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all right what's up guys so this is a movie that I think everybody has at least heard right so my dad watched this when I was younger but it looked and sounded so complex I had zero interest and I had a computer science Professor dude was definitely he was out there who was out there and he would always talk about the Matrix like a parallel universe and numbers and this and that a lot of professors are out there there let's all be honest we've all had a professor that's out there I'm talking out there out there like like Einstein like brilliant like always talk about the numbers okay so this movie is obviously complex but I'm excited to check it out and see what all the hype is about if you guys are new to the channel hey we appreciate if you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on that post notification Bell so you never miss a video but we're excited to be watching The Matrix hey grab your popcorn your drink whatever you need and of course as mom always said Thank you blanket right here let's go ahead and check this movie out let's get it let's go all those numbers computer type stuff I'm honestly concerned I'm not gonna be able to keep up kicked it down good good now who is she was in an empty room on a computer it looked sketchy whatever was going on hacker hey I'm just doing my job give me that Juris my dick cramming up your ass I think we can handle one little girl I sent two units oh so he he didn't want him to send the units in it oh [ __ ] did you see that and he just ran on the wall took his Morpheus the line was traced I don't know how I know are there any agents she goes hard who are these guys the stiff guys in the suits yeah [Music] oh they must be the agents she said are their agents here foreign [Music] look at her chopping I mean her running form is impeccable picking them up putting them down look at her [Music] she like defies gravity oh so he does too yeah the agent I rock with this already I mean look at how it started that first fight scene was the best I've seen [Music] she is moving [Music] she flies oh no he's just gonna smash you if you go in there no oh what the what was that about check it out where's she at we'll need a search was already begun this is the good guys and who's the bad guys I do not know yet oh my gosh my mind is blown enough Manhunt underway look at all the technology around him look how old that computer is these people are like and I guess the best way to explain to hackers I guess looks like it this is Neo the next Target The Matrix has you so why grab it followed away some Alice in Wonderland stuff knock knock me out oh no I'm dipping up that would that Not freak you out follow the White Rabbit definitely I can I have work tomorrow it's like everybody's sketchy like I don't know who like I don't know what's going on the White Rabbit said you was it okay it's just I wonder what kind of business Neo's doing is what I mean by like it's sketchy hello Neil that's the lady Kick-Ass lady that's a creepy feeling that's cool oh no because they're watching him but the idea like there's something bigger out there like it's confirmed or something you know that would be cool but there is a scary threading part to it as well I could not sit in the cube oh oh I need Windows I need natural light fresh air have a nice day I would be looking at everybody sideways oh man [Music] I've been looking who's coming for me stand up and see for yourself what do it slowly the elevator IES be here for just a moment how can dudes see here seeing the cameras he can see him he's smart enough to like direct him heart speeding I would be so scared oh cause they're like right there Jay's out right I'm out right there you can catch me that's what he'll say wait one is that scaffold the other is like no don't hang up um what's this happening to me yeah he didn't even know what's really going on yeah yeah I mean all this being thrown on you people are after you you're going on a scaffold up see I mean like that's a lot to take in oh oh yeah I didn't know he was gonna have to walk along the ledge to get to it take me um maneuver around this pole oh no up so those are obviously the bad guys I'm not gonna do the words dark sunglasses inside okay Terminator ish the hacker Alias Neo and are guilty of virtually every com so he was a hacker what the world okay are they we're not messing with nothing ordinary what are these guys whether you want to or not oh no what is that he can't even scream did you say he's trying to scream oh [Music] I'm disgusting it's not I'm disgusted or like what nightmares are made of right there and then he just wakes up in his bed he's back at home I hope that was just a nightmare now do you still want to meet yes then go to the Adams Street bridge but he's got that thing in his belly get in is it really in his Billy or is that just a dream that's what I'm saying foreign relax been trying to relax you got this thing big old to sucker come on sound it's like oh try something's real what in the world see and now it's back to chip form this is crazy guys that was nasty trying to shake that feeling like so far I think I'm keeping up but I'm still just mind-blown like absolutely mind blown like what is he the one of I can't wait to see see like one of the master hackers my glasses with no ear pieces you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit Wonderland Wonderland you gotta find out the Matrix red pill blue pill red pill what are you ah I need more info about the red pill remember all I'm offering is the truth nothing more the truth probably take that red one yeah see the true magic of the world you did all this cooking him up the ice what does that mean it means buckle your seat belt door I think that's Kansas is going bye-bye goodness I'm so excited nervous so does that mean he's getting super powers like that girl it's not superpower is it C in the world for what it is no wool over your eyes right I mean yeah pretty much is what he's saying I don't explain women jumping from skyscraper to Skyscraper the human mind is more powerful than they want us to believe I'm into this go try to jump from skyscraper to skyscraper then you go ahead foreign targeting almost there what what is going on where where is he at foreign [Music] what is going on [Music] it unhooked them this is crazy oh my goodness I hope you're right I don't have to hope I know it yeah man he's just whoa he's had to go through so much I don't know if I want to do all that but he's still like hooked up to those knobs on himself I don't like those things [Music] mmm that's gnarly it's such a cool storyline so far isn't it it's amazing try to relax tell me something besides trying to relax I'm tired of hearing that that's weird foreign what it exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call the Matrix that is wild on magnificence as we gave birth to ai ai I mean artificial oh no it was really happening believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun what about humans endless Fields where human beings are no longer born we are grown oh this is so creepy that's what he was in the intravenously to the living I'm standing there facing the pure horrifying precision [Music] easy meal so stay away from me [Music] ah I have a I'm trying to put it all together that was a lot was that on the future that humans are being grown or are we co-existing in a virtual like in a simulated reality while that's happening I feel I owe you an apology we have a rule we're never free of mine they're in real time they're in real everyone else like they showed like our time isn't a simulation okay that's what I'm trying to figure out yeah they see the rules I had to I was trying to figure out the world as we know it's the simulation but the Farms of humans I was trying to figure out is that going on while we're in simulation is what I'm trying to figure out very exciting time we've got a lot to do we gotta get to it so he mentioned the war he mentioned he's homegrown human so this is after the war exit hell yes oh so that's how honey was so Kick-Ass they downloaded they downloaded that's so cool how was he 10 hours straight he's a machine this is cool that is awesome to be able to download the skill and then the rules of a computer system some of them can be bad others can be broken that's how she was able to run away [Music] blocking those [Music] imagine if you just learned a new skill you'd be like oh let me do it let me do it old school's kicking that too foreign this is sick they're watching it from the screens Morpheus is just dogging him though he said okay you run up the law watch this faster than this it's faster don't think you are know you know you are I Believe come on stop trying to hit me and hit me you're the one that has to walk through it I want to know Kung Fu and be that fast the Jump program huh [Music] to a different program [Music] that's how she was able to do it you can't doubt yourself your mind can do it if you don't doubt yourself believe I'm taking one look nope this is so cool and all you have to do is believe though just think you can know you can do it not think no problem can't be Fearless [Music] it is throwing back up there if you're killed in The Matrix you die here the body cannot live without the mind like just so much like you just can't doubt yourself so much mind thinking goes into it it's not thinking it I guess it's like he said free he's assuming it's free yeah I'm like not having the doubt like I said jumping I'm thinking about that that bottom down there you have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inert so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it so they're saying like right now we're in those parts yeah we're plugged in this isn't the Matrix it's another training program designed to teach you one thing if it's finally clicked we're the in the pods part of the program trying to tell you that when you're ready you won't have to so in Neo's like that guy and destroy set her down right over there looking for the ones that are unplugged literally looks like a virus searching for people she said it used to be City it's almost all that's left is the sewers why why didn't I take the blue good [ __ ] huh thanks for the drink sweet dreams and he was like that's a mind job because Morpheus told him he wasn't ready but he had no choice but the Matrix is telling my brain that it is Juicy and Delicious after nine years you know what I realized is he sitting down with that agent oh no he's not ignorance is bliss he said he knows it's not real but it's worth it he isn't done with an agent we insert me into the Matrix I'll get you what you want access codes to the Zion mean the last human City amorpheus he's gonna set him up I hate little snakes like that so what did you think of her of who the woman in the red dress I designed her but if you'd like to meet her I could arrange a much more personalized building deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes a little creep we're going in taking Neo to see her is that guy still sitting at the table there he is a little snake took me out to see who [Music] dang look at all of them so they're in the Matrix now why is she the only one in white I didn't notice that so they can trace the ah did you go to work didn't three in 300 there was an oracle member what did you what did she tell you it's not Oracles in Greek mythology too um the Oracle will see you now ah those kids they were amazing almost done he said she was gonna be very old and don't worry about today that face I'm sorry she's got so much science you're still the Brokenness if I hadn't said anything she reacted I can see why she likes you who not too bright though and on the other hand you'll have your own one of you is going to die oh my goodness you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fake crap you're in control of your own life remember such a mind twist this whole thing what was said was for you and for you alone oh no oh no [Music] oh baby you see his body in real life the real yeah they're trapped all in the building because of that stupid guy [Music] he's still walking around with him oh man surprised that one dude's not making noise trying to get him caught wow that an inch down the wall like that they were on the eighth floor they're in the walls so how are they supposed to get out of there what it's an agent Foods being the agents are no joke no no no no no we can't leave it we have to no no you gotta Morpheus isn't the one I mean not Morpheus Neo Morpheus [Music] oh God Neo better be on his stuff to beat an agent [Music] take him I don't like this foreign I'm so mad that he's like right up in everybody's space like he's a good guy I don't know it just went dead what a slime ball I thought I hated the little traitor from 300 I think I hate this dude even more I don't know they're both pretty despicable I thought I was in love with you I am I really getting upset tired of this war tired of fighting tired of this I'm getting so mad a surprise [ __ ] bet you never saw this coming did you you're not getting mad yeah it's just it's so dirty if I got to choose between that and the Matrix no it's mankind in The Matrix dummy you have to watch apoc die such by the way if you have anything terribly important to say to switch I'm by one of them too late God damn you Cipher I did not see it going like this is I don't believe it believe it or not let's go light him up light him up that's what you do that's what you get your slimy little slug oh I'm sorry he made me like how do you just sit there so smug on top of everybody while you unplug them tank yeah my beard [Music] they still got Morpheus though Marvel that it's Beauty I hate how he talks I can't beings Define their reality through misery and suffering um future is our world of this future is they're trying to hold them back from being those free Minds it's like hacking a computer all it takes is time how much time can you notice unplug him he'll die nothing we can do there is pull the plug you have to you have to but the Oracle said they're lost without Morpheus what do they do without Morpheus but the people though the Zion I miss you always no neo that's not true it can't be true why Neil why tell him because I believe in something what I believe I can bring him back all he has to do is believe that's it he believes it's crazy though because they're agents three of them and those agents their powers dude stood up by hitting his fist on the ground what about the mouth the closing of the yeah going with you no you're not you better take miss kick ass with you I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you I believe if you were really serious about saving him you are going to need my help because I am the ranking officer on this ship if you didn't go to hell guns lots of guns right again no one has ever done anything like that that's why it's going to work you notice he's saying everything in a matter of fact now this place Zoo it is a Zeus not coming in with the heavy duty boots steel toe please remove any metallic items you're carrying cage ah coming in that black leather just mowing people down sick freeze this is not freeze there she goes there she goes there she goes man Nate none of those bullets hitting him [Music] picked it up mid you can't hit him you cannot hit this man Because he believes he won't be hit Uzi yeah oh I'm not gonna admit that was one of the coolest gun scenes I think we've ever that was cool just casually go pick up their bag yeah [Music] a bomb I'm about to blow it up take the elevator shot he remembered that little kid told the member see it for what it is nothing find them and Destroy them I repeat we are under attack yeah you are [Music] thank you look at what happens to them oh oh he did it again that is great that is the craziest thing [Music] how do you hit that spit wow only human dodge this morning that's a way to sneak up on him what a scene but was it really did she kill the pilot or did she kill the agent that was an agent q12 helicopter hurry so cool yes let me download it in your brain real quick let's go that's nuts that's so cool see he didn't she didn't kill him [Music] well you at least just pulled up in front of the window you gotta hit at least one of them you gotta kill somebody but not Morpheus look at this [ __ ] look at all those rounds so they just morph into somebody else once you kill them you can't kill an agent I guess oh they turn back into no Murphy's run run baby run baby [Music] slag his leg is like it's like it's like it's like gotcha get him out of there go there get him out of there get him out of there get him out of there [Music] this has like he has you on the edge of your seat the whole time I know like my heart this whole time oh you better not wreck this helicopter and me dangling down here just gonna have to land okay landed him [Music] oh she hit that hard he's the one he's the one he is the one because she said how did you pick up on that how fast they moved like he sees it and he believes that he does it he's the one why'd she tell him he wasn't [Music] do you believe it now Trinity yeah you gotta believe it now got to the difference between knowing the path and walking operator damn it's good to hear your voice sir let's go you guys gotta get out of there still though babe you gotta get to a phone I just don't think the agents are able to be killed no they're not let's take over a new body order the strike did he play in Star Wars as one of the I haven't paid any of the darts guys I'm not out yet come on get there get there get there come on Morpheus get in there go foreign [Music] [Music] tell me at the crib oh I know just answer the phone don't everything the Oracle told me [Music] answer the phone foreign oh and she's gonna go of course [Music] they said they always run he's not running Western Showdown yeah wow what are empty so are you oh my God this is nice [Music] hand to hand he's that man broke your glasses oh come on Nia [Music] the head butts get me get up come on get up Jesus he's killing him let's go let's go come on yeah [Music] he's giving it to us oh man come on you've got it oh punch after putt through the order punch after oh yeah it's Neil hmm wow [Music] [Music] because he just came back as another person Subway that's so annoying well that is unfair he's gonna make it I'm gonna take the phone that's my phone oh [ __ ] oh no [Music] oh my God they're shooting through all them people uh help need a little help oh no [Music] oh no the back door he's what can you do there's literally no Escape in these guys here they come all right what do they call the sentence Sentinels or whatever Sentinels [Music] oh no oh no no no no foreign [Music] oh no oh no they're in there they're in there they're in there [Music] foreign [Music] no way Goodbye Mr Anderson it's over like oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he's breaking the Matrix he's upsetting The Matrix look at how easy that is look at him behind us foreign [Music] [Music] whoa they ran okay but that's the ship is getting destroyed he was answering right he didn't make it oh golly jeez I'm so worked up hey [Music] that riff is nasty [Music] wow [Music] that was fire ah we gotta talk we gotta talk huh I was trying to figure out who's who was singing sounds like some like the only one trying to guess me wrong but guys that was absolutely yeah exactly what my mind okay so to me this was a super super cool movie because the idea like my whole life being told that or possible there's a possibility that you know this world is so big and it's so magnificent but the human brain just isn't believing it so we can't see the true magic of the world so when you get movies like The Matrix like this that makes you think like yeah like the wool being pulled over our eyes and a society that we don't even know what's going on so that's insane to me so when we get movies like The Matrix and uh Star Wars that believe in things like the force or the human mind being bigger than what we can truly even comprehend that is absolutely fascinating to me and the way the Matrix told this story was just like heart racing the whole time the way everything clicked and made sense absolutely amazing just the thinking behind it all the in-depth scenarios and things you got to really think about but it was it was crazy and then the the agent guys literally the way that he beat him he went inside of him and I guess believed that he could everything is about believing everything is about believing it and it literally makes you think like are we capable of so much more absolutely absolutely we still got to believe in the magic in this world and we can make it happen but this the storyline was a I love at the end we end with a little bit of that love story a little bit of it you know what I mean the the whole concept was absolutely amazing the way the story is being told and then the best fight scenes I think I've ever seen in my entire life oh 300 300 okay but that's different that's about the different type of fight scene you know that of course that's intense but I'm talking like guns running up the wall everything was slowed down the water that deal with her legs bending back and like missing the bullet the entire thing was one and then the right at the very end how he had one arm on his back just fighting dude off and he was like Wow hold up I have a question red or blue pill now you didn't know before the movie I I chose I wanted to go into the Matrix and I'm still standing behind my decision because I love getting to know for certain that yes this world is huge it's magical what are you oh I don't know that's you're still not taking the blue pill you whether you'd rather live in like uh this concept of the world that they have created for us Ah that's tough and I I probably go with the red pill just just so I could know the real truth yeah and then also you have to think about this is really creepy because like when this came out for y'all well when it first came out it was different but the way that we our world has explored AI but Terminator was creepy you know all the artifacts and especially like what's going on right now with artificial intelligence well the thing was when when all this came out people probably oh that'll never and we're sitting here like oh look at cars that drive themselves at all times we got artificial intelligence and then if um before we go quick thing if you played The Sims is the Matrix not seem like super super creepy the only people who played the Samsung Note I grew up later so but guys thank y'all so so much for the suggestion you know like we said this one won our poll and we had an amazing time with the time with it so thank you guys but as we always send you all out of here we love you we thank you we appreciate you and remember every day that you wake up it is a blessing and that you guys are blessed man y'all are blessed to wake up and for those of you that hit that subscribe button hey welcome to the rsr family y'all would go every day over here just like you do on the music channel tell them that goal yeah his back goal is somebody's smile we appreciate all of you and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Rob Squad Movie Reactions
Views: 509,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE MATRIX (1999) | FIRST TIME WATCHING | MOVIE REACTION, Matrix movie reaction, first time watching the matrix, matrix movie reaction, rob squad movie reactions the matrix, the matrix movie review, rob squad rections, the matrix 1999 movie reaction, popcorn in bed movie reactions, popcorn fun bed the matrix, ashleigh Burton movie reactions, ashleigh Burton the matrix, its mr video, movie reaction channel, movie reactions, matrix reaction, matrix first time watching
Id: Ny1f0xgh21g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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