Don't Despise Small Beginnings! Ep 165 - Your Prophetic Journey with Shawn Bolz

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welcome today to ypj we're gonna be talking about not despising the small beginnings so this is such a important concept as you're going after the prophetic because god loves to start things embryonic he loves to start something that is so needs so much of him in it that it creates a gap between what's possible now today and it even manifesting in your lifetime and he did this with mary when he gave her that seed form of jesus when she she was pregnant with the christ within her i mean no one thought that a natural woman was going to have the messiah burst through their their their you know being and i think it's so profound that it took him 30 years before a maturing before he began to manifest the ministry that god had called him to 30 years what was he doing in those hidden years we don't exactly know but i know they were all foundational important and i don't know if jesus was like a cap at the saw like i'm ready father ready let's do this or if he enjoyed those 30 years each day and was like this is this is perfect but i know that human nature many times we get pregnant in our spirit with something we know god wants to do something in our lifetime maybe it's a project like a music cd or a movie or a television show maybe it's something like birth of family we want to have a wife or a husband if you're a woman and you want a husband a man if you want a wife you want you want a family you want to birth that family maybe you're 20 years old going where is my spouse i want to start this thing there's all these things that we're going to do maybe it's a business an entrepreneur whatever it is that god's put inside of you it's going to take god to bring it into fullness and we don't want to despise the stage of growth we're at especially when it's uncomfortable because what happens is as soon as we get such a reach for tomorrow and what it's going to look like in its fully manifested form that we don't enjoy who god is today or who we are today and this is the day that god's made we have to be glad and be able to rest in this day to rejoice in this day to enjoy living in the midst of it not being in its fullness of what god's put in our imaginations in our heart that it will be one day we have to still like today because this is the day that's important this is the only day we're guaranteed everything else we're guaranteed eternity and we're guaranteed today but we're not guaranteed tomorrow we don't know what tomorrow's gonna look like we could you know have an accident or have something happen but today we can live in our fullness and so that helps us to treasure the people god's put in our lives it helps us to treasure what we're working on are doing right now it helps us to actually pray in faith for things we do need breakthrough for in the immediate as a matter of fact i don't know if you know this i've said it before in this show but most of the promise and potential prophecies that were given in the old testament and new testament were for the now or the immediate future not the long long term future and god did that because he knew he put his nature inside of us and he knew it's timeless which means we don't want to wait for anything we want it to be now that's actually part of the nature of god because god lives outside of time and space so he's a now god everything happens in the now we want it to happen then now if you take me to disneyland and ask me to wait for an hour and a half in line i'm like where's the fast pass i just want to get through this i'm not enjoying this and my wife's like just enjoy the line enjoy us in the line let's spend time together and i'm like no i wouldn't be on the ride like for me i'll set the goal of being on the ride not being present and then in the now moment because my now is the ride not being with my family and so i have to learn how to adjust my expectations i think about the bible you know there's so many of us when you read the bible that we don't think about that god gap we want to do something with what god's put inside of us and we're trying to manifest it with our own strength our own talent our own ability but god's like i put a seed inside of you that you cannot make happen because i've chosen you and you are incapable of the fullness of this without me meaning there is a deficit in you that only god could fill but you plus god equals fullness you without god equals a measure of success that will never satisfy you on whatever area it is you're going after and i think of it this way in first corinthians 1 26 27 28 paul says the corinthians who think they're like the it church of the world they are like the hub and he says not many of you who were the the brightest bulb in the you know in the house not many of you you were you were people who weren't highly educated who weren't from royal families who weren't influencers of society but god chose you that he says this directly the weakest things of the world so that those who are wise would be shamed in their wisdom because you're going to be raised up in a wisdom they don't they can't even comprehend or relate to so in other words a lot of things are inside of you it's going to take a formation of you plus god learning who he is inside of you the identity process that creates the fullness of what you need to be to manifest that place that god has chosen just you to manifest again whether it's through your life and family whether it's through a career whether it's your ministry there's things that are missing and you don't want to despise what's missing some of you might be going but if i just had a benefactor to give me money i could get there faster the reality is that you have the ability to produce the resources and wealth inside of you you have the ability to produce a relationship network you need inside of you but you have to grow in god for that to happen it doesn't mean you won't need other people but it means you don't need them in the context more than you need god and more than god wants these things to happen for you more than you even want them to happen i need to understand that so that you don't strive and striving is one of the worst things we can do trying to make something happen in our own strength and trying to work for god instead of with him i mean you start to work so hard you outwork god in your life and you will be so tired your adrenals will be fatigued you need to let god be gone sometimes that means to wait part of not despising small beginnings and is is learning how to really really really wait on god another thing in small beginnings that happens is that we want the bigger audience the bigger crowd the bigger impact the bigger influence and so we don't enjoy like when we've made this much money we don't enjoy that because we're looking to make this much money or we don't enjoy when we have this much social media following or when we have this much influence in this area of like this many people have listened to our city or this many people read our books or this many people have you know um i've been impacted by our family or our home groups only 10 people come to our home group so we're dreaming of impacting hundreds you know or whatever it is whatever the impact you want to have most humans we're never satisfied with the impact we're currently having so the problem is we don't bloom where we're planted and we're always looking to start another garden and god's like i've planted you in a garden and you cannot have that until you've bloomed here and that's one of the hardest things for christians to learn is that god wants you to enjoy the process more than the destination the journey is more important by far and that means you're going to bloom where you're planted and when you're blooming where you're planted in you you'll hear god the most you'll hear his voice you'll hear his joy you'll feel his emotions the most when you're engaged with where he has you right now so i want to encourage you if you right now are in need of not despising small beginnings but blooming when you're planted just pray with god and say god help me to bloom here and not be so frustrated not to be so hungry for something else that i don't have hunger for what you're doing in my life right now and realize he'll work all things for your good even the hard things right now but you need to be patient it's one of the virtues it's one of the things that defines love is patience so you need to be in love with god and allow your patience towards god so that you can actually receive the fullness of god and i want to encourage you just pray those strong prayers of god help me to be patient help me to bloom or implanted help me to not despise where i'm at now help me to celebrate the people i'm impacting the finances i have the resources you give me the relationships that i have so that i can bloom there and not always look past them because i'll run over them in a wrong way that will violate love if i don't do it right now with you i don't want to do it just for you i want to do it with you in jesus name hope you guys enjoyed this share with somebody who needs to hear it
Channel: Bolz Ministries
Views: 5,966
Rating: 4.8894472 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Bolz ministries, Translating God,,, pastor, christian, God, Jesus, church, prophet, prophetic, prophecy, prophetic word, word of knowledge, bible, los angeles church, expression58, e58, iCreate Productions, exploring the prophetic, exploring the industry, your prophetic journey, small beginnings, exploring the marketplace, don't despise small beginnings
Id: MSaJnedQZl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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