The Millennial Reign Part 2 with Prophet Uebert Angel

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so a lot of people don't get this when we come to the 1000 year reign here we go come on let's go revelation chapter number 20. you gotta listen to this this this is gonna be just excellent this is true verse number one and i saw an angel down from the heaven come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and the great chain in his hand revelation chapter number 20 if you are there um and he had a chain now now i always wonder you know why would it definitely change anywhere so a lot of people say no it wasn't a chain it's a chain but it's a spiritual one more powerful than these chains and a great shade in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan and bound him a thousand years now if people don't get this the word is melee anom all right we have when we say annam what do you mean yeah yeah so that's what it means thousand so the word millennium is the word of two as a compound with mele and anam and now means yes then a miller means thousand so it simply means thousand years so people wonder when we get millennial that's what it means but if you notice that these people who were born after a year 2000 they are called the millennia have you noticed they are really really these rascals and and spoiled brats td they have a certain level of what can i call it they feel like they are old something by the world [Music] entitlements and that's exactly what you're going to find millennia you say i will talk talk about the millennial reign and the millennial of that millennium all right now here here we go and he laid hold on the dragon and that old serpent which is the devil sutton uh and and and and bound him for a thousand years and cast him into the bottom how many years thousand years and customized the bottomless speed and shut him up and set a seal upon him notice here the bible said two things that you didn't listen to said a thousand years but he is he says and cast him in the bottomless pit and shut the pit up no you didn't hear me no you didn't even read it so they put him in the bottomless pit and did what and shut the bottom the bottomless pit no shout him up he can't even speak from there wow he can't influence nobody even his voice is not going to be heard in the millennial nobody's going to hear him say um ah this guy hit from the devil no the devil is not even talking hey [Music] he was shut up all right let's go and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more that means he uses words the devil doesn't use any physical apparatus he uses words just words it can be a whisper listen a lot of people that are out they broke and disgusted it's just a certain level of words that come to them in their heads do it this way don't do it that way i told you the biggest problem to a good idea is not a bad idea is these little good ideas that creep in those are the ones that mess up your business the little good ideas you you thought you were doing good all right anyway uh that he should deceive the nation's no more to a thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be lost a little season after that he must be loosed this little season uh and i saw thrones and said that they that set upon and judgment was given unto them now you see their positions i'm going to get into these positions today because a lot of people wanted to know their positions i'll give you the positions today if you're going to be mayor you will know today all right and i saw thrones and they that sat upon it and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for witness of jesus christ and for the word of god which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years it means we are coming with christ and those that went through the tribulation are also coming with christ uh you understand and they're controlling and ruling at the same time now but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years we're finished the other ones oh yeah i know you're getting this now you're getting this this is the first resurrection the dead in christ another resurrection you're hearing it that's right blessed holy is he that part that watch this i want you to see this in verse number four in verse number two in verse number three we dealt with a thousand years verse number four thousand years but the rest of the dead lived not again until what a thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection verse number six and blessed and holy is he that he has part in the first resurrection on such the second death he has no power but they shall be priest of god all right and of christ and shall reign what a thousand years and when the thousand years verse number seven are expired satan shall be loosed out of prison now notice notice six times we had thousand thousand thousand thousand if you ever have a gin or the genome of a prophet or something in you you've set out under a prophet for the bible says once i've spoken twice you should hear that's right now he spoke six times twelve times you should hear that means when god repeats himself is no longer something that is an allegory it's not a fact so he's talking about i will actually rule on earth like sit down on earth and rule let me shock you somewhere because i know you don't you don't get this let's go let's go let's go somewhere i want to show you something was here three five immediately immediately josiah three five i want you s you to see something that would take place tequila so manga three best number five afterwards shall the children of israel return and seek the lord their god and david their king and shall fear the lord and his goodness in the latter days so they've been taken from somewhere they get into the into the promised land they get out of the promised land they get into the promised land and then the bible says they shall return when endure and david shall be their king no no they didn't get it david is dead i didn't get it people are missing it missing it missing it i'm reading about the vice president in the in the millennium no they didn't get it see they're missing this point the guy is dead and you're being israel is being told we will bring you back and david will be your king which david all right all right jeremiah 30 verse number nine and i want to quickly do this because time is time you're my thirty this number four people are getting it first night but they shall serve the lord the god and david their king whom i will raise up unto them oh david okay right some people are going to take time ezekiel 34 23 and 24. executive 34 quickly and i will set up one shepherd over them and they shall feed them even myself the word even is exactly my seventh david i'll set him there you'll be in charge this is in the millennium we see you david is there controlling things why this now watch this some people are getting it some people you know he shall feed them and they shall be their shepherd millennial we still have this guy and i the lord will be their god and my servant david a prince among them is telling you the second in power you might not like this one but anyway that's just the life of it all right now if you go to ezekiel 37 and now uh in fact it says after this is definitely prince among them i the lord have spoken it in other words you can't reverse this one you can't put it you can't you can't sideline it as a as an allegory or it means jesus is also son of david so it just means jesus is also david no he says i the lord have spoken it if you understand prophecy you know no we are talking about david himself [Music] oh my god i don't know if you understand david was a prophet you know tillman crote van gaal ah let me just show you somewhere here in the book of acts in the book of acts it says verse number 18 in chapter number 13 of the book of acts verse number 34 says and god raised him from the dead as that he will never be subject to decay as god has said i will give you the holy ensure blessings promised to david so it is also stated elsewhere you will not see your holy one seed decay and these words were spoken by david says david being a prophet spoke these words that you will not let your holy one seed decay even prophet said about jesus resurrecting david he knew the resurrection and now god is saying you also you resurrect but when you resurrect i'll make you a prince in the millennial will rule over we'll be in jerusalem ruling over the people anyway in a few minutes you understand your position very very very very very very few minutes in a very few minutes you you start getting it you start getting it uh ezekiel 37 verse number 24 and david my seven shall be king over them uh-huh which david now i thought david was finished okay and they all shall have one shepherd they shall also walk in my judgments and observe my statutes and do them they shall dwell in the land and i've given unto jacob my servant where in your father's have dwelt do you see he's talking about where jews were staying it's a dark place nowadays in shouse dwell therein even they and their children and their children's children forever and my seven david shall be their priests forever [Music] jesus when are you stopping shall be their prince forever i don't know if you're getting this i don't know if you're getting this [Music] some people are getting it but some people are not getting it mm-hmm getting it wow david is controlling he's controlling things a prince among us wow that's awesome you can't sideline it amen i don't know if you're getting this yes are you getting it sir um now they're getting it crystal is saying wow i thought it was uh my great grandfather abraham but i'm learning now now hear this i want you to see something that might be a little bit um uh go to ezekiel 45 9 25 uh 459 i know it's 9 to 25. anyway it might take a lot of time to to get where i want you to to to see in fact god 22 verse number 22 of 45 isaiah 45 22. yeah and upon that day shall the prince prepare for himself and for all the people of the land ebola for a sin offering now if you think this saying death it shall be devi shall be it means jesus is identifying as david you are wrong because according to this david himself shall prepare a sin offering for himself he would have sinned no they didn't get it and jesus says no sins come on now so these scriptures i read are not talking about jesus as david no because there are sins here committed that he needs to prepare a sin offering he said for himself all right i think you get it but i want to show you something uh because i think you might want your your own position like what will i be you know it's very very important right for these people um i want you to go to look 19 look 19. belamond is a friend of kaluhuski look 19. look 19. i don't know where we are going to start from but i'm excited that you are learning and as a as i talk sometimes i take my time because i want it to sink in and at the same time the scriptures then that come and then demand to be spoken that i have to speak you know um look nineteen verse number eleven i wanna pass uh uh ronnie to read yes sir look 1911. look 1911. hear the men and as they heard these things he added and spake a parable because he was nigh to jerusalem because he was near something called jerusalem he decided since you're seeing jerusalem where i will come and do my millennial reign let me just say some few things here and because they thought that the kingdom of god should immediately appear they were so obviou these guys were thinking it's going to happen now to the extent that when you look in the book of luke it's happening in the book of matthew 19 it happened in matthew 20 20 they even brought their own mothers to say what shall take place even when jesus was asked by pilate by the rulers by whatever he would say my kingdom is not of this earth until he got to acts one verse number seven where he said it's not for you to know the time he knew exactly the thing that they were expecting him to do was physical it wasn't spiritual even when jesus arrived what did he say he said repent for the kingdom his end is it hint they knew okay this guy is the one who is bringing a different political system than the one we are used to i want you to understand something here the bible says it this way it says when the fullness of time was come god sent his son amen and nobody asks the question what is the fullness of time nobody asks what is the fullness of time god waited until this thing that you see god started that way but the children of israel rejected him as king remember when saul came in and god anointed him from a bottle not from a horn like he would do with kings and called him a captain said the captain of your people he wasn't considered as a king he was considered as a captain because god was saying i am your president and they said we need other we need presidents like other ones kings like other nations and god said so you don't want me anymore he said no choose us from choose and god did not even choose from david where the prophet comes from he chose from benjamin it should be davidic line that produces the line of judah that's the place now no it's the line of judah rather that should that should bring the the tribe of judah that should have rulership but it went to benjamin said i found for you a tall man handsome with his shoulders above the rest nothing more that's a handsome guy that said that's it like since you won the king here i don't know if you are getting this now i don't know if you are getting this so when they look for their own king god is now coming back is like no no no no there is something here that you haven't learned since you have rejected the kingdom that i want to give you the principles of the kingdom you understand that's why i've got the spiritual gifts why is one of it is healing one of it is the health minister of health earth one of it is deals with utterances talking of course all the gifts are utterance gifts i know you think there are three types of the three utterance gifts you are crazy all gifts you have to utter them for them to work whether healing you have to speak healing no i know i know i know i said that's how they grouped them as a um gift of utterance yeah focal gifts they had those vocal gifts uh victor we have gifts of power i'm like okay what does the how does the power come you speak so so we have the minister of healing which is the minister of health on earth today in the governments i'm telling you then we have of course speaking in tongues interpretation of tanks it's called minister of communication you understand that we we were communicating we are doing all this kind of thing then we have power we use miracles we cannot drive we can go whatever that means minister of transport is involved in the uh you understand so is a minister of energy all those things power is everywhere it's in there now so because it's a kingdom it has to have ministers that's why the bible calls us the ministers of reconciliation it actually means the go we are government ministers oh right this minute we are government ministers of another country all right now hear this the kingdom of god so when he was rejected the romans went in all right were given access by their sin of choosing another king they kept choosing until they were all colonized by a roman system but the roman system understood something they would send a governor all right caesar or whoever it was at that time at any time would go and visit a new location and they were never excited about the person who was in charge they would say nonsense they would sing rubbish songs they would they would whisper they'd gossip and then the person would be sent back home and if he had sons you would then send a son to that location and to just see what is happening there watch i i think you are we are listening to just see what is happening there and to try and establish the way the system works at home our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name that will be done in heaven as you get the point um then then when the son goes back depending on how they treat him he can go back or he can stay there for a little while and then go back home but when he gets back home he would send a person who was called a governor oh my god to that colonized state to try and influence and change them from speaking hebrew into greek english into tongues you're getting the point now so so god sent jesus his own son and they rejected him and he sent the holy ghost and the first thing the holy ghost did when he came here was to change our language into tongues that's exactly the system in the world so the system in the world jesus god himself sit on the throne and realize these people now are now subjected to how my system works they know so if i go in here just what i introduce they will quickly get it what i'm trying to do and this is the reason why jesus when he arrived his first words were these repent for the kingdom is at hand he knew exactly the only thing to introduce to these people is to introduce another kingdom because now they know the kingdom what the kingdom is if he had done that before the romans it colonized them guess what they were starting to figure out what is the kingdom how is it going to work they knew the messiah would come to rule the earth so jesus kind of in their minds should change them because he came and said my kingdom is not of this earth they said we've been waiting for somebody to deliver us from the romans now you're telling us you are now dying even after resurrection they were complaining they started telling jesus not knowing he was jesus on the road to a mouse this jesus we all had thought that he was going to deliver us they were even complaining to jesus without noticing it was jesus because the mindset of these people was simple they were so geared at the millennial reign they just didn't know it was not for them oh man some people are not getting it you are right deep i will need to watch this again all my ignorance is confronted we haven't gone far we haven't gone far but something is taking place with the word of god i'm learning a lot from your messages god bless you sir now now watch this now watch this are you getting this yes now now i want you to see something all right let's go verse number 12 look 19. and he said therefore a certain noble man is it is is it a fact story no a certain one as much as is a story it's actually of a certain guy a certain nobleman went into a four country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return verse 13 and he called his ten seventh and delivered how many were they ten ten seven thank you and delivered them ten pounds and he said unto them occupy till i come occupied like i'm sorry go back again go back again son go back to 12 i want you to see because 11 i explained it the way it is when i'm talking about this one yeah i'm trying to figure out where your position is what you're gonna be in the millennial are you gonna be the governor of london or what this is what i'm trying to figure out yeah let's go he said therefore a certain nobleman a certain jesus went into a far country to receive for himself a king came to earth and to return in order to go back and then come back verse 13 and he called his ten sevens he called his workers huh and delivered them ten pounds he gave them what to do he's the gifts what to do [Music] before he left the bible says when he went up on high he laid captivity captive and gave gifts to men the king before he returned he gave people gifts so when i return i want to see what will happen let's go and say unto them occupy till i come yep verse 14 but these citizens but the people of the earth hated hated him and sent a message now the word message is a different message it does not mean sending a message read that face again yes sir but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying they send a message back to jesus we will not have this mentor we don't want you to reign over us now here the vest that says here when you hear the word message it might be a problem it is the word presbya all right uh some theologians will say that's why we get the word presbyterian means ambassador they didn't get it you didn't you missed it now you miss him but but his citizens the people of the earth when this men now told them that i have my people here that can tell you about me what they did was when the servants came when the ambassadors came they sent back the ambassadors to him they killed them they persecuted them they said all kind of nonsense they lied against them they send back that's what it means it doesn't mean a message it is the word ambassador what does it mean now let's read it the way it is but these citizens headed him and send back the ambassadors no you didn't get that send back the ones that we used to preach that were sent to preach to them they send them back to them to god imagine the time you persecuted a man of god a woman of god a servant of god a christian the moment you do so you are sending back to christ i don't need your word notice they were not saying i don't need your your servant no they were saying your actions in doing so you've already told me you don't want me to rule over you here we go verse 15 and it came to pass that when he was returned so when jesus came back having received the kingdom now with this the kingdom of the saints then he commanded these servants to be called unto him i said oh come back those who i gave gifts to to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man so we just want to see by trading how much you did on the heavenly stock market verse 16 then came the first saying lord thy poundette gained 10 pounds i did 10 pounds wow i've done this i've done this i've won 10 cities amen to you i want to know if he's going to be giving pounds here and he said unto him well thou good and faithful [Music] ladies and gentlemen what you are going to be in the millennial is based on what you do now they missed it i i don't want to go further with this listen who are you going to be what city you are going to take over what position you're going to control in the millennial depends on what you're doing now people don't get this it's not like oh we will say if i digress we just see grace grace is working now so when i see you in the new millennials say hi hi and you i said where are you i'm like i'm just here this village i know you were you were you were useless during this time we were useless it's so easy to notice who was powerful in those days oh i wish you were i wish you could tell this the many 10 pounds in the reward was your ruler over notice another thing you are missing notice another thing you're missing to god save this is the word no you are missing this one you miss it i i i don't want you to miss it serving is a reward this guy did not say god did not say you are taking over ten cities they are now yours the gold is yours no you're going to rule over you have authority now wait for me for intensities ah i thought you're going to give me one house you will sit there you are relaxed the other ones will work for me in 10 cities god gives more work is his reward i don't know if you're getting this now we have a crop of preachers that when they preach in the ministry they want a salary and then and and they want a jet and a mercedes-benz for them to to feel they are doing something for god so they don't they don't go to work they don't start companies they only wait for the man of god to produce enough money and if you don't give them money they don't produce money in their own branches no they wait for the main branch from the man of god give me salary there how much did you make there 100 okay so how much do you want here 2 000 why what you produce there we need to see there now notice this what is happening with these people they are waiting because they think you should reward me look at how i've you hear people say i sacrificed i said you you sacrificed you you are actually saying it with a voice that came from god with a body that is still alive and people are dying everywhere and you're still alive you say you sacrificed do you know sacrifice working for god is not a sacrifice let me say something i don't know something somebody somebody touched my heart today and i thought i thought i want to make a comment somebody sent me this thing uh and i wanted to make this comment there is a bla brother i think it's called plus gilead or something and he sent this and he didn't send a message somebody sent it to me said look at this young man this young man just wrote these words he said i follow and listen to you better than you for me not for you amen that should not make you worry i pay my tithe and give my offerings to his church not to you i hate myself saying this man is mine not yours that might not even make you explain things to me it's mine it shouldn't be disturbing your budget i love you better than you come on now look this i didn't read it because the man said i love you but the point where somebody says i don't care what you say he said i love him for me remember what i said about pastor chris i follow him for my family for me and my family it has nothing to do with anyone for me and my family i didn't i didn't do this for a the greater good of so many people no trust me on this one i was selfish i did it for me only is your personal grace i did it for me if i pay my tithe i pay my tithe for me you are not involved you don't have to worry it doesn't have to get you out of your budget no there's nothing to do with you everything do with me so you you understand when people get to a point where they don't get it why are you doing the things you're doing now and one thing you should understand man of what should we do it for the words let me tell you something the whole bible is replete with all rewards god himself made us in such a way that we actually work for ours people don't get it we are wired in such a way that we see an award saying so and you shall receive the harvest ah so you know i should expect the harvest yes so in us we have been given that apparatus in the spirit and in the natural the apparatus to wait for an award so there is nothing wrong for doing anything in order to receive an award in heaven i'm working for an award a notice an award is something that i don't have to work for in the sense of working for it's not like i'm working for an award no it's an exciting moment i do this in order for an award now these guys are waiting for the award here for a car for a house for their children to get school fees when they work for god and if they don't get that money ah this church is rubbish they're not helping me listen i've sacrificed my time and me and my wife we don't even have time but we sacrifice it for all for the work of god you sacrifice your time is this your time the bible says you fool don't you know that even tonight your soul shall be required say tonight your soul shall be required and the bible says you are not your own you don't belong to you you are walking like me me me you are not you you don't belong to you you have no life whatsoever that life is not yours that's why people when i hear people say i give my life to god i'm like you didn't even have it so is that is there anyone here who wants to give their life to christ no you can't you receive life of christ you don't give him your own wow anyway we're getting you we're getting you somewhere are you getting this so the millennial reign is wondering also who is going to be so-and-so when we come into the millennial reign who is going to be this this thing you are living now this life you are living now is determining what presidents you're going to take and what what authority you're going to take where he was given 10 cities based on how you use these gifts christianity is not about what god can do for you it's about what you are doing with your christianity so this god is not working for me it's not working my child was sick and god did not heal the child i can't i just lost my faith you thought jesus was going to heal your child and jesus was expecting you to heal your own child [Music] he gave you 10 pounds oh you came back with zero saying you you do it this is what is happening on earth we are using the name of jesus to blame jesus father in the name of jesus heal him no god said go out and heal the sick you you heal them jesus is not healing them you are healing them anyway come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go i know you're not getting it number 18. and the second came saying lord thy pound has gained five pounds so this one i've done some smoke this 19. and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities he gave him five cities so yeah i've just i used you your spiritual gifts for something here in this end i've done this i've moved around and i did miracle money people who were short begin to grow their height and and then miracle gadgets people who couldn't give birth so they give birth uh the dead were raised blind people started seeing the lamb walked wheelchairs were emptied uh went to nations and filled stadiums and told them you the good news all that time because it's now because i've read it you have done 20 000 things now i give you ruler over make a ruler over that notice notice you are thinking it's going to be because you're so nice but what about me pastor i don't even have him a branch god never send you to a branch he sent you to the world go into all the world amen come on now you know church were never supposed to be preaching to you to to hear you maybe people didn't get it god never intended the church to heal people [Music] says for the equipping of the saiyans they already quipped this sharpening of the saints for the sharpening the maturing of the saints till they come to perfection so you can come to perfection but it is to perfect the saints to make them sharpen their gifting so you come to church in order to to sharpen your healing gift so you can go out there and heal people not so you can bring your anger who is sick to jesus have you noticed what people do say no our church is so dangerous man come come he's just come and see once once if if you don't find prophet the prophetess will be day if prophet is not the pastor running might be day or pass a titus or even leslie if they are not there ah i will be there if trust me you will see you see you hear you that one will hear you no you tell them i come from that church we are sharpened every time don't bring them to church we are teaching you so that you go out there and say my church has taught me how to sharpen my own gift where where are you sick where which place which place where where where and you say in the name of jesus i decree and declare out in the name of jesus and the person said hey your church i need to go on sunday and also shopping my own so i can go and hear others out the problem with church today we are using the name of jesus to heal ourselves hallelujah imagine a school of mechanics just coming to learn how to fix their own cars every sunday micah what are you learning i'm a mechanic can you fix other people's no no my own is also very bad so i need to take it to angel it's a very good mechanic i go i do my thing i give you your car you go back home like monday you like are you they say can i get you on the phone please i just want to have a wait with you even one minute before rapture i receive a letter like i say if i can only meet you oh i don't even need to meet you say if you call me even i i strongly believe before rapture would have spoken to you you're thinking you want to speak to me before rapture wouldn't be nice talking to jesus not angel brilliant but the point is still that kind of movement where we have developed celebrity preachers [Music] so you ought to meet them and he said when you meet them you get disappointed very disappointed i'm telling you let me tell you something every time you meet your idol you lose a certain level of integrity and they lose a lot of integrity because the moment you shake angel's hand like this you were expecting some lightning to hit you you expecting an angel of the lord to touch you i was with my wife in um in uh i don't remember where i know the place but uh it's like we have short grounds and going them i think it's a blower rod in zimbabwe and we just decided let's visit the in-laws and we got in i said look guys go and buy these and that and that and they're always going to go there and just be outside talk and talk and talk and blah blah blah blah and just have a good time with with the family and i thought for the first time let me not get my team to do it let me actually get out of my car go and buy myself so i i feel like i've actually chosen the things myself so i got in there we i said take that one we take this one and we're putting in the trolley with my team in there and i'm putting that and putting that and i get to this uh place and i see yoga it was just yogurt you know i took your per day i don't know how many maybe four or five i don't know put it in there this woman tabbed me on the back and she had a husband there i turned around and said ma'am how are you say that you are you prophet angel i said i think so remember i said things of course never know i said i think so i think it's me said you you you you eat yogurt i said sister what do you think who do you think i eat i said i thought you just you know god just brings food from heaven i'm like what you understand the mindset that immediately look it doesn't mean to say she literally thought that but she never imagined a man of god of my caliber who she had seen doing miracles signs and want us to be eating anything then she sees me eat that day i became ordinary to her like you are like me you mean she has gone home she went home thinking yeah this man is powerful but a certain level she thought i was it was dropped she dropped a certain level like okay okay so wait a minute i need to read just it's just an automatic thing that she doesn't process clearly he's just an automatic reducing of levels why because we have seen a lot of men of god doing all kinds of miracles one lady came from kennedy went to brother branham went to i know went to brother brown and went to another um uh this this um aura robots uh and she was not healed then this man stood in front of kenneth again i said my mother is not he would say when to we went to oral robots he could not do it william murray and branham could not do it this one could not do it uh this sister could not do it kathleen kuhlman didn't do it uh maria would win would edda couldn't do it it's a thing that is steady in here for and all these people can't hear can you hear her sir and kenneth again said no i can't huh what do you mean no you can't said if if branham failed before roberts failed the problem is not with us is with her that's the whole thing it has nothing to do with what you're thinking what we're using god to do is just something that is impossible according to his doctrine the doctrine is the church should actually perfect your gifting and you go out there and show them what papa god made you to be if you look at airport i told you before if you look at apple you see the sign here this sign says look we are proud of this gift we are proud of this thing that we made this product we are proud and they are sure enough they put a stamp on it and then boom go show them what we are at airport every speaker i'm talking about real ones you know when you buy fake ones they don't even have a logo you know you are you have reached a certain level you know sometimes even close that you weigh you can even look at it you you you even ask the question what level is that we like you yourself you don't even know yourself you know this something is wrong you can tell you can tell you yourself you are not serious about what you are wearing number one the company itself is not serious about marketing its own name so so watch this when god made you say you are a christian it means he put his tempest in my boy my girl god show them and guess what after god was so proud that i would come down me and my father will come down and dwell inside you you are in church every sunday looking for healing for one small toe every time my small toaster the demon is under my toe the man of god says in the name of jesus you roll on the floor you vomit for it all god help you i have a problem i watch your brother my eyebrow so your eyebrow is what you come to church for for healing you are sitting there saying it's very painful if prophet just passes by here and touches me like this oh every day one of my spiritual sons uh way back in in in botswana there was only one guy who would come every sunday every sunday the guy will come every sunday man first every sunday there was a manifestation and the guy would just get into church and the pastor gets in my son will get in there and when he stands in front of the the guy starts rolling on the floor what's happening in the name of jesus out who are you is a diamond scorpion i'm a scorpion every sunday they say out the scorpion will roll like a scorpion raise a leg like this thing of a scorpion following sunday he was there yeah scorpion so was i calling the guy scorpion the the pastor scorpio on the scope every week for the next five weeks these he's saying i'm a scorpion just imagine that's your life for five weeks you are acting like a scorpion every to say so what's the scorpion causing you to do i just taken all my money scorpion and you're in church for the word of god no the moment if you notice that demons don't wait when you get into church you are saying hey let's open our bible in the book of luke yeah it is not the demon it's the person if you go to their role you see they don't even have not paid they are not ready to write any notes no they are ready to manifest them so they even they are expecting a manifestation of a demon we are useless useless christians talk to the christians people talk about toxic churches toxic churches can be church what is a church church is a congregation and what is the congregation it's two people three people so a change becomes toxic because you are also toxic you didn't hear me so i'm now looking for a better church me me this all these kids have gone for three churches how come you go to these three churches you're the only one who is discovering that they are dead maybe you're the evil one you are the common denominator in all the churches you left yeah i went to these ones i went to the white garment once oh they don't work those ones then i went to the press materials ah those who don't pray then i went to the method they started the method then i went to the wesley ones those were the ones i couldn't understand them so the wesley church is still there method this day still day the white garment is still there you you're the only one who was living you are a spiritual vascular gamer from one church to the other to the other spiritual prostitute and you are the only one realizing all these people are wrong we will show you what you receive you will read it what you receive you go to heaven but you receive something you will see in a few minutes you you'll be excited about what you're going to receive let's go verse number 19. verse 19. and he like he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities verse 20 and another came saying lord behold here is thy pound which i have kept laid up in a napkin i know this one i kept it i'm not going to do nothing you have gifts that you have but guess what you want to do you want to use it to waste time you're wasting time doing things that are crazy yet you have a calling and that calling you are wasting it no me i just i have a calling but you know what i love to do is not really that you know i i want to be in hip-hop you know hip-hop every time you meet someone caller yo yo you know you can love that couch so much you can love it you forget you have a calling you can love it you can you everywhere you go you you go your man reggae's in you too much the demon of reggae yeah man rasta everywhere this one is an evangelist right there evangelist rasta rasta the whole big woolen head with red green yellow red everywhere in your head yet here you are a prophet [Music] i read it said i've kept what i've i've kept thy pound yes the pound which i have kept laid out verse 20 and another came saying lord behold here is thy pound which i have kept laid up now here is the gift it's not like you're gonna surrender your gift to god he's simply saying you put it aside and followed your desires [Music] once in a while you can feel there is a calling in me but one thing you say some of you say oh but our church doesn't give people opportunities opportunity to preach away on the pulpit behind you you want to stand behind it where do i go where do i go this is a spiritual cool who do you want me to go the bible says go into all the world and preach the gospel all the world not all the churches not all the purpose they don't give me opportunity those people don't give an opportunity if you find something wrong in the church fix it be the one to to produce like i have a solution for that don't be like oh just wait we'll wait we'll see what what you'll do you'll see you see they will they'll call me they'll call me i'll sit back there they'll call me ah it happens a lot people sit in their chest like this like let me just see where you go look at me he's making a mistake right he doesn't know he doesn't know you know these people they don't want to be helped look at look oh look i told you i told you i told you don't be looking i told you you should have called me see i this is my area it's your area where are you sitting this is my area oh my god and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities and another came saying lord behold here is your pound here are your gifts you gave me from the beginning of the when you went up on high you gave me gifts but i did not use them why why did he not use them says which i've kept laid up in a napkin the guy had a solution that means they were never touched never he knew he had gifts you would even talk to me say i know i'm cold i just i know it i really know there is a calling i say but you know there's so many things that disappoint me oh you repped your gift in a napkin you protected it you didn't waste it you didn't lie about your gift no you never misused it there wait god doesn't say yeah you didn't use it no he says you actually came to me and said yeah it is and here are the words you said when you were saying it says for feared thee because thou art an astral man thou takest up that thou last not down and repress what you did not so say this is your statement you are saying without knowing it he's not saying that people will go to god and say yeah you reap what you did not so you're a very bad man hard-hearted no say by you not using what i gave you when i saw you could be the one in this location i created you for this very purpose in this very hour for such a time as this like esther but you didn't use it and in your being idol you actually told me i don't know what i was doing by giving you and he said unto him out of thy mouth hmm will i judge thee thou wicked servant thou knew was that i was very very bad in other words the word there is osteros which means uh it means the derivative of blonde of mind hard men and harsh and rough and rigid somebody that you can't change all right are you getting it now are you here so you knew that since you knew he's not saying he is he's saying since you knew you took me as a hard man sir you took me as a hard man a very bad man here it is i laid not down why take up from where i did not even lay up and reap that i did not sow you knew this this is what you said about me all right wherefore then gave us knocked down my money into the bank you could have put it somewhere you could have made it multiply you could have taught others what i gave you at least you you decide not to do but you could have taught five or three people to actually do the things that i've taught you to do at least you could have invested in other people that's what he's talking about that means if you relax i know you have at least six children seven children that are going out there to do exactly what i send you to do you're missing it you're missing it at my coming i might have required mine on with my usury right now what's this uh interest and you say it unto them thou stirred by take that that stood by take from him the pound and give him that has 10 pounds no no they didn't get it they missed that part take what so the cities that you were supposed to control are now given to someone else the man is talking about the millennial reign right this moment he described his coming to earth is this described as going back he described his second coming and he described that i will be having my rewards in my hands and the rewards look at them 10 pounds you increase it and then you are given 10 cities why are you being given 10 cities shouldn't be given more money since this guy has known that you're a very good trader the guy is talking about what you should control in the millennium some of you will be just walking around we know you are born and gone get but not so we can sit by your responsibility in the new millennium what you are it's not like we're going to laugh at you no you yourself you have a certain level of understanding that will be imparted on in your spirit because of the new body you are receiving you have an understanding that i at least you know look hey this is for angel definitely you pass by my 29 000 cities you're like who is this you believe that of course of course of course this guy why would god give this no you have a certain level of understanding imparted to you by god for you to understand no this was done righteously god did it nicely no favoritism he did it according to what this man deserved right this minute brothers and sisters don't waste your time that facebook you're using that you should be using that instagram you're using use it to win souls to christ let it not be for throwback let it be a platform shall i create a very incredible hackers let it be a platform for soul winning you are even ashamed to write you a christian speak on it hey do you understand no matter how beautiful you are oh my gosh no matter how beautiful you are no matter how handsome you are you become ugly immediately the moment you choose not to associate with god right that's true god gets you out of fashion listen brothers and sisters we have touched money real money real money that if you if you hear of it you'll be like uh uh-huh because i know what people think when they hear oh you have money they think oh money oh yeah no we have touched money that we way back we didn't have money when we were talking about money no we were broke those days we had money but not money money money you know when you have money money money you no longer talk you don't talk figures way back ah we'll talk figures we get a million and be like yes i have million until you realize at a certain level that a million is chicken feed monday tuesday is gone you need more we have touched it we have gone to university not for one degree not for two not for three not for four we have gone for many degrees we came back that's right we have owned buildings we've owned the wealth that when you see you like land this land and this landing this we have owned things but we are still saving the king of kings new not even a dollar no one pound no yes i'm a model you know they wanted a male model so you know i don't want it to conflict with you know what i'm doing because my agents so if you put jesus your agents will refuse yes ah put jesus some more let's try it every photo jesus trust me you will be so shocked that the name of jesus is when working for you better than you think how on earth are you afraid that jesus will make you lose your handsomeness your beauty it will live evaporate have you ever seen something when when um when you are with people and somebody who is good mannered and very ugly oh yeah right now like oh don't call people ugly they are in the bible written ugly too in the ugly people are called ugly in the bible fate people are called fate in the bible i'm telling you now we can call big born people but they are called faith in there in fact there is one king that a dagger went in and the bible mentions he was so fit that when the dagger was when he was taped by the dagger the fate covered the dagger it's in the bible now so please relax on this faith issue now so so the bible is so just straightforward like this now now are you are you still there some people are getting it some people are getting it but just just imagine the bible is able to tell you this this this everything doesn't matter you are ashamed to say this and you want a position in the millennial reign you you are looking for a position the bible says this is not going to be done in heaven with a message very soon called seven years in heaven you'll be so shocked you'll be thinking man somebody asked me a question just just as a i digress uh somebody asked me a question and said uh so when we in heaven are they animals because i've not seen a vest with animals no problem again i have one says and i saw jesus descending from heaven riding a horse if the horse is coming from there i guess a dog is up there i don't know about uh you know chameleons chameleons and slugs i don't i don't i don't know about slugs though but anyway that's a joke for you all right somebody like you know slugs are not in heaven prophet said slags are not no no no no riding on a white horse anyway that's another story so we're going to deal with seven years in heaven and i'm not going to give you just my vision of heaven what i saw i'm gonna really get to the scriptures and give you what i saw at the same time but all right i don't know if they're getting this now are they getting involved and they said unto the lord he hath ten pounds for i say unto you and they said unto him lord hear ten pounds give him to the one with ten pounds for i say unto you thou and to everyone which is shall be given and from him that is not even that which he has shall be taken away from him notice what happened in heaven so then michael fought to the devil and what happened he said and his estate was not found in heaven no no you missed it in other words the person who defeated the devil is the one that they gave lent to [Music] oh he had a certain location prepared for him the devil and the moment he was defeated the place was given to another angel the angels that left their own estate what do you think that the state is doing now anyway they're not getting it so so number one what's this the reason for the new millennial is to reward the people okay but when i say to reward the people in fact let me start from one is to give a chance for the jews now because the like i said in part one i don't even want to repeat this point on part one i said the this is for the church now two thousand years then seven years in heaven then a millennial which is for the jews one thousand for the jews two 2004 what was called uh the the pagans or or the gendaras all right meaning you and i in the language of the jews at that time all right although we're not we were not the result of jesus death we're the result of jesus resurrection so get it the revelation here of course we can talk about it as a generic way of talking but it's not exactly like that so so understand if it's not a millennial reign then close the old testament kiss it goodbye because the prophecies that were given by the prophets did not take it do not take place it's not happened forget about that our father will add in heaven let's go her lord notice he says thy kingdom come which kingdom millennial reign thy will be done in here in heaven on earth as it is in heaven it's not happening now this is not the will of god being done the will of god is only sin during the millennial yeah they didn't get there the disciples were ready they brought their mothers like as god matthew 20 20. charlemagne then came to him the mother of zebedee's children with his sons worshipping him and desiring a certain thing of him verse 21 and he said unto her what will thou she say unto him grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand so jesus knew they were asking for david's position the one on the right hand the other on the left in thy kingdom they forgot that these were not just friends of jesus they were children jesus would call them little children little children he created them he created abraham they came too late the disciples of jesus came late they are generals that jesus walked with he even walked they said abraham was glad to see my day you met abraham yes he had a friend called enoch and these little boys are now asking to be on the right side left side say do you think i was born yesterday i'm older than abraham i created abraham and you want to be in some position well let's go verse 22 but jesus answered and said you know not what he asked do you see what he's saying you have no idea you're so ignorant you don't know what you're talking about are you able to drink of the cup that i shall drink are you able to do what i'm about to do and to be baptized with the baptism that i'm baptized with they say unto him we are able don't even know what it was talking about verse 23 and he said unto them ye shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptist and baptized with but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father see he didn't say god will prepare it see this one is already prepared i know you missed it and now i can't keep on going on and on and on uh you know we'll do some few things for you for you to understand it further mark 4 verse number 25. i want you to see this before i go to to to the meet up there for he that hath to him shall be given and he that hath not the one who didn't use the gift and is still a christian from him shall be taken even that which he had ah even the cities you are supposed to control that means god has already said that this one or five cities this one right now some of you are losing as we go [Music] you're losing your cities as we go have you ever been on the stock market you just wake up and go to your account and go like okay today is 300 000 pounds okay following morning 350. yeah i'm on 350. okay follow it 290 like what happened to the markets exactly that's what i'm feeling right now yes sir let's go first six and he said so is the kingdom of god ah now when is the kingdom thank you millennial all right uh don't worry about it okay okay just read it read it so that they get excited and he said so is the kingdom of god as if a man should cast seed into the ground uh-huh verse 26 investment and should sleep and rise night and day and the seed should spring and grow up and he knoweth not how because faith is now what was what amen but you are not just saying faith for it to grow no you have to sow sins amen so he's telling them they can't just sit here and they they need to sew this thing you need to work on it amen the bible says work out your own salvation with trembling and fear now right there you think oh prophet is now going into the law you're saying wake it out no it says with trembling for it is god the same this says for it is god who makes you what to will and to do for his own good pleasure he's the one inside you causing you to do the work amen you are not you see yoga i'm not drinking beer from today nice one it means you're not gonna be a drunkard you're not gonna be alcoholic it's never going to take you to heaven that decision they didn't get it you never go to heaven because you decided not to drink you won't go to heaven because you decided to go to church from monday now now like i made it this year i'm going to church now that's not the thing that takes you to heaven is the heart that has been changed by christ and in that heart an automatic button is triggered all right a tipping point is reached and you start going to church because that's like life to you the reason why you have muslims that why you don't see a lot of atheists muslims what atheists is simple they are a lot but islam is like their culture so they eat the same food they wash their bodies the same way they wear the same clothes so in your head they are muslims they will be wearing all these hijabs and stuff like that and not believing in in muhammad because it's their culture they close cultural so christianity has not been made as a culture so you you come from africa you have your own way of dressing and you come to europe they have their own way of dressing and you start thinking these guys are not born again look at their clothes no it's a cultural thing we don't have a culture for the kingdom it's written there but we haven't gotten this thing that we say this is the dressing for the kingdom we haven't got it in our heads it's not a uniform in churches so it looks like everyone is just at logan is with another no it's not like that and it's not like islamists actually are united oh no there are over 73 sects of course that's why they are killing each other that's why we have the kids there are some that believe uh muhammad himself there are some that now follow the son-in-law of muhammad where do you think muhammad ali got the ali from alice now anyway that's another story for another day so so the there are so many the sunnis they're just too many the sex all right all right you know some people are even shocked like what you think they're different yes just like if pentecostals method this and that's what they have too but it seems like they're together why because they they have taken their their religion and placed it in their culture even the food they eat they won't eat anyone anything that is not killed by a muslim they are doing it the same way it is now cultural so even if they don't believe they will do the same thing so you would think they are the same but you will not see they made a mosque all right people are getting it some people are getting other people are people getting it before we we proceed yes people are getting it sir uh khali addie joseph on adam graham is saying i never saw it like this wow a new revelation thank you for for sharing uh this rhema amen amen david says thank you sir for ensuring that i keep the cities that have been entrusted to me thank you for this teaching the timing is impeccable amen now watch this now watch this watch this now if you if you can read isaiah 40 verse number 10 immediately isaiah 410 and i need speed isaiah 40 from verse number 10. that's not the spirit i'm looking for the lord will come with with strong hand and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and his work before him now notice this is his reward to the ones who have worked for him is with him right now the words of god are with him the rewards of god are with him right this minute they're with him now if you see that you realize when are there gonna be rewards isaiah is talking of something that is going to come with rewards in it and we dealt with it with the five crowns we dealt with it part one that's just five blessings five awards that you're gonna receive but if you notice something you are missing and i've said it before but i have to say it again have you noticed that it seems as if god has no concept of what a reward is and what shouldn't be me working for you again come on i don't know if you feel like i'm yeah i'm gonna give you a reward even if i do that for my sons i'm like yeah on your bestie i'm gonna give you a reward they come here say yeah thank you guys i'm so happy to have you in my life you are you are you are a blessing to me now here is a lot more 14 eggs yes i love you so much i give you more i give you more to do now that i trust you amen they'll be like please love us less i don't know if you're getting the book god seems to be giving rewards and thinking this will excite us you see you see when god gives you an a a gift that's his way of saying you you are blessed to work for me for me to even choose you he is saying i'm so far removed from there if you're looking for what quality is don't even think we are like this no but i have chosen to be like this with you i've given you my life you are a divine kosher we are divine co-heirs you know this is this is since we we we are joined heirs by this he might become by this he might become now notice this i wanted to enter in your spirit to think angel for him to be used of god is not me working to god it's not like i'm working like no wake up at eight be like church again church yes church i know you pastors i've done so so many times like save this again [Applause] these people you preach them everywhere they don't listen they don't change after service they start they need to pray again when we say offering intent they don't give no way i will just suppose to say there is no service today we are fasting and the person is not fasting nothing in the house eating like they ate a wedding party like we're fasting for two days they are tired of ministry god is like no this service i have given you to say go anyway it's a reward what i'm doing right now is my reward [Music] for god to choose me i tell you i keep telling you if god had chosen works rather than grace i'll not be standing here [Music] if it was of merit i'll not be here but i thank god it is of grace amen and this vessel says this gift is inattentive vessels so the glory may not be of us but of him that called us but so many of you you think i'm working for god ah we are the generals in the army nice you are but that general you think you are in those stars you it's you know it's it's a what god is saying i love you so much you you you've qualified to work for me and all you're thinking that god you know i work for you some of these prayers all these prayers you'll be praying like this and god the angel just slap you on the face like stand up are you crazy what is this angels are shocked right now with some prayers from other preachers like yeah i'm i work for you a lot lord you know you know you know you know if you don't stand for me you know who stand for me you know look at what i've done for you for who god is saying i will reward them i have my word in my hands to do what to give you ruler over 10 cities your mentality when you hear ruler you're actually thinking uh a dictatorship where you're sitting there and say yes who's outside yeah do they have gold it's mine put it there go back home that's what you're thinking of no it is a righteous thing i'm gonna in a few minutes you'll see mr 24 33 24 33 24 33 so likewise ye when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass to all these things be fulfilled verse 35 heaven and earth shall pass away by my words but my words shall be prophesying about the millennial reign um this thing isaiah millennial reign galatians 3 24 quickly galatians 23 24. mando belen knows they are part of this colossians 3 24. wherefore the law was our school master to bring us unto christ that we might be justified by faith he's 25 but after faith is come we are no longer under school masters now notice what he's saying saying when this comes are no longer under school master there is a time when this ends there is a time when we close something and we move to another place we keep closing all right let me let me read this one in the end he may establish your heart and unblameable in holiness before god even our father ate the coming of our lord jesus christ with his saints that's first thessalonians 3 6 3 3 13. notice this is prophesying about a new millennial prophets in the old testament revelation 22 12. a man declared a pact and behold i come quickly and my reward is with me so here's rose to give to give every man all these prophecies are narrow and void if there is no millennial ring because it has not happened and it can't fit anywhere else it only fits when he's coming back so the main reason why there is a millennial reign is for his word to come to pass says what he says what he says my way do not pass no any all this this this can go away but my words not one word will be dropped and all the prophets were prophesying isaiah 97 quickly mando villa teach the uncle de la casa design line from verse 7. some people are saying interpret what you're saying the bible talks about two things i can interpret if i'm praying if i'm speaking in tongues if i'm praying to god the bible says i'm speaking secrets don't don't try to understand my secrets okay let's go verse seven of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end okay upon the throne of david upon the throne of david jesus lived in a time when david was not king and he had no rulership there it was the roman empire so he couldn't be king in that time so this vest cannot mean at that time so as is prophesying way beyond jesus positioning here on earth when he was here he is going beyond that he said you rule forever isaiah's christian verse number 21. sir mandela thy people also shall be all righteous they shall inherit the land forever the branches forever israel has got muslims right now if you walk in israel and walk like this in jerusalem it's like this space is like this right and on this side just one corridor on this side muslims on this side juice and when people hear jewish quarter they're thinking it's like you drive there and you park in the jewish quarter no it's just a road some with arch at the top and you just know this side is muslim this side is used you see it and the bible says they shall rule and possess the land forever the third two acres which is called the temple mount that one is in the hands of the muslims and the bible is telling you when there is a time coming where the jews will own everything here we are millennial come on so the second point i told you number one is because 2000 years was for us 1 000 years worth of the jews but now the second point we're getting to was an issue to fulfill the prophecies he put in the mouth of prophets [Music] they're getting it right yes sir zechariah 19. listen if you grew up in a church that did not open bibles we will open today we have at least five more minutes of just opening scriptures the only person who is delaying us here right now is pastor and i will cut off the chariot from ephraim and the horse from jerusalem and the battle bowl shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his dominion shall be from the sea even to sea it shall be peace to what to every place from sea to sea in other words even the jordan countries there will be peace they will have peace assyria syria everyone we have peace with jerusalem wow when is it happening now no they are the west enemies and zagarria prophesied [Music] so he is trying to fulfill what happened what the prophet said remember jesus said in the volume of the book it is written of me i have come to do your will oh god in other words jesus was coming to act out a script there is something that was written of jesus here and jesus was coming to stay his way towards that you know that route it's like you receive a script in a movie you say here it is read it so okay um i will say i'll look at a woman and look at this man and then turn and grab a knife okay and block the blow okay and say what ah oh that's what i say ah okay so that's what jesus was coming to do he memorized the script he said he healed everyone so that it could be fulfilled that the prophet elijah said and it drove people from the temple and they understood it the following day that oh deeper they got it they remember it the zeal of god's house shall consume him they knew it was written in the bible but jesus was acting out the script without telling them what was i what was happening with jesus they were about to kill him and he said this he said buy sell one jacket if you have two and buy a sword for it is not right for a prophet to die outside jerusalem he knew the script protect me before i die because i have to die in jerusalem not here you say was it possible for him to die outside it was possible but jesus couldn't die outside why because he already knew what needs to be done for him not to die outside jerusalem so he was coming following his script even god himself followed the script i don't know if you are getting this uh some people are getting it some people are getting it are you here are you here so so the idea now or point number three was to give rewards to his people and the only way he can do it is after this whole 2000 years we come to a certain location where we go to heaven for seven years and we come back and we need the rewards now and the rewarding system is now inactive it is now active to be given so he did it number one to give the jesuit time since he gave 2000 years to the agenda and he gave 1000 years to the jews then second he did it so that his words can be fulfilled number three he did it so that he can find a location a time where these people can really receive a reward are you here yes sir are you here ah imagine people work for a salary more than a service and god says i just want to give them a service yeah they will save me but this time you will save with a now you are saving with a hat that says i'm working i'm working no that time you actually want to save have you ever seen somebody you love so much that that you actually tell them tell me i can do anything for you and those people won't understand what you're saying saying because it has never happened like for what you're getting my point i can go to to i think you've had you have seen me answer my phones even if pastor chris goes here i answer i would stop everything and answer that's right and in your head i'm worshiping him because you have no idea of no understanding of worship there's a word called say god there about seven words you get a book on it seven words that mean worship kneeling down is also worship but it's not really worship that we do to god it's understanding somebody above you can actually have a word from god that can save you whilst you're doing what you're doing right there brother branham called another preacher was preaching he was busy preaching and he called and the lady said the phone is ringing and the phone kept on ringing and she ran said he's preaching and he kept quiet and the lady just ran and said the prophet brahma is on the phone and they told him exactly what god had said said i know you are preaching about me right now no tv i'm just right now and there is no mobile phone no internet yeah what you're about to say this this this that you're about to say maybe i don't know maybe the preacher was going to add some little bit of sugar and tomatoes and spices i don't know but the prophet was already knowing this thing that you are saying about this about this say it this way say this remove this or do this he was given the specific thing god said call this person he's about to say this i don't know if you're getting what i'm trying to say call this person is about to say something imagine if i was live right there and i was about to say something that god didn't want me to say at that point i don't know if you're getting this yes one thing that i asked pastor chris was can you do me he said i would do anything for you whatever what do you want me to do for you he said ask me anything you want i would do i was like what and when you and you have some few things you need and stuff like that you know and and some of us have got needs that are in millions and billions you know so you think those way that way you know that those of those um billions and millions you know and you're thinking and i said say if you can please don't call me prophet just call me you bet he looked at me kind of he just said you know possibly is a soft spoken man he just said that's so kind of you now now watch this watch this my wife can tell you if i talk to pastor you say prophet prophet prophet then the moment he says you bet i'm the happiest that time because that's my request amen now in him removing titles he has already cemented himself as my father and he i'm now just an open vessel i don't know if you're getting this so my service is displayed immediately when he removes the name prophet i don't know if you're getting this and then it changed it changed itching he got to that place that i'd asked notice i'm excited that a person is not using my title and you're out there praying that you use that title in fact god never called you to be a prophet but you've already called yourself i saw i saw a brilliant man of god in nigeria brilliant men of god i'm not saying this guy is a prophet so it's not like i'm dissing them and they were prophesying as they prophesied some of the congregations would say emeritus and it so happened that they actually sent the the video to to uh to our messages and outdoor to our inboxes with the video he would minister your minister say major one this guy's major one in the mirror just in one one church so i said as you know i just thought you know i i really liked the guy and i thought if he's just doing it and the people are saying it brilliant but if maybe he told these people that a major one means prophet emeritus means prophet and they're just i don't know but you see he was so excited about it just imagine if you were not called into any ministry and you're ministering people's evangelists and you know no i'm not one apostle you know i thought about it in my house and i said right apostle just imagine just imagine what what god is gonna do who do you think you're gonna be like yeah well done good and faithful servant you are the one that stole the talent that others were given to try and invest it now these ones were given the talents to go and invest those pounds go and invest now this one went and stole a talent and try to invest it he's not even described in the stories of jesus the thieves oh you didn't get it now are you getting it are you getting it so service that one you can read matthew 25 and keep reading it you get it save his reward are you getting it and also to re-emphasize number four to re-emphasize the inadequacy of humanity all right to re so so so god wanted to show that he can rule he can rule all right and in the new millennium you'll see one thing they shall be unspeakable peace inexplicable peace i want to say something here that uh and this is something that you ought to understand are they getting it yes sir now now hear this hear this psalm 20 um uh let's go to psalm 72 verse number seven quickly yes sir 72 from verse 7 in these days shall the righteous flourish and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth an abundance of peace notice as long as you can still see the moon and you will be seeing it if the moon is still coming out this is peace everywhere two to three microphone verse four two two three and some people are looking for the book of micah right this minute like where is it verse two and many nations shall come and say come let us go up to the mountain of the lord into the house of the god of jacob zion and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his parts for the law shall go forth of zion and the word what is it from jerusalem what is he saying the word will come out of jerusalem the regulations shall come out of zion jerusalem says we are going to have jesus as king in that location sending out the laws who is going to deliver the use truly yours truly you you you too you too you are going to be collecting rules and regulations and sending them to people around the world you arrived to the president he said this is what the king has decreed that's our duty amen verse 3 and he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations are far off rebuke strong nations are far off i'll deal with it on another on on purity so that you get it because some people don't get it oh we'll come back when it comes to purity isaiah 11 isaiah 11 verse number 6 to 9 quickly quickly because we're about to finish we're about to finish this is more like trying to really cement the millennial reign so you get it isaiah 11 from verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the cow and the young lion and the fettling together and the little child shall say i like hunting so that you get this some people are not getting it i like hunting the before i started doing this hunting thing um i was doing martial arts and stuff like that then i just bought 12 guns one day let's see 12 we started with three guns i think three guns and i bought four evangelists i bought for myself i bought for prophetess we went with our teams to go and then the following week we had 12 guns not some funny guns real guns yeah so we're in this 400 acre land we own somewhere in another country and we're in there and hunting hunting hunting and i started reading about hunting and guess what they told me very important thing if you see a lion don't run no look straight in the eyes [Music] [Laughter] you know i these things can be done by white people rigorous cousins because they really have not been to africa they have not seen a real lion or this one in the zoo they give them butter who knows maybe bread who knows and then brew you know a little bit of tea ah come on no no you know the kenyan lion is the the biggest it can get to a level of a calf like like almost a cow wow wow and when it moves you can put 79 cars the it will move majestically like nothing this is like an old lioness the bible says who can rouse it ah i don't know if you're getting this yes sir people are getting yourself what's this one on adam graham saying today sir there will be a rising in service unto the lord knowing the rewards are waiting on us exactly and also ruxin is saying prophet the revelations you are giving us you are giving are given so much understanding i'm reading a different bible god bless you sir thank you so much that's so kind of you now listen to this i'm moving in in this revelation that when a lion i'm teaching my wife this thing sit down when we hand it you see a lion don't run look at it nicely and as you look you go one step bit by bit as you go you go direction for home you know you don't go like this try to figure out where home is it will attack because a lion is a shy animal really really shy you know you look straight in their face it looks away not that i've tested it but and trust me i won't test that nonsense so just listen to what happens because i don't want you to to miss this vulnerable lesson then it so happened it's no longer a lesson i'm hunting with my wife and she's driving this and we have people you know it's twin cabins a dodge like almost seven meters long and i'm in my gun like this with my gun and i chummed out of the car i'm seeing just a certain animal then i think oh it looks like a park no it was actually a rabbit okay no problem because you know you can we would hunt for like seven hours or so straight right sometimes we go like uh we used to go like 11 p.m and come back at 7am in the bush with snakes cobras everywhere everything leopards whatever it is with my gun you know with a 2.2 you know it's if you if you hit a something like um like an elephant it will just feel like it's a scratch like who is this what are you doing i'm bullied like this you know and i'm just like okay and then you just went around some bush i'm like let me follow there i'm tiptoeing towards it and i hear bro there's no rabbit like this that i know my for sure i'm ready now because you know i i've been teaching everyone when you see a lion eyeball i look down there i put my touch down there and my protocol is just way back there was they because they would stay back because they might just you know spook the the whole animal and we are done you know so they stay back there because i'm going there like this and the lights are and i'm just hearing this growl this raw you know little raw and i'm thinking no way i've known rabbits for a long time if you've been to britain they're everywhere this is not the sound of iraq and you know my parents have been keeping rabbits for a long time for whatever reason they just love them you know and i said what i know them as pets they don't sound like this i look down there and i'm seeing the prince of a lion ah then i stood femme on the ground i looked in the eyes of the lion that that that story should have gone that way but it didn't go that way it didn't go that way i ran like you have never seen your life trust me trust me even the lion i think was shocked i think i just stood there and be like jesus christ man of god i took off was sure we had brother ronnie at that time uh in the he was already in the church of course we would have been eaten i wouldn't be preaching here the guy would have cried towards the lion you know you know fear can drive you crazy you can go the wrong direction with fear and all the education i was giving everyone my wife and my team that you meet a lion don't worry look no i never had a chance to go like this big no no no no no i turned around [Applause] my my brother used to say i summarized the area you know when when you should take 20 minutes to get to the car and you take one minute i i i strongly feel i was translated and i got to the car and i'm trying to i just got to grab the door and my wife is seeing me run like what's happening i'm like a lion open the door and she pressed central lock there are all the doors locked now i'm outside there with the lion and everyone is in the car and i'm like come on come on do this i think she thought she was opening and she loved the whole thing lion you're not getting it anyway now imagine the bible saying the young lion and the limp all this leopard and all the animals you're afraid of they would graze together like you know not be eating meat anymore grass grace together even this peace that is going to be there listen because of the peace of god it will even go into animals that's how imagine when you don't fear nothing there's nothing to fear i don't know if people understand the millennial reign right anxieties is killing people right this minute you're just there thinking what will happen tomorrow no i don't have a job where would i get the money what if this pandemic is going to bring everyone's going to be fired from work ah this one is this peace that will be there in the millennium even lions will not be eating nothing you will meet a lion on the way to whether hi turn around and smile lion there's nothing like oh i can't pass through that street that street is dangerous no way no fear nothing is going to happen it's absolute peace [Music] 26 and i will make them and the places round about my heel a blessing and i will cause the shower to come down in his season there shall be showers of blessings now you understand now this one's saying no it shall be a rain season of blessings blessings and it shall come when you need it so you don't get to have like god you know me i'm just angry no before you even require it it shall be there wow executive 34 uh 36 uh go to go to 34 34 35. ezekiel 34 verse 30 35.35 this 34 from from which face is second thirty four first therefore executive 36 rather secretary six ezekiel 36 29 okay 29 30. 29 verse 29 i will also save you from all your uncleanness and i will call for the corn and will increase it watch this for the corn it is cold wow no no no no no no get it [Music] ever call for a corn for corn in the field like you call it wow i didn't get it farming you can do it by calling they didn't get it i know you're not getting it at all say we are going to buy combined advertiser not for us no they will be doing whatever they will be doing the one that i would say they are canal in the sense of their their natural being i can't call them cannot talk about the natural beings all right they will farm nicely they want to get that tired it would be like the days of noah people were leaving unto what until 969. no wonder this is a millennial reign one thousand the oldest man to live at that time was 969. and god comes and says you can't go past one thousand so it's like god is now reversing and taking the years of way back bringing them into the new millennial and say now you can live then understand nine years and we're ending it one thousand you're missing you're missing it you're missing it are they getting it yes sir some people are getting it some people got it all right almost 9 13. yes sir almost 9 30. almost 9 from verse 13. behold the days come said the lord that the plowman shall overtake the reaper no no you didn't get it did you understand that the plowmen the ones who are actually farming will overtake the ripper wireless you are ripping there is no season okay planting season plowing season ripping season this one says the plow men of wireless these ones are ripping this one's already sowing it's like around the clock harvesting sowing food everywhere it's not like we're just waiting for the rains now no wireless you're harvesting this one is already doing this and the one who is sowing seeds is already doing it so it's just like when you finish harvesting you are back again some people are getting it some people are getting it right yes so it's a time for unbelievable prosperity zagria 8 12. eight weeks and restaurants trust me i'm about to finish it for the seed shall be prosperous the vine shall give her fruit and the ground shall give an increase no notice the seed will prosper the seed itself is instructed to prosper it's not the time of um of uh of adam you do this you uh the food you wake you toil no this wasn't the seed it's already engineered to prosper you know when we farm we say oh the field that's also such side this side of the field it didn't really come out well no the seed shall prosper early isaiah 35 1 to 7. isaiah 35. i know it takes time but you just tick here stick with me stick with me 35 this one the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom even the desert shall be filled with joy it will blossom in other words there is no more desert if you want to go to the dunes to kind of see the jews no problem they will be there for entertainment they are not there because the ground is dry 2 it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing the glory of lebanon shall be given unto it the excellency of camel and sharon they shall see the glory of the lord and the excellent quality of our god strengthening the weak hands and confirm the fibonies say to them that are of fearful heart be strong fear not behold your god will come with vengeance even god would recompense he will come and save you then the eyes of the blind shall be opened uh there is someone who is blind here no no no not millennia and the ears of the devil shall be unstopped so there is no poster saying come for this conference it will open your eyes they are all open no time for spiritual gifts in the sins of your thinking right now and the dev shall be unstopped then shall the lame men lip like in heart even one with one leg like this will be able to do anything that anyone with two legs could do and the tongue of the dumb sin so this one can't talk like you'll be singing for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert not oasis no streams in the desert and the patch the ground shall become a pool and the first land springs of water in the habitation of dragons where each lay shall be grasped with reeds and rushes and the highway shall be there in the way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall pass over it but it shall be for those the way fearing men and all fools shall not add therein and the lion shall be there nor any no lion shall be there or no any ravenous beast shall go up there i shall not be found it shall not be found there but it shall be redeemed shall walk there now let's not notice this but the redemption notice this we have two groups we are talking about the ones who are flesh earthly were the ones i keep saying cannot but i don't want you to think kind of in the spiritual sense they're natural beings all right and then there is us big difference we operate different set of rules now then purity is what i wanted to really deal with here want to see something that um you might not like to hear revelation 227 yes sir purity he would demand absolute purity not from us no we are already with the life of christ we have already come back with him we no longer need rules we don't have rules we operate it we walk it we are the life we are the word of god in personified when we walk the word is walking when we talk the word is talking so there is no like i need to follow rules no no no we are even if we receive a commandment from god it shall be an automatic rejoicing like what he wrote to me wow i'm gonna do this we are excited about it it's not like oh why would you do this i don't agree with what he said i know he's god but you know i don't think you know i don't think he thought through this idea no no that way you know we have generals who try to teach even the holy ghost oh we have generals even to this day we'll try to pro to to fight a prophet protect the uh you know the the the nonsensical people in and trying to do all kind of any way do you pro they are there trying to go oh no no no the holy ghost they don't know the holy ghost is the one who made the person a person a pastor a teacher an evangelist so what are they doing what do you think they would do here if they receive a letter in the millennia the right thing i don't think you did it well you know the people who feel god should have called them before you decided to make somebody a pastor so they can be involved in the voting system most people don't hate you they just hate the fact that god did consult them before he anointed you all right let's go sir revelation 2 verse 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron now notice i know i want to do that but i think it's gonna really i'm trying to not make god a bad god uh he's not bad but he shall rule them with a what with an iron for iron cyderos and iron hard fisting hardly handedness in other words you mess up your gun i don't know there is no time listen in these days there's no time for funnies i'm not talking about the ask the new creation who came with christ no these natural beings that have remained during the time of the rapture during the time of the tribulation and they went past the tribulation they've come back there because they understand god from a mental perspective they know jesus is real and they managed to pass through that now watch this these guys now are the ones the bible is saying he shall rule with the root of iron remember he's loving all this through he's loving but then you get to a point where you you you disturb the peace you you do something is there is no listen to me there is no court system no judge to do nothing no appeal nothing no nothing it's done it's done he'll mess you up right there you'll be removed from the sin so it will remain peaceful he will rule with the road of iron say but me i don't understand this thing may if i don't go there by the rapture and i pass through what about me exactly you're the ones who will face this one see but but the devil will come and then distab who who he deceived the people that came out are still having children those children are free will trust me salvation is not a sexually transmitted phenomenon you can't pass it on to your child they have to make a decision if they don't receive christ for themselves no amount of dna in them in you can change them so there's a new bond that have come out and remember they've 1 000 years so they've also given birth to their own children and the bible says a a child shall die in 100 years in hundred days you can die as a child if you're caught in this one a childhood is that so you imagine going to a funeral i'm like who died today he's a husband just a small child how old was the child 100 100 years yes [Laughter] isaiah two forces here they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks nations shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they land war no more if you go to isaiah 19 23 25 we have dealt with some of it in that day there will be a highway from egypt to assyria and the assyrian will come into egypt and egyptians into assyria and egyptians will save with the assyrians in the day israel will be none of one one of the three with egypt and assyria i don't know if you're getting this ah syria the whole place of syria and all these other areas that is more than way back was called as syria all these regions it's not just that country but all these countries that are muslims the bible says in that day they shall be friends with israel they shall even have a unity of nations they are you getting this in the midst of the land whom the lord of wars shall bless saying blessed is egypt my people and assyria the wake of my hands and israel my inheritance jesus will even refer to them as these people you can't we have not found this it's not there that means it's millennial you see some people are trying to put some verses that i will not put there why because they're thinking some of the verses you read there are after the the armageddon not now all right and we're going to deal with them again another time i think on wednesday we're going to do the millennial reign questioning answers hope you headed up your head hop your head question and answers the millennial reign so that you've got all these questions i know you get uh an opportunity even now now and you have a prolonged life and we dealt with a prolonged life diet 100 so you have a prolonged life you have purity you have peace you have a road of iron working in that location what are people saying so that we answer a little bit of a few questions answer a few questions yes landouziki john grandoste so we've got a promised smash saying our prophet i thought i was greater than all because i have the holy ghost so julian during the millennial reign so they asked because they think they have because they have the holy ghost they will be superior then everything else that is that is around um i don't know what they are really asking what are they asking can you tell me what they are really asking i would did you understand to just come back and clarify exactly uh pastor ronnie what do you [Music] see as um as um is this question i have not got it is anyone getting this question you are the one who asked it so i thought you understood it okay read it again read it again i thought i was greater than all because i have the holy ghost saying they asked it a bit earlier okay maybe they're trying to say maybe when i have the holy ghost i'm great rewarded more maybe [Music] okay okay see by their fruits you shall know them isn't it it's not just a question of i have the holy ghost no it's not a question of i have the holy ghost it's a question of what have you done with the holy ghost that's what the problem is what is the use of the holy spirit if you can do get to part one of what we have done and realize the use of the holy spirit why what we are misusing the holy spirit uh you know what we are doing right now and really really misusing the holy spirit you know using the holy spirit just for an increase in salary promotion i'm not saying you shouldn't but i'm saying they are greater things there's way back i used to even buy a small car it was on instagram i would stand with on it like this you know if it happens now it's just like maybe one of maybe that photo was taken and i was making a joke about what i used to do and people kind of use it and oh something like that but it's not like something that gets into my heart now like yeah i just bought a car now everyone needs to see it no moment you do that it shows you maturity i'm not saying you should not display it display show people what god has done for you but there are things that you can show when you move from that car uh showcasing your car your necklace whatever that is that you have uh you move to places where you start saying look at what i've done for the lord look at what i'm doing for the kingdom look at what i've done and i've done it for the lord i'm doing it for myself because it's a service but then since the services reward i'm excited and look at what we're doing i've bought a house and but this house is going to be used for church i'm i've got a building and this building that's exactly what we can show people to show the kingdom is advancing all right let's go let's go quickly all right yes we have a question here on youtube prophet says prophet is it possible for a person who went in the rapture too to mess up in the millennium then it's not possible that it's not possible because for you to be able to go there remember one thing that people are forgetting is this corruptable shall put on in corruption this people forget that a lot so that it is congruent with the reward with the demands of heaven this body that we have here is the one that has got all these needs you're thinking of i don't know if you're getting this and men's sins when they are what when they are lured towards their desires you see the point so now we have a body that's different you've already managed to go through that that body is the one that keeps you there of course the love the holy ghost in you is the one that keeps the but remember your body is no longer desiring the same thing you shall even know people that you never thought you could know the way that you know them since we shall know him even as we are known i mean even your own husband you will know ah i would have loved this guy but he was so nice is this what the ayah your eyes will open your own child you called rascal when you get to be like ah this guy could develop me does he look like this just you you open your eyes to greater things all these people that don't like you they really don't know you when they get to know you they know i can't do this to this man i can't do this to this child i can't do this with this woman yeah let's read yes sir we have another question here and it's in the middle and give right now as we answer these questions go ahead give right now would they in the millennial still have an experience of salvation where the lord can live in them since he is physically exactly that's why that's how they manage to pass through that that's why we give this issue of um changing going to the children the approaching all right that they're giving birth to children that they can't change but they've passed through all this because they have believed but it's not like the believing that we have done ourselves for these two thousand years it's a different stage altogether [Music] he wants to know prophet who will we eat meat in the millennia you only eat when you feel like you want to eat all right and also remember when we talk about meat remember vegetables are also life in a certain way all right so people should ask should we eat um vegetables too the point is how are we creating that meat how will god replace that meat it's the same thing as people who think shall we get married are we going to get married in the um when they come from heaven is because most of it is because of affection jealousy like so i'll just meet my the lady i love and she will just be like another sister [Laughter] imagine you crash right now just passing by you like they say hi brother i'm like ah so what's happening this is and now greeting your enemy you know like greeting you i'm like ah say no it's not your brother it's our brother like no no no that guy was my enemy okay now in my crush you see the point the point is we have a lot of jealousy going on in our flesh right now so to think there is a place where my wife will see another person and say this is a brother i can see another system that this is a sister and your girlfriend can see another brother is brother ah no she needs to give me attention me selfishness that is no longer there all right so do you think god is really so small that he has nothing more exciting for you to do with your wife than sex this is what you think god is like very limited the bible says the unseatable riches of christ there is something better than kisses something better than a hug in that location there is something way beyond this it's because you can't think beyond that so it's like no no you know just just calling my loved one and say i love you i love you you are the only one on the phone oh it's life then he said he jesus saying they shall never be married or given him like jesus just a place we were okay with heaven except this party and people don't know why jesus answered the question the way he answered the bible says he knew their heart they were trying to catch them to catch him in his answers all they were trying to do was an issue of resurrection did they believe in resurrection no they wanted to trap him like you you are saying there is resurrection the people who asked them the bible says they did not believe in resurrection so they are asking him so if there is a brother and a brother and the wife is left and this wife marries the brother and the brother dies and this one and the brother what kind of sister is this what kind of woman is this mary seven brothers wherever you found them four two brothers three brothers jesus christ where are you going woman and how old is she this woman she's the only one surviving and all these brothers are marrying this old lady the question was not for that the question was simply to catch jesus and say you see what you are believing this resurrection you are preaching is nonsensical if it's real how are you fixing this one so jesus is answering the bible says in this word answer a fool with his own foley so you see twice you can look at jesus it doesn't mean he lied but he's answering their foolishness with foolishness so that's what he's trying to do same thing is should we give look at this this thing that i'm giving you i don't want you to challenge the what jesus said i'm not challenging it i just want you to see it he's shown money he said give caesar what belongs to caesar and to me what belongs to me then all of a sudden the tithing is agreeing with it the book of hebrews is talking about it wait a minute jesus you said man we should give it to you to caesar now where are we giving you 10 percent um so is this saying you should not pay 10 percent no he is answering them according to their foolishness so you have to understand when jesus is answering people who want to be argumentative he has a way of putting it across and people have taken a doctrine out of this issue and made it a big doctrine of not marrying then people see visions of heaven and they see people married together i'm not saying they're married they see a woman who was married to a man and they are all moving as families with their kids how when i when i was second we have an ivan saw kids that died the small kids in school being trained in the word of god so you look at it and think okay and their mother is there yeah and they know that's mother i'm thinking so they're not given in marriage they're like the angels do you even know how angels are relate you don't what if michael and gabrielle i always mentioned together michael came and helped uh gabrielle maybe they are friends these two maybe these angels are really close see they're not getting that you you're still not getting it come on you'll get it another time so just imagine if you look at the bible says napoleon and destruction say tenatos and destruction napoleon say where is wisdom if you look at the way it says destruction in death say where is with wisdom what we can we find it's only when you change the words into hebrews then you realize that we're demons talking where were they talking how when did they meet death and destruction they actually met and sit down like where can we find wisdom since for a price is very difficult since no man knows where it is hidden for the lord only knows where he hid it [Music] demons were talking discussing trying to find wisdom and the bible says jesus has been made our wisdom hallelujah and these guys are looking for wisdom demons are sitting down two of them discussing what was the most now if the two are discussing what was the most tell me how did they meet that means there are connections even in angels they meet they have this they're not clicks like gangs like would say we don't we don't hang around with michael this one says i hang around with gab gab you know gabriel i know pasaren didn't get it once i come so so you get a point it's not like that at all but there is a relationship they have some comradery going on so he's saying they shall be like the angels they are not given in marriage but the question is not answered fully why he's answering the folly of people using another folly and also he didn't describe what relationships angels have didn't explain zero zero it even tells you where the devil went when the sons of men gathered before the lord to present themselves that means they present with particulars they already know the region you send me here they're angels in zimbabwe angels in south africa angels in soweto even if there are squads given to places this is what says says the devil has order if there is no hierarchy then his kingdom will not stand if he starts casting out his own demons from another what does it mean they have order and if they have order there is also order that we are going to be in we are getting there there's just a relationship somewhere we're going to have even the people we knew this is my son we already know that that's my son that's my second bone that's my dad that's my fault that's my wife uh that's my cousin's sister that's you already know you no longer do the things that we think ring is a marriage we no longer do that but the family is already made that's what the bible says they're families which are in heaven and the families on earth that means their families in heaven and if they are families they're still going to be families all right yeah i know your question you're going to ask like i said you see so if a person has got um um it's all as polygamous uh who is going and maybe or divorced and who is he gonna call family when he will get to heaven we'll answer it another day that's your homework until wednesday all right guys i love you so much okay last question please last question because remember we have wednesday we use a question go to and give your seating right this minute it's important and we appreciate you so very much if you join us you ought to do it every one of you spirit members around the world this is your time and every partner of ours and everyone watching from around the world who really really is blessed by our message go out there support this ministry in every way you can especially when we're giving our offering our tithing our seeding it's very very important that you do so what question do we have two questions in that sense okay lenora is asking after the millennial reign uh prophet you say the devil will be released for a season who is he going to deceive then or at that time uh that's what we we explained it anyway in this preaching but that's exactly why we have the armageddon series exactly so that you know who exactly and what would have happened at that time that's exactly what we want to to get you to all right so it's going to be it's going to be exciting trust me so i you know we don't we we don't shoot blinks we really shoot when we shoot all right all right so our our series are really really another level uh we don't preach it if you know it okay the question here from innocent makai says prophet can we walk in the power and authority of the kingdom now of course that's why the bible says you know all right ah i want you to see ah languages i just want you to see something you know so that we don't i also don't want to waste your time at the same time but we're going to deal with it in that's what the bible talks about um uh let me just go to go to romans 5 is number one romans 5 from verse number one therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ verse two by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of god verse three and not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience basically now it's easy but whom also we have access by faith into the greatest way in we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of god it seems as if the man is looking forward towards watch this towards something that will come the hope of the glory of god yet that glory is already reviewed in us amen he is walking in a certain future while this is here when you're dealing with prophets that looked for a city and they were talk look for a country and god said the thing you see as big as you think it is it's actually a country i don't know if you're getting this are they getting it so so it's like people don't really uh get this sense of okay what do you mean by by the hope of the glory of god that means they see something in the glory and they are operating in it now like isaiah said by his stripes we i hear it before jesus was crucified all right but isaiah was so clever he knew the jews would refuse him so he went past the resurrection and went and looked back and looted by his stripes we are you they went past the crucification [Music] he knew you asked jews who refused him so i'll go past it and bible talks about the foretest of glory that's right for them that have tested the power to come to come the power of the world to come now for them that have what tested it so it's possible to taste it no no just taste it it's impossible to eat it if it is breakfast lunch supper dinner dessert everything so there are people who are walking in it fully because the holy ghost is given without measure but it's how much you drink being not drunk with wine way is the nexus but be filled and and the play of words there by paul says be being filled continuous infilling almost every day when you see you are about to get so but drink it again brother when you see you're about to get sober drink it take another dose you walk drunk every time say how are you the lee cousteau bra good evening so okay stand up and read them this notebook in class you just grab it like this you say legion of london huh i said what are you reading you thinking you are sometimes i answer in tongues thinking you know i otherwise a lot and people are like oh you haven't said anything i'm like i've said but i'm saying it and then i realized no i'm at another level in my thinking i'm already speaking real stuff but it's in tongues just imagine when you get drunk to a point that the tongue of the spirit you think everyone should hate listen i love you all and this is you better angel signing out and bibi and i love you so so very much and here at the good news world we appreciate you being part and parcel of what we're doing and for all those that are giving right now and that are continuing to give even after this broadcast and for all those that are praying for us we appreciate you we love you so very much this wednesday millennial reign question and answers all right and i believe sunday we have armageddon or something else you're gonna hear it you're gonna hear it and listen listen listen i'm not out of good news i'm just out of time i believe in good news because i believe in god this is yuberengio i love you all see you on wednesday
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 49,907
Rating: 4.9120545 out of 5
Keywords: angel, angel uebert, eubert angel, millenial reign, millennial reign, millennium reign, prophet angel, prophet angel live, prophet uebert angel, prophet uebert angel live, ubert angel, uebert angel, uebert angel 2021, uebert angel live, urbert angel
Id: cA1-AZdPBvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 23sec (8363 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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