Minecraft's History on YouTube

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minecraft has been around for more than a decade now and ever since its creation the game has always been present on YouTube in one way or another and it's left us with some pretty juicy history to look at so today we're gonna take a trip all the way back to 2009 when the first ever minecraft video was uploaded to YouTube and then we'll work our way to present day to see how minecraft has evolved on YouTube over time and what each year was like let's get straight into it to start our journey let's go all the way back to the beginning the day that minecraft was officially released to the public which was on May 17 2009 on that same day dwop uploaded the first ever public minecraft video the video wasn't complicated it was just dwop walking around showing off his dirt creation in his Minecraft world also in this video there was no commentary of his own voice so it was just some silent gameplay breath but five days later a small youtuber by the name of Carl's or would upload the first minecraft video with commentary anyway what I'm playing with is a little Jeff Affleck cold Minecraft after a few more updates that made minecraft a bit more enjoyable a well known youtuber by the name of seananners would start a survival minecraft letsplay on August 25th 2010 now this is me kind of like following my cursor this is where I would put my armor this is where I would craft items together and this is what it would ultimately become if I put down this like so and basically you kind of draw what you want so like if I'm like I wanna make a shovel immediately after his first few episodes his Minecraft Let's Plays gained tons of recognition and he would be polling in the most views out of any minecraft youtuber for the time being in a very key detail I couldn't leave out of this video PewDiePie uploaded his first ever YouTube video which was also a Minecraft video on October 2nd 2010 [Music] unlike the past two years minecraft in 2011 seemed like it was starting to pick up in public interest as a game itself and on YouTube during 2011 most youtubers were still making minecraft survival let's play since that was all you could do back then and actually most of the well-known og youtubers you think of today started off by making minecraft survival let's place this same year youtubers like skydoesminecraft the syndicate project toby games and more but unlike most of the people i had just mentioned the only content creators who were receiving decent views for their minecraft videos was seananners and his new competitor the yogscast the yogscast really took off in 2011 reaching massive amounts of views they were also one of the first YouTube channels to add in mods to Minecraft and play custom maps both of which had really spiced up their videos because people love to see something that wasn't actually in Minecraft be put into minecraft and that's all that really went down that year content creators were just having a good time making Minecraft videos and seeing what they could do in the game and although 2011 wasn't a big year for minecraft on YouTube it is the year that started laying down the foundation of what was to come [Music] 2012 was a bit more eventful than the past few years minecraft started to see a large increase of public interest especially on YouTube this was also the year that we would be seeing more variety and original minecraft content rather than just vanilla let's place yeah you had the couple of youtubers like captain sparkles and the syndicate project who still brought in lots of views from there vanilla survival let's place but most of the hype in the community started to revolve around minecraft modded videos and custom adventure maps youtubers like skydoesminecraft and Toby games skyrocketed in views because of their modded minecraft videos and their custom map playthroughs at one point in your life you may have seen one of Skye's modded showcase videos or his custom parkour map playthroughs that he did with his friends 2012 also had a lot of Minecraft songs yeah you know those minecraft parody songs this is when most of them started coming about as a matter of fact I spent several dollars on minecraft song parodies so I could listen to them on my ipod hater knots I was just vibing and some of them were pretty fire I'm not gonna lie [Music] so now we head into 2013 to 2015 when minecraft blows up in popularity I'm not sure how many of you actually watch Minecraft on YouTube during these days but I would consider this time period the Golden Age of Minecraft anywhere you went on YouTube you'd find some sort of Minecraft related video and not gonna lie most of the time they were pretty enjoyable out of everything though modded minecraft videos had gone into full effect and were easily one of the biggest view bringers of this time period I'm not gonna go too deep into what the modded minecraft era was like because it's such a big topic but let's just say people would try to make mod in Minecraft videos in any way possible whether it was modded so cases modded Let's Plays or other creative ideas like popular mmo's modded challenge games people just loved watching them another thing now is huge during this time period was youtubers playing with other youtubers and just having fun simple as that whether it was on custom parkour courses or special game modes like skydoesminecraft cops-and-robbers series people would always be entertained by watching them back then it was just so cool seeing all of the biggest minecraft youtubers on the platform that you looked up to and wanted to be when you grow up come together in one entertaining video personally for me videos with sky deadlocks jerome a SF Beijing Canadian and so many more were always the best some of the people I just mentioned were also in a group called team crafted which actually dominated Minecraft on YouTube throughout this entire time period but the group didn't last very long because of drama which really sucks two other things that were really peaking in Public Interest during this time period were minecraft songs which I had mentioned coming about earlier and minecraft trolling both of these brought in a pretty decent amount of views and I'll be honest I was a pretty big minecraft roller back in my day I would watch a lot of those overall 2013 to 2015 were great years to be a content creator and a viewer minecraft views on we're at an all-time high especially in 2013 and 2014 but towards the end of 2015 you can start to see things slowed down a bit for multiple reasons one of the reasons was some youtubers had grown sick of Minecraft some of them had been making so much minecraft content since there was such a high demand for it they got tired and they either switched their content or quit YouTube entirely a few of the first large youtubers who had grown sick of Minecraft videos was the syndicate project tobyGames in the yogscast it was upsetting to see all of these guys go especially tobe games because personally for me I love this guy sadly this was only the beginning 2016 was the year things started to fall apart content wise it was really the same as the few years before with the exception that vanilla Let's Plays and basic stuff like that wouldn't get as much views also 2016 on YouTube as a whole happened to be the clickbait the annoying trend challenges era and that spread into the Minecraft community pretty quickly but none of that really affected minecraft on YouTube the real destruction came in from the drama that went down in 2016 now due to controversy and just because I like to keep my videos more lighthearted I really didn't want to talk about these events that took place in 2016 but I feel like they are historically important and minecraft timeline on YouTube and they need to be mentioned if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the ordeals associated with minecraft youtubers lionmaker and basher verse let's go into the drama revolving around lionmaker first if you don't know who lion maker was he was a pretty well known minecraft youtuber who brought in tons of views at the time and had good things going for him but things took a turn for the worse several accusations were brought up about lionmaker talking to underage girls in sexual ways that were more than a decade younger than him this news spread like wildfire in with all I hate coming Adam he had several breakdowns on Twitter and YouTube which made him look even worse the Minecraft community was disgusted with him whether or not these accusations were true the man himself keemstar had to report the news about the situation and he also made it seem like every single minecraft youtuber on the platform was like lionmaker an alleged pedophile the Minecraft community is getting a reputation for being a safe place for pedophiles there are pedophiles in the Minecraft community this is no longer like a few bad apples there are pedophiles in the Minecraft community and because of lion makers accusations the reputation of the Minecraft community and its youtubers were now ruined and would never be looked at as the same also around the same time that this was going on basher verse a well-known minecraft youtuber at the time was going insane he was making extremely inappropriate clickbait videos for his minecraft fanbase who the majority of were little kids and because of all the hate he was receiving for doing that he also had similar breakdowns to lionmaker on social media and lastly if things couldn't get worse skydoesminecraft became an emotional train wreck because of drama with his girlfriend he also got bored of Minecraft and in his videos you could tell he just seemed less interested in the game and his view started to drop the king we once knew was now falling off of his throne people say twenty20 is the worst year ever but 2016 was pretty bad [Music] yeah so you can probably tell from the past couple of years that 2017 and 2018 we're not going to be good years for Minecraft especially on YouTube and you'd be right content wise nothing really changed from the past few years yeah there wasn't as much vanilla Let's Plays and minecraft music being made but instead most youtubers were making the same type of content as they were years before they just weren't getting as much views this lack of views led to many youtubers leaving the Minecraft field to pursue other interests or make different types of videos one of these youtubers was Scottish minecraft who at one point got tired of Minecraft and decided to go make music instead and going back to team crafted the Minecraft group that once dominated the platform they were completely split up they were all just a shell of what they were years ago so seems like things couldn't get much worse for Minecraft right no it did fortnight's came in out of nowhere and took a lot of Minecraft viewers this was the worst possible thing to happen for Minecraft not only were views basically being robbed but a lot of the youtubers who made minecraft content decided to start making fort night contents all of them left as minecraft the game itself and its presence on YouTube started to crumble into the ground although there still was a couple of youtubers who were able to adapt to the new environments and pull in views like Sundy dantdm stampy popular mmo's and more but even with the select few it looked like minecraft was nearing its end and it wasn't ever gonna come back [Music] remember earlier how I mentioned minecraft got a bad reputation in 2016 and people would sorta make fun of its well all of that hate moved over to fortnight although fortnight was growing and minecraft was declining fortnight became that one game everyone would hate on some people hated this new battle royale game so much and we're so sick of it being on their youtube homepage they started wishing minecraft was popular again like it was years ago they realized that they had left the good days of gaming and the rise of fortnight made them realize that nothing would ever come close to the legendary game known as minecraft so people started to get nostalgic and started to talk about Minecraft more and more until it slowly started to reappear into people's lives and in March 2019 Call Me Carson an extremely popular gamer started streaming a new series on his twitch called SMP live and would upload the highlights of it to YouTube after SMP live was a community event where tons of popular and funny content creators got together in a survival minecraft server in would livestream themselves playing it some people called Carson a madman for deciding to create a dedicated series to playing a dead game but this series would generate millions of views all across YouTube and twitch as people started watching SMP live they said to themselves wow this really is a good game and just like that the Minecraft hype started to arise once again players were coming back to the game and YouTube viewers were coming back as well even PewDiePie would start up his own Survival Series in June of that year which would rake in millions of views keemstar would even host a Minecraft tournaments with several youtubers and live streamers called Minecraft Monday which would also bring in millions of viewers PewDiePie and minecraft Monday didn't revive minecraft but it was the things like that that maintained the hype around the game not only did several youtubers across the platform play Minecraft for at least a few videos but an entire new age of content creators came about youtubers like techno blade Skippy press and plays wads II dream in many more all started blowing up in popularity during twenty nineteen they were the next generation of Minecraft content creators the new skydoesminecraft yogscast and team crafted speaking of skydoesminecraft he even came back to making minecraft videos with this new generation of youtubers came a new generation of minecraft content as well for example ever since minecraft survival minecraft challenges have been a huge view bringer whether youtubers try making the game harder with some sort of twist or making it so lava rises every five seconds these minecraft challenges are always extremely interesting and bring in millions of views funny thing is no youtubers really make modded minecraft videos like they did in 2013 besides a few people like socks for one they're usually making more modern and original content in vanilla minecraft out with the old and in with the new i guess you could say [Music] a few months into 2020 the nostalgia and hype of Minecraft had died down on YouTube a little bit and not as many people were playing it as they were in late 2019 the misfits call me Carson PewDiePie and many others would stop playing Minecraft once they saw their views dropping but the people that would stay aka the new era of minecraft youtubers would continue making Minecraft videos and bringing in plenty of views 2020 also had a lot of Minecraft documentaries as well as minecraft lore which is super epic heck the video you're watching right now is considered a Minecraft documentary other than that the content today isn't too much different than it was in late 2019 I mean of course you got your mr. beast gaming Skippy thousands of dollars minecraft challenges but that's about it now comparing 2020 to 2009 I would say they're much different and basically not similar at all nobody today would want to watch a vanilla minecraft let's play with the bandicam watermark compared to back in 2009 now it's time to get a little emotional while I was researching for this documentary and was watching through videos of my old favorite minecraft youtubers like tobyGames and skydoesminecraft I was overwhelmed by emotions and felt some sort of tingly feeling I can't really describe it but I felt like I was living my childhood again I urge all of you to go and watch your old favorite minecraft youtubers and you'll feel the same way and if you weren't around during those years then go watch some of those OG youtubers anyways you won't regret it hopefully this video ages well into some sort of historic reference we can all look at when we need a glimpse of the past and remember don't cry because it's over smile because it happened anyways thank you for watching I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe it's free and forever will be my other videos are popping up on the screen my socials and my discord is in the description thanks for watching I'll see you all on the next one [Music]
Channel: Sipover
Views: 5,990,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft history, minecraft youtube, minecrafts history, minecraft on youtube, first minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, history, minecraft documentary, carlzor, skydoesminecraft, skydoesminecraft quit, captain sparklez, lets play, survival letsplay, modded minecraft, minecraft challenges, bajan canadian, team crafted, what happened team crafted, jerome asf, deadlox, lionmaker drama, lionmaker, bashurverse, dream, technoblade, skeppy, prestonplayz, pewdiepie, mrbeast gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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