The Big Problem With The Marvels

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[Applause] Captain Midnight this video features spoilers the Marvel's arrived in theaters recently to let's be honest quite a bit of negativity the multiple delays the low box office projections and a lackluster marketing campaign amidst two industry strikes all contributed to that but I think it's very very clear that the MCU in general is just not being met with the same audience enthusiasm that it had a few years ago and I definitely include myself in that to be honest still I tried to go into this movie with an open mind I hadn't watched many trailers I barely knew what it was about outside of the core cast and I was actually kind of interested to see what they had in store now well while I think it ended up being better than Thor love and thunder it was definitely a very very flawed film that feels in search of an identity Beyond just a generic MCU movie movie and more than anything the one aspect of the Marvels that ended up bothering me the most was how it set up some potentially great Team Dynamics only to completely throw them away I'm going to get into all of that in this video but I did want to mention the zup campaign page for my new comic binary C we hit our goal in the first day thanks to all of you who watch My Face Reveal video last week go ahead and give that a watch if you haven't yet because I get into all of it if you like Pirates and sci-fi I really hope you'll check out plus the digital edition of bioner c is only $2 for 32 pages that you'll receive right when the campaign wraps you can find that link down in the description back to the Marvels I actually think there was a lot of depth to potentially be minded from placing these three on a team that the movie just wasn't able to reach and the more I thought about it the more I landed on the issue really being how underwritten Captain Marvel herself was see I actually think what they set up here is really good she's living with the guilt of using her immense power to reshape this entire cre World in a way that had consequences that she didn't fully think through that eventually prevented her from re-entering a young Monica Rambo's life when she needed her the most only compounding that sense of failure it gets across that even though she's an incredible hero of near Limitless power she's still a person a fallible human being who isn't always able to perfectly embody everything she strives to to be then she's thrown together with Kamala Khan this young woman who has spent her life looking up to the idea of Captain Marvel who named herself Miss Marvel in her honor who has posters of her all over her wall and really places her on a pedestal the kind of uncomplicated hero worship that a real person couldn't ever completely live up to and when they first met in the film that was a dynamic I was really interested in in the First Act of the movie Carol is a bit cold to Miss Marvel she talks to her kind of harshly uses her powers in a way that unintentionally almost gets Kamala killed and is just not living up to the person Khan expected her to be I found that really interesting at first especially when it was paired with Carol and Monica's history and though I had my problems with the First Act which did feel a little rushed I thought the film was actually starting to add up to a solid superhero team that would deepen our understanding of Carol Danvers that Dynamic of Carol initially being put off by Miss Marvel's adoration the awkward young hero getting under her skin at a moment when she couldn't feel farther from the idealized Captain Marvel that Miss Marvel has in her head and having to work through that while taking this kid under her wing and learning how to be that role model and then on the flip side Cala coming to see Carol Danvers more as a person and less as an idea or as a fandom interest this would not form the most complex characterizations in the world or anything but I feel like it would give these relationships a back backbone that the film hints at but never fully commits to these slightly more complicated Dynamics were all on the table laid out in the script but it feels like the movie can't back away fast enough from that sort of group tension instead the film kind of stops all of that in its tracks Captain Marvel apologizes to Miss Marvel has a quick heart to heart with Monica after some flashbacks and anything that cause them to be more than just good-hearted quippy Heroes on the same page kind of goes out the window which is frustrating because it's exactly that kind of Intergroup tension that makes something like the Guardians of the Galaxy films or the first Avengers movie works so well this isn't me saying that every scene needs to be them being Dow or that they should spin the whole film pissed off at each other just that having that kind of character tension there words left unsaid and things that they don't quite see eye to eye on would have made the Marvel's team so much more engaging and giving these actors a lot more to play I actually think the character of Captain Marvel suffers the most from this all three lead actors were really solid with Aman Ban's Miss Marvel being the clear standout in my mind but Carol's character Journey here is just so poorly executed Monica gets a big sacrificial hero moment and a sad backstory that's actually given a little room to breathe Cala is the audience surrogate character and supplies almost all the movies funny moments but Carol just gets to be vague vely Stern vaguely caring and vaguely cool and it didn't have to be that way what they set up just within the text of the movie could have been explored with so much more depth or like any at all she made a choice that nearly doomed a civilization and indirectly caused attacks on the scroll her Hot Shot fighter pilot mentality which had always served her so well really came back to haunt her in what was probably the biggest mistake of her life she did what she thought was right and it blew up in her face that's actually heavy stuff it's the exact kind of grandiose Larger than Life problems that then causes more grounded and personal angst for our hero that Marvel Comics have excelled at doing since the 60s it should provide some fantastic material for Larson instead it's left extremely half-baked quickly talked about in a pretty oddly edited scene and not reinforced terribly well by the villain who is about as one note and nothing as bad guys really get in these movies there should be so much more human drama to mine from this and it's like the film just can't be bothered speaking of things that feel half-hearted let's talk about that singing Planet I'm sure some people think this was just a terribly dumb idea that was always doomed to be lame I'm not one of those people when they arrived and the planet's gimmick became clear I was actually really interested to see how the MCU would tackle a big musical number the answer as it turned out was by sticking its toe in the water and then immediately backing away this was barely a musical number at all there's hardly any dance choreography in the Forefront it never adds up to a real actual song and the constant cutaways from the action for characters to remark on how crazy and weird this is really undercuts any real engagement that we could have with it I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on old Hollywood musicals or more recent Bollywood musicals but something that I tend to see in them is an earnestness about the numbers themselves that are completely lacking here it really doesn't have the things that make those classic numbers fun or impressive the film is a lot more concerned with this being a quirky joke rather than a thrilling or fun piece of music and dance in its own right like it's genuinely baffling to me how little the Marvels commits to their own bit here if you're going to go all out and do a full-on dance musical number just you know actually do it and that goes for the battle that happens on that planet as well I think it would have been great to see a big well choreographed and well performed joyous musical number and then follow that up with how this planet that communicates in song would work on the battlefield it could have given that fight scene a really distinct Vibe with waves of attacks pulled off in a satisfying rhythm game like execution hell I would have settled for a distinct and imposing battle chant instead I guess they just don't really communicate during the battle at all all like only our leads talk I just don't know why you'd introduce such a high concept like this and then do so little with it another issue I had and I don't envy the filmmaker here is that the movie has to function as a sequel of sorts not just to Captain Marvel or Miss Marvel and W division but even the secret Invasion and it's that last one that I found the most jarring like it's so difficult to square the character that Sam Jackson was playing in that show with the one that's on screen here this is maybe the lightest and least morally gray Nick Fury we've ever seen and it comes on the heels of a very brooding fo Prestige show that tried to Grapple with his past and his PTSD I'm not placing all the blame of that on the Marvels I know the timing wasn't supposed to work out like this but I think it goes to show just how cluttered and inconsistent the MCU has become in recent years I don't dislike the concept of this movie honestly even the specific storyline they went with feels like it had a lot of potential to explore but it also seems like an expensive but rushed TV special there's nothing very new or fresh feeling here and even taken on the terms of being the next installment of the mcu's ongoing saga it's being asked to carry over too many plot lines from other movies and streaming shows to feel like it can do any of them Justice or establish an identity of its own the Marvel's isn't the worst superhero movie I've seen this year but it's also so far from the kind of exciting and revitalizing film making that the MCU desperately needs right now and that definitely goes for the mid credit scene which is just a whole other can of worms bringing back beast in the old X-Men Fox Universe I assume is there to set up Deadpool 3 but it just feels like such a bizarre Choice when Marvel has a chance to start things so fresh with the X-Men this whole situation might deserve its own conversation let me know in the comments if that sounds like a video you'd like to see and if you can experim minut it I'd really love for you to go to that binary c campaign page and look into the $2 digital Edition this is a story I'm so excited about writing and I'm just looking to get it into the hands of as many readers as possible I'm hoping that includes you if you prefer a physical copy we have this amazing homage cover we also have an art print of the main cover YouTube channel consultations where I'll spend an hour talking to you about your channel and more I can't wait until you can finally read it and if you if you want to share the campaign with anyone you think might be interested I definitely appreciate it so check out that link in the description and I will be back with another video very soon here's a special tip for fell the regulation of his Majesty's Royal Navy article one None Shall presume to quarrel with or strike his Superior officer the pain of such punishment shall be that the C to have not only barrels of fun but loads of free gifts and surpris us too
Channel: captainmidnight
Views: 282,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Marvels, Marvel, MCU, Phase 4, Phase 5, Ms Marvel, Captain Midnight, captainmidnight, reaction, review, Disney
Id: bwPNXBmGxvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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