Gaia’s Vault – The PERFECT Prison (inescapable)

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in a land far far away deep in the heart of nature  itself a new prison arose from the earth below   a disruption in the forces of nature created  to entrap the evil servants of the underworld   once and for all this is gaia's vault now what makes this prison inescapable we  will cover this more later but basically a   lot of kill checks and overpowered defense  mechanics make sure you can't possibly   bypass any security measurements (see the crytalsy? ;) ) we're also  using a special technique to keep people out   i'm sure you've heard of chunk bands by now this  is the chunk fan machine that we develop ourselves   inside the machine there is a shulker box which  is filled with a lot of books which again are full   of complicated characters this shocker kicks you  from the server because of information overload if   you are near it or have it in your inventory this  machine spits the sharker out every second so that   there can be no player within the 32 block radius  near the machine gaia's vault is protected by 24   of those always on chunk bend machines outside of  the prison and talkable chunk pants machine inside   of the prison so what does this mean first junk  man machines exist everywhere around the prison   so you can't even get near the prison secondly  some of the chunk by machines inside of the prison   will be switched off during the visiting stage but  this can only be controlled by the main warden but   we will cover this more later now let's talk about  the inside of the prison as you already know there   are toggleable junk bans in the whole prison they  can be used to kick any intruders from the server   or to check if an invisible person tries to sneak  in the cherry on top for safety reasons the inside   chunk bed machines activate every 15 minutes for  a span of 1 second and since it takes 18 minutes   to break obsidian with an efficiency 5 netherride  pickaxe you will never ever be able to mine any   obsidian in the prison the new lockdown system  will now clearly point out where the problem is   rather than just making noise the lockdown  will be activated if the visitor or prisoner   destroys the prison or if a guard manually  triggers the alarm following that all guards   will be teleported to the guard room and all  chunk bed machines with the exception of that in   the middle area will be switched on automatically  this can be used to kick the visitor or intruder   and prevent vandalism while guards and  prisoners are still safe in the middle area   also the walls are very different making them even  more weatherproof although i guess you wouldn't   even be able to reach the walls in the first place  would you the whole prison is also chorus for   proof in the important areas and inside the prison  you're also not able to spawn any with this due to   a lack of space there are trap portals all around  prison which hinder anyone from getting into the   prison by building a portal themselves if someone  somehow manages to almost free the prisoner though   the main one has a last resort button this suicide  button allows him to ban every single player   inside of the prison forever and irreversible oh  yeah and you might have noticed we kind of got rid   of like the basic human rights you know sorry  i guess well anyways all of this sounds pretty   amazing right well those are the guys that made  it possible the death creeper again was the main   redstone engineer obama man had a lot of concepts  and new ideas that helped improve the prison and   jerry lum was our main escapist telling us what  was still abusable in the prison and i myself   mainly worked on the outside of the prison the  links are in the description so go check him out   so let's finally try to visit the prisoner so as  in every prison in the existence of prisons like   ever we ring a bell to call the god wait no  you actually have to hop in a call with the   warden on discord in order to even gain access  to another once in another you have to put all   your items in the chest this chest also functions  as the locker if you happen to enter the prison   with items in your inventory you will get manually  killed or chunk banned immediately as you might be   able to see it's really narrow in here to prevent  with us from spawning on the inside now a chunk   ban activates kicking all guards and visitors in  this area this is because that way the warden and   the control room can see if someone tried to sneak  in with invisibility potions after rejoining a   door opens leading you to the first kill check you  right click this bed and then you will get killed   with a lingering potion of harming you will spawn  on the other side of the kill check after that   you will be brought to a one person chamber that  will only let you pass through if you're standing   on the pressure plate alone after that you have to  wait for the guard to open the daylight crawlspace   tunnel you will then arrive at the second and last  kill check which will make sure you definitely   have no items on you by the way if you were to  drop items in any of the two kill checks those   would trigger lockdown automatically after you  set your endopol stasis chamber you can proceed   further down the hallway you're almost there all  you have to do now is choose one of four tunnels   leading to the four identical cells you are  now ready to drop into the prisoner's cell   the cell is no longer underwater and instead  only has a single layer of water at the bottom   in order to prevent chorus fruiting again the  walls infinitely regenerate and blah blah blah   if you're interested in the design of the cell go  watch the two videos about my previous two prisons   well there's actually one special thing about  the cell that has never been done before the bed   the bed is located many blocks below the  cell yet if the prisoner respawns he directly   ends up in the cell again how does this work it  works using a special hitbox property that sharkas   or boats have which make the game search for  an alternative spawn location located higher up   the credit for the discovery of the mechanic  goes to squirrely so you can check out his   video on the description for a more detailed  explanation but sven wait if the bed is so low   how can the prisoner set a spawn point well i'm  glad you asked because i really like this part   you basically go through all the visiting steps  we've covered before but you're accompanied by a   guard at all times but when you're able to choose  which cell you want to enter you instead fall down   the shaft and after another security door opened  you can click on the bed to set your spawn point   after that the god will manually kill you  he will then land inside of the cell super   important disclaimer if you have an idea  on how to escape please please make sure   to read the whole handbook first it contains  certain protocols all guards have to follow   and tell you what to do in what situation the  death creeper released a video where you can   get an in-depth look at the guard areas and  the technical side of things alternatively   head over to jerry lum's video to get a pov of  an in-depth video of the whole visiting process   i mean we also have a freaking website set up  which contains a faq about gaia's bolt the link   is in the description well i've seen the inside of  the prison now but because i already know so many   people are gonna comment that banning requires  commands and they saw command blocks outside of   our prison and that's why we're cheating i just  quickly want to debunk that no we're not cheating   those special chunk ban shulker boxes are actually  buildable in survival and the command blocks well   you see those are not actually needed they just  have to make the map not feel like complete with   those you can turn off the junk band machines  that are normally always on and you can actually   look at them this would normally not be possible  there's also a lever that spawns in all the elder   guardians in the right place and with the right  timing this prevents them from de-syncing because   that would not happen in the real prison as  well because it is being loaded by a guard 24 7.   so now let's summarize it you're trapped in an  indestructible cell you can't break any blocks   and your bed is far far away from you additionally  no one can get near the prison and even if they   would be able to break in the guards can still  press the suicide button and ban the whole prison   forever good luck escaping this time mithridak  because this is the inescapable gaia's vault swede rain is hammering the dry ground  dirt turning to muddy foundations   leaves nodding their heads for the  sound gaia smiling upon her creations you
Channel: SeenSven
Views: 1,203,731
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Keywords: pandora, pandoras vault dream smp, dream smp prison, dream smp, prison, minecraft prison, minecraft prison break, minecraft prisons, dream, dream minecraft, poseidons vault, inescapable, how to escape Gaias Vault, upgrading pandoras vault, improving pandoras vault, Hades Vault, Better than Poseidons Vault, best prison, Gaias Vault, Trailer, Gaia's Vault, Inescapable vault, SeenSven prison, SeenSven Gaia, Gaia, minecraft, seensven, seensven minecraft, minecraft challenge, Inescapable
Id: 20Gg3ph5PSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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