Bunker 16

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Bunker 16, an indie horror game that I actually vetted and is actually highly reviewed, so let's get into it. Well, I mean not like the past games that I have played haven't been that all- Whoa. Excuse me? Why is there a seperate mechanic to open the handle? Oh. Ohh ok Well how complicated do you want me to make this f-for me? How compli- Nevermind, I can't talk today Either way, I figured that I'm gonna be wandering around for a while. So let's get nice and comfortable in this eerie and destitude environ- Did I hear a groany-groan? Someone can't be jumping out at me this early. Ok, so toilets, good. Toilets... OH! Oh, that's a shower! Why- Oh, I get it! Ok, that's for couples who can't stand away from each other and they wanna hold hands while one is dumping and one takes a shower. Isn't that adorbuuuh... Isn't that adorbughhh Love is beautifuuuhhl... Ok, anyway, moving on. So the story of this game is that this dude was running away from the storm and wanted to take shelter in some place ...and... [reads note] That sounds oddly familiar! [reads note] Are you me?! Or is that some other guy who got trapped in here like a poor sap? Probably another guy. But actu- Hey... he, wo- w- hey woh hey Don't be jumpin me up stuff and things! I don't much care for it- wait, do these actually... Wha- wh- what is that? Does my- does my flashlight have a strobe-function? Is that really what I have there? Why? Why would I have that? And that sounds creeeepy and craaaawly, and creaky S'creepy, spooky skeletons gonna come jumping out at meee Oh boy, another note [reads note] (gags) Sorry, I can't talk [reads note] Weeell, I got sum' bad news about that Oh, I can actually open the trash- whoa, I can open everything! That's kind of awesome by itself, that's a little detail that I haven't seen before Oooooooh... Ooh, I got it! So I gotta go find the fuses Looks like one's already in there Oh! Ah, so I have one fuuuse I didn't know if I grabbed the fuse already So that's gonna turn on the thing so that I can get out of here Are the coffee cups a fuuuses? Where do da fuuuses at? I have no idea But I hear a grumbly gro- Oook, can I- heeeeeey... Whatcha doin' there? Whatcha doin' on down there, don't be messing with my light Cuz' I got a strobe-function That'll moderately disturb you If not dissuase you completely from eating my bones I can't have that? Aah, I don't need it. I'm too much of a badass to need a medkit Aaalrighty then... Anybody home? Has anybody seen George Walker? Am I George Walker? Cuz' I have no idea at the moment More medkit-things, but I can't- like there's a lot of stuff to open, but I can't seem to get anything out of 'em [reads note] I don't know about no windows - this little gunhole, if you weren't so... uuh... inflexible, you could probably squeeze your way through there Wait a minute, is that a thing? Ok. There's a lot of detail put into this. It's a creepy, crawly, very... very, uuh, cramped bunker. Ugh... Imagine if this was an Oculus Rift-port, I would get very claustrophobic in this, because I actually do get cla- Oh. That's just a buzzy-buzz, I thought that was a groan A spooky, creepy skeleton... K, is there actually gonna be something in here, because I don't know what I'm looking for. [reads note] What do you mean, you were taking a hike? Why would anyone be so scared of the rain that they would just go in a bunker? I guess, if the preference, and you didn't know that you were about to be murdalised by a giant monster- but I mean still What is the point? [reads note] I am glad that there have been a few more of these... actually- what does it say? What does that say on that?! Oh, bandages. I am glad there are a few more of these actual, quality horror-games- oh I just made a circle. Wha- oh, don't tell me I gotta- uuugh! I gotta open every single ding-dong-damn box? And barrel, and thing, looking for a fuuuse? I don't even know where to find a fuuuse. I don't even know if I'll pick it up automatically or if you're gonna stash it in my face. Please don't stash it in my face. Sooo, I need to go back to the kitchen, write down exactly where these things are- Not the kitchen- wherever that... The fuse-box Is it in the kitchen? I don't think it was in the kitchen Either way, I need to go ba- Did I see something?! HEY, you bitch! Step out into the light, if you wanna face me! My gigantic... ... brain. Anybody? No, didn't think so, ok. Ah, it was the kitchen, ok So Ok, so there was a kitchen in here and then there's an office, bedroom, ammuni- Why wha-- I was in the office I was just in there How do I -- Oooooh! I'm not supposed to get the fuse Ok, I'm an idiot I'm not supposed to get the fuses This is where I put the fuses in Ah So if it's in the kitchen mess then that means it'll actually work right? Boom, baby! What did that do for me? Why did I do that I'm gonna cook me up some... gumbooo So I don't have enough fuses but I need to go somewhere else So, uh... Try the office cause it was just around the corner right Ok- was that just the ventilation system or is there something actually after me? Somebody wanna say something? Ok So this is the office right? Oh, there we go! But, uh, what was the point of that? What was the point? What was the point of this?? What is the point? I need to find a key but- there doesn't seem to be anything actually here I dunno I'll keep trying it back and forth If there's too much of this wandering about I'm gonna just you know, just skip to the later... Ok, I'm gonna find the bedroom cuz I'm so tired and confused I'll nap on one of their electric vibrating beds I sure hope they had this in the Nazi times when they built this bunker or something Like why would a bunker just be in the middle of the woods? Can't be in the 'Murica cuz those aren't out there I don't think they are anyway Did I go this way? I don't know if I went this way Yeah I did cuz that was a claustrophobic area So where was the bedroom? where was the gosh-- OH this was the bedroom Dueeaah I'm waiting for a monster! Oh, OH! Why am I taking a nap?! Oh, that WAS me- noo, that couldn't have been me Why did I need the lights on to take a nap, that's seems like counter-intuitive Hello? Is that me- that better be me! That better be me snoring! I just gotta say that right now Suck... ... balls... No No! No! NO Don't you- NO! NO! No... Wait a minute Ok, I'm really confused- am I George Walker? Uuueeegh- ok [reads note] So that IS me! I'm finding my own notes I think- and time is going very strangely here Hellooo? Sorry! I apologize for nuthin' 'cuz you are a douche [woman crying] Soo, are you in the shower or the bathroom, 'cuz that'll affect where I go. When we hold- When we hold hands, and do our shower hump- or a- sho- no, not a shower hump, I'd really rather not [reads note] Is this me- show yourself! Hello? Nnnuthin' All right then Ugh... goddamn! This is creepy! This is seriously creepy! Like honest to goodness; this has got a good creep-factor to it. Oh! [reads German note (and fails)] Sooo, this has changed around, too, huh? What else has changed, huh? Another note from myself [reads note] [reads note] What a bunch of douches if they did- No! I saaaid noo... You goo... ... to Heeell! And you diiee! [reads note] But I didn't do that! No! You leave that door closed! You douche... So, I'm gonna do what it tells me to do, because... Who's in there?! Huh?! Ooh, ok... Yeah, that's what I thought Got a key! S'this the key to the main door? Ah? Shhuuuuu- scratching the chalkboard on my ear Stop scratching the chalkboard on my face Just stop it! [incoherent, panicked mumbling] [strange screech in the distance] Aeeegh You ain't that scary- just 'cuz I screamed like a little girl doesn't mean you're scary [reads note] [reads note] Maaybe I missed something... Maybe... I dunno... I dunno... [another screech in the distance] Stop screaming, we all got problems Aw, you and your nuueeh [reads note] Shut up! [reads note] Stealin' from mah bunker, how dare they?! [reads note] Wait, what? That's why you're worried, if they're not- ugh nevermind... George Walker is an idiot. And he's probably in here haunting me for the rest of my days. I'm gonna getcha! I'M the scary one here! [reads note] Or! You stop being su- what- oh! Was this door here before? I don't remember there being a door back here. I don't think there was This pla- Nnnoooo! You wouldn't be that big of a douche! You are EXACTLY that big of a douche! How dare you?!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,643,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bunker 16, Bunker 16 Game, Scary Moments, Scary Game, Horror, Reactions, Jumpscares, Creepy, Markiplier, Let's Play, Funny Horror Reactions, Spooky, Creepypasta, Scared, Scream, Maze, Weird
Id: u8opx6iD-1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 23 2014
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