Why the FANTASTIC FOUR Have Secretly Been in the MCU Since THE AVENGERS!

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say that again it's fantastic thanks iOS siay for sponsoring this video hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and finally the Fantastic Four are coming to the MCU but what if they've already been in the MCU the whole time the whole time the whole time you the whole time so we went through and comb through the official Marvel timeline and actually worked out where and when the Fantastic 4 actually first appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we figured out how they could connect to several of Marvel's key moments in phases 1 and two and also how they can further the Multiverse Saga into Avengers Secret Wars and Avengers 5 whatever it's called so here is our version of how the Fantastic 4 could be seamlessly sewn into the fabric of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and by the way thanks everybody for watching this video and for supporting us by shopping our merch store screencrush merch.com where we design the shirts ourselves right now we have these awesome Nelson and Murdoch in return to the king te's as well as lots of your favorites like original trilogy not the bees and the variant hoodie shopping our merch store is the best way for you to directly support our Channel thank you guys for watching and please check us out at our live show in Brooklyn New York on February 22nd it's going to be a lot of fun okay so we made a video in 2020 where I first dropped some of the theories that I'm going to talk about here but a lot has happened in the MCU since then so we're going to adapt that video and add in key events from phase 4 and talk about how Reed will be the key figure in setting up Avengers Secret Wars so guys to start off I think that in the MCU for the past 12 years or so Reed Richards has actually been missing and he's actually not around for the majority of the events in phases 1 2 and 3 wait what why well look so my reasoning here is that Reed Richards is the smartest person on Earth so it would not make sense for him to have been around for all of these years but we never heard of him Reed would have been a key fixture at Shield or sword he would have adapted chitau technology heck I mean we have seen Reed's influence before just look at Universe 838 in the Multiverse of Madness Reed's technology turned New York City into a green Paradise Ultron Bots are still good instead of turning evil basically it means that if Reed Richards had been in the MCU this entire time then we would have seen at least some of these changes implemented in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so I'm going to talk about why Reed's been missing and why it's key to setting up the Multiverse Saga now look I realize that not all of you are comic book fans and maybe you barely remember the Fantastic Four movies so I want to give you a very brief rundown of who the Fantastic Four are in the comics and so that way we can understand how they will fit into the MCU so in their original origin Reed Richards was a scientist building a rocket ship that would take Humanity to the stars now this was in the early 1960s by the way and Stanley and Jack Kirby thought about saying the ship was going to go to Mars but then Stan Lee was worried that America might land on Mars before the comic book saw print wow is that true according to Stan Lee yeah oh okay so we don't really know if it's true or not no we don't really know if it's true or not excuse me what is this monstrosity oh jeez what is it now I come here to find a highquality Blu-ray of the classic film Superman the movie and instead I find this crappy VHS of Superman 4 I have never in all my time as a copile been so insulted Doug we are in big trouble that movie is like 9 on Amazon well then I know I don't have that kind of money whatever can't oh actually you know what there I got us covered I just got a $25 Amazon certificate from ipsos iay the sponsor of this video sir what's IPOs iay dude ipsos iay is great you take part in research and answer some simple questions to earn some extra cash through gift cards and rewards that's how I got the money to pay for a Superman Blu-ray the surveys are fast and easy to complete and they're tailored to my interest so they don't get boring like you know sometimes you're just watching TV and you're just on your phone you can fill out these surveys and make actual money so click our link below and start earning your rewards today for mypos siay so in the comics the government's going to scrap the ship Sir decides to hijack it with his Pilot best friend Ben Grim uhhuh his girlfriend Susan storm weird but okay and Sue's 16-year-old brother Johnny a 16 10year old kid but why why are they taking him on a stolen space F mission well it never really does make sense in the comics but it will make sense in our video the space flight gets bombarded with cosmic rays the fourman get powers and vow to help Humanity Reed is the leader genius inventor and Explorer Sue is the most powerful member of the team Ben is all depressed because he's a monster and Johnny is more like a funloving Playboy who teases Ben all the time they argue they bicker they love each other this is a family they also huge celebrities and the pioneers of human exploration into space and other dimensions so now let's tell that story in the MCU first of all I don't think the Fantastic 4 should have a brand new origin set in the modern day Marvel Cinematic Universe so we're going to rewind and show how they actually had their origins in Shield which makes sense because for decades Shield gathered up every Super scientist to study paranormal and extraterrestrial objects so of course they would have recruited Reed Richards so let's start the movie with a chase scene in a small desert town a reckless teenage youth has stolen a car and the cops are chasing him this is Johnny Storm the future Human Torch eventually the cops catch up to him and take him into custody his sister Susan shows up at the station and then uses her military credentials to get him released we find out that both their parents have died and she is actually raising Johnny by herself while she's also working at this secret military base and that basee turns out to be Project Pegasus circuit 2011 or 2012 where Sue is stationed as a shield agent we saw Project Pegasus in Captain Marvel and in The Avengers where Shield was studying the Tesseract now in the 1990s Shield was trying to develop faster than light space travel by harnessing the Cub's power remember marll was secretly going to use this ship to help scrw refugees following Marvel's death Shield recruited a pair of brilliant scientists Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom to study the Tess act recently we did post a video about how Dr Doom could have been in the MCU all along where we said that Shield was where he had his faithful accident that scarred his face that video is great and it's actually a companion piece to this video you should check it out but then after the events of Thor Shield altered the path of their research they studied how to use the cube to make weapons like Hydra and First Avenger exactly you remember phase two phase two is Shield uses the cube to make weapons now Reed is already wealthy from his many inventions and he is thrilled to have a chance to study the cube for Science and he wants to use it to explore the universe now Reed's a genius but he gets tunnel vision in his work and sometimes doesn't doesn't see the bigger picture so while Reed is at the base he meets a shield agent named Sue storm oh Sue is going to be a shield agent yes it was always weird to me that Sue goes on a space flight with her husband so now she has a reason to go but also this makes her a grounded Counterpoint to read he always has his head in the clouds but she is very pragmatic down toe and militaristic so Reed and Sue meet at this bace and they have fallen for each other she is attracted his intelligence and kindness and he falls for her because of her humor and compassion coincidentally Reed's college roommate a fighter pilot named Ben Grim is also stationed at Project Pegasus now Grim is kind of a local Legend because he actually met Iron Man a few years before Iron Man saved his jet from crashing you know this scene in Iron Man one so we want to see these characters and how they operate together since they're going to become a family I think it would be really fun if early in the movie we give them a family activity like game night and you know the game could also foreshadow some plot Point later in the movie like they're playing the cones of dunshire and Reed needs to remind the others later on about the number one role it's about the cones this the point is they get together and play like Pictionary or something and then we get to see them bicker and pout and laugh and get a feel for how they interact together before they get superpowers then the whole thing ends with a fight because Ben and Johnny just don't get along and we also need some sweet romance to show why an egghead like Reed and a heartbreaker like Sue would be together so maybe after game night they go outside to look at the stars and she Marvels at how beautiful the universe is and he's very analytical talking about how oh actually that's not a star that's a j19 supernova and she's like that's not very romantic but then Reed starts talking about the beauty of everything and how that light will spread across the universe for billions of years and how special it is that they can see it and how countless life forms in other worlds will see that too Reed talks about the beauty of Science and their mission to use the tesser ACT to explore new worlds he talks about the ship he's building called the Kirby you see what I did there and how it will move mankind into the future so a conversation like this would establish read and to his relationship it would show their differences and what actually draws them together but most importantly it is a mission statement for the Fantastic Four they are explorers first and heroes second the next day Sue is all happy but she makes a shocking Discovery Project Pegasus is secretly using Reed's research to make weapons oh no yes and they're letting him think that his little Kirby ship is the Project's focus and maybe she can learn this news from like Jasper sitwell or Victoria H just to keep it all connected now this horrifies her because she doesn't think a human being should have that kind of unchecked weaponry and that we would end up wrecking the planet yeah cuz she's right yes she is so then sue has a crisis of conscience does she keep quiet and do her job or does she tell Reed the truth she decides to tell Reed because Reed may be the brains to the team but Sue is the heart Reed decides to quit the project but Sue tells him that Shield owns the ship and the ship can harness the Test's energy so as long as Shield has the ship they have that technology and they can use it to make weapons so Reed decides to steal the ship and his old buddy Ben Grim agrees to fly it now Sue knows that she'll be thrown in jail for telling Reed the truth and she's worried what will happen to Johnny if she's gone so she agrees to go along if Johnny can stay with her the plan is to leave the base destroy the ship and then use her Shield skills to hide hide out somewhere under new identities so they steal the ship but the Escape goes wrong and they are chased by Shield Quin Jets Reed realizes the only way they can escape is to leave the atmosphere Johnny is like thrilled to go into space he's filming the whole thing on his phone ha there's kids with their phones and their Joe wal music who who so Ben warns Reed about the cosmic rays in the atmosphere but the Kirby is about to be shot down so Reed makes the call go into space cosmic rays be dned the cosmic rays interact with the Tesseract energy in the drive and open up a portal in space and then the ship disappears so the emergency lands on a strange planet and maybe it's in the negative Zone like C news no the negative zone is an alternate Dimension that rediscovers in the comics so the team discovers they have powers put their hands in the circle and they vow to use these abilities to help mankind so this origin story solves a few problems that have always bothered me in the ff's original origin Reed built the rocket been fluid but there was really no reason for Sue and Johnny to be there newer versions of the characters have made sue a scientist like Reed but that misses the point of her character Sue is not as scientifically intelligent as Reed cuz no one is the smartest man alive Reed Richards she related to him on an emotional level not an intellectual one she is the Compassionate Center of the family now I made her a shield agent because I also think that she should be the Tactical commander of the team in fights Reed is the strategist he comes up with the overall plans but Sue Has actual fighting experience and since her powers to create invisible force fields make her the most powerful member of the team it would make sense that she would be commanding the team in battle the other problem with the ff's origin is why they steal the rocket which I believe was so they could beat the Communists into space this change gives them a moral reason to act and to preserve scientific discovery from the military the question is Where Do We Go From Here and Now how do we make this movie key in the Multiverse Saga so in that original outline I wrote three years ago I said that they should land in the negative Zone and fight anilist at Avengers Tower in the climax to show that they're like the new Avengers but this is the Multiverse Saga so we need the Multiverse in there somewhere so I'm going to tell you a couple possibilities before we get to the one that I think is the best and that leads into Avengers 5 and six one we could do a Terminator what do you mean by that well in the comics Kang is a descendant of Reed Richards so a rival Kang could show up and try to kill Reed and Sue before they can have any kids thus ending the timeline of some variant Kang this would also pit the Fantastic Four against like a variant of Kang the conquer eh next okay so here's the one that I really like so because it's the Multiverse Saga they land in another universe but instead of making this a universe where there are like other Heroes filled with pointless cameos like in Multiverse of Madness let's just set it in the 1960s get some groovy Mad Men fashion maybe there can still be some villain here maybe the meman is the villain the mle man was the villain in Fantastic 4 number one so we can have like some weird science fictiony 1950s 60s villains but there are no superheroes so now we get to show Marvel's first family as fish out of water in their original context in 1960s and most importantly guys they stay in this universe and we really get to know the people who live in this universe this is where Ben Grim should meet the love of his life Alicia Masters now Alicia does not care that Ben is covered in rocks she loves him for who he is on the inside and the F would like defeat the mle man and become celebrities like we should really really care about this alternate world and I think that's what's been missing in the Multiverse Saga we'll get like glimpses of other dimensions or flashes of Kang's obliterating timelines but they're just kind of names on paper we don't really care that trillions and trillions of people have just been wiped from existence those are lives so then just when they're like they're all like cozy and they're enjoying this universe the Silver Surfer shows up now the Silver Surfer is the herald of galatis a being that in the comics eats planets but in a video we posted last week we theorized that Galactus should eat universes oh that's cool but how's that going to work well remember in Multiverse of Madness when a version of Reed said an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they Collide destroying one or both entirely so what if the thing that destroys those colliding universes is actually Galactus so Reed and the team just punched a hole into another Universe causing the 60s Universe to start to collide with the normal 616 and now Galactus has come to feed to prevent these universes from destroying one another and then we can do the normal silver surf for story that we've already seen in the movies they convince him or her to become good Etc but the point is the Fantastic for should lose Galactus eats this universe all the people that we just grew to care about are dead it's like the ending of infinity War oh God but then the Fantastic Four escape with the Silver Surfer providing the cosmic energy to their engine so they can open up another Wormhole they end up back in the 616 and they arrive in New York at the base of Avengers tower now Fantastic 4 fans are going to be pumped because for years we have speculated that Avengers Tower was going to become the fantastic for's new headquarters but the camera then pans up and we see the word Fisk written across the tower instead Wilson Fisk has become mayor of New York and Daredevil born again and now he's cracking down on Vigilantes this is becoming The Darkest Timeline Reed says we're going to need some help and then we cut to Black and here's where we do something a little different with the post credit scene Marvel actually should release two different post-credit scenes that are randomly placed in different movie theaters in one of them Reed Richards is in a shady room addressing people in the shadows he says I have seen incursions Thanos destroyed half the universe but now all of existence is at risk our universe has collided with another and now we have to decide if we destroy their universe or ours and as he talks the camera pans across the people in attendance Shu neore Wong Bruce Banner the leader Dr Doom and the other post-credit scene will be the exact same scene except it's Charles Xavier talking to an assemblage of mutants Beast Magneto emmafrost and both post-credit scenes are shot in the same way and we end with the same line we have to destroy the other universe so wa wait did they collide with the X-Men Universe no but Monica Rambo collided with that Universe at the end of the Marvel remember she went through a portal in space and then woke up in a different X-Men universe so this would set up Avengers versus X-men which is probably going to be the movie that's going to replace Avengers the Kang Dynasty what do you mean well the last episode of Loki made it seem like they were pivoting pretty hard away from Kang and making it seem like the TVA had all of his variants under control do any of them know that we exist yet nope I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent realm but they handled it so we're all good for now and then like I said the Marvels ended with a post-credit scene in a universe where the X-Men exist so we think that this is all leading into adapting The Avengers Story Time runs out where Reed and the rest of the Illuminati were forced to destroy other universes to save their own now ultimately this resulted in there only being two universes left and Remnants from all the universes being merged together in the secret Wars crossover so in the MCU I think we'll see The Avengers go up against the X-Men from the fox movies in the movie Avengers versus X-men then all those Universal will merge into battle world with other variants like the Spider-Man from no way home and then the whole thing is going to get relaunched into a merged universe and in that merged Universe don't worry Alicia Masters will be alive so she and Ben can date and fall in love now you may have noticed that unlike in our Dr Doom video the team was not actually present during a lot of the MCU story and that's because there is no way Reed Richards or the Fantastic 4 would have been unknown at this point like I said before even without powers Reed would have at least been invited to Stark Towers R&D level to play with their gear and this way Doom's origin can be about the past of the MCU but the Fantastic Four are setting up the Future and another thing Superman dude stop stop stop we used all the money that I made on IPOs iay to buy an actual Blu-ray of Superman the movie and get this it is so high res that when Crypton blows up you can see that it's a flash pod in front of a curtain wow is that true yeah dude we just showed it in b-roll oh then no I'd just rather watch it on my phone bye fine well if any of you want to earn rewards on IPOs siay click our Link in the description well guys that's just our thoughts on where the Fantastic for should enter the MCU do you have any thoughts or theories what do you think of ours let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] AR
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 321,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fantastic four, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, fantastic four cartoon, fantastic four vs dr doom, fantastic four full movie in hindi dubbed, fantastic four trailer, fantastic four rise of the silver surfer, fantastic four 1994, fantastic four 2005, fantastic four full movie, fantastic four intro, fantastic four rise of the silver surfer full movie, fantastic four theme, fantastic four ending
Id: aFHjrzRCaP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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