Angels Act On Your Command

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Oh everybody welcome to Monday's edition of the believers voice of victor broadcast we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland we're here at our place in southwest Arkansas that's our prayer cabin been in our family ever since I got married we just I tell you it has been a wonderful thing for our family Gloria I was remembering this morning about that time I came up here in January of of 1983 there was a major change coming and in the in the whole the whole spiritual atmosphere of the country and and and I was just I was just hanging right there in the middle and I I didn't know which way to go of which way to turn and I learned a long time ago that this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith there's not anything in this world order that faith won't overcome but you have you have to take the time to pull aside with the Lord and listen and pray and believe God and find out what his plan is not what your plan is what is planning in fact that was really the beginning of the time when I realized that God has his plan for every human being ever born on this planet and his plan is a grand plan you remember he started this with the Garden of Eden he didn't start it in a thorn patch he started it in the Garden of Eden and his will for all men for all time was to live in that kind of environment that's always been his plan so anyway I I realized that his is the plan of what I needed to do was what Jesus did when he said your will be done on earth as it is in heaven your will and that that was the best plan that was the plan anyway came up here and prayed stayed nearly the whole month and just prayed and believed God and the first part of it was really tough and really rough and there were some things that had to be dealt with in my life and I just right here in in this peaceful environment the Lord revealed the the glory of the Lord I never I'd hurt brother Hagin talk about it about I really I'd really never studied it I didn't then really know what it was but I got into it began to study it left here that January with the actual vision of this ministry which was far more than what I had accounted for up at that time from 67 to 83 so this place has just been right at the heart of this ministry ever since we've been in the ministry our children have have big memories of this place amen so we wanted you to enjoy it and we've come up this a 22nd year that we broadcasting year amen and and then the other thing I wanted to mention this morning was word bird you may listen yesterday I meant to tell you this yesterday the minute you read the scripture that birds smoking in there John did that don't write me letters and tell me the sidewalks are turned up too high we don't phony up broadcaster stuff like that I just started reading the scriptures that bird has come in here I guess we've had that everything but I don't notice it any other time maybe it's just now he and father we thank you and we give you praise in honor today and in the name of Jesus we open our hearts we open our minds sir to receive revelation from heaven reveal yourself to us we thank you for manifestations of the Spirit of God all over this radio and television audience all over this earth and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen praise God let's go back over here then we began last week talking about our benefits from the hundred and third Psalm bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits that's important here again to remember that he is stirring us he's talking to his soul he wasn't talking to God that's of course he's blessing thought but but he's he's praising God but he's stirring himself up to remember that he is blessed of the Lord that it is the blessing of the Lord that empowers it is the blessing of the Lord not your own whitson in your own power that's what made him a great king not only that that's what made him that gave him the insight to walk not only as king but a prophet before God and it hasn't changed any Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles all the rest of us through Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise the spirit what the spirit promised Abraham when God blessed him and increased him and made him fruitful now David was walking in that blessing Jesus walked in that blessing in that blessing first of all let me say this this is important that you understand this when God created Adam and Eve the scripture said and God blessed them saying he blessed them saying the power of the blessing the activation of the blessing is faith Abraham's faith activated Abraham's blessing it still does 4th chapter of Romans we read it last week that it is a faith so that it might be by grace now you can understand a little bit about grace with this right here the literal meaning of the word blessed both in the Hebrew and in the Greek and in English means to say something good about isn't that interesting yes now it also we bless our food now what is a curse to say something bad about I mean that's a simple you have to have help misunderstanding you know so religious help can help you do that but anyway it's that simple now it also means the same words mean to empower to prosper well the prosper is do it the word prosper doesn't mean money now money is related to it but to prosper means to excel to the highest place in something desired the problem is in the desire not that not they not the prosper to prosper in God is to excel to the highest place in him in his power in his word in his way seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you tonight see that's that's prospering in God things are added to you you're prospering increasing it is not prosperity to decrease God never intended to decrease anybody people that have the idea that God and poverty are tied together with a short rope don't know anything about his word about the blessing of the Lord the reason the blessing is so important is called it was on page 1 praise God of the Bible that that's where it began and that is God's perfect will for all men all yes yes it isn't but he wanted people to prosper this day because he's good be fruitful increase subdue the earth and have dominion over it well to have dominion over it to cause it to be fruitful and to multiply when you just leave it alone and let it do whatever it's going to do that and the curse and its effect on the earth begins to do its thing then it becomes intolerable and it'll fight you but when the blessing of the Lord is upon it then God's empowerment to excel begins to have its effect on your surroundings it creates a wall of grace the scripture says his favor encompasses us as a shield and then the scripture says the blessing of the Lord is a wall about which Satan cannot penetrate unless he's allowed to penetrate penetrated there is a wall of separation between light and darkness life and death for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death there's a world of separation there that wall is the law of blessing it's though what did you say the first thing he said was about the law of the blessing is a wall is the wall that's the wall Satan can't penetrate that a darkness can't penetrate light light penetrates darkness but now I think the key to all of this is in the spoken word god blessed them saying be multiplied what's he doing he's saying something good now if he had just been complimenting them and they would have just said thank you I mean it had been over right there but that's not what he was doing he was not communicating with them he was empowering them words first place of authority is to exercise power and spiritual force their secondary function is to communicate ideas and thought between people but that's secondary because the scripture says that the tongue bridles the whole body the body and and if that what it does and all of its desires follow after what you've been saying now human beings instinctively know they're supposed to say something about everything they are supposed to be command and control and in their entire environment with what they say and consequently they they they talk all the time about they say something about everything but not knowing the scripture not knowing the laws of life negative it flows in that negative streams and Satan's biggest desire is to get hold of your tongue and if you'll notice everything in the world's conversation its manner of life the words that it speaks all of its bad words all of the they what the world thinks are just nothing words but you notice if you're sort that's all we call them yeah if you use those words in life they sound funny nobody out there in the world said it tickled them to life no it's tickle them to death what I mean where'd that come from why does it tickle you to death when people get mad they don't say go to heaven either did you notice they don't ever use any other entities word to curse except God they don't they don't use Buddha's name they don't use other names to curse they use the name of Jesus they coupled the word God with the word damn mm-hmm now why is that according to the scripture using God's Word in vain or in a blasphemous manner why he's not the dabber the natural world thinks he is the natural world thinks he sends people to hell he's never sent anybody to hell but the devil so the the you know you listen to the world well you can go to hell for line just same as you can for stealing you don't go to hell for lying or stealing either one not after Jesus was raised from the dead the only thing that'll send any person to hell is the rejection of Jesus Christ Lord and Savior because he has taken the punishment he was having sin he is the sin sacrifice amen I don't care what you did in the past it's been covered brother the only way don't that it can't cover you is to reject it now let's let's get back to our benefits and the 103rd song well know the Lord won't let me off this for say to bless I could just be complimenting he could have said something nice to Adam but when you say it in power then you become that it's one thing to say something nice about somebody as a compliment but to say something nice about somebody by faith then you become that blessing that's the power of the blessing it got so far lost that the body of Christ so lost the power of the blessing that nobody even knew what it meant it got to the place where it had been bogged down to nothing and to the place where it was just a response to a sneeze I mean that that that's a terrible thing to let something that's that powerful something God started humanity and and his empowering the human race with and let the devil just take all the air and the power out of it well of course it's the biggest danger to him that's what he was so hacked off about when he got in God's face over Joel and he said does he serve you for nothing you had blessed him the Hebrew text says look Oh [Music] Oh ticked off because the blessing of the Lord had made him rich he was the wealthiest man in the East and Satan couldn't get his hands on that money there was a protection wall there and it wasn't God that tore it down it was joked and tore it down that's right he didn't know how he did it but he did it now here's the same picture for blessing law the blessing law I like in the King James is called a hedge he's hedged about well we know that the grace of God is a shield come first about so what is grace grace is God continuing to say good things about us and bless us in his power even when we don't deserve it it I mean we deserved the curse but instead of cursing us he's blessed us in Christ Jesus praise God now that's grace now to empower to increase is the blessing of the Lord and when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life it was no longer on the outside when this man on the inside the real you was recreated of what the scripture calls being born again when that took place the scripture says any man in Christ is a new creation old things have passed away and all things are of God so that that seed of that blessing of Abraham then is inside this born-again man and the curse we didn't redeemed from the curse passed away oh yeah we've been redeemed from the curse of the law so the blessing didn't pass away the curse passed away in Jesus now the curse is still functioning but it's lost its power over us right when we resist it it can't overpower that resistance and come into our lives just cause the devil wants to now when you put I'm gonna talk about cussing them cussing is is a derivative prophetic of curse words death words poverty worse sickness words the law of sin and death Romans 8 the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death these are laws these are spiritual laws and when you put those laws into motion then the the power and entity that you authorized with your words you are that you are the witness out of the mouth of two witnesses let every word be established human beings are the establishing witness God's already said his part that I have placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life so if you if you made them a list here and separated them the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death over here would be the what is called the curse of the law everything on that side of the ledger that has to do with death sickness disease poverty lack all of those things death itself and the fear of death that Hebrews 2:14 and 15 talks about put all of those over here on this side then you put all that has to do with life and the redemption from that curse law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus both of them are activated with words so as you speak those words then you you are the deciding deciding factor and as you speak those words you have whomever backs those words which is Satan and all principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world they're the ones causing these things to function in your life because whether you know it or not you've license them to do so but when you speak life Jesus all of his angels and all of the heavens authority and life then is activated in your life that's when the wall goes up and we're out of time ha ha ha glory to God glory and I'll be back in just [Music] come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event living victory eastcoast faith encounter Orlando Florida September 14th and 15th with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly swisherd word explosion October 11th through 13th with Kenneth Copeland bill Winston and chaplain Al Valley Columbia South Carolina the Washington DC victory campaign November 8th through 10th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia you can use your faith on purpose the way a mechanic would use a tool and the way a mechanic purposefully takes and turns the proper wrench you can take your faith act on it and expect the power of God to operate faith will work anywhere if you put it to work find out how to put your faith to work in this foundational teaching by Kenneth Copeland never before in digital format it's time that your life reflects all you've been hoping for no more wishing for deliverance that your body is healed that bills are paid your family is intact the list goes on you need to know how to use your faith on purpose to get concrete results in all areas of your life everything needs to be alright in your household today and this requires faith with this in-depth study you'll finally gain understanding of the workings of your faith and realize it's the same faith of Jesus this series is available on CD or an mp3 format on USB Drive experience transformation in your life today order how to put your faith to work by Kenneth Copeland today for just $19.99 and save over 30% this series available on CD or mp3 on USB will help you learn how faith works build a firm foundation centered on God's Word order your copies today go to KCMG org slash TV special or call one eight hundred six hundred seven three nine five for an additional ten percent off order your copies online how to put your faith to work you know the the limitation of time on television you it's it's difficult to go into much detail but if take time in these CDs or the DVDs or different products like this go online and and and and so forth and take the time to spend in it go over it over and over and over again you get you teach it to your children your grandchildren you put these words in their mouth just before we came back Gloria said it's amazing how little children begin to use curse words instead of blessed words at such a young age well that's all they ever hear so that's what they say people talk about generational curses well it's not a generational curse it isn't the fact that the curse stays there it's the fact that the daddy taught the child that was passed on I'm the same word that opens the door to that devil net curse back there hundred years ago has left that devil to live there in that family because they keep saying the same thing well this is the generation where it stops because we put the word of God in our mouths and I'll tell you the heart trouble stops here the kidney trouble stops here the poverty stops here here's a short life starts here stops here praise God and the beginning of the rest of our lives in this family begins with this generation and that's the reason these things are so important I could preach a little bit go ahead yes ma'am father we praise you we pray for our partners all over this earth yes and we thank you for strengthening them raising them and showing yourself alive in their midst in Jesus name we're going to be in Washington DC and a victory campaign there November 8th through the 10th of Woodbridge Virginia that's going to be immediately after the national election so get in there we're gonna believe God whichever way the election goals praise God you need to vote you get in there pray and you vote the way God tells you to vote not the way your grandpa vote that's passed and gone amen but we're gonna start this thing off in prayer in the name of Jesus cuz that's where the power is Jesus is thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for more information on Kenneth Copeland ministries go to our website KCM org while online you'll discover a resource of faith-based teachings to help you find the answers you're looking for when you walk by faith everything is going to be alright
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 116,252
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Keywords: bvov_daily, christian walk, youtube, kenneth copeland ministries, purpose, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, beliefs, life, spiritual growth, quiet time, bvov-youtube, daily, gloria copeland, 3613066217001, bvo, word of god, direction
Id: 0LTFaw_pYeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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