Skyrim - Who is Sithis? - Creation of the Elder Scrolls Universe - Elder Scrolls Lore

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sithus the void akhel sithset sigi dreadfather these are the names for the one being one particularly elusive being you've probably heard sithus over and over praise sithis avoid this the void that sythus's children all from the dark brotherhood questlines but in our recent cicero video a few people were wondering who sithus really is i mean everyone kind of gets that he is the void the deity of the dark brotherhood but beyond that the rest of his story isn't really thrown in your face so that's why i'm here today my name is scott from fudge muppet and today i will be answering who is sithus but upon writing this piece i discovered that it is not that simple and i will have to dip into the story of creation as this is where sithis is fundamental so this video really is who is sithus and the story of creation so let's begin is this guy an evil god i mean a bunch of pretty damn evil people worship him sithis in actual fact transcends simple morality he is a fundamental force beyond aedra and daedra but let's start at the very beginning in the beginning there were two forces equal but opposite the first was anu which was the force of order in stasis the other was padme which was the force of chaos and change these forces grind back and forth warring and battling for dominance however none could prevail over the other due to the fact that they were both equal to one another for how long they fought it is impossible to know because in this state prior to creation properly time had not even been created anna and padme were not even gods as you understand them they were more like the personification of the fundamental forces consciousness personality will and intent were not available to these forces it was simply a force that does not change versus a force that does change however to get to the universe the orbis that we have today something had to happen and something did somehow anu birthed its own soul called anoil to allow for self-reflection and better understanding of itself annual became the soul of all things on the other hand padme did the same thing created a soul for itself and that soul ladies and gentlemen is sithus sithus represented all the limitations of annoy l before we go into exploring sithus further with his dark brotherhood connection and his argonian worship i'm going to first go ahead and explain the rest of creation so you can properly understand how sethus fits into all of this and you may be surprised so now there exists two souls sithus and annoyel however both sithus and annoyel are still not gods like you're familiar with they are still abstract representations of everything and nothing two fundamental cosmic states and forces so the orborus the universe is created by the interplay of these two forces however the universe was unstable and turbulent so like their predecessors they too would make themselves souls annoy l birthed the soul known as auriel now this is a name you should be familiar with auriel created the concept of time which stabilized the universe auriel is also known as akatosh and chief of the divines and auriel is the elven name for the same god however there was a dragon break at some point and that removed the elven aspects or separated the two beings but that's another rabbit hole let's stay on track all you need to know is auriel created time when auriel created time and stabilized the universe other beings that would become aedra and daedra came into existence these beings collectively were called the ettada which means original spirits here aetherius and oblivion are created however it isn't all peachy just yet because sithus like annoyed creates himself a soul called lorcan now lorcan you may be familiar with as the traitor god by the elves or by his other names shaw or shazaar as he is known by the races of men lorcan is responsible for a lot of trouble and a lot of the events in the elder scrolls universe so now you know that sithis is kinda responsible for all of that in creating lorkhan so there were only two planes of existence at this point known as oblivion and aetherius so lokhan approached a bunch of the other ettada and came up with the sick idea to create a new plane for themselves he suggested to create mundus a mortal plane to populate with their creations now anno and padme are infinite cosmic forces and could create without consequence but the ettada like lorkhan and auriel amongst the others could not create without giving up pieces of their power so lorcan knew about this but didn't tell anyone but a few of the gods caught on before it was too late magnus and the magnage bailed to aetherius creating the sun and the stars the other gods were pissed af when they lost a whole bunch of their power so they created the adamantine tower and convened there to decide what punishment would be suitable for lorkhan as punishment they wanted to remove lorkhan's heart and destroy it but apparently that would cause the destruction of nirn disclaimer this is the part where [ __ ] gets really tricky and hard to understand there are quite a few different accounts of all this stuff and some events happen before other events but then don't make sense unless they happen after certain events it gets very tricky but the gist of it is they didn't destroy the heart auriel took it and shot it with his bow into the sea where red mountain would grow out of making the island of vardenfell that is why you find the heart of lorkhan in the red mountain in elder scrolls 3 morrowind so what happened next well the etada didn't have enough divine power to go back to aetherius they could leave nirn however so they became the eight divines these were auriel slash akatosh rk dybella julianos kynareth mara stendar and xenathar and they basically chill out in space around nirn as planets using their limited power to influence events on nirn these are referred to as the aedra however the daedra are ettada who didn't want to help with creation at all which is why they are more powerful because they didn't have to give up a part of their power to create mundus the other ettada who wanted to keep on creating or did not have the power to leave stayed on nirn these were called the elna fey and when they ran out of power they resorted to procreation eventually becoming the groups of men and myrrh so now you have a rundown on how nirn and mundus were created lorkhan is a t1 [ __ ] stirrer and he was the soul that birthed from sithus so that gives a bit of insight into what kind of force sithis is but let's explore him further some say he's a representation of utter misanthropy he is emptiness the void he is the nothing to everything's everything if that makes any sense how else can i explain him well most law can be found in books especially in the elder scrolls game so how about for a moment we defer to one of those one in particular titled sithus i'll read it first but it gets a little [ __ ] so i'll break it down afterwards sithus is the start of the house before him was nothing but the foolish ultima have names for and revere this nothing this is because they are lazy slaves indeed from the sermons stasis asks merely for itself which is nothing sithus saundered the nothing and mutated the parts fashioning from a myriad of possibilities these ideas ebbed and flowed and faded away and this is how it should have been one idea however became jealous and did not want to die like the stasis he wanted to last this was the demon annoyed who made friends and they called themselves the aedra they enslaved everything that sithas had made and created realms of everlasting imperfection thus are the aedra the false gods that is illusion so sithus begat lorkhan and sent him to destroy the universe lorkhan unstable mutant lorkhan had found the aedric weakness while each rebel was by their nature immeasurable they were through jealousy and vanity also separate from each other they were also unwilling to go back to the nothing of before so while they ruled their false dominions lor khan filled the void with a myriad of new ideas these ideas were legion soon it seems that lorkhan had a dominion of his own with slaves and everlasting imperfections and he seemed for all the world like an aedra thus did he present himself as such to the demon and oil and the eight givers as a friend go on to the sharmat dagoth ur as a friend a hermamura altadoon la khan a i essentially what this is saying is that sith has created lokhan to eventually destroy the universe to rid it of stability returning it to the void which is sithus itself as for what seems like gibberish at the end in references to dagothur we can explore those topics in another video perhaps a whole video dedicated to degothair himself but let's remain on task sithis is basically anti-existence pro-nothing we know this so how does this play into his worship some believe that the mortal concept of sithus began when a nihilistic mafua worshipping cult of chimera merged the concept of padme with daedric influences this would fit in well with another cool theory if the morag tong just worshipped mephala like they did but then a nihilistic cult within that organization developed the concept of sithus it could make sense that the dark brotherhood formed then as a splinter faction of the morag tong and then they changed mephala into the concept of the night mother or something along those lines most cultures do not worship sythus at all mainly due to his association with death and in fact during the first and second eras of history there is hardly any mention at all until a cult known as the dark brotherhood emerged they worshiped sithus as the void and dreadfather as well as this they also worshipped the night mother there were also a group of vampire assassins called the crimson scar who worshiped sithus and challenged the dark brotherhood but they failed and were dispersed one of the only official religions and cultures that worship sithis in any capacity is the argonian religion while they mainly worship the histories they credit sithus as the original creator the argonians even had a unique relationship with the dark brotherhood who of course is a sithis assassin cult argonians born under the star sign of the shadow were given to the dark brotherhood at birth so they could become specially trained assassins named shadow scales ochiva and tinava were two that you may have met in oblivion serving the dark brotherhood or vizara in skyrim sanctuary the last listener of the dark brotherhood al-assan duprey did attempt to reboot the shadow scale program however they lacked the resources to do so it is also interesting that by most of his worshippers sithis is seen as a skeletal being an embodiment of death a dread father when in fact he is shapeless genderless formless he is nothingness the void he transcends death because death follows life he is just simply nothingness it would seem that the dark brotherhood's portrayal of sithis is largely mythology and inaccurate in regards to the actual being however this is elder scrolls and you never know but here is how sith has supposedly gave birth to the dark brotherhood so sithis visited a dunmer woman who he then impregnated and this woman gave birth to five children the dunmer woman then claimed to hear the voice of sithus in her head telling her to kill her five children and send them to their father in the void she went on to do this and after she did many angry citizens killed her and burnt down her house according to the dark brotherhood legend this was what created the night mother thirty years after these events a man began hearing voices in his head and followed those voices to the night mother's tomb he became the first listener of the dark brotherhood their belief is that the night mother is married to sithus the dreadfather and the dark brotherhood are their metaphorical children anyways the reason for pointing this out is to sort of highlight how the dark brotherhood knows sithis as opposed to other cultures around the world the reality is probably somewhere in the middle i mean if sithis is opposed to creation and wants nothingness killing and destroying people i.e part of creation could be seen as appeasing to him but then again that requires creation i.e assassins to kill other creations which often sends them to an afterlife anyway which is also creation unless being killed by a dark brotherhood member actually does just fast track you to the void i guess we'll never know but i'll be inclined to think that sithis is something a bit more than just an evil god of death or a dread father in my head at least i'm far more inclined to believe that he is just the void and nothingness wanting to undo everything to undo creation that is why he created law khan to pretty much [ __ ] up everything oh and just another interesting point if you watched our thalmor secret plan theory video it states that they also want to undo creation but it is important to state that the degree of which they want to undo creation is different the thalmor or at least the top echelon of thalmor in theory want to undo the creation of nirn and mundus so they can go back to being etada immortal and everlasting you can check that video out link in the description however sithus from what we know would want to undo more than that he essentially wants nothing void no universe no oblivion no aetherius definitely no noel just nothing in summary sithus is the ultimate nihilism he is the void the nothing the edgiest deity worshipped by the emo cult called the dark brotherhood that is who sithus is thank you so much ladies and gentlemen for sticking around and supporting our content like the video if you did enjoy it and please throw down other law questions you would like answered down in the comments below if you want to catch us anywhere twitter is the place as well as twitch the perfect places for some q a my name is scott thanks so much for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 490,508
Rating: 4.9472852 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, dark brotherhood, sithis, who is sithis, elder scrolls, skyrim lore, dark brotherhood lore, elder scrolls lore, sithis lore, elder scrolls creation, auriel, anu, padomay, anui-el, auri-el, eight divines, nine divines, aedra, daedra, sithis god, dark brotherhood god, night mother, shadowscales, argonian lore, shadowscales lore
Id: VOHAsv6HhKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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