don't need PL more than plus two def Frost claw to play this build efficiently the two points are nice to get this and to get maxed out celal conflux you could go with without one or the other if you want to play more defensively you could put your first points into here and then only one point into the El NOA proc or if you want to have more damage and more coverage you could put more uh the three points into Cal conflux and then the last Point into freeze rate multi here so this is the most important thing if you get a plus4 I would put the points into AR sceptor to get even more damage and frost by chance with frostclaw and this more damage will apply to the frostbite so the frost bites will actually get benefits from the more damage multiplier um so that is what I would do with this but essentially uh refer to the gearing section in the Maxell planner which I'll have linked down below um and yeah I'm using the oh the cuckoo I want to talk about this a little bit cucko is actually pretty nice because we don't have a good source of of haste on this build so cucko not only gives us haste but also increase the effect of haste so it's actually giving us more than 30% movement speed as you can see I'm at 45 base but then after I use this uh I'm at 92% movement speed right so the rest of my Idols are FR by duration and increased armor and Mana so these are pretty nice as well because Frost by duration actually scales your damage uh although it takes a little bit of time before it does it's it's actually one of the better multipliers because you have a very little source of frostbite duration except for frostbite shackles so let's go into the build guide right now and see what it's all about so we are here on the uh Maxwell build guide I'll go into the key ring sections so the starter Advance endgame and aspirational gear um starting gear essentially only yellows right you have like really nice Milestone you can go over this you can read through this uh the strand of souls belt is very very good at giving you a lot of Ward and Ward on kill so it has a lot of Ward synergies Mana spent G as Ward we are spending quite a bit of Mana on this so this is not uh you know the 180% Mana spend G is Ward is pretty nice and but you mainly use this for the ward gain on kill it's going to give you so much tankiness while mapping uh you will notice this immediately even with no LP I would highly recommend going strand of souls um oon oh so I need to talk about freeze rer stack of chill freeze Works in uh a couple different ways you have your base freeze rate for your ability right which can be like a fat flat value let's say for example 100 and then it's multiplied That Base freeze rate is multiplied by your freeze rate per stack of chill chill Stacks up to three times so this actually multiplies your base freeze rate making it bigger and then is multiplied by your freeze rate multiplier uh that you can get for example on your amulet right plus 211% freeze rate multiplier this is essential to understand if you want to be able to freeze monster and permanently freeze them and understand how you can scale your freeze rate even higher to permanently freeze bosses and you know shade of Oris and tier for Drilla and all these kind of bosses right so you go to the Milestones here oiron is excellent at this you know has up to 200% Freez per stack of chill the endgame setup has a tier 7 minus five spell Mana cost scepter uses the cuckoo to get haste and then the aspirational gear has uh the haste on the boots actually cuz have more LP this is absolutely aspirational gear I would I would suggest aiming for the endgame gear but if you want to go like crazy you can go with this setup with the snow drift with the haste here and then you use the vile ofta ice with 4 LP to get crazy stats it also has chance Supply frostbite on cold hit cold increase area for area skills alongside your CR of unity this will also increase the area of your La Nova call damage freeze rate multi it just like all good stats and an implicit of six intelligence which is useful to us we're also using Frozen ey of fosis for like even more freeer stack of chill so we have free per stack of chill pretty much everywhere on the helm on the chest on the rings on the amulet uh it's it's getting pretty crazy so for our blessings here uh we are grabbing void res we're gra freeze multi poison res chance to apply frostbite on hit on this one you if you want to get get even crazier with a freeze you could you could go with freeze rate per stack of chill but you would lose this 100% free uh chance apply frostbite on hit and then our last blessing is armor so yeah this is like really I I feel like this is like such a nice build um super defensive while keeping a good amount of damage while with this setup it's not the absolute top damage cuz this is this setup is concentrating on getting as much freeze rate as possible like you could itemize a little bit differently and instead of going for you know tier 7 free at multi you go for tier 7 ell damage over time time and you would get a lot more damage out of that but that is a decision that you will have to take I decided to go with the freeze rate because I wanted to freeze things 100% of the time I have tested this uh with my current setup in game I don't freeze uh shades of like 1700 like 1,700 corruption I don't freeze them permanently but then again uh we do have um snap freeze for this in that situation snap freeze is useful to freeze orbus or shade of orbus for like 2 seconds right or as you get higher and higher in corruption maybe there's a level in a couple thousands of corruption where you might not freeze a boss but you know it is part of the game so let's go over to passives now so in terms of passives in the base Mage class we have intelligence we're grabbing one point here one point here just to get access to the increased cast speed here is what we care about and then we also get the freeze rate multiplier in Rune of winter arguably you could put points into Warden whether or not you want more freeze or more W retention uh in the rude Master tree so there's a lot of good nodes here to take since we're getting so much Ward I did not take all the points in sphere of protection because I felt like freezing everything and um you know freezing everything and having good damage and having like so much Ward we don't need that many more sources of less damage taken that we already have since we already have so many so that's why I only put three points here we are grabbing the increased cast speed the intelligence and W on D spell cast so lots of Ward synergies Ward here we're getting uh intelligence and bonus damage taken from crits with a catalyst since we're using a catalyst we're getting minus 48% here and the rest of it is on our body armor and a sealed AIX on our uh where is it on our helmet right so this caps us at uh 100% less bonus damage taken from crits the best in slot aspirational gear version does not have capped capped capped but is using crest of unity to get 18% less damage taken from ignited shock or Shield enemies and that compensates for the more damage that you will take uh from those crits in that situation only when you're a crit right so we're going here we are going for the water retention with a scepter we are grabbing the conversion from armor shred to fro by chance for our cold spells we're grabbing the cast speed and moving speed after using a traversal skill for 4 seconds which is pretty nice more damage to bosses in rare and the effect is always double because we have the cold fire cold invocation so this is this is essentially 16% more damage um 8 8 point in int int is very important because it also scales your W retention at 4% per Point um so this is going to be very very good and you also get cool down recovery per 4 in so we're getting some cool down off of this and Celestial Doom to get Ward versus branded bosses which would apply a brand with flame rush in the sorcer tree we are grabbing the cast speed we're grabbing moving speed we go with calculate Destruction for the intelligence is giving us it's also giving us spell control strike chance which we don't care too much about except if you go in Arena and use jaged Veil but that is like only like a very specific thing for arena but jaged Veil is nice for the intelligence again giving us W retention and damage for frostclaw and then chill to the Bone one point here to benefit from um Twisted heart of UK caras which needs a source of leech to be able to restore your health to be able to get 8% of your current health converted to W when you sp when you directly cast a Elemental spell right so that is the reason we go here and no points into Spell blade arguably if you have low L res you could spec a couple of points into Elemental Affinity to cap your L res before you get like you know the perfect gear and the perfect setup so that pretty much covers the build I hope you love it it's absolutely amazing I think it's one of the best builds in the entire game overall in terms of uh General DPS CC quality of life tankiness everything about it just feels absolutely amazing and you can also level up with frostclaw which is amazing if you have any questions feel free to hop by my Discord by my twitch Channel or post in the comments below and I'll try to answer all of you guys as best as I can the best place to reach me is on my twitch channel from 9:00 to 4 eastern time where if you have like a very specific question you want answered about a specific question whether it is in this guide or in lasty in general I'll be happy to answer you guys and I try to answer every single question that it pops up in my twitch chat so thank you so much for watching I hope you like the video I hope you like the build it's insane it just permanently freezes anything in the game and I hope you love it I'll see you guys all in the next video
Channel: BinaQc
Views: 46,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Last Epoch, Best Build, Best Class, Top Build, Top Mastery, Last Epoch Best, Last Epoch Build Guide
Id: kGjwjHt1ag0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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