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what if I blew that EMP what if I did destroy those ships and I am responsible for the deaths of all those men he's talking like Smith if I did that he is Smith it wouldn't be very safe for me he moves like [Music] Smith hi guys and welcome back to criminal content my name is Kobe don't forget to like And subscribe you can stay up to date with criminal content over on Instagram at criminal. content and you can stay up to date with me personally on Instagram if you want to at Kobe Connell so today I getting back into the Matrix I have watched the first one which is 1999 The Matrix um and then I watched reloaded the sequel so now I'm about to get into the third one which I know there's one that came much much much later but in that first three that first Trilogy this is the final one of that and uh it's revolutions I believe and it left us on a cliffhanger so it's nice that it came out quickly it says they're both 2003 so at least everybody didn't have to wait too long uh for some answers hopefully uh hopefully there are some answers so for the full watch along head over to our patreon and with that let's get into The Matrix Revolutions the green Warner Brothers we [Music] back gosh I remember Village Road Show title cards from way [Music] back so I'm guessing we're just going to pick straight up search every pipe every hole every crack we know sweep as wide as possible as fast as possible these lines are crawling with kellar then the sooner we find them the better calari thought you could use something to eat thank you any change how is he he's going to be fine at least until he wakes up but he's the bad Roland I'd like to run another search through the M for what for Neil how could he be in The Matrix sir he's not plugged in wait his neural patterns don't read like someone who's in a comb the strange thing is I see these patterns all the time where on someone jacked in but where are they then because if Morpheus I thought they were on the ship with Morpheus one thing I've learned in all my years is that nothing ever works out just the way you want it to who are you I'm the Oracle I'm sorry this had to happen she different for years he has protected me I hope he can do the same for you please follow me but how is Trinity here with Morpheus like in The Matrix with him but then her real her real version knows where Neo is all I can do is tell you that your friend is in trouble and he needs your help he needs all our help oh they know where he is his body they don't know where he is here why did you leave leave the poor man in peace I am sorry she is still very curious in the restaurant of the Frenchman I am ramachandra he was walking out who's the train man he works for the Frenchman why I know you were going to s m I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter you do not understand I just must have never heard a program speak of love and have a baby can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection anything then perhaps the reason you are here is not so different than the reason I am here okay so they're not looking for his physical body they do have him all there and and Trinity sits with him when she's not in the Matrix but they're trying to find this limbo land get away from me we don't want trouble get the hell away from me we need your help I can't help you no one can help you Gary Bucy [Music] joking he's going to do something [Music] Nifty or just shoot hey is he going to jump in front of it damn it that was good I thought he was going to kill himself by jumping in front of it we got away Papa the train yes find your back can I carry that for you hurry up I'm late finally the Subways were this clean and shiny I need to get back I'll pay you whatever you want one way or another I'm getting on this train oh no no no no no you're going to stay right here how tall this guy is I built this place down here I make the rules uh down here I make the threat does neo have power here down here I'm God get on the train or you stay here with him I mean he couldn't even block that he can block you know 300 agents at once he couldn't block one gut punch he doesn't have any power in this like Purgatory thing she would know what to do no we know what has to be done why did the Oracle change actors shit that was funny oh can I take your there's my famous Matrix Motif flying shards of rock stone glass [Music] bullets there wait that guy's upside I thought the camera just flipped I didn't realiz they when stepped up on the [Music] ceiling that was like from the first one go [Music] Trinity it's got a lot of similarities to John Wick in terms of like the you know really stylized fight scenes the light it's all like green this is green John Wick's like a lot of blue and but like it's you know very dark and the music there's definitely um a commonality like if you like if you like these you probably like John Wicks and if you like John Wick you like these and I do and am I don't believe this I like that he forgave Monica beluchi and they're still together and they're fine like they just had a little lovers Tiff put down the guns and I will promise you a safe passage out of here all three of us oh yes yes like the most untrustworthy guy ever like even the way he's laughing you're like okay come now what kind of question is this of course I know which is my business to know some might think this is a strange coincidence but it is always best to ask we want to make a deal always St to business h something I have wanted ever since I first came here it just said they cannot be taken the eyes of the orle I have told you before like literally I don't have time for this shit he wants the eyes of the Oracle but like her her Matrix eye I mean this is all in the Matrix so like the eyes of the you know Avatar that she is in here or her real you know she's a program right you want to make a deal how about this you give me Neo or we all die right here right now interesting you are really ready to die believe it if she has to she'll kill every one of us she's in love it is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity time's up true what's it going to be MV you got yourself in here you can get yourself out but yeah I guess when you die in The Matrix you die in real life so if they pulled the eyes out of the Oracle it would kill the program of her and everything that she is it is it's like the ending of speed [Music] are you ready for us almost sorry they got some pretty ancient hacks here we're working on you found Neo can't you see him you were reading something but I couldn't tell what it was he's just not showing up in the same way anymore like did everything changed from when he did that I don't yet recognize my face in the mirror but I still love candy tell me how I stopped four Sentinels by thinking it tell me just what the hell is happening power of the world extends Beyond this world that's what you felt when you touched those Sentinels but you weren't ready for it you should be dead but apparently you weren't ready for that either so that should have killed him the architect told me that if I didn't return to the source Zion would be destroyed by midnight tonight you and I may not be able to see beyond our own choices but that man can't see past him everything that has a beginning I see the end coming I see the darkness spreading and you are all that stands in his way o no pressure believe he won't stop there he can't he won't stop until there's nothing left at all what is he a virus this war is going to end tonight the future of Both Worlds will be in your hands ah so Smith is an agent but he's a program so he's like a virus and this guy he'd already affected or um like infected or he's inside and it is him all right but also I need time the Oracle lady she was great the new lady but why would they change her unless there's what's up Magie ban is Sir he's conscious good maybe he's got some answers unless there's a significance to her changing actors I'm assuming these were shot back to back if not all at once since they're both 2003 so why did this woman switch out take a few cookies and go with Sarah can I come back I would like to come back I would like that too and I'll see you tomorrow cute I'm scared to are they all hugos Jas you was like chasing a ghost yes true but as you can see things are a little different now he's multiplied himself to 500 the Oracle told me about you that you were a bad man oh I'm not so bad once you get to know me he's so perfect in this they're going to kill her or something what did you do with salty cookies need love like everything does you are a bastard you would know Mom do what you're here to do what yes ma'am because she's a program and he's like a spawn off of her program like a virus that's her but corrupted into so like her level of power and knowing it all but bad now those cuts are more than one day old yeah definitely why would I do something like that to myself if I'm not me then who am I does agent Smith jump into his body in and out or sir we found her the Loos yes sir oh Tommy had some goddamn good news that's na uh naobi their ship right are The Thermals picking up any signs of life no sir bit preemptive to say it was good news then they could just be dead in there what was that put that shit away boys all she needs is a jump of course they had to be okay did did you get Neo out yes how did you know about that the Oracle you saw her just before the Sentinels what did she tell you the same thing she always does exactly what I needed to know yeah none and at this point there's no reason to expect that there ever will be but we can hope I'm afraid hope is an Indulgence I don't have time for but ask yourself if it were Dozer you knew the only chance you had to see him again was to hold the dock you do oh she was with thosea make sh oh so the little kids are hers um I thought they were what Z okay I'm 16 minimum age for the C's 18 16s too young she don't care how old they kill me just the same that the goddamn truth he's Australian for sure there's something wrong with The Matrix feed no there's not you're looking at what we're looking at what the hell is going on in there whatever it is it can't be good what that's a mechanical line it's impossible no one can buy a mechanical I can bullshit I've done it that was a long time ago naobi I said I can do it I like her I have to take one of the ships what to go where to the machine City I know it's difficult to understand is that the source I am the captain of this ship I say where it has to go and believe me the ship will go to hell long before I let you take it anywhere oh he can take mine you can't do that that's the smaller ship anyway even think of trying to tell me what I can or cannot do with my ship after that little speech if we leave inside the hour we should reach Zion as the machines do that's as good a plan as any God damn waste it's a good plan sounds like Providence doesn't it Morpheus you've never believed in the one I still don't then why are you doing this I believe in him thank you I like Jada pinket Smith's character this just he's very stoic very strong very you know minimalistic performance it's nice natural stealthy what if I blew that EMP what if I did destroy those ships and I am responsible for the deaths of all those men he's talking like Smith if I did that he is Smith it wouldn't be very safe for me he moves like [Music] Smith of course it might not be very safe for you so when Trinity there's something I have to say you're not coming I told the marav indan I was ready to give anything and everything for you do you know what's changed in the last 6 hours nothing nothing let's go save the world so when you saw Hugo weaving finish loading at ammunition just about Sir infect that other guy you're not leaving them anything said you didn't need it a version of Smith is in him so now Smith is in the real world not just a program but has like a human body I'm saying good luck thank you but then maybe he can die an easier human death like if they kill that guy that Smith has inhabited maybe he's easier to kill engine's still firing must be a fuse I'll check it out he's going to be on this ship I should have known that s's first every single time I thought it was the last every time I was sure we had you but somehow you it's fully Smith what are you talking about I think I might enjoy killing you as much as killing him good job from this actor cuz he sounds so much like Hugo weaving he's just really got that agent smith thing down and the Cadence in which he talks and that whole kind of robotic it's B psychotic you're going to pay for that I wonder if Neil will pick up how he's talking and recognize it you don't know that what if they need our help it's too dangerous why because if he's killed them he'll control another EMP at this point they're on their own just like us Mr I see you are as predictable in this world as you are in the other no you but Mr Anderson and I know that appearances can be deceiving recognize him shoot now yes shoot FR us burn us alive do it if you don't he'll kill us both he knows he should do it but he won't oh my God can't too late ah back away from the gun and turn around it's Smith though he's ruthless he'll just kill her he might just slit her throw anyways I think he would have just killed her he doesn't have any honor to like we've been here before you and I remember I think of nothing else who are you say it the stink of it filling every breath suffocating Cloud you can't escape disgusting look at how pathetically fragile it is nothing this weak is meant to survive same agent Smith what do you want I want what you want that's it Mr Anderson look past the flare who else calls you that there's nowhere I can't go there is nowhere I won't find you it's impossible Goodbye Mr Anderson this is it it's got to be does anyone else call him Mr Anderson like wouldn't you on the first one Mr Anderson be like he can he just die he's mortal now right oh [Music] no yeah it's just a it's a human [Music] fight I wish you could see yourself Mr Anderson oh I'm side and that's permanent because this is the real world but he he can do symbol for all he's got powers in the r come on helpless pathetic Powers when you stop that big calamari I can see you it's not over Mr Anderson oh so that's agent Smith's only access to the real world was that guy and now that's done I'll be okay oh so I wonder if Neo can only see like could only see agent Smith cuz it was that you know he was from the Matrix and all of that you know battle between each other can he see everything with the eyes burnt out cu it felt like he could only see that the outline of him and is he just going to go the rest of the movie with like the the burnt out [Music] eyes very cool if we have to give these bastards our Liv we give him hell before we do these robot suits are wild ghost kill all auxiliary system give me full manual drop down four pads sh she's piloting a much bigger ship than she had [Music] though I'm coming baby you are definitely going home who they were just going to sneak through the whole thing but that noise woke up all the squid [Music] I want to go in one of those so bad breached the dock is breached o what is that thing I thought it was like a drill like a drill bit but is it a ship thing as well or is it just what they use to break through there are so [Music] many oh it's getting up [Music] oh [Music] what oh it's both it's like a drill attacker ship alien thing robot machine great effects I mean that looks awesome they're still coming that's all fresh ones Oh I thought they' come in and were just flying around these are all new that's too many where the hell is my Eng I want that goddamn machine take down feel like that was even more than 500,000 the way they fly I like though cuz it looks like they're in [Music] water boogy too with the breach point [Music] another one shit she's got AED that's right cuz she's in the bigger ship she's used to her little Cho [Music] Choo C you see that rest of the radio stop [Music] them these two are surviving For Sure [Music] Shot damn it she would have gone right in but they she kind of got the the loose guys instead of going into the big thing right into the big drill [Music] bit oh no oh s yes sir but this is different sir what I think it's one of ours sir I did not see that coming I thought the two girls would survive sir contact them I want access codes we're trying sir there's no response let him in it's naobi it's a trick that's not one of ours it can't be that's a mechanical line no one can pilot mechanical and you don't even even believe in your own girlfriends yes she can yes she can 30° at 80% 30° 80 she is a [Music] boss and she's doing it in the bigger ship her plan was to do that in the little one and even they said we wouldn't be able to follow you we wouldn't fit the ship is under attack sustaining heavy damage but at its present velocity it'll reach gate three in 12 run away you're taking critical damage sir we've lost control we can't open it just keep going they'll open it just keep going she is badass my mark can be full power at 90° to lower left star full power she saved the day I mean she saved all them look at this [Music] piloting a dear woman you can dve Sentinels are inside the dock are we too late a little bit oh my gosh there are so they said something about 500,000 of them at some point but there's billions of them look at him we're not winning I mean I just feel like we're not getting anywhere coming down see unless Neo is then meant to like pop back into reset this entire thing and you know go back in time I don't know how there's going to be like a happy ending [Music] it's still too many right for No Time Kevin I didn't finish the training program neither did I keep wait for it let us feather let us feather [Music] lucky none of the calamari are going after [Music] him ah but she's coming Z's coming to do something you I believe oh my go come on this she's awesome I'm so glad that she's [Music] driving yeah Nai link but look what they've come back to at least it's already completely destroyed like if it was all nice and safe in there and they caused all that destruction they might be in trouble we did it some things in this world never change luckily some things to kisser link Z link Z I knew come I knew it I made a promise [Music] he's wearing his [Laughter] necklace you kid I'm never going to take it off the council's waiting to hear your explanation you'll forgive me for not attending but I have to try to salvage this stacle did I miss something Commander I thought we just saved the duck he sounded so Australian then I want this system back online Commander it's a doc you got incoming order everyone to fall back seal the shaft now is then Neo where's Neo and Trinity and the Oracle said nothing of this she told me that Neo would need my help and when the time came I would choose to help can a single vessel have against their entire defense system none it's completely impossible but he wouldn't listen he wouldn't even take any ammunition he was totally out of his goddamn mind and now he's got no eyes and if he does I don't know why he can do to save us but I do know that as long as there is a single breath in his body he will not give up he's got to save you machine City how do you know that I can feel over there there's our B I can't even see but he just my men have begun fortifying the Eng entrance with enough artillery to make our last stand Commander do you think that we have any chance of surviving I would ask him because he's the one who believes in Miracles if you tell me we'll make it I'll believe you it's a little bit terrifying that everything futuristic looks like this whether it's Terminator or this it's just it's a little [Music] [Music] scary amazing maybe it's better he doesn't even have his sight cuz he's just really tapped in you know what they say you lose a sense your other senses get heightened I can't beat them what do we do go up over them [Music] what beautiful they've never gone up there they're always in this like Darkness always why can't they go and build a city up there again slowly was that crash the plan Trinity I'm here where here we made it uh-oh you said we would oh it's unbelievable Tren she's not going to make it light everywhere like the whole thing was built of light wish she could see what I see she's going to die what's wrong I can't go with you Nia I've gone as far as I can what oh no oh oh no no no it's all right it's time now you have to do the rest I can't not without you yes you can I believe it I always Trinity eyes are all burnt where are his tears going yes you oh man you're so long sorry that was my last thought I wished I had one more chance to say what really mattered to say how much I loved you I don't like third movies in these trilogies everybody dies but by the time I knew how to say what I want to do it was too late but you brought me back you gave me my wish one more chance to say what I really wanted to say kiss me [Music] ah you're going to do something you better do it quick and he's all by himself she's died he can't see oh my gosh [Music] [Music] he can see [Music] is why are all these robots like machines like bug like but what is he going to do what does he have to do I don't know does he know that looks like a sea urchin you cannot stop him we if that's true then I've made a mistake and you should kill me now cuz Smith could just come in as somebody else again and do what he did to that Bane guy [Music] what are they doing go go go go go they're being retracted leave what are you doing morphus see that look like snakes or squids or grasshoppers or oh they're plugging in and if you fail I'm oh my gosh they plugged in Min he's going back to The Matrix he's going to defeat Smith once and for all and so then these guys are all going to have a peace agreement because he saved everybody's world the Machine World and theirs and Zion NE he fights for us I do like it in The Matrix oh come on he is like a virus he's just taking over Mr Anderson welcome back we missed you you like what I've done with the place It Ends Tonight I know it does I've seen it gosh [Music] they're like superheroes now and I'm not big into superhero movies but this is fun I really should thank you for it after all it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life is to end morbid it's beautiful like fighting like that like that level of expertise it just looks incredible but we know that's not going to kill him we need more like how do you kill Smith there's my broken [Music] glass how think of something hold up you have to win you must be able to see it Mr Anderson you must know it by now you can't win it's pointless to keep fighting why do you persist because I choose to we're not winning this is my world my world he just won't die or go down and I don't even know how you're meant to how's you he can't just punch him more you know there's got to be a thing you were laying right there just like that and I stand here right here I'm everything that has a beginning has an end that's what the Oracle said get away from me what are you afraid of it's a trick this is the end you're always right itless inevitable what the what he'll spread to him in oh is it over no it's just so that he can kill the virus from the inside right it's not killing Neo or he's going to die too he had to die to become like the Smith program and then kill it from the [Music] inside yeah but that might mean the Neo's dead if you die in The Matrix you die in real life but he has died in The Matrix before and not died and his mind is so powerful that he's going to be okay he's going to be okay or he dies and he's with Trinity it doesn't make sense he did it of course he did he did it what is what happened Neil he did it did what he ended the war the machines are gone oh Zion it's over it's over the war is over is he alive though I imagine this moment for so long is this real Neo wherever you are thank you but you were a big part of that I will be giving him that I mean she was a huge part of that everybody everybody was an integral part of it we were afraid we might not find you everything's okay now look look look at that beautiful did you do that for now I know he'd love it will we ever see him again I suspect so wait so he didn't die or he did die did you always know oh no no I didn't but I [Music] believed that was intense but great H that was awesome I I think I I don't know I think I liked that one even more than reloaded I'm not sure I get so into whichever one I'm watching at the time but I thought he was going to live and because I thought that there was one that came out then like 20 years after this I feel like he's in all of them so maybe he's not in the new new one and it's a new take but in my head he's on the poster for the new one but maybe he's not I will go check it out um but I guess without Trinity you know he saved the whole world for now um and it was just it was his purpose it was everything he did it he he beat Smith He restored everybody that wants to live in The Matrix can live blissfully unaware and people that didn't had Zion and were safe and it was awesome it was very very Spacey and sci-fi and uh Acy for what I think I know nor like but John Wick kind of changed me I watched John Wick over on popcorn roulette if you haven't seen those go check them out and it kind of turned me around a little bit for the action and especially for keu so thank you so much for watching with me um it's been fun watching The Matrix it's been it's been awesome and maybe I will uh have to check out the the one that came much much later so let me know if you guys think that I should watch the fourth one or just leave it as the three Originals my name is Kobe and I'll see you next time here on criminal content [Music] [Music]
Channel: Criminal Content
Views: 21,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Matrix Revolutions reaction, The Matrix Revolutions movie reaction, movie reaction, first time watching The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Revolutions 2003, 2024 The Matrix Revolutions reaction, 2024 The Matrix Revolutions movie reaction, reacting to The Matrix Revolutions, girl reacting to The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Revolutions first time watching, movie reactions, The Matrix Revolutions 2003 reaction, The Matrix Revolutions 2003 first time watching
Id: 4WZNX8UuogE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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