The Minecraft Hacker Who Made MILLIONS

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in 2016 a college student created one of the most dangerous hacking software's to ever exist that would cost several businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars and later would almost shut down the entire internet but the most crazy part about all of this is it all started because he was trying to make a quick buck off of Minecraft I know crazy rights well you see minecraft is a game of endless opportunities and with those opportunities comes many ways to capitalize off of the game one of the most successful ways to make money off of minecraft is by setting up and running your own minecraft server which you can then generate profit from the incoming players owners of these minecraft servers are always doing whatever they can to bring in more players because just like most businesses in the real world they rely on their customers to make money and the more customers they have the more money they will make so running a minecraft server seems like a pretty good gig right well it is but what most people don't realize is out there in the minecraft server industry it's either eat or be eaten competition between rival minecraft servers is like a plague and some people are willing to do anything to bring in more customers and make more money even if it means intentionally destroying their competitors minecraft servers one of the most effective ways for server owners to deal with their competition is by hiring hackers to go attack their rivals minecraft server the main goal of this is to have the hackers make their server lag which will then frustrate players and after those players get sick of that lag they'll move over to your server instead pretty mean I know but like I said these guys will do anything to get ahead of the game and it's not uncommon for server owners to be paying hackers thousands of dollars to carry out their dirty business and some hackers have really taken advantage of it one person in particular who had been watching all of this go down from the shadows was Anacin PI a college student who is incredibly talented in programming he decided that he was going to partake in this minecraft hacking hustle but instead of using hacking software's already out there he created his own a botnet called Mirai using this new hacking software he was able to take control of thousands of devices that he infected with Mirai things like wireless routers and security cameras were all used to attack whoever in whatever he wanted he was in control of an entire robot army but the thing was Mirai was unlike anything the world had ever seen before anyone who thought they were safe from DDoS attacks weren't anymore nobody was safe from her eyes power some say that Anna senpai had created a monster but to him it was a business opportunity with his new hacking software Anna senpai had the fate of basically every single minecraft server in his hands if he wanted to he could shut down most servers for up to days at a time in some popular servers for several hours and these attacks could cost those owners thousands of dollars as players would flood over to different servers but Anna senpai wasn't going to obliterate people's businesses for no reason he was here to make money and with Mirai he knew he was capable of doing that so he started showing off his powers making it clear he was a big deal and soon enough minecraft server owners went to him in hopes of taking out their competition and since he was the best candidate for that job and had the most powerful hacking software at the time it made him reliable they knew he could get the job done Anna senpai would go on to taking down anyone on his hit list and at one point even the largest minecraft server hypixel claims that they were under attack from her I and they probably lost thousands of dollars because of it but these weren't just uncoordinated attacks done by Anna sent pi he planned all of them out rather than just going all in at once his strategy was he would wait 20 minutes or so in between attacks this gave time for the players to get kicked off the server once and then as soon as they get into their next game they get kicked off again sounds pretty frustrating if you ask me and it just goes to show this guy knew what he was doing after basically becoming a minecraft server hitman a new idea opened up to and a senpai a new way to make even more money than ERT was instead of just making cash off of attacking Minecraft servers what if he protected them from other hackers as well and just like that the DDoS protection company protract was created with Anacin pi as the owner and obviously it was under his real name for business purposes DDoS protection services made a ton of money as it is but Anacin PI wanted more he wanted more customers more servers to come to him for protection instead of his competitors so guess what he did he used Mirai to attack his business competitors and even the Minecraft servers they were protecting DDoS protection services like proxy pipe in OVH lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because of these cyber attacks their customers were leaving and switching over to pro traps since they knew Ana senpai could protect them better and also they thought that if they were customers of pro traf they wouldn't get attacked by Mirai somehow anna-san PI had sent fear all across the minecraft server industry and to be a customer of his services was the only way you were safe it was like he was some sort of tyrants striking fear into his people as he showed off his power sometimes he would even hold server owners against their will and if you didn't pay him you would face the consequences for example you could have been an innocent popular minecraft server owner and one day you get a message from a random person you've never even heard of before you go to check it and they're saying if you don't pay them five thousand dollars within the next 24 hours I will shut down your minecraft server that is what Ana senpai was capable of he was unstoppable while others suffered because of him he became rich he was receiving cash from taking down Minecraft servers using Mirai and from his own DDoS protection services there's no saying how much money he could have made throughout all of this but since minecraft servers make a lot of money and are willing to spend a lot to come out on top and protect themselves it's safe to say he got that bread during an ascent paws reign of terror not only did several business owners hate him for taking their cost but the FBI was also on his tail since he had committed several cyber crimes so Anna senpai decided to do something that was very unexpected he made a post on the hacker forums saying how he had made his money and basically said that he was retiring from his minecraft endeavors he thought that if he gave him a ride to his fellow hackers it would clear up his tracks from the FBI and that's exactly what he did so now dozens of other hackers had one of the most powerful hacking softwares in the world and would continue using it and just like that all of those hackers were using Mirai to cause harm and make money of course they started attacking very crucial parts of the Internet's ddossing sites like Twitter Netflix and even reddit shutting them down temporarily some of these attacks were so powerful and so devastating that people thought it was the start of a cyber war in foreign countries like China and Russia were trying to interfere with the 2016 presidential elections I just find it crazy how this all started because one man wanted to make some extra cash off of Minecraft unfortunately for Anacin pi he was later caught by the FBI and he faced the consequences of his actions even though justice has been served there's still some things that leave me wondering maybe the entire time he knew the FBI was closing in on him and he couldn't do anything and that may be the reason why he released a secret weapon to the public so they could carry on his legacy maybe the FBI even recruited him for his incredible knowledge but I guess we'll never find out one thing is for sure though that his impact on the Internet has certainly been catastrophic well that was pretty crazy the rise fall and legacy of the notorious minecraft hacker businessman ana senpai is for sure an interesting one let me know what you think in the comments gamers and hey if you enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe you can always change your mind later my other videos are popping up on the screen thanks for watching I'll see you all on the next one
Channel: Sipover
Views: 1,103,562
Rating: 4.911715 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft hacker, millions, minecraft server, money off minecraft, anna senpai, mirai, Hacking software, ddos, ddos attacks, botnet, ovh, proxypipe, hypixel, servers
Id: emLvwu8d6VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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