crying over The Matrix (1999) ☾ MOVIE REACTION - FIRST TIME WATCHING!

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thank you so much to Babel for sponsoring today's [Music] video hi everybody Welcome or welcome back to my channel I'm so glad you're here and I'm so glad you clicked on today we're watching The Matrix I don't know anything about the Matrix I know that it's like people walking around like the fancy sunglasses I don't know I was going to say maybe people living inside of the computers I don't know uh don't really know anything about the Matrix All In don't have any idea what this is going to be about I am very intrigued to figure it out because everyone has talked about it I'm just very excited to see all in all how this is going to be I am so excited to finally watch it it says here it's over 2 hours long so we're just going to sit down and do it right away if you want to watch my full reaction together with me for the Matrix it will be over on my patreon link down below together with all my social media such as my second Channel my gaming channel yeah that's it but before we start start watching The Matrix here's a word from our sponsors of today's video which is Babble so Babble is one of the top language learning apps in the world right now they have different lessons that is going to help you to learn a language through real life conversation and this app has helped me a lot before I tell you about Babble know that you can get 60% off of your subscription with clicking the link under the description box it is perfect for you to learn a language that you want to learn because you have it on your phone you can keep it with you wherever you want and whenever you have some extra time Swip it out and start taking a lesson so far I've taken one course which is several lessons so I've had something that is called it is my yo it is actually so good because you can see all of the new phrases that you learned throughout the different lessons so if you don't want to take the lesson all over again you can click on review see what are the new ones and then you can see how far you got into it I've been learning that menos is less but I've been saying Poco my entire life I mean that is also correct in some sort of way but grammatically it's actually Manos same with May when you're saying that someone is older than you I me saying that someone is M Grande I already know that if people are speaking Spanish in my community right now everyone's like shaking their heads like you did not just say that you can actually go through all of your reviews click on the volume symbol and then they can tell you exactly how it sounds another thing that I want to tell you about is that they actually have live sessions that you can do so you can basically get live classes with someone that is going to teach you or a tutor and then I can just join it talk to tutor and get professional class you can like go on the explore page and here there are courses everyday conversations there are some podcast episodes here as well so that is so cool you can like scroll through it you also have the games I actually been doing the games I've been liking the sink or spell which is basically that there's a boat that has fuel and you need to guess the word before the boat runs out of fuel I don't know it's so cute if you want to learn a language any language at all please let me know in the comments down below what kind of language you you want to learn you get two live sessions with a tutor with your subscription and you can get 60% of your subscription by using the link in my description box The Matrix The Matrix also got the best chocolate in the world guys you already know what it is this is milk you like watching him that' be ridiculous we're going to kill him you understand that morphe is believes he is the one did you hear that are you sure this line is clean I better [Music] go pleas how in your head do it do it [Music] now what the heck is happening Lieutenant you were given specific orders give me that jur is my diction crap you can cram it up your ass I sent two units they're bringing her down now no Lieutenant your men are already dead what just [Music] what well that's a way to do it you have to Focus Trinity you can make [Music] it he's doing all of that in the suit oh oh man [Music] down okay she's not real that's impossible he's not real either or what but that was so [Music] far get [Music] up [Music] she got out it doesn't matter the informant is real the name is Neo we'll need a search running has already begun what I love when movie St like this you know when they're like it's fast pace and it keeps you interested already from the first second yeah who is it what okay that's actually very creepy my own personal Jesus Christ you get caught using that you ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming it just sounds to me like you know you need to unplug man get some RNR I don't think I want to know what that is come on it'll be fun I promise sure I'll go the white rabit there she is all I can tell you is that you're in danger I brought you here to warn you they're watching you neo I know why you hardly sleep while you live alone and why night after night you sit at your computer you're looking for him who's him he told me I wasn't really looking for him I was looking for an answer it's the question that drives Us near it's the question that brought you here you know the question just as I did you have a problem with a Mr Anderson you believe that you are special that somehow the rules do not apply to you obviously you are mistaken the time has come to make a choice Mr Anderson either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth or you choose to find yourself on another job do I make myself clear so he has a regular office job yeah that's me his PC is off so he's not really working hello hello Neo do you know who this is morus but unfortunately you and I have run out of time they're coming for you neo and I don't know what they're going to do Who coming stand up and right now yes now with slowly the elevator how do they know that's so creepy what the hell do they want from me but I suggest you get out of there now stay here for just a moment go to the end of the row to the office at the end of the hall stay as low as you can go now good now outside there's a scaffold how do you know all this we don't have time Neo yeah that's what I'm saying too how does he know that's so weird there are two ways out of this building one is that scaffold the other is is in their custody this is insane what is this happening to me what I do I can't do this oh so we did it in custody what is happening it seems that you've been living two lives in one life your Thomas a Anderson program writer for a respectable software company help your land lady carry out her garbage that's very nice I'm going to be as four coming as I can be Mr Anderson we're here because we need your help man who calls himself Morpheus whatever you think you everyone knows everything at this point this is creepy just as I've been saying the most dangerous men alive all that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to Justice W that sounds like a really good deal but I think I got a better one I give you the finger and you give me my phone call Mr Anderson aren't this the police tell me Mr Anderson what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak you're going to help us Mr Anderson whether you want to or not what the [Music] heck oh he's going crazy he's not going crazy estimated how important you are if they knew what I know you would probably be dead what is happening to me you are the one Neo but I've spent my entire life looking for you why is he so important [Music] though wait won't the like I know caterpillar looking thing with long legs isn't that like a Tracker listen to me CER we don't have time for 20 questions right now there's only one rule ourway or the highway ourway or the highway fine please Neo because you have been down there Neo you know that road know exactly where it ends and I know that's not where you want to be you didn't even take off his shirt lights my back lift up your shirt oh I think you're bugged try and relax come on it's on the Move Ash [Music] clear huh so he was being tracked oh Neo you're having a long day let me give you one piece of advice be honest he knows more than you can imagine so that's the guy I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole Yeah I'm very confused you have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up ironically this is not far from the truth oh why not because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life I know exactly what you mean that makes sense though there's something wrong with the world I know what it is but it's there what it is the Matrix is everywhere all around us even now In This Very Room I don't even know what truth that you are a slave Neo like everyone else you were born into bondage born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch so life is a prison unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is you have to see it for yourself ah I think I understand now you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes go for red go for red you did all this mhm the pill you took is part of a trace program it's designed to disrupt your input output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location it means buckle your seat belt Dorothy cuz Kansas is going bye-bye that's the way to put it I really like that they're doing like references of like Alice and Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz even though I haven't really seen Wizard of Oz either but it's still plenty that they can reference it did you have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real what if you were unable to wake from that dream how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real one this can't be be what be real oh great he turning into the Terminator tank we're going to need a signal soon he's going into arrest lock I got him now tank [Applause] [Music] now [Music] ew what the heck is this how do people even come up with this uhoh I hope you can swim doesn't seem like he can the only way I can think right now is like the claw machine he price Welcome to the Real World we've done it Trinity we found him I hope you're right I don't have to hope know it now he's bald my dead far from [Music] it what did they do oh oh thas you're having a rough day you're muscles have atrophied we're rebuilding them why am my eyes Sir you've never used them before look his ha is already growing back he's been here a while already what is this place more important than what is when you believe it's the year 1999 when in fact it's closer to 21.99 I can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know there's nothing I can say that will explain it for you this is my ship the Nebuchadnezzar it's a hovercraft this is the main deck this is so interesting though this is APO switch and Cipher tank and his big brother Dozer the little one behind you is mouse you wanted to know what the Matrix is in the try to relax every time they told him to relax I'm going to get scared because last time it hurt a lot kind of like now your clothes are different the plugs in your arms and head are gone your hair has changed your appearance now is what we call residual self-image is the mental projection of your digital self what is real how do you define real if you're talking about what you can feel what you can smell you've been living in a dream world Neo this is the world as it exists today oh no marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to ai ai a singular Consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines okay guys the world is screwed we're dying what is the Matrix control the Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this no what I didn't say it would be easy I don't believe it going to pop breathe just breathe Ash did you just face plant into his own vomit we never free a mind once it's reached a certain age it's dangerous the mind has trouble letting go the Oracle prophesized his return that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix end the war bring freedom to our people I did what I did because I believe that Search is Over get some rest you're going to need it for what your training morning did you sleep you're tonight I guarantee it I'm tank I'll be your operator you oh tank seems very sweet Z it's a city last human City the only place we have left live long enough you might even see it I'm not supposed to talk about this if you are it's a very exciting time mm more fun how about combat training okay so now we're going to learn how to fight holy hey Mikey I think he likes it hell yes hell yeah boxing 10 hours straight you sub machine I know Kung Fu show me this is a sparring program it's just like I know it never tried it though what you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system [Music] more is fighting Neo whoa o you think that's air you're breathing now again we're back to it I don't believe it you have to let it all go Neo fear doubt and disbelief free your mind so that's how they did the jump okie dokie okie dokie we're falling what if you makes it M's have made the first jump I know I know but what if he does he just said okie doie oh bye-bye what does that mean it doesn't mean anything did Tren fall if you're killed in The Matrix you die here the body cannot live without the mind he was right though he said that he's going to sleep well tonight that system is our enemy when you're inside you look around what do you see businessmen teachers lawyers Carpenters you have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged were you listening to me Neo or were you looking at the woman in the red dress free it what it's another training program designed to teach you one thing if you are not one of us you are one of them sentient programs and move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system means that anyone we haven't unplugged inside the Matrix they are everyone and they are no one oh they are guarding all the doors they are holding all the keys which means that sooner or later someone is going to have to fight them this is so difficult they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be what are you trying to tell me that I can Dodge bullets no Nea I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready you won't have to squidy I no killing machine designed for one thing Search and Destroy set her down right over there so he's a Terminator they old service and Waste Systems they used to be cities that spend hundreds of miles now these sewers are all that's left of them quiet what the heck this turned into a damn hor movie whoa Neo you scared the B Jesus out of me too much information to decode The Matrix you get used to it I I don't even see the code all I see is blonde brunette redhead why oh why didn't I take the blue pill I understand that good huh it's good for two things degreasing engines and killing brain cells oh oh boy what a mind job so you're here to save the world well yeah but they haven't told us how he's going to save the world little piece of advice you see an agent you do what we do run thanks for the drink sweet dreams The Matrix is telling my brain that it is Juicy and Delicious ignorance is bliss whatever you want get my body back in a power plant reinsert me into the Matrix I'll get you what you want I can get you the man who does oh he's fake that makes you wonder about a lot of things you take chicken for example maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like which is why chicken tastes like everything maybe they can your out [Music] I'm still a little bit confused I don't know how people can like contact people and then like understand everything that's happening at every moment but I feel like we'll get more in-depth reasons or explanations later we're in that guy there he's a snake but the Matrix cannot tell you who you are but an oracle can did you go to her yes told me we're here H I wonder what she told her I told you I can only show you the door you have to walk through it hello Neo you're right on time make yourself at home morus Neo come with me what do not try and bend the spoon that's impossible there is no SP spoon then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends it is only yourself the Oracle will see you now oh but you're not going to anyway and don't worry about the vase what vase that vase if she didn't say anything that wouldn't have happened it's really going to bake your noodles later on is would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything you're cuter than I thought who not too bright though you know I'm Mor you well that fried my noodle at least or what she said do you think you're the one open your mouth say are now I'm supposed to say I'm not the one sorry k kid he almost had me convinced you're going to have to make a choice in the one hand you'll have morus as life and in the other hand you'll have your own one of you is going to die you have a good soul and I hate giving good people bad news you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap you're in control of your own life what was said was for you and for you alone I just noticed that he just puts the glasses on it doesn't even have like a grip behind the [Music] ears snake deja vu deja vu is usually a glitch in The Matrix it happens when they change something oh they can't get out oh [Music] boy he actually died oh that's what they changed we're trapped there's no way out give me your phone they'll be able to track it we have no choice could have been caught there because he was supposed to give his phone away but she gave it instead eighth floor on the eth floor switch Straight Ahead Neil I hope the Oracle gave you some good news um he's not the one morphus is going to die or he's going to die that's not very good news in the walls in the walls oh good job Mr Snake oh you must get Neo out all that matters we can't leave him we have to he didn't really have a choice here he was forced come on the Great morphus oh he's bleeding a lot [Music] now save [Music] him is Morpheus alive tank yes they're moving him I don't know where to yet he's alive no oh goodness gracious this guy hello Trinity Cipher where's tank for a long time I thought I was in love with you I used to dream about you of course he's a creep too you killed them I'm tired Trinity tired of this War tired of fighting I'm tired of this ship being cold of eating the same goddamn goop every day bet you never saw this coming God I wish I could be there and they break you I wish I could walk in just when it happens so right then know it was me lied to us Trinity if you would have told us the truth we would have told you to shove that red pill right up your ass if I got to choose between that and the Matrix The Matrix no welcome to the real world huh baby but you're out you can't go back oh no too late don't hate me Trinity it deserves a knock right in the face Morpheus was right and there's no way I can pull this plug Neo's the one then there'd have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me I mean how can he be the one if he's dead you never did ask me before no I don't believe it believe it or not you piece of you're still going to burn thank gosh take it in it's Health you're hurt oh really toer and's brother did you know that the first Matrix designed to be a perfect human world Evolution Morpheus like the dinosaur look out that window you had your time breaking into his mind it's like hacking a computer all it takes is time well there has to be something that we can do there is we pull the plug stop NE know this has to be done doesn't I don't know I this can't be just coincidence it can't be the Oracle she told me this would happen send me in what are you doing I'm going in I'm not the one Trinity no you have to be it can't be true they've got Morpheus in a military controlled building even if you somehow got inside those are agents holding him Morpheus believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed I understand that now that's why I have to go because I believe in something what I believe I can bring him back he's going to save the world I kind of wonder how did the first person get out of like the Matrix because they have to do so many things outside of it you know human beings are a disease a cancer of this planet you are a plague and we are the Cure okay what do you need no one has ever done anything like this that's why it's going to work perhaps we're asking the wrong questions leave me with him now H interesting you know something I hate this place but I can't stand it any longer taste your stink somehow been infected by it as propulsive e once Zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here do you understand I need the codes I have to get inside Zion you have to tell me how would you please remove anyal items you're carrying Keys boost change oh holy back up stand back up well backup arrived oo [Music] oo [Music] oh a little cartwheel how is he not the one hey I think they're trying to save [Music] him I repeat we are under attack what wait if he saves him does that mean that he's going to die now then or another agent [Music] [Music] Trinity Dodge this how did you do that you moved like they do I've never seen anyone move that fast wasn't fast enough can you TR that thing not yet hurry let's go are we not forgetting a man [Music] okay there we go okay we're dead morus get up morphus is not going to get up he's [Music] broken there three [Music] more he's not going to [Music] [Music] make we're so screwed [Music] oh what I know it he's the one he is so on do you believe it now Trinity the Oracle she told you exactly what you needed to hear Neo sooner later you're going to realize just as I did there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path operator got one ready subway station state in baloa baloa oh gosh you first morus but I'm afraid of what it could mean if I do we're using too long you can wait until [Music] then what the hell just happened an agent you have to send me back I can't if she knew about it [Music] what what is he doing he's beginning to believe he's the one my God this is the wild [Music] west wait they're the same what he's killing [Music] him what o okay that's not fair this guy is so Sonic the Hedgehog what are we going to do about that he's going to throw him into the tracks you know what you need a break Mister well this was the choice you hear that are more or him Mr Anderson my name is [Music] new FL no just what the that's my phone my phone why is everyone an agent oh [Music] there are so many agents they're everywhere you see this is so [Music] unfair oh boy on your left no your other left the poor woman the back door even a woman like just an old woman chopping up vegetables or whatever is an [Music] agent I think he's probably the least favorite of all of the agents because they placed him doing something that isn't really [Music] important I know they made it [Music] in check him what no I'm not afraid anymore the Oracle told me that I would fall in love and that that man the man that I loved would be the [Music] one because I love you I'm going to lose it now get up [Music] he is the [Music] one ew ohd I don't know the future I came here to tell you how it's going to begin a world without rules and controls Without Borders or boundaries a world where anything is [Music] possible come on did just [Music] fly wow wow okay friends that was it I had a wonderful time watching this actually it is not what I expected it to be that was it for today's video guys I really like this one I think there's going to there has to be more of them so I believe that I would continue the series yes absolutely I really enjoyed it and I would love to see how they would continue on if it is a series I don't know anyways if you want to watch my full reaction together with me you can do so over on my patreon remember to comment down below what kind of language that you would like to learn last but not least all my other social medias are also linked down below under the video same with my second Channel which is my gaming channel there will be a playthrough of Spider-Man 2 coming there very very soon which is YouTube exclusive you cannot find it anywhere else other than on my gaming channel thank you guys so much for watching I am so excited to continue on with the Matrix series someday and yeah I can't wait to see you in my next video very very soon bye everyone your on my should hold me in your arms Bab
Channel: Centane
Views: 249,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game, Fun, Enjoy, Like, ThumbsUp, Subscribe, Gamer, Grill, GamerGirl, Movie Reaction, Twitch, Youtube, Live Stream, Content Creator, 100 Thieves, FNATIC, Playstation, Ambassador, Playstation Ambassador, Playstation 5, PS5, Gaming, Reading, Studying, Study with me, Reading vlog, First Time Watching, Movie Reactions, First Reactions, Reaction, First Reaction
Id: JRstem8SJGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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