The Millennial Reign - Part 1 with Prophet Uebert Angel

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[Applause] thank you thank you thank you today is one important day because one of the most important subjects is to do with the millennial reign and a lot of people have no idea that this is a really really profound subject it's a deep subject that theologians are at logarithms everywhere when they read this most of the problems arise from a failure to understand the prophetic thank you so much everyone who is watching thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much sit back and relax and get your notebook and pen and paper get everything ready now so because in the prophetic sometimes it's so difficult to actually descend when a prophet is talking about a certain time and a certain time that's what the bible says the children of isaga they knew the times they were acquainted to the times so when somebody is reading the scriptures they have to have that spirit of their i suck a kind of principle in other words beyond that spirit so to speak because we are now born again and nobody was born of women is greater than john who is greater than anybody and i but those who are at least in the kingdom are higher than john so you have to understand that when people understand the prophetic and read the prophetic manuscript they miss the death and the timing and the positioning of things a prophet can speak of 17 things in one statement different timelines mentioned no wonder you read the book of uh you read isaiah and he's talking about something else then immediately gets into christ's birth he talks about emmanuel and jesus is not called the immanuel in the in the new testament you wonder what is he talking about then he changes he's now talking about something else he has already finished what he's talking about they got in his code in nabai which is called nabi when you talk about the rohe then we talk about somebody called nabi they empty their words like machine gun and inside the machine gun time scales are out so they are prophets who are able to dis to disseminate information and it comes out like a machine gun and inside that machine gun 17 20 million timelines can be mentioned for for just just for status the bible contains over 8 362 of predictive verses about 2000 other other other other issues then over 1 800 what's this of that 1800 dealing with that timelines and and prophecies then over 700 verses again dealing with specific prophecies that are different so you're talking about a bible simply having over 8 000 prophecies one only one book like that when you deal with religion come on the other ones don't don't don't don't predict nothing maybe you might find five or two uh you know uh whatever scriptures if they call them scriptures that talk about that talk about something that is of predictive nature when you're dealing with predictive nature you're now dealing with emp you know something that that that you are now delving into areas where you need to prove what you're saying is true and the bible is not afraid over eight thousand hallelujah of really sharp prophecies and one of them is about the millennial so the millennial reign is so important now before i got there i need to deal with something very very profound because you have to understand that when we are dealing with the with the millennial rain we have already come back from heaven now uh we're still flowing so we have seven year period in heaven now when i'm saying seven year period i understand what you're thinking you're thinking are you are you telling me we're gonna we have seven years in heaven yes but we have had two thousand years of the gentiles the bible says until the gentile times of the gentiles are over that means the gentiles in other words we're talking about generic way of speaking all right i haven't gotten into the millennial reign yet we have been given 2 000 years where the jews have been blinded no wonder the jews are not coming into to christ of course they are in a certain number all right they are called are messianic jews they believe in christ a lot of them are turning into you know christians but not as many numbers as we would want them to why because that's not their time this is the time of the gen donations anyone outside of israel is is is referred to as a gentile so we're given two thousand years the problem is i could have bankrupted skills the problem is we have used that two thousand years we've used the holy ghost prisons in our lives for for having a new car [Music] having a new job uh curing ourselves of ricketts you didn't hear that now uh headaches and and using the name of jesus for headaches and for for for diseases and for for cars and and lamborghinis and mercedes-benz and and and that's what we have used the name of the lord for for 2000 years [Music] there is more to the name of god if you read ephesians 5 30 says we are what we are his members his body parts his limbs that means we are an expression of jesus amen but just imagine an expression of the holy ghost the holy ghost can't express himself on earth unless there is our body demons do the same thing that's why they're called spirits so a spirit need a body to manifest this is a body to man first now we have the body that manifests the holy spirit but that body is simply asking for a house for a house to rent for a better job for a better shift for a better payment a rising salary promotion so the employers are out there cannot see the holy ghost in us all they see is begging people when we fast we are fasting for a better wife we are fasting for a better girlfriend that's all we are fasting for so our bodies and our languages are saying something else we are exposing the poverty we have in our brains when we should expose that we are actually the functionality the expressed image of the holy ghost when jesus stood up and he said well he said show us the father he said if you have seen me you have seen the father if you have seen me notice at that time jesus wasn't born again no i know you are like now asking born again where so you say when when he rose from the dead the bible says he is the first from them from the dead begotten from the dead how is he begotten from the dead how come he raised people from the dead how is he now the first from the dead because not talking about dead physical death is talking about spiritual death and that's what everyone who is born again used to suffer from spiritual death when did that happen when he said father i commit my spirit unto you the holy ghost left you didn't hear that so there is no ability for sin to come on him when the holy ghost is there so he said i commend my spirit unto you when he said it when he said it he said it is finished why because for the first time in eternity there was a separation of divinity and uh you you're getting now sin could come on him now now now so the only place for him to go would be dead in hell yeah he that went up on high also descended to the lower path of the earth that means he went to hell and defeated hell and and we're talking now and and uh uh uh it's an allegory uh uh we we kind of bring in a certain kind of uh a picture for you to see it's something happening in the spirit it's not just an allegory where we are giving you uh an example no it's something happening in the spiritual realm there was an action in the spiritual realm now i'm about i'm about to get there and we haven't even started we haven't even started so so when we're dealing with with what jesus is and where he goes and where he's coming from we are dealing with something that is so powerful that you have to understand we are the express image of the holy ghost just imagine you come out of your house who is this you look yourself in the mirror like they say boy you you're dangerous you are it amen why i'm the express image of the holy ghost jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father you've been angel says if you've seen me you've seen the holy ghost hey it should be that when you walk in the street people will confuse you for the holy ghost [Music] that's what we should have been doing now just imagine jesus was the express image of god we are should be the express image of the holy spirit that means remember that time when they when they um when the roman uh authorities said you don't need to come to my house just say the word at that time jesus on power went to the men's house at the same hour and healed the person watch this without even traveling and jesus wasn't born again he was doing that without dying himself so there was no sacrificial lamp in heaven to represent the new testament our reality the new creation reality had not actually been ushered in so jesus would even be told uh just say the word he just needed to say the word but when we come to the express image of the holy ghost the holy ghost doesn't say nothing the presence of the holy ghost should cause people to be here i was talking to my my father apostle chris one day he said sometimes when i when i'm in the office or when i'm even at home before i go to the service i literally have not even started thinking let me walk towards the the vehicle or go to to church since immediately i look in the armies of this with the eyes of the spirit and people demons are leaving the church demons are leaving the location the man hasn't spoken [Music] you you're not hearing me just imagine imagine i remember happening in in zombie and i was in the hotel room and i'm praying like this and god began to tell me look at the event people are now leaving wheelchairs they were standing up i got to the location and there was already a queue of people giving testimonies to give tesla ready to give testimonies when i arrived i had to say okay wait listen i had to say where even some of these guys can tell you pastor ricky who who manages testimonies and stuff like that when we're in a live service in london he normally gets to this and say look there are so many people should i announce now i'm like no but i haven't said anything so these people i hear it when i haven't said anything the express image of the spirit amen so we have been given 2 000 years to express the holy ghost amen and we have used it for nonsense and some of it is to pray and bind our enemies [Music] back to slender the holy ghost [Music] this is why evangelist lee was talking about it and said most people when they see you prophet not responding to some silly people accusing you of nonsense they think it's because you're stupid or you're guilty but they mistake love they take love means take love for fear express image of the spirit if you respond what happens what does it give me it doesn't it raises the person with speaking silly things to a certain level where they are not that's right but remember who are you you are the express image of the spirit amen express the image of the spirit so because most christians are not really the expression of the spirit what then happens is they think everything from a cannot perspective and they think that's godly [Music] see we'll be so surprised when god begins to show us what was supposed to be godly then you realize good is not godly and godly is not necessarily good what is godly is what god institutes that's it he says in the old testament don't shave the sides of your beard you say jesus tear my beard this is my beard with my own razor blade i went to work i worked you were not there i didn't see you and now you say this is an abomination why because good and godly are two different things that was old testament new testament no so don't think i'm talking about you shouldn't shave your beard now watch this now 2000 years given to christians 2 000 years boy oh boy then when jesus comes back after this seven year tribulation he is now giving the jews 1 000. so the concentration of the millennial reign is not for the gentile nations it is for the jews [Music] maybe some some people are getting it there so so we were given two thousand years and we wasted it we are still wasting it the average person when they tell you they're in prayer it's it means they are requesting something from god [Music] when churches do yearly fasting they have some requests they are not talking about soul winning no no no they are not talking about the influence of christianity on earth they're not they're not praying for nations no they're talking about next year god make it happen for me this coming you have a resolution to buy a house this coming year i will show them i'll buy i'll buy the best mess in this bed that's what we are doing as expression of the holy ghost ah and what are the world what are the words people doing they are using satanic power to also gain those things so it seems like we have two thousand years of baby christians but the jews when they catch it on the millennial reign ah yeah kaba yandosky bahas they are using it to the fool in fact jesus promised his disciples that you're gonna rule over the 12 tribes of israel they know their positioning they know their positioning it's not in heaven whether they're going to do it why because in seven years [Music] it's during the millennial reign all right maybe maybe you might be missing this now so so now now now now why is jesus coming here of course for the wedding uh but then you have a problem that there is a huge chunk of the church thinking the church is the bride of christ which really really i need to debunk it today and forever now is let's go to revelation 21 revelation 21 i know i know i know right now i've got a lot of men of god i respect that believe that thing oh yelling gratis and ankara kick as a song are you here oh kira mangravatuskira verse number one of of revelation chapter 21 and read it quickly because we want to go to the millennial reign so that we get there and you get to see something exciting and and this is just part one it's a long subject i'm talking about it's a huge one retuki vando le manchatigues lucia jella [Music] for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea yeah there's 2 and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem do you notice here as a prophet he has already disengaged it's not in timeline he is simply saying what he saw he never said then this and this are connected no he's just saying a barrage of things that's why when you come from 21 you realize that the book of revelation has got a kind of uh uh you know chronology but sometimes it just goes over lips this dovetails with the book of daniel that's why daniel was told these things that you are you're understanding these things that you're prophesying about you're understanding the prophets of it's not for now is for a time to come amen so he knew it wasn't happening then hallelujah and he dovetails perfectly with the book of revelation uh-huh let's go and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem you're coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband where was that verse two let's do uh-huh and and i don't saw the holy city so he saw who the holy city jerusalem okay jerusalem so it's not a problem it's just dressed as air so it's not a problem at all it's not a bride it's just dressed as a bride let's go to number nine uh yes and there came unto me one of the seven angels one of the seven angels i think if an angel is telling us and johnny is actually listening to an angel and an angel is telling us we better listen to this thing now this angel did not come to angel in his room no he came to john writing the book of revelation in patmos that's greece and notice this he is now writing and say the angel part of the seven angels that i was describing all of these angels one of them came to me and told me some truth let's listen to the truth not you but angel's truth this truth let's go amen verse nine and they came unto me one of the seven angels which is the seven vials four of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come heather i will show thee the bride the lamps wife no no no no no i want to know is this angel a liar no no no he says look i want to show you the real bride of christ now come on let me just show you the bride of christ come i want to show you repeat that verse because some people here were still arguing with scripture let's see verse number nine they came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come either come here i will show thee the bride did they say i might i will what i think is the bride i will it's a certainty i will show you the bride of christ the maybe you don't understand the bread of christ let's repeat what does it what is the lamb's wife let's go no the same face and they came on i will show you what well i will show you the bride the bride now just in case you don't believe the bride is what maybe it's a bride means um maybe a mug from a certain you know kitchen or maybe it's a tree maybe a branch from a tree called bride just in case in case there's somebody there who is wondering maybe the bride is this camera here maybe the bride i don't know the building no no he said look let me explain who the bride is what is the bride comment the lamps wife the limb swap don't get it confused this one i'm about to show you is the bride you say where's the bride forget it i explained feather the angel explained the lamb's wife wait wait wait then i saw the church no read it verse number 10 and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high note so he was in the spirit yes so it wasn't this is not canality okay let's go and showed me that great city oh you showed what the the church no the angel shored john the city jerusalem jerusalem is the bride of christ not the church the holy jerusalem descending out the church is the body of christ i understand paul gives a scenario where he likens the relationship of the church to the relationship of with christ to the relationship of the husband with his wife so jesus says there is no there is nobody who shall be married in heaven they shall all be like angels then he gets married to us okay forget about it [Applause] you know please don't use don't don't use all of your senses use off you'll be used you'll die if you use two senses he says no body shall marry they shall not be given in marriage neither should not be married then but forget sorry sorry i will marry you [Music] read that verse again because i don't want i don't want any trouble with these people read that verse again please don't argue with verses argue with angel but not verses and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain yes and showed me that great city the holy jerusalem he showed what the holy jerusalem descending out of heaven from god so so let's go nine again and there came unto me one of the seven angels which are the seventh verse four of the seven lost plagues and talked with me saying come heather i will show you the bride so i will show thee the bride not a bride not some bride the exact one [Music] exact article definite article v v definite article you didn't say a bride some bride no the the perfect the real one and if the church is the bride it can only be part of it it can be all of it because this is a definite article deep bride and then then verse number 10 says i now was shown i don't know whether people are getting it then he says and i was shown jerusalem that great city now you wonder ah what are you talking about angel how can god himself will marry a land how can land be married no problem is the two verse number four is the two verse number four let's quickly do that let's quickly do that four thou shall be no more termed for second neither shall thy land anymore be termed desolate but thou shalt be called hafzeeva and thy land beulah for the lord delighteth in thee in thy land shall be married okay come on so so god himself is saying this jerusalem our merit right there isaiah prophesied that he shall be the one ah i don't know i don't know if you are getting you're getting it ah i don't know if you're getting it i don't know if you're getting it go to galatians 4 verse number 25 colossians 4 verse number 25 i want you to see this so that you understand why jesus is coming back killer that is the spirit of the artificial listen to this no one shall be able to deceive you for revelation is the cure of deception let's go colossians 4 25 for this agar is mount sinai in arabia and entrance to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with their children now it's in bondage with the children okay now you say what does that have to do with me now if jesus god is our father and he marries jerusalem who is jerusalem now no i'm just asking his mom who's mom it's a very simple thing read verse number six verse 23 which is what which is mother of us all which is our mother [Applause] i don't know if you're doing if you're getting this maybe some people are not getting it listen to me listen to me listen to me and by no means removing your church as the bride you can get your branch is the bride but here i'm dealing with scripture the relationship between the church and jesus looks like that of a man and a wife it's an example it's not a definite article now you say okay no no but my bible says my your bible also says and israel is like sheep with no shepherd if you are told to draw an israelite would you draw ship if we have seen the ship around britain here in the in the forms they say bleating they're bleeding everyone say oh this juice that's an example and the holy ghost descended like a dove then you draw the holy ghost like a dove you drew it that was like this the holy ghost no it's the dissenting that looked like it examples should not be taken as definite articles this the angel gave a definite article of what jerusalem is i will show you come here and i will show you the the the the definite article the bride you say okay but i don't know what bride is coma the wife of christ who is he then he came and i saw the city jerusalem rising i said there is the bride i think john john john didn't argue because he wasn't confused you know the other ones if he had shown all these people to be like who is the church now like no today is the bright day i know i know you are let's go wait we might get uncreated by language i don't know if you're getting this now so we find a situation where there is jerusalem don't miss it now don't miss it now don't miss it now watch this watch this watch this i don't want you to miss anything i'm giving you now now we get to him to a situation here where we have acts chapter number one except number one i want to show you something i want to show you something see my messages are never planned in that way you know they just come i wait these words you are hearing they just came to me and demanded to be spoken that's right let's go i know what i've spoken to the lord about when it comes to revelation and things that i'm i might minister another day or a minister in something and i have this conversation with the spirit and when i have this conversations with the spirit guess what i come here and stand here and verses come to me and demand to be spoken sometimes i'll be like no let me give them this verse and then another one comes in another one comes i pray the same grace for you in the name of jesus christ that's the book of acts right the book of acts read it son from verse the former treaties have i made or theophilus of all that that dr luke writing the book of acts and for those who don't know it's actually look who wrote the book of of of um of x yes sir all right of all that jesus began both to do and teach verse two until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen number three to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them let's go back yes sir verse 16. i want you this um go back to verse number one again okay verse number one i want you to listen there is because you see the millennial reign i won't get to the details of it until you understand it is here that's one verse number one the former treatise have i made and theophilus of all that jesus began both to do and teach yep verse 2 until the day in which he was taken up after that through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen verse 3 to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs yeah being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god so jesus was here 40 days yes after i resurrected people think you know he just died and resurrected three days and he left no 40 days he was moving in on the street 40 days what proof do you need he said did you resurrect they saw him 14 days and one time he appeared to 500 people at once just imagine visiting or doing home visits you try to call pastor ron is a person running jesus just said nobody is still here no he's in my house now yeah he's here too anyway let's go yes sir verse number five for truly for john truly baptized with water but he shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands verse 6 when they therefore were come together they asked of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel so it will thou at this time restore the kingdom to israel notice here something that you're missing if you look at verse number seven verse seven verse seven and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in this is the big problem this is a big problem because if you read matthew 20 20. yes sir read matthew 20 20 in fact verse 2 verse number 23. notice what he says here but we're coming back to eggs 20 verse 20 then came to him the mother of zebedee's children now the buddhist children uh mother kim you look with their sons there is an issue i'm seeing are you hearing this uh you know because jesus loved everybody so she felt she was so loved more than everyone she had access to the master to ask for for privileges for your sons that's right read it yes sir worshiping him if you grow up in a church that never opened bible in this one you'll grow blisters we have no doctrine in our judge as long as you find it in the bible is our doctrine don't even call us he's right there all right worshiping him and desiring a certain thing of him verse 21 and he said unto her what will thou and she said unto him grant that these my two sons may sit allow my kids to sit the one on the right hand one on the right and the other on the left she's planning in thy kingdom vice president an adviser to the president look at this one there are some mothers who are clever there's some i have had mothers plan for liver i plan for seer sending messages so the lord showed me that my daughter would marry your son come on i remember my wife going like this people are they crazy i said look they are not crazy we are the stupid ones if these people could see there was an importance to marry my son we should also see what's important for our son to marry no no you didn't hear me if we already have hundreds of women thinking they can convince me as a prophet that god visited them in visions to tell them that their daughters will marry my sons the only reason even if i'm not a prophet and if i was a prophet or not a prophet or if i'm not a preacher or spiritual guess what i've realized one thing they are trying to convince a real prophet that god spoke to them more than me and they are not ashamed and when they do it they are stressed first like this i'm by no means saying they didn't hear it it is not good definitely [Laughter] but they hate something because they are over 100 now so how is he marrying 100 women then i know perfectly well that these people have planned in their houses whosoever told them whatever demon is saying to them but they are also clever in their hands if they didn't see any vision or anything from demons they are clever they are protecting the future of their own daughters amen it's only me who is thinking my son will marry whatever he likes no i have to plan to come on are you are you hearing listen i understand we're on the millennial rain i haven't i'm having i'm not diviting i'm not driving but you understand this in matthew 2020 guess what he says my kingdom is not of this earth if we go to mactain he's refusing if you get to let's get to let's get to uh matthew 27 11. mankind and jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him saying act thou king of the jews and jesus answered unto him thou sayest and verse 12 and when and when he was accused of the chief priests and the elders he answered nothing verse 13 look at this at one time he's answering nothing and other times he's telling them my kingdom is not of this earth verse in x he says it is not for you to know that means jesus himself understood kylie broke talagisco understood that his rulership was not just spiritual he knew he was a political leader oh yeah you didn't get it i know they missed it they just lost it right there they just lost it so it's just that the mother and the of these boys or you understand are they these boys they she she had no ability to descend the times that this time is coming on a spiritual level [Music] because for the natural to be fixed you need to fix the spiritual she is already arranging the cabinet positions one time he started telling his disciples look guys what will happen is whosoever is least shall lead them for i came to save uh so in this kingdom we are bringing you will see what will happen so so watch this so he knew something that was paramount that in the book of second samuel 7 if you go to verse number 11 you will see that he was actually promised a davidic covenant for kingship i don't know if you're getting this a royal dynasty when it comes to isaiah 7. so he has all these things that have come even the book of genesis abraham was promised that he's project that jesus who was coming was going to be keen in the sense of political leader the reason why jesus could not sit on the throne of david during his times girl david had not thrown at that time it was the roman empire [Music] so he was still going to come to control the earth that's the millennial reign [Music] they get they get that so the millennial reign is jesus as a political leader i'm talking about the president of the whole world [Music] now we're getting there right yes sir you're wondering where are we coming from and where are we going the point is jesus is coming as a political leader when he came the first time he came as a baby in swaddling clothes they raped him and when they were trying to fight him guess what when they were trying to kill him herod is trying to kill him the angel came and said go to africa i need to repeat that part because some somebody lost it somewhere when jesus was god himself was in trouble he went to africa come on did i when god was in trouble mama africa and he stayed there until the angel came and said go back those who wanted to kill you are dead if they are not dead don't go stay in africa what about abraham when things got hot where did he go africa ah now you see it's just a knowledge somewhere so it gets in there but but anyway let's let's move to another location so you have to understand now that there is this thing happening where jesus left if you look at it tells you he left from the word mound of olives we were there with our people in went there and they were looking at it there is actually a footprint on the rock that people believe it is the uh the footprint of jesus as it pressed down and is beginning to levitate uh it is in the locale like there's that same location where it happened but notice is the mount of olives what did the angels say let's go seven and keep going malignant angry venus x1 let's keep going and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times and all the seasons which the father hath put in his own power yes verse eight but he shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the outermost part of the earth verse number nine and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and the cloud received him out of their sight yeah yes ten and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel eleven which also said ye men of galilee why stand he gazing up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manna as he have seen him go into heaven i want you to see something that is very very profound read it again that part verse 11 which also said ye men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven he shall come in like manna i don't know if you're getting this are you getting it yes sir he shall come in like manna so he says he shall come in like manna the same way you saw him leave he's the same way he's returning where is he mount of olives zechariah 14 16. karamanglet is a fanny and it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations everyone that shall be left hey that means you say it's um it's um it's it's it's a few people that will manage to cross the the seven years of tribulation when the rapture takes place seven years of tribulation very few people are going to cross to the one so we are still going to have people that are not born again remember they are multiple raptures i know i know some of you are now arguing the moment i said mob roach ruptures my god that's why we call it the first flight i mean you say we are going with the first flight there is a second one there is the third one the mop ones now i just want to prove you the second flight so that you you you you are relaxed on your theological arguments uh because when you say something like this it becomes an embryonic theology people are looking it in like there is tension here say there is nothing called second rapture there is because the bible tells us that there are going to be two two uh two prophets uh probably enoch and elijah and enoch and elijah will be there as witnesses that's why they're called witnesses they should have witnessed a lot of things uh enoch and elijah and they are going to stand there and some people say it's moses and elijah still okay it's just two prophets and they're called lords candlesticks too they gonna be there and they shall be killed they see they are so powerful that when they speak fire comes out and bends their enemies oh god bless us with that power but anyway that's another story that's another story so these ones speak and things happen are you hearing what i'm saying and when they speak and things happening when they open their mouth fire comes out and they shall be killed on the streets and the bible tells us during the tribulation after the rapture has already taken place these would be killed and three days their bodies are in the street on the streets and their bodies on the street they begin to rise the third day with cameras everywhere because the bible says the whole world shall see them and at that time when the scripture was written there was no broadcasting there was no tv and this was in the whole world watch it will be live on on cnn gnn and n names it'll be live you understand live everywhere on every platform you can think of if there would be twitter at that time bless god uh it will show that thing live broadcast of those two witnesses the prophets that have been killed rising rising and ascending into heaven what is that rupture come on then we have the 144 000. why am i including them in the people that shall be also ruptured are on the on the third or you know on the third uh uh rapture because the point is this the bible says when jesus comes back he shall come back with the saints now if you become a saint during that period what will happen you have to go and come back with him are you hearing me or you've gone home are you flowing some people are flowing paranozuka and credit watch this so they go there watch this now watch this says those that go up read it again zechariah 14 16 and it shall come to pass you shall come about everyone that is left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king so we know something is going to happen we know there is a going up to jerusalem for year to year we're going to deal with it in the new in the in the in the new millennium message we're still in the millennial rain okay millennial rain all right because some people are like what are we saying you know god three secret fourteen three to five i told you if you don't really open scriptures you'll be like oh then shall the lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of of battle this fall and his feat shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives wait there jesus the angel said the same jesus who you see on mount of of olives and is going up to heaven you shall see him descend the same way zachariah is prophesying years before that time he says the lord shall come and stand on mount the mount of olives and what will happen to the mount of olives so you know how the bad people on earth will be scattered and killed the midday lands and his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives which is before jerusalem on the east yes and the mount of olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south i told you you came as a baby and they ripped him in swaddling gloves but the day he comes back with the saints the bible says his feet will stand on the same location where the angels when they said this same jesus you see going up will return the same way since the mountain will split in half and the valley will develop and if you want to read the temple the fourth temple that is written or in the bible the first temple where jesus is going to rule from where the temple that is talking about listen it will get to the dead sea we're talking about over 30 square miles that place you think is the wailing wall is not the jews are absolutely 100 20 million percent wrong that's not the wailing wall never i know you go there and go like this wrong location and i don't want to go deeper into it i don't want to go deeper in there i'm telling you [Applause] and i know definitely you think that's the right location and you think the jews are also stupid they are really not stupid let me tell you something just imagine a place wins the six day war and they fight all the all the muslim nations just imagine pastor running all the muslim nations are fought and defeated just in time for sabbath the jews were so dangerous they fought everyone just to pray they said no but saturday we are it's sabbath so we have to stop to defeat them by by friday friday evening we prepare our lambs for sacrifice now hear this now then there is a problem because after you win back your land and you give people your most holy site doesn't make sense that 32 acres which is called the dome of the rock that when you type israel you see that gold and dome and the muslims have taken it over and the jews are smiling saying yeah we will take it over the jews are not stupid they know exactly that's not the right place so they are playing around they know if they tell the muslim that we have discovered is not the right place the place is that one the muslims will say we occupy that the bible tells us the temple is in the city of david and that is not the seed of david you don't need to go anywhere that's not the seat of david and it's called the dome of the rock because it's a rock and the temple was supposed to be built even if you read whatever book you read leviticus or whatever guess what you'll find that it is to have water near it and the water should be a natural source and they just found the gear on spring not even close to that come on me thousand meters away from that and you can't you you had to wash your hands to get into the temple and you shouldn't walk a quite a certain specific number to go there listen israel is different that's right the rules are different even if you look at jesus went to a mountain what's this do you know why it's known as the mount of olives some people don't know why why the translators wrote the mount of olives and they were so sure what the amount of olives was do you know why they just how they discovered is the amount of olives to confirm it from oral tradition what's so simple because they have numbers kalino and krivia to say they have numbers watch this of meters you are allowed to walk on a sabbath day so they know you can't go beyond this perimeter if you're standing here so from where jesus is he walked to a high mountain and left so you just look for how for your radius then you look for the meters that you are allowed to work since jesus the bible says he was born after the law and followed the statues of judaism so he was going to be specific on exactly the meters you should walk and that's the only mountain oh no you didn't get that he didn't get that he they missed that part they missed that pad so watch this so when you're looking at what is happening here are you still flowing oh man are these as they are people hearing i said i want to see if if we have people that are actually getting it atom gram and all the other platforms of course if you are on our uh most of our people are on our uh tv stations uh five tv stations so far you know your miracle tv africa arab world miracle tv india we have 596 channel good news tv we are on roku we are on amazon fire listen we'll be on netflix soon the temple is in the city of david it has water in it the jews are not stupid i'm a good student of the bible exactly they know exactly what's taking place in fact the bible says it this way that it was at a high mountain that the soldiers looked towards the temple and so poor and he helped him come out remember when there was commotion in the temple they saw it from a a higher place and the only higher place is the mountain is the tumble rock there is nothing the the the uh that that that that rock you know where there is the dome of the rock that is the only high mountain there is no other higher mountain so if the soldiers were on a higher place it should be that that means the end the the temple is low and if you put the temple lower and meters away and then you get to the given spring and you look at it and say this the source of water that is natural you realize one important fact you can't walk from this natural water uh sauce and wash your hands and get to the uh dome of the rock and still be a clean jew you'll be unclean when you get there [Music] anyway that's another story so it can't be there and one more thing and i've got many one more thing there is no way that rock is the is the is there is is the wailing wall why yeah they're wailing there yeah it's a wedding oh in that sense they will lay there is no way it should be that because that's just the meters of original place original rock that was never removed skist meters that's kissed emitters cancel christianity into oblivion if that is the correct place why because it makes jesus not to be sharp in prophecy because he said no stone shall be left on top of the other yes and yet there is kiss to meet us disagreeing with that prophecy any serious christian who believes that's the serious evaluation i don't know if you're getting this now if you look at josephus when he's writing a hero it was the keep of documents at the time of jesus the one who said uh and in those days they arose jesus uh a man called jesus an upright man if it'd be right to call him a man at all ah and the man was jewish he never changed he never became a christian said if it is right to even call him a man because he did things that could not be called him uh caleb that same guy said when you go to the location where the temple was guess what his word said listen listen read the antiquities of the jews he said it will be impossible to know there was ever a building for there is not even a stone at all see there's nothing not one now there is 50 meters where they just go to cry it's not a place forget it when you go to israel just go there for the sake of entertainment [Laughter] oh trust me for the sake of entertainment that's it don't go don't go for anything just entertainment like they're like wow wow wow because that rock is disagreeing with your bible here we go what's up you wanted to say something caramel is cool my hungry so so if in fact we'll come back to that list if when we dealt with zechariah he said versus 14 16. read it again fourteen's kissing um i want you to say something uh-huh yes in his feet verse number four and his feature was stand in that day upon the mount of olives which is before jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west yes and there shall be a very great valley and half the mountain shall we move toward the north and half of it toward the south now watch this yes sir and if we read what we read in 1416 we kind of also have seen that there's going to be a few that are going to be left we spoke about the remnant right sure now we have revelation 20 verse number eight i want you to see something because i understand now you're like okay what will it be like what would it be like we can't go there until we we prove to you that this is real revelation 20 from verse 8 because when we go to um revelation 17 18 19 we're talking about the mystery babylon when we get to revelation 19 we're not talking about the return of christ when we talk about revelation 20 we're not talking about the millennial rule when we get to 21 we are now on the eternity when we go to our 22 we're not on the conclusion when we go to to revelation 23 now you are crazy let's go let's go let's read it verse number eight and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is the scent of this notice when we read the scriptures they said they were going to be a few amen i don't know if they're getting it yes sir there's gonna be one a few numbers a few that means a remnant a few people are going to go through the to to come the other way the the tribulation remember we are talking about lions uh locusts with the heads of lions hair like hair of women and teeth and teeth like teeth of lions and they have a tail like a snake a scorpion then you have got our horses with breastplates and with with um with with breathe brim you know brimstone and sulfur and all these gases chemical warfare 200 million horsemen just send to kill people and and the lockers five months just hurting people they should not even hit the vegetation paradise for for vegans now now now and and they just had meat flesh watch this now are you still flowing so to survive that period the bible specifically tells us it's going to be difficult but those who come through the other way very few are going to survive on earth watch this now here we go are going to survive on earth but they are surviving as natural people carnal people might not not cannot in the sense of canal in the sense of their flesh they are not born again like us they don't have a body like ours since we shall not all sleep but we shall be taken in a twinkling of an eye we shall be changed and the dead in christ shall rise first don't miss that part don't miss that about i'm coming back for it i'm going no no no so jesus when he's coming with his sayings with the voice of an archangel and he descends that's why the watchtower now think jesus is an archangel because he shall descend with the voice of an archangel uh i i bless you now now now so so it comes down with the saints so the rapture jesus is on his own and we are caught up with him and meet him in the clouds he's not coming back to earth so it's not the second coming that one is called it came the first time then this one in rapture is not called the second coming so people mistake the rapture in the second coming and some chapters mix two things rapture second coming if you read the eyes christian five he mixes millennial rule and after the millennial rule after armageddon so when you are not a prophet and you are not inclined to understand the prophetic utterances of prophets you bundle that up together and you don't even know what is he talking about is it after the rapture before the rapture or after the rapture he seems to be mixing all these things if i look at after the rapture season i saw a new heaven and a new earth and then and i also saw uh that the people if someone dies at 100 it would be uh a an anomaly huh so he's still talking about death after armageddon whether you have a new earth no that means you're not definitely not talking about two things he's not talking about one thing he's talking about two different things but it's creaming that in one place because remember these guys had also no idea what they were seeing the bible says the prophet's desire to look into these things the old testament prophets had no idea what they were seeing they just put it out there and say here is what i saw you people who are from that place look at what daniel did 21 days said since you desire to know the times watch this and to understand the prophets even daniel the prophet prayed to understand prophets not prophecy was given someone else's prophecy he was reading my understanding of the books looking at prophecies reading like oh you saw this i don't get it even a prophet got confused about what the prophet had written even ask prophets when we receive some information you need your spirit to be active in the word for you to descend this means this and this means this and this means this and you follow it now watch this now are you still flowing i'm about to finish i'm about to finish just like just give me a few more minutes and i'll be down i'll be off you're out of your hair now now now watch this now so when he then comes down [Music] he's coming back with the saints the ones that were raptured are now coming back with him to who to earth to where earth and the land on mount of olives when the angel said this same jesus will come back the same way she said the same way that means the word same way means the same time the same place the same location that means if you could go back by some time travel and see exactly what time jesus came went up to heaven he will know definitely when he's coming back no no no no no no i don't know if you are getting this and you shall split the mountain in half now watch this people who are dead die but remember there is a few that came through that that were not evil in the sense of what you call evil but they had no understanding of christ but the things that happened during the seven year tribulation made them to evaluate their own lives to realize something is off somewhere there is somebody who caused this to happen so when they come out the other way they are not born again they are simply natural beings they understand things from a natural standpoint they use their mental ascent to decipher the spiritual things but some of us we have come back with him so we have come back with him for the millennial reign for a political job come on see when we say something like political stuff they didn't yo you you kind of what is he talking about now in the millennial reign when he lands we are not preaching to anyone to who for what praying for what right come on see come the millennial reign is not for preaching it's not for prayer you will be sitting here in your house like this now so your house yes come on come on come on and you just decide i need to talk to jesus in in front of your boom jesus appears yes yes that time you don't need uber angel you don't need no prophet saying tell me what the lord is thinking no you don't even need to visit israel you'll be sitting there just like lord jesus and right days in front of you while he's in front of you he's in front of me he's in front of that one he's in front of this one he's in front of this one there is no prayer whatsoever wow we are coming for a political reign for a political job wow hi i'm still with you i'm still with you i'm still with you now now the bible says a fuel come out watch this now a few will come out revelation 20 verse number eight read it read it look at it look at this he says and a number of people as the scent of the sea maybe some of you didn't get it it says at the end of the seven year tribulation jesus is coming back and when we land here with the saints guess what happens guess what happens we are taking land just imagine the temple is going all the way to the dead sea [Music] if you've been to israel you understand what i'm talking about now so there are a lot of things that will begin to change london will be from here today you wonder what's happening what is this still london it's now in another location things have already shifted our town's gonna be here the same way yes but they are now controlled by us we are the ones you and i we are the ones who hold the political power one will govern this area another one will govern this area another one would be i i don't want to give it the the political uh names for for positioning but let me just try for for to just to excite you and so that you get a certain understanding of what i'm saying but don't go around saying i'll be mayor somebody will be mayor of this city mayor of this county this one of this count leader of that county this one is doing this all our duty will be to tell the world like the book says to tell the world to go to israel once a year to worship the king so we are organizing pilgrimages you didn't hear me you didn't hear me we are simply telling people that same guy you wanted to see you thought wasn't in existence the one now you know with your mind he's in israel let's go once a year nobody now say are people going to be working yes i'll prove to you or even give you the verses that there will be jobs he says i will give you you will take the resources from the seas the riches of the seas will be extracted during that millennial reign you'll be extracting riches from the sea it is god's opportunity to prove to you that if at all you had given me a position not choose boris johnson donald trump and this one this new one biden and all these other guys and leaders if you had not chosen them and you allowed me as god to be king this is how it was going to be that's how you are being proven what is being proven to you 1 000 years of god being the president so we read that the few will come through the rapture the the the seven year period watch this a few will come out now now i don't they didn't get that did they get that a few are coming out so we have a few numbers when we start the millennial rule because people have died the plagues have cleaned them out but now we have a few numbers maybe one million maybe 200 million who knows but it's a few number compared to 7.8 billion that on earth today this will be few it's not half of it it's less than half so the world still has people and the structures are now clean we have cleansed everything is now clean everything is operating everywhere now you say prophet are there going to be arguments hundred percent are there gonna be disagreements hundred percent there is no need for the president if there is no go so the natural men are still having a problem but it's not a problem in the sense of what you're thinking like people are fighting killing each other no they can have a problem of this and this and immediately when they're about to have that problem brother ronnie appears and says this you know what happened was this what this and his insight into reality he knows exactly what happened where yeah that this person wasn't even seeing it and this wasn't seeing it and the person who sees is the one who says brother before you came here here was at his house he even did this for you so it's not like what he's thinking what you think he's thinking so i'm very sorry thank you thank you my brother thank you that's it it's a it's it's quick resolution of problems now i remember i said and i'm still repeating this sentence remember i said you will come through the second seven year period you'll come through few will come through revelation 20 verse number eight watch this now what's this remember jesus comes to earth with us and a few of the world's inhabitants who are now natural beings they just have a certain focus and of course they're jews as well but in the jewish religion there will be actually uh uh have realized christ and have received christ because it's now their period yeah some people are getting it says for all israel shall be saved did you hear what i just said not one israelite will not be a christian okay some people are still getting it let me just wait for it to enter so he comes out he comes back with us the sayings we are coming back uh and when we land things are happening the voice itself will kill the evil ones the real evil ones and immediately the devil the beast and everything that he was using on earth is bound so now the devil is in chains for 1 000 years he can't deceive no one so there is really no evil on earth why there is nobody to arrest any there is nobody to lie to anyone the devil is not there imagine a world where the devil isn't there now i know what you're thinking now some people have always wanted to ask about marriage we're going to talk about it later on now now he is there on earth notice what did i say pastor ronnie i said after seven years what happens who comes on fu read revelation 20 first of all let's see if people know mathematics so they're going to square a little bit verse number eight and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of this that is towards the end of the 1000 years the devil will be lost from hell and will try to lie to the people oh yeah so that they fight uh-huh let's go and when the thousand years are expired satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea wait a minute we began with few at the end of the 1000 years we are like the sins of the sea so that means people are still giving birth see oh yeah you just lost it you just you just lost it i just wanted to know if you still have a certain level of appreciation of mathematics anyway i don't know if you're getting it are you still flowing he is for those who like to get married so quick we are talking about natural beings having children the bible says for those who are in the spirit kalimangote long frederick israel sacred hungary [Music] they entered there they joined this kind of people like we are giving birth we just wait there are we still are we still with the people oh we lost them i told you millennial already is exciting trust me i i don't know if you're getting it so the number of them will be like the sand of the sea only a few entered the millennium towards the end of the millennium the number like the state of the sea people have reproduced it hasn't said the ones in heaven haven't produced didn't say that but i want you to see something he said we shall be given in corruption this corruption shall put on in corruption amen that's right we shall put on incorruption if we shall put on in corruption we are changing they shall be like the ones in heaven angels in heaven now here it is jesus said they shall be neither be given in marriage or what or be married i don't know if you're getting that are you getting this yes now the problem here is but before we get there i want you to read um something in isaiah two verse number four mongrede is on ballen greater heron and he shall judge among the nations he shall be here in israel what is he going to do and he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuild using us to be judges and rebuking many people people that's our duty when we are here in the millennial reign and they shall beat their swords into plows we are preaching them peace to them peace telling them there is peace you need peace it's not like a preaching it's like we are controlling the whole thing because there is no no no more we have atomic bombs set for each other and we arrive and we tell them that one is no longer usually useful leave it alone that leaves that thing alone leave this thing alone leave this thing alone then but remember they are still natural beings they are still giving birth to other natural beings and the devil comes to deceive nations now all the weapons are now back again and we will talk about it another time when we deal with them armageddon uh part of it isaiah 58 verse number 12. say oh are they jobs are they jobs in the new jerusalem are there jobs in the millennium not the new jerusalem the new jerusalem and the new are coming after the millennium right this is number 12 and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places so we are the ones that were the evil places the ones that became desolate the places we are here to build them up [Music] and thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations so we shall be raising foundations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach we are the repairer the restorer of parts to dwelling i don't know if you are getting this i don't know if you are hearing are you hearing yes sir yes then i asked verse number five says it this way then you shall see flow together this and and then you shall see and flow together peace in your hearts your fear when it says your feelings shall be all all right and be enlarged because the abundance of the seed shall be converted to you the forces of danger shall come to you you shall stand by the sea like this and the sea will bring you gold everything you need nobody will be hungry nobody will say me i don't have any food no everyone will be okay just imagine that imagine this see when people when you tell people about heaven in rapture they're thinking oh my god i'm now leaving this earth no when you come back with a better job you have no boss except one who is in israel and you can talk to that but you don't need to queue up like they say prophet what is he saying are you hearing from no no use for spiritual gifts everyone hates them they can do whatever they want with them prophecy they know what to happen tomorrow they want to talk to jesus no problem it's not even a phone call you just think it do you want to travel to israel no you appear in the speed of thought in fact at the speed of want i want to be in israel boom israel so the ones who are cannot will be here get into the bus stop train station you now you want you say bye to the 100 if you get in the train it's just you wanting to be slow they're still still following they're flowing huh i don't know if you're hearing this we're gonna get to your questions in a few minutes but but let's just deal with this for this part one is simply to kind of build the boat so you kind of know boom boom boom boom then when we go part two we start dealing with details that you might want to hear but of course in the question time you actually can ask some few questions you understand i know i know a lot of people uh have uh very very they want to know they want to know kiran and angry so mancrace now somebody says oh but but prophet um are we going to die not us [Music] the bible says then the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death that is after the new heaven and the that is after the 1000 year reign if we're gonna destroy the death after one thousand years now you don't need to me to tell you what will happen to the other ones that are not us oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're getting it right are you getting it i want you to read isaiah's 65 verse number 20 person quickly if you can there shall be no more than an infant of days knowing old men that have not filled these days so in those days nobody shall die young that's what he's saying for the church he's not talking about us we are now with a different body that doesn't work with age [Music] it's not subjected to aging right this minute we are the ageless generation we have not caught it because we are wasting our time using the holy ghost for job obligation the first time the holy ghost knew you were alive was when you were standing in the job center going like this like holy ghost help me help holy ghost that's when the holy ghost knew oh you also know i'm here you should wake up hiya i remember sitting with my wife in in zimbabwe deciding deciding deciding what miracle to do next we have done crazy ones miracle gadgets tvs repairing themselves cars they were repairing them those cars at the woods of all eight hour words just speaking to a car fixes itself money would appear in people's bank accounts people thought you know it's something that we just yes money no we sat down we what can we do as the expression of the spirit where can we go see the reason why we don't talk too much like somebody says something against you and you hear them someone was saying number one we don't hear much about it and people know here if you come here with the information that someone was saying that that's the day you stop working you work somewhere else you now apply for some other occupation but i it filters through but when it filters through me just like that young person fat lady third young person spiritually this immature can you speak like that no i will not use my words so we now choose when to not speak because we know the power of those words amen and we will not be guiltless when we pronounce those things because you can enter ministry by words now what's this are you hearing so imagine at the pronunciation of your words do you even know if you read tolkien of course english would try to run away from where they got the word spelling spelling simply means a spell casting a spell yeah talking will tell you something english is now trying to change now it means this it means this talking next edit nailed it spell speak out in enchantments so the spelling of this word the enchantment of that word they knew the words can cure so any speed of our words we can go anywhere we would speak man would appear in people's pockets speak lamps will disappear from peoples to this day so you start waking up and thinking what do i do i remember one month i kept on just pressing in pressing and thinking i need to be in another location at the same time it can happen the prophet was in the spirit and he was caught by the color of his by by the the call of his spirit and was suspended between heaven and earth and he saw what was in the temple and was in another town and was with his wife at home i kept on repeating it kept on repeating he kept on repeating i had no idea what was happening until sunday service a testimony happened say when you came to manikaland uh two weeks ago i'm like no i was in south africa right the whole branch saw me preaching to them and yet i was preaching in south africa same thing when you were in london when when pastor wrote here and the team was used to we were in london before he became the other pastor for another location i think pastor pippen was part of that that team too and they were in london and i'm in zimbabwe and i'm preaching in zimbabwe and i was in harare and they were here in london and they could see me in london preaching i preached for their church they were looking like this hallelujah to one person was preaching in zimbabwe not on tv no in reality now watch this watch this now watch this and i want to give you this did i know that was happening no i had no idea but i spent a month thinking no i'm an expression of the spirit yes yes so if i'm an expression of the spirit i shouldn't waste my time trying to build a building like god give me money to build my church give me money to buy a car give me money to pay my tv no let me express you ca bahiandos you see when you begin to express the holy ghost you happen to money when you express the holy spirit you happen you happen you you you you are a miracle waiting to happen you are prosperity going somewhere to take place it should eat your mind up what miracle can i do next what what manifestation this is the creatures watch this creation itself this is groans it is crying it is creation the rocks you the flowers you see the flowers they are they are crying please manifest that means the flowers know who you are [Music] the rocks know who you are jesus said what did he say say if i make them keep quiet if you make them keep quiet from saying hosanna the rocks themselves will cry out he knew they would cry out to this day sonographers have actually gone to rocks and realized they produce music to this day when when the when pastor chris took a whole team to israel got into this into the tomb of lazarus we were there with my wife when today we also viewed this tomb with our team and went in there the tomb of lazarus where jesus said lazarus come forth and there has been a progression of uh of analysis that has been taking place that has been taking place where these scientists have gone there to listen to sounds coming out of that place and guess what other scientists went around the same location it is they called the town of lars or luz which means the town of lazarus to this day so you won't get lost it's not like it's not like somebody's thinking it might be it might not be even the town is named after lazarus all right so when they went around the whole place the rocks that were there uh you know all these locations and they tested with their machines and they could not find the same sound that is coming out that is being produced in the old tomb of lazarus and i remember pastor chris saying these words that to this day when jesus said lazarus come forth the vibrations and the echo of his voice are still being headed to this day ah amen this thing is real brothers and sisters this thing we believe the bible says we have not followed cunningly devised bubbles all old women's tales hey but we were eyewitnesses of these things that's why i like this vest that which we have endorsed which we've touched is the word of glory now watch this now what's this so we are coming back here and the things are moving the way they should move people are giving birth now look at what jesus said he said he said these words watch this are you here yes sir he says he says the last enemy that shall be destroyed is what his death he's inspired those words he inspired those words so the last enemy that shall be is death that means it's the last enemy that means the enemy is still there in other periods except that period all right some people are getting it they got it they got it right they got it now i don't know if you're getting this since there will be no more cycling child of a few days or an old man who will not fill out his days for the young men who die this son of a hundred years so he said if you are hundred and you die you're a child [Music] it's not talking about us we have already been given a new body we can't die no more we can't even get hungry if you find me eating in those days here just for entertainment i need to give me that let me just nobody will be hungry nobody will be broke not one no social stratification like these ones are the broke ones these ones are the rich ones these ones no they're only rich are the ones that came with jesus from heaven no no when i say that i mean from a perspective of social stratification we are not the same class as the citizens of earth the citizens of the sf issues but those issues are minor issues but they can understand and comprehend jesus from a natural perspective they understand him somehow that this is the reason why we are alive this is the reason why why all those things happen this is the reason why the people disappeared they know now let's go let's go yeah let's hear some some some questions there because i want to kind of uh deal with something all right oh yes sir oh we've got some questions uh sanet at the women i was asking prophet you said all israel shall be saved what about the ones who are already who have already died before jesus returned you can't say the dead person that's what i was saying the remember what we said before let me explain what we said before the two thousand years if you listen to the beginning of the administration the 2000 years was meant for us that 1000 years is meant for the jews all right so you ask yourself uh if we were given two thousand years what happened to the ones that died before the 2000 years that's what you're trying to ask all right what about the genders that died before the 2000 years that's exactly what you're trying to ask by saying what about the jews that died before the millennial ring millennial reign is for the jews 2000 years were for us the ones who died before 2000 years don't consent them doesn't concern you i don't know if i answered correctly because uh because she's asking a very important question what about the ones who are dead what do we do all israel that is referred to is in that period that that is focusing on the jews it's like someone saying now all britain will be vaccinated by april as they said you can't say what about the ones who died of covet this statement was saved after they died thank you thank you my sister or brother another question here from kelly watching on youtube she says if you never had the chance to fully use your god-given talented gifts will you be able to you know jesus this is the time you're wasting there's no demon you're casting out during that time everything has arrested including the devil himself is arrested he's in jail so where do you think you're going to cast out demons from who prophet saying about where the guy you are prophesying about is now in jerusalem and he can appear anytime anywhere if you see a christian moving like that you know that one that one can actually be walking like this singing whatever they are singing praises and jesus will be on the side like this everyone everyone will be seeing jesus personally we're talking about uh uh you understand when we say personally this is an inside joke but but guess what you'll be seeing this same jesus you will be seeing the same jesus on by your side if you are 20 million christians that have gone to be with christ there will be 20 million appearances of jesus you'll be talking to him about anything you like just to tell him i love you sir and he's terrible i love you son and he's telling ronnie the same thing nobody will be jealous about anything he's appearing to me is appearing to you is appearing to everyone good and the buddhists that we have cannot allow us to be to be to be jealousy some people are getting it some people are getting it all right [Music] no no my he says when we come back are we going to be staying with our family members now this is a question that a lot of people want to hear so answer it later let me just say when david lost his son these are the words of david he said my son cannot come to me but i will ascend to him that means david knew exactly that he's going to see his son it now the bible also says this words just just look at it see it seems as if it doesn't say the things that he's about to say but here are the words it says these words this is the bible the lord jesus of whom the whole what all the families in heaven and the families on earth are named oh they didn't get it no did you get that what did you get from there families in heaven is in families i don't need to repeat now the problem is some of you you don't love your wives so you are trying by all means dude you get a different one some of you these questions are not really for i want to be staying with my family no people are trying to run away but the reason is if you are like that you can't even go to heaven you are not even counted by the ones who are coming back [Music] they didn't get it now they didn't get it now paul listen to this poor encouraging those who had lost said for concerning those who are dead if you look at it in the rendering of what he was saying saying concerning those relatives of yours who are dead be comforted you think i'm going to be comforted by someone who died in kuala lumpur that i have no idea right now if you hear two people died in kuala lumpur 500 you'd be like it might touch you if it's a plane crash because you fear now that you also use plane prey planes you might it might that's that's the fear that comes over you and that's the concern most people that is i'm of course there are some who are really born again like me uh who get you know to kind of get the uh you know but but but most people they consider that what what what plane was it ethiopian my god i used to ethiopia last week shush hey ethiopia and people can say i will never someone one of my sons very very rich guy and he has all the faith when it comes to money and all that and when it comes to me this talks about money only right and when was it the malaysian was it the malaysian thing that disappeared he came down and narrowed down said papa pray for me i said what's happening he said i just want to tell you my father you're my father i want to tell you the truth from now onwards i will not be on any plane until they find that malaysian [Laughter] he said they need to find it first then i'll be on planes i'm like honestly you one person you think the whole you know airline industry you know will stop because you you want to find the plane the next minute they're already flying including malaysian airlines there's other ones on the in the air flying while it's this one is they're searching for one he said i'm not going that way until they find it now i of course now they didn't find it then the guy is still hoping around the world so it's an issue of understanding those things we we don't feel that kind of connection unless there is one thing that connects us which is flight that oh my god ethiopian airlines broke in half and people died one person goes my god i'll not use it again that's what people do so when you hear somebody died look at it peop people are funny people funny creatures do you know that you can somebody can die today somebody can your own husband will die today by evening they will even be food feeding you you know you will cry and cry and cry 5 p.m hunger strikes but two minutes into three we don't want my my father passed away uh went home to be with the lord he was born again i didn't cry i literally called people talked to them this has happened this has happened this has happened and people thought i was so strong about it i was very very strong about why i had known it before the time but around 10 p.m 11 p.m i'm with my wife it was just sitting and that's when it overwhelmed me i just started realizing tears are falling what is happening even me i never thought i would cry i knew it touched me it really really affected me in a certain way to the extent that that was the time i was i was doing my flight school thing uh flying helicopters and stuff like that and i was supposed to go like after a few more lessons to go for my my test and i just from burying my father coming back to uk and wanting to go and continue i called and cancelled it that's when i realized i'm affected i realized all of a sudden i was doing it for him without knowing and i lost the purpose the reason why i needed to fly helicopters i it's not like i need to be a pilot and transport people and get paid no i trust me i'm okay i don't need that job i wasn't even doing it for a job i was doing it to fly my own helicopter and it just i just lost all the desire it took me weeks and weeks and weeks to change my focus to say i was doing it for my father to i'm not doing it for my children so that they know our father has got degrees he's got masters doctorate and guess what our father can fly helicopters he's a pilot that's all i was doing it for i started doing it i changed the focus i didn't even know i was doing it for him because i was so in touch inclined towards you know there is a was a propensity from my heart to want to please him it is so that link that i had with my father that i still have is that same thing that i sit down and there will i see him again now paul answers the question and say comfort yourselves with these words [Music] am i comforting myself with somebody who died in kuala lumpur no this one that i knew this one was my relative so paul is really saying concerning your relatives who are dead don't worry about it amen why would he say don't worry about it if i'm not going to see my relative here's my relative they missed it ah no i know you are you are missing that now you are going to see your family is your family you know this is my wife this was my wife no no no but jesus said they shall never be given in marriage or not the bible is not talking about the millennial reign he's talking about the seven years in heaven i'm by no means saying when we come here it's not like we are not exactly like we are in heaven no remember people miss it they think the millennial ring that's why it's called millennial reign it's only 1 000 years and a book of revelation repeats it twice one thousand one thousand when the bible repeats it it knows it's really one thousand it's not some joke now what about this seven years here is the problem what about this seven years do you know that one day is 24 hours on earth it's not really 24 hours for those who don't know it's actually like 23 hours and minutes so i know people think it's actually 24 24 24 it loses minutes and seconds depending on the day now it's never 24. now in other planets the same day is 15 hours oh did i just mention it another planet is 200 some days one day so just imagine how many minutes is it going to be in heaven so don't think too much about seven years what we will feel in those seven years is not what you think we are not going to fuel seven years because remember it's one day there is no night today it just goes like this and we're back here it's you who sing seven years but when we get by the rapture to to heaven and we sit down it will be like we just spent a minute it's like we arrived boom there is the lord whoa whoa we are going back huh for about seven years it's gone seven years already and when we come back here they already know we have done seven years but we don't see it and wow anyway i don't know if i know why i'm repeating why i'm going that decision let's come back to this supposes concerning those that are dead in other words concerning your relatives that are dead concerning that your mother your father your brother who is that don't worry don't cry watch this don't cry as if you have no knowledge of revelation what is why would paul say comfort yourselves with people that i don't know who they are that means he knows definitely their families in heaven he knows definitely but the problem that happens is whenever people talk about families and marriage they are thinking sex [Music] do you honestly think there is nothing better than sex according to god [Music] i'm talking so people when they hear marriage is not the ha so always going to wake now champions how is it working remember we are given a different body there will be things more exciting than that more important than that do you think god is that in that level of canality that he says yeah this thing here i have to preserve it when it comes to intimacy has to be in heaven no there is something better our bodies are now better bolder stronger they endure now they're at another level now that means we are all there really there is some excitement that is beyond this what about others what about brother ronnie other people that are that way in other churches that are now in heaven and that are now in the millennial will i be able to recognize them yes but you will love them the same way you love your brother today better because now the concept of family now is brought closer that brother that bishop who is in america that bishop is in kuala lumpur that bishop is in australia that pastor is in this location when you see them it's like you've seen your own flesh and blood wow the family of god now is the family of god you are too close to everyone you love them it's not like we say okay i only love my wife you we don't love you we are not connected you're not our friend no there's nothing like that everyone loves each other everyone it's like we have family brothers sister cousin that they are all brothers and sisters we are brothers and sisters we shall not be given any marriage but are you going to know this was my wife that's my son of course david knew it i'll go to my son knew exactly so thank you coming here the millennial reign and you know you know your son lazarus is in um he's here you you meet them and say okay this this used to be my son yeah i don't know where she is going now no no no no it's not a country of robbers [Music] we have a certain level of comprehension of understanding why the things were the way they are they were and why things are now the way they are but guess what our sins are highlighted i high-tend now so we can really understand and love our sons even more love the wife that was my wife even more with a certain love that is deeper than the one that is flesh that deals with emotions and feelings don't relegate marriage marriage is not just sex and you know i know some comrades are out there that's what they think this thing is all about no we were here to populate the earth and only to populate the earth to be an expression of god's family right to learn how to worship together to appreciate each other now with a relationship a friendship a husband and a wife have a certain relationship what has been removed is the ring the concept of marriage is you know it on earth is the one he is saying no it's not there they shall be like the angels notice he didn't say like they shall be like the angels in that angel is another location no say for they shall not be given in marriage remember the bible already says we are better than angels we shall judge angels now he says he shall be like angels so is he confused no he's giving you the real specific location you will be like angels not getting married he is not saying i'm removing a relationship with your wife i'm removing a relationship with you with your with your with your son no he's saying there is nothing in the institution like a marriage the way you think it here that means there is another institution he's gonna give you that is not described yet something greater than the marriage you had that's why in heaven when you go there if you have ever gotten there or listen to anyone who has ever gotten a vision and i and i've got a book had never come yet i started with i went to hell you see that in heaven there were families people going for picnics husband wife children going to pick the same one in heaven and it confused me because i know the verse they shall not be given a marriage you know i was thinking how how come let's go to other let's see um health performance is asking so sir when we are ruptured will the bible still be relevant to christians or to the world when we dwell in our new city it is relevant but remember when we say relevant right we're looking at some things like let's say some buildings that we build here uh the memorial things or we'll choose to do whatever we want to do with them but if we don't change the use of this uh building we build they will service memorials all right remember when we come from heaven the bible says yeah this words watch this we shall know him and we shall be known as we are known i don't know if you're getting this it says our senses will be heightened we shall have a certain level of understanding that this one that means you'll be walking bible you will be eat the expression of the holy spirit in full amen my question then becomes does the holy spirit need the bible all right okay let's go to another question on youtube somebody's asking here prophet will the ones that are left after the seven years will they be able to be born again now that's the the the question that i said if you're talking about born again you have to understand these are mental right these are carnal beings that are still waiting for us to come here remember it's not possible to really really receive the holy spirit without the full function of the spirit so the holy spirit will still be here they are going to come to the knowledge of christ remember we have 144 000 that will go out there to evangelize and we also have an innumerable number of age of of of um of saiyans that will also come out of that evangelistic uh move same thing with with jews as well but remember also when the bible talks about the end it says the devil will everyone who is in the earth number of people like the sand of the sea to go against god that tells you if many are born again if they could be deceived and try to fight god on armageddon that question you will be waiting for it on armageddon amen [Applause] you've already heard what i said i gave him the answer but uh i want you to wait again for armageddon by the way armageddon is going to be next sunday [Music] but remember we're doing armageddon one then we come back to millennium two then we go to armageddon two okay the reason is is just too many things that's right we have another question interesting question uh an atom gram from tony shabangu it says um tony if i had a failed music career can i force the remaining people tony you have no failed music i definitely know taudito i've never seen tony sing nothing but anyway let's let's hear the question can i force the remaining the remaining people to come watch me at my own concert that i will organize with my thoughts and words so tony was a failed music area and he wants to force so i definitely know tony kobe is asking we will be a we will we will be we will be able to to be seen by natural men or do we have the ability to be unseen like angels exactly you can do anything so you shall have a body like angels you can fly imagine imagine if you can move from here to to israel at the speed of thought you can disappear you can go anything you can spin you can do any acrobatics that you want to do the reason is why are you doing them don't be that kind of like do you see me look again see we have another level of understanding and comprehension understand of seriousness of what we are doing it will be fun enjoyable i'm telling you it'll be exciting all right uh-huh okay another question here prophet uh drip nature is asking prophet what happens to the born-again spirit of a christian if they go to hell is it going to how they go to hell when they're born again see i think there is a message here that needs to be explained most people call themselves born again when they are not we're not talking about born again as a bad year so i think there is a confusion with a lot of people when they hear about rapture they say um will i go or through the rupture by the rupture if i'm born again which bonagan are we talking about now are you really a recreated spirit and following the statues of god or not that's the point people need to get all right suppose i'm going against there are some we have crept in and our ways false brethren i mean some people don't even know their first brethren some crept in and away some gotten away and we couldn't see and that statement also means even them they didn't even know they were entering unawares you can even tell this thing that they are convincing themselves of is evil it's not it doesn't agree with scripture convince yourself yeah we need to do this to this person into this because the spirit says oh oh yeah it's a spirit all right but which spirit all right all right i'm about to finish i think i have a question from ashley gibbons he's asking where do the people who are left during the rapture go when they die they die to go to hell straight away [Laughter] don't even there's there's no middle ground there's no gray area like yeah i'm just in purgatory it's not pegatory that's a roman catholic folktale something when the old pups were tired of drinking uh communion wine they sat down drunk around the fire and said why should i always say they are put the pegasus inside if we just put it put it there why because i you know we just need to sit in the bus stop so that if our lives are not straight straight we find the location we just rest there and try to fix our problems trust me it's not like that there is no the bible says to die here is to be present with the lord there's no middle ground where you work for your kala gala [Music] says i have a question sir it says the gentiles flow to israel in isaiah 6 5. does this prophecy exactly mean this is the millennial reign now the size 65 is one big problem that if you don't understand the timing of the prophet again if you don't understand what prophets do if you want to talk about um uh if you want to see what isaiah deals with if you go to where isaiah is talking about unto us the son is given a child is born a son is given and keep on reading you realize he gets your place where you start thinking no this is no longer have anything to do with christ but this verse and this face everything to do with christ this wasn't this was nothing why two two problems there number one the prophets spoke as they were led by the spirit so god can come and tell them this then skip five minutes and tell them something else different then five minutes more tell them something different and they were just writing number two is the literal way by which um uh the the hebrew was written hebrew is written in a very very peculiar was written in a very particular way uh it was written in capital letters no full stop no punctuation mark at that time so you don't know when you end a sentence and you're not writing from here to there you're writing from here to there all the languages around of all the nations around israel guess this they all face israel they go towards israel only israel goes different direction all the nations it is funny now now so when you are reading from here watch this now i want to show you in a typical theological issue when you're riding from here going this side it says here this way when the devil comes like a flood the holy spirit will raise a standard all right is it the devil comes like a flood or the holy spirit now so you can read it this way coming from here go in that direction when the devil comes comma like a flood the holy spirit raise the standard or you can put the flood in front and say when the devil comes like a flood that's what i would want to put it this way the holy spirit raises the standard why because the holy spirit doesn't even need to raise like a flood just a small standard will kill the flood now that's english now when it comes to the jewish way of writing they're coming from here go in that direction let me start again when the devil comes like a flood the holy spirit raises the standard the standard shall be raised by the holy spirit like a flood against the devil [Music] so when you read it in the hebrew it is completely reversal based on how you are reading it and how the interpreter interpreted it because they are interpreting going that direction when they should interpret going that direction sometimes all right so so you have to understand when we're reading isaiah especially he's got a really confused uh thing because that's where he talks about death and the entity has already said the new jerusalem and the uh and the new earth where there should not be anybody dying a new earth and the new jerusalem it's only for those who are redeemed they're the ones who go there but he's talking about death then you know he's mixing the millennium and eternity so that's where i said when you're a prophet is so easy you kind of understand that okay okay now he's flipped now he's gone here now he's going here because it has happened to you so many times you're taught this and then you're told that and you're told this one thing then when it happens you realize oh this part belongs to that this part belongs to this this part belongs to that when jesus came look at what he said he said i preaching parables to them so that hearing they may hear but not perceive but not understand seeing they may see but not perceived he's saying i'm preaching in parables and the word parable is the word parabola which means puzzle so jesus used the stories so that people would be confused no they didn't get that i know when people hear jesus was using purpose they think he was doing it so that people can understand no jesus was making it possible for them impossible for them to get it so that those who are tuned in the spirit can only be the ones to get it that's why it's called esoteric esoteric means something which is not a secret it only belongs to those who can tune in so anybody with an ability to tune in tunes in a secret i tell pastor ronnie i told pastor rick i told my wife don't tell nobody possibly don't tell anyone that's a secret but when it comes in it to be an esoteric a mystery mysterion it means it's historic now it means only those who have an ability to tune in tune in it's not the ones i select it's the ones who come into the revelation who understand it so when you deal with prophets don't just read it from some someone's um commentary and come and say i understand almost you don't [Laughter] is heaven really our home or earth our home because everything that happens we still end up on earth heaven is our home but um not not um before the 1000 years but remember it's not heaven you're thinking so then you saw a new heaven and a new earth and the sea was gone there'll be no mercy i know you like going to the beach there's another story we are going to deal with later on now so we have 1 000 years right we have armageddon after that then after armageddon we have a new earth in the new heaven that now is our home for eternity not the one we are going to for seven years that is temporary it's an old heaven this is a new heaven so the question is answered right there i think we're about to finish these questions and then waiting for part two of the millennial arrangement yes he's saying we will be we will be of different classes of people amongst us during the millennial reign now i've mentioned that already that we're going to have class classes meaning to say in fact let me just give you something that you might like to hear because i understand people don't don't get it um uh two two two month uh for eight i wanted to deal with it another time quickly quickly if we can quickly do that two two months verse uh chapter number four verse number eight quickly eight oh my god henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at the at that day and not to me only but unto all them that love is appearing that means we have a crown so there are those we are going to see here on earth who carry a crown of those who love disappearing it will be given to everyone who loved the rapture it's a crown okay then we got to what to to to james 1 12 revelation 12 10 i don't want to take your time it's the crown of life those who suffered for his sick on fear giants like us anyway it's another story those who die you might have been a christian just a bye bye when we say give your offer and say oh press press button enter and you sit at your house you didn't suffer for a sec you can't get this crown it's got a crown of life for those who suffered for his sake then we have what is called the crown of glory for those who fed the flock pastors leaders who really not not just a pastor by name people who are in interested in getting their flock fed is one period of five voices the crown of glory for those who say this all right then with a crown incorruptable for those who press on steadfastly they are there they hope on monet they they keep on pressing all right then we have crown of rejoicing for those who win souls that's in 1 thessalonians 2 19. for those who win so so we have given you five crowns right now so are they going to be social certification of course of course says we shall come and reign together with christ with those that died for the kingdom that died for the sake of christ now that tells you that if ever there are going to be was places of rulership that are higher than others and remember we're not thinking the way you're thinking of iraq like oh that one is bigger position i when will i get also that promoted like that no you are content with it you understand god's judgment is pure and it's actually better than you could have done if you were given that you couldn't manage it you you understand so many things it's not like these days and people just press a button on youtube like yeah i've opened my account i'm also going to talk what do i write people will see where the people evangelizing no i don't say that but i need a nickname bazooka watch me 7 o'clock 7 p.m i'm live hey so when we come back you definitely know your pulpit was visible you are a liar [Music] you chose you send yourself so guess what you will understand it if there is a real apostle being given a certain point you like yeah yeah yeah that that's it that's the right location this guy should be and where i am here is my right location so you understand god's judgments immediately and god's positioning of people you understand but you can tell you can tell it tells us that the the disciples who sit in judgment thrones to judge over israel do you think you are there are no positions they have very big positions what about heaven itself it's called the bosom of abraham and then god will change it at the end because heaven in new heaven is coming all right all right a few questions coming in sir i think three more questions and then we we we carry those questions for for the particle of it okay yes sir uh what am i saying um what about us one married before the rapture will we also receive a family since couples will be reunited which family are you gonna get now [Laughter] he wants to be united to who now but he's got a mother right and his sister obviously yeah you'll be reminded of the day why would you want to be reunited with with my cousin we have another question here sir um so will there will there still be fake men of god when we come back to earth if the sinners are going to be there that could be lied to by this but what are we saying we're saying there will be no more sin but they're going to be deceived deception shall take place but for the devil to save deceived people at that time that means you should have anointed a few evangelists not to talk about like like i'm an evangelist no to lie to the people to say ah that man here in jerusalem is evil he will be you pretend to be god himself he said that one lie to people he's the devil so just imagine with lying one as he arrives because remember at the end of the seven years this guy would have brought some peace in the middle of it and break the piece and you would have brought some peace somewhere which is a fake piece in other words imagine someone creating a biscuit and that biscuit can be eaten by somebody a child in somalia ethiopia who is hungry and they are given like this and they are full for two weeks that's some technology people will say that's the man of peace then he starts changing his colors so his political agenda will be simple remember that time when i fed you then you lie about other people no it's not me it was another person it was this one pretending to by now you have now received you have seen miracles signs and wonders they've seen all even with the natural mental asset you have seen miracles that somebody can just come and say that guy was lying this is all wonders of fake wonders guess what happens some people believe that's what bible says if it were possible you would deceive the very elect if it were possible it's not ill possible said listen said there is something that actually prevents us from being deceived because if it were possible if god had made it possible that they are free to think the way they need to think with not this body that they have now been changed with guess what would be deceived so the deception you will come with that second time will be greater than the one he's working with now uh-huh okay um adobe monkey is asking on atom ground will there be case i want to be driving a range rover yes now do you understand what we what we are we are thinking it's because we we have not experienced our bodies right now our bodies can do some crazy things imagine i'm telling you things that i have actually tested amen where i've appeared in locations without traveling 11 kilometers seven seven miles sorry seven miles from manchester to to to tempside just putting the ignition key on and i appeared in another location one honey street my wife my family and pastor ronnie's wife was in there just a few seconds we were in another location when you experience it and you feel that thing it is happening in this flesh before receiving this one do you know you can sleep in inside your body they didn't get it like when he's talking about mansions if you read that scripture it actually tells you that body you have is a mansion you can work in it the bible says god is walking in us we are in him we are baptized into christ you think jesus was on the side of your heart like this sitting in a small chair in your side your heart your what is beating like in jesus instead of allowed him in no the bible says you are you are baptized into christ we are swimming inside right this minute since we are coming to mount zion it's a whole city they were looking for a city that no man is built whose foundation is jehovah and god had prepared they were looking for a country god said no i prepared for you a city notice they are looking for the whole country god said but the city is bigger than a country they understood these things there are things we have experienced i will i'll preach one message just the audacity of faith amen right or i can just call it the seven experiences that changed my life when i tell you you think i'm lying the things i've experienced the things my wife has experienced to seeing opening our eyes and seeing it will be like in no way a range rover who look like a dead animal come on drive this cause i've driven lambo not just driven owned one bentley's rolls-royce all these other cars that you think of you drive them two weeks three weeks your relatives have seen them and what now what do i do with them one the sushi could walk in like this and you go in there and say yeah this suit is thirty thousand dollars this one is seven thousand pounds like eleven thousand us dollars they give me that one and you weigh it and you have no one to tell the ones you see thing is four hundred dollars the ones you meet someone think it's 70 because they buy for 20. it's useless these things you think i want to drive a range rover i want to drive this is the problem that i said we have a problem right now of using the holy spirit for stupid things this is why whenever we get to a point where we say now we are building uh memorials for god we are building houses buildings people like 20 pounds 20 it's a lot get their minds and not focus on that they are thinking if i save money to buy a useless thing i will pray to god to give me the useless thing yet i'm not taking care of his serious things that's the point if the church understood that the car in the house and the suit and all these things and nothing they would never build wealth in heaven they would say to themselves wait a minute what am what is my budget for the church this year have you ever gone in there will you sit down with your wife and say what are we going to seed this year no people have never done a budget for seats it's only a budget for the house they want to buy there's no budget for city like this year if i'm not going to be number one i should fit in top five if the west comes to the east to the west okay i will be in top 20. no matter what i'm set on top 20. and then after top 20 i'm getting top 10. that's what i'm doing every year and i'm not doing it so that i come up with an award a no way i'm looking at a certain reward and i've given you only five crowns not done anything there are so many that i could talk to you about there are so many words mentioned in the bible i've just given you five but these five might actually as well be one one one crown with all these accolades as we put in africa now so understand something here the things you are aiming to get are not the things that will make you be in the millennial they will never make you be taken by the rapture never not a single day you will not go and you will be so shocked that the person you thought was your junior spiritually is the one who is taking in your stay why their focus was the kingdom your focus was to buy a lamborghini buy a range rover buy a house yes yes yes we have all those things we've had all those things yes maybe we arranged our money in the right way at that time maybe we're fortunate enough to just get the glory of god understand the financial part of it and we got these things but when we got them we learned so nothing listen up there whether if i can only be like angel my god angel is known around the world mine if i can only be like you sir i have a lot of people that meet me and say if i can only be like you i'm like oh my god you don't want to be like me just be you just build yourself be who god created you to be trust me you'll be so shocked you'll be greater than angel do you understand that it can be a limiting prayer to be like me hey it can be very limiting prayer to be like me i know what you're thinking right now if i can only be like you better angel my life is mad maybe if i was like you i'll be better better off but you're trying to be me you're trying to duplicate me listen to me god is not a duplicator god is a creator he created you with a different capacity different abilities don't cheapen yourself by becoming me if you want to take what i have no problem so if i can use this what you have i'm okay but i also use my own you have gained when you do that ah some people limit themselves because you don't know where we come from because that's the problem is people have got frozen success you know evangelistically talks about a phrasal success where somebody met you at university and then miss you six years and you're now a millionaire and they are thinking you should give them the same time you gave them when you are in primary school ah nowadays uh this is angel he is very pompous very very prideful why that guy i used to be with him in gracie now i met him in town days like oh he's just rushing somewhere i'm rushing somewhere with these people guarding him like that and he's getting into the car they're opening doors for him me i was with timmy say i'm going to meet the president this might be the end of my day if i don't meet him but frozen success has caused him to think you still in grade six we met in grade 6 you should remain in grade 6. so understand concentrate on things that matter what are you gonna do from now onwards what are you gonna do are you spending your life badmouthing people are you spending your life lying to people affecting things so that they look like this one is doing this and saying this and are you spending your life just lying are you spending your life are you spending your life looking at christians another way and not being born again yourself are you spending your life saying me i'm born hindu i'm not doing anything so you have to lie you have to lie about christians because you're hindu you have to lie about christ because you're muslim reality is when rapture happens there'll be no laughter no laughing even the people that called you a giant will look at you even remember the devil in the devil himself he says when you shall go down for they shall look upon you with squinting eyes and say is this the little man that caused the world to go upside down they shall squint their eyes the bible says narrowly look upon you in other words the devil will be so little that will all squint our eyes to try and check him out and when we see him we shall say oh you mean you're the one who caused me to do that thing you would be so embarrassing to think if he influenced me listen to me is that the quote last question last question please please last question because we have with a whole lot of questions i understand but we have part two and we also have this week and i believe on wednesday we will do post pandemic world now when i say post my demographics already told you there is a post pandemic oh they didn't get it yeah that means we'll go past the pandemic can i lose my salvation because of sin of course you see people have i don't know whether people get this about salvation and losing salvation real christians don't fake christians do i don't know if you're getting what is i think it's a it's a message we need to minister on you need to remind me personally what is really being a christian because when you hear people question like will i lose my salvation that means they really don't know what a christian is because revelation makes you one you lack revelation you have crept in unawares so they shall hip up for themselves preachers that will tell them what they are itching is one to you fake brethren so that means there are people who are convinced that they are born again when they are really not so you are now saying uh what about this will turn me away from christ you have to choose to leave christ for you to go you have to choose to actually leave him what about sin he says if anyone see among you we have a an advocate unless you are not using the advocate anyway i love you so much guys and i want you to i want to pray for every one of you that on that day you can be you can be part and parcel of those that are coming back with christ and you participate in the millennium father in the name of jesus i decree and declare to everyone right now who is watching us this minute that they shall be born again purely born again and know exactly what it is to be born again that revelation makes them who they should be according to what god has given them father in the name of jesus christ as we move and swim in christ i appeal to every spirit to baptize itself in christ even as paul said i i pray that my little children whom i pray until christ is fully formed in you i decree and declare that christ is fully formed in them monkey the bank is cool so that they follow the stages of christ not because of wanting to but because their hearts have compelled them to not because of legal legal reasons that they should do it they are being forced by what they have read read this the law that they have written and read for themselves in their hearts that it be cancelled they end aggress with the spirit follows because that's the nature of the spirit i decree and declare that grace revelation be upon their lives a good use of revelation be upon their lives in the name of jesus that they understand what it is to be a christian based on the good news revelation you have given us in this strange commission for i decree and declare that none of them shall be left by the rapture in jesus mighty my
Channel: Uebert Angel
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Keywords: eubert angel, millenial reign, millennial reign, millennial reign of christ, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, prophet uebert angel live, prophet uebert angel teachings, the millennial reign, ubert angel, uebert angel, uebert angel 2021, uebert angel live, uebert angel teachings, uerbert angel, urbert angel
Id: 5fiKjKXcJSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 27sec (8607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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