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hello welcome to generation media reaction hi today we're going to go back to 1999 for a film that I think is pushing it slightly with you this is slightly above your age group but I think it's okay because it's an extraordinary film if it's a landmark film it's called The Matrix now we looked at the trailer of Matrix how does it look to you spy kids but if they're adults okay yeah it's fun it's an action adventure in a science fiction setting very cool looking the took a lot of inspiration from manga cartoons for the style it's a little violent but it's not the kind of violence that's gruesome or harsh it's sort of cartoon violence if you will so this film was created by the wowski they made a film called bound before they made this film bound is an excellent uh like a Neo Noir film it's very very interesting and then they made the matrix it's about a computer hacker but because it's in 1999 the computers may look a little like dated but everything else just kind of okay I think and it's starring Ki Reeves Lawrence Fishburn K an Moss Hugo weaving one of the reasons I think this is a good film for you to watch is because when it landed in the cinemas it it everybody loved it critics loved it audiences loved it it became so popular that other films mimicked it one of the things that is interesting about this film is because it's still around today in culture the red pill and the blue pill are often referred to one one is reality one is not reality we we'll we'll see what you you'll learn about that as we go so it's kind of like a cross between Terminator and Tron you haven't seen Terminator yet I really want to see it there'll be a time the the thing to know about with this film is artificial intelligence which you know about don't you so what is very very interesting about Society these days is people are are afraid of artificial intelligence Oh you mean like AI might take over the world exactly like that so it's it's actually becoming a bit more real because artificial intelligence machine learning is getting better and better so this film is referencing machine learning as well let's just have a look at the DVD case right here pretty cool I even open this it's one of the oldfashioned box designs actually to like this yeah Matrix all right thank you very much for watching I haven't seen it since it came out I saw the sequels and then I sort of so I haven't seen the original since it was at the cinemas so for me I'm going to be looking at it completely aresh and and with modern world in mind as well all righty let's get to it we'll catch up with you after the [Music] film you're going to love this is everything in place cool trans w't supposed to you like him don't you you like watching him we're going to kill him you understand that morus believes kill someone someone's going to die I better go okay she likes watching him morphus thinks he's the one wow it's really yeah it still looks fresh still looks modern I mean it's it's nice it's very nice lighting 303 abandoned Hotel here heart oh Hotel what it hot I think we can handle one little girl I sent two units they're bringing her down now now Lieutenant your men are already dead oh Hugo weaving your men already dead that's what he thinks will happen whoa what see pause time that's a good ability and she can walk on W A it's excellent oh wow wow it still looks amazing there's no time you're going to have to get to another exit are there any agents yes God damn it I thought they weren't going to make it well I thought all of them weren't going to make it thought they'd all just like Miss it's a very exciting introduction isn't it it was slammed straight into the action and it's cool like she's cool and she's got something special she can pause time like reminded me of Catwoman there from Batman Returns H she can also walk on walls okay this guy's serious okay she's not so confident with him will she make it awesome wow she's great guess nobody came though get up yeah but she's she's done this before right you can feel it a pickup truck or maybe it's not what was she doing oh she can teleport or something teleport through phones she got out we have the name of their next Target the name is Neo before the internet was um Wireless and all that you had to dial in through a phone line did it say wake up yeah oh Neo what the Matrix The Matrix has you okay what the hell follow Arrow rabbit the White Rabbit no not okay that's creepy I'd be freaked out who is it probably grab a weapon just in case have like a bat you look a little whiter than usual you ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming all the time it's the only way to fly to fly should we take a this definitely ooh yeah it's a white rabbit okay so he's just going to listen to his computer yeah it seems that way computer could be like saying his murder list could be the next one could be but look at the setting it's all uh these are all people who are centered around computers and there an interesting angle to look at him from oh there she is hello Neo okay straight in there my name is Trinity twinley Trinity you're looking for him it's the question that drives Us near it's the question that brought you here what is the Matrix the answer is out there okay so they're aware of the Matrix already [ __ ] was he was he was he dreaming just like he said doesn't know if he a asleep or dreaming I would not like to be the window cleaning the job especially on a really high building yeah it's funny you focus on window cleaners there morus I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you but unfortunately you and I have run out of time stand up and see for yourself right now oh okay he's being pursued okay these guys are they the Matrix then what the hell do they want from me I don't know but if find out I suggest you get out of there do you remember are there any agents stay here for just a moment this morphus guy knows what he's doing go now that as low as he can this is very fastpaced good oh no he's going to have to go on the scaffolding you can use the scaffold to get to the roof no way no way this is crazy this is crazy [Music] dude he knows more I mean he trusts this guy right cuz he's he's no he's he's heard of Morpheus before I don't know where how he knows about Morpheus but there's rumors probably on the uh on the Cyber networks would you do that I don't think I would go outside that high up because some guy on the phone told me to oh no that that's horrible that that's horrible that part I wouldn't do no I'll just go with them and see it actually I don't know I'll try and go down the elevator so he he he chose not to is that them he's got the agents have got him [ __ ] now she's watching yeah I wouldn't have done that either okay let's see what these guys want with him maybe these are the good guys I mean they're the ones wearing the sunglasses they are aren't they yeah and it's indoors as you can see we've had our eye on you for some time now Mr Anderson is good delivery in one life you're Thomas a Anderson program writer for a respectable software company help your land lady carry out her garbage the other life is lived in computers where you go by the hacker Alias Neo oh Hugo weaving's amazing at this we know that you've been contacted by a certain individual he doesn't seem that friendly to me how about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call Mr Anderson he puts his Shades back on you disappoint me you can't scare me with this Gusto crap what the what the hell that's freaky what's that it's like a bug like a computer bug not a living it's like it's it's uh no good no no no I don't want to see this I don't want to see this that's disgusting oh no there a dream he's woken up this line is tapped so I must be brief what is happening to me you are the one Neo you have spent the last few years looking for me but I've spent my entire life looking for you is that bug still in him I don't know actually that's a great shot that's disgusting yeah take off your shoe what oh no he's going to be blood our way or the highway I don't want to see this what do you think is going to happen do you think something weird was going to happen I no I don't back up your sht oh God no I think it' be okay it's going to suck it out try and relax oh we're not going to see oh we all going to see oh no I don't want to see this I don't want to see I don't think it's going to be think too bad on the move oh no that's even worse blood he just lost so much blood it's done it's done done it was just a mechanical bug but it was pretty freaky was awesome it's full of blood okay mhm you look nervous holding your belly button no okay rela that's I think honestly think that's the worst bit part of the film in terms of morus At Last I am Morpheus it's an H to me no the honor is mine is that what the hell is going on right now how is he like so good yeah it's a very confusing world for Neo I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole do you believe in fate NE why not because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life I know exactly what you mean that there's something wrong with the world you don't know what it is but it's there do you know what I'm talking about the Matrix do you want to know what it is hell yeah The Matrix is everywhere it is all around us it's computers or something oh it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to Blind you from the truth unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is you have to see it for yourself you take the blue pill no the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes which one would you take um I feel like i' feel more safe for these guys so maybe red all I'm offering is the truth nothing more he seems trustworthy I want to know what the Matrix is well now he's evil or something hey Park are we online almost he could have easily poison Neo yeah yeah I mean you know it's a great thing in a movie obviously if anybody offers you a pill like that don't take it the pill you took is part of a trace program it's designed to disrupt your input output carrier signal so we can pin Point your location I was in the trailer mhm this is a wonderfully uh seductive thing he's going [Music] through you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real he's turning into Iron Man mhm I got a fibrillation a location targeting almost there I got him now tank [Music] now it's kind of funny Where What Where is he he's in slime his hair's gone they shaved his hair off he's stuck he's the first to wake up wow wow what a design what what was he supposed to [Music] do pretty nasty looking mechanical spider thing oh oh it was releasing him I thought it was trying to like strangle him [Music] he's going on a water slide that' be fun actually it's like it's like he's being FL remember in the water part in the you said there was like a Warner Bros a a goon water slide this should be like one as well you have a matrix one as well that'd be amazing warab Bros has a theme for water slides wow like a craw machine yeah it is like a CW machine you get a priz this it's like what the hell is going on it's amazing what is going on Welcome to the Real World we've done it Trinity we found him this is his hair going to grow back a lot I think so his eyebrows have grown your muscle have atrophy were rebuilding them why am my eyes Sir you've never used them before you've never used them before mhm rest NE the answers are coming L all the these things in his skin to make him asleep is this actually happening just wake up well it's been questioning dream and reality for quite a lot of the film so far you know he grew his hair back oh yeah it's been it's been a passage of time jeez this film is amazing it's a really good [Music] film morphus what's happened to me what is this place more important than what is when I can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know this is my ship the Nebuchadnezzar it's a hovercraft you wanted to know what the Matrix is near Trinity it's not looking good so far what the Matrix is what about his family yeah is he we don't know this will feel a little weird he's in a computer this is the construct it's our loading program I seriously just guessed that right now we're inside a computer program it is the mental projection of your digital self jeez this film was way ahead of his time wasn't it this isn't real what is real this is the world that you know the world as it was at the end of the 20th century it exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call the Matrix mhm you've been living in a dream world Neo this is the world as it exists today what happened like it's been destroyed welcome to the desert of the real the desert of the real wow he's great we marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to ai ai we don't know who struck first us or them but we know that it was us that scorched the [Applause] sky they destroyed the sun y the human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120 volt battery they dark into the skies the machines had found all the energy they would ever need there are Fields now where human beings are no longer born we are grown we become plants watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living facing the pure horrifying precision what is the Matrix control the Matrix is a computer generated dream world in order to change a human being into this I didn't say it would be easy Neo I just said it would be the truth stop jeez the mind has trouble letting go I've seen it before and I'm sorry I did what I did because I had to yeah why did they free him when the m was first built there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake The Matrix as he saw fit it was he who freed the first of us as long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free after he died the Oracle prophesized his return what a shot how did he die that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix end the war bring freedom to our people that is why there are those of us who have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix looking for him I believe that search is over he thinks he's the man you're training training wow what a setup hey what a place I'm tank I'll be your operator you don't you don't have any holes nope me and my brother Dozer were both 100% pure oldfashioned homegrown human born free right here in the real world we got a lot to do we got to get to it supposed to start with these operation programs first that's Maj B in [ __ ] combat training he's cool jiujitsu I'm going to learn jiu-jitsu oh [ __ ] yeah Mikey I think he likes it how about some more H yes is he getting teached it yeah but it's like yeah instantaneous knowledge of all of these oh he's see 10 hours straight he's a machine he's a machine I know Kung Fu show me oh awesome this is a sparring program awesome good adaptation but your weakness is not your Technique it's so cool it is very cool fight Neo it's very stylized this fighting is amazing it's not real you know what I mean but it it's just it's like a like a dance it's amazing oh no jump out the [Music] way that was cool oh that was oh oh he didn't he wasn't able to do it he almost managed to twist him around oh now he can walk on the [Music] walls s coming how did I beat you he's very good lence F's you're too fast do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place again how do you win in virtual reality Jesus Christ he's fast what are you waiting for you're faster than this h don't think you are know you are awesome come on stop trying to hit me and hit me I don't believe it you beat him I'm trying to free your mind Neo but I can only show you the door you're the one one that has to walk through it load the Jump program is he wear song oh yeah free your mind who he knows if he falls he won't die my mind let's find out come on free my mind no problem free my mind I love [Music] it that would been fun oh the second thought it hurt this is before plugging into reality or anything it's amazing I thought it wasn't real your mind makes it real if you're killed in The Matrix you die here the body cannot live without the mind okay okay I just keep wondering if morphus is so sure why doesn't he take him to see the Oracle Morpheus will take him when he's ready was his deal The Matrix is a system Neo that system is our enemy that they will fight protected who's that you listening to me Neo oh were you looking at the woman in the red dress I was look again fre is it this isn't the Matrix no if you are not one of us you are one of them what are they sentient programs everyone who has fought an agent has died but where they have failed you will succeed yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules because of that they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be what are you trying to tell me free will that I can dodge bullets oh yeah it's bouncing out him his Free Will versus the determinism of the Matrix trouble is that their ship yeah so this is reality squidy we been not the agents cuz the agents are digital killing machine designed for one thing Search and Destroy these are the real machines the real the real PE the real things that want to kill humans that's a cool ship wow the design in this is amazing that ship shut down I think they're hiding wow it's going to jump scare them that could have been easy jump scare you scared the B Jesus out of me is that the The Matrix yeah actually I I've been thinking it ever since I got here why oh why didn't I take the blue pill so you're here to save the world you see an agent you do what we do run sweet dreams sweet dreams a lot of the dialogue is about dreams and reality do we have a deal Mr Reagan is that virtual food or real food The Matrix is telling my brain that it is Juicy and Delicious ignorance is bliss oh who's that what's it doing there then we have a deal an agent whatever you want Mr rigan get my body back in a power plant reinsert me into the Matrix access codes to the Zion mframe no I told you I don't know them I can get you the man who does Morpheus he a Traer he's choosing ignorance like he said why didn't he take the blue pill it's a Champions if you close your eyes and almost feels like you're eating runny eggs you know a bowl of snot do you know what it really reminds me of why they just go into a virtual thing to have food for example maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like which is why chicken tastes like everything the the the body the physical body needs nourishment everything the body needs it doesn't have everything the body needs the woman in the red dress I designed her well she doesn't talk very much but but if you'd like to meet her I can arrange a much more personalized mil to deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human there's a lot of philosophy in this we're going in taking Neo to see her see who the traitor see who the Oracle youo Oracle who's that we haven't seen her yet she was mentioned before the Oracle being someone special we're in he evil like Che and betray them yeah why is his sunglasses yeah why doesn't he have sunglasses he should change his Avatar unbelievable isn't it this is the Matrix what did she tell you she told me what I love the camera angle in this car we're here Oho she never said come with me so is this the same Oracle that made the uh prophecy okay there you go so this Oracle because of the Oracle he's here he knows she is a guide NE she can help you to find the path she helped you yes what did she tell you what that I would find the one so this Oracle lives in The Matrix I told you I can only show you the door you have to walk through it so so she's like uh is that her you're right on time could be she's not out that old these are the other potentials you can wait here potentials rabbits on the screen behind everything's about rabbits there's a rabbit on the box the white rabbit that's cool only try to realize the truth what truth there is no spoon there is no spoon cuz the spoon does not exist look you can see is he going to bend it or something the Oracle will see you now well then in the a Neo Neo so these kids must be a little bit manipulating The Matrix already be right with you you're the Oracle Bingo not quite what you were expecting right I know what I was expecting she's just a humble woman smell good don't they he's confused he's like what and don't worry about the ve what cookies that face M it's not real you're cuter than I thought I can see why she likes you got a great smile who not too bright though do you think you the one he's going to say no honestly I don't know oh it's Latin means know thyself know thyself I better have a look at you open your mouth say ah it's like a dentist or doctor I'm not the one sorry kid but it looks like you're waiting for something Morpheus believes in you neo and no one not you not even me can convince him otherwise he believes it so blindly that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours in the one hand you'll have Mor's life and in the other hand you'll have your own a big Choice one of you is going to die which one will be up to you as soon as you step outside that door you'll start feeling better you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap you're in control of your own life Faith and control of his own life you feel right as rain she's a amazing actress she really makes that role what was said was for you and for you alone they're on their way so the Oracle must be some sort of computer glitch in The Matrix that's able to foresee things so like a it's like a game she can see the next level yeah yeah yeah exactly oh he's he's a cheat he's a Traer is that oh Deja Vu what is it a Deja Vu is usually a glitch in The Matrix it happens when they change something um speaking of glitches in The Matrix oh my God is the agents so in his mind he's getting shot which has an impact on his body run get out of there that's what the guy said isn't it if you see an agent run if they are agents I don't think they are they changed we're trapped there's no way out you can break Neil hell yes I hope the Oracle gave you some good news no it's going the is are good news one of them will die bad news oh no did they go in that little crack it's weird how they not checking there it be kind of an obvious place to those pipes it's be hard to keep quiet wow that was nice what was he supposed to do get dust on your head on your nose as well the [Music] Ws run oh he's [ __ ] randomly what's happening what the it transform into an Asian or something the agents can control and change things no wow aming okay these these guys can handle it come on you stay there mate the great morvus we meet at last and you are a Smith agent Smith you all look the same to me he has super powers basically you can't beat him well no they're exactly they're they are the Matrix they are interwoven with the environment if he can break brick it's over it's not that bad wow wow wow just end his suffering it's torture to leave him oh no take him take him oh no that's not end the suffering somebody up there still likes me I got you get out of here oh I didn't trust him yeah I don't trust him either I thought he was going to stay in The Matrix he's doing something worse he's got a gun you first oh in the back je that was low you're such a traitor why why is he light that and they were they were the real humans weren they they were pureborn or whatever the phrase was oh no he can kill them from here yeah hello Trinity Cipher where's tank I thought I was in love with you I used to dream about you what slime you're a beautiful woman Trinity you killed them what oh God I'm tired Trinity then kill yourself not them a surprise [ __ ] I bet you never saw this coming he's he's doing it with such malice and hatred as well if you would have told us the truth we would have told you to shove that red pill right up your ass all I do is pull a plug here but there you have to watch Aug die Trinity whoa not like this that's brutal I'm just a messenger and right now I'm going to prove it to you it's going for there Morpheus was right and there's no way I can pull this plot look into his eyes oh no those big pretty eyes such a Traer yes or no yes no I don't believe awesome awesome then they oh god well they really hinged whether or not he's the one on that moment as well you should have done that earlier now ass you have died have you ever stood and stared at it marveled at its beauty billions of people just living out their lives even they're wearing sunglasses yeah did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a human world he's going to die suffered or everyone would be happy I believe that as a species human beings Define their reality through misery and suffering what's that I don't know are they making him this memory as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about the future is our world or yes AI taking over future is our time when it does morphus to tell them anything they want to know what do they want the leader of every ship is codes to Zion's Mainframe computer destroy the real people well there has to be something that we can do there is we pull the plug no you're going to kill him if indeed The Insider has failed they'll s the connection as soon as possible that's the problem that's good shot all three of them just looking with sunglasses it's a nice picture yeah it's coolus you were more than a leader to us is this um remember the Oracle said yeah but it's not really a choice they can't really kill he's got morpheus's Life In His Hands stop I don't believe this is happening the Oracle she told me this would happen she told me that I would have to make a choice what what are you doing I'm going in no you're not go on NE go on Neo this what I'm not the one Trinity the Oracle hit me with that too no neo that's not true it can't be true this this is not the reason I believe I can bring him back come on go on n Go on is that like a matrix 2 there's a matrix 2 three and four let me tell you what I believe I believe if you are really serious about saving him you are going to need my help and since I am the ranking officer on this ship if you don't like it I believe you can go to hell yeah go Trinity tank load us up glad tank survived yeah did not like that guy though who betrayed them no he's old news now i' like to share of Revelation that I've had I just think he's really acting well this guy I realized that you're not actually mammals the only way you can survive is to spread to another area there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern a virus h human beings are a disease and we are the Cure geez that's it's not far from what people fear AI will conclude you know lots of guns guns lots of guns I mean not that many guns probably only like two or one CU like carry more than no one has ever done anything like this that's why it's going to work mhm all right get sunglasses near I must get free once Zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here do you understand come on near he's got guns in there yes could you please remove metallic items you're carrying Keys Loose Change holy [ __ ] you only need like one bullet for him yeah they yeah on a waste of ammo yeah but look how much ammo they've got oh yeah they got loads of guns never mind you see they should have saved that gun cuz it would be perfect for this the pistol would out quickly they do not have good aim I'm going to say that right now uh the I mean the the M what's Neo and the other the girl they have good aim but like the the programs don't yeah they have a terrible aim and maybe uh should have programmed them to have like they always yeah hit their shots like the bullets move around objects to hit their target or they can shoot through walls maybe like Neo and Trinity are just so quick I think he is the right one well that's quick free gun that was quick what that was quick yeah she's now got another gun for her collection look at that that's cool that's a good shot yeah that's a good shot look at that that's very cool right he's just flexing there I mean he didn't need to do a handstand he's just doing it for Flex although he is getting a low angle in huh he is getting low angle with his gun so maybe it has a use but if you shoot someone in the leg if you shoot someone in the leg they won't die mhm cuz if you shoot someone once in the leg they won't die will they no so L these are programs they might die to one bullet why AR they just program the programs to never die like this is what the Matrix is I think they're trying to save you he's hearing it he's like I knew it there is no spoon did they put a bomb in it oh yeah so there you go that was just extra damage yeah like it could be a deflection as well oh to turn off all to make them annoyed find them and Destroy them if they fight with those sprinkles on it's going to be cool under attack yeah what the oh he teleported Trinity knife turn around quick no one's ever survived yes oh no he's cheating yeah it can move quick oh look at this help yeah he's became the AI one of the AI Matrix Dodge so good they could have shot his arm though only human dodge this oh the first one to ever kill uh yeah oh oh that's such a cheat they just made it turn back into the normal one get your song how did you do that do what you moved like they do you called it I've never seen anyone move that fast this is this is a scratch I w't kill youer tank I need aot for2 awes summon in a helicopter why do you just summon in a nuke well they can't manipulate the Matrix but they can build up the knowledge to work the way through it when they just summon in like rocket launchers or something you're going to hit um no no what you going to hit him yeah be careful of morphus they're going to hit Morpheus no he knows what he's doing ah he's using a minigun the likely chance of him not hitting everyone in that area is really rare I think he shot more fly oh he's aiming well yes that's one that's one down I think that got shot oh that's a that's a good shot yeah he got him no he switched please he switched before oh that's agent Smith that's disgusting he can always switch Neo is willing him to move and he is slowly getting out of this this thing that's he been infected by one quick let help him well whoa leg oh is is he they both die wow if they miss that oh they hit the helicopter it's unfair for them cuz every time they kill them they keep respawning yeah yeah they've really got to survive it find the phone yeah find a phone no he fell oh that was meant to happen he's Trinity Trinity he's attached to the helicopter he's trying to save her I think get out of there Trinity look yeah that he's trying to save her I think look at that that's a really good shot that was an amazing shot what happened to her she's she's holding on I know it I knew it he's the he believes I'm glad he survived now's lot time do you believe it now Trinity the Oracle she told me she told you exactly what you needed to hear cuz she's a program she person I think the Oracle told him that he wasn't the one so that he would be humble and then become the one it's kind of impossible to kill them because they always just respawn as someone else yeah order the strike order the strike he's a good actor they're not out yet oh he knows they're still in who's this dude I don't think it's a dude oh wow that's weird that's what it that's what it looks like oh that might be a dude actually no oh there's a reason why it was focusing on him no she's going to die depend who goes first knew I want to tell you something but I'm afraid of what it could mean if I did on the do it one of you go everything the Oracle taught me is tell him Oracle tell him later everything but this she's she's going to die but what get on the phone she'll die or he'll die get on the phone one of them will die oh what does she know one of them will die he's just sitting in the blanket get on the phone shot the phone Anderson run what what is this the one-onone he's not running what is he doing yes he's beginning to believe [Music] yeah okay yeah is this oneon-one what the oh that the Western thing yeah yeah to draw the gun but like the the the camera shots were very Western like as well it doesn't matter if you kill him though cuz he'll just respawn you're empty so are you he's got to figure it out how do you I mean he should have shot first it's going to be a fist fight remember his [Laughter] training remember that that was good that oh no the glasses it's nice I'm going to enjoy watching you die he's very good I think you're the one who's going to die actually oh that would have hurt that would have really hurt and keano Reeves is great too he's playing it a bit more straight Hugo weaving is having fun I mean he's a great fight sequence is oh Jus he's killing him I mean it's actually in the concept that they come across so well choreographed it's really amazing he's not going down this is the first time this has happened yes he's he's strong again be quick yes quick yes yes you're right the thing is he has no bones to break a lot of moves are going to be less effective than normal wow this is amazing it's so entertaining he's always doing the same old move throwing him into the wall okay so he's speeding up now why did you just stare at the camera oh no he's going to f him in front of the train yeah oh yeah if doesn't get up the train is going to hit him yeah yeah that's what's going to happen I think never mind Mr Anderson that is the sound of inevitability that is the sound of inevitability yeah the Train's going to come it doesn't matter if he dies cuz he can just respawn Goodbye Mr Henderson my name is Neil go on remember the jump thing no yeah yeah he's got to he's got to start to believe that he can break the physical world he's not in the physical world run run run yes they don't look just keep going why did he turn just the check I suppose it's obvious how do he get away from this agent then I mean he's got to figure out a way of stopping it [ __ ] oh no oh so it's not just it's not just the The Matrix now it's five maybe six minutes oh [ __ ] those are jellies the jellyish the mechanical jellyfish he's going to make it no just it's not very good for oh oh okay her dad just turned into a yeah to you guy that's nice how's that nice think about well it's just it's nicely done is what I'm saying oh is this someone's house or apartment or something something I like that the camera's moving like up and down as well like it's from his Viewpoint yeah yeah they is if they use their EMP oh they use their EMP what will happen they lose contact with Neo or I think Neo dies because he needs the electricity effectively if they press that button it disconnects Neo he's going to make it I know it disconnects the machine from him which means yeah this him his heart do do they have any other weapons I don't think so I don't think they can fight off physically these um mechanical jellyfish oh now no did he shoot I think he just got shot imagine he blocked it with his two fingers run let him take another shot okay now he's dead now he's dead he's dead he can't be yo he can maybe can't be check him there's a phone ringing Goodbye Mr Anderson W that's a the Oracle told me that I would fall in love and that that man the man that I loved would be the one you can't be dead because I love you the man she loves won't be dead the Oracle said that she would fall in love with the one and he has to be the one because she is in love with him that's impossible not really I mean now get up she's empowering him the love is empowering him they pulled the love card he can respawn no imagine I thought imagine he catches every single bullet oh that's awesome it was good before but now we can actually pause time or P pause bullets no he just oh wellow he's completely controlling it turn them W around yeah yeah like Magneto and just make them F fight he is the one launcher him he is the one look at that oh he's seeing the world like the Matrix it really is okay he's still got to get a deal with these guys I need him back no they're scared what the hell he's controlling it yeah he's going to control it that's how he's going to do it is he going to just turned into Neo or oh he's destroying him is just yeah he's just breaking in from the inside did you just see his a piece of his face Just Launch into the camera oh awesome yeah yeah yeah he destroyed it he's just completely disassembling him it can't respawn it ran out of lives oh [ __ ] get it get get ne out get near out ah the phone that was ringing of course Jesus he had to use it was it too late it's half the ship's destroyed he made it wow I know you're out there I can feel you now I I don't know the future system failure I came here to tell you how it's going to begin what's he doing who who is he talking to I don't know us very cool very cool I think it just means that he's um he's free he's free now he can do whatever he wants in The Matrix that's what it means and I think the sentiment is that there will be others that will he will free that's the sort of what it implies the OK what's her name Trinity no the okay the Oracle yeah she was wrong the way that they phrased it was that they said that she will tell you what you need to hear I don't think she was wrong it's just that that's what he needed to hear he needed to hear that he was not the one for it to come from inside not from the outside at first I thought this movie I mean going to be boring not that much fun it was really good to be honest especially that it was made 1999 25 years ago pretty good movie even now and you're right it is kind of modern it was kind of even futuristic computers I mean they were a bit old but didn't really matter could still tell they were computers yeah it was a really good film all of the conceptual stuff was there AI the fear that AI will deem Humanity not worthy of planet Earth I mean it's and the the way that people escape to Virtual Reality or we go to Virtual Reality to have an avatar of ourselves that's more modern than this film I think so like the film was way ahead of its time 25 years I'm a little stunned at the moment what I also liked is this this notion that there is this Matrix that is controlling people and that there's only a select few if you have the will the free will the pill to break free of it and think clearly and see reality clearly that's a notion that is as ancient as it is forever with us going forward but it's very prevalent these days because there's a lot of online reference to it um is Free Will versus determinism and I think really that's what the film is about do we have free will to choose the world or are we determined and have fate the film making is amazing it's it's right from the beginning it was wow this is great film making it still felt modern it still didn't seem to date in fact some of the the whole green screen the facts you couldn't tell it it it was really really really well done and the Angles and the storytelling and the shot constructions of the sequences it was just phenomenal especially with the helicopter glass breaking behind her like wow wow wow there's too much that's too good to say in a short succinct way I thought it was amazing it's uh so K Reeves is great but you know he's very um K Reeves like he's a great person so he's fun to watch caran Moss was amazing as Trinity Lawrence Fishman was amazing when you think about how he's chosen to do that role it was really well done he's just so relaxed and cool the way he does it but it's not just cool it plays the mentor but also the guy who believes in him created him very very well it's is amazing and then um Hugo weaving his agent Smith was having great fun but put a lid on it that it didn't go too out of control really nicely done so just looking back over the film yeah it was mystery cyber Punk underworld mystery what the hell's going on strange action strange antagonistic force and then completely Nutter what the hell is going on with him waking up from the booths and him being a battery and it just kept the Allure to find out what the Matrix was was before that that was amazing and then the discovery of what the Matrix is and all of that just is fascinating it's just and then it goes through its twist and turns with the philosophy of the high concept and then pure pure pure action at the end with a little bit of drop of faith and love just to finish the deal totally amazing yeah it it really good please like And subscribe and leave in the comments suggestions you'd like below for us to react to and maybe just maybe we might even be in The Matrix happy red pill taking everyone see you next time
Channel: Generation Media Reaction
Views: 37,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 3sec (4863 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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